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选修 6 Unit 3 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.He was ________(禁止) from driving for three years. 2.Parents have a great ________(影响) on their children's behaviour. 3.Jane had been ________(虐待) by her stepfather since she was eleven. 4.There is so much ignorance about ________(精神的) illnesses. 5.She's become ________(入迷的) to love stories. 6.She has a ________(偏见) against modern music. 7.In my ________(判断),we should accept their apology. 8.He's ________(绝望的) after being lost in the desert for more than a week. 9.Watching him climb up the cliff,everybody was ________(透不过气来) with anxiety. 10.It is ________(违法的) for a public official to ask people for gifts or money in exchange for favors to them. 答案:1.banned 2.effect 3.abused 4.mental 5.addicted 6.prejudice 7.judgement  8.desperate 9.breathless 10.illegal Ⅱ.短语填空 due to,get accustomed to,feel ashamed of,decide on,feel like,in spite of,take risks,get into,be addicted to,reach for 1.“Have you ________________ a date for your wedding?” the girl's mother asked her. 2.Happiness is a choice.________________ it at the moment it appears. 3.Don't let yourself ________________ bad habits. 4.It will be a long time before you ________________ the local food. 5.One cannot be successful in business unless he is willing to ________________. 6.The child ________________ computer games,which makes his parents very worried. 7.________________ repeated failures,he kept on until he succeeded. 8.It was reported that all the flights were delayed ________________ the terrible weather. 9.Do you ________________ taking a walk along the river after supper? 10.She ________________ losing face in public. 答 案 : 1.decided on   2.Reach for   3.get into   4.get accustomed to   5.take risks   6.is addicted to 7.In spite of 8.due to 9.feel like 10.feels ashamed of Ⅲ.完成句子 1.Some government officials in that country were arrested for________________(滥用权 力)to get benefit for themselves and their relatives. 2.By the way,we often feel discouraged,which________________(有很坏的影响)our study. 3.I________________(很惭愧)that I have not finished the task on time. 4.We wanted him to have________________,no different from what we want for our other two sons. 我们想让他尽可能地过充实的生活,与我们对其他的两个孩子的期望没有区别。 5.This is________________for the beginners to solve. 这个问题对于初学者来说太难解决了。 6.________________at someone,you give a gift to that person. 每次当你向某人微笑的时候,你就给了那人一件礼物。 答案:1.abusing their power 2.has a bad effect on 3.feel ashamed 4.as full a life as possible 5.too difficult a problem 6.Every time you smile Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 (一)根据提示翻译句子 1.越来越多的孩子整日沉溺于(addict)网络游戏。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这对他们有着很坏的影响(effect)。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3.一旦他们养成(get into)这个习惯,就不容易摆脱掉(quit)。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4.这让他们很难适应(accustom)他们的日常生活。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5.尽管(in spite of the fact)他们知道这些危害,但是他们仍然还要冒险(take risks)。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6.老师和家长都应该强调(stress)学习的重要性。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7.老师和家长都应该禁止(ban)他们玩这样的网络游戏。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (二)加入适当过渡词,联句成篇 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: (一)1.More and more children are addicted to the Internet games all day. 2.It will have a bad effect on them. 3.Once they get into the habit,they won't quit doing it. 4.This can make it difficult for them to accustom themselves to the daily life. 5.In spite of the fact that they know the danger,children still take risks. 6.The teachers and parents should stress the importance of study. 7.The teachers and parents should ban them from playing such Internet games. (二)参考范文: More and more children are addicted to the Internet games all day,which will have a bad effect on them.Once they get into the habit,they won't quit doing it,which can make it difficult for them to accustom themselves to the daily life.In spite of the fact that they know the danger , children still take risks.In my opinion,the teachers and parents should stress the importance of study,and ban them from playing such Internet games.

