六年级下册期中模拟检测英语试卷 1

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六年级下册期中模拟检测英语试卷 1

‎2019-2020学年度译林版(三起)六年级下册期中检测英语试卷 评卷人 得分 一、选择题(题型注释)‎ ‎1.选出划线部分读音不相同的一项。‎ ‎(______) 1. Don’t touch the mouse in the house.‎ ‎ A B C ‎ ‎(______) 2. The doctor always does sports in the morning.‎ ‎ A B C ‎(______) 3. The short horse is working on the farm.‎ ‎ A B C ‎(______) 4. “Wake up!” she said sadly and angrily.‎ ‎ A B C ‎(______) 5. A foolish cook is standing on the wood.‎ ‎ A B C ‎2.We should read ________ in the library. ( )‎ A. quietly B. loudly C. quickly ‎3.We must know something about food_______. ( )‎ A. safe B. safety C. safely ‎4.I feel _______. I want to go to _______ now. ( )‎ A. sleepy, sleep B. sleep, sleepy C. sleep, sleeping ‎5.In Macau, people drive on __________ of the road. ( )‎ A. the left side B. the right side C. any side ‎6.Look_______, here_______ the bus. ( )‎ A. for; come B. for; comes C. out; comes ‎7.Don’t be _______. I can help you. ( )‎ A. sad B. Sadly C. Strong ‎8.I’m thirsty, Mum. Can I have ______ apple juice? ( )‎ A. any B. many C. some ‎9.Sam looked ______this morning. ( )‎ A. happy B. sadly C. happily ‎10.The girl ate a few ______last week. ( )‎ A. mango B. mangoes C. mangos ‎11.Can you help me ______the ball? ( )‎ A. look for B. looked for C. looks for ‎12.Please cross the road ________ other people. ( )‎ A. to B. for C. with D. and ‎13.Here’s the , you can cross the road now. ( )‎ A. green man B. red man C. yellow man ‎14.Look, the old woman is the bus. Let’s help .‎ A. gets on B. getting on; she C. getting on; her ‎15.I can find many _________in it. ( )‎ A. animals stories B. animal stories C. animals story ‎16.“As the tree, so the fruit.”意思是:( )‎ A. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B. 前人栽树,后人乘凉 C. 树上长出水果 评卷人 得分 二、阅读理解 ‎17.阅读短文,判断下列句子的说法是(T)否(F)正确。‎ Every day we eat a lot of food. A healthy diet is good for us. But people in different countries eat different kinds of food. My friend Peter is from America and he tells me a lot about food in America. Most Chinese people like to eat pork(猪肉). But in America beef(牛肉) is more popular(受欢迎). We often have rice or noodles at every meal. But Americans may think hamburgers and fruit pies are more delicious(美味). Chinese children like to eat ice creams in summer. But Americans nearly eat them every meal. Americans like sweet food very much, just like cakes, ice creams, chocolate and so on.‎ ‎( )1. People in China and the US have the same food.‎ ‎( )2. Peter is American. ( )3. Pork is popular in the US.‎ ‎( )4. Chinese people like to eat beef and eat it every day.‎ ‎( )5. Chinese children usually eat ice cream in summer.‎ 评卷人 得分 三、填空题(题型注释)‎ ‎18.用所给词或汉语的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。 ‎ ‎1. There isn’t _________ (many) fish on the plate.‎ ‎2. They are laughing __________ (happy).‎ ‎3. Jim, _________ (not shout) in the classroom.‎ ‎4. Tom wanted _________ (help) his parents.‎ ‎5. To keep __________ (safe), we must follow the rules on the road.‎ ‎6. Don’t talk. The teacher __________ (have) a Chinese lesson.‎ ‎7. The food was so good, and we _________ (eat) a lot.‎ ‎8. Yang Ling __________ (了解) Nancy well.‎ ‎9. This is an easy question. Jack can answer the question _________.(容易地)‎ ‎10. Sam is __________(注入,灌入)some water into the hole.‎ 评卷人 得分 四、翻译 ‎19.英汉词组互译。‎ ‎1. 一些好习惯 ____________________ 2. hit the ball hard____________________‎ ‎3.健康的饮食__________________ 4. eat a few eggs ____________________‎ ‎5. 某一天___________________ 6. so many balls ____________________‎ ‎7. 当心____________________ 8. put his things in order _______________‎ ‎9. 马路安全 ____________________ 10. follow the rules__________________‎ 评卷人 得分 五、句型转转 ‎20.按要求完成句子。‎ ‎1. You shouldn’t play football on the road. (改为祈使句)‎ ‎__________ play football on the road.‎ ‎2. My cat got some fish for dinner. (改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎__________your cat__________ __________fish for dinner?‎ ‎3. She does housework every day. (改为否定句)‎ She ________ ________ housework every day. ‎ ‎4. We caught the birds with a net. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎_________ did you ________ the birds?‎ ‎5.The flowers are very beautiful. (感叹句)‎ ‎__________ ____________ flowers they are!‎ 评卷人 得分 六、匹配题 ‎21.从Ⅱ栏中找出能回答Ⅰ栏的选项。‎ ‎( I ) ( II )‎ ‎(______)1. What did you do last May Day? A. No, it isn’t.‎ ‎(______)2. What does the wood come from? B. We are going to have a party.‎ ‎(______)3. What does this sign mean ? C. It means you can’t litter. ‎ ‎(______)4. Is our city clean? D. I visited the Palace Museum.‎ ‎(______)5. What are you going to do at Christmas? E. It comes from the trees.‎ 评卷人 得分 七、新添加的题型 ‎22.写作 ‎ 怎样才能成为一名好学生呢?请以Being a good student为题,从饮食、生活和学习习惯,遵守交通规则几个方面给小朋友提些建议吧。要求语句通顺,表达合理,不少于50字。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎

