初中英语九年级全册Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla单元同步阅读训练课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarla单元同步阅读训练课件 人教新目标版

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 单元同步阅读训练 一、完形填空。 Ethan woke up suddenly.He knew nothing about himself.He did not know __1__ he was or how he had come here.He stood up and walked out of the forest.There was a small town.He tried to look for help,__2__ when he entered a store,he passed out (昏倒) again. Ethan woke up again in a hospital.He __3__ many things.He knew his name was Ethan.He worked for the FBI and he came here to __4__ two of his colleagues (同事) who had disappeared (消失).He met a car accident on his way.That __5__ be why he was in the hospital. But soon he found the hospital was strange.It was too __6__.He met only one nurse and he never saw any other patient.He escaped from the hospital.Then he met more __7__.He found one of his colleagues died,and when he met the other one,she even said she did not __8__ him!Ethan got a car and tried to drive away.But no matter which way he went,he __9__ drove back to the town! This is the beginning of a popular TV series,Wayward Pines (《黑松镇》).Do you think the story is __10__?Come and see what would happen next! 1. A.when B.where C.which D.why 2.A.because B.so C.although D.but 3.A.invented B.Found C.remembered D.forgot 4.A.look for B.ask for C.play with D.live with 5.A.must B.would C.might D.could B D C A A 6.A.noisy B.quiet C.cheap D.bad 7.A.changes B.customs C.mysteries D.relatives 8.A.hate B.like C.know D.see 9.A.hardly B.also C.never D.always 10.A.interesting B.Boring C.long D.sad B C C D A 二、阅读理解。 Many people today like reading stories about UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects).Many people in different countries are studying the UFOs. There are some different theories (理论) for UFOs.Among those, the most popular one is that UFOs are strange flying objects and they carry strange creatures (生物) to the earth from other planets.We call the strange creatures aliens. Scientists and many people believed these stories.Some people say that they have seen UFOs land on the earth.They seemed to be objects rather like big plates.Some people say that they have seen aliens come out of the UFOs. Some people make mistakes when they say they have seen UFOs.Perhaps they see a weather balloon or an uncommon plane or the light they see in the sky comes from the ground.Sometimes they see the light from the moon. But there are a lot of other sightings we can't explain.It may take many years to find a clear answer and then man can give UFOs another name. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 11.UFOs are running things that are still unknown to us. 12.The most popular theory is that UFOs may carry strange creatures from other planets. 13.It is clear that some space visitors from other stars are living among us. 14.Sometimes people may think unusual planes are UFOs. 15.UFOs live high in the sky and look like plates. F T F T F 三、短文填词:从方框中选择正确的单词并用其适当形式填空。 (有两项多余)(原创题) police,off,receive,anybody,break,up,easy, enough,noise,truck,steal,increase Max stopped in the snack shop and noticed a new poster for a price increase.“I put the poster 16.___ this morning,” Mr.Levine said. “I had to raise my prices ten percent because I have so many new expenses (开支).Like now I need a new window for my back room.Somebody 17.______ it,trying to get into my store last night. I feel 18.________ now.How terrible!” up broke uneasy “Have you called the 19. ________?” Max asked. “No.Nothing was 20._______.” He led Max to his back room.“Last night I sat here and made my price change poster.Then I left it on that desk.” When Max left,he walked down to a factory,where Nathan and Trevor were repairing a 21._______.“Did you hear any 22. _______? ” he asked. “No,” Nathan said.“We've been here since dawn (拂晓) and haven't talked to 23.__________.Now I'm hungry.I had a dollar.I'm going to the snack shop to get a sandwich.” police stolen truck noises anybody Trevor said,“A dollar is not 24.__________ anymore. The price of its sandwiches has 25.____________.” “You both stay right here,” Max said.“I know which one of you broke that window.You'd better think of a way to pay for it,because I'm telling Mr. Levine.” enough increased

