外研版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Module 5

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外研版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Module 5

1 外研版七年级英语上册单元测试题及答案 Module 5 第二卷 笔试部分(80 分) 五、单项选择。(共10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分) ( )21.Wehave ________ English ________ Monday morning. A.an; in B. a; on C. a; in D. /; on ( )22.Wehave geography ________ two o'clock in theafternoon. A.at B. in C. on D. from ( )23. I like art, ________ I don't like maths. A.and B. but C. or D. because ( )24. —What ________ you ________ for lunch? —My grandmacooks delicious fish andcabbages.They taste great! A.does; take B. do;take C. do; have D. does;have ( )25. —________ eating somefish for supper? —Sorry, I don'tlike it. A.Let's B.Would you like C.What about D. Shall we ( )26. I like noodles ________ meatand vegetables. A.with B. in C. from D. at ( )27. It is 7:30 in themorning. It's time for students to ________! A.go tobed B.go shopping C.go toschool D. go home ( )28. My brother does ________ homework every day. A.many B. any C. much D. a lots of ( )29. I often have a ________ day at school, but I amvery happy. A.free B. busy C. good D. bad ( )30. —________? —I have it at 7:00 in the morning. A.What time do you have breakfast B.What do you do in the morning 2 C.Wheredo youhave breakfast D.Doyou have breakfast in the morning 六、完形填空。(共10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分) Hello! My __31__ is Guo Tao. I'm thirteen and I'm from __32__. I'm very __33__ because I have too many things to do every day. I __34__ up at 6:00 in the morning and have milk and bread for breakfast. I go to school by bike and lessons __35__ at 8:00. I have __36__ lessons a day,four in the morning and two in the afternoon. On Monday,I have two Chinese lessons,a maths lesson,two history lessons and an __37__ lesson. School finishes at 11:30 in the morning. Many students go home, but I have __38__ at school with my good friends.After lunch,we talk __39__ our good friends. School finishes at 5:00 in the afternoon. Then we go to the __40__. We often play football there. At about 5:20,I say goodbyeto my friends andgo home. I amhappy every day. ( )31.A.class B. name C. friend D. teacher ( )32.A.Chinese B. English C.American D. China ( )33.A.busy B. hot C. hungry D. healthy ( )34.A.look B. put C. make D. get ( )35.A.start B. finish C. have D. take ( )36.A.seven B. two C. six D. four ( )37.A.music B. PE C. English D. history ( )38.A.breakfast B. lunch C. supper D.TV ( )39.A.at B. from C. in D. to ( )40.A.home B. playground C. school D. factory 七、阅读理解。(共15 小题,每小题2 分,共 30 分) A DearLi Lei, Thank you for your email. Your life in China is very wonderful. I want to see you soon. NowI would like totell you something about my life in England. The daystarts at about 7 o'clock when my dad and mumget up. I usually have bread and eggs. I also drink a glass of milk. After breakfast, I put on my 3 school uniform(校服)and walk to school with some food for lunch. My favourite subject is science because I think it's interesting. I also enjoy PE lessons — we play basketball and sometimes we run. In the evening, I usually do my homework with my mum's help. I have got many friends. I would like to introduce(介绍)some of them to you next time. I hope you can be good friends too. Yours, Mary ( )41. Mary is in ________ now. A.China B. England C.America D.Australia ( )42.The underlined phrase “put on” means “ ________ ” in Chinese. A. 设计 B. 清洗 C. 脱下 D. 穿上 ( )43. Mary likes ________ best becauseshe thinks it's interesting. A.Chinese B. English C. science D. maths ( )44.Which ofthe following isTRUE? A.Li Lei lives inChina. B.Maryhas breakfast at school. C.Marydoes her homework inthe afternoon. D.Mary and Li Lei are classmates at school. B From Monday to FridayAmerican students usually get up at seven.After breakfast they go to school on foot or on the yellow school bus. Some students ride bikes. They get to school at half past eight. Then they put their bags in their lockers and take only one book, a notebook and a pencil toeach class. At noon students have lunch at school. They don't have a short sleep. They go back to classes afterlunch at school until threeo'clock.Then they go home. Students usually play or watch TV before supper. They have supper at six in the evening. Aftersupperthey do theirhomework. Sometimes they play ortalk with theirparents. On weekends they often go to church with their parents in the morning and have a big dinnerat oneo'clock intheafternoon. 4 ( )45.The students getto school at ________ in themorning. A.7:30 B. 8:30 C. 8:00 D. 7:00 ( )46.The students take________ with them to eachclass. A.a book, a notebook anda pencil B.somebooks and a notebook C.somebooks, a pencil and a notebook D.somebooks, bags anda pencil ( )47.The students have lunch ________ on weekdays. A.at home B. at school C. in a shop D. on the school bus ( )48.They have lunch ________ on Sunday. A.at 12:00 B. at 12:30 C. at 1:00 D. at 1:30 C Rose usually wakes up early in the morning. She always has her breakfast at half past six. Sheleaves homeat about seven o'clock. She is neverlate for school. She has many lessons in the morning. At around twelve fifteen, she comes back home for lunch. In the afternoon, she isn't so busy. After school, she does her homework and plays with other children. In the evening, her parents come back from work. The family have dinner together. Then, they usually read newspapers or listen to the radio for a moment. Sometimes they watchTV. Rose goes to bed at half past nine.But her fatheroften works late at night. ( )49. Rose wakes up ________ every morning. A.late B. early C. at 6:30 D. at7:00 ( )50. Rose often goes to school at ________. A.about seven o'clock B. half past seven C.seven fifteen D. about six thirty ( )51. Rose does herhomework ________. A.aftersupper B. in the evening C.afterschool D. afternine thirty at night ( )52. Rose's father often ________ lateatnight. A.comes back from work B. has supper C.goes toschool D. goes to bed 5 D This is our school. It is very beautiful. There are many trees and flowers in our school garden. ①________ There are fifteen classes in our school. There are about fifty students in every class. We have forty teachers and we have one headmaster(校长).The headmaster's name is Liu Ming. (3)In class, we listen to our teachers carefully(认真地). We study hard. (4)After class, we often play basketball or football. ②________ We like our school, our headmaster, our teachers andour class. 53.What is in theschool garden? ________________________________________________________________________ 54. 请从A、B、C 中为①、②选择合适的选项,并将其字母序号分别填在下面的横线 上。 A.We like our school. B. Our school is verynice. C. Our school is big. ①__________ ②__________ 55.How many students are there inevery class? _______________________________________________________________________ 八、补全对话。(有两项多余)(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) A:Hi,Sam. 56.________At7:00? B:No, it's too late. I get up at 6:00. A:Do you have breakfast at home? B:Yes,I do. A:57.________ B: I get to school at 7:30, becauseclass starts at 8:00. A:58.________ A. Because it's boring. B.When doyou have sports? C.What time do you get up on weekdays? D. Because it's interesting. E.When do you get to school? 6 B:Science. A:Why? B:59. ________ A:60.________ B:At about 3 o'clock. A:What's yourfavouritesport? B:Football. A:When do youget home? B:I leave school at 5:05 and I get home at 5:15. 九、单词拼写。(共5 小题,每小题 1 分,共5 分) 61.This is an __________(有趣的)game. 62.Stop _________(讲话). Listen to our teacher carefully. 63.We havea _____________(地理)lesson every week. 64.I have porridgeand eggs for _____________(早餐). 65.Jason often does his____________(作业)at 8:00 inthe evening. 十、书面表达。(15 分) 根据图片提示以“My School Day”为题写一篇短文,60 词左右。(用第一人称) 6:00 7:00 7:30 8:00 4:30 9:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ F.What's your favouritesubject? G. I like playing basketball verymuch. 7 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 五、21. D 解析:学科前不用冠词, 具体指哪一天或者哪一天的上午、下午或晚 上用介词 on。 22. A 解析:at 后面接时间点。 23. B 解析:前后句为转折关系。句意:我喜欢美术, 但我不喜欢数学。故 选 B。 24. C 25. C 解析:What about…?“……怎么样?”, about 后跟动词ing 形式。 故选 C。 26. A 27. C 28. C 解析: homework 是不可数名词, 不能用 many 修饰; 此句是肯定句, 所以排除 B 项; D 项短语本身错误; much 修饰不可数名词。故选 C。 29. B 解析: free 自由的; 空闲的; busy 繁忙的; good 好的; bad 坏的。句意: 我经常在学校里有忙碌的一天, 但是我很开心。故选 B。 30. A 六、31. B 32. D 解析:be from 意为“来自……”, 后接地方或国家名, 只有 D 为国 家名, 故答案为 D。 33. A 解析:根据“每天我有太多事情要做”可推知“很忙”, 故答案为 A。 34. D 解析:根据后面吃早餐可知是六点起床, 答案为 D。 35. A 36. C 解析:根据后面提示“上午四节, 下午两节”可推算出一天共六节 课, 答案为 C。 37. C 解析:只有 English 前可以用不定冠词 an, 其他选项前用 a, 故答案 为 C。 8 38. B 解析:后句有提示 After lunch. . . “午饭后……”, 故答案为 B。 39. D 解析:talk to 意为“和……交谈”。 40. B 解析:根据后句提示“我们经常在那儿踢足球。”可知是去“操场”, 其他选项不符合句意。 七、(A)41~44:BDCA (B)45. B 解析:根据关键词将答案可以定位到第一段, 可知答案为 B。 46. A 47. B 48. C 解析:根据题干中关键词“on Sunday”定位到最后一段, 由“. . . have a big dinner at one o'clock in the afternoon. ”可知, 下午一点吃正餐, 所以 午餐时间也是下午一点, 故选 C。 (C)49. B 50. A 解析:根据文章第一段第三句可知, Rose 七点去上学。 51. C 52. D (D)53. There are many trees and flowers in the school garden. 54. ①C ②B 55. There are about fifty students in every class. 八、56~60:CEFDB 九、61. interesting 62. talking 63. geography 64. breakfast 65. homework 十、 My School Day Hi, my name is Tony. I am a middle school student. I like my school and my school days. I usually get up at 6:00 a. m. At 7:00, I have breakfast. I usually get to school at 7:30. Class starts at 8:00. At 4:30 in the afternoon, lessons finish. Then I play football with my classmates in the playground. After dinner, I do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening. This is my school day. I can learn a lot from my life. I feel happy every day.

