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‎2017河南中考英语冲刺试卷(四)‎ 姓名____________ 分数__________‎ 一、听力 第一节 ‎( )1. What will the man do on Saturday? A. go to the zoo B. go to the beach C. go shopping with Tom ‎( )2. What’s the man’s favorite sport? A. volleyball B. baseball C. football ‎( )3. Where might the two speakers be? A. at home B. at a supermarket C. at a restaurant ‎( )4. How many people were in the car when the accident happened? A. one B. two C. three ‎( )5. What season might it be now? A. summer B. autumn C. spring 第二节 ‎( )6. Where are the two speakers? A. in a park B. on a bus C. in a bank ‎( )7. How much should the man pay? A. 45 cents B. 30 cents C. 15 cents ‎( )8. Which bus will the man probably take after this one? A. No. 6 B. No. 10 C. No. 16‎ ‎( )9. Which language does the man want to learn? A. German B. French C. Japanese ‎( )10. Who wants to learn Chinese? A. Tim B. Jack C. Lucy ‎( )11. How many students went to the old people’s home last week? A. three B. four C. five ‎( )12. How did they go there? A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot ‎( )13. How long did it take them to get there? A. 15 minutes B. 45 minutes C. 35 minutes ‎( )14. What’s the woman going to do this evening?‎ ‎ A. go to a party B. visit her mother C. do some shopping ‎( )15. What does the man advise the woman to do in the end?‎ ‎ A. buy a handbag B. buy a shirt C. wear a pair of earrings 第三节 ‎ ‎ ‎ A B C D E Alice Tom Lucy Sam Alex ‎16.___________‎ ‎17.__________‎ ‎18.___________‎ ‎19.___________‎ ‎20.____________‎ 二、单项选择 ‎( )21. —Every student wants to be _______ useful person..‎ ‎ —Yes. And everyone is trying to make _______ dream come true.. ‎ ‎ A. a, the B. an, the C. the, a D. an, a ‎( )22. It is reported that a red car was out of ________ and hit a tree.‎ ‎ A. danger B. breath C. control D. practice ‎( )23. Everyone should do ________ for others. Helping others is helping ourselves.‎ ‎ A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing ‎( )24. I will see what I can do, but I can’t _________ anything.‎ ‎ A. plan B. prepare C. promise D. protect ‎( )25. How do you come to school every day, by bus or by underground?‎ ‎ ——By underground. It’s much _________.‎ ‎ A. quick B. quicker C. quickest D. the quickest ‎( )26.——How can we remember the poem?‎ ‎ ——Understand it and review it often _________ forgetting it all.‎ ‎ A. before B. after C. with D. by ‎( )27. Cathy says that the meeting _________ begin at 10 o’clock, but she is not sure.‎ ‎ A. may B. must C. need D. should ‎( )28. My uncle ________ in England for ten years before moving to Italy.‎ ‎ A. lives B. was living C. has lived D. lived ‎( )29. You know, life is short but wonderful! _______ to enjoy it!‎ ‎ A. Try B. Trying C. To try D. Tried ‎( )30. You won’t fail ______ you give up. ——OK, I will go on doing it.‎ ‎ A. until B. unless C. if D. though ‎( )31. What a nice picture! ——Well, it _________ in Beijing. We had a good time there.‎ ‎ A. took B. was taking C. was taken D. is taken ‎( )32. We should thank those_________ often help us when we are in trouble.‎ ‎ A. who B. what C. which D. whom ‎( )33. ——Jim, why are you late?‎ ‎ ——I _________ the road when an old man fell on the ground. So I went to help him.‎ ‎ A. crossed B. was crossing C. am crossing D. cross ‎( )34. ——What a mess! Your clothes are everywhere.‎ ‎ ——Sorry Mum. I will ______ them ______ right now.‎ ‎ A. put, away B. put, on C. put, up D. put, down ‎( )35. ——Could you tell me______________________?‎ ‎ —— Well, it left an hour ago.‎ ‎ A. when the train will leave B. when will the train leave ‎ C. when did the train leave D. when the train left 三、完形填空 Once I had a good friend. We grew to be very close. One day when we were sitting by the river, she filled her palm(手掌) with some water and 36 it before me, and said this: ‎ ‎“You see this water 37 contained on my hand? It’s like 38 . As long as you keep your hand 39 and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, 40 you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess(拥有) it, it will spill (溢出)through the fingers.”‎ This is the greatest 41 that people do when they meet love… They try to possess it, they demand, they expect… and just 42 the water spilling out of your hand, love will die in your life.  For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature. ‎ If you have people you love, 43 them to be free. Give and don't expect. Advise, but don't order. Ask, but 44 demand. It might sound 45 , but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true Love. ‎ ‎( )36. A. put B. took C. gave D. held ‎( )37. A. politely B. carefully C. slowly D. quickly ‎( )38. A. love B. beauty C. happiness D. sadness ‎( )39. A. open B. dirty C. closed D. clean ‎( )40. A. since B. if C. though D. until ‎( )41. A. decision B. mistake C. choice D. change ‎( )42. A. from B. by C. like D. under ‎( )43. A. ask B. tell C. wish D. allow ‎( )44. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. usually ‎( )45. A. happy B. sad C. simple D. difficult ‎ 四、阅读理解。‎ A There lived in South Carolina a young woman named Eliza Lucas. Her father was the leader of one of the islands of the West Indies. Miss Lucas often got seeds (种子) from her father, and then she planted them in South Carolina.‎ Once, her father sent her some seeds of the indigo plant(槐蓝属植物). She planted some of these in March, but a frost (霜冻) came and killed all plants. However, she decided to plant some more seeds in April. These grew very well until a cutworm(地老虎) found them and ate her plants. Once more Miss Lucas planted some of the seeds. This time the plants grew very well. She wrote to her father about it. He sent her a man who knew how to get the indigo out of the plant.‎ However, the man tried not to show Miss Lucas how to make the indigo. He did not want the people in the South Carolina to learn how to make. He was afraid his own people would not get so much money for their indigo if other people made it as well. So he destroyed the indigo on purpose. But Miss Lucas watched him closely. She found out how the indigo could be made. Some of her father’s land in South Carolina was now planted with indigo plant.‎ Then Miss Lucas got married, and became Mrs. Pinckney. Her father gave her all the indigo growing on his land in South Carolina. After a few years, South Carolina was producing more than a million pounds of indigo every year. Many people got rich from it, and it was all because Miss Lucas did not give up.‎ ‎( )46. The indigo plant died at first because of ___________.‎ A. a frost         B. a cutworm         C. heavy rain        D. strong sunlight ‎( )47. The man Miss Lucas’s father sent to help her ___________.‎ A. knew little about planting seeds          B. was not as helpful as she expected ‎ C. helped her a lot in making the indigo      D. made a lot of money in South Carolina ‎( )48. What might be people’s attitude toward Eliza Lucas in South Carolina?‎ A. They were afraid of her.        B. They were thankful to her.‎ C. They were doubtful of her.       D. They were worried about her.‎ ‎( )49. What does the underline phrase “on purpose” mean?‎ A. 礼貌地        B. 故意地          C. 耐心地     D. 认真地 ‎( )50. What’s the main idea of the text?‎ A. Eliza Lucas learned to plant seeds. B. Eliza Lucas became Mrs. Pinckney.‎ C. Eliza Lucas introduced indigo to South Carolina. D. Eliza Lucas got her father’s land in South Carolina.‎ B Do you always have tired eyes?‎ Some people don’t wish to waste even a second at work. Looking at a computer screen for a long time can cause stress to one’s eyes. Bookworms love reading and they will make sure they read much more than their bodies can deal with. More salt-based junk food like hamburgers, pizzas, etc. and less water also play a role in causing tired eyes. Junk food is also a cause of tired eyes for it doesn’t have enough vitamins. Less sleep causes the eyes to become heavy. Dark circles will also develop if one doesn’t get enough sleep over a period of time.‎ If not treated in time, the conditions can become worse. Here are some ways to relieve the tired eye conditions.‎ Every hour during your day at work, spend a minute relaxing your eyes. Look away from your computer screen and roll your eyes in all directions. Try to blink(眨眼) more often. Look around the room or close your eyes for a minute if you want and then work again. Tea helps relieve tired eyes. Make a cup of hot black tea and pour it into a glass. Hold the glass close to your eyes so that the vapor(蒸汽) from the tea can reach your eyes. This will also make you feel fresh.‎ If your eyes feel very tired at work, go to the washroom and wash your face with cool water. The cold water will help relieve the tired feeling. Do this every hour during work and your eyes will feel better. ‎ ‎( )51. Why does junk food cause tired eyes?‎ ‎ A. Because it has little salt. B. Because it has too much sugar.‎ ‎ C. Because it doesn’t have enough vitamins. D. Because it has less water.‎ ‎( )52. What will happen if one doesn’t have enough sleep?‎ ‎ A. He will get up late B. He won’t see clearly ‎ C. His eyes will become heavy D. He will put on weight.‎ ‎( )53. According to the text, we can’t relieve the tired eye conditions by_____________.‎ ‎ A. eating more food like hamburgers and pizzas B. rolling our eyes in all directions ‎ C. holding a glass of hot tea close to our eyes D. washing our face with cool water ‎( )54. Which of the following is not true?‎ ‎ A. Looking at a computer screen for a long time is harmful to your eyes.‎ ‎ B. Blinking more often is useless to help relieve tired eye conditions.‎ ‎ C. When the vapor from the tea reaches your eyes, it can make you feel fresh.‎ ‎ D. Dark circles will develop if you don’t get enough sleep over a period of time.‎ ‎( )55. What is the text mainly about?‎ ‎ A. health B. reading C. eating D. travelling C The California State Railroad Museum (CSRM) in Old Sacramento totals 100,000 square feet. Completed at a cost of $16.1 million, the museum opened in May 1981. It houses 21 old locomotives (火车头) and cars, some dating back to 1862. Here, visitors can learn a lot about railroad history in California and the West in America.‎ Hours & Tickets The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (except on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day). Tickets are sold until 4:30 p.m. $12 adults; $6 youths aged between 6 and 17 and children aged 5 and under are free.‎ Parking A small number of metered parking spaces are available on the streets of Old Sacramento. However, these spaces are not for guests visiting longer than 90 minutes. All-day parking is available in large public garages at the north entrance to Old Sacramento.‎ Food Service The Silver Palace Restaurant in the Central Pacific Railroad Passenger Station serves good food at the right prices. It is just one block southwest of the main entrance to the museum. There are many other restaurants throughout Old Sacramento.‎ Other Offerings Guided tours and films about the museum are offered daily. There are many other chances at the museums, too, including some historical attractions (景点) within Old Sacramento State Historic Park. ( )56. What can we learn about CSRM?‎ ‎  A. It has a history of 154 years.         B. It has some old locomotives.‎ ‎  C. It totals 10000 square feet.        D. It cost up to $15 million to build it.‎ ‎( )57. If a 11-year-old boy visits the museum with his parents, they should pay ________.‎ ‎   A. $12 B. $24 C. $30 D. $36‎ ‎( )58. You can go to the museum during the following hours except___________.‎ ‎ A. 11 am on Monday B. 4:30 pm on Saturday ‎ C. 1:00 pm on Sunday D. 11:10 am on Saturday ‎ ‎( )59. Which of the following about the Silver Palace Restaurant is true?‎ ‎ A. It’s not far from the museum B. Its food is quite expensive ‎ ‎ C. It’s the only restaurant throughout Old Sacramento D. Its food is not delicious ‎( )60. Which offering can tourists get according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. free ride in the old locomotives B. small presents from the museum ‎ ‎ C. guided tour and films about the museum D. parking spaces in front of the Silver Palace Restaurant D Sleep advice for kids of all ages It’s important for each child to get enough sleep every day. Here, we’ll learn more about that.‎ How much sleep does a child need?‎ ‎61.________ Newborns of 0 to 3 months old should sleep 10 to 18 hours a day. Babies of 4 to 11 months old should start to sleep through the night, for 9 to 12 hour at a time. Toddlers(初学走路的孩子) of 1 to 2 need about 11 to 14 hours a day. 62.________ Kids of 6 to 13 need 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Teenagers of 14 and over need 8 to 10 hours of sleep.‎ What can parents do?‎ ‎63._________Younger children should take a short sleep during the day. Even older children can benefit from late-afternoon naps if they are not getting enough sleep at night. But keep them short —30 minutes at most.‎ Pay attention to screen time. Remember to ask your child to turn off the television and the computer an hour before going to bed. 64._________ You know the light from electronic screens make sleep a difficult job.‎ ‎65._________ Exercise during the day helps children sleep better at night. Running around and playing sports are great, but kids can be active in other ways, too.‎ A. If possible, get them out of your child’s bedroom.‎ B. It usually depends on his or her age.‎ C. Children of 3 to 5 should get 11 to 13 hours a night.‎ D. Set a strict nap(小睡) timetable.‎ E. Get them moving.‎ 五、词语运用 thank from start if unless happy they give after good share before Life is short and we never know what will happen. So the important way to live is to follow your heart and live 66.______________ . The following can help us get what we want easily.‎ To be 67._____________ for life should come first. And enjoy life with all its ups and downs. When life 68.___________ you lemons, sit down and make lemonade. Be thankful because someone else may be in a worse situation, and unable to make 69._______________ own lemonade. In other words, take difficulties and try your 70.__________ to get out of the situations. When good things come your way, 71.____________ with others but don’t ask for anything. There is nothing better than the feeling 72._________ helping others.‎ Love your parents and love with all your heart. Love everyone in your life. 73.___________ we all start this now, Love will come to every place of the world. In our lifetime, we can see a better world. But it has to 74._______________with learning to love ourselves first. Make time to enjoy the love 75._____________ the people around you. But most important, enjoy life and love others.‎ 六、补全对话 A: You look happy. 76.________________________________________________?‎ B: Our math teacher will be away for two months.‎ A: Really? 77._______________________________________________? ‎ B: He will go to Xinjiang. ‎ A: 78._________________________________________? To go sightseeing?‎ B: No, he is going to teach the children there. My math teacher is very helpful. I will miss him very much.‎ A: 79.______________________________________________?‎ B: I hear a woman teacher is coming to teach us.‎ A: Do you know much about your new teacher?‎ B: No. 80._______________________________________. I only know she will teach us math.‎ A: Don’t worry. I’m sure she will be a good teacher.‎ B: I hope so.‎

