人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 9

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人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 9

1 人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题 Unit 9 第二卷 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项填空(共10 小题,每小题 1 分,共10 分) 21.—Gina, could you please play thedrums on theart festival? —____. I can only play the guitar. A.I'm afraid I can't B.Yes, I can C. Sure, I'd love to D. Not bad 22. —Hi, Jack.Would you liketo cometo my birthday party next Friday? —I'd love to, but I'm not ____. I'm leaving for Beijing onthat day. A.believable B.enjoyable C. available D. comfortable 23.—Do you often ____ yourpenfriend? —Yes,quite often.We often talk about ourschool lives in theletters. A.agreewith B.look for C. hear from D. preparefor 24. —Is Frank going to the____? —No. Hedoesn't likemusic. A.park B. cinema C.hospital D. concert 25. —WuDajing won thefirst goldmedal for our country inShortTrackSpeed SkatingWorld Cup(短道速滑世界杯) on November 4th, 2019. —Amazing!He can't makesuch a success ____ lots of practice. A.with B. without C.outside D. inside 26.They didn't go home____ they finished theirwork. A.because B. when C.until D. if 27.I'm ____ that they invited meto their party becauseI don't knowthem well. A.interested B.interesting C. surprised D. surprising 28.—What are youdoing? —I am ____ my trip toLondon. 2 A.preparing for B.caring about C. finding out D. making up 29.—It is said that the highspeed railway will beopen by theend of November. —Yes.Then it will take less than one hourto travel from Fuyang to Hefei. I'm ____ having a try. A.preparing for B.looking forward to C. hanging out D. looking after 30.—Linda, why not takea walk afterdinner? —OK.____. A.You're wrong B.Catch you then C.That's it D. I think so 六、完形填空(共20 小题,每小题 1 分,共20 分) A Along time ago, there was a garden. Many vegetables grewinthe garden.And there was a big __31__ near thevegetables. The vegetables and thebig tree didn't like each other.The vegetables drank a lotof water, so the tree __32__ drinkenough water.The bigtree looked at thevegetables __33__, andhe decided toteach thevegetables a lesson. Ona summer day,the __34__ was shining in the sky.Thetree decided not to share his shadow(阴影) withthe vegetables. It madethe vegetables very hot.There was not enough waterto__35__,so they soon becamevery dry and ugly. __36__ that time, thegardenercame tosee these vegetables. Hewas verysad, __37__ almost all the vegetables weredry.Then he decided tobuild a newgarden. It__38__ the gardenertoo much timeto build the new garden. He was so __39__ that he couldn'ttake care ofthe old garden. __40__ thebig tree and thevegetables felt verythirsty.The big tree felt very regretful (后悔的), because he chose a wrong way to teach thevegetables a lesson. 31.A.river B. flower C.tree D. mountain 32.A.can't B. shouldn't C.mustn't D. couldn't 33.A.happily B. angrily C.kindly D. quickly 3 34.A.sun B. moon C.earth D. star 35.A.eat B. wash C.water D. drink 36.A.At B. In C.On D.With 37.A.while B. unless C.although D. because 38.A.took B. spent C.cost D. paid 39.A.kind B. busy C.lazy D. free 40.A.Either B.All C.Both D. None B DearLisa, How are you? I'm going to have a birthday party next Fridayat my house. Can you come tomyparty? It will be very__41__! Lots of people from our school willcome.You __42__ someof them-they arePetra, Karl, Marco and Rob. I'm sure it will be exciting to talkand play __43__ them.If youcan come, could you bring somedelicious food? My__44__ is just behind our school, and it's next to a park. I think youcan find it __45__. Youwon't miss it. I'm looking forwardto yourreply. I __46__ you can come. See you soon. Yours, Nick DearNick, Thanks for your __47__. I'd like to go toyourparty, __48__I'm sorry I can't. I'm not __49__ that day. Myfamily will takea trip to Beijing nextThursday tosee my grandparents. However, I will prepare somedelicious food for __50__ onWednesday and ask my uncleto bring it toyou on Friday.Also, I'll senda birthday gift to you from Beijing. Yours, Lisa 41.A.useful B.cheap C. interesting D. difficult 42.A.know B.help C.believe D. serve 43.A.from B.over C.into D. with 44.A.hotel B.house C.office D. shop 45.A.easily B.seriously C.quietly D. slowly 4 46.A.forget B.decide C.hope D. show 47.A.prediction B.invitation C. program D. result 48.A.so B.or C.and D. but 49.A.available B.healthy C.lucky D. tired 50.A.me B.you C.him D. her 七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5 小题,每小题 1 分,共5 分) A:Today is Sue's birthday. 51.________ B: Me,too.Whatshould we giveher? A:She likes reading books. 52. ________ B: I think she also loves cakes.53. ________ A:But hersister will makea cake for her. B: OK. Let's go shopping and buy a book for her. A:54. ________ B:Yes, shewill. A:55. ____ B:At her home. 八、阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题 2 分,共40 分) A If anAmerican friend invites you to his orherhome for dinner, keep in mind these important rules. First of all, arrive on time(but not early).Americans expect promptness. It's OKto be ten or fifteen minutes latebut not fortyfive minutes late. Second, it is polite tobring a small gift. Flowers or candies arealways good. If you take a special gift that is made in your own country, yourfriend will certainly enjoyaccepting that. Wearing beautiful clothes and a smile is good but not enough.Tablemanners arealso very important. Do not open your mouth totalk when you areeating food.Also, chewfood with yourmouth closed.When you want to get food that is a little far fromyou, do not stretch your hands toreach for it.Ask others topass thefood to you. Afterdinner, don't leave atonce, but don't stay at yourfriend's house for toolong, either. A.Where will shehave the party? B. Let's make a cakefor her. C. I want to givehera birthday present. D.Willshe have a birthday party this evening? E.When is her birthday? F. How about buying her a book? G. Let's buy someflowers for her. 5 Whenyourfriend seems to begetting tired, tell him orherthat you needtoleave.The next day, callor write to say howmuchyou enjoyed theevening. 56.When you go toanAmerican friend's home for dinner, it is OKto arrive ____. A.fifteen minutes early B. five minutes early C. ten minutes late D.fortyfive minutes late 57.Which of thefollowing is acceptable inAmerican culture? A.Talking with others when youareeating food. B. Bringing candies whenyou visit their homes. C. Leaving their houses atonce after dinner. D.Eating food with your mouth open. 58.What does theunderlined word“stretch”in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese? A. 举起 B. 清洗 C. 伸出 D. 摆动 59.How many table manners arementioned in the passage? A.Two. B.Three. C. Four. D. Five. B How do you have a birthday party that you'll neverforget? Here aresomesuggestions to help you. Choose a suitable theme(合适的主题). Think about the age, interests and hobbies of your friends! Then choose a theme that is suitable for them! Plan first. Get your friend list (名单) and make your invitations out at least one week earlier than the party. Then you'll know how many people will come and decide on the best place to hold your group. Download a song by the family party song singers. There are many websites (网站) of songs on the Internet. Decorate (装饰) the party. Try to get something new about your theme. For example, a large box can become a doghouse for a dog party. Make sure the food is about your theme. Keep your friends happy. Games always seem to be the favorite of the party! There are some great websites where you can find some special activities. 6 60.If you want to havea birthday party, what should youdo a week earlierthan the party? ①Make a list of yourfriends. ②Use a large box to make a doghouse. ③Prepare some interesting activities. ④Send yourinvitations to yourfriends. A. ① ② B. ② ③ C. ① ④ D. ③ ④ 61.What does theunderlined word “Download” mean inChinese? A. 下载 B. 录音 C. 摄影 D. 制片 62.Which of thefollowing isTRUE according tothepassage? A.Choose a good themeaccording to your own interests andhobbies. B.You'll know howmanypeople will comeif youmake a plan. C. It's necessary foryou to decoratethe party with somebeautiful flowers. D.You'd better prepareyour favoritefood and drink. 63.What's themain idea of thepassage? A.Choosing a themefor a birthday party is important. B. Making a plan for a birthday party is necessary. C. How to decorate a birthday party. D.Howto have a special birthday party. C Europe is a great placefor traveling. But beforeyou go there for a visit, you should know something about theweatherfirst. The highseason in Europe is fromJune toAugust.Theweather is quite nice.There probably won't bemuch rain and the temperatures are very comfortable. It's usually sunny all dayand it doesn't get dark until about 9: 30 p. m. —10: 30 p. m.And thefarthernorth yougo, thelonger thedays get. Sometimes thetemperature can be veryhigh.You might needto take an umbrella and wear a sunscreen (防晒霜).Europe maybe toopopular insummer. Sometimes youhave tostand in line for hours to buy tickets or have dinner. BringTshirts, shorts and dresses so that you can feel a littlecooler inthe crowd. If you don't liketo stay with somany travelers, wintermay be a good season for you.There 7 arevery fewvisitors at that time. Hotels andplane ticketsmight be cheaper, too. However, it can be really cold during the wintertime. Daysare short and it starts getting dark pretty early.And it's rainy mostof the days. Soan umbrella is very useful.You might also need tobring some warm clothes and dresses. Much ofWestern (西部的) Europedoesn't get much snow. Butwhen it does, you might fall in love with the beautiful place at once. 64.What don't you have to takeif you go toEurope inJuly? A.Anumbrella. B.Warm dresses. C. Shorts. D.Tshirts. 65.What's theadvantage ofvisiting Europe inwinter? A.Nice weather and comfortable temperatures. B. Beautiful snowand longerplaytime. C. Comfortable hotelsand cheaperplane tickets. D.Fewer travelers andless waiting time. 66.Which of thefollowing isTRUE about Europe? A.Daysget dark very latein the highseason. B. It always snows inwinter inWestern Europe. C. Hotels and tickets for planes arecheaper in summer. D.Umbrellas and thick clothes are a must all yearround inEurope. 67.Where might you find thearticle? A.In a weather report. B. In a guidebook. C. In a history book. D.On a TVprogram about hotels. D During my first two weeksat the University of California, Berkeley, I experienced some unexpected, funny, and sometimes embarrassing situations.Allowme to share some with you. But first, let me giveadvice to other foreign students who plan to study in the United States. Check the weather before coming! I was very surethat California was sunny all yearround so I left all my jackets andsweaters inParis. It was a huge mistake! It rained almost everyday during thefirst weekin Berkeley. 8 I have tosay that I quickly forgot theseunlucky events. Life in Berkeley is very pleasant andeverything is so easy. Forexample, in only 24 hours I bought a mobile phone and rented a flat.What's more, almost all theshops areopen on Sunday. The first thing that surprised me is that students may come lateto class.They freely enter andleave the classroom many times during class. In France, students respect the teacher's lesson, so they are neverlateand they leave the classroom only at theendof the class. The local peoplein California arein general very nice, open andactive. However, I am not totally used to their habitsyet. Indeed, I was used to shaking my friends' hands every day in France.During my second day at Berkeley, I shook the hand ofone of my classmates whom I hadmet theday beforeandhe told me, “I think we already met!” I live a great experience at present, andI would just encourageanystudent to become a memberin a program at UC, Berkeley. 68.The writer comes from ____. A.Japan B.China C. England D. France 69.The writer madea hugemistake because ____. A.he didn't check the weatherbefore coming B. the weatherin California was changeable C. he brought a lot of clotheswith him D.he didn't take a mobile phone 70.When the writer's classmate said “I think wealready met!”, hemeant ____. A.they wereold friends B.Americans needn't shakehands when they meet again C. he was not used to shaking hands with others D.thewriter might forget about their lastmeeting 71.We can learn that ____ according tothe passage. A.Californiais sunny all yearround B. students inAmerica are never latefor class C. life in Berkeley is enjoyable for thewriter D.peopleinCalifornia arenot sofriendly 9 72.According tothe passage, the writermainly wants to tellus ____. A.his experienceat UC, Berkeley B. the relationship between classmates C. his advice on studying abroad D.thedifference in attending a class 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求) E Doyou knowhow towritea thankyou note? Maybe this article can help you. Greet(问候) the Giver That's theeasy part, but you will be surprised howmany peopleforget it. Dale Carnegie taughtus that peoplelove toheartheir own names andlove toread them in ink (墨水). Even if yourhandwriting is poor, you must still write yournoteby hand. ShowYourThanks The first paragraph(段落) seems as ifit would be the easiest. Infact, it's themost difficult. Becareful with thewriting strategy (策略).You'd betteruse thepresent perfect tense(现在完成 时),which means what you write is happening at the moment. Discuss Use Say something nice about the thing and howyou'll useit. Let's say it's something you love anduse all the time. Butdon't lie,even though someetiquette (礼仪) books may tell you it's okay.If thegift is money, write howyou will use themoney, “It will be a great help when we buyour new house. ” BePolite(礼貌的) It's politeto say thanks again. So say it. GiveYourRegards(致意) Use anyword that works for you such as“Love”,“YoursTruly”,and “With Love”. Then don't forget to write down yourname. 73.What's themost difficult part in a thankyou note?(不超过 5 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 74.Why do you use thepresent perfect tensein a thankyou note?(不超过 15 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 10 75.What's thepassage mainly about?(不超过10 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 九、单词拼写(共5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 76.We plan tobuy a newmachine to p________(打印) photos. 77.I don't want to takee__________(考试) any more. I am afraid of them. 78.Be careful!There's lots of g__________ (胶水) on thedesk. 79.My friend Lily didn't r________(答复) to my letter, so I'm very sad. 80.With all her efforts (努力), thechildren finally a______(接受) her as one of the family. 十、书面表达(共20 分) 下周六(12 月 21 日)是你们学校的美食节。假如你是王琳,请根据下面的提示向 你的好朋友Tina 发一个邀请函,请她来参加美食节。 提示: 1. 举办美食节是为贫穷的孩子筹钱(raise money); 2. 美食节开幕式上午 10:00 在学校大厅举行; 3. 每位宾客可得到免费的饮料和一朵花; 4. 请于 12 月 14 日前书面回复本邀请函。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 五、21. A 22. C 解析:句意:“——你好,杰克。下周五你愿意来参加我的生日聚会 吗?”“——我想参加,但是我没有______。那一天,我要去北京。” believable 可信的;enjoyable 令人愉快的;available 有空的;comfortable 舒服的。根据句意,可知选 C。 23. C 24. D 25. B 26~30:CCABB 六、A)31~35:CDBAD 36~40:ADABC B)41~45:CADBA 46~50:CBDAB 七、51~55:CFBDA 11 八、A)56~59:CBCB B)60~63:CABD C)64~67:BDAB D)68~72:DABCA E)73. The first paragraph. 74. Because it means what you write is happening at the moment. 75. How to write a thankyou note. 九、76. print 77. exams 78. glue 79. reply 80. accepted 十、One possible version: Dear Tina, I would like to invite you to the opening of our school food festival. The opening will be at 10:00 a. m. on Saturday, December 21st in our school hall. We will cook much delicious food for sale to raise money for the poor children. Every guest will get free drinks and a flower. Please reply to this invitation in writing by Saturday, December 14th. Yours, Wang Lin

