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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 3Life in the future单元学案设计 Period One Warming Up & Reading I.易混易错辨析 ‎1. 过去分词/动词-ing形式/不定式 ‎(1)________(blame)for the breakdown of the computer system, Jerry was in low spirits.‎ ‎(2)His father died, ________(leave)the family even worse off.‎ ‎(3)I attended the meeting________(hold)last week on behalf of the whole company.‎ ‎(4)He returned from abroad, only________(find)that all his relatives had moved to another city.‎ ‎2. to do/to be done ‎(1)We can’t do without him because the problem is very difficult________(deal)with.‎ ‎(2)I feel greatly honored________(invite)to the party.‎ ‎(3)You see, the water in the river is heavily polluted and not fit________(drink).‎ ‎(4)With a lot of work________(do),he has to give up his holiday plan.‎ ‎(5)" Sir, do you have anything________(send)?"the secretary asked her boss.‎ II.单句语法填空 ‎1. My mother is________(constant)telling me to study hard.‎ ‎2. He________(previous)worked as a reporter and now a secretary in a big company.‎ ‎3. Wild animals should live in their natural________(surround).‎ ‎4. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and perhaps you need to be________(tolerate)of the people around you.‎ ‎5. Lucy sent out her job application immediately after seeing the advertisement in the newspaper, ________(hope)to get the job.‎ ‎6. When I entered the room, my husband was on all fours, in search ________something.‎ ‎7. He was driving at ________I thought was a dangerous speed.‎ ‎8. ________(offer)an important role in a movie, Jackie was very excited.‎ III.用适当的介、副词填空 ‎1.________ a result,I suffered ________ “time lag”.‎ ‎2.So I was very nervous and uncertain ________ first.‎ ‎3.Well known ________ their expertise,his parents’ company transported me safely ________ the future ________ a time capsule.‎ ‎4.He handed it ________ me and immediately hurried me through ________ a small room nearby ________ a rest.‎ ‎5.Soon I was back ________ my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven ________ computer.‎ ‎6.These carriages float ________ the ground and ______ bending or pressing ________ in your seats,you can move swiftly.‎ ‎7.However,I lost sight ________ Wang Ping when we reached what looked ________ a large market because ________ too many carriages flying ______ ________ all directions.‎ ‎ 8.He was swept ______ ________ the center ________ them.‎ ‎9.Then Wang Ping flashed a switch ________ a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose from ________ the floor as if ________ magic.‎ ‎10.Exhausted,I slid ________ bed and fell fast asleep.‎ IV.佳句翻译与仿写 ‎1.I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.‎ 翻译 ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 仿写 他仍不能相信他即将从事他一点也不喜欢的工作。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.‎ 翻译 ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 仿写 由于陷入沉思,他几乎撞上了前面的树。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.‎ 翻译 ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 仿写 我认为这个人很难相处。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.The air seemed thin,as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.‎ 翻译 ‎ ________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 仿写 她对待这个孩子就好像对待自己的儿子一样。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.Arriving at a strangelooking house,he showed me into a large,bright clean room.‎ 翻译 ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 仿写 听到这个消息,她高兴地跳了起来。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ V.单项填空 ‎1.I still cannot believe that I am ________ this prize that I won last year.‎ A.sweeping up   B.taking up C.making up D.bring up ‎2.I have to ________ myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.‎ A.suggest B.hope C.demand D.remind ‎ A.Hits B.To hit C.Hit D.Hitting ‎4.He hurried me through to a small room nearby for a rest. I felt better ________.‎ A.at all times B.at any time C.in no time D.at times ‎5.Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage ________ by computer.‎ A.drive B.driven C.driving D.to drive ‎6.However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached ________ looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.‎ A.that B.which C.as D.what ‎7.Then I ________ Wang Ping again and flew after him.‎ A.lost sight of B.out of sight C.in sight D.caught sight of ‎8.Arriving at a ________ house,he showed me into a large,bright clean room.‎ A.snow covering B.new built C.strange looking D.well knowing ‎9.________,I slid into bed and fell fast ________.‎ A.Exhausted;asleep B.Exhausting;sleepy C.To be exhausted;to sleep D.Being exhausted;sleep ‎10.With the correct help of my teachers,I am always ________ about my studies.‎ A.pessimistic B.worried C.curious D.optimistic VI.阅读理解 What will man be like in the future—in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now?We can only make guesses,of course,but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today,for man is slowly changing all the time.‎ Let us take an obvious example.Man,even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today.Now,on average,men are about three inches taller.Five hundred years is relatively a short period of time,so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller.Again,in the modern world we use our brains a great deal.Even so,we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity.As time goes on,however,we shall have to use our brains more and more,and eventually we shall need larger ones!This is likely to bring about a physical change to the head,in particular,the forehead will grow larger.‎ Nowadays our eyes are in constant use.In fact,we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses.But over a very long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger.‎ On the other hand,we tend to make less use of our arms and legs.These,as a result,are likely to grow weaker.At the same time,however,our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.‎ But what about hair?This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer.In the future,then,both sexes are likely to be bald.‎ Perhaps all these give the impression that in the future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at!This may well be true.All the ‎ same,in spite of all these changes,future man will still have a lot in common with us.He will still be a human being,with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.‎ ‎1.The passage mainly tells us that ________.‎ A.man’s life will be different in the future B.future man will look quite different from us C.man is growing taller and uglier as time passes D.man’s organs’ functions will be on the wane ‎2.What serves as the evidence that man is changing?‎ A.Man has got stronger eyes now than he ever had.‎ B.Man’s hair is getting thinner and thinner.‎ C.Man’s arms and legs have become lighter and weaker.‎ D.Man has been growing taller over the past 500 years.‎ ‎3.Which of the following is TRUE about a human being in the future?‎ A.He is hairless because hair is no longer useful.‎ B.He has smaller eyes and wears better glasses.‎ C.His fingers grow weaker because he doesn’t have to make use of them.‎ D.He thinks and feels in different ways.‎ ‎4.It is implied that ________.‎ A.human beings will become less attractive in the future B.less use of a bodily organ may lead to its degeneration C.human beings hope for a change in the future life D.future life is always predictable Period One Warming Up & Reading I.易混易错辨析 ‎1. (1)Blamed 【解题思路】 句意:因电脑系统崩溃而受到责备,Jerry心情不好。本题考查过去分词作状语,blame与主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动意义,故使用过去分词。‎ ‎(2)leaving 【解题思路】 句意:他的父亲去世了,这使这个家庭更加穷困。本题考查现在分词作状语,表示自然而然的结果。‎ ‎(3)held 【解题思路】 句意:我代表整个公司出席了上周举行的会议。本题考查非谓语动词作定语,the meeting与hold构成逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动意义,且表示上周举行的会议,故使用过去分词。‎ ‎(4)to find 【解题思路】 句意:他从国外回来,却发现他所有的亲戚都搬到了另一个城市。本题考查动词不定式,表示意料之外的结果。‎ ‎【妙辨异同】 非谓语动词的区别主要看三个方面,一是所充当的成分,二是表示主动还是被动意义,三是和谓语动词表示的动作的时间上的先后关系。简单说,一成分,二主动、被动,三时间。‎ ‎2. (1)to deal 【解题思路】 句意:我们没有他不行,因为这个问题很难解决。在"be+adj. +todo"结构中,常用不定式的主动形式表被动含义。‎ ‎(2)to be invited 【解题思路】 句意:被邀请参加聚会我感到很荣幸。此处使用不定式的被动形式,因为"我"是被邀请的。‎ ‎(3)to drink 【解题思路】 句意:你看,河里的水被严重污染,不适合饮用。在"be+adj. +to do"结构中,常用不定式的主动形式表被动含义。‎ ‎(4)to do 【解题思路】 句意:有很多的工作要做,他不得不放弃他的度假计划。此处用不定式作宾补,其逻辑主语为句子的主语,即这件事是主语将要做的,故使用不定式的主动形式。‎ ‎(5)to be sent 【解题思路】 句意:"先生,你有什么要发送的吗?"秘书问她的老板。由句意可知,send这一动作还未发生;且与anything为逻辑上的被动关系,故使用不定式的被动形式。‎ II.单句语法填空 ‎1. constantly 【解题思路】 考查词形转换。句意:我妈妈不断地告诉我要努力学习。根据句意可知,这里表示"不断地",需要用副词修饰动词。‎ ‎2. previously 【解题思路】 考查词形转换。句意:他先前是一个记者,现在是一家大公司的秘书。根据句意可知,这里表示"先前",修饰动词worked,故使用副词形式。‎ ‎3. surroundings 【解题思路】 ‎ ‎ 考查词形转换。句意:野生动物应该生活在它们的自然环境中。根据句意可知,此处表示自然的"环境",故使用名词surroundings。‎ ‎4. tolerant 【解题思路】 考查词形转换。句意:每个人有时都会犯错,也许你需要对你周围的人宽容一些。分析句子结构可知,此处要填入形容词,be tolerant of. . . 表示"对……宽容"。‎ ‎5. hoping 【解题思路】 考查非谓语动词。句意:Lucy一看到报纸上的广告就发出了她的求职申请,希望得到这份工作。这里是动词-ing形式作状语,表示伴随,表示主动意义。‎ ‎6. of 【解题思路】 考查介词。句意:当我进屋时,我丈夫正趴在地上找什么东西。in search of sth. 是固定短语,在此处作状语,表示伴随。‎ ‎7. what 【解题思路】 考查名词性从句。句意:他正在以我认为危险的速度开车。分析句子结构可知,此处是介词at后跟宾语从句,连接词同时在从句中充当主语,故使用what。‎ ‎8. Offered 【解题思路】 考查非谓语动词。句意:在一部电影中被提供一个重要的角色,Jackie很兴奋。根据句子结构可知,空处与主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动意义,故应使用过去分词作状语。‎ III.1.As;from 2.at 3.for;into;in 4.to;to;for 5.on;by 6.above;by;down 7.of;like;of;by;in 8.up;into;of 9.on;under;by 10.into IV.1.我还是无法相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。‎ He still can’t believe that he is taking up the job that he doesn’t like at all.‎ ‎2.我很担心这次旅行,所以头几天我心里总是不踏实。‎ Lost in thought,he almost ran into the tree in front of him.‎ ‎3.开始的时候,新的环境让我难以忍受。 I think this man is hard to get along with.‎ ‎4.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。‎ She treats the boy as though/if he were her own son.‎ ‎5.到了一个看起来很奇怪的房子,他就把我带进一个明亮而洁净的大房间。 Hearing the news,she jumped with joy.‎ V.1.B [此处take up意为“接受”。sweep up打扫,横扫;make up组成,编造;bring up养育,抚养。]‎ ‎2.D [句意为:我得不断提醒自己,我真的已经进入到公元3008年了。remind“提醒”,符合题意。]‎ ‎3.C [因head与hit之间是动宾关系,故此处用过去分词短语作原因状语。]‎ ‎4.C [in no time“立刻,马上”;at all times“总是,随时”;at any time“在任何时候”;at times“有时,间或”。]‎ ‎5.B [a hovering carriage与drive之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词短语作后置定语。]‎ ‎6.D [what引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语。]‎ ‎7.D [分析句子结构可知此处缺少谓语,故排除B、C两项。lose sight of“看不见……”,catch sight of“看见……”。由后面的flew after him可知选D。]‎ ‎8.C [此处考查由“形容词+现在分词”构成的复合形容词。A项应为snowcovered意为“白雪覆盖的”;B项应为newlybuilt“新建的”;D项应为wellknown“著名的”。]‎ ‎9.A [第一空用形容词exhausted在句子中作原因状语,表示主语I的状态。第二空考查短语fall asleep“睡着,入睡”。]‎ ‎10.D [由前面的“with the correct help of my teachers”可知选D。be optimistic about对……乐观;pessimistic悲观的;worried担心的;curious好奇的。]‎ VI.1.B [主旨大意题。由文章第一段可知本文主要介绍未来人类的外貌可能会出现的变化。C项只是其中一个方面。]‎ ‎2.D [细节理解题。由第二段第二句可知人类外貌已经改变。A,B,C均为人类未来的变化趋势而不是人类变化的证据。]‎ ‎3.A [正误判断题。第五段指出人类的头发可能会消失,因为“it does not serve a useful purpose any longer”,即头发失去作用。]‎ ‎4.B [推理判断题。从人类身体变化可以看出,经常使用的器官部位,如大脑、手指将变得发达,而不常用的器官如头发、四肢会退化。]‎ Period2Learning about Language & Grammar ‎ Ⅰ.单项选择 ‎1. _______ in the training, Marbury couldn’t play in the basketball season.‎ A. Injuring B. Injure C. Injured D. To injure ‎2. Although they just met for the first time, they talked _______ they had been friends for many years.‎ A. as if B. even if C. such as D. so long as ‎3. A: Will you go swimming with me this weekend?‎ B: _______.‎ A. All depend B. It depends C. It depends on D. All depends on ‎4. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so stood _______ to her mother.‎ A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing ‎5. What he said just now _______ me of that American professor.‎ A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized ‎6. _______ about the limited time, Smith had _______ a list of the sites he wanted to see in Beijing.‎ A. Worried; written B. Worrying; written C. Worried; made D. Worrying; made ‎7. It is no good _______. You should give _______.‎ A. to smoke; it up B. smoking; it up C. smoking; up it D. to smoke; up it ‎8. We had a good many anxious moments, but everything _______ smooth in the end.‎ A. turned out B. turned down C. turned up D. turned on ‎9. Before graduation, we had a lot of practical _______ by doing a part-time job in the company and it was really _______ for us.‎ A. experience; a great experience B. experiences; a great experience C. experience; great experience D. experience; great experiences ‎10. He showed me into the room, where many books were left _______ here and there.‎ A. lay B. lying C. laid D. to lie Ⅱ.单词拼写 ‎1. More and more Chinese citizens own _______ (私人的) cars now as a result of an increase in their income.‎ ‎2. He received a good education after _______ (定居) in America.‎ ‎3. His first speech as president made a strong _______ (影响) on his audience.‎ ‎4. I avoid meeting him, as he is _______ (不停地) disturbing me.‎ ‎5. Take two of the _______ (药片) three times a day before meals.‎ ‎6. Many people attended the _______ (开业典礼) of the new sports centre.‎ ‎7. The _______ (周围的) scenery is very beautiful.‎ ‎8. It is not an easy job to _______ (掌握) a foreign language.‎ ‎9. Do you know the _______ (长度) of this bridge?‎ ‎10. A train is a kind of _______ (交通工具), which is fast and safe.‎ Ⅲ.同义句转换 ‎1. We missed the train as a result of the heavy rain.‎ It rained heavily. _______ _______ _______, we missed the train.‎ ‎2. My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in this part of space.‎ I first _______ a space station which _______ _______ the most modern in this part of space.‎ ‎3. I felt better immediately.‎ I felt better _______ _______ _______.‎ ‎4. I got lost when we reached what looked like a large market because of the people flying by in all directions.‎ I couldn’t _______ _______ _______ when we reached what looked like a large market _______ people flew by in all directions.‎ ‎5. Why not sit down and rest?‎ Why _______ _______ sit down and rest?‎ Ⅳ.完形填空 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday”, which was to make us more 1 the problems faced by disabled people. We were asked to “ 2 a disability” for several hours one Sunday. Some members, 3 , chose to use wheelchairs. Others wore sound-blocking earplugs (耳塞) or blindfolds (眼罩).‎ Just sitting in the wheelchair was a 4 experience. I had never considered before how 5 it would be to use one. As soon as I sat down, my 6 made the chair begin to roll. Its wheels were not 7 . Then I wondered where to put my 8 It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into 9 . I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of 10 for several hours. For ‎ disabled people, “adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary (临时的) 11 .‎ I tried to find a 12 position and thought it might be restful, 13 kind of nice, to be 14 around for a while. Looking around, I 15 I would have to handle the thing myself. My hands started to ache as I 16 the heavy metal wheels. I came to know that controlling the 17 of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n) 18 task.‎ My wheelchair experiment was soon 19 . It made a deep impression on me. A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the 20 , both physical and mental, that disabled people must overcome.‎ ‎1. A. curious about B. interested in C. aware of D. careful with ‎2. A. cure B. prevent C. adopt D. analyze ‎3. A. instead B. strangely C. as usual D. like me ‎4. A. learning B. working C. satisfying D. relaxing ‎5. A. convenient B. awkward C. boring D. exciting ‎6. A. height B. force C. skill D. weight ‎7. A. locked B. repaired C. powered D. grasped ‎8. A. hands B. feet C. keys D. handles ‎9. A. place B. action C. play D. effect ‎10. A. operation B. communication C. transportation D. production ‎11. A. exploration B. education C. experiment D. entertainment ‎12. A. flexible B. safe C. starting D. comfortable ‎13. A. yet B. just C. still D. even ‎14. A. shown B. pushed C. driven D. guided ‎15. A. realized B. suggested C. agreed D. admitted ‎16. A. lifted B. turned C. pressed D. seized ‎17. A. path B. position C. direction D. way ‎18. A. easy B. heavy C. major D. extra ‎19. A. forgotten B. repeated C. conducted D. finished ‎20. A. weaknesses B. challenges C. anxieties D. illnesses V. 语法填空 When prices are low, people will buy more, and when prices are high, they will buy 1 (little). Every shopkeeper knows this. According to the economic point of view, changes in the prices of goods cause changes 2 supply and demand. 3 we all know, people buy fewer goods as the price goes 4 . On the contrary, a decrease in price causes 5 increase in demand.‎ Business firms look for the perfect price at 6 the largest profit can 7 (make). In doing so, they must carry out a lot of research on the market to have an accurate estimation of the people’s demand and their 8 (purchase) power so that they can produce the exact amount of goods and price 9 goods properly. 10 there will be no profit for them to make.‎ 参考答案 Ⅰ. 1-5 CABAC6~10 CBAAB Ⅱ. 1. private 2. settling 3. impression 4. constantly 5. tablets 6. opening ‎ ‎7. surrounding 8. master 9. length 10. vehicle Ⅲ. 1. As a result 2. visited; was considered 3. in no time 4. find my way; because ‎ ‎5. don’t you Ⅳ. 1. C 根据空白处后面the problems faced by disabled people可知,活动的目的是为了意识到残疾人面临的问题。curious about“好奇”;aware of“意识到”;interested in“对……感兴趣”;careful with“注意;照顾”。‎ ‎2. C 根据下文some members chose... others wore,可知作者被要求挑选一种残疾而不是治愈、阻止或分析。‎ ‎3. D 根据最后一段第一句my wheelchair experiment可知,作者选择使用轮椅。有些成员显然是像我一样选择了轮椅。‎ ‎4. A 根据后句I had never considered before how... 和本段最后一句的感慨,可知作者认为坐在轮椅上就是一次学习的经历,而不是工作经历或令人满意、令人放松的经历。‎ ‎5. B 根据第二段话的描述,活动前作者从未意识到使用轮椅有多么的笨拙,而不是使用轮椅有多么方便、讨厌或兴奋。‎ ‎6. D 根据状语从句部分as soon as I sat down提示,轮子动起来发生的时间是当作者一坐下去的时候,显然能让轮子动起来的不可能是作者的身高或技巧,而是作者的体重。‎ ‎7. A 根据后句then提示:本句是对上句轮子为什么会转动的解释,显然因为轮子未被锁住,而不是修理或抓住,更不是因为轮子没动力装置。‎ ‎8. B 根据下文“费了好长时间我才让footrest(脚蹬)归位”,可知,此时作者不知道把自己的脚放在哪里,毕竟是健康人在模拟残疾人的生活。‎ ‎9. A put... into place有“把……归位”的意思。作者是健康人,他刚坐到轮椅上不会驾轻就熟,所以即便将脚蹬归位这样简单的动作也用了很长时间。‎ ‎10. C 作者参加的是使用轮椅几个小时的体验活动,而轮椅是一种交通工具,故最佳答案是C。‎ ‎11. C 根据第一段可知,作者参加的是残疾人体验活动,使用轮椅不过是个实验,但对于残疾人而言,使用轮椅可不再是个实验,而是一辈子的生活,更不是临时的探索、教育或娱乐。‎ ‎12. D 根据and之后的though it might... 可知,作者努力要找一个舒服的姿势,从而被人推着四处逛逛是件让人放松的事,所以要找的不是灵活的、安全的或开始的姿势。‎ ‎13. D 相比空白处前面的restful,空白处后面的kind if nice显然递进了一步,所以最佳答案为even,意为:甚至。yet“然而”;just“仅仅”;still“仍然”。‎ ‎14. B 根据上文的“adopting a wheelchair"提示,作者坐着轮椅,自然希望被人推,而不是开车接送或引导,更不会是被人带领四处逛逛。‎ ‎15. A 通过四下张望,我自己得搞定这件事是作者意识到的,而不是建议、同意或承认的。‎ ‎16. B 上句提到作者意识到没人帮他推轮椅,只能自己搞定这件事。言外之意,作者得让轮椅动起来。轮椅的轮子自然得转动,而不是被拿起、摁压或抓住。作者的手在轮椅转动起来的同时,开始痛,因为用手拨动轮椅才能转。‎ ‎17. C 轮椅是一种交通工具,而交通工具最重要的是掌控方向,所以答案为C。‎ ‎18. A 上句提到,拨动沉重的轮子的时候,作者的手开始痛。既然轮子重,手又痛,可推断拨动轮椅不是件容易的事情。‎ ‎19. D 本题出现在最后一段的第一句话,这段是上文的总结性的段落,作者要感慨残疾人的不容易,自然要到体验结束,而不是实验被遗忘、重复或很快实施的时候。‎ ‎20. B A项意为“弱点”;B项意为“挑战”;C项意为“焦虑”;D项意为“疾病”。我只是品尝了一下残疾人必须要克服的心理和身体上的挑战。‎ V. 1. less 2. in 3. As 4. up 5. an 6. which 7. be made 8. purchasing 9. their 10. Otherwise Period 3 Using Language 一、根据汉语提示或首字母填空 ‎1. Don’t be so g ________if you have eaten too much. Otherwise you will put on weight.‎ ‎2. Some students lack________(动机)and thus achieve nothing.‎ ‎3. He was so hungry that he________(吞下)all his food in a few minutes.‎ ‎4. My primary school teacher greeted me warmly the I ________she saw me.‎ ‎5. They explored the deep forest where there was no human________(定居).‎ ‎6. This kind of m ________burns easily, so it should not be used for decoration.‎ ‎7. My mind w ________back to my childhood with the familiar music.‎ ‎8. Jack, the bottles can be r________. Don’t just throw them away.‎ ‎9. The________(代表)from all over the country gather in Beijing in spring every year.‎ 二、选词填空(可变换形式)‎ at that instant, citizen, be greedy for, turn into, settle down, stare at, move on, back to earth ‎1. The leaves of the plant ________water and sunshine to grow stronger.‎ ‎2. As we know, the happiness of a country lies in the freedom of its________.‎ ‎3. The power failed and ________the museum was in total darkness.‎ ‎4. The space shuttle came ________safely after a 10-day voyage in ‎ space.‎ ‎5. When class began, the teacher told the students to ________and study the text.‎ ‎6. In the West people think it’s rude to ________a person.‎ ‎7. "Fine, let’s ________to Section 2, as we have finished Section 1, "said the professor.‎ ‎8. Of course, a good idea will not ________reality by itself. It needs our hard work.‎ 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1. We felt motivated after listening to the________(inspire)speech.‎ ‎2. The train started________(instant)he was on board and he sighed in relief.‎ ‎3. As we get older, our bodies become less________(efficiency)at burning up calories.‎ ‎4. Your friend has a very________(attract)personality, so we all admire her.‎ ‎5. It was the most________(delight)garden I had ever seen.‎ ‎6. People greatly appreciate all________(contribute)made by the brave soldiers.‎ ‎7. They drew a________(conclude)that he was guilty.‎ 四、翻译句子 ‎1. 作为一位候选人,如果你想赢得选举,你必须给你遇见的人留下好印象。(make a good impression on)‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎2. 她过去常在睡前做仰卧起坐。(used to do)‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎3. 当看到那些学生渴望知识时,我更加努力工作了。(greedy)‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎4. 清晰地印在书的封面上的是一幅美丽的图画。(全部倒装)‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎5. 在他离开前他说他一会儿就回来。(in an instant)‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ 五、完形填空 Imagine you are an urban professional living in a western city a few decades from now. An average morning might look something like this:‎ There will be no alarm clock to 1 you up — at least, not in the traditional sense. Instead, you’ll be awaken by the smell of freshly brewed coffee, by 2 entering your room as curtains open automatically by themselves, and by a gentle back massage managed by your hi-tech 3 . You’re more likely to awake 4 ,because inside your mattress(床垫)there’s a special sensor that 5 your sleeping rhythms, determining exactly when to wake you so as not to 6 your sleep.‎ Your apartment is an electronic orchestra(管弦乐队)and you are the 7 . With simple flicks of the wrist and spoken orders, you can 8 temperature, wetness, music and lighting. You are able to look through the day’s news on translucent(半透明的)screens while a freshly cleaned 9 is taken from your closet. You 10 the kitchen for breakfast and the translucent news display follows, as a projected picture 11 just in front of you. You take a cup of coffee and a fresh pie 12 to perfection in your oven(烤箱),and skim new emails 13 a tablet projected in front of you. Your central computer system suggests a list of 14 your housekeeping robots should do today.‎ You pull up notes for a(n) 15 you’ll give later that day to important new customers abroad. All of your data — from your personal and professional life — is 16 through all of your various devices, as it’s 17 in the cloud, a remote digital-storage system with near limitless ability. You own a few 18 digital devices: one is the size of a tablet, another the size of a pocket watch, while others might be 19 or ‎ wearable. All devices will be lightweight, really fast and will 20 more powerful processors than anything available today.‎ ‎1. A. pick B. wake C. bring D. take ‎2. A. air B. smell C. light D. wind ‎3. A. bed B. machine C. phone D. chair ‎4. A. energetic B. sleepy C. upset D. nervous ‎5. A. changes B. checks C. forms D. develops ‎6. A. interrupt B. absorb C. disturb D. affect ‎7. A. performer B. listener C. player D. director ‎8. A. increase B. measure C. control D. record ‎9. A. suit B. dish C. towel D. sheet ‎10. A. look for B. break into C. head to D. knock at ‎11. A. spinning B. flying C. waiting D. speaking ‎12. A. toasted B. heated C. boiled D. fried ‎13. A. on B. at C. in D. for ‎14. A. researches B. homework C. chores D. experiments ‎15. A. presentation B. reason C. promise D. excuse ‎16. A. reliable B. available C. widespread D. valuable ‎17. A. collected B. covered C. buried D. stored ‎18. A. expensive B. fashionable C. different D. important ‎19. A. modern B. cheap C. flexible D. strong ‎20. A. fix B. equip C. supply D. use 六、阅读理解 During the winter, Andy Law likes to keep his house warm, which used to be a problem. He sometimes forgot to turn down the thermostat(恒温器)when he traveled, which raised his heating bills. But he hasn’t had to worry about that since he bought one of Google’s Nest thermostats.‎ In fact, companies are developing many smart devices(装置)that will tailor their functions to what they learn about their users’ needs. But many of these devices are still on the drawing board, so the Nest thermostat first provides a good example of what is fast coming down the road.‎ Officials at Google Inc. say the Nest thermostat can understand what its owners want. " The first three to four days is when it’s most eager to learn, "said Maxime Veron, director of product marketing for Nest. "It gathers data, temperature, the time it was set and occupancy. "After four days Nest learns enough to keep the house as hot or cold as the person generally prefers at different times.‎ One feature that will click in about a week after Nest starts learning is its" Auto-Away "function. Nest will automatically adjust the temperature to whatever people previously have indicated they prefer when they’re gone.‎ The Auto-Away sensors(传感器)also are designed to scan a room for movement above most pets’ heads, so they don’t mistake a dog or cat for a person and assume someone is still in the home. But the thermostats can be fooled by large pets.‎ Another feature many people seem to like is" Nest Leaf",which gives the users feedback(反馈)whenever the temperatures they set save energy. So if the person raises the temperature enough on a hot day or down on a cool one, a green leaf appears on the thermostat.‎ However, some people say that it is too expensive. But after trying it out, PC Magazine editor John Delaney said, "It is a must for anyone looking to save on heating and air conditioning costs and I like the idea of setting it and forgetting it. "‎ ‎1. After buying a Nest thermostat Andy Law____.‎ A. has reduced his heating bills B. has solved his health problems C. doesn’t need to keep his house warm D. doesn’t worry about his traveling expenses ‎2. By saying"on the drawing board" in Paragraph 2, the author means that many of these devices are____.‎ A. out of control B. made for a special purpose C. designed in many new ways D. in the process of being planned ‎3. One feature of the Nest thermostat is that it can____.‎ A. affect and change its users’ living habits B. learn its users’ daily heating and cooling preferences C. collect detailed information about its users activities D. recognize the differences between people and large pets ‎4. A green leaf will appear when you____.‎ A. place your Nest thermostat in a cool house B. turn down your Nest thermostat on a hot day C. turn on the" Auto-Away" function of your Nest thermostat D. adjust your Nest thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature ‎5. What’s the best title for the passage?‎ A. The introduction to Google’s Nest thermostats B. The way to keep one’s house warm C. The experiment on thermostats D. The function of "Auto-Away"‎ 参考答案 一、根据汉语提示或首字母填空 ‎1. greedy 2. motivation 3. swallowed 4. instant 5. settlement 6. material ‎ ‎7. wandered 8. recycled 9. representatives 二、选词填空(可变换形式)‎ ‎1. are greedy for 2. citizens 3. at that instant 4. back to earth 5. settle down ‎ ‎6. stare at 7. move on 8. turn into 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1. inspiring 2. instantly 3. efficient 4. attractive 5. delightful 6. contributions ‎ ‎ 7. conclusion 四、翻译句子 ‎1. As a candidate, you must make a good impression on the people you meet if you want to win the election.‎ ‎2. She used to do sit-ups before going to sleep.‎ ‎3. When I saw that those students were greedy for knowledge, I worked harder.‎ ‎4. Clearly printed on the cover of the book is a beautiful picture. 5. He said he would be back in an instant before he left.‎ 五、完形填空 ‎【解题导语】 本文主要描写了未来的生活情景,比如我们日常生活中的起床、睡觉、做饭以及公寓里各种自动设备等情况。‎ ‎【重点词语链接】‎ ‎1. massage n. 按摩 The boy gave his mother a soft mas sage in ordertorelieveherpainsin her feet. 为了减轻母亲脚部的疼痛,这个男孩给她按摩。‎ ‎2. translucent adj. 半透明的 The sky was changing from translucent blue to thicker grey. 天空由半透明的蓝色变成了暗灰色。‎ ‎1. B 【解题思路】 结合前面的"There will be no alarm clock"可知此处是指没有闹钟叫醒你。‎ ‎2. C 【解题思路】 从后面的"entering your room as curtains open"可知,此处应该是指窗帘打开后,光线进到房间来。‎ ‎3. A 【解题思路】 结合语境尤其是前面的"a gentle back massage"可知此处是背部的按摩,因此选A。‎ ‎4. A 【解题思路】 根据下文的"determining exactly when to wake you"可知,人会睡眠比较好,因此醒来的时候会感到精力充沛。‎ ‎5. B 【解题思路】 从空格后面的"your sleeping rhythms,determining exactly when to wake you"可知,这里指传感器检查睡眠规律,确定什么时间唤你起床。‎ ‎6. C 【解题思路】 由空前的"determining exactly when to wake you"可知,此处指以免打搅你的睡眠。‎ ‎7. D 【解题思路】 根据空格前面的"Your apartment is an electronic ‎ orchestra(管弦乐队)"可知,这里指公寓就像一个电子管弦乐队,你就是一个指挥者。‎ ‎8. C 【解题思路】 结合空格前面的"With simple flicks of the wrist and spoken orders"和后面的"temperature,wetness,music and lighting"可知,此处表示你可以控制温度、湿度、音乐和灯光。‎ ‎9. A 【解题思路】 根据后面的your closet可知,此处是指一套清新干净的衣服。‎ ‎10. C 【解题思路】 根据后面的"the kitchen for breakfast"可知,你直奔厨房去吃早餐。‎ ‎11. B 【解题思路】 结合空格前面的"as a projected picture"和后面的"just in front of you"可知,此处表示像在你面前飞着的投射图像一样。‎ ‎12. D 【解题思路】 从空格前面的"a fresh pie"和后面的"to perfection in your oven(烤箱)"可知答案。‎ ‎13. A 【解题思路】 结合后面的"a tablet projected in front of you"可知,此处表示在投射出来的书写板上看邮件。‎ ‎14. C 【解题思路】 根据空格后面的"your housekeeping robots should do today"可知,此处应该是机器人做的家务活。‎ ‎15. A 【解题思路】 结合空格后面的"you’ll give later that day to important new customers abroad"可知,此处表示那天将向国外重要的新客户作的介绍。‎ ‎16. B 【解题思路】 根据空格前面的"All of your data — from your personal and professional life"可知,你所有的个人信息和专业信息,都可以很方便地通过各种设备得到。‎ ‎17. D 【解题思路】 结合后面的"in the cloud,a remote digital-storage system with near limitless ability" 可知,这些个人信息等存储在云中,即一种远程数字存储系统,它有着接近无穷的能力。‎ ‎18. C 【解题思路】 根据空格后面的"one is the size of a tablet,another the size of a pocket watch"可知,此处是指不同的设备。‎ ‎19. C 【解题思路】 结合后面的"or ‎ wearable"可知,其他的一些设备可能是可以弯曲的或是可以戴在身上的。‎ ‎20. D 【解题思路】 根据后面的"more powerful processors than anything available today"可知,此处是指所有设备都将使用更加强大的处理器。‎ 六、阅读理解 ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了谷歌新推出的智能装置—Nest恒温器。‎ ‎【长难句解读】 In fact,companies are developing many smart devices(装置)that will tailor their functions to what they learn about their users’needs.‎ 分析:这是一个复合句。句中"that will tailor their functions to. . . "是一个定语从句;what they learn about their users’ needs是介词to后接的宾语从句。‎ 译文:事实上,一些公司正在开发许多智能装置,这些智能装置能够根据它们所了解到的用户的需要而量身定制它们的功能。‎ ‎1. A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。‎ ‎【解题思路】 根据第一段中的"He sometimes forgot to turn down the thermostat(恒温器)when he traveled,which raised his heating bills. But he hasn’t had to worry about that since he bought one of Google’s Nest thermostats"可知,Andy Law有时外出会忘记调低恒温器的温度,以至于取暖费用大增。不过自从他买了谷歌的Nest恒温器以后,他就不用担心这个问题了。由此可推断Nest恒温器帮助Andy Law减少了取暖费用。故选A。‎ ‎2. D 【命题意图】 考查短语猜测。‎ ‎【解题思路】 根据第二段中的"so the Nest thermostat first provides a good example of what is fast coming down the road"可知,谷歌的Nest恒温器跨出智能装置领域的第一步,由此可推断,许多这样的装置仍"在策划阶段"。‎ ‎3. B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。‎ ‎【解题思路】 根据第三段中的"the Nest thermostat can understand what its owners want"以及"After four days,Nest learns enough to keep the house as hot or cold as the person generally prefers at different ‎ times"可知,Nest恒温器能够掌握用户平常对温度的具体喜好。‎ ‎4. D 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。‎ ‎【解题思路】 根据倒数第二段中的"‘Nest Leaf’,which gives the users feedback(反馈)whenever the temperatures they set save energy. . . a green leaf appears on the thermostat"可知,每当用户设定的温度有助于节能时,Nest恒温器就会出现一片绿叶为用户提供反馈。‎ ‎5. A 【命题意图】 考查标题判断。‎ ‎【解题思路】 根据全文的内容可知,文章从多个方面介绍了智能装置—Nest恒温器的一些特点,故A项最适合作文章的标题。‎ Period Four  Writing ‎1. 完成句子 ‎1) 我不得不反复提醒自己我真的在公元3008年。‎ I have to _________________________ that I am really in AD 3008.‎ ‎2) 因为担心旅程,我头几天心里总不踏实。‎ ‎_____________ the journey, I ________________ for the few days.‎ ‎3) 结果我得了时间滞后症。这就与你乘坐飞机会产生的时差反应相似。‎ As a result, I ____________ “time lag”. This ___________ the “jet lag”.‎ ‎4) 时间舱开始轻柔地摇晃,我们放松地躺在那里做梦。‎ ‎ The capsule began __________ gently sideways as we lay __________ and __________.‎ ‎5) 就在我试图做些必要的调整以适应这新环境时,王平出现了。‎ ‎ _______ I tried ____________________to this new situation, Wang Ping appeared.‎ ‎6) 后来我发现就是这些树的叶子为这房间提供了急需的氧气。‎ ‎ I found later that their leaves __________ the room __________________________.‎ ‎7) 我感到累极了,溜上床很快就睡着了。‎ ‎ __________, I __________ bed and ____________________.‎ ‎8) 它快捷、有效而且环保。‎ ‎ It’s quick, __________ and ____________________.‎ ‎9) 现在有这样一个系统,能利用生态原理处理废物。‎ ‎ Now there’s system where the waste _____________________________________.‎ ‎10) 想到未来的奇妙世界,我开始动力倍增。‎ ‎ My _____________________ as I ________________ the wonderful world of the future.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎1) remind myself constantly ‎2) Worried about; was unsettled ‎3) suffered from; is similar to ‎4) swinging; relaxed; dreaming ‎5) Just as; to make the necessary adjustment ‎ ‎6) provided; with much-needed oxygen ‎7) Exhausted; slid into; fell fast asleep ‎8) efficient; environmentally friendly ‎9) is disposed of using the principles of ecology ‎10)motivation increased; thought of 写作训练 运用想象力的写作 ‎ 本单元的写作要求学生发挥想象力,设想1000年以后的生活会是什么样子,然后运用所学的词语,写出未来生活的利与弊。‎ 写作思路:‎ ‎1. Suppose you could change something in your hometown, what would it be?‎ ‎ 假如你可以改变家乡的某一方面,你想改变什么?‎ ‎2. How can your hometown achieve a really good quality of life?‎ ‎ 你的家乡怎样才能有真正的高质量的生活?‎ ‎3. What is the most important to keep for future generations?‎ ‎ 能为后代留下的最重要的东西是什么?‎ ‎4. Is it possible that people will have solved the problems of today ----global warming, air and water pollution, etc.? ‎ 今天的问题----全球变暖、空气和水的污染等----可能解决吗?‎ ‎5. Is it likely the temperature will be too hot for us to live on the earth?‎ ‎ 气温会不会太高以致于我们不能生活在地球上?‎ ‎6. What will life be like when the energy runs out?‎ ‎ 能源用光后生活会是什么样子?‎ ‎ 7. What are the robots like? Is it possible robots will control the earth?‎ ‎ 机器人会是什么样子?他们会统治地球吗?‎ 常用句型 ‎1. Do you know what the future will be like? In my dream the future school / ... will be like ...‎ 你知道未来会是什么样?在我的梦想中,未来的学校/ ...... 会像......‎ ‎2. I believe people’s life in the future will be much better/ more beautiful/ more comfortable/ more convenient than it is now. 我相信未来的生活会比现在更好/美丽/舒适/方便。‎ ‎3. with the development of science and technology... 随着科技的发展......‎ ‎4. Due to space technology, traveling in space will be common. ‎ 由于太空技术,太空旅行会很常见。‎ ‎5. Most likely people will have solved the problems of today... ‎ 很可能人们将已经解决了今天的问题......‎ ‎6. Perhaps people will build a cover over the city, and all the air inside would be kept clean.‎ ‎ 也许人们会在城市上空建造一个覆盖物,内部的空气可以保持洁净。‎ ‎7. The walls and roofs of the buildings will collect and transform the ‎ solar energy into electric energy and heat energy. 建筑物的墙和屋顶会收集太阳能并转换为电能和热能。‎ ‎8. The intelligent robots will replace/ take place of human beings in rescuing people in dangerous situation. = The intelligent robots will rescue people in place of/ instead of human beings in dangerous situation. 智能机器人会代替人类在危险的地方救人。‎ 主题写作范文:‎ Example 1‎ 英语口语课上,老师要求大家各自描述一下自己想象中的未来学校及学习生活。请根据下面提示写一篇发言稿,介绍你想象的学习生活是什么样子。‎ ‎1. 学校像花园一样大而漂亮,遇到地震可以悬浮到空中;‎ ‎2. 教室的屋顶和墙壁可以收集太阳能,用来供整个学校使用。‎ ‎3. 学生不用背书包,用笔记本电脑上课、写作业,实现无纸化;‎ ‎4. 讲课的老师是机器人,3D屏幕代替黑板。‎ 参考范文:‎ In my dream, a future school will look like a big, pretty garden with many trees and flowers around the modern buildings. The school will be able to float in the sky so that it can avoid being destroyed by earthquake. The walls and roofs of the buildings will collect and transform the solar energy into electric energy and heat energy, which can be used by the whole school.‎ Every student will carry a laptop with them to school, instead of heavy school bags. All the homework will be done on a computer. Intelligent robots will be our teachers. And 3D screens will take the place of blackboards for teaching. In this way, our classes will be more vivid and interesting.‎ This is my dream school and I believe that my dream will come true in the near future.‎ Example 2‎ ‎ 电影《哈利·波特》凭借影迷的喜欢和高额的票房在电影业成为一个传奇,也使世界各地的学生们疯狂迷恋哈利·波特的魔法。假如你是哈利·波特,你如何用魔法解决下面的问题:‎ 1. Cruel wars 2. Endangered animals 3. Environmental pollution 参考范文:‎ I am Harry Potter, a boy with magical powers. I regard myself as a guard of the earth. To create a peaceful and friendly world for human beings is my duty.‎ First of all, I will make use of my magic to bring all the cruel wars to a stop. Let all the people no longer suffer from the wounds and death caused by wars. Let peace ring at every corner of the world. ‎ In addition, I will raise people’s awareness of saving endangered animals. As long as we learn to protect animals, we will understand how to give our love to others.‎ Finally, I will rely on my magic to solve the environmental pollution. The earth is the only home of us human beings. Only by making great efforts can we make the earth a better place to live in.‎ ‎ Please join me in this action. Let’s work together to build a bright future!   ‎ Example 3‎ 假如你们班要举办以“未来奇想”的讲演,请根据下面信息写一篇发言稿。‎ ‎1. 数字化电视不需遥控器了,可以声控自动换台;‎ ‎2. 机器人代替人在危险的环境中救人;‎ ‎3. 衣服可以自动调温。‎ 参考范文:‎ Do you know what the future will be like? It is true that nobody can tell us everything now. Let’s just use our imagination.‎ In the future, you can charge your electronic equipment by collecting the light of the sun and the moon. When you watch digital TV, you won’t need to use the remote control. It’s very convenient for you to change the channels by voice. It will automatically respond. The intelligent robots will replace human beings in rescuing people in dangerous situation. Worried about the weather, you can wear clothes with equipment that adjusts to the temperature.‎ I think that the life in the future must be beautiful. Let’s work hard and realize our dream soon.‎ Example 4‎ The benefits and problems of living one thousand years in the future ‎ I think there will be more benefits than problems living in the future.Of course things will be different and there may be many problems.‎ ‎ If there is dirty air we will solve that by placing a cover over our hometown.That way we can clean the air as it enters the town,and keep out all the dust and dirt.‎ ‎ If it is too hot people will be provided with suits fitted with cooling systems.That way they will keep cool all the time.‎ ‎ As for the problem of the energy running out that we face today.That will be solved by using the energy from the sun to run all the electrical plants as well as cars.Luckily it will be endless clean energy!‎ So we think that life in the future will be much better than it is ‎ now.‎

