高中英语外研版必修2课件:Module4 Section Ⅳ Writing

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高中英语外研版必修2课件:Module4 Section Ⅳ Writing

Section Ⅳ  Writing 如何写表达艺术喜好的议论文 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 描述艺术喜好的内容及结构一般为 : 论点 ( 提出观点即艺术作品比较受欢迎 )—— 论证 ( 描述其重要特征 , 讲明该艺术作品受欢迎的原因 )—— 结论 ( 观点和评价 ) 。描述艺术喜好时一般以现在时和过去时相结合为主。人称一般以第一和第三人称为主。描述时从逻辑上讲要做到论据充分 , 认证合理 , 确保内容直接为主题句服务 : 从语言上讲要简洁得当 , 多用书面语 , 以增强文章的可信度。 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 点明主题 ( 可用于开头或结尾 ): Art plays an important role in my life. My life won ’ t be so interesting without art. Art is to me what water is to fish. Art brightens my life. Art makes my life more colourful. 细节阐述 :When I was...,I learnt to... I developed the interest in art when I was.../at the age of... When I am unhappy,I will turn to art for joy. When I am ill,art can make me... Looking at the...,I may feel full of energy. The reason why I like/am fond of art is that... I want to be an artist like... 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 Many people agree that   .   The reasons why they like it are as follows.Firstly,           .Secondly,           .Lastly,           .   That ’ s why   .   写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 中国画历史悠久 , 文化底蕴深厚 , 深受国内外人士的喜爱和好评。请根据下列提示以 “Traditional Chinese Painting” 为题写一篇英语短文 , 简要介绍中国画并说明人们喜欢中国画的理由。 1. 中国绘画以用毛笔蘸黑色的墨水 , 着自然色而著名 , 且中国传统绘画都很贴近现实。而西方现代绘画很抽象 , 难以理解。 2. 中国有许多著名的传统派画家 , 其中之一是齐白石 , 他画的小虾图深受人们喜爱。另外一位是徐悲鸿 , 他的奔马图栩栩如生。 3. 中国画的一个重要特征是绘画、诗歌、书法和印章的完美结合。 注意 :1. 文章开头已给出 , 不计入总词数 ; 2. 参考词汇 : 书法 calligraphy; 印章 seal; 小虾 little shrimps; 结合 combination; 3 . 词数 100 左右。 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 Traditional Chinese Painting Most people agree that traditional Chinese painting is very beautiful . In my opinion,the reasons why people like it are as follows. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 参考范文 Traditional Chinese Painting  Most people agree that traditional Chinese painting is very beautiful . In my opinion,the reasons why people like it are as follows. First,the Chinese painting is known for its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours.Traditional Chinese painting styles are closer to reality and easier to understand while most western modern paintings are too strange to be understood.Besides,there are many famous traditional Chinese painters,one of whom is Qi Baishi.His paintings of little shrimps are loved by many people.Another China ’ s best known artist is Xu Beihong . 写作指导 常用句式 写作模板 针对训练 He also follows the traditional Chinese style.He is the most famous for his lively paintings of horses,which look so alive.What ’ s more,an important feature of traditional Chinese painting is the perfect combination of pictures,poems,calligraphy and seals.This also adds beauty to the paintings.   That ’ s why so many people are fond of traditional Chinese painting.

