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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section A period one zoo 动物园 Let’s go to the zoo. animal s . In the zoo, we can see lion elephant tiger giraffe panda cat koala animal s( 动物 ) I like pandas and koalas. I don’t like tigers and lions. panda Why do you like panda s ? s cute( 可爱的 ) Because they’re cute. koala s interesting ( 有趣的 ) Why do you like koala s ? Because they’re interesting. tiger Why don’t you like tiger s ? s scary( 可怕的 ) Because they’re scary. lion s boring ( 无趣的 ) Why don’t you like lion s ? Because they’re boring. He likes giraffes and elephants. He doesn’t like dogs and cats. giraffe Why does he like giraffe s ? s beautiful( 美丽的 ) Because they’re beautiful. elephant s friendly( 友好的 ) Why does he like elephant s ? Because they’re friendly. dog Why doesn’t he like dog s ? s noisy( 吵闹的 ) Because they’re noisy. cat s lazy( 懒惰的 ) Why doesn’t he like cat s ? Because they’re lazy. cute 可爱 的 beautiful 美丽 的 lazy 懒惰 的 scary 可怕 的 smart 聪明 的 形容词 形容词前可以加程度副词,如“ very (非常) , kind of (有点) ,really (真正)”等进行修饰。 如: cute 可爱的 very cute 非常可爱的 kind of cute 有点可爱的 really cute 真可爱 adj. Match the words with the animals in the picture. tiger ___ elephant ___ koala ___ panda ____ lion ____ giraffe ____ e 1a c f a d b tiger ___ elephant ___ koala ___ panda ____ lion ____ giraffe _____ 1b Listen and check the ( √ ) the animals you hear in 1a. √ √ √ Listening period two review Why do you like pandas? Because they’re cute. Why don’t you like pandas? Because they’re scary. Why does he like giraffes? Because they’re beautiful. Why doesn’t he like cats? Because they’re lazy. where + be + 主语 + from ? ……. 从哪里来? eg. Where is she from? 她从哪里来? 主语 + be + from + 地点 …… 从 …… 来 eg. She is from China? 她从中国来。 问 答 panda Where are panda s from ? s China( 中国 ) They’re from China. koala s Australia ( 有趣的 ) Where are koala s from ? They’re from Australia. giraffe s South Africa( 南非 ) elephant s Thailand( 泰国 ) Where are giraffe s from ? They’re from South Africa. They’re from Thailand. Where are elephant s from ? Animals Description words Countries 1. _________ really scary Australia 2. _________ kind of interesting South Africa 3. _________ very cute China pandas koalas lions Julie: Let’s see the _______. John: Why do you like them? Julie: Because they’re _______ interesting. John: Where are they from? Julie: They’re from ______. pandas kind of China 2b Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in 2a. Listening period three Questions Answers Why do you like panadas? Because they’re kind of interesting. Why does John like Koalas? Because they’re very cute. Why don’t you like tigers? Because they’re really scary. Where are lion from? They’re from South Africa. Grammar Focus A: ________are lions from? B: ________ from South Africa. Do you ____ lions.? A: No, I don’t. B: Why _______ you like lions? A: Because they’re really scary. But I like giraffes. B: Really? ______ do you like giraffes? A: Well, _______ they’re kind of interesting. Do you like pandas? B: Yes, I do. But I like tigers a lot. A: Tigers? Why _____ you like tigers? B: They’re really _____! 3a. Fill in the blanks and practice. Where They’re like don’t Why because do cool I like ________ because they’re cute. 3b. Write names of animals. I like ________ because they’re smart. I like ________ because they’re interesting. I don’t like ________ because they’re lazy. koalas giraffes elephants lions A: Is this animal big? B: Yes, it is. A: Where’s the animal from? B: It’s from China. A: Is it black and white? B: Yes, it is. A: It’s a panda! B: Yes, you’re right! 3c. Guess animals. Good-bye, everyone.

