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‎2011年全国高考 英语试题分类汇编之单项填空 冠词 ‎1.(2011·全国II)16. As he reached _____front door, Jack saw ______strange sight.【D】‎ ‎ A. the;不填B. a; the C.不填a D. the; a ‎2.(2011·陕西卷)13.As is know to all, People’s Republic of China is Biggest developing countryin the world. 【C】 ‎ A.the ;不填 B. 不填 ;the C. the ;the D. 不填;不填 ‎3.(2011·四川卷)18.Dr.Peter Spemce, headmaster of the school,told us, fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.【A】‎ A.不填;A B.不填;The C.the;The D.a;A ‎4.(2011·江西卷)22.------It’s said John will be in a job paying over 860,00 _____ year ‎----- also get paid by _____ week.【B】‎ A. the; the B. a; the C. D.a;a ‎5.(2011·全国新课标卷)33.It is generally accepted that boy must learn to stand up and fight like man.【A】‎ A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; 不填 ‎6.(2011·浙江卷)2.Experts think that ____recently discovered painting may be _____ Picasso.【D】‎ ‎ A.the.不填 B.a;the C.a;不填 D.the;a ‎7.(2011·山东卷)21.Take your time-it’s just_____short distance from here to_____restaurant.【B】‎ ‎ A.不填;the B. a; the C. the; a D.不填;a ‎8.(2011·重庆卷)26. In communication, a smile is usually ___________ strong sign of a friendly and _______ open attitude.【C】‎ A. the, / B. a, an C. a, / D. the, an ‎ 介词 ‎1.(2011·湖北卷)30.When asked about their opinion about the schoolmaster ,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside younger men.【C】‎ A. in terms of B. in need of C. in favor of D. in praise of ‎2.(2011·全国II)14. This shop will be closed for repairs______further notice.【B】‎ A. with B. until C. for D. at ‎3.(2011·四川卷)8.Nick, it’s good for you to read some books __________China before you start your trip there.【D】‎ A. in B. for C. of D. on ‎4.(2011·北京卷)35. With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken color.【D】 ‎ A. by B. for C. with D. in ‎5.(2011·天津卷)11. He was a good student and scored _________ average in most subjects.【D】‎ A. below B. of C. on D. above ‎6.(2011·江苏卷)32.We’d better discuss everything _______ before we work out the plan.【A】‎ A.in detail B.in general ‎ C.on purpose D.on time ‎7.(2011·全国新课标卷)30.The form cannot be signed by anyone yourself.【B】‎ A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. better than ‎8.(2011·浙江卷)5.I always wanted to do the job which I'd been trained .【B】‎ ‎ A. on B. for C. by D. of ‎9.(2011·安徽卷)25.Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek______ food safety problem.【B】‎ A. in B. to C. on D. after ‎10.(2011·山东卷)30.I’m sorry I didn’t phone you, but I’ve been very busy_____ the past couple of weeks.【D】‎ ‎ A. beyond B. with C. among D. over ‎11.(2011·重庆卷)24.Shirley, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read ‎ __________ the library.【D】‎ A. in B. for ‎ C. by D. from ‎12.(2011·福建卷)22. good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.【B】‎ A. Far from B. Apart from ‎ C. instead of D. Regardless of 动词词义 ‎1.(2011·全国II)10. Mary, I_____John of his promise to help you.【B】‎ ‎ A. told B. reminded C. warned D. advised ‎2.(2011·天津卷)6.I a bank account after I made﹩1 000 by doing a part-time job during the summer vacation.【B】‎ A.borrowed B.opened C.entered D.ordered ‎3.(2011·湖北卷)28.Clinical evidence began to__________, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.【D】 A. operate B. strengthten ‎ C. approve D. accumulate ‎4.(2011·湖北卷)27.The minister said. “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never_______ with criminals.”【A】‎ A. negotiate B. quarrel C. argue D. consult ‎5.(2011·湖北卷)26.Know font if we want to the success but they may also________ out thinking.【B】‎ A. direct B. limit C. change D. improve ‎(2011·辽宁卷)22. What are you doing out of bed, Tom? You're to be asleep. ,【A】‎ ‎ A. supposed B. known C. thought D. considered ‎6.(2011·辽宁卷)24. You are old enough to your own living.【D】‎ ‎ A.win B. gain C. take D. earn ‎7.(2011·江苏卷)28.--- Are you still mad at her?‎ ‎---Not really, but I can’t ______ that her remarks hurt me.【A】‎ A.deny B.refuse ‎ C.reject D.decline ‎8.(2011·全国新课标卷)34.William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to___.【C】‎ A. disappear B. fall C. fail D. damage ‎9.(2011·安徽卷)21. As the story______, the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.【D】‎ A. begins B. happens C. ends D. develops ‎10.(2011·福建卷)28.I’d prefer to my judgement until I find all the evidence.【D】‎ A.show B. express C.pass D.reserve 短语动词 ‎1.(2011·江西卷)35. You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t ____ as you expect.【C】‎ A.run out B.break out C.work out D. put ont.‎ ‎2.(2011·陕西卷)25.Some insects________the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. 【C】‎ A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out ‎3.(2011·四川卷)7.To get a better grade, you should __________the notes again before the test.【A】‎ A. go over B. get over C. turn over D. take over ‎4.(2011·天津卷)8.She an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping att the department store.【D】‎ A.turned down B.dealt with C.took after D.came across ‎5.(2011·四川卷)14.I ofen the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the lnternet.【A】‎ A.look up B.look at C.kook for D.look into ‎6.(2011·湖北卷)29. The government has taken measures to the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.【B】‎ A. take down B. bring down C. hand down D. tear down ‎7.(2011·辽宁卷)26. The exam results will be on Friday afternoon.【C】‎ ‎ A. put down B. put off C. put up D. put away ‎8.(2011·江苏卷)30.— You look upset. What’s the matter?‎ ‎— I had my proposal _______ again.【D】*copoyright:x*k*100.com*‎ A.turned over B.turned on ‎ C.turned off D.turned down ‎9.(2011·全国新课标卷)26.I can the house being untidy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.【B】‎ A. come up with B. put up with C. turn to D. stick to ‎10.(2011·浙江卷)6.The school isn't the one I really wanted to go to ,but I suppose I'll just have to_______it.【A】‎ ‎ A. make the best of B. get away from ‎ C. keep an eye on D. catch up with ‎ ‎11.(2011·浙江卷)12.He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of ____at a hotel for the night .【D】‎ A. putting down B. putting off ‎ C. putting on D. putting up ‎ ‎12.(2011·安徽卷)34. If you _____faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.【A】‎ A. come across B. care about ‎ C. look for D. focus upon 13.(2011·山东卷)25. They are broadening the bridge to______the flow of traffic.【B】‎ A. put off B. speed up C. turn on D. work out ‎14.(2011·福建卷)31.Born into a family with three brothers,David was to value the sense of sharing.【A】‎ A.brought up B.turned down C.looked after D.held back 强调句型和反意疑问句 ‎1.(2011·陕西卷)23.It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do______benefits our work most. 【C】‎ A. who B. which C. that D. what ‎2.(2011·四川卷)15.Was it on a lonely island he was saved one month after the boat went famous.【B】‎ A.where B.that C.which D.what ‎3.(2011·辽宁卷)33. a strange plant! I've never seen it before. 【B】 ‎ ‎ A. Which B. What C. How D. Whether ‎4.(2011·湖南卷)35 It’s not what we do once in a while ______ shapes our lives but what we do consistently.【B】‎ A. which B. that C. how D. when ‎ ‎5.(2011·重庆卷)32.—Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?‎ ‎— Of course, I have. It was in our village it was made.【A】‎ A.that B.where C.when D.which ‎6.(2011·重庆卷)28.I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, ?【B】‎ A. could he B.didn’t I C. didn’t you D. could they

