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unit 3 2020 秋 PEP 人教版四年级英语上册优质课件 My friends PartA 第一课时 目 录 PartA 第二课时 PartA 第三课时 PartB 第一课时 PartB 第二课时 PartB 第三课时 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 3 My friends Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up big small Game: Memory Challenge tall short fat thin long short Game: Memory Challenge tall fat small It’s … long It’s … thin short big short Lead in big fat tall long Say the opposite words. small short thin short Hello! My name is Lily. Her name is Lily. She’s tall . She’s thin . She’s beautiful . her 她的 Is Lily strong ? This man is strong . No, Lily isn’t strong . Can you say something about your friend? strong 强壮的 Presentation John has a new friend too. Let’s watch and answer. 1. Is his friend a boy or a girl? 2. What’s his friend’s name? His friend is a boy. His name is Zhang Peng. his 他的 点击画面 播放视频 Mum, I have a new friend. Really? A Chinese friend? Yes, he’s very friendly . His name is Zhang Peng. Look! He’s tall and strong. Yes, he is. Listen to the tape and read after it. What’s his name? friendly 友好的 1. — What’s his name? — His name is Zhang Peng. Language points 【 详解 】 这是用来询问他人姓名的句型。 what’s 是 what is 的缩写形式 。     句型结构: What ’ s + his/ her + name? 回答: His/ her + name + is + 人名 . eg. — What’s his name? — His name is John. — What’s her name? — Her name is Lucy. 2. He’s tall and strong. 他又高又壮。 【 详解 】 这是用来描述他人外貌特征的句型 , 当描述他人外貌特征有多个形容 词时 , 在最后一个形容词前加 and.     句型结构: 主语 ( 代词 / 人名 )+ be 动词 + 描述人外貌特征的形容词 . eg. He’s short and fat. 他又矮又胖。 She’s tall and thin. 她又高又瘦。 3. He’s very friendly. 他很友好。 【 详解 】 这是用来描述他人性格特征的句型     句型结构: 主语 ( 代词 / 人名 )+ be 动词 + 描述人性格特征的形容词 . eg. He’s quiet. She’s friendly. Mum, I have a new friend. Really? A Chinese friend? Yes, he’s very friendly. What’s his name? His name is Zhang Peng. Look! He’s tall and strong. Yes, he is. 1. Read the text freely in pairs. 2. Act it out. I will choose the best group. A: ____, I have a new friend. B: Really? A Chinese friend? A: Yes, he/ she is very ________. B: What’s his/ her name? A: His/ Her name is ________. Look! He/ She is ________. B: Yes, he/she is. Try to say Let’s play They are Lucy, Bob, Lily and Tim. Lucy Bob Lily Tim Sarah and Amy are talking about them. I have a new friend. She’s tall and thin. What’s her name? Her name is Lucy. Oh, there she is. Practice I have a new friend. He’s tall and strong. What’s his name? His name is Bob. Oh, there he is. Lucy Bob Lily Tim Lucy Bob Lily Tim Act Sarah and Amy. Talk about their friends. Role-play Play a game: What’s his name? My name is Jake. My name is David. His name is Jake. My name is Lili. His name is Jake. And his name is David. My name is Kate. His name is Jake. His name is David. And her name is Lili. My name is Joe. His name is Jake. His name is David. Her name is Lili. And her name is Kate. John and Chen Jie are talking about their friends. We all have friends. Friends are important in our life. Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. —Helen Keller 在黑暗中与朋友并肩同行好过在光亮中独自行走。 —— 海伦 • 凯勒 1. ( His Her ) name is Jack. 2. ( His Her ) name is Lucy. 3. She is ( tall short ). 4. He is ( fat thin ). Exercises 一、 根据图片圈出正确的单词。 ( ) 1. What’s your name? A. My name is Amy. B. Her name is Sarah. ( ) 2. What’s his name? A. My name is Sarah. B. His name is John. ( ) 3. What’s her name? A. Her name is Amy. B. His name is John. ( ) 4. What’s your friend’s name? A. My name is Lily. B. Her name is Lily. B A A B 二、 为下列问句选择正确的答句 。 1. tall , he , and , is, strong ( . ) _______________________________ 2. his , is, name, Zhang Peng ( . ) _______________________________ 3. what, her, is, name ( ? ) _______________________________ 4. new, a, I, friend , have ( . ) _______________________________ He is tall and strong. His name is Zhang Peng. What is her name? I have a new friend. 三、 连词成句 。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了描述人物特征的形容词,并学习了新单 词 friendly, strong 。 2. 学会了在真实的语境中运用 What’s his/ her name? 询问他人的姓名,并用 His/ Her name is ... 回答。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Act the dialogue out with your partner. Read the text to your parents. Make a short dialogue use the sentences we have learned. ONE TWO Unit 3 My friends Part A Let’s learn & Let’s chant 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up Let’s sing a chant. What’s his name? What’s his name? His name’s Jake. His name’s Jake. What’s her name? What’s her name? Her name’s Lili. Her name’s Lili. Lucy Bob Lily Tim Sarah and Amy have some new friends. Can you say? A: I have a new friend. He’s/ She’s … B: What’s his/ her name? A: His/ Her name is … B: Oh, there he/ she is. Let’s review. Lead in Presentation Who are they? What are they talking about? Let’s listen. Let’s learn I have a good friend. He’s tall and strong . tall and strong Who is he? His name is Zhang Peng. I have a good friend. He’s tall and strong . Who is he? His name is Zhang Peng. I’m short and thin . tall and strong short and thin This is Amy. She’s friendly . friendly This is Amy. She’s friendly . His name is Sam. He’s quiet . friendly And who is he? quiet I have a good friend. He’s tall and strong . Who is he? His name is ... tall and strong short and thin friendly quiet Read the text after the tape, then act it out. — Who is he? — His name is … Language points 【详解】这是用来询问他人姓名或身份的句型。    句型结构 : Who is he/she? 回答 : His/ Her name is … / He/ She is … eg. — Who is he? — His name is Liu Gang. — Who is she? — She is Zhang Ling. He’s friendly. He’s tall and thin. Practice Let’s choose He’s strong. She’s tall and beautiful. Let’s chant Watch the video and say the chant. 点击画面 播放视频 For example: This is my friend. His name is Sam. He’s quiet. Now say the chant about your friends! 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Exercises ( ) 1. t__l A. al B. ul C. ol ( ) 2. sh__t A. al B. ol C. or ( ) 3. qu__t A. er B. ie C. ai ( ) 4. th__ A. on B. in C. un ( ) 5. str___g A. an B. un C. on B B C C A 一、 选择正确的字母补全单词。 ( ) 1. He is tall. ( ) 2. She is short and thin. ( ) 3. He is tall and strong. ( ) 4. She is tall. ( ) 5. He is short and thin. F F T F T 二、判断下列句子与图片是 (T) 否 (F) 相符 。 1. She is tall and strong. 2. He is short and thin. 3. She is quiet and friendly. ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 1 2 三、为图片选择正确的句子 。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词汇: tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet 。 2. 学习了在情景中运用 Who is he/she? 句型。 3. 学会了一首 chant 。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Say the chant to your parents. Talk something about your best friend. Write a short passage about your friend use the words and sentences we have learned. ONE TWO Unit 3 My friends Part A Let’s spell 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up What’s his name? What’s his name? His name’s John. His name’s John. What’s her name? What’s her name? Her name’s Amy. Her name’s Amy. Let’s chant Lead in Old Mr Jones put the Coke on the note . Old Mr Jones put the note on his nose . Old Mr Jones put the Coke on the note . Can old Mr Jones put his nose on his toes ?  Listen the chant about Mr Jones and follow it. Presentation Old Mr Jones Put the Coke on the note . Old Mr Jones put the note on his nose . Old Mr Jones put the Coke on the note . Can old Mr Jones put his nose on his toes ?  Read, listen and chant J o n e s C o k e n o t e / əu / n o s e t oe s o - e n o s e n o t e C o k e Mr J o n e s / əu / o - e Old Mr J o n e s Put the C o k e on the n o t e . Old Mr J o n e s put the n o t e on his n o s e . Old Mr J o n e s put the C o k e on the n o t e . Can old Mr J o n e s put his n o s e on his t oe s?  Let’s read it again. Pay attention to red words. 1. Read it freely. 2. Read it in groups. Practice Read, listen and tick Tick the word you hear. √ √ √ √ Does the letter “o” pronounce / əu /? d o g o [ ɔ ] Can you find other words which the letter “o” pronounces / ɔ /? Let’s find together. n o t h o t l o t b o x l o st d o g o [ ɔ ] n o t e h o m e h o p e n o s e r o s e / əu / o - e Put the letters into right order, then pronounce them. p e o h o e s n h e m o e t n o o r e s o b x s t l o g d o t o h o f m r h o p e b o x n o t e fr o m r o s e d o g h o t h o m e n o s e l o st [ ɔ ] / əu / [ ɔ ] / ə u / Game: Help dogs to go home. note Coke lost toy rose hot not nose hope box Listen. Circle the right letter, then write the words. Listen, circle and number For example: o o-e o o-e o o-e o o-e o o-e Read and write o o-e Let’s do more words. o o-e o o-e o o-e o o-e o o-e Let’s read more words about / əu / and / ɔ /. n o t e n o s e m o d e m o p e w o k e p o k e p o s e r o s e l o p e d o m e / əu / [ ɔ ] h o t l o t p o t d o t s o ck j o b st o p m o p h o p t o p Chant it together. O, O, O, O is in nose, / əu /, / əu /, / əu /. O, O, O, O is in note, / əu /, / əu /, / əu /. O, O, O, O is in dog, [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ]. O, O, O, O is in not, [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ]. O, O, O, O is in hope, / əu /, / əu /, / əu /. O, O, O, O is in home, / əu /, / əu /, / əu /. O, O, O, O is in hot, [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ]. O, O, O, O is in lot, [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ], [ ɔ ]. Exercises 一、 看图片,选单词。 4. ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) F F T T F F n o t n o te r o se l o st b o x d o g C o ke n o se h o t h o me h o t n o se 二、 判断 每组 划线部分的发音是 (T) 否 (F) 一致。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 字母 / 字母组合 o - e o 发音 / əu / [ ɔ ] 词语 b o x h o t l o t l o st d o g n o t n o s e l o s e n o t e h o p e h o m e C o k e 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Say the chant on the book in pairs. Read the text to your parents. Write the words about / əu / and / ɔ / as much as you can. ONE TWO Unit 3 My friends Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Let’s chant: Tim is my friend. Warm up 点击画面 播放视频 Lead in Guess: Who is my friend? He is a boy. He is tall and thin. He has blue shoe s. He is Bob. Bob is my friend. Joe Kate Lili Bob shoe 鞋 Look at the two boys. They are Jim and Jason. Guess he’s Jim or Jason. Jason Jim He is short and thin. He has red bag. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. Yes, he is Jason. or 或者 glasses 眼镜 Presentation Mike has a new friend too. Watch the video and answer. Who is Mike’s new friend? Wu Yifan. Is he tall and thin? Yes, he is. 点击画面 播放视频 Hi, John. I have a good friend. A boy or girl? A boy. He is tall and thin. No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. Who is he? Zhang Peng? Is he Wu Yifan? Yes, you’re right . Read after the tape. right 正确的,对的 1. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 【详解】 has 是 have 的第三人称单数形式 , 在此句中意为“戴着”。    句型结构 : 主语 + have/ has + 名词 . eg. He has blue glasses and his shoes are black. Language points 2. — Is he Wu Yifan? — Yes. You’re right. 【详解】这是用来确认他人身份的句型 , right 意为“正确的 ; 对的”。    句型结构 : Is he/ she + 人名 / 身份 ? 回答 : Yes. You are right./ Sorry. You are wrong. eg. — Is she Linda? — Yes, you’re right. Hi, John. I have a good friend. A boy or girl? A boy. He is tall and thin. No. He has glasses and his shoes are blue. Who is he? Zhang Peng? Is he Wu Yifan? Yes, you’re right. Please read the text freely, then act it out. Practice Can you say something about this girl? She is beautiful. She is short and thin. She has black glasses. Her shoes are red. Look and say Let’s play Talk about your friend and let your partner guess who he/ she is. He is … He has … His shoes are … His bag is … What is his name? She is … She has … Her shoes are … Her bag is … What is her name? Lisa Kate Jason Bob She is short and thin. She has black glasses. Her shoes are red. Her bag is black. What is her name? Her name is Lisa. Game time Magic eyes: Please remember this girl first. Now choose the right word about her. short thin black glasses blue shoes bag green and yellow red shoes red glasses tall and She is . She has . . She has bag blue and yellow Her is . Let’s say something about her. Good job! Let’s chant: Tim is my friend. 点击画面 播放视频 Exercises ( ) 1. A. glasses B. shoes ( ) 2. A. glasses B. shoes ( ) 3. A. he B. she ( ) 4. A. boy B. girl ( ) 5. A. tall and thin B. short and thin B A B B A 一、 看图片,选单词。 ( ) 1. Who is she? A. She is tall. B. Her name is Amy. ( ) 2. Who is he? A. She is Ann. B. He is John. ( ) 3. What’s his name? A. His name is Tom. B. She is Lily. ( ) 4. What’s her name? A. She is quiet. B. Her name is Lucy. B A B B 二、 为下列问句选出正确的答句。 1. he , is , who ( ? ) ___________________________________ 2. glasses , has, he ( . ) ___________________________________ 3. shoes, are, his , blue ( . ) ___________________________________ 4. good, have, I, friend , a ( . ) ___________________________________ Who is he? He has glasses. His shoes are blue. I have a good friend. 三、连词成句 。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了运用句型 ” He has glasses and his shoes are blue. ” 来描述人物的衣饰。 2. 复习了如何描述朋友的外貌特征,以及如何 询问其身份的句式 。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Act the dialogue out in groups. Read the text to your family. Introduce two friends to your parents using the words and sentences. ONE TWO Unit 3 My friends Part B Let’s learn & Say and draw 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up Sing the song: Friends. 点击画面 播放视频 Lead in Game: Talk about the boy/ the girl. She is tall and thin. She has red glasses. Her shoes are blue. Her bag is green and yellow. He is short and thin. He has black glasses. His shoes are blue. His bag is red. Can you say something about the two girls? She is tall and thin. She is tall and thin too. Her hair is long. But her hair is short. hair 头发 Presentation It’s Mike’s picture. He’s talking it to Chen Jie. Let’s see together. Whose is the picture? Let’s learn Listen to the tape. Pay attention to the phrases. My friend has blue glasses . It’s Wu Yifan. His glasses are blue! blue glasses My friend has brown shoes . It’s Amy. Her shoes are brown! brown shoes My friend has a green bag . It’s Wu Yifan. His bag is green! a green bag My friend has long hair . It’s Sarah. Her hair is long! long hair This girl has short hair . It’s Sarah’s friend. Her hair is short! short hair Read the text and phrases after the tape. My friend has blue glasses . It’s Wu Yifan. His glasses are blue! blue glasses short hair long hair a green bag brown shoes My friend has blue glasses. Language points 【详解】此句中的主语为第三人称单数形式 , 即 my friend , 故谓语动词用 has 。    句型结构 : 主语 + have/ has + 名词 . eg. My friend has long hair. My friend has orange glasses. Practice Say it as fast as you can. Say yourself like this one by one. My hair is short. My hair is long. I have blue bag and blue shoes. I have black glasses. My bag is green. Say and draw Wu Yifan is drawing Sarah’s friend. I have a friend. He has short hair. He has a green bag and brown shoes. Now draw your friend with your partner. My friend is a girl. She is tall and thin. She has short hair and big eyes. She has a green book. Her shoes are red. I have friend. Can you help me to draw a picture? The greatest gift of life is friendship. Please treasure your friendship. 生命中最棒的礼物就是友谊。 请珍惜你的友谊! ( ) 1. A. eye B. hair C. boy ( ) 2. A. glasses B. eye C. hair ( ) 3. A. pen B. bag C. toy ( ) 4. A. candy B. key C. shoes Exercises A C B B 一、 看图片,选单词。 ( ) 1. A. long B. short C. green ( ) 2. A. bag B. brown C. blue ( ) 3. A. friend B. he C. she ( ) 4. A. blue B. hair C. black ( ) 5. A. orange B. shoes C. bag A B A A C 二、选出各组中不同类的一项 。 1. He has blue shoes and glasses. 2. She is thin and she has long hair. 3. He has a hat and glasses. ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 1 3 三、将句子与图片匹配 。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词: hair, shoes, glasses 。 2. 学习了描述人物特征的句型: He has ... His glasses are ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Write a short passage about your friend. Use these sentences: He/ She has … He/ She is … His/ Her … is … Draw a picture of your friend and describe him/ her to your parents. ONE TWO Unit 3 My friends Part B & Part C Read and write—Story time 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up Sing the song: Friends. 点击画面 播放视频 Play a game “The monster is coming”! Do you know monster? What’s he like? Let’s draw the monster. I think the monster is green. He has a big head. His ears are sharp and long. He has three big eyes and a long mouth. He has no body, but he has four legs. His legs are blue. Can you draw the monster? Lead in Say something about Zoom. He is big and tall. His friend is Zip. He is very strong. Zoom is strong. What does Zoom do? Presentation Rabbit find a very, very big . He wants to pull it up, but he can’t. radish Wow! It’s so big! Oh, It’s too big. I can’t pull it up. Come on, friends. Please help me. We’re coming! One, two, three, pull! He asks his friends to help him. Monkey, Dog, Cat and Zip come here. Can they pull it up? No, they can’t. I’m strong. Let’s work together. Hooray! Zoom is strong. They work together and pull the radish up. They are so happy! Watch the video and read the story after it please. 点击画面 播放视频 Look at these pictures. Can you give the right number? 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Read the story freely. 2. Act the story out in groups, and we’ll find the best group. Look, there are some new friends in Mike’s classroom. They are James, Kate, Ben and Ann. Read and match James Ben Ann Kate He has short hair. He has a big green bag. What is his name? James Ben Ann Kate Let’s guess who is he. James She has long hair. He has orange shoes. What is her name? Ann She is tall. She is friendly. Who is she? He is short and thin. He has glasses. He is near the window. Who is he? Kate Ben James Ben Ann Kate Introduce them in your words please. She is beautiful. She has long hair and her shoes are orange. He is strong. He has short hair. His bag is green. He is short and thin. He has short hair. He has glasses. She is tall. She is friendly. She has long hair and her shoes are red. Listen and number Listen to the tape and number these pictures. 1 2 3 4 Look at her. She has orange shoes. Who’s she? Her name is Ann. 2 Hey. I have a new friend. He has long hair and brown shoes. Who is he? His name is Tim.  1 What's his name? His name is Mike. He’s very friendly. 3 My friend Bob is tall and strong. Really? Yes. There he is. He has glasses. 4 听力原文: Look and match tall and strong short brown hair long black hair quiet friendly glasses blue shoes short and thin Please match the pictures and phrases. Look, choose and write N Now write about one of your classmates! Name: Write like this! tall short strong thin friendly quiet black hair short hair green bag glasses … He is friendly . He has black hair and green bag . He is short . He has black glasses . She is tall and thin . She has short hair . Say something about them. Exercises ( ) 1.s___ong A. dr B. tr C. th ( ) 2.fri___dly A. an B. un C. en ( ) 3. qu__t A. ie B. ai C. ei ( ) 4. h___r A. ei B. ai C. an ( ) 5. sh___ A. oe B. ee C. ey ( ) 6. sh__t A. oe B. ro C. or A B A C B C 一、 选择正确的字母补全单词。 ( ) 1. What is his name? ( ) 2. What is her name? ( ) 3. Who is he? ( ) 4. Who is she? B C A D 二、为下列问句选出答语 。 Her name is Lily. B. He is my friend Sam. C. She is Amy. D. His name is Dick. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了本单元重点词汇: tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet, glasses, shoes, long hair, short hair 。 2. 复习了本单元的重点句型: He/She is friendly/quiet. He has blue glasses. She has long hair/ short hair. … 3. 学习了一个故事。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Role play and act the story out in groups. Read the story to your parents. Describe one of your classmates or your friends. ONE TWO

