【英语】2018届人教版必修一1一轮复习:Unit1 Friendship单元学案设计(27页含有详细解析)

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【英语】2018届人教版必修一1一轮复习:Unit1 Friendship单元学案设计(27页含有详细解析)

‎2018届人教版必修一1一轮复习:Unit 1 Friendship单元学案设计 一、背词汇 ‎[常用词汇]‎ ‎(1)pressure n.    压力 ‎(2)admission n. 录取 ‎(3)choice n. 选择 ‎(4)society n. 社会 ‎(5)factor n. 因素 ‎(6)emotion n. 情感 ‎(7)conduct v. 引导,处理,管理 ‎(8)punish v.        惩罚 ‎(9)respect v. 尊重 ‎(10)mentally adv. 精神上 ‎(11)hearttoheart adj. 坦诚的 ‎(12)successful adj. 成功的 ‎(13)evaluate v. 评价 ‎(14)physically adv. 身体上 ‎(15)make friends 交朋友 ‎[亮点词汇]‎ ‎(1)perform v.     表现 ‎(2)outstanding adj. 杰出的 ‎(3)ignore v. 忽视 ‎(4)be loyal to 对……忠诚 ‎(5)turn out 结果是 ‎(6)at ease 自由自在 ‎(7)by no means 决不 ‎(8)devote oneself to 全神贯注于……;献身于……‎ 二、学写句(按要求完成句子并背诵)‎ 众所周知,当孩子们长大的时候,他们花很少的时间与他们的父母进行知心的交谈。‎ 结果,学校一些全优的学生并不像原期望的那样在社会中获得成功。‎ 改写句子 变换句式 We all know that children spend less time having hearttoheart talks with their parents when they grow older.(使用as引导的非限制 性定语从句改写句子)‎ As a result, some allA students in school have not been as successful in society as they were expected.‎ As is known to us all, children spend less time having hearttoheart talks with their parents when they grow older.‎ Some allA students in school have turned_out not to be as successful in society as they were expected.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(Ⅰ)单词拼写 ‎1.Children today spend more and more time inside the house instead of playing outdoors (在户外).‎ ‎2.Sarah sounded upset (伤心的) when I said you wouldn’t go shopping with her.‎ ‎3.I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore (忽视) it.‎ ‎4.I am very grateful (感激的) to all those who took the trouble to write to me.‎ ‎5.In face of danger, it’s very important to keep calm (镇静的).‎ ‎6.When it rains, why do we see the lightning first; then hear the thunder (雷)?‎ ‎7.There is a curtain (窗帘) hanging before his window in the bedroom.‎ ‎8.If you can guess correctly, I would like you to be my language exchange partner (伙伴;搭档).‎ ‎(Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.It is hard to imagine the pain and suffering (suffer) they went through in the war.‎ ‎2.The doctors had given her up but she made an excellent recovery (recover).‎ ‎3.Try not to say anything about the idea until you have understood it entirely (entire).‎ ‎4.It is beyond my power (powerful) to finish the task in two hours.‎ ‎5.To be honest, I know exactly (exact) how she felt.‎ ‎(Ⅲ)语境填词(用所给词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎1.Our parents are concerned about our health and future.As far as I’m concerned,_we should talk with our parents and tell them our concerns.(concern)‎ ‎2.A few people agreed while most people disagreed,_so no agreement was made.(agree)‎ ‎(Ⅰ)写出下列短语 ‎1.add_up        合计 ‎2.calm_(...)_down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 ‎3.be_concerned_about 关心;挂念 ‎4.go_through 经历;经受;完成;仔细检查 ‎5.set_down 记下;放下;登记 ‎6.a_series_of 一连串的;一系列;一套 ‎7.on_purpose 故意地;有目的地 ‎8.at_dusk 在黄昏时刻 ‎9.face_to_face 面对面地 ‎10.suffer_from 遭受;患病 ‎11.get/be_tired_of 对……厌烦 ‎12.pack_(sth.)_up 将(东西)装箱打包 ‎13.get_along_with 与……相处;进展 ‎14.fall_in_love 相爱;爱上 ‎15.join_in 加入 ‎(Ⅱ)选用上述短语填空 ‎1.My father often works deep into the night so we are_concerned_about his health.‎ ‎2.I set_down all the folk stories in the local area as they were told to me. Would you like to have a look?‎ ‎3.Since you get/are_tired_of going to the office every day, why not look for another job?‎ ‎4.After a threemonth investigation, the police decided that the fire was started on_purpose.‎ ‎5.His business expenses add_up to around $4,000 a year.‎ ‎6.Since we all live under one room, we should learn how to get_along_well_with one another.‎ ‎7.That was the last time that he had talked with his father face_to_face.‎ ‎8.We were surprised by what the little girl went_through when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village.‎ ‎9.Will you join_in me looking for a present for my best friend?‎ ‎10.Please pack_up all the things before you leave.‎ ‎11.This autumn the BBC will be showing a_series_of French films.‎ ‎12.You’re too excited. We will discuss the problem when you calm_down.‎ ‎1.While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.‎ 在遛狗的时候,你不小心松了手,结果狗被一辆汽车撞了。‎ ‎[解读] while walking the dog为状语从句的省略句式。‎ ‎[仿写] 爬山时,我们享受到了温暖的阳光和美丽的风景。‎ While_climbing_the_mountain,_we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.‎ ‎2.She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months before they were ‎ discovered. ‎ 她与家人躲藏了将近二十五个月之后才被发现。‎ ‎[解读] before引导时间状语从句,意为“在……之后才”。‎ ‎[仿写] 好几年之后我才意识到大卫对我撒了谎。‎ It_was_several_years_before I realized that David had lied to me.‎ ‎3.It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face ... ‎ 这是我这一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚……‎ ‎[解读] It/This/That is/was the first time that ... “某人第一次做某事”。‎ ‎[仿写] 神舟十号于2013年6月11日成功发射。这是聂海胜第二次被送往太空。‎ Shenzhou X was successfully launched on June 11th,2013. It_was_the_second_time_that Nie Haisheng had been sent to space.‎ 单元学案 一、常考词汇细点拨 ‎1.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦;打翻 ‎[高考佳句] Upsetting people with unsigned message is cruel and disgusting.(2013·安徽高考阅读D)‎ 用匿名信息骚扰他人是令人痛苦的,也是令人厌恶的。‎ ‎(1) be upset about/over/at sth.   为某事心烦 ‎ be upset that ... ……让人不安/心烦 ‎(2)upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼 ‎ It upsets sb. to do sth./that ... 让某人心烦的是…… ‎ ‎①In my opinion, there is no point being upset about it.‎ 依我看,为此事难过没有意义。‎ ‎②Don’t upset_yourself_about it — no harm has been done.‎ 不要为那件事烦恼——没有造成损失。‎ ‎2.add vt. & vi.增加;添加;补充说 ‎[教材原句] Add up your score and see how many points you get.‎ 把你的分数加起来看看能得多少分。‎ ‎(1)add up     把……加起来 add sth.to sth. 把……加到/进……里 add up to 加起来共计/达(不用于被动语态)‎ add to 增加;增添 add that ... 补充说……‎ ‎(2)addition n. 加;(数)加法;增加 in addition 另外 in addition to 除……之外 ‎①Call immediately to add these Silver Eagles to your holdings before it’s too late.(2013·福建高考阅读C)‎ 赶快拨打电话,把这些银鹰硬币添加到你的收藏品中,否则就太迟了。‎ ‎②The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather added_to the ‎ helplessness of the crew at sea.‎ 船的马达失灵了,而且恶劣的天气增加了全体船员的无助感。‎ ‎③He added that he felt very sorry for not being able to come.‎ 他补充说,他为自己不能来表示歉意。‎ ‎④In_addition,_I will go on a trip to Sichuan, where there are a great number of places of interest.(2013·山东高考写作)‎ 另外,我要去四川旅游,那里有很多名胜。‎ ‎3.calm vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 ‎ ‎[教材原句] You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.‎ 你不理会上课铃,而是去安静的地方安慰你的朋友。‎ calm (sb.) down    (使某人)平静下来;镇静下来 stay/keep/be calm 保持镇静 ‎①In this state, the baby is difficult to calm down and sleep is impossible.(2012·广东高考阅读B)‎ 在这种状态下,婴儿很难安静下来,睡觉也不可能安稳。‎ ‎②He kept_calm in face of great danger, which surprised us all.‎ 面对巨大危险,他还是保持镇静,这使我们都非常吃惊。‎ ‎[辨析比较] calm, quiet, silent, still 试一试 选择上述单词填空 ‎③His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad.‎ ‎④When I asked her where she had put the dictionary, she kept silent.‎ ‎⑤The soldiers stood still when the officers inspected them.‎ ‎⑥Though he was a little bit frightened, he remained calm in face of the bear.‎ 辨一辨 calm 平静的,沉着的;指无风浪或人的心情不激动 quiet 宁静的,安静的;指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑 silent 寂静的,沉默的;指不说话或没有声音 still 静止的,不动的;指(人体等)无运动的 ‎4.concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.关心;关注;(利害)关系 ‎[教材原句] You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then.‎ 告诉你的朋友你关心他/她,下课后你们就见面谈谈。‎ ‎(1)show/express concern about/for  对……表示关心 ‎(2)be concerned about/over/for 关心;挂念 be concerned with/in 牵扯进/参与……‎ as/so far as ... be concerned 就……而言 ‎(3)concerning prep. 关于;有关 ‎①They follow the rules, help out, and are concerned about the people they work with.(2013·江苏高考任务型阅读)‎ 他们遵守规则,帮助别人克服困难,关心他们的同事。‎ ‎②And as_far_as_your_body_is_concerned,_it’s “use it, or lose it”!‎ ‎(2013·浙江高考阅读B)‎ 就你的身体而言,就是“用进废退”。‎ ‎③All the people concerned with the case will be questioned by the police.‎ 所有参与这个案件的人警察都要审问。‎ ‎④He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.‎ 他问了几个有关公司前途的问题。‎ ‎5.suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历 ‎[教材原句] She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there.‎ 她感到孤独,但她得学会喜欢住在那里。‎ ‎(1)suffer vt.遭受;蒙受,其后常接pain, loss, defeat, hunger, damage等名词作宾语 ‎(2)suffer vi.后常接from,表示“受……折磨;受……之苦;患某种疾病”‎ ‎(3)suffering n.[U]痛苦;苦难[pl.]痛苦;苦恼 ‎①Having suffered defeat after defeat, he began to lose faith in himself.‎ 遭受了一次又一次的失败,他开始对自己失去信心。‎ ‎②Not only can the environment of a country suffer_from the sudden growth of tourism. The people as well rapidly feel its effects. (2013·江西高考阅读D)‎ 不仅仅这个国家的环境遭受旅游业激增的困扰,而且这里的人们也很快感受到它的影响。‎ ‎③The old man went through all kinds of sufferings during the war.‎ 这位老人在战争期间经历了各种痛苦。‎ 二、间考词汇自识记 ‎1.ignore vt.不理睬;不顾;忽视 ignorant adj.         不了解的;无知的 ‎ ignorance n. 无知 Most drivers usually ignore the speed limit unless they think the police will stop them. (2013·上海高考听力原文)‎ 大多数司机通常忽视速度限制,除非他们认为警车会阻止他们。‎ ‎2.recover vi. & vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得 recover from     从……恢复过来 Most people recovered from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water.‎ 经过几天的休息和大量饮水后,大部分人从食物中毒中恢复过来。‎ ‎[熟词生义] 读句子猜含义 The police is reported to have recovered the stolen jewellery.找回 ‎3.disagree vi.不同意 disagree with        意见不合;有分歧 disagree on/about/over 争论;争执 She tends to get angry when others disagree with her.‎ 别人不同意她的看法时,她很容易生气。‎ ‎——————————————————————————‎ ‎…………………………(记的更多、更快、更长久!)‎ 请根据提示写出除disagree以外其他以dis为前缀的高频单词 ‎1.dislike vt.        不喜欢;厌恶 ‎2.disappear vi. 不见;消失 ‎3.disappoint vt. 使失望 ‎4.discourage vt. 使气馁;使沮丧 ‎5.discover vt. 发现 ‎———————————————————————————‎ ‎[单词对点集训]                ‎ Ⅰ.多项选择 ‎1.(2014·宜昌调研)Having ________ such a heavy loss, the boss didn’t have the courage to go on with his business.‎ A.suffered B.achieved C.received D.recovered 解析:选A 句意:遭受严重损失之后,那个老板没有勇气把生意做下去了。宾语是loss,所以用suffer。achieve“完成;成就”;receive“收到”;recover“恢复;重新获得”。‎ ‎2.(2014·襄阳调研)It was shameful to be found sleeping in class.His classmates’ laughter only ________ his embarrassment.‎ A.added to B.appealed to C.referred to D.applied to 解析:选A 句意:被发现在课堂上睡觉是丢脸的事,同学们的嘲笑增添了他的尴尬。add to“增添”;appeal to“对……有吸引力”;refer to“提及;参考”;apply to“适用于”。‎ ‎3.The Chinese government has begun a campaign to ________ the crazy housing market, which will make people get real benefits.‎ A.calm B.destroy C.occupy D.reflect 解析:选A 句意:中国政府已经开始了一场使房地产市场降温的战役,这会让老百姓真正得到实惠。calm“使冷却;使降温”;destroy“破坏”;occupy“占据;占领”;reflect“反映;映射”。‎ ‎4.It is reported that there is much chance that Bill will ______ from his injury in time for the race.‎ A.restore B.cure C.treat D.recover 解析:选D 句意:据报道,比尔伤愈复出赶上比赛的可能性极大。recover from ...“从……中恢复过来;痊愈”。restore“归还;复原”;cure“治愈”;treat“治疗;对待”。‎ ‎5.(2014·武汉七校联考)You are no longer a child.It’s time for you to ________ differences and communicate harmoniously with your parents.‎ A.upset B.settle C.ignore D.solve 解析:选B 句意:你已经不再是一个孩子了,到了你和父母解决分歧并与他们和谐交流的时候了。upset“使不安;使心烦”;settle“解决”;ignore“忽略”;solve“解决”‎ ‎。settle与solve都可表示解决,但是solve主要指找出解决问题的办法,常见搭配有solve a problem (a puzzle)等;settle指解决争议、争端,使意见统一,常见搭配有settle an argument (a dispute)等。‎ ‎6.A school uses a green scarf to encourage poor pupils to make progress, which many parents ________ with.‎ A.approve B.disagree C.accept D.reply 解析:选B 句意:一所学校用绿领巾来激励成绩差的学生取得进步,这一做法很多家长不赞同。disagree with“不同意;与……不一致”,符合句意。agree with“同意;与……一致”。‎ ‎7.(2014·湖北八校联考)Though the “No smoking” signs have existed for long in public places, heavy smokers often________them and light up cigarettes.‎ A.abandon B.postpone C.decline D.ignore 解析:选D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然“禁止吸烟”的标志已经在公共场所存在了很久,但是烟瘾大的人经常忽视它们,并点燃香烟。abandon意为“遗弃,放弃”;postpone意为“延期,延后,延缓”;decline意为“下降,衰退”;ignore意为“忽视,不顾,不理”。根据题干中的though可知,前后句是让步关系,此处指的是忽视禁烟标志,ignore符合语境。‎ Ⅱ.多维演练(练得更细、更全、更彻底!)‎ ‎1.concern面面观 完成句子 ‎①As_far_as_I_am_concerned,_we should exchange our ideas with our parents, clearing the socalled “generation gap”.(concern)‎ 就我个人而言,我们应该与父母交换想法,以清除所谓的“代沟”。‎ ‎②(2014·黄石调研)What_I_am_concerned_about is whether you can provide us with the most uptodate information.(concern)‎ 我关心的是你是否能为我们提供最新的信息。‎ ‎③Concerned_about_the_student/As_he_was_concerned_about_the_student,_the teacher called his parents to find out why he was so often absent from class.(concern)‎ 因为担心这个学生,老师打电话给他的家长想查明他为什么如此经常的逃课。‎ ‎2.upset全扫描 ‎(1)用upset的适当形式填空 ‎①He stood up suddenly, upsetting a cup of coffee on my shirt, which made me upset.‎ ‎②It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it.‎ ‎(2)一句多译 你没有给他回信,他很不安。‎ ‎①He was_very_upset_that you didn’t reply to his letters.‎ ‎②It upset_him_that you didn’t reply to his letters.‎ ‎(3)(2014·湖北八校联考)What________ her most was that nobody had even bothered to tell her about the changed timetable.‎ A.upset B.ignored C.shocked D.trapped 解析:选A 考查动词辨析。句意:最令她感到不高兴的(upset)是没有人愿意告诉她时间表变动了。ignore“驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬”;shock“使休克;使震惊;使震动”;trap“诱捕;使……受限制;使……陷入困境”。根据语境可知,答案选A。‎ ‎1.go through经历;通过;仔细检查;完成 ‎[教材原句] Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through?‎ 或者害怕你的朋友嘲笑你,或者不理解你正经历的事情?‎ ‎[一词多义]‎ 写出下列句中go through的含义 ‎①The plan went through, which made us all happy. 通过 ‎②This year we have gone through too many natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and mudslides. 经历 ‎③I had just gone through my homework when the telephone rang. 完成 ‎④I always start the day by going through my mail. 查阅 go against        违背;违反 go by 逝去;过去 go on 继续;进行;发生 go out 出去;熄灭 go over 复习;仔细检查 go up 上涨;上升;攀登 ‎⑤If you go against nature, it will punish you.‎ 如果你违背了自然,它就会惩罚你。‎ ‎⑥To get a better grade, you should go_over the notes again before the test.(2011·四川高考单项填空)‎ 为了取得更好的成绩,你应该在考试前再复习一下笔记。‎ ‎2.get along/on with与某人相处;某事进展(如何)‎ ‎[教材原句] I’m getting along well with a boy in my class.‎ 我跟我们班的一个男生相处得很好。‎ ‎(1)get along/on (well/nicely) with sb.‎ ‎        与某人相处得(好)‎ get along/on (well/nicely/smoothly) with sth.‎ ‎ 某事进展得(好/顺利)‎ ‎(2)get across 讲清楚;(使)被领会 get about/around (消息)传开 get through (电话)接通;用完;通过 get over 克服 ‎①He is easygoing, so it is pleasant to get along with him.‎ 他很随和,因此和他相处很愉快。‎ ‎②—How are you getting on with your English lesson?‎ ‎—Very well.‎ ‎——你的英语课程学得怎么样?‎ ‎——很好。‎ ‎③Your papers wouldn’t get across if you used too many technical terms in it.‎ 如果你用了过多的专业术语,你的论文就不会被人理解。‎ ‎[链接高考]‎ ‎(2013·江苏高考)Team leaders must ensure that all members ________ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.‎ A.get over B.look over C.take over D.come over 解析:选A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:团队领导必须确保所有的成员克服他们的本能欲望以避免因犯错而带来的尴尬。get over“克服”,符合句意。look over“检查”;take over“接管”;come over“顺便来访”。‎ ‎[短语对点集训]                ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 on purpose, get along with, set down, a series of, get tired of, go through, at dusk, fall in love with ‎ ‎1.He was asked to set_down the facts just as he remembered them.‎ ‎2.The police went_through the whole building but didn’t find anything valuable.‎ ‎3.Having got_tired_of staying indoors for days, we are longing to go out and relax ourselves.‎ ‎4.Usually it’s very hard to get_along_with the man who has a bad temper.‎ ‎5.The government has taken a_series_of measures to stop house prices from rising sharply.‎ ‎6.—How can you say that?‎ ‎—Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you on_purpose.‎ ‎7.As soon as I came to the old town, I fell_in_love_with it immediately.‎ ‎8.The summer sky was always beautiful at_dusk in the countryside.‎ Ⅱ.多项选择 ‎1.(2014·武昌区调研)She was unhappy yesterday because a call from home ________ an attack of homesickness.‎ A.set off          B.set out C.set about D.set down 解析:选A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:她昨天不开心,因为从家里来的电话引起了她的思乡之情。set off“引发;引爆”,符合句意。set out“出发;开始”;set about“开始”;set down“记下;登记”。‎ ‎2.(2014·黄冈中学、黄石二中联考)Suspecting the traveler of carrying drugs, the Customs official stopped him and ________ his suitcase, but found nothing at all.‎ A.looked up B.went through C.searched for D.referred to 解析:选B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:因为怀疑旅行者携带毒品,海关官员让他停下来,仔细地检查他的箱子,结果一无所获。go through“搜遍;仔细地检查”,符合句意。look up“查阅;抬头往上看”;search for“思索;细想”;refer to“谈及;描述;查阅”。‎ ‎3.(2014·荆州质检)I want to listen to it because it might help me ________ something that is going to be the answer eventually.‎ A.put up with B.keep up with C.come up with D.go through with 解析:选C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想听听你怎么说,因为它可能会帮助我想出(come up with)最终解决问题的一些方法。put up with“忍受;容忍”‎ ‎;keep up with“赶得上;和……保持联系”;go through with“完成;实行;把……进行到底”。根据语境可知,答案选C。‎ ‎4.The United States may ________ the crisis more rapidly than some of its main trading partners, particularly in Europe.‎ A.suffer from B.recover from C.come from D.result from 解析:选B 句意:相比它的主要贸易伙伴,尤其是欧洲伙伴,美国可能会更快从危机中恢复过来。recover from“从……中恢复”,符合句意。‎ ‎1.While_walking_the_dog,_you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. ‎ 在遛狗的时候,你不小心松了手,结果狗被一辆汽车撞了。‎ while walking ... 相当于while you were walking ...,当时间或条件状语等从句中的主语同主句主语一致或主语是it,且从句含有动词be时,可以省略状语从句中的主语与动词be。‎ ‎①In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while using its supply of natural resources.‎ 换句话说,当我们利用自然资源的时候,我们应该保持地球的健康。‎ ‎②Film has a much shorter history, especially when compared_to such art forms as music and painting.(2012·全国卷Ⅰ单项填空)‎ 电影的历史相当短,尤其是与像音乐和绘画这些艺术形式相比较时。‎ ‎③If_necessary,_you should turn to your parents for help.‎ 如果有必要,你应该向你的父母求助。‎ ‎2.She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months before they ‎ were discovered.‎ 她与家人躲藏了将近二十五个月之后才被发现。‎ before conj.用以表示从句动作发生之前的时间,译法灵活。‎ ‎(1)强调从句动作发生在主句之前,意为“不等……就……”。‎ ‎①—Why didn’t you tell him the news?‎ ‎—He rushed out of the room before I could say a word.‎ ‎——你为什么不把消息告诉他?‎ ‎——我还没来得及说一句话他就冲出了房间。‎ ‎(2)“趁着……”或“过了……才……”。‎ ‎②I must write it down before I forget it.‎ 趁着我还没忘,我得把它记下来。‎ ‎(3)It+be+时间段+before从句,意为“……之后才……”。‎ ‎③I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time before Brian gets back.‎ 对不起,让你等了这么长时间,但是,布莱恩还要过一段时间才能回来。‎ ‎(4)It+be+not+long+before从句,意为“……不久就……”。‎ ‎④John thinks it_won’t_be_long_before he is ready for his new job.(2010·陕西高考单项填空)‎ 约翰认为不久之后他就会为他的新工作做好准备。‎ ‎(5)在“hardly ... before ...”结构中,before相当于when,意为“刚……就……”。‎ ‎⑤He had hardly entered the room before he heard a loud noise.‎ 他刚进屋子就听到一声巨响。‎ ‎[链接高考]‎ ‎(2013·湖南高考改编)You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason before_you_reach any decision.(reach)‎ 做任何决定之前你都要顾及自己的情感和理智。‎ ‎[句型对点集训]                ‎ 完成句子 ‎1.While (I_was)_walking_to_school I saw an old man was hit by a red car.(walk)‎ 当我上学时我看到一个老人被一辆红色的小车撞倒。‎ ‎2.After finishing/I_(had)_finished_all_the_homework,_I went to play football in the school playground.(finish)‎ 做完所有的作业后我去学校操场踢足球了。‎ ‎3.(2014·武昌区十月供题)With global warming becoming more and more serious, it_won't_be/take_long_before some coastal cities disappear.(long)‎ 随着全球变暖越来越严峻,将用不了多久一些沿海城市就会消失。‎ ‎4.They got engaged at the first year when they got know each other, but it_took_ten_years_before they got married.(take)‎ 他们在认识的第一年里订婚了,但十年后他们才结婚。‎ ‎5.(2014·湖北八校高三联考)Unfortunately he didn't win this year.It was the second time that he_had_been_nominated but gone home emptyhanded.(nominate)‎ 可惜他今年没得奖。这是他第二次被提名但是空手而归。‎ 直接引语和间接引语(Ⅰ)‎ 完成句子 ‎1.An English teacher asked his students if_they_were_interested_in his lessons.(interested)‎ 英语老师问他的学生是否对他的英语课感兴趣。‎ ‎2.The head teacher requested that we_(should)_arrive_at_school half an hour earlier today than usual.(arrive)‎ 班主任要求我们今天要比通常时间早半小时到校。‎ ‎3.The physics teacher told us that light_travels_faster than sound.(travel)‎ 物理老师告诉我们说光传播速度比声音快。‎ ‎4.He said he hadn't heard the telephone ringing and that_he_was_talking with a friend at that moment.(talk)‎ 他说他没有听到电话铃响,并且还说他那时在与一位朋友谈话。‎ ‎5.He didn't know the price of the dictionary and asked me how_much_it_(had)_cost_me.‎ ‎(cost)‎ 他不知道那本词典的价格,于是问我花了多少钱。‎ Ⅰ.多项选择 ‎1.(2014·武昌区高三联考)What I want to ________ to teenagers is that being addicted to the Internet will to some degree do harm to both mental and physical health.‎ A.get off         B.get through C.get across D.get down 解析:选C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想给青少年们讲清楚的是沉迷于网络在一定程度上对身心健康有害。get across“把……讲清楚”,符合句意。get off“动身;出发”;get through“顺利通过(考试等)”;get down“写下;记下”。‎ ‎2.—I said hello to you in the street yesterday, but you ______ me completely.‎ ‎—I’m sorry.Maybe I didn’t notice you.‎ A.cheated B.hid C.ignored D.recognized 解析:选C 考查动词词义辨析。由问句中的“我和你打招呼”及答句中的“或许我没有注意到你”可知C项ignore“忽视;不理睬”,符合语境。cheat“欺骗”;hide“躲藏”;recognize “认出”。‎ ‎3.(2013·鄂州高三期末)After a long search Laurence ______ the large house with four bedrooms, even though it needed a lot of decoration and repairs.‎ A.settled for B.settled on C.settled in D.settled up 解析:选A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在一番调查之后,Laurence对这个四居室的大房子勉强接受,尽管它还需要装饰和维修。A项意为“勉强接受”,符合语境。B项意为“决定;选定”;C项意为“安顿;安居”;D项意为“结账;了事”。‎ ‎4.(2014·天门市、仙桃市、潜江市高三联考)The woods and the newlydug river through the campus ________ the beauty of this worldknown university.‎ A.stand for B.call for C.add to D.belong to 解析:选C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:树林和新挖的穿过校园的河流为这所世界著名大学增添了一道美景。stand for“代表;象征”;call for“‎ 要求;需要”;add to“增加;增添”;belong to“属于”。分析空前的“树林、河流”与空后的“美景”之间的关系可判断出,add to符合语境。‎ ‎5.This is neither the time nor the place to play.Let’s ________ and attend to the business in hand otherwise we will be punished.‎ A.come up B.turn off C.settle down D.cut in 解析:选C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:这不是玩的时间和场合,咱们坐下来专心完成手头的工作吧,否则我们会受到惩罚。come up“被提到;被考虑”;turn off“关上;关闭”;settle down“开始专心于(工作、活动等);着手认真做某事”;cut in“插嘴”。故C项符合句意。‎ ‎6.It’s really a miracle that the volcano erupted violently, yet the village at the foot of it should ________.‎ A.come through B.go through C.get through D.pass through 解析:选A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:那座火山剧烈地喷发而山脚下的那个村庄竟然安然度过危险,这真是一个奇迹。come through“(安然度过)危机,疾病等”;go through“通过;用完;完成”;get through“穿过”;pass through“经过”。根据句意可知选A。‎ ‎7.This football player was accused of taking money for not scoring goals ________ and he deserved a thorough investigation.‎ A.by chance B.on end C.in turn D.on purpose 解析:选D 句意:这名足球运动员被指控拿了钱故意不进球,他理应受到彻底调查。on purpose“故意地”,符合题意。by chance“偶然地”;on end“连续地”;in turn“依次;反过来”。‎ ‎8.How can Linda ________ from her illness in this room when it’s so dirty and cold? It will only make her worse.‎ A.escape B.recover C.separate D.graduate 解析:选B 在本句中,四个动词均可以与介词from搭配,但构成的短语意义各不相同,escape from“从……中逃跑、逃脱”;recover from“从……恢复、康复”;separate from“(使)从……中分离”;graduate from“毕业于……”。根据语境可知选B项。‎ ‎9.As we all know, Teachers’ Day is a time to be ________ to all teachers who deserve special recognition.‎ A.available B.grateful C.generous D.ridiculous 解析:选B 考查形容词辨析。句意:众所周知,教师节是向所有老师表示感谢的时候,他们理应受到这样的特殊认可。grateful“感激的;表示感谢的”,符合句意。available“可获得的”;generous“大方的;慷慨的”;ridiculous“荒唐的”。‎ ‎10.Just as a saying goes, “No pains, no gains.”She devoted herself ________ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.‎ A.strongly B.freely C.entirely D.extremely 解析:选C 考查副词辨析。句意:正如谚语所说:“没有付出就没有收获。”她将全部精力用于研究工作,这为她在这一领域赢得了良好的声誉。entirely “完全地”,符合句意。strongly “强烈地”;freely “自由地”;extremely “极端地;极其;非常”。‎ Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.(2014·湖北八校联考)Having_been_ignored for years, the house designed by an Italian architect finally collapsed.(ignore)‎ 由于多年来的忽视,这个意大利建筑师设计的房子最终崩塌了。‎ ‎2.Are you afraid that your friend would not understand what_you_are_going_through?(go)‎ 你担心你的朋友不会理解你正经历着什么吗?‎ ‎3.It_is_how_you_will_respond_to your mistakes that I care about.(respond)‎ 我在意的是你对于自己的错误将作出什么样的反应。‎ ‎4.I was walking to school when suddenly a boy in the same school uniform stopped me and asked me whether_I_would_make_friends_with_him.(make)‎ 我正在朝学校走去,这时一个穿着和我一样的校服的男孩拦住我,并问我是否能和他交朋友。‎ ‎5.It's no good falling_in_love_with_her when you should pay most attention to your study.(fall)‎ 当你应该把更多的注意力放到学习上时爱上她是没有好处的。‎ ‎6.It was the first time that a female had_been_elected_president in that country.(elect)‎ 在那个国家这是第一次女性被当选为总统。‎ ‎7.I would_be_very_grateful if you could give me some tips on how to pass the driving test at the first attempt.(grateful )‎ 对于初次尝试时如何通过驾考,如果你能给我一些建议我将感激不尽。‎ ‎8.As a result of “One family one child”, the child of the family always plays with himself/herself, which leads to many children having_trouble_in_making_friends.(trouble)‎ 由于“独生子女”的政策,每个家庭的孩子总是自己和自己玩,这使得很多孩子交友有困难。‎ ‎9.Excuse me, could you tell me how_long_it__will_be_before the professor makes another visit to China?(be)‎ 很抱歉,你能告诉我多久之后那位教授将再来访问中国?‎ ‎10.What_your_parents_are_most_concerned_about is whether you can be independent to make a living all by yourself in the future.(concern)‎ 你父母最担心的是你将来是否能独立谋生。‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 ‎(2014·武汉毕业生供题)Annie, a neighbor’s daughter, was away for her first semester at college this school year.She was a very sweet girl but just a bit shy.When her birthday came around, I found out she was feeling a bit __1__.‎ Her family was quite poor and __2__ were tight, so there wouldn’t be any birthday visitors.I wanted to __3__ her a card and maybe a small gift to __4__ her day a bit.I got her school __5__ from her mom and planned to pick something up.Then I got a(n) __6__!‎ I __7__ perhaps a bit more birthday cheer was needed here.I bought some balloons, birthday hats, and __8__ novelties (新颖小巧而价廉的物品) at a store.I took a small __9__ and asked three other people in my area at work to __10__ Happy Birthday and send some birthday wishes to her.It was such fun making the recording! Other people __11__ what we were doing and __12__ their voices, so it really sounded like we had a party going on!‎ Then I bought her a small present and a card as __13__ planned.The real fun was packing them to be sent.I __14__ everything so it was like opening a mini birthday party! At the last minute I added a pack of cupcakes and a box of birthday candles __15__ sending them off.I got a call a few days later.Annie said her roommates and one of their neighbors in the __16__ got together with her and held a party for her the moment they arrived.She sounded so __17__ and I was so glad that ‎ she had some friends to __18__ her special day with.‎ It was such an easy and __19__ thing to do.The people who helped me make the tape still laugh and talk about it.And Annie __20__ me it was the most fun birthday she would remember!‎ 语篇解读:“授人玫瑰,手留余香”,作者给邻居家的女儿寄生日礼物,这不仅给他人带来了快乐,作者自己也感到很开心。‎ ‎1.A.lonely           B.nervous C.alone D.worried 解析:选A 根据下文的“there wouldn’t be any birthday visitors”可知,Annie因为没有人为她过生日而感到有点儿孤独(lonely)。‎ ‎2.A.thoughts B.finances C.measures D.times 解析:选B 承接上文她家里很穷,下文说经济(finances)紧张。finances表示“财务情况”。‎ ‎3.A.provide B.sell C.send D.draw 解析:选C 根据第四段中的“The real fun was packing them to be sent.”可知,作者想给Annie寄(send)贺卡和礼物。‎ ‎4.A.attract B.remember C.describe D.brighten 解析:选D Annie收到礼物自然会感到高兴,brighten表示“使快活起来”,符合语境。‎ ‎5.A.number B.campus C.address D.report 解析:选C 作者想给Annie寄生日礼物,必然需要她的学校地址,因此选address。‎ ‎6.A.idea B.surprise C.chance D.message 解析:选A 下文讲述了作者给Annie准备礼物的过程,因此这里指作者有了一个主意(idea)。‎ ‎7.A.decided B.thought C.wished D.concluded 解析:选B 作者想(thought)也许需要再多一点儿的生日欢乐的氛围。‎ ‎8.A.another B.others C.other D.one 解析:选C 作者买了一些气球、生日帽和其他的(other)新颖小巧而价廉的物品。‎ ‎9.A.radio B.camera C.recorder D.phone 解析:选C 下文的“making the recording”表明,作者是用录音机(recorder)录下人们的歌声。‎ ‎10.A.say B.sing C.repeat D.make 解析:选B 下文的“so it really sounded like we had a party going on”暗示着人们为她唱(sing)了生日快乐歌。‎ ‎11.A.took out B.set out C.gave out D.found out 解析:选D 其他人发现(found out)我们在做什么时也加入进来。‎ ‎12.A.added B.devoted C.cleared D.lifted 解析:选A 作者本来请了三个人唱歌,结果其他人发现了也跟着一起唱。add表示“添加,增加”。‎ ‎13.A.suddenly B.originally C.finally D.carefully 解析:选B 第二段中的“a card and maybe a small gift”表明作者起初想买贺卡和一个小礼物,因此选originally,表示“起初,原来”。‎ ‎14.A.collected B.paid C.arranged D.expected 解析:选C 下文的“it was like opening a mini birthday party”暗示作者在精心布置(arranged)一切。‎ ‎15.A.until B.after C.unless D.before 解析:选D 在把它们寄出去之前(before)的最后时刻作者又添加了一包纸杯蛋糕和一盒生日蜡烛。‎ ‎16.A.dormitory B.home C.classroom D.office 解析:选A 文章开头的“was away for her first semester at college”‎ 表明Annie在学校,因此选dormitory“寝室”。‎ ‎17.A.familiar B.happy C.wonderful D.upset 解析:选B 最后一段中的“it was the most fun birthday she would remember”表明Annie很高兴(happy)。‎ ‎18.A.help B.compare C.share D.witness 解析:选C 作者很高兴她有一些朋友可以与她一起分享(share)这特别的一天。‎ ‎19.A.funny B.challenging C.fun D.timeconsuming 解析:选C 这是一个既容易又有趣的(fun)事情。fun“有趣的”;funny“使人发笑的,滑稽的”。‎ ‎20.A.warned B.convinced C.advised D.told 解析:选D Annie告诉(told)作者这会是她能记住的最有趣的一个生日。‎ Ⅳ.阅读理解 ‎(2014·襄阳四校联考)I once had a friend that was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the news that he might only have six months to live was a great shock to him, his family, and his friends. However, in spite of the serious illness, he was initially determined to look into all available treatments that might cure or extend his life. I think that when you find yourself in such situations, you tend to look up every possible way for hope of saving your life.‎ As months went on and his health grew worse, I noticed an unexpected change in ‎ attitude that came over him. He had also been a happy person with a cheerful personality, but rather than give in to discouragement and selfpity, he took comfort in God and humanity. His talks focused on others rather than himself, and he spoke of the afterlife as something he was prepared for, believing that his concerned ancestors, including his mother and father, were there waiting for him.‎ During the last few months, weeks, and days of his life, he was kindly cared for by family, friends, his loving wife, who attended to both his physical and emotional needs, and workers from a local hospice (安养院) came to the home to regulate his medication and provide any other needed support. He didn’t complain about his fate, and he willingly allowed others to serve him.‎ Indeed, one might think why God allows death and suffering in our world, but for me, such experiences taught me to value family more and kindness to others. You often can’t learn these important attributes in the lap of luxury, and perhaps, such an experience is the greatest and final gift the illness can give those left behind.‎ 语篇解读:“我”的一位老朋友被诊断出患了癌症并已是晚期,医生说他只能活几个月了。在他生命的最后几个月里,家人、亲属及朋友都格外关心他、照顾他,他也表达了对亲人们,包括已经去世的朋友和亲属的思念和感激,从他的身上,“我”对人生有了新的认识,那就是珍惜亲情、重视友谊等。‎ ‎1.What did the man do after he first learned of his illness?‎ A.He was operated on immediately.‎ B.He retired from his job.‎ C.He researched cancer treatments.‎ D.He felt sad, doing nothing.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段中的第二句“However, in spite of the serious illness, he was initially determined to look into all available treatments that might cure or extend his life.”可知本题选C。‎ ‎2.What was the man’s main source of comfort after several months with the ‎ disease?‎ A.His family and friends.‎ B.His belief in humanity.‎ C.His doctors’ encouragement.‎ D.The care from others. ‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“... he took comfort in God and humanity”可知本题选B。‎ ‎3.What did the author learn from his friend’s story?‎ A.Giving more respect to friends.‎ B.Extending life as far as possible.‎ C.Caring for yourself and enjoying luxury.‎ D.Getting comfort from God.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。由最后一段第一句中的“such experiences taught me to value family more and kindness to others.”可知本题选A。‎ ‎4.What does the author mainly want to tell?‎ A.All people will face death, and thus, we must prepare for it spiritually.‎ B.Our characters can be strengthened by such an unpleasant situation.‎ C.Families provide the best support system during such a crisis.‎ D.People should help those who have got serious illness.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。由文章最后一句可知,人们的性格和认识还需要经过一些不愉快的处境来塑造和提升。故本题选B。‎

