英语高中专题高考英语大一轮复习语法专题讲析专题二 冠词

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英语高中专题高考英语大一轮复习语法专题讲析专题二 冠词

专题二 冠词 考点一 不定冠词 ‎①[2016·浙江]The prize for the winner of the competition is a two-week holiday in Paris.‎ 这次比赛获胜者的奖项是巴黎两周游。‎ ‎②[2015·重庆]I just heard the bank where Dora works was robbed by a gunman wearing a mask.‎ 我刚听说Dora工作的那家银行遭到了一名戴面具的持枪人的抢劫。‎ ‎③[2017·安徽六校高三检测]—Excuse me,is there a Mr Tailor living in the neighborhood?There is a parcel for him.‎ ‎—Sorry,but there is no such person here.‎ ‎——劳驾,这个居民区住着一位名叫Tailor的先生吗?这里有他的包裹。‎ ‎——对不起,这儿没有这么一个人。‎ 考点总结 不定冠词a/an的用法 ‎1.单数可数名词前用不定冠词a/an表示泛指,泛指某一人或某一物。‎ ‎2.表示某种身份、职业、地位、国籍。‎ ‎3.用在人名或时间名词前表示不确定的某个人或某个时间;用在人名前还可表示与某人有类似性质的人。‎ ‎4.不定冠词用在序数词前不表示排序,而表示“再一,又一”。‎ ‎5.表示单位时间内的频度,含有“每”的概念。‎ 考点二 定冠词 ‎①[2015·陕西]The more learned a man is,the more modest he usually becomes.‎ 一个人学识越渊博,他通常就会越谦逊。‎ ‎②—Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?‎ ‎—Yes,as you know,the party went on in a pleasant atmosphere.‎ ‎——你昨天玩得开心吗?‎ ‎——是的,正如你所知,晚会是在愉快的气氛中进行的。‎ ‎③[2017·山东临沂一中检测]I don't know who invented the iPhone,but I think ‎ it is a useful invention.‎ 我不知道是谁发明了iPhone,但是我认为它是一个有用的发明。‎ 考点总结 定冠词the的用法 ‎1.用在名词前表示特指。‎ ‎2.用在世界上独一无二的人或物、自然现象、发明物之前。‎ ‎3.用在序数词和最高级前。‎ ‎4.用于集合名词、物质名词和某些专有名词前。‎ ‎5.用在表示计量的名词前,如by the hour,by the dozen等,但若名词为抽象名词则不加冠词,如by weight,by height等。‎ ‎6.用于表示某世纪、年代、时期或朝代的名词前。如:in the 1980s。‎ ‎7.用于表示方位、西洋乐器等名词前。‎ ‎8.用于固定搭配中。‎ 考点三 零冠词 ‎①He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth.‎ 他下班回家,会问他的孩子们是否刷了牙。‎ ‎②A year can be divided into four seasons—spring,summer,autumn and winter.‎ 一年可以分为四季——春、夏、秋、冬。‎ ‎③Clever boy as he is,he can't solve such a difficult problem.‎ 尽管他是个聪明的孩子,但无法解决这么难的问题。‎ ‎④Consider that most famous economic rule of all: there's no such thing as a free lunch.‎ 想一下那条最著名的经济规则:天下没有免费的午餐。‎ ‎⑤It's generally acknowledged that music can bring people pleasure.‎ 普遍认为音乐能给人们带来乐趣。‎ 零冠词的用法 ‎1.不可数名词、复数名词表泛指,用零冠词。‎ ‎2.称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职务的名词作表语、补足语或同位语时,不加冠词。‎ ‎3.月、季、星期、节假、洲前;三餐、球类、惯用语前;学科、棋类名词前,用零冠词。‎ ‎4.as/though引导的让步状语从句中,如果作表语的名词置于句首,名词前不用冠词。‎ ‎5.no与such连用时应放在such之前,such后的名词不用冠词。‎ ‎6.高考中常见的纯不可数名词,不能与不定冠词连用。这些词有baggage,luggage,furniture,health,weather,fun,space(太空),advice,word(=news),progress,information,luck,wealth(财产)等。‎ 考点总结 ‎◆冠词与语法填空 冠词是位于名词之前,说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词,它不能离开名词而单独存在。语法填空中,重点考查冠词的基本用法。另外冠词活用及习惯搭配是考查难点。‎ ‎[典题试做1]‎ 在空白处填入适当的冠词 ‎1.[2016·全国Ⅰ]The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed,________other is with mum—she never suspects.‎ ‎2.[2016·全国Ⅱ]Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for________while,exercising,or doing something you enjoy.‎ ‎3.[2015·全国Ⅱ]The adobe dwellings (土坯房) built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even ________ most modern of architects and engineers.‎ ‎4.[2015·广东]He owned ________ farm,which looked almost abandoned.‎ 答案:1.the 2.a 3.the 4.a ‎[应对策略1]‎ 在名词或“形容词+名词”前缺少限定词时,要考虑冠词。不定冠词a/an表示泛指,可译作“一个/本/座/……”等;定冠词the表示特指,相当于“‎ 这,这些,那,那些”。另外要注意:特指上文出现的或谈话双方心目中知道的人或事物用the;在序数词、最高级、独一无二的事物名词之前用the。‎ ‎◆冠词与短文改错 在短文改错中对于冠词的考查常涉及漏掉冠词、冠词错用与冠词多余这三种情况。‎ ‎[典题试做2]‎ 单句改错(每小题1处错误)‎ ‎1.[2016·全国Ⅰ]My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in the short period of time.________‎ ‎2.[2016·全国Ⅱ]But in that case,we will learn little about world.________‎ ‎3.[2016·全国Ⅲ]At the first,I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself.________‎ ‎4.[2016·四川]I asked Mom to stay in the sitting room and I cooked in kitchen.________‎ 答案:1.the→a 2.world前加the 3.去掉the 4.kitchen前加the ‎[应对策略2]‎ 判断冠词的方法:‎ ‎(1)根据泛指和特指。若泛指“一个”,再根据单词的第一个音素来判定用a还是an;若特指,用the。‎ ‎(2)根据固定搭配。注意固定搭配中不能多用或少用冠词。‎ ‎◆书面表达中冠词易错点聚焦 由于受到汉语的干扰,疏漏冠词是我们中国学生在写作中的常见错误类型之一。存在误区有以下几种:‎ ‎1.对抽象名词具体化的应用判断失误。‎ ‎(误)The Christmas evening party was success.‎ ‎(正)The Christmas evening party was a_success.‎ ‎2.冠词在一些固定结构中的误用。‎ ‎(误)Mrs. Taylor has an eight-year-old daughter who has the gift for painting—she has won two national prizes.‎ ‎(正)Mrs.Taylor has an eight-year-old daughter who has a gift for ‎ painting—she has won two national prizes.‎ ‎(误)Our teacher is kind to us and he often has words with us.‎ ‎(正)Our teacher is kind to us and he often has a_word with us.‎ ‎3.冠词表示类别和不用冠词时的易错点。‎ ‎(误)In many places in China,a bicycle is still the popular means of transportation.‎ ‎(正)In many places in China,the bicycle is still the popular means of transportation.‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.[2017·江西红色七校一联]As he approached the bridge,the sound got louder and then he saw________pitiful sight.‎ ‎2.[2017·山东下学期综合测试Ⅱ]Recently when he took________look at his collection of books,he discovered the old book borrowed 61 years ago.‎ ‎3.[2017·山东烟台3月诊断]But a parent of another child came up with________even better idea—getting the whole class to learn sign language along with Zejd.‎ ‎4.[2017·安徽芜湖、马鞍山一检]Most seriously,relying on smartphones to make friends does not give us________same advantage as making new friends in the real world.‎ ‎5.[2017·江西师大附中、鹰潭一中4月联考]For your generation to live in________better world,there is so much more our generation can do.‎ 答案:1.a 解析:句意:他快到那座桥时,声音变得更大了。然后他看到了一片凄惨的景象。设空处后的名词sight作“景象,情景”讲时,为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故与不定冠词连用。‎ ‎2.a 解析:句意:最近,当他查看他的藏书时,他发现了那本61年前借的旧书。“take a look(at...)”为固定短语,意为“看一看”。‎ ‎3.an 解析:句意:但是,另外一位孩子的家长想出了一个甚至更好的主意——让全班的学生和Zejd一起学习手语。设空处后的idea为可数名词,在本句中表泛指,故设空处用不定冠词;设空处后even以元音音素开头,故答案为an。‎ ‎4.the 解析:‎ 句意:最严重的是,依赖智能手机交友并不能给我们带来与在现实世界交友同样的益处。the same...as...意为“与/和……一样的……”。‎ ‎5.a 解析:句意:为了让你们这一代生活在更好的世界里,我们这一代有很多事情可以做:“a+比较级+名词”意为“更……的……”。‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.[2017·福建南平3月质检]Twice a day,someone is scheduled to take him out for walk.________‎ ‎2.[2017·河北邯郸一模]In the Spring Festival,my family and I went to Beijing and had different holiday.________‎ ‎3.[2017·湖北黄冈3月质检]I was walking to school this morning when I caught a sight of an old woman with a walking stick lying on the ground.________‎ ‎4.[2017·福建十三中高三期中]How are you?Today I've got a wonderful news to tell you.________‎ ‎5.[2017·四川成都外国语学校月考]I told him I could not go to the college because I did not want to study anymore.________‎ 答案:1.walk前加a 2.different前加a 3.去掉sight前的a 4.去掉a 5.去掉the Ⅲ.语法填空 A(冠词专练)‎ When I walked down 1.________Third Avenue,as 2.________rule,I used to look into the windows of 3.________old shop that sold old and beautiful things.Since I often took my walk after the closing time,I cupped my hands against 4.________windows to get 5.________small look at the treasures inside.‎ Some things looked as if they had not been noticed for 6.________long time,but I knew their beauty was still there beneath their own surface.I even thought they were 7.________most beautiful that I had ever seen.That was how I felt about old people,too.I knew their value,and it hurt me when others missed it.I was raised by my grandmother and given 8.________deep sense of the value of experience.Taught to behave well,my sister and I respected other people,regardless of their age or color.My grandmother was loved by all 9.________people around her.She was known to be 10.________wise and kind woman,who was able to do things well even in her last years.‎ Old people should be treated as fine gold.They may be gradually tarnished(失去光泽) by age,but they can be polished with respect.You might be surprised by their bright and shining qualities.‎ 答案:1.the 2.a 3.an 4.the 5.a 6.a ‎7.the 8.a 9.the 10.a B ‎[2017·江西南昌二中高三三考]‎ As an exchange student,Wei Hua studied in a British high school for one year.She was happy 1.________the school hours in Britain because school starts around ‎9 a.m. and ends about 3:30 p.m.‎ On the first day,all the new students 2.________(attend) an assembly in the school hall. Wei Hua sat next to a girl 3.________ name was Diana.During the assembly,the headmaster told the students that the best way to earn respect was to devote themselves 4.________study and achieve high 5.________(grade).As there were different students in some classes,6.________was a struggle for Wei Hua to remember all the faces and names.Although the homework was not as heavy as 7.________she used to get in her old school,it was a bit 8.________(challenge) for her at first because all the homework was in English.Luckily,all her teachers gave her much 9.________(encourage).To improve her English,Wei Hua used English every day and spent an hour each day 10.________(read) English books in the library.‎ In a word,studying in Britain was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for Wei Hua.‎ 答案:1.with 解析:be happy with为固定短语,意为“对……很满意”。‎ ‎2.attended 解析:分析句子结构可知,句中缺少谓语,由on the first day可知需要用一般过去时。‎ ‎3.whose 解析:whose引导了一个定语从句,修饰先行词a girl并在定语从句中作定语。‎ ‎4.to 解析:devote oneself to为固定搭配,意为“投身于,致力于”。‎ ‎5.grades 解析:grade为可数名词,其名词复数为grades。‎ ‎6.it 解析:本题考查句型It is+n.+for sb. to do sth.,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式短语。‎ ‎7.what 解析:分析空格后面的句子成分可知,此处为从句,需要用连接词。结合上下文句意可知用what引导并在句中作及物动词get的宾语。‎ ‎8.challenging 解析:a bit修饰形容词,故此处用challenging意为“具有挑战性的”。‎ ‎9.encouragement 解析:much修饰不可数名词,encourage的名词为encouragement。‎ ‎10.reading 解析:spend time (in) doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,为固定搭配。‎

