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中考一轮复习 C 开头词汇(一)(讲义)‎ ‎❤❤以字母 C 开头的单词 cabbage /'kæbidʒ/ n. 洋白菜;卷心菜 cake /keik/ n. 蛋糕;糕点;饼 a piece of cake 小菜一碟 可数:pancake 烙饼;薄饼 call /kɔ:l/‎ v. 称呼;呼唤;喊;叫 ‎1.call sb.+名字 Let’s call it a day! 2.call sb. up at+号码 call back(回电话) 3.call on sb.拜访某人 call at s.p.拜访某地 n. 喊;叫;电话;通话give sb. a call get/receive a call call box 电话亭 camel /'kæməl/ n. 骆驼 camera /'kæmərə/ n. 照相机;摄像机 camp /kæmp/ n. (夏令)营 v. 野营;宿营 go camping 去野营 can /kæn/‎ modal v.可能;能够;可以 不可能:can’t That can’t be true. 一定:must That must be true.禁止:mustn’t n. 罐头 v. 把(食品)装罐保存 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?‎ Canada /'kænədə/ n. 加拿大 Canadian cancel /'kænsəl/ v. 取消 cancel a meeting Would you like to cancel the summer holiday?‎ cancer /'kænsə/ n. 癌 blood/lung cancer 血癌,肺癌 Cancer 巨蟹座 candle /'kændl/ n. 蜡烛 candy /'kændi/ n. 冰糖;糖果 cap /kæp/ n.帽子;瓶盖;笔套 a shower cap 浴帽 capital /'kæpitəl/ n. 首都;省会;大写字母;资本 Beijing is the capital of China.‎ captain /'kæptin/ n. (海军)上校;船长;舰长;队长 Captain Jack 杰克船长 football captain 足球队长 car /kɑ:/ n. 轿车 card /kɑ:d/ n. 卡片;名片;纸牌 ID / credit / report card (成绩单) play cards 玩纸牌 care /kεə/‎ v. 介意……;在乎;关心 We should listen to them and care for them. 照顾;喜欢 I know my parents care about me. 关心;在意 Who cares? 谁在意呢?(本意是:没人会在意。)‎ n. 照料;保护;小心 He had no idea how to take care of himself. 照顾=look after careful /'kεəful/ adj. 仔细的;小心的;当心 Be careful! = Look out! 当心,危险!‎ careless /'kεəlis/ adj. 粗心的;漫不经心的 careless driving & drive carelessly carry /'kæri/‎ v. 拿;搬;带;提;抬;背;抱;运等 She carried her luggage to the station alone.‎ catch /kætʃ/ v. (caught, caught) 接住;赶上;染上(疾病) catch the bus/train/plane catch one’s attention 引起注意 catch up with sb. 赶上某人 I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please repeat?‎ 我不能跟上你了,你能重复一遍吗?‎ catch sb. doing sth. 抓住某人正在做某事 cause /kɔ:z/‎ n. 原因;起因 cause and effect 因果关系 v. 促使;引起;使发生 Many car accidents were caused by careless driving.‎ CD /,si: 'di:/ n. 激光唱片;只读光盘;存储器 CD-ROM (compact disk read-only memory 的缩写)‎ ceiling /'si:liŋ/ n. 天花板;顶棚 celebrate /'selibreit/ v. 庆祝 celebration n.‎ cent /sent/ n. 美分(100 cents = 1 dollar)‎ centre /'sentə/ n. 中点;中央【英】center【美】‎ in the center of 在…的中心 century /'sentʃuri/ n. 百年;世纪 in the 21th century certain /'sə:tən/ adj. (未指明真实名称的)某……;确定的;‎ 无疑的;一定会……的 a certain person be certain that… I’m certain that he will succeed. be certain of (doing) sth. We are certain of success.‎ be certain to do sth. He is certain to come. certainly adv. 无疑地;毫无疑问 Certainly not!‎ chair /tʃεə/ n. 椅子 chairman /'tʃεəmən/ n. 主席;会长;议长 President Xi Chairman Mao 大型公司或组织的负责人,委员长,主席 chairman of the education committee 教育委员会主席 chairwoman n. 女主席;女会长;女议长 chalk /tʃɔ:k/ n. 粉笔 His face was always pale as chalk.‎ chance /tʃɑ:ns / n. 机会;可能性 a chance to do sth.‎ Ralph was waiting for a chance to introduce himself. give sb. a chance take a chance 冒险 by chance 碰巧地;偶然地 by accident change /tʃeindʒ/‎ v. 改变;变化;更换;兑换 If I have magic power, I will change the stone into gold. change…into…= turn…into 把……变成 change one’s mind 改变……的主意 n. 零钱;变化 ‎[U] some change ‎[C] Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years!‎ chant /tʃɑ:nt/ n. 圣歌 v. 吟唱;单调、重复地唱 cheap /tʃi:p/ adj. 廉价的;便宜的 cheap、expensive(sth.);high、low(the price)‎ cheat /tʃi:t/‎ v. 欺骗;骗取;作弊 n. 骗子 You’re cheating! No cheating!‎ check /tʃek/ n. 检查;批改 v. 核对;检查;批改 have a check 检查一下 cheer /tʃiə/ v. 喝彩;欢呼 cheer sb. up vt. 让某人振奋起来 When I’m down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up.‎ Cheers! interj. 干杯 cheese /tʃi:z/ n. 奶酪 chemistry /'kemistri/ n. 化学 chess /tʃes/ n. 棋 play chess 下国际象棋 chest /tʃest/ n. 箱子;盒子;胸腔 chestnut 栗子 chicken /'tʃikin/ n. 鸡;鸡肉 child /tʃaild/ n. (pl. children /'tʃildrən/) 小孩;儿童 Children’s Day 儿童节 China /'tʃaɪnə/ n. 中国 Chinese /,tʃai'ni:z/ adj. 中国的;中国人的;汉语的 n. 中文;汉语;中国人 chocolate /'tʃɔkələt/ n. 巧克力 a chocolate bar 一条(一块)巧克力 Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.【阿甘正传】‎ choice /tʃɔis/ n. 选择;抉择 have no choice but to do 别无选择,只能…… I have no choice but to take a taxi.‎ There’s nothing to do but read.‎ choose /tʃu:z/ v. (chose, chosen)选择 You can choose whatever you like.‎ chopsticks /'tʃɒpstɪks/ n. 筷子 Christmas /'krisməs/ n. 圣诞节(12 月 25 日)‎ Christmas card / Day / Eve / tree / stocking church /tʃə:tʃ/ n. 教堂;礼拜 go to church(去教堂)做礼拜 cinema /'sinəmə/ n. 电影院;电影 go to the cinema/movies 去看电影 circle /'sə:kl/‎ n. 圆圈;圆形 in a circle v. 将……圈起来 circle the correct answer city /'siti/ n. 城市;都市 clap /klæp/ v. 拍手;鼓掌 If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands.如果感到快乐,你就拍拍手。‎ class /klɑ:s/ n. (学校里的)班;等级 (集合名词) Class 1, Grade 3‎ Class begins. The class is over. The class are learning English.‎ classmate /'klɑ:smeit/ n. 同班同学 classroom /'klɑ:srum/ n. 教室 clean /kli:n/‎ adj. 清洁的;干净的 the clean air v. 擦干净;弄干净 clean up 清理干净 Boys and girls, please clean up your desks. a Clean-Up Day 清洁日 clean off 把……擦掉 Please clean the chalk off the blackboard clear /kliə/ adj. 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的 Is that clear? Are you clear?‎ I think she sang more clearly than Nelly.‎ We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms. clean out 房间干净 clear out 房间扔空 clever /'klevə/ adj. 聪明的;伶俐的 climb /klaim/ v. 攀登;爬上 go climbing 去爬山 climber 登山者 clock /klɔk/ n. 钟 clone /kləun/ v. 克隆 close /kləuz/‎ adj. 亲密的;接近;几乎(处于某种状态)‎ be close to 离……很近 We were so close to winning that game.‎ v. 关;关闭 close the door open the door closed adj. 关闭着的 The door is closed. The door is open.‎ clothes /kləuðz/ n. 衣服;各类衣物 本身就是一个复数词, 谓语必须搭配复数形式Clothes are necessary for daily life.‎ cloth 布[U] a piece of cloth 一块布 cloud /klaud/ n. 云;云状物;阴影;忧郁[C]‎ cloudy /'klaudi/ adj. 多云的;阴天的 club /klʌb/ n. 俱乐部 ‎❤❤与 C 字母相关的谚语 Care killed a cat.‎ Character is what you are in the dark. Charity begins at home.‎ Cheapest is the dearest.‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练 一、单项选择 ‎( )1. Everyone should have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be A. met B. created C. expected D. practiced ( )2. —Is that girl Susan?‎ ‎—It be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.‎ A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. might ( )3. I will meet Jane at the station. Please what time she will arrive.‎ A. count B. choose C. check D. catch ( )4. —That clothes store is on weekends.‎ ‎—I see. I’ll go there next Monday then.‎ A. open B. close C. opened D. closed ( )5. He failed in the math test and looks sad. Let’s .‎ A. put him up B. set him up C. cheer him up D. clean him up 二、根据提示填空 1. I’m afraid we have to c (取消) the meeting.‎ 2. Our parents provide us with food and c and never ask for anything in return.‎ 3. In order to hear (clear) we should keep quiet at once.‎ 4. He took out the coin, surprised, and looked at it _ (care).‎ 5. It is not wise of young people to (changeable) their jobs from time to time.‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ ‎❤❤与 C 字母相关的谚语 1. 忧虑能杀人。‎ 2. 品格是你在暗室中的为人。‎ 3. 仁爱先施于亲友。‎ 4. 最便宜的也就是最贵的。‎ ‎❤❤精讲精练一、单项选择1—5:BBCDC 二、根据提示完成句子 ‎1. cancel 2. clothes 3. clearly 4. carefully 5. change

