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‎20XX年高考英语状语从句考点及精品练习题(十五)‎ ‎  ◆典型陷阱题分析◆‎ ‎1. “May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum?” “No, you can’t go out _______ your work is being done.”‎ A. before                    B. untilC. as                          D. the moment ‎2. “I’m going to the post office.” “_______ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?”‎ A. As                                B. WhileC. Because                   D. If 请做以下两题 ‎(1) _______ you are at home alone, please don’t leave the door open. ‎ A. While                      B. AsC. Before                         D. How ‎(2) _______ you are alone with her, tell her that you like her. ‎ A. While                       B. AsC. After               D. How ‎3. After the war, a new school building was put up ______ there had once been a theatre. ‎ A. that               B. whenC. which                        D. where 请做以下类似试题 ‎(1) The famous scientist grew up _______ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai.‎ A. when                                                   B. whenever C. where                                                  D. wherever ‎(2) She found her calculator _______ she lost it. ‎ A. where                                                  B. while C. in which                                               D. that ‎(3) You should make it a rule to leave things _______ you can find them again. ‎ A. when                                                   B. where C. then                                                     D. which ‎(4) When you read the book, you’d better make a mark _____ you have any questions.‎ A. at which                                               B. at where C. the place where                                     D. where ‎(5) You should let your children play ______ you can see them.‎ A. where                                                  B. when C. in which                                               D. that ‎(6) Now he works in the factory ______ his father used to work.‎ A. where                                                  B. when C. in which                                               D. that ‎4. The visitor asked to have his picture taken _______ stood the famous tower.‎ A. that                                                      B. at which C. when                                                   D. where ‎4. They kept trying _____ they must have known it was hopeless.‎ A. if                                                         B. because C. when                                                   D. where 请做下面的试题 ‎(1)Why do you want a new job ______ you’ve got such a good one already?‎ A. that                                                      B. where C. which                                                  D. when ‎5. He was about to tell me the secret ______ someone patted him on the shoulder.‎ A. as                                                        B. until C. when                                                   D. while ‎ 请做下面的试题 ‎(1) I was about to go out ______ the telephone rang. ‎ A. when                                                   B. suddenly ‎ C. as soon as                                            D. directly ‎(2) We were swimming in the lake_______‎ the storm started. ‎ A. when                                                   B. suddenly C. until                                                     D. before ‎(3) She was walking down the road _______ she heard someone shouting for help.‎ A. when                                                   B. suddenly C. until                                                     D. before ‎6. The fire went on for quite some time _______ it was brought under control.‎ A. when                                                   B. since C. after                                                    D. before ‎ ‎(1) He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _______ it got worse.‎ A. until                                                     B. when C. before                                                  D. as ‎(2) Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up ________ I could answer the phone.‎ A. as                                                        B. since C. until                                                     D. before ‎(3) She is getting better by degrees, but it will be some time _____ she is completely well.‎ A. that                                                      B. since C. when                                                   D. before ‎(4) They sat down opposite each other, but it was some moments ______ they spoke. ‎ A. after                                                    B. before C. since                                                    D. when ‎ ‎7. Mother asked me to take more money _______ something unexpected should happen.‎ A. in case                                                 B. so that C. in order that                                          D. when 请做下面的试题 ‎(1) ________ I forget, please remind me about it.‎ A. In case                                                 B. So that C. In order that                                         D. When ‎(2) Take your umbrella just ________ it rains.‎ A. in case                                                 B. so that C. in order that                                          D. when ‎(3) Be quiet _______ you should wake the baby.‎ A. in case                                                 B. so that C. in order that                                          D. when ‎(4) Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.‎ A. in case                                                 B. so that C. in order that                                          D. when ‎(5). I’ll keep his address _____ I need it. ‎ A. so that                                                 B. in order that C. in case                                                 D. when ‎ ‎8. _______ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided. ‎ A. Having checked                                    B. Check ‎ C. If you check                                         D. To check 请做下面的试题 ‎(1) ________ more careful, the work might have been done better.‎ A. Being                                                   B. Having been C. If you had been                                     D. To have been ‎(2) _______ your diet, it is easy to reduce.‎ A. Watching                                             B. To be watching C. If you watch                                        D. To have watched ‎(3) _______ a pair of compasses, it is easy to describe a circle.‎ A. Having                                                 B. To have had C. If you have                                           D. if having ‎(4) _______ for something, a receipt is given to you.‎ A. Paying                                                 B. Having paid C. When you have paid                              D. To be paying ‎(5) _______ the sun rising slowly in the east, the scene is a perfect dream.‎ A. Seeing                                                  B. To be seeing C. When you see                                       D. Having seen ‎9. “Shall Mary come and play computer games?” “No, _______ she has finished her homework.”‎ A. when                                                   B. since C. unless                                                  D. as soon as 请做下面的试题 ‎(1) “Would you mind my sitting here with you?” “No, ______ you aren’t too noisy.”‎ A. when                                                   B. if C. unless                                                  D. as soon as ‎(2) “Will he agree to come to join us in the work?” “No, _______ we promise him more money.”‎ A. when                                                   B. unless C. unless                                                  D. as soon as ‎(3) “Can you finish the work in time?” “No, _______ we don’t sleep throughout the night.”‎ ‎10. “When did he leave the classroom?” “He left _______ you turned back to write on the blackboard.”‎ A. the time                                                B. the moment C. until                                                     D. since 请做下面的试题 ‎(1)“Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?” “Yes, I gave it to her ________ I saw her.”‎ A. while                                                   B. the moment C. suddenly                                              D. until ‎(2) The doorkeeper gave the alarm _______ he saw the smoke.‎ A. while                                                   B. the instant C. suddenly                                              D. before ‎(3) I raised the alarm _______ I saw the smoke.‎ A. while                                                   B. the minute C. suddenly                                              D. since ‎ ‎ ‎1.【陷阱】容易误选B,误认为这是考查 not…until…结构。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 C。句中的 your work is being done 表明“你正在做作业”,选 as 表原因。‎ ‎2.【陷阱】容易误选A。【分析】最佳答案选 B。尽管 as 和 while 均可用作从属连词引导时间状语从句,表示“当……的时候”,但两者有一个重要区别,就是这样用的 as 从句的谓语不能是状态动词。当然,如果 as 不是表示“当……的时候”,其谓语是完全可以用状态动词的。如:‎ I went to bed early, as I was exhausted. 我很累了,所以很早就上床睡了。(此句中的 as 表示原因,意为“因为”、“由于”)‎ ‎(1)(2),答案均选 while,不选as:‎ ‎3.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 D。where 在此引导地点状语从句,其意为“(在)……的地方”。‎ ‎(1)至(6)(答案均选 where):‎ ‎4.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 D。此题与上面一题有些相似,但又有所不同:相似的是,where 均表示“在……的地方”,均用以引导地点状语从句;不同的是,此题还涉及倒装,即此句的主语是 the famous tower,谓语是 stood,正常词序为 where the famous tower stood,使用倒装是为了保持句子平衡,避免头重脚轻。‎ ‎4.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 C。when 在此的意思不是“当……的时候”,而是“尽管”、“虽然”的意思。又如:‎ He walks when he might take a taxi. 尽管他可以坐出租车,但他却走路。‎ He stopped trying when he might have succeeded next time. 尽管他本来下次就可以成功的了,但他却停止努力了。‎ The boy was restless when he should have listened to the teacher carefully. 这男孩子本来应该专心听老师讲的,但他却坐立不安。‎ 有许多同学只知道 when 表示“当……的时候”,而不知道它还有其他许多意思,除上面提到的表示“尽管”、“虽然”外,when 还可表示“既然”、“考虑到”。‎ ‎(1)(答案选D):‎ ‎5.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 C。when 意为“这时(突然)”,主要用于某一动作突然发生于另一动作正在进行或刚要发生之时。此时的 when 可以连用副词 suddenly,也可以不连用它,但值得注意的是,同学们不能单独用 suddenly 来代替 when ‎(1)(2)(3)的答案选A,不选B:‎ ‎6.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 D。before 意为“在……之前”,句意是“大火在得到控制之前燃烧了相当一段时间”。‎ ‎(1)至(4)题也选 before:‎ ‎7.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 A。in case 起连词作用,用以引导状语从句,主要有两种意思:一是表示条件,意为“如果”、“万一”;二是表示“目的”,意为“以防”、“免得”。‎ ‎(1)至(5)各题也都选 in case:‎ ‎8.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选,尤其可能误选A。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 C。前面一个分句为条件状语从句,后面一个分句为主语。现分析几个干扰项:选项 A 和 D 均为非谓语动词,根据英语语法习惯,非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语应与句子主语一致,而此句的 some spelling mistakes 显然不能用作 having checked 或 to check 的逻辑主语,故不能选为答案;若选 B,则两个句子之间缺少必要的连词,也不对。‎ ‎(1)至(5)(答案均选 C):‎ ‎9.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 C。此句为省略句,答句句首的 No 表明其后省略的是一个否定句,全句补充完整为:She can’t play computer games unless she has finished her homework.‎ ‎(1)(2)(3)(答案均选B):‎ ‎10.【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。‎ ‎【分析】最佳答案选 B。the moment 用作连词,意为“一……就……”,相当于 as soon as。类似地,the minute, the instant 也可用作连词,表示“一……就……”的意思。‎ ‎(1)(2)(3)试题也选 B:‎ ‎◆精编陷阱题训练◆‎ ‎1. Don’t be afraid of asking for help _______ it is needed.‎ A. unless                                                  B. since C. although                                               D. when ‎2. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity ________ he reaches the end of the story. ‎ A. when                                                   B. unless C. after                                                    D. until ‎3. _______ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. ‎ A. Even though                                         B. Unless C. As long as                                            D. while ‎4 You will succeed in the end ____ you give up halfway. ‎ A. even if                                                 B. as though C. as long as                                             D. unless ‎5. “Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?” “Yes. He had never praised him _______ he became one of the top students in his grade.” ‎ A. after                                                    B. unless C. until                                                     D. when ‎6. _____ I suggest, he always disagrees. ‎ A. However                                              B. Whatever C. Whichever                                            D. Whoever ‎7. You should put on the notices ______ all the people may see them.‎ A. where                                                  B. in which C. at                                                        D. for them ‎8. _____ she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.‎ A. Wherever                                             B. However C. Whichever                                            D. Whoever ‎9. Mary clapped her hand over her mouth _______ she realized what she had said.‎ A. while                                                   B. as soon as C. suddenly                                              D. then ‎10. ________ her faults, she’s Arnold’s mother. Don’t be so rude to her.‎ A. Whatever                                             B. What C. Whichever                                            D. Whenever ‎ ‎11. ____ you’re got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. ‎ A. Now that                                              B. After C. Although                                              D. As soon as ‎12. I thought she was the very girl that I should marry _______ I met her.‎ A. first time                                              B. for the first time C. the first time                                         D. by the first time ‎13. Don’t play by the river _______ you fall in and drown!‎ A. in case                                                 B. so that C. in order that                                          D. when ‎14. Why do you want a new job ____ you’ve got such a good one already? ‎ A. that                    B. whereC. which                              D. when ‎15. He is better than _______ I last visited him. ‎ A. when                B. thatC. how                                 D. which ‎16. _______ the punishment was unjust, he accepted it without complaint.‎ A. So long as                          B. Even thoughC. Since                            D. While ‎17. ________ the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.‎ A. While                                B. AsC. Since                               D. Because ‎18. _______ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. ‎ A. As long as                  B. As far as C. Just as                      D. Even if ‎ ‎19. _______ rich one may be there is always something one wants. ‎ A. Whatever              B. WheneverC. However                   D. Wherever ‎20. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _______ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.‎ A. which                 B. whenC. so that                    D. as if ‎21. Mr Zhang is mild in character. He never shouts ____ he is very angry.‎ A. if                             B. evenC. though                        D. even when ‎22. “How long do you suppose it is _______ he left for Japan?” “No more than half a month.”‎ A. when                 B. beforeC. after                        D. since ‎23. In some countries, _______ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state. ‎ A. that                            B. whichC. as                          D. what ‎ ‎【答案与解析】‎ ‎1. 选 D。when 意为“在(当)……时候”。其余三项填入空格处,句意不通。‎ ‎2. 选 D。until 意为“直到”,句意为“一位优秀的故事讲述者必须能够让听众在故事结束前一直保持好奇心”。‎ ‎3. 选 C。as long as 意为“只要”,全句意为“只要我知道这钱是安全的,我就不会担心了”。类似地,下面一题也选 as long as:‎ ‎“What are you going to do this afternoon?’ “I’ll probably go for a walk later on ____ it stays fine.”‎ A. as far as                                               B. as long as C. even if                                                 D. as if ‎4. 选 D。unless 意为“如果不”、“除非”,用以引导一个条件状语从句。‎ ‎5. 选 C。考查 not…until… 句式,其意为“直到……才……”。‎ ‎6. 选B。whatever 引导的是让步状语从句,相当于 no matter what。注意不能选A,因为 suggest 是及物动词,它应带自己的宾语,而 however 不能用作宾语。‎ ‎7. 选A。where 指“在……的地方”,用以引导地点状语从句。‎ ‎8. 选A,wherever 意为“无论什么地方”。‎ ‎9. 选 B。根据语境可推知。如下面一题也选as soon as:‎ ‎_______ he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help.‎ A. While                                                   B. As soon as C. Suddenly                                              D. Then ‎10. 选A。whatever her faults 为让步状语从句,句末省略了谓语动词 are。‎ ‎11. 选 A。now that 为连词,用以引导原因状语从句,其意为“既然”,与since 同义。其中的 might as well意为“不妨”。全句意为“既然你得到一个机会,你不妨充分利用它”。‎ ‎12. 选C。the first time 在此用作连词,用以引导状语从句。句意为“我第一次见到她就认为她很诚实”。‎ ‎13. 选C。in case 意为“以防”。‎ ‎14. 选 D。when 不表示“当……的时候”,而表示“既然”,相当于 since,用以引导原因状语从句。全句意为:你既然已经有了这么好的工作,干吗还要找新的工作呢? 请再两例:‎ I can’t tell you when you won’t listen. 既然你不想听,我就不告诉你了。‎ Why use wood when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料,为什么还要用木料?‎ ‎15. 选A。than 后省略了 he was,假若补充完整,全句即为 He is better than he was when I last visited him。‎ ‎16. 选 B。比较四个选项:so long as(只要),even though(即使),since(自从,既然),while(当……时候),其中只有B的意思最合适,全句意为“即使处罚不公平,他毫无怨言地接受”。‎ ‎17. 选A。while 在此不表示“当……的时候”,而表示“尽管”。‎ ‎18. 选B。as far as 意为“尽,就,至于”,常用于 as far as I know(据我所知),as far as one can see(在某人看来),as far as one can(某人尽力),as far as sth / sb is concerned(就某事 / 某人来说)等结构。‎ ‎19. 选C。however 在此引导让步状语从句,意义上相当于 now matter how。‎ ‎20. 选 C。so that 引导目的状语从句,其意为“为了”。‎ ‎21. 选 D。根据句子语境,选 B 或 D 较适合,但 even 是副词,不是连词,不能引导状语从句,故选 D。‎ ‎22. 选 D。问句的基本结构是“It is +时间段+since 从句”,其原句型是 I suppose it is no more than half a month since he left for Japan. 假若对此句中的 no more than half a month 提问,则可得到提问句。‎ ‎23. 选 D。what 引导的是主语从句,其中的 what 相当于 the schools that。‎

