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Section A Period One Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Places: post office police station hotel restaurant bank hospital park pay phone street Revision post office 邮局 park pay phone street hospital bank restaurant hotel police station 公园 大街 付费电话 ( 投币式公用电话 ) 医院 银行 餐馆 旅馆,酒店 警察局 post office 公园 police station 大街 hotel 银行 restaurant 付费电话 bank 邮局 hospital 警察局 street 医院 pay phone 餐馆 park 旅馆,酒店 Match 表示方位的介词 on the box in the box Where ’s the soccer ball? It ’ s ____ the box. Where ’ s the soccer ball? It ’ s _____ the box. near Where ’ s the soccer ball? It ’ s ________ the box. next to Where ’ s the soccer ball? It ’ s __________ the box. in front of Where ’ s the soccer ball? It ’ s _________ the box. behind Where is the soccer ball? It ’ s ___________ the box. across from Where is the soccer ball? It ’ s _________________________________. between the big box and the small box A: Is there a____________ near here ? Language goal post office B: Yes, there is . No, there isn't . There is a ___________near here. post office police station hotel police station hotel Practice A: Is there a __________near here? B: Yes, there is . No, there isn't . There are some _________ near here. No, there aren't . B: Yes, there are . A: Are there any ________near here? banks banks parks parks Listening 1b: Listen and circle the places you hear in 1a. post office __ police station __ hotel __ restaurant __ bank __ hospital __ street __ pay phone __ park ___ Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1.A: Is there a restaurant ____ Bridge Street? B: Yes, _____ _____. 2.A: Is there a post office _____ here? B: Um, yes, there is. There's one____Long Street. 3.A: Is there a __________on Center Street? B:No, there______. isn't hospital on there near is on 1c . Look at the picture and make conversations . A: Is there a hospital near here? B: Yes, there is. It's on Bridge Street. There be 句型:“某地有某物” 1. There be +人/物 + 地点状语 2. 一般疑问句:be 动词直接提前。 否定句:be动词后加not。 3. be 动词由后面 名词的单复数 决定,若是 多个名词,则由 最近 一个名词决定。( 就近原则 ) 4. have/ has指 “某人有某物”,它表示“ 所有、拥有 ”关系。there have的句型不能用。 5. some 用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。 Language points Exercises 用be 动词的正确形式填空。 1.There ____ a pen near the ruler. 2. There ____ two books on the table 3. There ____ a pen and two books on the table. 4. There ____ two books and a pen on the table. are is is are 用 have/has, there be填空: 1. I________ a good father and a good mother. 2. __________ _____some books on the desk. 3. He_________ a basketball . 4 . ___________a bank on Long Street. 6. They___________ a nice garden. 7. What do you ___________? 8. _____________ a reading-room in the building? 9. What does Mike___________? Is there There are have have have has have There is Do the paper about page 43. Homework Thank you for listening! See you next time!

