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‎2020届一轮复习外研版必修五 Module 4 Carnival单元作业 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Here's a selection of festivals for tourists to the United States in summer.‎ San Francisco Silent Film Festival Films at this odd cinematic event have a variety of musical accompaniments, including piano and violin. It includes some classic silent movies. If you want to see them all, you can buy a festival pass.‎ May 29 to June 1; www.silent film.org Union Street Festival This popular street fair stretches out over six blocks of the city, in the fashionable shopping area of Union Street. This year, there's beer, wine, biscuits tasting and more separate themes — fashion, cuisine, tech, local, craft, and health and fitness.‎ June 7 to 10; www.unionstreetfestival.com North Beach Festival This is San Francisco's oldest street party, with live entertainment, delicious food and arts and crafts. Situated in the Little Italy district, known for its associations with the “Beat Generation”, festival goers are guaranteed plenty of good Italian food. There is also as the “blessing of the animals”, a San Francisco tradition which takes place at the National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi (610 Vallejo Street) at 2 pm on both days of the festival.‎ June 14 to 16; www.sfnorthbeach.org Stern Grove Festival This is the oldest free summer arts festival of its kind in the United ‎ States. It includes a wide variety of acts, from the local symphony orchestra to wellknown artists such as Smokey Robinson.‎ Sundays from June 22 to Aug.24; www.sterngrove.org 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国夏天可供游客选择的一些节日。‎ ‎1.Which of the following festivals contains the most themes?A.Union Street Festival.‎ B.San Francisco Silent Film Festival.‎ C.North Beach Festival.‎ D.Stern Grove Festival.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据Union Street Festival部分第一段第二句“This year, there's beer, wine, biscuits tasting and more separate themes — fashion, cuisine, tech, local, craft, and health and fitness.”可知,包含主题最多的节日是Union Street Festival。故选A项。‎ ‎2.How is North Beach Festival different from the other festivals?‎ A.Festival goers can enjoy food in it.‎ B.It lasts the shortest time.‎ C.It has the longest history of food.‎ D.Some foreign culture is presented in it.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据每个节日最后显示的日期“May 29 to June 1” “June 7 to 10” “June 14 to 16” “Sundays from June 22 to Aug.24”可知, North Beach Festival持续的时间最短。故选B项。‎ ‎3.When can you enjoy the oldest arts festival in the United States?‎ A.Saturdays in July.     B.Saturdays in May.‎ C.Sundays in May. D.Sundays in July.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Stern Grove ‎ Festival部分第一段第一句“This is the oldest free summer arts festival of its kind in the United States.”并结合该部分最后一段的日期“Sundays from June 22 to Aug.24”可知,在6月22日至8月24日的星期日,你可以享受最古老的艺术节。故选D项。‎ B ‎(2019·河南省豫北名校质量评估)On a hot evening in September, the Highland High School team was pronouncing to win its first game of the season.“I was really excited,” said Highlanders linebacker Ryan Ferrini.“This was the game when it finally came together.” With several seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Tompkins High School team up 29∶28, all the Highlanders had to do was go one yard for a touchdown to seize a dramatic comefrombehind victory.‎ On the previous play, after the Highlanders had driven the ball deep into the Tompkins' territory (防守区), quarterback Will Gentry had connected with receiver Austin Brauweiler at the threeyard line.As Brauweiler turned upfield, a Tompkins' defender delivered a hit, knocking them both to the ground at the oneyard line.‎ ‎“There was a huge force, as if a truck had hit me,” said Brauweiler, who suffered from the collision (撞击).But it was the Tompkins' player who got the worst of it.He lay still on the ground and a doctor had been called.That's when the Tompkins' coach walked across the field and told Highlanders' coach Colschen that his players were too upset to finish the game and they would lose the game.‎ ‎“In life, the wellbeing of others is what's important, not the scoreboard,” said Colschen.He gathered his Highlanders and told them it was time to support their grieving (悲伤的) competitors.They agreed.‎ After the injured player was airlifted to a hospital, the two teams ‎ took the field again.The Highland team's teammates took a knee and didn't start any action, only waiting for the game clock to strike zero.Game over.‎ ‎“What my players did was amazing,” said Colschen.“I was surprised and encouraged that they were thinking not about themselves but about others.”‎ 语篇解读: 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了在一场比赛中发生了双方队员相撞事件后,其中一方的队员为了尊重对方队员将最后的比赛时间耗尽的故事。‎ ‎4.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?‎ A.The match was coming to an end.‎ B.The match would end the football season.‎ C.The Highlanders is a difficult team to beat.‎ D.The Tompkins was confident of victory in the final.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“With several seconds left in the fourth quarter and the Tompkins High School team up 29∶28”可知,比赛快要结束了。故选A项。‎ ‎5.Who was most injured in the collision?‎ A.A Highlanders' player.‎ B.A Tompkins' defender.‎ C.Austin Brauweiler.‎ D.Will Gentry.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“a Tompkins' defender delivered a hit, knocking them both to the ground at the oneyard line”以及第三段中的“it was the Tompkins' player who got the worst of it”可知,是Tompkins的防守队员受伤最为严重。故选B项。‎ ‎6.Why did the Highlanders take no action until the end of the game?‎ A.Because they had already won it.‎ B.Because one of their players got injured.‎ C.Because they were given an unfair judgment.‎ D.Because they cared and respected their competitors.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段、第五段的内容以及最后一段中的“I was surprised and encouraged that they were thinking not about themselves but about others.”可知,在相撞事件发生后, Highlanders的队员们认为在比赛中身体健康才是最为重要的,所以Highlanders的队员们在比赛结束前任凭时间一分一秒过去而不采取任何行动,这也是为了安慰对方队员,表示对对手的尊重。故选D项。‎ ‎7.What message is conveyed in the passage?‎ A.More haste, less speed.‎ B.All men cannot be first.‎ C.Better to be safe than sorry.‎ D.Friendship first, competition second.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第二句和最后一段中的“they were thinking not about themselves but about others”可以看出,在双方的竞争中, Highland高中的队员们没有一味地为了追求成功而不顾对方的感受,相反,他们把对对手的尊重置于个人的荣誉之上,这传达出的正是“友谊第一,比赛第二”的精神。故选D。‎ C ‎(2019·山西省八校第一次联考)Many Americans spend Thanksgiving with family and friends around a table of roast turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce.‎ But for others, it's a competition.Across the United States, there are contests to see who can eat the most pumpkin (南瓜) pie.These events start in October and continue through ‎ Thanksgiving.Elk Grove, California hosts the World Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship.Matt Stonie won in 2014 by eating 20 pounds, 13 ounces of pumpkin pie in 8 minutes.In other words, about 9 and a half kilograms.That was a “world record”, reported the Major League Eating (MLE) in New York City.Stonie won $5,000.‎ The MLE website praised Stonie: “Like a silent car at top speed driving past you on the highway; like the boxer with lightning blows; like a speedskater in a very tight bodysuit, long limbs stretching faster than the clock can tick.The great one makes it look easy.”‎ Some of the pumpkin pie eating contests are turned into gluttony (暴饮暴食).Others have a more lighthearted approach to pumpkin pie eating contests.Students at the Duthie Center for Engineering in Louisville, Kentucky posted their pumpkin pie eating contest on Facebook.It was a friendly social affair.In Broomfield, Colorado, their Turkey Day celebration takes a different approach.They hold a pumpkin pie eating contest, but contestants just have to eat one piece of pie (or about onesixth of a pie) as fast as possible.There's a 5 kilometer race and a 10 kilometer race afterwards, for those who want to lose weight.‎ And at Pumpkin Palooza — a pumpkin pie eating contest in Sparks, Nevada — the organizers note on their website, “The winners are chosen by audience applause, so style, talent and humor are the_beall_and_endall.”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国感恩节各地举办的吃南瓜馅饼的比赛。‎ ‎8.What does MLE website praise Stonie for in Paragraph 3?‎ A.His easy manner.‎ B.His effortless speed.‎ C.His huge eating amount.‎ D.His dynamic performance.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。第三段通过把Stonie吃南瓜馅饼的速度与汽车、拳击手和速滑运动员的速度进行对比来突出Stonie吃得速度以及他给观众的毫不费力的感觉。故选B项。‎ ‎9.Whose approach is contrary to the lighthearted approach?‎ A.Major League Eating.‎ B.World Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship.‎ C.The Turkey Day races in Broomfield, Colorado.‎ D.Pumpkin Palooza in Sparks, Nevada.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段可知, World Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship比的是谁吃得最多,这当然不会是轻松的(lighthearted)。故选B项。‎ ‎10.What do people value most in the Turkey Day celebration in Broomfield?‎ A.Health. B.Energy.‎ C.Competition. D.Skill.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第四段最后两句中的“contestants just have to eat one piece of pie ...for those who want to lose weight”可知,在这里参加比赛的人只比赛吃一块南瓜馅饼的速度,随后的赛跑是为那些要减轻体重的人准备的,故可推知,在Broomfield的Turkey Day celebration中,人们最注重健康。故选A。‎ ‎11.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase?‎ A.random B.playful C.endless D.vital 解析:选D 词义猜测题。根据画线部分前的“The winners are chosen by audience applause, so style, talent and humor”可知,这个比赛的胜者由观众的掌声选出,因此可推知,参赛者的风格、才能和幽默感很重要,故vital与画线部分意义相近。故选D。‎ D ‎(2019·福建省高三毕业班质检) On a college camping trip, curiosity about waves and sand caused Rob Thieler to study shorelines around the world.Thirty years later and now a U.S.Geological Survey research geologist, Thieler, is combining science and smartphone technology to help study an endangered bird, the Atlantic coast piping plover.‎ The piping plover is a shorebird that breeds (繁殖) along the Atlantic coast, the Great Lakes and the Great Plains.Rising sea level associated with climate change, as well as increased development in their beach habitats (栖息地), threatens the species (物种).To help track changes in piping plover habitats, Thieler developed a free app called iPlover in 2012.This is a marked change from the typical way scientists collect data, which involves gathering information by using specialized equipment or writing in notebooks and then putting it into spreadsheets.‎ Since releasing iPlover, scientists have gathered data across 1,500 km of breeding range.That equals about a third of the distance across the U.S., which is a large area to cover for only two thousand breeding pairs of piping plovers on the east coast.Instead of having to travel and spend days at each site, a number of cooperators in the field use the app to collect and send data, allowing scientists to gather data more efficiently.It also allows them to collect data at the same time during each breeding ‎ season, providing a better picture of changes that happen over longer periods of time.And fast, centralized access means scientists can look at data quickly to get a realtime idea of where and how piping plovers are using their habitats.‎ While iPlover is used by trained field staff, other apps like the U.S.Geological Survey's webbased “iCoast — Did the Coast Change?” invite citizen scientists to identify coastal changes by comparing bird'seyeview photographs taken before and after storms.All the information scientists and citizen scientists alike collect helps federal and state agencies create policy plans for addressing climate change impacts (影响) worldwide.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了美国的地质学家将科学和智能手机技术结合起来,研制出一款app监测笛鸻栖息地的变化,从而帮助保护这种濒危动物。‎ ‎12.What can we know about the piping plover?‎ A.Its behaviour is changing.‎ B.Its habitat is growing bigger.‎ C.Its living environment is becoming worse.‎ D.Its breeding is limited to the Atlantic coast.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句可知,与气候变化有关的海平面的上升和对笛鸻的海滩栖息地越来越多的开发威胁到了这种物种,故推断出笛鸻的生存环境日益糟糕,故选C项。‎ ‎13.Why did Thieler develop iPlover?‎ A.To study shorelines across America.‎ B.To advance information technology.‎ C.To find out global climate change.‎ D.To monitor changes of piping plover habitats.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“To help track changes in piping plover habitats, Thieler developed a free app called iPlover in 2012.”可知, Thieler研制iPlover的目的是监测笛鸻栖息地的变化,故选D项。‎ ‎14.Which of the following benefits the piping plover?‎ A.The camping equipment.‎ B.Research on smartphones.‎ C.The changeable coast.‎ D.Progress in technology.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,免费的应用程序发行之后,科学家们的监测范围更广,并能更有效地收集数据,这些对于采取措施保护笛鸻很有好处,技术的进步给笛鸻带来很多好处,故选D项。‎ ‎15.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.Protecting Endangered Shorebirds B.Rob Thieler, a Creative Scientist C.iPlover, a Tool for Training Field Staff D.Differences Between iPlover and iCoast 解析:选A 标题归纳题。根据文章大意可知,美国的地质学家将科学和智能手机技术结合起来,研制出一款app来监测笛鸻栖息地的变化,从而帮助保护这种濒危动物。故选A项。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2019·福州市高中毕业班质检)The holiday season is supposed to be the most festive and fun time of the year, but all those plans and expectations of joy can turn tougher and more stressful than they ‎ sound.This is especially true for those of us who struggle with mental illness.‎ ‎__1__ Sometimes you're forced to spend time with family you rarely see and don't always get along with.Or you are off from work, with more time to think troubling thoughts.Or you are put into party situations that you don't like.‎ When you have a routine, it's easier to manage whatever mental struggles you may face, and when that routine is broken, it can trigger (引发) things you may not be ready to face.__2__ It was during the holidays that I hit a low moment and, with the help of my mother, decided to seek help for my eating disorder.‎ During the holidays,I often feel as if I were supposed to be everywhere with everyone.__3__ To fight this, I've developed a mantra (咒语): it's not selfish to take time for yourself.‎ Take a walk in nature.Talk to a friend you trust.Sit out one of the holiday gatherings in favor of some personal time.__4__‎ Trying to spend all of your time pleasing everyone else is not only exhausting — it's impossible.And you know what?__5__‎ A.I know it has for me.‎ B.The holidays break your routine.‎ C.There are many things crowding in your mind.‎ D.I will accompany my friends to go wherever they like.‎ E.I have the added guilt of knowing it's the season of giving.‎ F.Just do whatever helps you calm down and gives you a break from the stress.‎ G.If you take a little time for yourself, you will be a much better company for those around you.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。假日季节应该是一年中最愉快和有趣的一段时光,但所有快乐的计划和期待可能变得更艰难、更有压力。‎ ‎1.选B 本空位于段首,是该段的主题句,后面的例子讲的都是平时很少做或不愿意做的事情,因此该段的主题句应该是假期打破了常规,所以答案选B项。‎ ‎2.选A 本空位于该段中间,起承上启下的作用,空处前讲的是有无打破常规的影响,空处后讲的是打破常规对“我”的影响,A项中的it照应上文中的it,指代的是that routine,A项中的me照应下文中的I。‎ ‎3.选E 空前一句讲的是“我”经常感到“我”应该和大家去每一个地方,又根据“it's not selfish to take time for yourself”可知“我”没有和大家出去,故空处应表示“我”的愧疚,故E项符合语境,且E项中的giving照应本段最后一句中的not selfish。‎ ‎4.选F 空前内容讲的是怎么放松自己,故F项“只做帮助你平静下来、使你从压力中得到休息的事情”符合语境,所以答案选F项。‎ ‎5.选G 空前内容讲的是把所有时间花在取悦别人上不仅使人筋疲力尽,而且是不可能的,那么该怎么做呢,此处是提出建议,故G项“如果能为自己花一些时间,你会更好的陪伴周围的那些人”符合语境。所以答案选G项。‎

