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unit 5 2020秋PEP人教版四年级英语上册优质课件 Dinner’s ready PartA 第一课时 PartA 第二课时 PartA 第三课时 PartB 第一课时 PartB 第二课时 PartB 第三课时 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章 节内容,方便使用。 Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part A Let’s talk & Let’s survey 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up Sing a song It’s time for lunch. I want to eat. Dumplings and rice, a special treat. It’s time for lunch. I want to eat. Dumplings and rice, a special treat. It’s time for lunch. I’d like some …Look and say Lead in Presentation Mike is hungry. What would he like? He would like some soup and bread. Let’s watch and find. 点击画面 播放视频 soup 汤 Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? Listen and read. What would you like? I’d like some soup and bread, please. What would you like for dinner? Some fish and vegetables, please. Dinner’s ready! Thanks!Thanks! dinner 正餐 ready 准备好 vegetables 蔬菜 1. — What’s for dinner? Language points 【详解】此句型用来询问用餐的食物。what’s是what is的缩写 形式。for在此句中意为“当作;作为”。    句型结构: What’s for + 三餐名词? eg. — What’s for breakfast? — Bread and milk, please. — What’s for lunch? — Fish and rice, please. 2. — What would you like? — I’d like some soup and bread, please. 【详解】此句是询问他人想要什么、想吃/喝什么的句型。I’d like是 I would like的缩写形式,意为“我想要”,后面接名词。    句型结构: What would you like ( + for + 其他 ) ? 回答: I’d like + 名词. eg. — What would you like? — I’d like some beef. — What would you like for dinner? — I’d like some rice and vegetables. Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? Read it freely and then act it out in groups. What would you like? I’d like some soup and bread, please. What would you like for dinner? Some fish and vegetables, please. Dinner’s ready! Thanks!Thanks! Mum, I’m hungry. What’s ? What ? I’d like , please. What would you like ? Some , please. ! Thanks!Thanks! Practice Fill in the blanks. for dinner would you like some soup and bread for dinner Dinner is ready fish and vegetables Dinner’s ready. What’s for dinner? Can you guess? What’s for dinner? … for dinner. Soup for dinner. What’s for dinner? Vegetables for dinner. What’s for dinner? Guess and say —What would you like for dinner? —I’d like some…, please. /Some…, please. Ask and answer in pairs. Let’s survey Chen Jie is doing a survey. What would you like for dinner? I’d like some rice and vegetables. √ √Mike Chen Jie is doing a survey. What would you like for dinner? I’d like some fish and soup. √ √Mike √ √John This is my survey. Can you say it? √ √Jack Xiaolin √ √ Lily √ √ Sarah √ √ √ Jack would like some fish and rice for dinner. Xiaolin would like some … Lily would like some … Sarah would like some … Survey in groups. Ask and answer like this: —What would you like for dinner? — I’d like some …, please. A balanced diet is good for health. 均衡饮食,有益健康。 Don’t be picky eaters please! 请不要挑食! ( ) 1. What’s for dinner? A. Fish and vegetables. B. Dinner’s ready. ( ) 2. What would you like? A. I’d like some rice. B. I’m hungry. ( ) 3. Is she in the kitchen? A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, she is. ( ) 4. What would you like for dinner? A. Some fish, please. B. Thank you. 一、为下列问句选择正确的答语。 A A B A Exercises 二、连词成句。 1. would what like for you dinner ( ? ) ___________________________________ 2. for is what dinner ( ? ) ___________________________________ 3. some soup I’d and like bread please ( , . ) ___________________________________ 4. is ready dinner( . ) ___________________________________ What would you like for dinner? What is for dinner? I’d like some soup and bread, please. Dinner is ready. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词:soup, vegetables, dinner, ready。 2. 学习了询问他人用餐意愿及回答的句型: —What’s for dinner? —What would you like? —I’d like some …, please. /Some …, please. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Act the dialogue out in groups. Read the text to your parents. Make a survey about your friends. Ask and answer “ What would you like? I’d like…” ONE TWO Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part A Let’s learn & Let’s play 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like fish, I’d like rice. I’d like some juice, please. It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like eggs, I’d like bread. I’d like some milk, please. Let’s chant What’s for dinner? MENU A: What would you like? B: I’d like some …, please. Ask and answer. Lead in MENU Presentation Zoom is hungry. He is in the restaurant. Listen and answer. Let’s learn What would he like? MENU What would you like? I’d like some vegetables, please. OK. Five yuan, please. vegetables ¥5 New words MENU What would you like? I’d like some beef, please. OK. Twenty yuan, please. beef ¥20 vegetables ¥5 MENU What would you like? I’d like some chicken, please. OK. Fifteen yuan, please. beef ¥20 chicken ¥15 vegetables ¥5 MENU What would you like? I’d like some noodles, please. OK. Eight yuan, please. beef ¥20 chicken ¥15 noodles ¥8 vegetables ¥5 MENU What would you like? I’d like some soup, please. OK. Two yuan, please. beef ¥20 chicken ¥15 vegetables ¥5 soup ¥2noodles ¥8 MENU What would you like? I’d like some vegetables, please. OK. Five yuan, please. vegetables ¥5 beef ¥20 chicken ¥15 noodles ¥8 soup ¥2 Listen again and read, then act it out. rice ¥1 fish ¥10 juice ¥5 milk ¥2 bread ¥1 I’d like some vegetables, please. Language points 【详解】此句型用来表达自己的用餐意愿。I’d like是I would like 的缩写形式,意为“我想要”,后面接名词。    句型结构:I’d like + 名词, please. eg. I’d like some chicken, please. I’d like some milk, please. Practice What would you like? I’d like … Let’s play What would you like? I’d like some vegetables, please.OK. Here you are. What would you like? I’d like some chicken and rice, please.OK. Here you are. —What would you like? —I’d like some …, please. —OK. Here you are. Practice in pairs. John and his dad are having dinner in a restaurant. Waitress John Dad W: What would you like? J: I’d like some chicken and rice, please. W: What about you? D: Some vegetables and noodles, please. W: OK. Twenty yuan, please. D: Here you are. W: Enjoy your meal! ( 请慢用! ) J&D: Thank you! MENU ¥3¥4 ¥3 ¥4¥8 ¥1 ¥6 ¥3 ¥7 ¥3¥2 Let’s order some food(点餐). A: What would you like? B: I’d like some … and …, please. A: OK. What would you like? C: I’d like some … and …, please. A: … yuan, please. B: Here you are. A: Enjoy your meal. B&C: Thank you! Look and say Exercises 一、根据单词选择正确的图片。 ( ) 1. beef A. B. ( ) 2. soup A. B. ( ) 3. chicken A. B. ( ) 4. vegetables A. B. A A A B 二、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1. —What would you like? —I’d like some noodles. ( ) 2. —What would you like? —I’d like some fish. ( ) 3. —What would you like? —I’d like some vegetables. ( ) 4. —What would you like? —I’d like some bread. T F T T Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词:vegetables, soup, beef, chicken, noodles。 2.学习了点餐的句型: — What would you like? — I’d like some …, please. / Some …, please. It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like fish, I’d like rice. I’d like some juice, please. It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like eggs, I’d like bread. I’d like some milk, please. Chant again. What’s for dinner? 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Write down the new words and draw pictures for them. Do activity in “Let’s play” with your friends. Make a short dialogue. Use the words and sentences we have learned. ONE TWO Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part A Let’s spell 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Tim is my friend. He’s a good, good boy. He’s tall and thin. He’s a good, good boy. Lily is my friend. She’s a cute, cute girl. She’s quiet and friendly. She’s a cute, cute girl. Chant together Warm up Lead in Who is he/she? He is John. He is Zhang Peng. he She is Amy. She is Sarah. she }-e [i:] This is m e. He is my brother. He is my father. She is my mother. This is my family’s picture. me we }-e [i:]We are a happy family. Presentation This is me. He is my friend. She is my friend too. We all play together. Read, listen and chant Watch and follow the chant. He and she, She and he, Let’s play together, He, she and me. me He and she, She and he, We all play together. 1, 2, 3. me he she we He and she, She and he, Let’s play together, He, she and me. He and she, She and he, We all play together. 1, 2, 3. me he she we Say the chant together and pay attention to the red words. Practice Read, listen and tick Tick the words you heard. √ √ √ √ √ red bed pencil get -e- we be me she he -e [i:] Circle the words with / i:/. let [e]? / i:/ /e/ Help Peppa and George to find their toys. George’s toyPeppa’s toy heletmebebedlegwe red shebed Thank you! Can you read these words? 我们发现: 当“e”和其他元音字母“a”、“i”、“o”、“u”在一起,并在单词结 尾时不发音;没有其他元音字母,并在单词结尾时发音[i:]。 take make date late kite nice fine bike note nose Coke rope cute use cube huge he we she me Can you write the words? e [i:]e 不发音 e [e] cake bed she red he rice Listen. Circle the right letter and write the words. Listen, circle and write For example: -e u-e -e i-e -e u-e -e -e- -e o-e -e -e- Choose and write these words. -e u-e -e i-e -e -e- -e -e- u u-e Say the phonetic chant together. E, e, e, e is in he, [i:], [i:], [i:]. E, e, e, e is in bed, [e], [e], [e]. E, e, e, e is in she, [i:], [i:], [i:]. E, e, e, e is in red, [e], [e], [e]. E, e, e, e is in me, [i:], [i:], [i:]. E, e, e, e is in let, [e], [e], [e]. Exercises ( ) 1. A. bed B. red C. he ( ) 2. A. be B. leg C. she ( ) 3. A. we B. wet C. pencil ( ) 4. A. get B. let C. me 一、选出划线部分发音不同的一项。 C B A C 二、判断划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)一致。 4. ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) TT F F T T rice nice we he me pen red he bed red she we Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 字母 -e- -e 词语 she he we me be bed let red leg get pencil 发音 [e] [i:] 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Read and write the words on page 50. Say the phonetic chant together with your friends. Find more words including / i:/ and /e/. ONE TWO Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like fish, I’d like rice. I’d like some juice, please. It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like eggs, I’d like bread. I’d like some milk, please. It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like beef, I’d like chicken. I’d like some soup, please. It’s time for dinner. What would you like? I’d like fruits, I’d like vegetables. I’d like some noodles, please. Chant: What’s for dinner? Lead in What’s this? What would you like? I’d like some …, please./Some …, please. Ask and answer What do you use for dinner? a knife and fork chopsticks or knife 刀 fork 餐叉 chopsticks 筷子 Presentation Mike is having dinner with Wu Yifan. What does he use? Watch the video and answer. Would Mike like a knife and fork? No, he can use chopsticks. Listen to the tape and read the text. Dinner’s ready! Help yourself. help yourself 请自己用 Thanks.Thanks. Would you like a knife and fork? No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. Would you like some soup? Yes, please.Yes, please. 1. — Help yourself. — Thanks. Language points 【详解】此句型用来请对方自便用餐,回答多用“Thanks.”。    句型结构: Help yourself ( to + 食物名词 ). eg. — Help yourself to some soup. — Thanks. — Help yourself to some chicken. — Thanks. 2. — Would you like a knife and fork? — No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. 【详解】此句型用来提出餐具使用建议,可以用“Yes, please.”或 “No, thanks. I can use …”回答。    句型结构: Would you like + 餐具? 回答: Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use … eg. — Would you like chopsticks? — No, thanks. I can use fork. — Would you like a knife? — Yes, please. 3. — Would you like some soup? — Yes, please! 【详解】此句型用来提出用餐建议,询问他人是否想吃/喝某物。可 以用“Yes, please.”或“No, thanks.”回答。    句型结构: Would you like + 食物名词? 回答: Yes, please./No, thanks. eg. — Would you like some beef? — No, thanks. — Would you like some vegetables? — Yes, please. Listen again and read after the tape. Dinner’s ready! Help yourself. Thanks.Thanks. Would you like a knife and fork? No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. Would you like some soup? Yes, please.Yes, please. Read the text freely, and then act it out in groups. Dinner’s ready! Help yourself. Thanks.Thanks. Would you like a knife and fork? No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. Would you like some soup? Yes, please.Yes, please. ready! Help . Thanks.Thanks. Would you like a ? No, . I can use . you like some ? Yes, please.Yes, . Practice Fill in the blanks. Dinner’s yourself knife and fork thanks chopsticks Would soup please Look and say I can use a knife and fork to eat beef. I can use chopsticks to eat noodles. Can you say now? Here are today’s specials. Would you like some beef? Yes, please. Let’s play Here are today’s specials. Would you like some soup? No, thanks. Yes, please.Would you like some noodles? MENU ¥3¥4 ¥3 ¥4¥8 ¥1 ¥6 ¥3 ¥7 ¥3¥2 Ask and answer in pairs. A: Here are today’s specials. Would you like some …? B: No, thanks. A: Would you like some …? B: Yes, please. Would you like some …? A: Yes. And I’d like some … too. Would you like some …? Would you like some …? Yes, please. Yes, please. I’d like some … Would you like some …? Would you like some …? No, thanks. No, thanks. I’d like some … Can you make a chant? Exercises ( ) 1. A. fork B. knife ( ) 2. A. knife B. chopsticks ( ) 3. A. noodles B. chicken ( ) 4. A. fish B. beef A B A A 一、看图片,选单词。 二、为下列问句选出正确的答语。 ( ) 1. What would you like for dinner? A. It’s on the table. B. I’d like some vegetables. ( ) 2. What would you like? A. Some fish, please. B. I’m hungry. ( ) 3. Would you like a fork and knife? A. No, thanks. B. Help yourself. . ( ) 4. Would you like some soup? A. I can use chopsticks. B. Yes, please. B A A B 三、连词成句。 1. like, you, would, some, soup ( ? ) ___________________________________ 2. you, would, a, knife and fork, like ( ? ) ___________________________________ 3. use, I, can, chopsticks ( . ) ___________________________________ 4. yourself, dinner’s, help, ready ( ! . ) ___________________________________ Would you like some soup? Would you like a knife and fork? I can use chopsticks. Dinner’s ready! Help yourself. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词汇:knife and fork, chopsticks。 2. 学习了如何向别人提出用餐建议或餐具使用建议的句型: — Help yourself. — Thanks. — Would you like a knife and fork/ chopsticks? — Yes, please./ No, thanks. — Would you like some soup? 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Ask and answer like ”let’s play” with your partner. Act the dialogue out for your parents. Make a short dialogue. Use the words and sentences we have learned. ONE TWO Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Game: Which apple is missing? milk beef rice vegetables soup egg noodles chicken Warm up I’d like some beef. I can use a knife and fork to eat beef. I’d like some noodles. I can use chopsticks to eat noodles. Can you say?Lead in Presentation John is having dinner at Wu Yifan’s home. Let’s listen. Let’s learn John, would you like some beef? Yes, please, and pass me the knife and fork please. knife fork New words Yifan, would you like some vegetables? Yes, please, and pass me the chopsticks please. knife forkchopsticks Yifan, would you like some soup? Yes, please, and pass me the spoon please. knife forkchopsticks spoon John, would you like some rice? Yes, please, and pass me the bowl please. knife forkchopsticks spoon bowl John, would you like some rice? Yes, please, and pass me the bowl please. knife forkchopsticks spoon bowl Listen again and read after it, then act it out. Pass me the knife and fork please. Language points 【详解】此句型用来表示给某人递某物。pass后面要用人称 代词的宾格形式。    句型结构: Pass + 宾语 + 名词. Pass + 名词 + to + 宾语. eg. Pass me the spoon please. Pass me the bowl please. Pass the fork to Chen Jie. Practice Game: Sharp eyes Let’s do Would you like some salad? Let’s make together. Pass me the bowl. Pass me the knife. Cut the vegetables. Use the spoon. Use the fork. Now let’s try it. try 尝试 Number and write 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pass me the bowl. Pass me the knife. Cut the vegetables. Use the spoon. Use the fork. Now let’s try it. Would you like some …? Yes, please, and pass me the … please. Ask and answer I want to know Different eating habits between China and Western Countries. (中西方国家不同的用餐习惯) We use chopsticks in China. They use knife and fork. We always eat together. But they like individual serving(分餐制). 一、根据图片提示补全单词。 Exercises ( ) 1. f__rk A. o B. a C. u ( ) 2. b__wl A. a B. o C. e ( ) 3. chopst__cks A. e B. i C. u ( ) 4. sp__on A. o B. u C. a ( ) 5. kn__fe A. e B. o C. i B A C B A 二、选出下列各项中不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. fork B. knife C. soup ( ) 2. A. vegetables B. bowl C. spoon ( ) 3. A. beef B. chopsticks C. chicken ( ) 4. A. salad B. noodles C. table A B C C 三、匹配下列图片与句子。 1. —What would you like? —I’d like some vegetables. 2. Pass me the bowl. 3. I can use chopsticks. ( ) ( )( )3 12 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词:knife, fork, chopsticks, spoon, bowl。 2. 学习了下列句型: — Would you like some …? — Yes, please. / No, thanks. — Pass me the … please. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Act the dialogue out with your friends. Draw pictures of the new words, and let your partner guess. Make a short dialogue and use the new words and sentences. ONE TWO Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part B & C Read and write—Story time 人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册 Warm up What would you like? What would you like? I'd like some fish. I'd like some fish. I'd like some beef. I'd like some beef. Put it on my dish. Put it on my dish. Please pass a fork.  Please pass a fork.   Please pass a spoon. Please pass a spoon. Please pass a knife. Please pass a knife.   Can we please eat soon? Can we please eat soon? What would you like? Sing a song Lead in Let’s talk A: What’s for dinner? B: Would you like some …? A: No, thanks. B: Would you like some …? A: Yes, please. B: Here you are! A: Thank you. Ask and answer in pairs. Presentation Zip is hungry. She’s in a restaurant. What would Zip like? Let’s watch together. 点击画面 播放视频 Hello! What would you like? I’d like some rice and fish, please. Your rice and fish. Now I’d like some noodles and beef, please. What would Zip like? Your noodles and beef. Some soup and vegetables, please. Thank you. Anything else? What would Zip like? Your soup and vegetables. Here’s the bill. What happened then? You!!! Watch the video again, and read after it. Act the story out in groups. 点击画面 播放视频 Practice √ √ √ √ Listen and tick(√) Listen and tick the right picture. 1. —What would you like for dinner? —I'd like some soup and vegetables.  2. —Would you like a knife and fork? —No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.  3. —Can I have some noodles? —Sure. Here you are. 4. —Can I have some fruits? —Sure. Help yourself. 听力原文: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Look and match 1. beef 2. vegetables 3. soup 4. chicken 5. noodles 6. a bowl 7. a knife 8. a fork 9. a spoon 10. chopsticks Read and tick(√) Listen and read the dialogue first. What would you like for dinner, John? I’d like some beef, please. Would you like some noodles, too? Yes, thank you. Can I have a knife and fork, please? Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles. Do you remember what you read about? Tick the pictures please. What would you like for dinner, John? I’d like some beef, please. Would you like some noodles, too? Yes, thank you. Can I have a knife and fork, please? Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles. √ √ √ Let’s read and act the talk out. What would you like for dinner, John? I’d like some beef, please. Would you like some noodles, too? Yes, thank you. Can I have a knife and fork, please? Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles. Look at the soup. What’s in it? In my soup, Look, choose and write What would you like for dinner? Write and say What would you like? What would you like? I'd like some fish. I'd like some fish. I'd like some beef. I'd like some beef. Put it on my dish. Put it on my dish. Please pass a fork.  Please pass a fork.   Please pass a spoon. Please pass a spoon. Please pass a knife. Please pass a knife.   Can we please eat soon? Can we please eat soon? What would you like? Sing again Exercises vegetables noodles soup beef 一、看图片,写单词。 二、选出与所给单词相符的图片。 ( ) 1. fork A. B. ( ) 2. chicken A. B. ( ) 3. chopsticks A. B. ( ) 4. knife A. B. B A B B 三、选择正确的单词补全句子。 ( ) 1. What would you ____? A. like B. do C. to like ( ) 2. Would you like ____ noodles? A. a B. an C. some ( ) 3. Pass ____ the bowl, please. A. me B. I C. he ( ) 4.Help _________, please. A. myself B. yourself C. I A C A B Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了本单元的重点词汇:beef, noodles, chicken, soup, vegetables, bowl, chopsticks, knife, fork, spoon。 2. 复习了本单元的重点句型: —What’s for dinner? —What would you like? —I’d like some …, please. /Some …, please. —Would you like a knife and fork /chopsticks? —Would you like some …? —Yes, please. /No, thanks. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework Act the story out with your friends. Sing the song to your parents. Make a menu and let your friends choose food on it, then ask and answer. ONE TWO

