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数词 中考解读 内容 基本要求 数词的基本用法 一.基数词与序数词的构成及用法 ‎ 二.分数、时间、日期的表达法 ‎ 一、基数词 基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示数量的词叫基数词。‎ ‎1.最基本的基数词如下表表示。‎ ‎1 one ‎ ‎11 eleven ‎100 a hundred ‎ ‎2 two ‎ ‎12 twelve ‎20 twenty ‎1000 a thousand ‎3 three ‎ ‎13 thirteen ‎ ‎30 thirty ‎ ‎1,000,000 1 million ‎4 four ‎ ‎14 fourteen ‎ ‎40 forty ‎10,000,000 ten million ‎5 five ‎15 fifteen ‎ ‎50 fifty ‎100,000,000 a hundred million ‎6 six ‎ ‎16 sixteen ‎60 sixty ‎1,000,000,000 a billion ‎7 seven ‎ ‎17 seventeen ‎70 seventy ‎8 eight ‎18 eighteen ‎80 eighty ‎9 nine ‎19 nineteen ‎90 ninety ‎10 ten ‎【注】:‎ 1) 基数词1-12是独立单词,需逐个记忆。13—19 是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意其中13、15、18的拼写是thirteen, fifteen, eighteen。‎ 2) ‎20—90 由个位数加后缀-ty构成,注意20, 30, 40, 50和80的拼写分别是twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty。21—99中非整十的两位数是由整十位数加连字符“-”,再加个位数构成。如:81 eighty-one。‎ 3) ‎101—999 的基数词先写百位数,后加and 再写十位数和个位数。如:691 six hundred and ninety-one。‎ 4) ‎1000以上的基数词先写千位数,后写百位数,再加and,最后写十位数和个位数。如:5893 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three。‎ 在基数词中只有表示“百”、“千”的单位词,没有单独表示“万”、“亿”的单位词,而是用thousand(千)和million(百万)来表达,其换算关系为:1万=10 thousand; 1亿=100 million; 10亿=a thousand million=a billion。‎ 1) 多位数的读法:‎ ‎1000 以上的多位数,要使用计数间隔或逗号“,”。即从个位起,每隔三位加一个间隔或逗号。第一个间隔或逗号前是thousand(千),第二个间隔或逗号前是million(百万),第三个间隔或逗号前是a thousand million 或a billion(十亿)。‎ 每隔三位分段以后就都成了101—999。读的时候十位数(或个位数)的前面一般要加and。如:888,000,000 读作:eight hundred and eighty-eight million。‎ ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. There are _______ days in a week. A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven ‎2. —Can you write the number eighty-five thousand,six hundred and twenty-six?‎ ‎ —Yes,it is. ________. A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 58662 D. 58626‎ ‎3. —Look at the picture. How many students ride to school in the class?‎ ‎ —Oh, there are _______. A. 8 B. 16 C. 4 D. 12‎ ‎ ‎ 2) Hundred, thousand, million, dozen, score 这些词的用法(重难点)‎ a) 前面如有表示具体数字的词,它们不能加“s”, 其中特别注意several,也表示一个具体数字,其范围是3-5个:three hundred people, five thousand years;several million students b) 反之则须加“s”, 并要与of 短语连用。例如:‎ thousands of people, hundreds of students, thousands of trees c) 当这些词后面的名词其有the, these, those等特指限定修饰词时,或其后接的是us, them这样的人称代词时, hundred, thousand, million, billion, dozen, score后有不加s, 但加of. 例如:‎ I want three dozen of these eggs.‎ ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. ______ travelers come to visit our city every year. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundred ‎2. The man also wrote _______ of beautiful pieces of music for the orchestra. A. hundred B. six hundred C. a hundred D. hundreds ‎3. Basketball is so popular a game in the world that _______ people play it for fun and exercise. A. million of B. millions of C. millions D. two millions of ‎4. —What’s the matter, Kangkang?‎ ‎ —Oh, I feel sorry to hear more than _______ people lost their lives in the earthquake (地震) in Sichuan. A. sixty thousands of B. sixty thousand C. sixty thousand of D. thousand of ‎5. After Wenchuan earthquake(地震), _______ people got together on Tian’anmen Square, calling out “Come on, China!”. A. four thousand of B. thousands of C. several thousands ‎6. More than two ________ years ago, people knew little about the universe. A. thousands B. thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of ‎7. English is becoming a tourist city. _________ people come here during the holidays every year. A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. Five thousands of D. Five thousands ‎8. Over twenty ______ students took part in the math competition last year. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of ‎9. So far, doctors have saved _______ people’s lives in the quake-hit area. A. thousands of B. thousand C. thousand of ‎10. ______ visitors come to China every year. A. Thousands of B. Ten thousands C. Ten thousand of D. Thousand of ‎2. 基数词的用法:‎ 1) 基数词在句中的作用:基数词的作用相当于名词和形容词,在句中可作定语、主语、宾语(介宾)、表语、同位语等。例如:‎ Three and five is eight. 3+5=8 (作表语)‎ How many oranges do you want?你要多少桔子?‎ I want eight. 我要八个。(作宾语)‎ There are eight boats in the lake. 湖里有八条小船。(作定语)‎ 1) 年、月、日和时间的表达法: 年份用基数词,日期用序数词,其顺序常用月、日、年。‎ a) 年份用基数词表达,分两位一读,年份前用介词in。例如:‎ ‎1999 nineteen ninety-nine ‎2000 two thousand ‎2010 two thousand and ten / twenty ten ‎ b) 月份的表示方法及缩写:月份前用介词 on, 月份的第一个字母要大写,有些月份名称有缩写形式。例如:‎ 一月January(Jan.), 二月February(Feb.), 三月March(Mar.), 四月(Apr.), 五月May, 六月June, 七月July, 八月August(Aug.),九月September(Sept.), 十月October(Oct.), 十一月November(Nov.), 十二月December(Dec.)‎ c) 日期的表达要用序数词,读时前面要加定冠词the,介词要使用on。例如:‎ 在6 月1 日:on June 1st 读作:on June the first.‎ d) 年、月、日同时表达时,一般应先写月、日、后写年。如:‎ 在2001年5月4日:on May 4th, 2001。‎ ‎(中考考点-主要在听力中体现)‎ 2) 编了号的事物要用基数词表示顺序,但是基数词要后置。例如: ‎ 第一课:Lesson One ‎ 第三十二页:Page 32‎ 第305 房间:Room 305; ‎ 第12 路公共汽车:Bus No.12‎ ‎(中考考点-主要在听力中体现)‎ ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. The new student is in _______. A. Class 2 B. Class Second C. 2 Class ‎2. ---There is a wrong word in Line _________.‎ ‎ -- Where?‎ ‎ --- In the ________ line. A. Two; two        B. Two; second      C. second; two    D. second; second 3) 几点几十分的表达法:可用顺读法或倒读法两种方式表达。例如:‎ a) 表示整点时间,直接用基数词表达,后边可接o’clock (也可不加)。表达“几点几分”时,绝不能用o’clock。如:5:00--five (o’clock)‎ a) 在倒读法中,如果钟点不过半,须用“分钟数+past+钟点数”的形式;如果钟点过半,则用“差多少分钟数+to+全钟点(下个钟点数)”的形式。如:6:18--six eighteen 或eighteen past six; 6:48—twelve to seven ‎ b) 半点可以half表示,如:4:30--four thirty 或half past four c) 表达“15 分”或“45 分”时,常用quarter(刻)。如:12:15--twelve fifteen或fifteen (a quarter) past twelve; 6:45--six forty/five a quarter to seven 时间类型 表示法 例 读法 整点 基数词(+ o’clock) ‎ ‎1:00‎ one o’clock ‎﹤30分钟 分钟 + past +小时 ‎ ‎2:10‎ ten past two ‎= 30 分钟 half + past + 小时 ‎3:30‎ half past three ‎﹥30分钟 ‎(60-分钟) + to +(小时 + 1‎ ‎4:40‎ twenty to five 分钟逢15‎ 即 一刻钟 a quarter ‎5:15‎ ‎6:45‎ a quarter past five a quarter to seven 简化法 按顺序读基数词 ‎7:50‎ seven fifty ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. Our first class begins at a quarter to eight. A. 8:15 B. 7:15 C. 8:45 D. 7:45‎ ‎2. -- It’s already 7:40 now. When will the film start?‎ ‎ -- ____. We still have five minutes. A. A quarter to seven B. Seven past forty-five C. A quarter to eight 1) 分数表达法 a) 分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如:one fifth 五分之一 one tenth 十分之一 b) 当分子大于1 时,分母用序数词的复数。如: two thirds 三分之二 five eighths 八分之五 c) 当分子是1 时,可以用one 也可以用a。如: a second = one second a third = one third d) 当分母是2 和4 时,分别可以用half 和quarter 代替。如:a half 二分之一 three quarters 四分之三 注意:分数考查往往和主谓一致相联系。当分数修饰可数名词的复数时,谓语动词用复数形式;当分数修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:‎ Three fourths of the students in my class are interested in English. 我们班四分之三的学生对英语感兴趣。‎ Two thirds of the water on the earth is sea water. 地球上三分之二的水是海水。‎ 拓展:one in three, one out of three也表示三分之一,在阅读中常见。‎ ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. About ______ of the workers in the clothes factory are women. A. third fifths B. third fifth C. three fifths D. three fifth ‎2. _______of the warm water _______already been used up. A. Two-third; has B. Two-third; have C. Two-thirds; has D. Two-thirds; have 1) 百分数表达法:基数词+percent of…‎ ‎【注意】:百分数的考查往往和主谓一致相联系。当百分数修饰可数名词的复数时,谓语动词用复数形式;当百分数修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:‎ Eighty percent of the students in our school come from Henan. 我们学校百分之八十的学生来自河南。‎ 2) 小数表达法 a) 小数点前的整数按基数词的规则表示,小数点写作point, 小数后的数字应按其数字直接表示出来。如:18.38 可写成:eighteen point three eight。‎ 注意:小数在句中常作定语,尤其在比较方式状语从句中被使用。如:This stone is 3.5 times heavier than that one.‎ b) 表示钱的读法,如$2:50, 读成 two dollars and fifty 3) 两组与数词有关的介词短语:‎ a) in+定冠词the+数词的复数形式,表示年代。如:in the 1870s 或1870’s ‎20 世纪90 年代:nineteen nineties;21 世纪20 年代:twenty twenties b) in+物主代词+数词的复数形式,表示某人的年龄。如:in one’s thirties。有时在物主代词后面可加上形容词early 或late 使其含义更确切些。如:The young man is at most in his early thirties.‎ ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the _______. A. two-thirds; 1970 B. two-thirds; 1970s C. two-third; 1970 D. two-third; 1970s ‎2. ---There are sixty students in our class. And ______ of us are boys.‎ ‎ ---Wow! You have forty girls! A. one fourth B. one third   C. two fifths     D. two thirds ‎3. ____of the students in our class___ money to the disabled people these days. A. Two third, have raised B. Two thirds, has raised C. Two three, have raised D. Two thirds, have raised 1) 数量表示法 a) 表示长,宽,高,面积等,用基数词+单位词(meter, foot, inch, kilogram 等)+in+名词(length, width, height, weight 等)表示。‎ two meters long或two meters in length 两米长 three feet high或three feet in height 三英尺高 b) 带有数词的名词作定语的表达:a seven-year-old boy,a hundred-metre race ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1.Each of us has to write a report every two weeks. ‎ A. two-hundred-word B. two-hundreds-word C. two-hundreds-words D. two-hundred-words ‎2.北京首都机场三号航站楼长2,900米,宽790米。 ‎ Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 is ______________________________. ‎ 2) 加减乘除表示法:+→plus,-→minus,×→multiplied ÷→divided。‎ 如:5+7→five plus seven, 9-3→nine minus three, 8×9→eight multiplied by nine,64÷8→sixty divided by eight, 6:5 →the ratio of six to five, 42 →four-squared, 33→three-cubed, 54→the fourth power of five 注意:谓语动词为单数。‎ 3) 表示倍数(根据学生情况选择使用)‎ a) ‎…几倍大小(长短,数量)=…几倍(或分数)+the size(length, amount)。例如:‎ The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的49倍。‎ b) ‎…比…几倍=…倍数(或分数)+形容词(副词)比较级+than+被比部分。例如:‎ His house is three times bigger than mine. 他的房子比我的房子大三倍。‎ c) ‎…是…倍=…倍数(或分数)+as +形容词+as +被比部分。例如: ‎ This factory is four times as big as that one. 这个工厂是那个工厂的四倍。‎ 4) 表示约数 a) ‎ “多于”用more than 或over。例如:‎ The street is over(more than) 500 metres long. 这条街有500 多米长。‎ b) ‎ “小于”用less than。例如:‎ Three are less than 30 people in the classroom. 教室里不到三十人。‎ c) ‎“或…以上”用or more。例如:‎ The building can hold 5000 people or more. 那座建筑物可容纳5000 人或5000 人以上。‎ a) ‎ “或…以下”用or less。例如:‎ We can finish the work in two weeks or less. 我们可以在两周内或不到两周完成这件工作。‎ b) ‎ “大约”用about, around, nearly 等。例如:‎ The box weighs about 50 pounds. 这箱子重约50 镑。‎ c) ‎ “左右”用or so. 例如:‎ In the past ten years or so, they have changed a lot. 在过去的十年里,他们改变了许多。‎ 二.序数词 ‎1. 概念:表示顺序的词,叫序数词。序数词用来表示数词顺序。除特殊情况外,序数词一般都由相应的基数词加后缀-th 构成。请见下表:‎ 第一到第十 第十一到第十九 第二十以上 first eleventh twentieth second twelfth thirtieth third thirteenth fortieth fourth fourteenth fiftieth fifth fifteenth sixtieth sixth sixteenth seventieth seventh seventeenth eightieth eighth eighteenth ninetieth ninth nineteenth hundredth tenth thousandth ‎【说明】:‎ ‎1.英语中表示第一、第二、第三的序数词属特殊形式,要注意它们的拼写。‎ ‎2.表示“几十”的序数词通常是将基数词词尾y 变成i 再加上后缀-eth。‎ ‎3.其余的二位数序数词是以相应的整十基数词加个位序数词。如:fifty-first(第五十一)。‎ ‎4.少数序数词拼法不规则,如:fifth( 第五),eighth( 第八),ninth( 第九),twelfth(第十二)等。‎ ‎【注意】‎ 1) 基变序助记歌:基变序,有规律,末尾加上th;一、二、三,特殊记,八加h,九去e,ve要用f替;以y结尾用ie,后跟th莫忘记。若想表达几十几,只变个位就可以。‎ 2) 序数词可缩写为阿拉伯数字加序数词最后两个字母。例如:‎ 第一:(the) first=1st 第二:(the) second=2nd 第三:(the) third=3rd 第五:(the) fifth=5th 第九十七:(the) ninety-seventh=97th 第一百零一:(the) one hundred (and)first=101st 1) 易错点:fifth( 第五),eighth( 第八),ninth( 第九),twelfth(第十二),fortieth(第四十)。‎ 2. 序数词的用法 1) 序数词表顺序,主要作定语,其前面须加上定冠词the,此外,也作主语、宾语、表语和定语等,这时,被它所修饰的名词往往被省略。如:The first (person) to arrive is Kate. ‎ 例如:The first is bigger than the second. (作主语)第一个比第二个大。‎ Give me the first. (作宾语)把第一个给我。 ‎ She’s often the first to go to school. (作表语)她经常第一个去上学。‎ We’re going to learn the eighth lesson. (作定语)我们将要学习第八课。‎ 2) 序数词一般前用the,但是当其前面有物主代词,名词所有格等词时,就不用定冠词the了。‎ ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. I think ______ lesson is the most difficult in this book. A. five B. fifth C. the fifth D. fifteen ‎2. December is the ______ month in a year. A. twenty B. twelve C. twentieth D. twelfth ‎3. -- Excuse me. Where is Mr. Green’s office?‎ ‎ -- It’s on __ floor. A. seven B. the seven C. the seventh D. seventh ‎4. —Peter, how old is your father this year?‎ ‎ —_______. And we just had a party for his _______ birthday last weekend. A. Fortieth; forty B. Forty; forty C. Forty; fortieth D. Fortieth; fortieth ‎5. —Shanghai has opened its ________ TV channel (频道) that sends programs in foreign languages.‎ ‎ —Great! I can improve my English over it. A. first B. a first C. the first ‎6. All the teachers live on _______ floor. A. the second B. two C. second ‎7. Everyone knows Beijing will host _______ Olympic Games in August, 2008. A. 28th B. 29th C. the 29th ‎8. The work is too difficult for Mr. Xu to finish in a week. He needs _______ days. A. more two B. two more C. two another D. another more ‎9. —Hurry up. There isn’t much time left. —Don’t worry. I need _______ minutes to finish the work. A. twelve another B. another twelve C. more twelve ‎10. Father’s Day is on ______ Sunday of June. A. three B. third C. the third ‎11. ---Where does John live?‎ ‎ ---He lives on ______ floor but he doesn’t use a lift to go up and down. A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth D. a ninth ‎12. John, how old is your grandfather?‎ ‎ _____. We had a party for his _____ birthday last week. A. Eighty; eightieth B. Eighty; eighty C. Eightieth; eighty D. Eightieth; eightieth ‎13. --How many times have you been here?‎ ‎ --This is my __ visit. A. four B. the four C. fourth D. the fourth ‎14. Today is my mother’s ________ birthday. I will buy her a gift. A. fourteen B. fourteenth C. forty D. fortieth ‎15. ---How was your day off yesterday?‎ ‎ ---Perfect! It was ______ birthday of my grandma’s. We had a big family celebration. A. eighty B. the eightieth C. eightieth ‎16. ---Good news! Bill won_______ medal in the long jump just now.‎ ‎ ---Really? That’s his_______ one at our sports meeting. A. a:four B. an;fourth C. a;fourth 重难点 一.数词中的易混点 ‎ 1. 序数词除了与定冠词the和物主代词,名词所有格等连用表示顺序外,还与冠词a/an连用时,表示一种特殊的功能,意为“再,又”,相当于another,如 Then they had a second child- a son.‎ 1. 数词作主语,谓语动词用单数。如:‎ Two dollars is enough.‎ 2. another与more接数词的不同位置区别:another+数词A=A数词+more Could you give me one more chance? I’ll try my best to succeed.‎ A. two B. the other C. another 3. 数词半的表示法 一个半小时- one and a half hours = one hour and a half 两个半小时- two and a half hours = two hours and a half 4. twos and threes(三三两两)和sixes and sevens(乱七八糟)区别。‎ They came home from church by twos and threes. 他们三三两两地从教堂回来。‎ Everything is at sixes and sevens in the house. 家里现在乱七八糟。‎ ‎【真题回放】‎ ‎1. ---How long will Philip stay here?‎ ‎ ---Two ______ weeks till he lives. A. many B. much C. more D. most ‎2. A new study proves a_________ walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat. A. 30-minute B. 30 minute’s C. 30-minutes ‎3. -- Is your home far from school?‎ ‎ -- No. It’s only __ walk. A. ten-minute’s B. ten minutes’ C. ten minutes D. ten-minute ‎4. The boy always stays there for __. A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour C. one and a half hours ‎5. The old man drank__ beer. A. two bottles and a half B. two and a half bottle C. two bottle and a half 二.数词考点解析:‎ ‎[考点概述]数词的考查侧重在基数词的写法、读法,序数词的构成,分数词的构成。‎ 考点一、基数词写法、读法的考查 ‎1.There are _______ days in a week.‎ A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven ‎ ‎2.—Can you write the number eighty-five thousand,six hundred and twenty-six?‎ ‎—Yes,it is. ________.‎ A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 58662 D. 58626 ‎ 考点二、序数词构成、用法的考查 ‎3. I think ______ lesson is the most difficult in this book.‎ A. five B. fifth C. the fifth D. fifteen ‎ ‎4. December is the ______ month in a year.‎ A. twenty B. twelve C. twentieth D. twelfth ‎ 考点三、分数词构成、用法的考查 ‎5. About ______ of the workers in the clothes factory are women.‎ A. third fifths B. third fifth C. three fifths D. three fifth ‎ 考点四、数词与名词表编号的考查 ‎6. The new student is in _______.‎ A. Class 2 B. Class Second C. 2 Class ‎ 考点五、hundred,thousand,million 等词复数形式的考查 ‎7. ______ travelers come to visit our city every year.‎ A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundred ‎ 考点六、时刻表示法的考查 ‎8. Our first class begins at a quarter to eight. ‎ A. 8:15 B. 7:15 C. 8:45 D. 7:45‎ ‎ ‎课后作业 一.单项选择 ‎1. Two __died of cold last winter. A. hundreds old people B. hundred old people C. hundreds old peoples D. hundred old peoples ‎2. He was only in__ at the time.‎ ‎ 二.his 20's B. the 20's C. his twenties D. the twenties ‎3. The two great men wrote those letters in__ . A. 1870's B. 1879s C. the 1870's D. the 1870‎ ‎4. I wonder if I can ask him__ time. A. four B. fourth C. the fourth D. a fourth ‎5. He came out__ in the track events. A. first B. one C. the first D. the one ‎6. It was in 1939 that __broke out. A. World War Second B. the World War Second ‎ ‎ C. Second World War D. World War II ‎7. You'll have to spend __writing your report here. A. one day or two days B. one day or two C. a day or two D. two days or one ‎8. He cut the cake__ . A. in halves B. in half C. into halves D. into half ‎9. The earth is nearly__ the moon. A. 50 time the size of B. 50 times the size of C. 50 times as size as D. 50 times as that of ‎10. Either you or the headmaster __the prizes for these gifted students at the meeting. A. is handing in B. are to hand out C. are handing in D. is to hand out ‎11. __of the population here are peasants. A. 20 percents B. 20 percent C. the 20 percent D. the 20 percents ‎12. It's about__ , the thickness of a human hair. A. two-fifteenth B. two-fifteenths C. two fifteen D. two fifteens ‎13. The price of such material was reduced__ . A. by 18 percent B. to 18 percent C. at 18 percent D. for 18 percent ‎14. South of the equator, 81 percent of the surface of the earth__ water. A. is B. are C. was D. were ‎15. They sold __boxes of such sweets last week. A. four dozen B. four dozens C. four dozens of D. four dozen of

