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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots单元教案 教材分析和教材重组 教材分析 本单元的话题为“机器人”、“科幻文学作品”和“科幻小说作家”,内容主要涉及著名的科幻小说作家艾萨克·阿西莫夫的生平简介和他所创作的有关机器人的科幻小说。通过本单元的语言技能训练,要求学生学会正确使用英语的推测和确信的表达法。‎ ‎1. Warming Up 先介绍机器人的制造、种类、功能等,再让学生分组列表,把自己所熟悉的科幻文艺形式(科幻故事、电影、电脑游戏、电视剧、卡通)写出来,并进行简单的交流。 ‎ ‎2. Pre-reading 设计了四幅图三个问题,都是关于机器人的。通过看图分组讨论,为本单元Reading部分的精彩故事做好了铺垫。‎ ‎3. Reading 是一篇科幻小说,讲述某公司试验机器人托尼的故事。托尼来到克莱尔的家,帮助她做家务,为她排忧解难,不但使她的家变得更有品位,同时也帮助克莱尔克服心理上的障碍、重塑自身形象。更不可思议的是,在三周的试验期内,机器人托尼竟让克莱尔对他产生了感情上的依恋!故事细致入微地显露了克莱尔矛盾恍惚的内心世界,栩栩如生地描绘了托尼某些富有人性化的细节,这种亦真亦幻的故事情节充分反映出科幻文学作品的独特魅力,引起学生的极大兴趣。 ‎ ‎4. Comprehending ‎ 设计了问题回答和分组填表两项活动,帮助学生进一步理解这篇科幻小说。‎ ‎5. Learning about Language 包括两项内容:对阅读部分的词汇做针对性的训练,通过练习帮助学生掌握这些词汇;复习被动语态和不定式的被动形式。‎ ‎6. Using Language安排了听和读两个语篇对学生进行听说读写的语言综合训练。可分为两项活动:第一项活动先听两位女士在读完科幻故事之后的对话,要求听两遍录音做练习1,2;练习3、4、5是帮助学生掌握有关“推测和确信”(Supposition and belief)表达法。练习3是通过听对话,引导学生使用这些用语;练习5安排了四项任务,引导学生先列表、绘图、写短文说明,这些任务都是围绕自己设计的机器人展开的。‎ 第二项活动是阅读理解和讨论,阅读短文的内容是著名的美国科幻小说作家艾萨克·阿西莫夫的生平简介。读后有三项练习。练习1要求学生在读完短文的基础上填空,完成艾萨克·阿西莫夫生平编年表。练习2、3是对艾萨克·阿西莫夫提出的开发机器人三条规则进行讨论。‎ 教材重组 ‎1. 将Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading与Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。2. 将Learning about Language和Workbook的using words and expressions及using structures整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。‎ ‎3. 将Using Language设计为一节包括听说读写在内的“综合技能课(一)”。‎ ‎4. 将Workbook的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING结合在一起上一节“听说课”。‎ ‎5. 将Workbook的LISTENING TASK,READING AND WRITING TASK和SPEAKING TASK设计为一节“综合技能课(二)”。‎ 课时分配 ‎1st Period Reading ‎2nd Period Language study ‎3rd Period Integrating skills(Ⅰ)‎ ‎4th Period Listening and Speaking ‎5th Period Integrating skills(Ⅱ) ‎ Part 1: Teaching Design 第一部分:教学设计 Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading ‎ (Satisfaction Guaranteed)‎ Aims To help students develop their reading ability To help students learn about robots Procedures ‎ I. Warming up by getting to know: What is a robot?‎ Robotics is the science of studying and creating robots. It is a very broad and interesting science, because like humans, robots have many fascinating aspects. It is also a new science. Although people have been imagining and writing stories about robots for many years, robotics has been a real science only since the 1970's Why do we need robots? First, they are hardworking and reliable. They can do dangerous work or work that is very boring or tiring for humans. They can work around the clock without complaining and without needing rest, food or vacations. And robots can go places that humans can not, such as the surface of Mars, deep under the ocean or inside the radioactive parts of a nuclear power plant.‎ II. Pre-reading Talking about the three Laws of Robotics According to Isaac Asimov, the Three Laws of Robotics are:‎ ‎1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. ‎ ‎2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such ‎ orders would conflict with the First Law. ‎ ‎3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.‎ III. Reading for forms ‎ Read the text Satisfaction Guaranteed again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. ‎ IV. Copying expressions and writing articles You are asked to copy all the useful expressions into your notebook after class as homework. You may write your own short articles using these expressions.‎ Expressions from Satisfaction Guaranteed make robots生产机器人, experiment with做试验, do the housework做家务, test out试验, be absent for three weeks三周不在, persuade…that…说服……, allow …to do允许……做……, feel alarmed感到吃惊, look like a machine看上去像一个机器, at all根本、全然, facial expressions面部表情, on the second morning在第二天早上, feel embarrassed感到尴尬, look so human看上去很人性化, feel very unhappy感到不高兴, improve one’s social position提高某人的社会地位, one of the richest and most powerful women around远近闻名的有钱有势的女人之一, please sb by…通过做……取悦某人, make …elegant使……优雅, borrow a pile of books from the ‎ library从图书馆借了一堆书, turn each page翻每一页, reach for…竭力想得到, change the makeup改变了化妆, accompany… to…和……一起去, write out a list of items for…写了一份……的清单, go into a dress shop进了一家衣服店, be rude to…对……粗鲁, ring up打电话, change one’s attitude改变态度, turn around转身 the amused and surprised look on one’s face脸上有趣有惊讶的表情, have an affair有风流韵事, after all毕竟, get home到家, weep with anger因为生气而哭, invite…to the house邀请……到家里, expect…to be completely transformed期待……大变样, work steadily on…有条不紊地做……, fall off a ladder从梯子上掉下来, in time及时, hold…firmly in one’s arms把……紧紧地搂在怀里, feel the warmth of one’s body感到身上的热气, push…away推开……, at that moment在那一刻, fold one’s arms around…搂着, bend one’s face close to…把脸贴近……, cry out…大叫……, more than 不仅仅, disappear from sight消失, open the curtains打开窗帘, whisper to…对……低语, have such a handsome lover有一位英俊的情人, all night整夜, drive up驱车, take…away带走……, be pleased with …对……感到满意, report on…关于……的报告, protect…from harm保护……免遭伤害, prevent…from…阻止……做……, sense of failure失败感, fall in love with爱上……‎ V. Questioning and answering ‎ Now let’s go over the text again by questioning and answering.‎ Satisfaction Guaranteed A: What did Larry Belmont work for?‎ B: Larry Belmont worked for a company that made robots. ‎ A: What was the company experimenting with recently?‎ B: Recently it was experimenting with a robot that could be used to do the housework. ‎ A: By whom was it going to be tested out?‎ B: It was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife, Claire.‎ A: Why didn’t Claire want the robot in her house?‎ B: Claire didn’t want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks A: How did Claire feel when she first saw the robot?‎ B: When she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed. ‎ A: What was the robot like?‎ B: The robot, called Tony, didn’t look like a machine at all. He was tall and handsome although his facial expressions never changed. His hair was smooth and black and his voice was deep.‎ A: What did the robot do the second morning?‎ B: On the second morning Tony brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing. ‎ A: How did Claire react?‎ B: She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.‎ A: What did Claire mention one day? ‎ B: One day, Claire mentioned that she didn’t think she was clever. ‎ A: And what did Tony, the robot, say to her?‎ B: Tony said that she must feel very unhappy to say that. ‎ A: How did Claire feel about a robot’s sympathy?‎ B: Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. ‎ ‎…‎ VI. Reading the text again to discover the leading sentence of each paragraph Satisfaction Guaranteed 1. A robot used to do the housework was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife, Claire.‎ 2. The robot, called Tony, didn’t look like a machine at all. ‎ 3. It was disturbing and frightening to Claire that Tony looked so human.‎ 4. But Claire began to trust Tony. ‎ 5. Tony wanted to please Claire by helping her make herself and her home elegant. ‎ 6. Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. ‎ 7. Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.‎ 8. Tony worked steadily on the improvements. ‎ 9. Tony folded his arms around Claire, bending his face close to hers. ‎ 1. Claire might not be as beautiful as those women, but none of them had such a handsome lover.‎ 2. Then she remembered – Tony was just a machine. ‎ 3. The company was very pleased with Tony’s report on his three weeks with Claire. ‎ VII. Closing down by reading a robot poem ‎ My Robot Does My Homework My robot does my homework.‎ He helps me every night.‎ The trouble is he doesn't get too many answers right.‎ He'd probably do better at homework but, you see,‎ I built him, so he only knows the things he learned from me.‎ ‎--Kenn Nesbitt Additional Materials Complete the summary of the story with one word in each blank.‎ Satisfaction Guaranteed Larry, Claire’s husband who worked for a company that made 1_____, would be 2____ for three weeks. He left a robot called Tony to his wife to 3_____ out whether he was good enough. When Claire first saw the robot, she felt 4_____. He was tall and handsome. He looked so 5_____ and when she was asked whether she needed help dressing, she felt 6_____.‎ One day, Claire 7___ that she didn’t think she was clever and her home weren’t 8____ enough. It was 9_____ that Tony offered sympathy and ‎ help to her. Claire borrowed a pile of books for him to 10____. She was 11____ by his fingernails and the softness and warmth of his skin. She can’t help 12____ for his hand. She told him that he was a “dear” but he was not 13____ to accompany her to the shops. Gladys thought she was having an 14____.‎ Tony suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to 15 _____. Tony wanted the house completely 16____. ‎ The women were 17_____ by Claire’s handsome lover and the house. What a sweet 18_____ to be envied by those women! But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be19 _____—you cannot have women 20_____ in love with machines.‎ ‎(Key:1. robots 2. absent 3. test 4. alarmed 5. human 6. embarrassed 7 mentioned.8. elegant 9. ridiculous 10. scan 11. amazed 12. reaching 13. allowed 14. affair 15. return 16. transformed 17. impressed 18. victory 19. rebuilt 20. falling)‎ Comprehension questions ‎1. We can infer that the passage is probably ___. ‎ A. a science fiction B. an introduction to a new product ‎ C. a real-life report D. a page from a person’s diary ‎2. The world “elegant” in bold in paragraph 2 means___. ‎ A. polite B. nice and lovely ‎ C. pleasingly neat and simple D. having the qualities of grace and beauty ‎3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?‎ A. Tony could understand Clarie when she said she was not clever. ‎ B. Tony was eager to help Clarie but he could find no ways out. ‎ C. The company was satisfied because Tony had successfully made a woman fall in love with a robot. ‎ D. Clarie was pleased to have Tony dress her.‎ ‎4. Why did Clarie think it was a victory when she was envied by Gladys? ‎ A. Because Tony used to be Gladys’s lover. ‎ B. Because Gladys is the person who used to look down on her. ‎ C. Because Gladys’s one of the richest and most powerful women she cares much.‎ D. The passage doesn’t tell us. ‎ ‎5. The following statements except ___ show that Clarie trusted Tony. ‎ A. She bought items that Tony listed. ‎ B. She told him that she envied Gladys her richness and power. ‎ C. She told him her husband wanted to improve his social position.‎ D. She helped Tony to beat the salesman who was rude to him.‎ ‎(Key:1A. 2D. 3. A 4. C 5.D)‎ Notes to some difficult sentences ‎ ‎1. Tony told her and he suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. (Reading)‎ suggest (提议/建议) 后的宾语从句常用虚拟语气。‎ It was suggested that据提议/建议……,‎ It was suggested that we (should) leave for England.‎ I suggest leaving now/that we leave now.‎ 但当suggest表示“暗示,表明”时,不用虚拟语气,用陈述语气。如: The smile on her face suggested that she was satisfied with our work. ‎ Her expression suggested anger. 她脸上的表情显示她生气了。‎ ‎2. She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time. (Reading)‎ manage ‎ ‎1) to be in control of the (business) affairs管理,经营 He managed the company while his father was away ill.‎ ‎2) (often used with can, could) to succeed in dealing with能应付 She knows how to manage him when he is angry.‎ I can’t manage another mouthful. ‎ ‎3) (on) to succeed in living, esp. on a small amount of money能生活下去 They managed quite well on very little money.‎ ‎4) 比较manage to do与try to do 前者表设法(去)做成(强调结果),后者表尽力(去)做(强调动作)‎ The little boy had somehow managed to tie his shoelaces together.‎ I finally managed to find what I was looking for.‎ He tried to get the work done with little help.(不知完成与否)‎ He managed to get the work done with little help.(设法完成了)‎ ‎3.Gladys was everything Claire wanted to be. (Reading)‎ ‎1) everything: the most important thing or person最主要的人或物 Money isn’t everything.‎ Her daughter is everything to her.‎ 比较:nobody(无名小卒,小人物,无足轻重的人)与somebody (大人物,重要人物)‎ I want to be famous—I’m tired of being a nobody.‎ Now that he’s been promoted he thinks he is really somebody.‎ ‎2) 表示心理或情感状态的动词后跟不定式时,为避免重复,常省略与上文相同的动词,而只保留不定式符号to。如果要省略的不定式中的动词为be,则通常要保留下来。如果要省略的不定式中的动词为be,则通常要保留下来。‎ ‎—Aren’t you our chairman?‎ ‎—No, and I don’t want to be. ‎ ‎4.Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.‎ ‎ (Reading)‎ have an affair with sb与某人 (非配偶)有一段爱情关系 The boss had an affair with his former secretary.‎ They hoped to keep their (love) affair secret.‎ ‎5. But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt—you cannot have women falling in love with machines. (Reading)‎ have有三种宾语补足语的形式。‎ have sb. do sth.(have=let)‎ have sb. doing sth. have =keep/employ(雇用)‎ have sb. done使某人做某事;遭遇(不幸)‎ I’ ll have him go with me.‎ My father has two workers working in his farm.‎ Don’t have the machine working all day .不要让机器整天工作。‎ I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow.‎ ‎6.Claire heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony. (Reading)‎ so表示“至某种程度”时,可用于下列句型。‎ ‎1)not so +ad. +as It’s not so big as I thought it would be.‎ He was not so much angry as disappointed.‎ ‎2)so +ad. +as to ‎ Would you be so kind as to help me with my English? (=Would you please help me with my English?)‎ ‎3)so +ad. +a +单数名词=(such a+ ad+单数名词)‎ He is so good a boy. (= He is such a good boy.)‎ ‎4)so +ad. +that He is so lovely that we all like him.‎ ‎5) not so much as He is not so much unintelligent as educated.‎ ‎7.So set aside some time each day to write, even if it is only five minutes.(Learning tip)‎ set aside= set apart ‎ ‎1) put one side for future use拨出,留下备用 Please set aside one-tenth of your salary each month. ‎ ‎2) pay no attention忽视,不注意 I can’t set aside my personal feeling completely.‎ ‎3) (legal) reject驳回,宣布无效 The judge set the will aside.‎ ‎8.It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious. (Reading and discussing)‎ 此句为强调句,强调时间状语when Asimov was eleven years old。这种句式的特点是,去掉It +be…that框架后,句子仍然成立。即When Asimov was eleven years old his talent for writing became obvious.‎ ‎9.Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with which he searched for explanations of everything, in the present and the past. (Reading and discussing)‎ the ability to 有……的能力 He has the ability to sing the song in 3 foreign languages in the present= at present 现在 ‎10.The clock struck eight. (Reading)‎ 本句意思是“钟声敲响了八点”。beat, hit和 strike这几个动词都表示汉语的“打”,但打的方式和含义都不尽相同。‎ beat 表示连续地、不断地打,其对象可以是人,也可以是物。‎ We cleaned the rugs by beating them.‎ Her heart was beating with joy.‎ The musician beat the drums loudly. 这位乐师把鼓打得很响。‎ The rain was beating against the windows.‎ That man often beat his wife, which made the neighbors very angry.‎ beat 也常常表示“打败”。‎ We beat the other team.‎ I always beat my brother at chess.‎ hit 表示“打中”,往往是打一下,其对象既可以是人也可以是物。例如:Pass me a hammer, please. I want to hit a nail into the wall.‎ He hit the ball with his head.‎ He hit the other man in the face.‎ He hit the nail on the head.‎ strike 往往也表示“打一下,与hit差不多,但 strike 还表示其他类型的“打”(如钟声敲响了几点)。‎ He was so angry that he wanted to strike the man.‎ Strike while the iron is hot.‎ A grandfather clock strikes on the hour and the half-hour.‎ They have struck oil in many parts of China. ‎ ‎11.As she turned around, there stood Gladys. (Reading)‎ there stood在此相当于there was。在there be结构中,根据需要be可换成exist,stand,appear,seem,remain,come,lie,live等。‎ There once lived a beautiful girl in the house.‎ ‎12.Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read or, rather, scan. (Reading)‎ rather在此表示“更确切(恰当)地说”。‎ He came home very late, or rather very early this morning.‎ ‎13. When Claire got home, she wept with anger. (Reading)‎ 此句中的with表原因。SEFC中表示原因的介词还有:‎ The whole country was very sad at the news of his death.‎ I came upon the document quite by accident.‎ After the way he treated me, I shall never want to see him again.‎ His illness was due to bad food.‎ He was rewarded for his bravery. ‎ He did it from kindness.‎ He cried out in pain.‎ The deer died of hunger.‎ He called to see me on business.‎ On account of the weather, we had to cancel the projected outing.‎ I lent him my car just out of friendship.‎ It’s no use crying over spilt milk.‎ Owing to rising costs, bus fares will be increased from next Monday.‎ The plant died through lack of water.‎ Her face turned red with anger.‎ ‎【高考链接】‎ ‎1. In a room above the store, where a party _____, some workers were busily setting the table. (2006湖南)‎ A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held ‎2.Energy drinks are not allowed _____ in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. ‎ ‎(2006上海)‎ A. to make B. to be made C. to have been made D. to be making ‎3. —Your job _____ open for your return. (2006北京)‎ ‎   — Thanks.‎ A. will be kept          B. will keep     C. had kept                 D. had been kept ‎4.When he turned professional at the age of 11, Mike _____ to become a world champion by his coach and parents. (2006上海)‎ A. expected B. was expecting C. was expected D. would be expected ‎5.John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been _____ by a heavy storm . (2004全国-3)‎ A.kept B.stopped C.slowed D.delayed ‎ ‎6. It remains _____ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals. (2006浙江)‎ A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see ‎7.The news reporters hurried to the airport,only _____ the film stars had left. (2004福建) A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told ‎ ‎8. The construction of the two new railway lines _____ by now. (2006陕西) ‎ A. has been completed B. have completed C. have been completed D. has completed ‎ ‎9.Customers are asked to make sure that they  _____ the right change before leaving the shop. (2006重庆)  ‎ A. will give  B. have been given C. have given   D. will be given ‎10. I have to go to work by taxi because my car  _____ at the garage. (2006重庆)  A. will be repaired  B. is repaired C. is being repaired   D. has been repaired ‎11. Although the causes of cancer _____, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. (2006山东)‎ A. are being uncovered B. have been uncovering C. are uncovering D. have uncovered ‎12. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _____ yet. (2003上海春)‎ A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not been decided ‎13. — The window is dirty. (2004广西)‎ ‎ — I know. It _____ for weeks. ‎ A. hasn’t cleaned B. didn’t clean C. wasn’t cleaned D. hasn’t been cleaned ‎14. —George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?‎ ‎ —No, I _____ . Did they have a big wedding? (2004湖北)‎ A.was not invited B.have not been invited C.hadn’t been invited D.didn’t invite ‎15.It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness_____. ‎ ‎(2006江西) ‎ A.to make B.to be made C.making D.being made ‎【巩固练习】‎ ‎1. — Why does Joan look so unhappy?‎ ‎    —She _____ at by her classmates.‎ ‎ A. was laughed    B. laughed      C. has been laughed     D. will be laughed ‎2. The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power _____ increased enormously ever since. (2004上海)‎ A. is B. was C. has been D. had been ‎3. The forest guards often find campfires that have not been _____ completely. (2004全国-02)‎ A. turned down B. put out C. put away D. turned over ‎4.—Why aren’t you driving forward?‎ ‎    — The road _____.‎ ‎ A. is repaired               B. was repaired       C. will be repaired          D. is being repaired ‎5. More patients _____ in hospital this year than last year. (2004江苏)‎ A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D.‎ ‎ have been treated ‎6. Jane's face suggested that she _____ ill,and her parents suggested that she_____ a medical examination. ‎ A.be;should have B.was;should have C.should be;had D.was;has ‎7.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _____ to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2004上海)‎ A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded ‎8.—How do you _____ we go to Beijing for our holidays?‎ ‎ —I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable. (2004福建) ‎ A.insist B.want C.suppose D.suggest ‎9.Visitors _____ not to touch the exhibits.(NMET2001) A. will request B. are requested C. are requesting D. request ‎10. All the preparations for the task _____, and we’re ready to start.(2000年春季高考) A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been completed 11. _____ be sent work here?(2002上海)‎ A. Who do you suggest B. Do you suggest who that should C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom would ‎12. Our English teacher ____ our buying a good Chinese dictionary. (2000上海)‎ A. asked B. ordered C. suggested D. required ‎13.—How do you _____ we go to Beijing for our holidays?‎ ‎ —I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more comfortable. (2004福建)‎ A.insist B.want C.suppose D.suggest ‎14.—Where do you _____ I go this evening?‎ ‎—I think you’d better stay at home, instead of going anywhere.(2004汕头模拟)‎ A.suppose B.suggest C. mean D. want ‎15. —Where does Mr. Green come from?‎ ‎—I’m not sure, but his English _____ Australia.(2002太原模拟)‎ A. suggests B. sounds C. advises D. shows ‎【汉译英】‎ ‎1.最近的数据显示营业状况正在改善。‎ ‎2.我将雇用他在我的公司里工作。‎ ‎3. 我每月都将三分之一的工资留出来以被将来使用。‎ ‎4. 他昨天晚上回家很晚,说得更确切点,应该是今天一早回来的。‎ ‎5. 他认为13这个数字给他带来了厄运,这太可笑了。‎ ‎【答案及解析】‎ ‎【高考链接】 ‎ ‎1.A be to do表将来, a party是hold的被执行者,所以要用被动。‎ ‎2.B be allowed to do 表示“被允许做某事”,因为energy drinks不允许制造,所以要用不定式的被动式,表示energy drinks是make动作的承受者。‎ ‎3.A 本句意思是“在你回来之前工作将被保留着”。keep 与your job之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。‎ ‎4.C 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。根据Mike和expect的关系,可判断Mike是expect的动作承受者,所以要用被动语态,表示“被期望成为世界冠军”。‎ ‎5.D flight是delay的动作承受者,所以要用被动语态,表示“航班被耽误”。‎ ‎6.B “It remains to be seen. ”相当于“It (all) depends. ”。根据题意,那对Jim是否胜任那项工作是将来的动作,应使用不定式;又因remains的逻辑主语it是动词see表示的动作的承受者,即“胜任那项工作”这件事,这件事有待于“被决定”,应使用动词不定式的被动形式。‎ ‎7.B 根据句子的意思,记者们赶到机场时发现意外的结果。因此,排除C、D;根据与句子的关系,不是记者告诉他人,而是人家告诉记者,故答案选B。‎ ‎8.A 主语是construction,谓语动词用单数。铁路是被完成的,所以用has been completed。‎ ‎9.B they此处为customers。顾客在 before leaving the shop要对所找的零钱给予核对。此时customers作主语,所以要用被动语态。‎ ‎10. C is being repaired 是进行时态的被动语态。‎ ‎11.A cancer是被uncover的,所以用被动语态。‎ ‎12. D decide是及物动词,动作的发出者通常是人,句中的主语是动作的承受者,所以decide要用被动语态。从题干的语境和关键词yet,可判断用现在完成时,不定式做主语用单数,故用现在完成时的被动语态。‎ ‎13.D it指代the window,窗户脏是因为好几周没有被擦。‎ ‎14.C 答语是:我没有被邀请去参加他们的婚礼。‎ ‎15. B 温度和疾病(temperature and illness)关系很长时间才被发现,由于illness是被导致的,所以用to be made。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ ‎1.C 受人嘲笑是过去发生的事情,但对现在有影响。又因为是“她被嘲笑”,所以 用现在完成时的被动语态。‎ ‎2.C ever since为现在完成时的标志,本句为现在完成时的被动语态。‎ ‎3.B 句意为:营火已经被扑灭。‎ ‎4. D 现在不往前开,是因为前面正在修路。‎ ‎5. D treat patients表示给病人治疗。patients作主语时,要用被动语态。‎ ‎6.B 本句考查了suggest的两种用法。第一空表示“暗示,表明”,用陈述语气;第二空是虚拟语气,用(should)+动词原形。‎ ‎7.D people被 persuade要吃more fruit and vegetables。‎ ‎8. D suggest(建议)等后跟宾语从句时,谓语动词应用“(should)+动词原形”。 ‎ ‎9. B 此题的时态是不难判断的,因为说的是一条规定,所以用一般现在时,而visitor与request之间是动宾关系,即request visitors not to touch the exhibits,究竟是谁要求他们这样做呢?不清楚,也不必知道,因此需要用被动语态。‎ ‎10. D 现在完成时表示过去年做的事对现在的影响。从and we’re ready to start句意可知,一切准备工作已经就绪,可以开始工作了。complete是及物动词,与句子的主语是被动关系,所以需要被动语态表达。‎ ‎11. A Do you think/ believe/ suppose/ suggest/ expect构成特殊疑问句时, 特殊疑问词要提前至主句之前。‎ ‎12. C 本题考查动词的用法。ask/ order/ require后接不定式,不跟动名词。但suggest doing something是可以的。‎ ‎13. D 本题考查动词suggest的虚拟语气的用法。即suggest that sb. (should )do sth.。‎ ‎14. B 解析同上。‎ ‎15. A 本题考查动词suggest的不用虚拟语气的用法。在此表示“说明;表明”,后接直接宾语。sound后应为澳大利亚人。‎ ‎【汉译英】‎ ‎1.The latest figures suggest that business is improving.‎ ‎2.I’ll have him working in my company. ‎ ‎3. I set aside one-third of my salary each month for future use. ‎ ‎4. He came home very late last night, or rather very early this morning.‎ ‎5. It is absurd that he believes the number 13 has brought him the bad luck.‎ Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language ‎(Revise the passive voice including the infinitive)‎ Aims To help students revise the Passive Voice To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures Procedures I. Warming up by having a dictation To begin with, let’s take a dictation to strengthen our memory of the text.‎ Larry Belmont worked for a company that make robot. Recently a robot that could do housework would be tested out Larry's life, Clair, for three weeks. Clair felt alarmed by the robot's humanly appearance. Before long she began to trust him. She told him that she and her home were not elegant enough for her husband and she envied the rich and powerful ‎ woman .The robot decided to protect her from being harm. He gave her a new haircut and changed her makeup and asked her to buy something to decorate her home. Before the night he was to leave Clair, they held a party. The guests were impressed by Clair and her home, especially by the handsome robot, whom they thought was her husband. Claire knew this is almost a dream and she felt very sad. However, the company was very satisfied with Tony, the robot although he needed rebuilding because it is absurd to have women falling in love with a machine.‎ II. Discovering useful words and expressions ‎ Now go to page 13. Work in pairs to finish the three exercises in 10 minutes.‎ III. Reading more about the 22nd century The 22nd Century The 22nd Century began with high crime rates within major cities, and life on Earth was tough. In 2105 the Terra Alpha colony reported back that all was well. Their planet had native plant and animal life, however, no sentient life had been found. Mining equipment was being set-up, and all was well. ‎ It was news such as this which started to motivate mankind to continue its exploration of space. Opposition to T-Mat had already started to appear, but the final straw was in ‎2110‎, when Earth received a major shock as both the moon base and Earth itself was attacked by the Neo-Martians. ‎ Their plan was foiled by a crack group of three men, and the global councils had the task of repairing all the damage resulting from the Martian assault. The attack had taught Earth a lesson; the ISC was given greater powers and taxes were raised to finance space travel. "Co-operation Is Key" was the media hype, and work began in establishing a true world government. T-Mat was regulated to a more normal usage and a new space-exploration program began. ‎ A true world government was finally achieved in 2113, with 99% of former countries joining. The other 1% dissolved and thereafter a new World President was elected. Individual countries were treated as federal states (for example, the USA was treated as five different states). ‎ As the ‎2110‎'s began, mankind discovered the first, still rudimentary FTL propulsion. In addition, sub-ether FTL communication had been perfected. Both of these technologies propelled matter or energy at Warp 2. Thus, communication was no faster than transport. A second wave of colonization ships, this time using warp drives, was launched in 2114. ‎ IV. Learning about the passive voice ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TENSES CHART V. Discovering useful structures Go to page 14, and finish the two exercises in pairs.‎ VI. Closing down by reading aloud a future poem Traverse : Into The Future by Je ' Free What I say now may be elementary -‎ Once man unravels time and its mystery We travel to the past by memory Imagination’s what our future will be Delve in the theories of the human minds It’s heaven or hell or in between those lines Push to one direction, a radical turn We see this paradox a great concern We have explored it almost endlessly -‎ How we can change the course of history Kaleidoscopic the world seems to be We need a mechanism to set us free Traverse the unreached boundaries...‎ Where there’s no war, poverty, and pollution Traverse the possibilities...‎ Where there’s no environmental devastation Traverse the unknown energy...‎ Where there’s a parallel dimension disguised Traverse levels of this mystery...‎ Where we will be spending the rest of our lives Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language ‎(A Biography of Isaac Asimov)‎ Aims To help students read the passage A Biography of Isaac Asimov To help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing Procedures I. Warming up by making passive voice sentences ‎ ‎1. The new TV design will be tested out by the new engineers.‎ ‎2. You are not wanted in her house.‎ ‎3. She is being persuaded that the earth is becoming colder and colder.‎ ‎4. You will not be allowed to be harmed.‎ ‎5. She is being asked whether she needs help dressing.‎ ‎6. We are offered help by a robot.‎ ‎7. His social position will be improved greatly.‎ ‎8. My home is being made more elegant.‎ ‎9. A pile of books have been borrowed from the library. ‎ ‎10. Each page is turned with wonder.‎ ‎11. His head can not be reached for.‎ ‎12. She was given a new haircut.‎ ‎13. She will be accompanied to the prison.‎ ‎14. A list of items for shopping has been written out. ‎ ‎15. She was rung up early in the morning.‎ II. Reading for forms ‎ Read the text A Biography of Isaac Asimov to on page 16: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions.‎ III. Copying expressions from A Biography of Isaac Asimov Expressions from A Biography of Isaac Asimov an American scientist and writer, write around … books, one’s best known book, science fiction stories, have both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing mind, give…the ability to explore …, search for explanations of …, in the present and the past, be born on 2 January, 1920, end in New York on 6 April, 1992, die as a result of an HIV infection, get… from a blood transfusion, nine years earlier, move with…to…, buy a candy store, run…for the next 40 or so years, at the age of …, be pregnant with…, work in the … store, work there through one’s … years until …, gain a master’s degree at university in chemistry, work as a junior chemist, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, get one’s PhD in chemistry, become a biochemistry teacher at …, give up teaching to become a full-time …, one’s talent for …, became obvious, retell a story ‎ from a book, from that moment, take oneself seriously as a writer, have…published in science fiction magazines, throughout one’s life, receive many awards for…, among his most famous works of science fiction, win an award, the death and rebirth of …, in a galaxy of the future, be well known for one’s collection of short stories, develop a set of … for robots, injure human beings, research into artificial intelligence, have no children with one’s second wife IV. Writing your own story with the expressions from A Biography of Isaac Asimov ‎ Next you are going to writing your own stories sentences using the expressions from A Biography of Isaac Asimov. You may include as many attributive clauses as possible.‎ My father: a teacher and writer My father is a Chinese teacher and writer. He has written around 40 books. His best known book is not his science fiction stories, but his dictionaries for English learners in China.‎ My father has both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing mind. These give him the ability to explore English teaching and the real world lives.‎ My father has been searching for explanations of everything related with English teaching in China, in the present, in the future and the past.‎ My father was born on 4 May, 1959. His life as a high school teacher of ‎ English began in a small town in the mountains in north China, and continues as a college teacher of English now in a big city, also in north China. ‎ My father’s father, by the way, died as a result of high blood pressure in 1996, one year before Hong Kong returned to China.‎ My father moved with his parents to North China when he was 14 years old. They bought a small house at their home village, where my grandmother still lives.‎ My father worked at that small village as a farmer for 3 or so years. At the age of 19, he succeeded in the national entrance examination. He was accepted into a teacher’s college. He worked at a part-time job through his college years until 1981. Ten years later, he managed to gain a master’s degree at university in English in Beijing.‎ My father first worked as a junior high school teacher of English.‎ In 1992, he became a college teacher of English in a big city. He then gave up teaching to become a full-time writer.‎ His talent for writing became obvious to him one day when he read part of his book to his students. They thought he was retelling a story from a book to them. This incident gave my father a surprise. From that moment, my father began to take himself seriously as a writer. Now my father is having book after book published in various magazines.‎ In the past ten years or so, my father ahs been receiving many awards for ‎ his books. He even wrote a book about the death and rebirth of a great empire in a galaxy of the future. But he is better known for his collection of short stories. In his writing, he develops a set of three “laws” for writing books which has influenced many writers throughout the world. ‎ Right now, my father is researching into artificial intelligence. He dreams that one day robots could be writing books for us human beings.‎ V. Reading more about Asimov Of his own work, what were Asimov's favorite and least favorite novels? What were his favorite and least favorite stories?‎ Asimov's favorite novel was The Gods Themselves, largely because of the middle section, which was both absolutely brilliant and included non-humans and sex. ‎ His least favorite novel was The Stars Like Dust. ‎ Asimov's three favorite stories were (in order): "The Last Question", "The Bicentennial Man", and "The Ugly Little Boy" (all found in The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, among other places).‎ Among his least favorite stories were:‎ ‎"Black Friar of the Flame" (found in The Early Asimov). The story was his first attempt at a "future historical" and was bounced around from editor to editor until it was finally published. ‎ His all-time least favorite story was "The Portable Star" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter 1955). ‎ He also published a story, "A Woman's Heart" in the June 1957 Satellite which he considered so trivial that he never included it in any of his collections.‎ VI. Closing down by discussing the 1940 Laws of Robotics by Asimov First Law: ‎ A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. ‎ Second Law: ‎ A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. ‎ Third Law: ‎ A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. ‎

