外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module3-Unit 2

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外研版七年级下册英语习题课件Module3-Unit 2

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May n. 5月 11. late adv. 迟;晚 adj. 迟的; 晚的 12. walk n. 步行;走   13. country n. 乡下;乡村 14. second num.第二    15. collect v. 收集 16. litter n.垃圾 17. fun n . 娱乐; 乐趣 18. camp n. 营地;帐篷 19. sightseeing n. 观光;游览 20. beach n. 海滨;海滩 21. early adv. 早;提前 adj.早的 常考短语 1. look forward to 盼望            2. make friends 交朋友 3. enjoy oneself 过得愉快 4. May Day 五一劳动节 5. take a walk 散步 6. summer holiday 暑假 7. go sightseeing 观光 重点句子 1. I'm looking forward to the football match tomorrow. 我正盼望着明天的那场足球赛。 2. I'm going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.在五一假期我要好好玩玩。 3. It's going to be a great holiday —busy but good fun!它将是一个很棒的假期——忙碌但 快乐! 4. We're also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.我们也将去观光,并将在 沙滩上野餐。 名师点拨 1. look forward to的用法  look forward to 是固定短语,意为“盼望”。其 中to为介词,后接名词或动词-ing 形式。 We are looking forward to May Day holiday.我 们期待着五一劳动节假期。 I am really looking forward to hearing from you soon. 我真的很期待很快就能收到你的来信。 【专练】 ( )Yunnan is beautiful and I'm______visiting it again. A. keeping clear of B. suffering from C.looking forward to D. running away from C 2. make friends的用法   make friends 意为“交朋友”,其中friend 必 须用复数形式, make friends with … 意为“和…… 交朋友”,后接名词或人称代词。 Mary makes many friends on the Internet.玛丽在 网上结交了很多朋友。 He likes to make friends with everyone.他喜欢 与每个人交朋友。 【专练】 ( ) Bill is going to learn Chinese because he wants to make friends______Daming. A. to B. with C.for D. in B 3. hope的用法   hope可作动词,也可作名词。作名词时,意为 “希望;(有信心的)期望;愿望”。作动词时,其后可 接to do或that从句。hope for+名词 / 代词,意为 “希望得到;盼望”。如: (1) Where there is life, there is hope.有生 命就有希望。(作名词) (2) I hope to see you again.我希望再次见到你。 (作动词) (3) Almost everyone hopes for a better future. 几乎每个人都希望有更好的未来。 【辨析】 hope与wish (1)hope和wish后都可以接不定式作宾语。hope to do … 所表达的愿望是最可能实现的,而wish to do … 所表达的愿望语气比较强烈,也比较正式。试比 较: ①We hope to visit this city again. 我们希望再次访问这个城市。(是很可能的) ②We wish to express our warmest welcome to you. 我们愿向您表示最热烈的欢迎。(比较正式) (2) wish后可接双宾语或复合宾语。wish sb.sth. 祝 愿某人……;wish sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事,但 hope后不能接双宾语或复合宾语。如: ①I wish you happiness. 我祝你幸福。 ②He wishes his children to go to college. 他希望他的孩子们都能上大学。 【专练】 ( )—Maybe you can catch the last bus. —______. If not, I'll have to walk home. A. Good job B. Just so-so C. Not at all D. I hope so D 4. enjoy的用法 (1) enjoy 作动词,意为“过得开心;享受”,后接反 身代词,即enjoy oneself 意为“过得愉快;玩得开 心”, 相当于 have a good / great / wonderful time。 I enjoy myself in the party.我在聚会上玩得很开心。 (2) enjoy 作动词,还可以表示“喜爱”,后接动词时, 要用动词-ing形式。 He enjoys playing with his friends.他喜欢和朋友们 玩耍。 (3) enjoy+名词 / 代词, 意为“享受某物”。 Look! Many people are lying on the beach and enjoying the sunshine.看!很多人正躺在沙滩上享受 阳光。 【专练】 ( )1. Cindy says she and her family enjoy______to Japan a lot. A.travel      B.travelling C.to travel D.travelled ( )2. Tom and Jenny are enjoying______playing in the river. A.himself B.herself C.ourselves D.themselves D B 5. late 的用法   late 作形容词,意为“晚的; 迟的”;作副词,意 为“迟;晚”,late的反义词是early。常用搭配:be late for 迟到, 如: Don't study too late into the night. 晚上不要学习 到很晚。 (作副词) You should get up early, or you'll be late for school. 你应该早点儿起床,否则上学会迟到。(作形容 词) 【拓展】 late的比较级later也可作副词,表示“随后; 稍后;后来”。常用搭配: see you later再见;a moment later 过一会儿 【专练】 根据中文提示完成单词 Peter, don't get up so ______ (迟).late 6. take a walk 的用法 (1)take a walk意为“散步”,相当于have a walk 或go for a walk。如: My grandparents like taking a walk after supper. 我的爷爷奶奶晚饭后喜欢散步。 (2)take sb.for a walk带某人散步。如: My grandfather often takes his dog for a walk after dinner. 我爷爷经常在晚饭后遛狗。 【专练】 ( ) David usually takes______walk for an hour after dinner. A.a  B. an   C. the   D. / A 语篇理解 一、仔细阅读课文P16内容,选出下列各题的最佳选项 ( )1. Martin is going to do the following things tomorrow EXCEPT (除了)______. A. collecting litter B. meeting other football fans C. watching a football match D. cheering the players A ( )2. Why is it going to be a different holiday for Lucy? A. Because she is going out with her family and friends. B. Because she is going on a summer camp in Sydney. C. Because she is going to stay with an American family. D. Because she is going to take a walk on the beach. ( )3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Zhang Sijia's holiday is busy but funny. B. Lucy's holiday is very different. C. Martin hopes the players win the football match. D. Zhang Sijia is going to take a walk in the country on 2nd May. B D 二、根据课本P16的内容,完成短文填空   Three students are talking about their plans. Martin is going to watch a 1.______ match tomorrow. He and his friends are going to meet other fans and 2. ______ some friends. They are also going to wear their favourite team's shirt and 3. ______ the players. They hope they can win! Zhang Sijia is going to enjoy 4. ______ during the May Day holiday. 5. ______ the morning of 1st May, she is going to get up late and read a book. In the afternoon she is going to take a walk or go 6. ____________ with her family and friends. And on 2nd May they are going to collect litter in the park near her friend's house. She thinks her holiday is going football make cheer herself On swimming to be busy but good 7. ______. Lucy is going to 8. ______ her summer holiday in Sydney, Australia. She is going to stay 9. ______ an Australian family and speak English. She is also going sightseeing and going to have 10. ______ picnic on the beach. fun spend with a 三、本单元主要短语串联应用(用方框内所给短语的适 当形式填空) plan for, go over, have a picnic, enjoy oneselfhelp (sb.) with sth., go sightseeing, take a walklook forward to, do one's homework, cheer the players Hi, everyone! I'm 1. ________________ May Day holiday. Here's my 2. ______ the holiday. On the first day,I'm going to watch a football match. I'll 3. __________________. I hope they win the match. In the afternoon, I'm going to 4. ____________ the housework. Because nobody is at home, I want to invite Betty to my home. We will 5. ____________. On the second day, I will 6. ____________ with my mother in the country. In the afternoon, we will 7. ____________ on the beach. In the evening, Tom and I will 8. ____________ in the park. Welcome to join us. The last day, I have to 9. ______ my lessons.I'll 10. __________________ all day. looking forward to plans for cheer the players help with enjoy ourselves take a walk go sightseeing have a picnic go over do my homework fans   litter   一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1. This movie star has a lot of ______ all over the world. 2. My room isn't clean.There is some ______ on the floor. 3. Everybody ______ (欢呼) when the firemen arrived. 4. We are going on a summer ______ (营地)in Beidaihe. 5. My parents are going to visit my grandparents ______ (在……期间)the May Day holiday.  cheered    camp  during    课堂小测 looking forward to having enjoy yourselves 二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,词数不限 6. 我们期待着过暑假。 We are ________________________ a summer holiday. 7. 我希望你们玩得高兴。 I hope you will _______________. 8. 我妈妈每天晚饭后散步。 My mother often ____________ after supper. 9. 五一他们打算去公园捡垃圾。 ______ 1st May, they are going to ____________ in the park. 10. 莉莉不想独自待在家里。 Lily doesn't want to __________________. takes a walk collect litterOn stay at home alone C 三、单项填空 ( )11. I'm free(有空的) this afternoon, so I______     some writing. A. do B. am doing C. am going to do D. will go ( )12. —Why is she going to England? —______she wants to see Big Ben herself. A. Because B. But C. Then D. And ( )13. Do you want to make______? A. friend B. a friend C. friends D. friendly A C ( )14. We're going______and going______a picnic on the beach. A. sightseeing; having B. sightseeing; to have C. to sightseeing; have D. to sightseeing; to have ( )15. —Who taught you Japanese? —Nobody. I learned it by______. A. myself B. my C. me D.yourself B A

