小学英语《What are you going to do》教案

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小学英语《What are you going to do》教案

《What are you going to do?》 ⅠTeaching Aims: 【Knowledge aim】 Students can read and learn the phrases 'take a trip / read a magazine / go to the cinema,tomorrow /tonight/ this morning/ this afternoon.’as well as the sentence pattern “What are you going to do(this afternoon/morning/evening/…)? I’m going to ….” 【Ability aim】 Through activities and group works,students can express their plan correctly. 【Emotional aims】 Students can improve the confidence of learning English, and not afraid of speaking English in class; Teaching Key Points:Master the phrases and sentence structure” what are you going to do?I’m going to...” Teaching Difficult Points:Students can improve the confidence of learning English, and not afraid of speaking English in class; ⅡTeaching Methods:Communicative Approach,Task-based Language Teaching, Situation Teaching, Method Audio-Lingual Approach ⅢTeaching Aids:phrases card,tape recorder ⅣTeaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up:normal greeting and sing an English song together. Step 2 Presentation:1.a、show calendar to students and according calendar to lead out the word :tomorrow / next week T: What day is today ?Ss: Today is Monday. T: What day is tomorrow (Point to the calendar.) Ss: Tomorrow is Tuesday. T: What day is the next day?... According to turn the calendar to review the words about week,then lead out the phrase:next week b、using the curriculum schedule to show the new phrases:this morning/ this afternoon /this evening / tonight T: Next week, we are going to have the same classes as this week. Please look at the school timetable.We have Chinese、 math、 English and moral education this morning, what are you going to have this afternoon?Ss: We are going to have PE and art this afternoon . C:Teaching new phrases: T: We have PE and art this afternoon , what are you going to do this afternoon ?Guiding students to use the sentence structure “be going to do.....”to answer the my question,and teacher can do the action as the cue. T: Are you going to have classes tonight/ this evening ? Ss: No. T: What are you going to do this evening? Reviewing the old phrase and lead out new phrases using object: read a magazine、 go to the cinema. take a trip . Step 3 Practice:read the part of Let’s learn and practice the conversation. Complete the table. T: John is going to visit his grandparents tonight.If you are John ,When are you going to play sports? When are you going to read books? When are you going to clean your room ? Please look at the form and write down the time. Step 4 Production:according to the form, deskmates practice the conversation using the phrases and the sentences pattern.Then invite some groups to perform their conversation. They can use the sentence pattern to make sentences to talk about their plan.for example:What are you going to do tomorrow/this morning/this week? Step 5 Summary and homework:ask students what we have learned,and today’s homework is practicing the conversation. Blackboard Design:

