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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修二Unit4Wildlife protection单元学案 一单元基础词汇语法回顾 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.This hat will give p______________against the hot sun.‎ 答案:protection ‎2.My wallet c____________two hundred yuan and my passport was lost when I was shopping.‎ 答案:containing ‎3.Mrs Brown's dog b______________ the mailman when he was delivering newspapers yesterday afternoon.‎ 答案:bit ‎4.Both bees and butterflies belong to i________.‎ 答案:insects ‎5.The mother is r________ her baby against mosquitoes.‎ 答案:rubbing ‎6.You'd better ________(存留) the money for future need.‎ 答案:reserve ‎7.We'll go ________________(打猎) tomorrow.‎ 答案:hunting ‎8.We greatly ______________(感谢,感激) your timely help.‎ 答案:appreciate ‎9.She turned her ______________(注意力) to new problems.‎ 答案:attention ‎10.The dog looks ____________(凶恶). You'd better keep away from it.‎ 答案:fierce Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.These rare animals, which are being hunted everywhere without limit, ________________(处在灭绝的危险之中).‎ 答案:are in danger of dying out ‎2.The noise of the engine ______________(消失) as the car disappeared in the distance.‎ 答案:died away ‎3.The government ______________(已开始关注) the housing problems of the average people.‎ 答案:has begun to pay attention to ‎4.Hearing the joke, all the people present __________________(突然大笑起来).‎ 答案:burst into laughter/burst out laughing ‎5.I'm curious to know when the dance club first __________________(形成).‎ 答案:come into being ‎6.He was wearing dark glasses ____________________(保护眼睛免受日光的照射).‎ 答案:to protect his eyes from the sun ‎7.Much too often, something that happens in your daily life will change __________________________(你看世界的方式)and the people in it.‎ 答案:the way you look at the world ‎8.School activities are usually considered ______________________(一种极好的交友和培养新兴趣的方法).‎ 答案:a good way to make new friends and develop new interests ‎9.________________(尽管尝试了),I couldn't get the door open.‎ 答案:Try as I might Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎1.Too much smoking and drinking________him greatly,which meant bad living habits had an________on his health.‎ A.affect;effect B.affected;effect C.affected;effects D.affect;effects 解析 affect为及物动词“影响”;effect为名词。另外have an effect on为固定搭配,意为“对……有影响”,故选B项。‎ 答案 B ‎2.The fact that so many people still smoke in public places______that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.‎ A.suggest         B.suggests C.suggested D.suggesting 解析 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:有许多人依旧在公共场合吸烟,这一事实表明我们也许需要搞一次全国性的活动来提高人们对于吸烟危害性的认识。the fact后跟同位语从句,设空处为主句的谓语动词,故排除D项;由题干中的smoke和may等可知语境指现在的情况,故排除C项。本句主语为the fact,且本句陈述的是一个事实,故谓语动词应采用第三人称单数形式,故选B项。‎ 答案 B ‎3.They receive a proportion of their________from the sales of goods and ‎ services.‎ A.income B.pay C.wage D.expense 解析 income意为“收入”;pay意为“工资,薪水”;wage意为“按日或周所发的工资”;expense意为“花费;消费”。根据句意应选A项。‎ 答案 A ‎4.It seemed that he was ______ losing his life.Luckily,he was ______ in the end.‎ A.in the danger of;out of danger B.in danger of;out of danger C.in the danger of;out of the danger D.in danger of;out of the danger 解析 句意:他似乎有失去生命的危险,(但)幸运的是,他最终脱离了险境。in danger of有……的危险,out of danger脱离危险。‎ 答案 B ‎5.Special________should be paid to improving your spoken English.‎ A.care B.attention C.interest D.thought 解析 pay attention to为固定短语,意为“关心;注意”,符合题意。‎ 答案 B ‎6.My sister wants to work in the power plant which________still________.‎ A.is;building B.has;been built C.is;being built D.is;to be built 解析 由于两空格间有still,那么只能用进行时态,而power plant只能被建,所以选用被动语态。‎ 答案 C ‎7.There were four or five boxes in the corner of the house________toys and books.‎ A.containing B.contain C.including D.include 解析 containing...为现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于which contain...;contain的意义是“包含;含有”,表示某个容器里面所含有的东西。‎ 答案 A ‎8.I would appreciate________if you would just let me deal with this incident.‎ A.that B.this C.it D.one 解析 动词appreciate作“感激”讲时,其后可接形式宾语it,再接一个if引导的宾语从句,表示“如果……(我)将不胜感激”。‎ 答案 C ‎9.All the newspaper reporters hurried to the airport,______ that the pop star didn’t turn up at all.‎ A.disappointing to find B.disappointed finding C.disappointing finding D.disappointed to find 解析 空格处所缺的词是前面成分的伴随状语,表示the newspaper reporters的一种心理变化,用disappointed;同时构成“(be)+adj.+to do”句式。‎ 答案 D ‎10.Chinese people were so excited when they saw Mr Hu________the PLA on the National Day of 2009.‎ A.examined B.checked C.observed D.inspected 解析 此句中的inspect是“视察;检阅”之意,符合句意。其他选项中,examine表示“检查”;observe表示“观察”;check表示“核查”,都可排除。‎ 答案 D ‎11.We are warned that some species in the world are________unless immediate action is taken.‎ A.dying down B.dying back C.dying away D.dying out 解析 句意:我们被警告如果不立即采取措施的话,世界上的很多物种将会灭绝。die out是“灭绝”之意,符合句意。‎ 答案 D ‎12.This special school accepts all disabled students,________educational level and background.‎ A.according to B.regardless of C.in addition to D.in terms of 解析 考查介词短语的辨析。according to根据;regardless of 不管;不顾;in addition to除……之外;in terms of 就……而言。‎ 答案 B ‎13.Steps must be taken________this kind of disaster will never happen again.‎ A.because B.even if C.so that D.as 解析 考查状语从句的连接词。句意:必须采取措施以避免这种灾难不再发生。because因为,引导原因状语从句;even if 即使,引导条件状语从句;as因为;由于,引导原因状语从句。‎ 答案 C ‎14.—Why don't we choose that road to save time? ‎ ‎—The bridge to it________.‎ A.has repaired B.is repaired C.is being repaired D.will be repaired 解析 考查动词时态及语态。句意:——我们为什么不走那条路以节约时间呢?——通往那条路的桥还在修理中。‎ 答案 C ‎15.—Could you be so kind as to pass me the cellphone?‎ ‎—______.‎ A.With pleasure B.A pleasure C.Yes,please D.Go ahead 解析 句意:——你能把手机递给我吗?——很愿意。with pleasure很高兴,很乐意(表示欣然应允,用以回答Could/Would/Will you...?);a pleasure用以回答Thank you;C、D两项意为:行啊,请吧,表示允许对方去做某事。‎ 答案 A 单元综合知识检测 Ⅲ.阅读理解 A ‎(2015·广东省肇庆市高三二模)‎ I remember my mother as a strong woman, She come to America when she was 12—old enough to remember her language,she achieved scores and grades high enough to be admitted to Duke University. With a ‎ degree in computer science, she finally became the manager of a company in New York. My mother could give fluent speeches, say “wolves” correctly.‎ It was my mother who always stressed the importance of language. From the time I was born, I was read to. I would fall asleep to the sounds of my parents' voices, whether it was my dad's softly accented, or my mother's clear English. The flow of language was unbroken, and whether in Chinese or English, the stream of communication flowed through our house.‎ One October morning in sixth grade,after my mother had left to catch the train to the city,I left the house for the bus stop.I was surprised when I saw our car,the door hanging open.As I drew closer,I saw my mother lying on the ground. ‎ In the hospital,it was hard to believe that the lady who lay before me was my mom.My mother could not remember my name. As the leaves changed colors,it became clear that the stroke had created a wall between my mother's mind and mouth:her mind was not any less clear,but the words she spoke were not what she meant.‎ The battle my mother faced taught me the importance of language.Without it,identity does not exist;relationships cannot be formed;stories cannot be told;directions cannot be given,and knowing anything about anyone is impossible.Without language,communication cannot take place,Without language,one cannot express the beauty of a sunset or the kindness of a stranger.The world would pass us by in silence.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是记叙文,主要讲述了母亲对“我”学习语言的重视,以及由母亲患病造成表达不畅对“我”‎ 的触动——语言至关重要。‎ ‎1.From where might the author's mom come to America?‎ A.China.       B.England.‎ C.Russia D.Canada 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“She came to America when she was 12....”以及第二段最后一句“The flow of language was unbroken, and whether in Chinese or English....”可判断,父母为“我”阅读用的是中文或英文,因此母亲可能来自中国。‎ 答案:A ‎2.From the second paragraph,we can know ________.‎ A.the author was taught to read since she was born B.the author's father spoke English poorly C.the author couldn't fall asleep without being read to D.the author's parents taught her language by talking a lot 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“...the stream of communication flowed throuhg our house.”可判断,父母是通过互相交流的方式对“我”进行语言教育的。‎ 答案:D ‎3.According to the last two paragraphs,the author's mom was unable to ________.‎ A.think clearly B.express herself well C.speak D.open her mouth 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“...her mind was not any less clear, but the words she spoke were not what she meant.”可判断,母亲无法清楚地用语言表达自己的意思。‎ 答案:B ‎4.The underlined word “stroke” in the 4th paragraph most probably refers to ________.‎ A.an accident B.a hit C.an illness D.a robbery 解析:词义推测题。根据第三段“...I left the house for the bus stop. I was surprised when I saw our car, the door hanging open. As I drew closer, I saw my mother lying on the ground.”可判断,作者是在刚出家门时发现自己家的车还在,由此感到惊讶,因为母亲早该开车离开了,由此可知是母亲是开门要上车时突发某种疾病倒在了地上。‎ 答案:C ‎5.This passage is mainly about ________.‎ A.a strong mother B.the importance of language C.a family disaster D.the significance of teaching language 解析:主旨大意题。文章最后一段第一句“The battle my mother faced taught me the importance of language.”即是本文主题句。‎ 答案:B B ‎(2015·江西省九江市高三二模)‎ Firefighters had largely tamed a tower of flame and smoke that covered the sun and drove thousands from their homes in the foothill suburbs northeast of Los Angeles,but a week of dangerously windy wildfire conditions and a year of historic dryness meant that this fire and predictable ones to come remained a major threat.‎ By nightfall Thursday,the wildfire that swept through about two 1/2‎ ‎ square miles of brush in the San Gabriel Mountains and destroyed five homes early in the day had its progress stopped and was 30 percent contained.More than 700 firefighters were on the scene,along with 70 engines and a fleet of helicopters and air tankers dropping water and retardant (阻止物).‎ But the National Weather Service said a redflag warning of extreme fire danger in effect much of the week would remain in place until Friday evening because of low humidity and,the chance of the region's infamous Santa Ana winds bursting to 30 mph in the foothills and valleys.‎ Some3,700 people from Glendora and Azusa evacuated at the height of the fire.Glendora residents were allowed to return home Thursday evening, but homes in Azusa remained under evacuation orders.It wasn't clear how many remained empty.‎ Fire engines would stay in all the endangered neighborhoods through the night and helicopters were available to fly after dark if it became necessary.Nighttime bursts brought a few flameups, but they remained within fire lines.‎ Two firefighters had minor injuries and a woman trying to fight the fire near her home suffered a minor burn. Seventeen structures were damaged,including homes,garages, barns and other buildings.At least 10 renters were left homeless when the fire destroyed rental units on the historic grounds of a retreat that once was the summer land of the Singer sewing machine family.Statues of Jesus and Mary stood unharmed near the blackened ruins.However,the main,1920s house was spared.‎ Three men in their 20s, including a homeless man,were arrested on suspicion of irresponsibly starting the fire by tossing paper into a campfire in the Angeles National Forest,just north of Glendora.They said they were trying to keep warm and the wildfire appears to have been an ‎ accident.They could face state or federal charges.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是说明文,介绍了发生在洛杉矶的一场大火。‎ ‎6.What's the purpose of the first paragraph?‎ A.To introduce the topic.‎ B.To arouse readers' interest.‎ C.To summarize the main idea.‎ D.To share the writer's opinion.‎ 解析:目的意图题。本文是一篇新闻报道,首段先概括新闻概要,下文具体介绍事件经过。整篇文章介绍了发生在洛杉矶的火灾。‎ 答案:C ‎7.What do we know about the fire?‎ A.It lasted a week.‎ B.It started on a Thursday.‎ C.It grew wilder at night.‎ D.It flamed up high at first.‎ 解析:根据第二段第一句“By nightfall Thursday,the wildfire that swept through about two 1/2 square miles of brush....”可判断,大火开始窜得很高。‎ 答案:D ‎8.What led to the outbreak of the fire?‎ A.Low humidity. B.Windy fire conditions.‎ C.No timely warning. D.Careless campers.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Three men... were arrested on suspicion of irresponsibly starting the fire by tossing paper into a campfire....”可判断,往营火上撒纸引发火灾的人应该是宿营的人。‎ 答案:D ‎9.The underlined word “evacuated” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.‎ A.swept B.burst C.fled D.endangered 解析:词义推测题。根据第四段第二句“Glendora residents were allowed to return home... but homes in Azusa remained under evacuation orders.”可判断,这两个地区的人是从大火中逃离出来的。‎ 答案:C ‎10.The three young men were arrested because ________.‎ A.they were homeless B.they were to blame for the fire C.they wanted to keep warm by the fire D.they started the fire deliberately 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Three men... were arrested on suspicion of irresibly starting the fire by tossing paper into a campfire....”可判断,三个年轻人被逮捕是因为他们被怀疑往营火上撒纸引起了火灾。‎ 答案:B ‎ C What happens inside the skull of a soccer player who repeatedly heads a soccer ball?That question motivated a challenging new study of the brains of experienced players that has caused discussion and debate among soccer players,and some anxiety among those of us with soccerplaying children.‎ For the study,researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York selected 34 adults,men and women.All of the volunteers ‎ had played soccer since childhood and now competed yearround in adult soccer leagues.Each filled out a detailed questionnaire developed especially for this study to determine how many times they had headed a soccer ball in the previous year,as well as whether they had experienced any known concussions (脑震荡) in the past.‎ Then the players completed computerized tests of their memory and other learning skills and had their brains scanned,using a complicated new MRI technique which can find structural changes in the brain that can’t be seen during most scans.‎ According to the data they presented at a Radiological Society of North America meeting last month,the researchers found that the players who had headed the ball more than about 1,100 times in the previous 12 months showed significant loss of white matter in parts of their brains involved with memory,attention and the processing of visual information,compared with players who had headed the ball fewer times.‎ This pattern of white matter loss is “similar to those seen in traumatic (外伤的) brain injury”,like that after a serious concussion,the researchers reported,even though only one of these players was reported to have ever experienced a concussion.‎ The players who had headed the ball about 1,100 times or more in the past year were also generally worse at recalling lists of words read to them,forgetting or fumbling the words far more often than players who had headed the ball less.‎ 语篇解读: 研究表明,经常用头顶球会对大脑的内部构造造成严重影响,进而影响人的记忆力、注意力以及对视觉信息的处理能力。 ‎ ‎1.The passage is most probably a________.‎ A.news report    B.research report C.story for soccer players   D.text for doctors 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段开头部分中的内容可推知,本文是一篇研究报告。‎ 答案 B ‎2.From the passage we can conclude that frequent heading may have________.‎ A.significant effect on one’s brain B.little effect on one’s brain C.nothing to do with the brain injury D.one’s memory improved 解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“the players who had headed the ball more than about 1,100 times in the previous 12 months showed significant loss of white matter in parts of their brains”可推知,频繁地用头顶球对大脑有显著的影响。‎ 答案 A ‎3.What is likely to be the cause of memory loss?‎ A.Playing soccer frequently.‎ B.Tests of their memory.‎ C.White matter loss.‎ D.Information processing.‎ 解析 细节理解题。结合第四段中的“loss of white matter in parts of their brains involved with memory”以及下一段的开头部分可知,记忆力的丧失可能与大脑中的白色物质缺失有关。‎ 答案 C ‎4.The underlined word “fumbling” is closest in meaning to________.‎ A.remembering    B.misunderstanding C.recalling    D.missing 解析 词义猜测题。结合画线词前面的“worse at recalling lists of words”和“forgetting”可推知,fumbling与missing的意思最相近。‎ 答案 D ‎ D The drug store was closing for the night.Young Alfred Higgins,the shop assistant was ready to go home.Mr Carr,the boss, stared at him and said:“Hold on,Alfred.Maybe you'd be good enough to take the things out of your pockets and leave them here before you go.”Alfred's face got red.After a little hesitation,he took out what he had stolen.Mr.Carr said,“Maybe I should call your mother and let her know I'm going to have to put you in prison.”‎ Alfred thought his mother would come rushing in,eyes burning with anger.But,to his surprise,she arrived wearing a smile.“Hello,I'm Alfred's mother.Is he in trouble?”she said.Mr.Carr was surprised too.He had expected Alfred's mother to come in nervously,shaking with fear,asking with wet eyes for a mercy for her son.But no,she was most calm,quiet and pleasant and was making Mr.Carr feel guilty...Soon Mr.Carr was shaking his head in agreement with what she was saying.“Of course”he said,“I don't want to be cruel.You are right.Sometimes,a little good advice is the best thing for a boy at certain times in his life and it often takes the youths long time to get sense into their heads.”And he warmly shook Mrs.Higgins's hand.‎ Back home without even looking at Alfred she said,“You are a bad luck.It is one thing after another,always has been.Why do you stand there so stupidly?Go to bed.”In his bedroom,Alfred heard his ‎ mother in the kitchen.There was no shame in him,just pride in his_mother's_strength.He felt he must tell her how great she was.As he got to the kitchen,he saw his mother drinking a cup of tea.He was shocked by what he saw.His mother's face was a frightened broken one.It was not the same cool,bright face he saw earlier in the drug store.As she lifted the tea cup,her hand shook.And some of the tea splashed on the table.Her lips moved nervously.She looked very old.He watched his mother without making a sound.The picture of his mother made him want to cry.He felt his youth coming to an end.He saw all the troubles he brought his mother in her shaking hand and the deep lines of worry in her grey face.It seemed to him that this was the first time he had ever really seen his mother.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 母亲那深沉的爱最终感化了懵懂的无知少年,使少年开始向善向上。母亲啊!您的伟大之处在于您那无声的爱。‎ ‎5.The reason why Mr.Carr felt guilty was that________.‎ A.he found Alfred was in fact innocent B.he should have called a policeman in first C.Alfred's mother appeared polite and gentle D.he thought he was partly responsible for it 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But no,she was most calm,quiet and pleasant and was making Mr.Carr feel guilty...”可知,Mr.Carr感到内疚是因为Alfred的妈妈当时非常沉着、稳重、和善。‎ 答案 C ‎6.Which of the following is probably said by Mrs.Higgins while talking to Mr.Carr?‎ A.“Please,for God's sake,you know,he is just a kid.”‎ B.“I can't believe it!You are treating my son like that!”‎ C.“You know,it takes time for a youth to truly grow up.”‎ D.“Punishment makes sense because it teaches about the law.”‎ 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中Mr.Carr所说的话可推断出Alfred的妈妈说服了Mr.Carr不要报警,因为年轻人真正地长大成人需要时间。‎ 答案 C ‎7.What do you think the underlined words“his mother's strength”refer to?‎ A.Mrs.Higgins's calmness and communicating skills.‎ B.Mrs.Higgins's attitude towards parental sufferings.‎ C.Mrs.Higgins's love and care for her son Alfred.‎ D.Mrs.Higgins's greatness as a woman.‎ 解析 推理判断题。根据画线部分所在句“There was no shame in him,just pride in his_mother's_strength.”可知,Alfred并没有认识到自己的错误,而是庆幸妈妈的冷静和沟通技巧让自己逃过了这一劫。‎ 答案 A ‎8.After the incident,young Alfred would probably________.‎ A.feel ashamed of his mother B.change his attitude towards life C.learn to live an independent life D.hate Mr.Carr for hurting his mother 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The picture of his mother made him want to cry.He felt his youth coming to an end.”‎ 可推知,Alfred看到妈妈形容憔悴的样子,幡然悔过,下定决心要改变自己的人生态度,重新做人。‎ 答案 B Ⅳ.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How to Prevent Yourself from Catching a Cold When cold season is around, almost everyone around you has one.__1__ This article will show you some ways to remain well during the sick season.‎ Wash your hands with soap and water if they get in touch with anything that is handled by a lot of people.Examples would be,door knobs,counter tops,shopping cart handle or even a food tray.__2__ If you can't wash your hands,make sure you hold the food onto the wrapper (包装纸).Try not to rub you eyes or nose.Always use a handkerchief.‎ When walking into a public place, you should always open the door by taking hold of a place where not too many people would touch.__3__ Keep a container of hand sanitizer (消毒剂) just in case you have to.Keep away from small and limited areas where you find lots of people,like elevators or subways.‎ ‎__4__ You want to avoid being warm and then going out into the cold.The body has to work hard to control your temperature and while doing so,you can sometimes have a weakened immune systern.When you go soutside in the cold weather,you should always put on a coat first.‎ ‎__5__ That will help your body fight the common cold.There is also a product called Airborne which works very well.‎ A.You can keep yourself away from bird flu.‎ B.It seems almost impossible not to get sick.‎ C.Make sure your hands are clean before you eat.‎ D.Take vitamin C or eat oranges/drink orange juice.‎ E.Soft drinks containing vitamin C make your teeth worse.‎ F.To remain well you have to keep your body at a steady temperature.‎ G.Avoid shaking hands with people especially you don't know them well.‎ ‎【文章大意】 文章从生活的小细节说起,告诉你一些预防感冒的小窍门。‎ ‎1.解析:第一句话说到流感季节来到,人人有可能染病,此处承接,指想不感冒几乎不可能,所以选B。‎ 答案:B ‎2.解析:本段说的是关于手的清洁卫生的习惯,下文承接“在不能清洁手的情况下怎样保持卫生健康”。故选C。‎ 答案:C ‎3.解析:本段首句说明在公共场合下应该注意的防御措施,前后诸项为并列的实例。‎ 答案:G ‎4.解析:本段所谈和体温有关,F的steady temperature和下文的warm temperature有关,故选F。‎ 答案:F ‎5.解析:本段是关于补充营养方面的建议。第二句的that就是对D的阐释。‎ 答案:D 完形填空 Preparing for Tomorrow Sixthgrade schoolteacher Ms.Shelton believed in readiness.Students remembered how she walked in on the first day of class and began writing words of eighthgrade on the__1__.They quickly protested that the words were not on their__2__and they couldn't learn them.‎ Their teacher insisted that the students could and would learn these__3__.She said that she would teach them something that should be given.Ms.Shelton__4__by saying that one of the students in the classroom could go on to__5__,maybe even be president someday,and she wanted to prepare them for that day.‎ Ms.Shelton spoke those words many years ago.__6__did she know that someday one of her students—Jesse Jackson—would take them__7__.She believed that if they were well prepared,they could__8__high goals.‎ Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,“People only see what they are__9__to see.”If that's true,then it is also__10__that they only become what they are prepared to become.And many things in life is just about getting ready.‎ ‎“I want to be doing something more__11__with my life than what I am doing now,”a young man once said to me.He__12__what he was doing was just not that important.Other people have said things to me such as,“I only__13__I had a meaningful relationship.I'd really like to get a better job,but I just don't see__14__.”‎ You fill in the blanks.What is it you would like to__15__that isn't happening?Perhaps the answer is that you are not yet__16__.Maybe ‎ you need more time to prepare before you are truly ready for that which you__17__.‎ Think of today as another chance to__18__yourself for that exciting future you are looking for.Today is not wasted.If you desire more from__19__,then you can use today as training.For you will experience only what you are prepared to__20__.Something wonderful can happen.And you can use today to get ready for tomorrow.‎ ‎1.A.desk B.wall ‎ C.chalkboard D.door 解析 结合前面的“Sixthgrade schoolteacher Ms.Shelton”和“began writing words”可知老师在教室里,应该是在黑板(chalkboard)上写字。‎ 答案 C ‎2.A.duty B.desk C.mind D.level 解析 由前面的“Sixthgrade schoolteacher”及“writing words of eighthgrade”可知这些词超出了他们的水平。故选D项。‎ 答案 D ‎3.A.words B.grammars ‎ C.pronunciations D.sentences 解析 根据第一段中的“writing words of eighthgrade”可知此处表示老师认为学生们能够并且将学会这些单词。‎ 答案 A ‎4.A.started B.ended C.warned D.reminded 解析 结合上下文可知此处是老师总结性的话,即老师最后说……故选end。‎ 答案 B ‎5.A.greatness B.wealth C.honor D.failure 解析 从后面的“maybe even be president someday”可知此处指将来某一天这个班中的某一个学生会成为伟大的人物(greatness)。wealth财富;honor荣誉;failure失败,均不符合语境。‎ 答案 A ‎6.A.Seldom B.Little C.Hardly D.Totally 解析 从后面的“did she know that someday one of her students—Jesse Jackson—would take them”可知当时这个老师并没有意识到自己的话对学生的影响,其中有一个学生杰克逊很认真地对待了她说的话。seldom很少,不常,表示否定意义,指频率,可以排除;little不多,稍微;hardly几乎不;totally全部地;只有little符合语境。‎ 答案 B ‎7.A.nervously B.eagerly C.seriously D.simply 解析 take sth seriously认真地对待某事,是固定搭配。‎ 答案 C ‎8.A.keep B.have C.set D.achieve 解析 根据前面的“She believed that if they were well prepared”可知她认为学生们只要做好准备,就一定会实现(achieve)他们的目标。keep保持;have拥有;set使处于。‎ 答案 D ‎9.A.prepared B.forced C.attracted D.tempted 解析 根据后一句中的“they only become what they are prepared to become”可知答案为A项。‎ 答案 A ‎10.A.proper B.exact C.legal D.true 解析 根据前面的“If that's true,then it is also”以及空格后面的“that they only become what they are prepared to become.”可知,此处指他们仅会成为准备成为的那样的人,这一点也是真实的(true)。proper恰当的;exact精确的;legal合法的,均不符合语境。‎ 答案 D ‎11.A.difficult B.significant C.pleasant D.interesting 解析 根据后面的“He__12__what he was doing was just not that important.”可知此处表示他想做一些比现在所做的更加有意义的事情,所以选B项。‎ 答案 B ‎12.A.boasted B.behaved C.felt D.looked 解析 他认为自己现在从事的事情不重要。feel认为,符合语境。‎ 答案 C ‎13.A.wish B.expect C.hope D.imagine 解析 前面的“want to”和后面的“I'd really like to”都是说明一些人的愿望。从这个空后面的had可知此处是一种虚拟的形式,所以不用hope,应用wish。‎ 答案 A ‎14.A.what B.when C.why D.how 解析 根据前面的“I'd really like to get a better job”可知此人想获得一份好的工作,但是不知道怎样获得。‎ 答案 D ‎15.A.survive B.happen C.gain D.win 解析 由后面的“that isn't happening”可知B正确。survive幸存;gain获得;win赢得,均不符合语境。‎ 答案 B ‎16.A.adventurous B.active C.ready D.intelligent 解析 由后句“Maybe you need more time to prepare before you are truly ready...”可知C项正确。adventurous冒险的;active积极的;intelligent聪明的。‎ 答案 C ‎17.A.concern B.arrange C.adore D.desire 解析 由下一段的“If you desire more from__19__”可知选D项。‎ 答案 D ‎18.A.prepare B.enjoy C.imagine D.conduct 解析 根据文章题目“Preparing for Tomorrow”及文章主旨可知此处选prepare。‎ 答案 A ‎19.A.history B.nature C.life D.marriage 解析 由第五段第一句“...with my life...”可知选C项。‎ 答案 C ‎20.A.suffer B.experience C.struggle D.work 解析 由此句句意“因为你只能经历你准备经历的。”可知B项正确。‎ 答案 B 短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写上该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。‎ A man was driving on the road.Suddenly his car stopped.He got out of the car tried to find out the trouble.“It's the motor.”said the voice behind him.He was surprising and turned around.But he saw only an old horse.“Did you say something?”he asked.“I said you should check yours motor,”the horse replied.The man rushed to the nearer house.With a very excited voice,he told the farmer had happened.The farmer,therefore,showed no sign of excitement.He explained.“He didn't know anything about cars.He can only repeat what I often say.”‎ 答案 A man was driving on the road.Suddenly his car stopped.He got out of the car to find out the trouble.“It's the motor.”said voice behind him.He was and turned around.But he saw only an old horse.“Did you say ?”he asked.“I said you ‎ should check motor,”the horse replied.The man rushed to the house. a very excited voice,he told the farmerhad happened.The farmer,,showed no sign of excitement.He explained,“He know anything about cars.He can only repeat what I often say.”‎ 书面表达 假如你是李华,最近你的美国友Bob看到成都共享单车(shared-bike)非常流行但是也有各种乱象的新闻来e-mail询问你成都共享单车的现状。你给他写一封回信,介绍共享单车并分享你的看法,回信包含以下要点:‎ ‎1.共享单车的好处(两点) 2.共享单车的乱象(两种) 3.你对共享单车的看法 注意:1词数100左右 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文流畅。‎ ‎  3.开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Bob,‎ How’s everything going? In your last letter you were asking about the current situation of the Bike-sharing Program in Chengdu._________________________________________________‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 参考答案 Dear Bob,‎ ‎  How’s everything going? In your last letter you were asking about the current situation of the Bike-sharing Program in Chengdu. I’m writing to tell you something about it and share some of my ideas with you.‎ ‎  Undoubtedly, the Bike-sharing Program can bring lots of benefits. To begin with, riding a bike is not only economic but also time-saving, especially when your destination is not far away. What’s more, the program makes contributions to reducing air pollution. ‎ ‎  However, there is also some disturbing news connected with it. Some shared-bikes are parked everywhere, making the city roads messy and dangerous. Worse still, some shared-bikes have been damaged, stolen or even burnt.‎ ‎  As far as I’m concerned, as long as people park the bikes in the right places and obey the traffic rules, I’m definitely in favor of such a program. What do you think?‎ I’m looking forward to hearing from you.‎

