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‎2018届人教版必修1一轮复习:Unit3Travel journal单元学案设计 一单元话题阅读The Mekong River 湄公河在我国境内被称为“澜沧江”。它是东南亚最重要的一条国际河流,有“东方多瑙河”之美称。‎ The Mekong River, known in China as the Lancang River, is one of the world’s major rivers. From its source in China’s Qinghai Province near the border with Tibet, the Mekong flows generally southeast to the South China Sea, a distance of 4,200 km. The Mekong crosses Yunnan Province, China, and forms the border between Burma (缅甸) and Laos and most of the border between Laos and Thailand. It then flows across Cambodia and southern Vietnam into a rich delta before emptying into the South China Sea. ‎ In English the river is called “the Mekong River”, but in the Thai language it is essentially the “Mae Nam Khong”, where “Mae” translates as “Mother” and “Nam” translates as “Water”.‎ ‎ The Mekong basin is one of the richest areas of biodiversity (生物多样性) in the world. More than 1,200 species of fish have been identified and there could be possibly as many as 1,700. Fishing is a very important part of the economic activities in the area and an important source of protein (蛋白质) in the local diet. It’s said that some 120 fish species are traded but most of the fishery is based on 10-20 species.‎ ‎ In the upper Mekong, the northern part of the river down to the Burma-Thai-Laos border, the river is relatively clear and fast. In the lower Mekong area the river is turbid (浑浊的), especially during the rainy season.‎ ‎ No other river is home to so many species of very large fish. But some of them are in serious decline (减少), both because of dams and overfishing. One species of freshwater dolphin was once common in the whole of the lower Mekong but is now very rare.‎ 二单元基础知识回顾 重点词汇回顾 give in ‎【语境展示】 观察下面句子,并试着归纳give in的意思及用法。‎ ‎1. I gave in and accepted the job.‎ ‎2. Don't give in to his opinion.‎ ‎3. My mother kept inviting Jack to stay for lunch, and finally he gave in to her.‎ ‎【自我归纳】 give in意为“屈服,投降,让步”(句1-句3),后跟宾语时通常加介词________(句2、句3)。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ give away 赠送,分发,泄露     ‎ give off 发出(气味、热等)        ‎ give out分发,散发,耗尽 give up 放弃  ‎ ‎【即学即练】 用含give的短语的正确形式填空。‎ ‎1. After Billy proved he could ride a bicycle safely, his father ________ and bought him one.‎ ‎2. He doesn't only ________ money but also spends his whole life in looking after the poor.‎ ‎3. You can't have a bath — the water will ________.‎ ‎4. If you feel the urge for a cigarette, try not to ________ to it.‎ ‎5. The girl ________ her job to take care of her mother two years ago.‎ ‎ ‎ Prefer ‎【归纳】 prefer意为“更喜欢”,主要用法如下:‎ ‎★prefer to do sth. / prefer doing sth. 意为“更喜欢做某事”。如:‎ I prefer to exercise outdoors.‎ Dennis prefers travelling by train.‎ ‎★prefer sth. to sth.意为“喜欢某物胜过某物”。如:‎ I prefer red wine to white.‎ ‎★prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 意为“喜欢做某事胜过做某事”。如:‎ I prefer watching basketball to playing it.‎ ‎★prefer to do sth. (rather than do sth.) 意为“宁愿做某事(而不愿做某事)”。如:‎ He preferred to stay at home (rather than go with us).‎ ‎【即学即练】 翻译下面句子。‎ ‎1. 我喜欢爵士乐胜过摇滚乐。‎ ‎__________________________‎ ‎2. 汤姆愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车。‎ ‎__________________________‎ ‎3. 她宁愿一个人去那里。‎ ‎__________________________‎ 答案give in ‎【自我归纳】 to ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1. gave in          2. give away    3. give out       4. give in         5. gave up prefer ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1. I prefer jazz to rock music.‎ ‎2. Tom prefers walking to cycling. / Tom prefers to walk rather than cycle.‎ ‎3. She prefers to go there alone.‎ 重点句式回顾 ‎1. When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. (P18)  ‎ ‎【分析】‎ ‎①本句是一个主从复合句。‎ ‎②主句是she said it would be an interesting experience,when引导________状语从句。‎ ‎③主句中包含一个省略了连接词that的宾语从句it would be an interesting experience;when从句中the air ... breathe和it would ... cold是并列的宾语从句,作told的宾语。‎ ‎【句意】 当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难,而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历。‎ ‎【仿写】 当我告诉迈克当地的语言难懂,而且生活条件很艰苦时,他却说这将是一次不寻常的经历。‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, travelling across western Yunnan Province. (P18)        ‎ ‎【分析】‎ ‎①本句是一个主从复合句。‎ ‎②主句是It becomes rapids,as引导________状语从句。‎ ‎③travelling across western Yunnan Province为动词-ing形式短语作伴随状语。‎ ‎【句意】 它穿过深谷时就变成了急流,流经云南西部。‎ ‎【仿写】 随着年龄的增长,你会变得更明智,知道如何处理这种局面。‎ 答案 ‎1. 【分析】 时间 ‎【仿写】 When I told Mike the local language was difficult to understand and the living conditions were very hard, he said it would be an unusual experience.‎ ‎2. 【分析】 时间 ‎【仿写】 You will become wiser as you grow older, knowing how to deal with the situation.‎ 单元语法回顾:现在进行时 表示 将来动作 ‎【语境展示】 观察下面句子,并试着归纳现在进行时表示将来动作的用法。‎ ‎1. I'm flying to Hong Kong tomorrow.‎ ‎2. I'm not going out tonight. I'm reading a paper.‎ ‎3. You can do some reading when you are waiting for the train.‎ ‎4. If he's still waiting, tell him to go home.‎ ‎【自我归纳】‎ ‎①现在进行时可用来表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作(句1、句2)。‎ ‎②现在进行时也可用在时间或________状语从句中表“将来”(句3、句4)。‎ 注意:用于此结构的多是转移动词,但也有部分非转移动词。‎ ‎【拓展】‎ ‎★“be going to +动词原形”也可表示将来准备或打算做某事,还可表示预计要发生的事或不可避免要发生的事。be going to只用于口语。如:‎ Susan is not going to be there tonight.‎ Look at that boat! It's going to sink.‎ ‎★will可表示没有经过事先考虑只是说话时临时做出的决定。在含有条件从句的复合句中,主句一般不用be going to,而多用will。will既可用于口语,也可用于书面语。如:‎ What shall I do tomorrow? I know! I'll paint the kitchen.‎ If Lucy is free, we'll go climbing next Sunday.‎ ‎【即学即练】 从括号内选择合适的内容填空。‎ Green: Which project 1. ________ (do you work on / are you going to work on) next?‎ Russ: I haven't decided for sure. Probably the Spacemobile.‎ Green: Look at those dark clouds!‎ Russ: Yes, it looks like 2. ________ (it rains / it's going to rain) any minute.‎ Green: I'd better get back to my hotel room before the storm.‎ Russ: OK. 3. ________ (I saw / I'll see) you later.‎ David: Professor Green, your son just called.‎ Green: Oh, good. 4. ________ (I'll call / I've called) him back right away.‎ ‎(Green gives her son, Tony a call.)‎ Green: Hi, honey. How's it going?‎ Tony: Great. 5. ________ (I go / I'm going) fishing with Grandpa tomorrow.‎ Green: Have fun, but don't forget. You still have to finish that paper.‎ Tony: I know, Mom. 6. ________ (I mail / I'm mailing) it tomorrow. I already have the envelope. How's the conference?‎ Green: Good. 7. ________ (I'm giving / I've given) a talk this afternoon.‎ Tony: Good luck. When 8. ________ (are you / will you be) there?‎ Green: Tomorrow. My plane lands at 7:00, so 9. ________ (I see / I'm going to see) you at 8:00.‎ 答案 ‎【自我归纳】 条件 ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1. are you going to work on   2. it's going to rain      3. I'll see    ‎ ‎4. I'll call  5. I'm going 6. I'm mailing    ‎ ‎7. I'm giving     8. will you be     9. I'm going to see ‎【单元写作任务指导】如何写电子邮件 假设你叫李华,你的美国朋友Jack因临时有事回国而没能参加学校组织的“周末一日游”活动。请你根据所给要点给他写一封电子邮件,介绍这次旅游的情况。‎ 要点如下:‎ 目的地:湿地公园 (The Wetland Park)‎ 出发时间:周六早上7点 交通方式:骑自行车 活动内容:河中划船、钓鱼比赛等 注意:‎ ‎1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数);‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ From Lihua2008@163.com To Jack1995@yahoo.com Subject The one-day tour Dear Jack,‎ How's it going? I'm sorry that you didn't take part in the one-day tour last weekend.                                           ‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ Yours,‎ ‎                                                       Li Hua ‎【写作指导】‎ 这是一封电子邮件。电子邮件与一般信件一样,也包括信头、正文和结尾部分。写电子邮件时,应注意以下几点:‎ 首先,必须在“收件人(To)”框中输入收信人的电子邮件地址,如Jack1995@yahoo.com。“主题(Subject)”框的内容应简明概括电子邮件的内容,可以是一个单词或短语,也可以是一个完整的句子。‎ 其次,正文前的称呼通常按照实际情况而定。在同辈的亲朋好友或同事间可以直呼其名,但对长辈或上级最好使用姓氏或头衔,如Dear John, Hi Peter, Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Manager。‎ 再次,正文的语言要简洁,意思要清楚。当然,对重点部分要进行详细介绍。内容较多时可以用附件的形式发出。‎ 最后,要按邮件的正式程度选择适当的结尾。与书面信函不同的是,电子邮件的结尾可不署名,尤其是给朋友、同学等熟人的邮件,而且无需写出时间,信尾客套话通常也只需一个词,如Thanks, Best, Yours等。‎ 就本篇习作而言,可以把正文分为三段:‎ ‎       第一段:表明写作意图——向Jack介绍“周末一日游”活动的情况。‎ ‎       第二段:具体介绍“周末一日游”活动的情况,包括目的地、出发时间、交通方式、参加的活动以及自己的感受。‎ ‎       第三段:表达希望,希望收到对方的回复。‎ ‎【常用表达】‎ 开头:  ‎ How are you (doing)?‎ I am delighted to receive your letter.‎ I have the pleasure to tell you that ...‎ I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about ...‎ I'd like to tell you something about ...‎ I'm pleased to hear that ...‎ Thanks for telling me ...‎ Thank you for your letter asking about ...‎ I'm very glad to know ...‎ Let me tell you something about ...‎ I'm writing to ...‎ 结尾:‎ I expect to hear from you soon.‎ I'm looking forward to your reply.‎ Looking forward to your early reply.‎ Please write and tell me about ...‎ Please let me know if ...‎ Thanks again and I wish you all the best.‎ Please give my best wishes to ...‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ From Lihua2008@163.com To Jack1995@yahoo.com Subject The one-day tour Dear Jack,‎ How's it going? I'm sorry that you didn't take part in the one-day tour last weekend. I'd like to tell you something about it.‎ At seven in the morning last Saturday, we set off for the Wetland Park. In order to take more exercise, all of us cycled there. We did many interesting activities that day. One was going boating in the river, which made some of us, especially the girls frightened because they had never experienced that before. The most exciting activity was the fishing competition, in which I caught the most fish. The Wetland Park was really a wonderful place and we had a great time there.‎ When are you returning to China? Looking forward to your early reply.‎ ‎                                                                 Yours,‎ ‎                                                                 Li Hua ‎ ‎ 三 单元综合知识运用 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,共15分) ‎ ‎ 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎21. People are living in ___ world where mouse clicks rule our life, so online searches have become _____ must.‎ A. the; / B. /; a C. a; a D. a; the ‎22. — You look tired.‎ ‎— Yes. I ___ non-stop until 8 o’clock.‎ A. had worked B. work C. have worked D. was working ‎23. Most of the roads were covered with thick snow, ____ made our journey more difficult.‎ A. one B. it C. which D. that ‎24.—You didn’t tell me the truth about this matter, Barbara.‎ ‎—Are you ____ me of lying?‎ A. charging B. catching C. criticizing D. accusing ‎25. Jr. Parkinson stood up and left the room, ____ the door behind him.‎ A. closing B. closed C. close D.to close ‎26. The film Let the Bullets Fly _____ a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema.‎ A. was enjoyed B. enjoyed C. is enjoyed D. enjoys ‎27. Children are ____ to meet with setbacks as they grow up, so their parents don’t have to worry about it.‎ A. possible B. due C. necessary D. bound ‎28. Exciting as its special effects are ____, there is too much violence in the film.‎ A. to watch B. to be watched C. watching D. being watched ‎29. The film Gone with the Wind was shot in Atlanta, the US because the novel was _____ the American Civil War.‎ A. lied in B. taken in C. set in D. put in ‎30. ___ to change her schedule because the plane arrived late, the famous actress cancelled the appointment with the local press.‎ A. Forcing B. Forced C. To force DBeing forced ‎31. ---- If he_____ , he ______ that food.‎ ‎---- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.‎ ‎ A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken ‎ C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warned; had not taken ‎32. So involved with computers ____ that the leaders at the summer computer camps often had to force them to break for sports.‎ A. has the children become B. did the children become C. has become the children D. became the children ‎33. _____ computers are convenient to us in daily life, it may also cause other problems.‎ A. Whether B. Because C. As D. While ‎34. In my opinion, ___ matters is not one’s looks, but one’s inner thoughts.‎ A. that B. it C. what D. this ‎35. It is hard to say what kind of person he is. Sometimes he is very friendly; at other times he ___ be very cold.‎ A. can B. must C. will D. shall 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,共30分) ‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ The Man Who Achieved Everything He Could Once upon a time, there lived a man who wanted to achieve everything he was capable of achieving. He was obsessed with this desire --- he ate, slept, and walked with one and only dream: to die, having accomplished every single thing he was able to accomplish.‎ There were so many things he could do. He felt like the whole world could be his, 36 he set his mind to it. ‎ He knew that his 37 had no limits. He knew that he could accumulate 38 that would dwarf (使相形见绌) that of ancient kings; he knew that he could 39 books that would shake the minds of generations; he knew that he could 40 things that would forever change the lives of millions of people. He lived, constantly feeling the power within --- and that power knew no bounds.‎ There was only one problem: having such a potential, but only one 41, he had to make a choice. He had to decide where to 42 all of his ability. Making that decision was extremely hard, for any 43 meant cutting off some future achievements. In the meantime, he went to school, graduated, found a job, married, and 44 children. And he spent every minute of his spare time trying to decide 45 he should bring his potential into full play. ‎ Time went by, and he grew 46. Some roads he used to dream about became closed to him. But there was still so much he could accomplish. ‎ One day, a sudden chest pain made him come home early. He dragged his feet to the bathroom. There, feeling 47, he looked in the mirror. A worn-out, gray-haired man stared back at him. He looked 48 into these eyes and, all of a sudden, 49 one simple truth. The next moment, the pain came again, and his heart stopped 50 forever.‎ The truth that came upon him was rather simple: People only flatter themselves (自以为是,自鸣得意) by thinking that they could have 51 this or that if not for such-and-such circumstances. Yet this is nothing but 52 . You simply lack something that is 53 for achieving that goal you’ve never reached — a talent, a skill, willpower, 54 something else. In fact, 55 you don’t achieve is something you’re not capable of achieving.‎ ‎36. A. before B. since C. if D. though ‎37. A. wisdom B. potential C. world D. freedom ‎38. A. courage B. interest C. knowledge D. power ‎39. A. write B. read C. buy D. edit ‎40. A. invent B. acquire C. adopt D. destroy ‎41. A. step B. life C. chance D. condition ‎42. A. promote B. accumulate C. increase D. apply ‎43. A. choice B. mistake C. failure D. effort ‎44. A. assisted B. loved C. raised D. punished ‎45. A. why B. where C. when D. whether ‎46. A. greedier B. wiser C. older D. cruder ‎47. A. sleepy B. weak C. satisfied D. comfortable ‎48. A. carelessly B. secretly C. angrily D. closely ‎49. A. realized B. remembered C. reminded D. created ‎50. A. fueling B. starting C. beating D. moving ‎51. A. learned B. achieved C. undertaken D. doubted ‎52. A. reality B. history C. imagination D. record ‎53. A. unimportant B. necessary C. unbelievable D. ordinary ‎54. A. and B. even C. or D. as ‎55. A. what B. which C. that D. how 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ A Eat to Excel How fit are you? Do you look after yourself? Do you eat healthily or do you eat anything you like? Premier League football club Aston Villa are encouraging their players and local children to eat healthy food. They ‎ know that what you eat is the key to success. ‎ How fit is a footballer?‎ Could you run ten kilometers in 90 minutes? A professional footballer can. Footballers have to be strong, quick, skillful and creative in their moves. Every Premier League club makes sure it has a good coaching scheme and a well-planned fitness program. They also ensure that players have the practice and training that will prepare them for matches. What else do you think clubs pay special attention to? A good stadium? Anything else? What about the food they eat?‎ Eating the right thing A good diet is a fundamental part of sport these days. Aston Villa manager Martin O’Neill’s sport and health experts have chosen a secret weapon --- organic food (food grown without chemicals). Fitness manager Jim Henry eats with his players and said: “I chose to switch to organic food for Aston Villa because I’ve read studies showing that organic food has higher levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.” He believes that the best way to get these is to eat the very best fresh food. ‎ What to eat after the match ‎ Head chef at Aston Villa, lan Edge, feeds players with the best food as soon as they finish an away match. He says: “Food is very important to sports stars and particularly after a game. There is an hour of opportunity when they need to eat to get the best muscle strength, so I hand out meals on the coach on the way home. If we can make one per cent difference to the players by using organic food, then it is worth it.”‎ Teaching healthy eating ‎ Everyone at Aston Villa enjoys organic food at their training ground. But the club is also worried about the unhealthy diet among local children who prefer sweets and unhealthy fast food. As part of their work in the community, Aston Villa has opened up their kitchen and invited children from local schools to come and learn how to cook with the help of the Villa head chef. Villa midfielder, Nigel ReoCoker, visited the children on the opening day. “The kitchen promotes healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.” he said.‎ A final word from the kitchen Head chef Ian says: “Footballers know how important food is to their profession and nine times out of ten, they go for the healthiest option.” Do you watch your diet? If you do and you keep yourself fit, you can be a winner!‎ ‎56. Every Premier League Club provides footballers with ______________.‎ A. a good coach ‎ B. a fitness center C. proper practice and training D. a delicious diet ‎ ‎57. According to Jim Henry, ___________________.‎ A. he believes the studies he has read about organic food B. he will only eat organic food with his players C. he thinks food is especially important after a game D. he chose organic food as a secret weapon for footballers ‎58. We can learn from the passage that ___________________.‎ A. people can make one percent difference to players by using organic food B. only a few footballers pay attention to the healthy eating C. footballers in Aston Villa usually eat on their way to the match D. footballers in Aston Villa usually eat some food within an hour after a match.‎ ‎59. Why has Aston Villa invited children from local schools?‎ A. Because they want to teach kids how to cook delicious food.‎ B. Because they want to teach kids to play football.‎ C. Because they are fond of the kids in the community.‎ D. Because they intend to promote healthy eating. ‎ ‎ B It is official: Jim Parsons is the new poster child for geekdom.‎ ‎ The actor, who recently won his first Emmy for outstanding lead actor in a comedy series for his portrayal of Sheldon Cooper on the hit television show The Big Bang Theory, is the hotness right now. ‎ ‎ Parsons is a big hit on the Web as a trending topic on Twitter and has a devoted fan base who spread their adoration via Facebook and fan sites.‎ ‎ Parsons is considered by many to be a central part of the sleeper success that has been The Big Bang Theory. The sitcom about two brilliant physicists and their group of friends started out slowly building buzz when it first appeared on CBS in 2007. ‎ ‎ Since then, the show has grown into a big success for the network, even raking in fans abroad with its international distribution. In May, The New York Times reported that Warner Bros., which produces and distributes the show, had entered into “what is believed to be one of the most profitable TV deals ever” with TBS and local Fox stations. ‎ ‎ Audiences just can’t seem to get enough of the character of Sheldon Cooper, who is as socially dysfunctional as he is bright. Admirers take to Facebook fan pages to post their favorite Sheldon quotes, including: “I’m not insane (crazy), my mother had me tested!” and “They were threatened by my intelligence and too stupid to know that’s why they hated me.”‎ ‎ Fans can visit Jim Parsons Online, and there is even a site, SheldonShirts.com, dedicated to the many shirts worn by the character, complete with links to where to buy them. Mary Waring created the site because of her husband’s interest in Sheldon Cooper’s shirts. And with his character’s nerdy character and addiction to all things “Star Trek,” Parsons is also a hit with fan boys and fan girls. ‎ ‎60. The underlined phrase “raking in” means ___________.‎ A. earning the support of B. making fun of ‎ C. classifying D. comforting ‎ ‎61. Where are you most likely to find this passage?‎ A. In a biography.‎ B. In a magazine.‎ C. In a talk-show program.‎ D. In a textbook.‎ ‎62. What we can infer from the passage?‎ A. Parsons was dreaming about the success before the comedy.‎ B. Mary Waring was interested in Sheldon Cooper’s shirts so she set up a website.‎ C. Before The Big Bang Theory, Parsons was not very popular.‎ D. Sheldon Cooper is a character who is intelligent as well as sociable. ‎ ‎63. What is the suitable title of the passage?‎ A. The Big Bang Theory Catching our Eyes B. Sheldon Cooper Adored by Vast Audiences ‎ C. Jim Parsons: Hot on Web D. “Star Trek” loved by boys and girls ‎ C After the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at retaliatory(报复的) action against China for its “significantly undervalued” currency, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged the IMF to pressure China to adopt “more flexible, more market-directed exchange-rate management”. This is a coded message to China: You’re keeping on purpose your currency cheap, and the U.S. economy is paying the price. So cut it out --- or else. The normally dull IMF meeting became the latest battleground for the U.S. to be against a fast developing China.‎ ‎ Our new conventional wisdom is that China’s policy leads to make trade deficits (逆差) greater and the loss of American jobs. Dozens of candidates have run ads attacking a competitor for allowing China to take advantage of us. In the election-year view, China grew 10% annually for the past decade while maintaining low inflation(通涨) only by taking advantage of its artificially low currency. The idea that the U.S. is not responsible for its own economy is a black-is-white view. It argues that China and its currency are causing the lion’s share of harm.‎ This is an argument born of fear. It covers a fact that the economies of China and the U.S. have become beneficial to each other. Those trillions in reserves that China accumulates: Where do they go? Back to the U.S. in the form of lending money to the federal government. Those made-in-China goods that account for the trade deficit: Whom do they benefit? China, yes, but also American consumers and companies. Without ‎ China, American companies could not have maintained their profitability in recent years. Take two brand names, Caterpillar and Nike. Both have their products made in China, but both also view China as a fast-growing market for their products.‎ George Soros warned recently that a currency war could put the world into disorder more damaging than anything caused by the financial crisis of the 1930s. He’s right. Whether we like it or not, we live in a global system. The zero-sum attitude toward China and its currency is a relic, the remaining of an earlier time when nations defined economic life.‎ China is far from perfect and seeks its own advantage, but holding it accountable for our domestic problems is beyond outdated. It reflects a dangerous refusal to deal with the world as it is. Retaliating against China over currency will not regain high-end jobs in the U.S., which needs more our own demand. It will not renew construction or retool the American labor force. It will not rebuild rotting bridges or create a next-generation energy network. ‎ ‎64. Which of the following argument can be supported by the writer?‎ A. China is the winner in the Sino-US trade.‎ B. China’s rapid development over the past ten years is based on its low inflation.‎ C. The world’s economy will benefit from China’s policy changes on its currency.‎ D. The US will get hurt if it tries hard on damaging China’s economy.‎ ‎65. This passage is in a tone that is ____________.‎ A. in favor of China B. in the shoes of US C. blaming China’s low currency policy D. helping IMF solve the world’s economic problem ‎66. The writer makes his point of view clear through the passage by using _____________.‎ A. reasonable analysis B. leaders’ quotations C. figure examples D. moving stories ‎67. China’s currency policy ________.‎ A. will help increase the demand in the US B. is unable to equip the American labor force with new working skills C. could guide the world economy for the next decade D. is to be controlled by the international currency groups ‎ D Take a look at the following list of numbers: 4, 8, 5, 3, 7, 9, 6. Read them loud. Now look away and spend 20 seconds memorizing them in order ‎ before saying them out loud again. If you speak English, you have about a 50% chance of remembering those perfectly. If you are Chinese, though, you’re almost certain to get it right every time. Why is that? Because we most easily memorize whatever we can say or read within a two-second period. And unlike English, the Chinese language allows them to fit all those seven numbers into two seconds.‎ That example comes from Stanislas Dahaene’s book The Number Sense. As Dahaene explains: Chinese number words are remarkably brief. Most of them can be spoken out in less than one-quarter of a second (for instance, 4 is “si” and 7 “qi”). Their English pronunciations are longer. The memory gap between English and Chinese apparently is entirely due to this difference in length. ‎ It turns out that there is also a big difference in how number-naming systems in Western and Asian languages are constructed. In English, we say fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen, so one might expect that we would also say oneteen, twoteen, threeteen, and fiveteen. But we don’t. We use a different form: eleven, twelve, thirteen and fifteen. For numbers above 20, we put the “decade” first and the unit number second (twenty-one, twenty-two), while for the teens, we do it the other way around (fourteen, seventeen, eighteen). The number system in English is highly irregular. Not so in China, Japan, and Korea. They have a logical counting system. Eleven is ten-one. Twelve is ten-two. Twenty-four is two-tens-four and so on.‎ That difference means that Asian children learn to count much faster than American children. Four-year-old Chinese children can count, on average, to 40. American children at that age can count only to 15. By the age of five, in other words, American children are already a year behind their Asian friends in the most fundamental of math skills.‎ The regularity of their number system also means that Asian children can perform basic functions, such as addition, far more easily. Ask an English-speaking seven-year-old to add thirty-seven plus twenty-two in her head, and she has to change the words to numbers (37+22). Only then can she do the math: 2 plus 7 is 9 and 30 and 20 is 50, which makes 59. Ask an Asian child to add three-tens-seven and two-tens-two, and then the necessary equation(等式) is right there, in the sentence. No number translation is necessary: it’s five-tens-nine.‎ When it comes to math, in other words, Asians have a built-in advantage. For years, students from China, South Korea, and Japan --- outperformed their Western classmates at mathematics, and the typical assumption is that it has something to do with a kind of Asian talent for math. The differences between the number systems in the East and the West suggest something very different --- that being good at math may also be rooted in a group’s culture.‎ ‎68. What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ A. The Asian number-naming system helps grasp advanced math skills better.‎ B. Western culture fail to provide their children with adequate number knowledge.‎ C. Children in Western countries have to learn by heart the learning things.‎ D. Asian children’s advantage in math may be sourced from their culture.‎ ‎69. What makes a Chinese easier to remember a list of numbers than an American?‎ A. Their understanding of numbers.‎ B. Their mother tongue.‎ C. Their math education.‎ D. Their different IQ.‎ ‎70. Asian children can reach answers in basic math functions more quickly because ____________.‎ A. they pronounce the numbers in a shorter period B. they practice math from an early age C. English speaking children translate language into numbers first D. American children can only count to 15 at the age of four 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)‎ ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Are you a team person? Are you at your best as part of a small, tightly united group of dedicated workers? If so, the future may hold more for you than you think. ‎ ‎ 71 That’s happening in those areas of business and data processing where one person and a computer can replace a team of workers.‎ ‎ 72 High technology has led to a new type of teamwork in a number of fields, including advertising, scientific research, engineering design, architecture and ocean exploration. ‎ Through computer networking, scientists, engineers, and technicians at different locations — often thousands of miles apart --- can work on the same project at once. 73 ‎ Examples? An engineering team can now design and try out a robot system --- a new manufacturing process, or an entire factory — before it is built. An architectural team can do the same with a building or a bridge. A medical team can simulate a dangerous operation before performing it on a patient. ‎ Of course, computer-assisted team effort doesn’t end with investigation and simulation. 74 “CAD-CAM --- computer-aided design and manufacture --- is breaking down barriers between traditional design and manufacturing functions.” explains Dr. Prakash Rao, an engineering manager at General Electric. “Interdisciplinary(跨学科的) teams and engineers follow a product from concept to production. Everything is interconnected like a network.” ‎ ‎ 75 A team that produces robots may use them to explore space and ocean depths. For high-technology teamwork, the future seems limitless. ‎ A. They can exchange ideas, try out different designs, and test their results.‎ B. It now usually continues into actual design, manufacturing, and testing.‎ C. In the future, team work will be highlighted by the introduction of new technology. ‎ D. Sometimes, a computer-aided effort can extend beyond production.‎ E. But, elsewhere, teamwork is very much alive.‎ F. It ends in the products which are extensions of the traditional design. ‎ G. High technology, some predicted, would make team work a thing of the past.‎ 第四部分:书面表达(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节:情景作文(满分20分)‎ 在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为”Being a Good Partner”的英文演讲稿。词数不少于100.‎ 为何与人合作 ‎1.现在社会必备的能力 ‎2.可省时间和精力 ‎3.更多互相学习机会 与谁合作 与喜欢的人合作 心情愉快,同甘共苦 与不喜欢的人合作 学会容忍,努力挖掘其优点 你的看法 ‎?‎ 注意:演讲稿的开头和结束已给出。‎ Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Being a good partner”. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Thank you for your listening!‎ 第二节:开放作文(满分15分)‎ 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。‎ ‎ In your English class, the teacher shows the picture below and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates may have different understandings.‎ ‎ Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how YOU understand it.‎ Vocabulary support:‎ 千里马: swift horse 拉磨,碾磨:grind 磨坊: mill 参考答案 ‎16.6/six 17. scholarship 18. National 19. weddings 20. romantic 单选:21—25:CACDA 26—30:BDACB 31—35:BBDCA ‎ 完形:36—40:CBDAA 41—45:BDACB 46—50:CBDAC 51—55:BCBCA ‎ 阅读:56—60:CADDA 61—65:ABCCD 66—70:ABDBC 71—75:GEABD 情景作文 ‎(A possible version)‎ ‎ Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “being a good partner”.‎ In this busy, modern world, if we want to complete our work more efficiently, we must all learn to cooperate with others, because not only can cooperation save us a lot of time and energy, but also we can learn much from each other. ‎ We’ll be lucky enough to find someone we like to cooperate with due to the fact that we can share our joy and sadness with him. However, it can be difficult to cooperate with someone we dislike. In this case, we'll have to learn to put up with some of his shortcomings and try to discover his advantages.‎ In my opinion, to be a good partner, we should try to listen to others’ opinions, never force our ideas on others and if he makes mistakes, try to point them out in a polite way.‎ Thank you for your listening!‎ 开放作文 Possible version 1:‎ ‎ As is depicted in the picture, a horse is grinding the wheat into flour in a mill. Swift horse as it is, it seems to spare no effort to do this tiring job. ‎ The picture vividly delivers a message to us all that we are supposed to plant our feet on solid ground despite the fact that we may sometimes possess outstanding abilities. It is an established fact that those who have distinguished abilities are expected to achieve higher goals. Nevertheless, they would be well advised to reach their goals step by step or even by performing some boring tasks. Just like the swift horse in the picture, it trains itself by grinding the wheat, which can serve as a preparation for its long journey in the future. Doing the seemingly tedious work can not only build up our strength but also shape our ‎ character. In other words, treating the boring work seriously can develop our patience as well as responsibility, which is of vital importance to our sustainable development. ‎ As for us teenagers, there is no doubt that only by committing ourselves to daily practices can we fully realize our potentials. ‎ Possible version 2:‎ As is vividly depicted in the picture, the “Swift Horse”, firmly restricted in a simple and crude mill, has no alternative but to slowly grind the wheat into flour just like an awkward donkey.‎ The ridiculous picture reflects a common but thought-provoking social problem that usually talented people are merely assigned with some trivial tasks, which is definitely regarded as a waste of resources. Able as they are, they have no chance to carry out their ideals. As a matter of fact, the “Swift Horse” is supposed to have achieved more success or accomplished more challenging assignments. However, he is bound to the improper working environment and required to do the simple and boring job, which absolutely retards his progress. In addition, we should make it clear that everybody has the potential to succeed. Thus, employers must provide employees with suitable opportunities to make good use of their talents, while teachers must recognize students’ advantages and teach them in accordance with their aptitudes.‎ In a word, as far as we teenagers are concerned, only if everybody is given the opportunity to display his talents fully, we’ll have an infinitely bright future.‎

