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‎1、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ I want you, my dear readers, to live a life like a dog. Am I crazy? No. What I tell you is really useful.‎ ‎    Be yourself. When we adopted Rocky, I almost forgot to ask his name. The clerk said, "It's Rocky, but I will change it to Pierre, if I ①__________(be) you. We soon learned this black boy was anything but a Pierre. He’s athletic,funny, ②__________‎ ‎(society) , and free. The name Rocky suits him well. No matter ③__________others think you should be like,it’s always best to be your true self.‎ ‎    Master the basics. Eat, sleep, exercise, and connect with your family. Rocky is never too busy to eat, too distracted to sleep, or too tired to go for a walk, ④__________does he ever turn down an opportunity to connect. His wagging-tail greetings, kisses, and ability ⑤__________(land) directly in the middle of the sitting room ⑥__________(be) all powerful statements about just how-basic the need to connect really is. And yet, in today's world, ⑦__________is often easy to forget that family and friends are ⑧__________(actual) the basics.‎ ‎    Explore, explore, explore. Curious and smart. Rocky always seems ready to explore new territory. He'll be happy to learn a new “trick”,climb new hills, or try new toys. In life, the ⑨__________(choose) is yours: play it safe and keep staying, ⑩__________ face the unknown and continue to grow.‎ ‎2、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Overweight children and teenagers aged between 5 and 18 on the mainland of China ①__________(reach) 48.5 million in 2025, a number ②__________surpasses(超过)the population of Spain, a study said.‎ According to the study, among the obese Chinese youth, millions of them ③__________( report) to suffer from all kinds of diseases. It also stated that in all there would be 268 million overweight school-age children worldwide by 2025, ④__________(include) 91 million obese children, if no effective ⑤__________(measure) were taken to stop the existing trend. Inactivity and the ‎ consumption of junk food and soft drinks contributed ⑥__________the growing number of the overweight ⑦__________(young) in the world. ⑧__________( respond) to the increase of obese children in China, the State Council issued a guideline this year. The guideline aimed to prevent more children from becoming obese and it urged that the local government in China ⑨__________( strength) the training of medical staff around children’s health and improve the knowledge of ⑩__________( balance) eating and drinking diets among parents.‎ ‎3、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确式。 ‎ This is cool! That is ①__________I said to myself when I walked into the USA Science & Engineering Festival’s Sneak Peek event, on Friday, April 15, 2016. It ②__________(feel) like a whole new world. Here’s why: I was transported to Mars! How? I climbed aboard a virtual-reality bus. It seems like a regular yellow school bus, ③__________when you're inside it looks and feels as if you were driving along the surface of the Red Planet. It was so ④__________(amaze)! Sixth grader Connor Scinto had a chance to ride the bus, too. “It felt as if you ⑤__________(move) and on another planet,” he told TFK. Connor's classmates said the virtual-reality bus was one of the ⑥__________(good) parts of their field trip.‎ Later in the day, I talked to Marillyn Hewson. She's the CEO of Lockheed Martin, ⑦__________ the virtual-reality bus was created. “STEM is very important to young children because the future of STEM is in our hands,”she told me. STEM stands ⑧__________science, technology, engineering, and math. Hewson thinks it is important for young children to be involved with STEM because she believes it helps our community. ⑨__________(support) that goal, Hewson announced the creation of Generation Beyond. It is designed “to bring the science of space into ⑩__________(thousand) of homes and classrooms across America".‎ ‎4、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ This morning, I ①__________(fall) ill suddenly. I was about to get up from the sofa ②__________I felt dizzy(晕眩) as if everything ③__________spinning ‎ around(旋转). Then my head ached a lot. That is a kind of feeling you have when you get ④__________(drink). I went to ⑤__________hospital nearby, where I was given a medical examination.  ⑥__________ my relief, there was nothing seriously wrong with me. The doctor said the symptom was⑦__________(probable) caused by too much pressure and ⑧__________(tired). Now I think it necessary to forget my work for ⑨__________little while. I need to take some exercise every day and find ways to relax ⑩__________( I ). That really matters.‎ ‎5、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎①__________(expose) to smoking for a long time, you may find it hard to give it up. And the effects it has ②__________ you may die hard. But do you know ③__________ it is that results in such a situation? First, amounts of nicotine (尼古丁) you get into your body ④__________(be) the source of your physical addiction(瘾). Second, your habit is ⑤__________(blame) and you just can’t stand the ⑥__________(disappear) of nicotine from your body. Third, most probably, you can be ⑦__________(mental) addicted and believe smoking makes you feel good. However, hard as it is, you still need to handle the situation. Every time you feel anxious(焦虑), just remember by no means should you reach for a cigarette. Another suggestion is that assistance ⑧__________(need) if the situation seems hopeless. Of course, the most important is to ⑨__________(strong) your resolve(决心) whenever you want to quit. And you can depend on ⑩__________ that you can completely get rid of it as long as you keep trying.‎ ‎6、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Harvard is older than the United States. In the early 1630s, some settlers recommended that a university ①__________(found) just to improve the quality of their descendants(子孙)so that they could better build the new home. Thus ,it was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.‎ ‎    Like many other universities at that time, Harvard at the early stage often ran into ②__________financial crisis. The school board often had to go to Europe to raise ③__________(donate),but as you can predict, they often came back ④__________ their hands empty.‎ ‎    ⑤__________(fortunate),in 1638,John Harvard, pastor of Charlestown, passed away. He left his library and half his estate(财产)to the institution, ⑥__________ were the biggest contribution ever since its establishment .Therefore, the university was named after his name. Today, you can find a statue of John Harvard ⑦__________(stand) in front of the University Hall in Harvard Yard, and it is perhaps the University’s best ⑧__________(know) landmark.‎ ‎    It is universally ⑨__________(acknowledge) that John Harvard was respected and remembered by the people in the USA owing to ⑩__________he did.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案以及解析 ‎1、答案及解析:‎ 答案:were; sociable; what; nor; to land; are; it; actually; choice; or 解析:‎ 面对生活,你会采取什么样的生活方式?不同的人会做出不同的选择。你会不会做出和本文描述的叫做Rocky的狗一样的选择呢?‎ ‎1. were考査虚拟语气。此处表达:如果我是你的话。此处是与现在实际情况相反的假设,从句要用一般过去时,虚拟语气中be的过去式用 were。‎ ‎2. sociable考査词性转换。and连接四个形容词作表语,表明主语的特点。此处用society的形容词形式sociable,意为“好交际的”。‎ ‎3. what考査状语从句。句意:无论别人认为你应该是什么样子,做真正的自己永远是最好的。“No matter+疑问词”引导让步状语从句,此处的疑问词作should be like的宾语,所以要用what.‎ ‎4. nor考査连词。他也不会拒绝与别人产生联系的机会。由否定副词 never可知,此处要用与否定意思一致的nor。‎ ‎5. to land考査不定式。the ability to do sth.做某事的能力。‎ ‎6. are考査时态和主谓一致。分析主句结构可知,设空处是主句的谓语动词,前面的 His wagging-tail greetings. kisses, and ability...是主句的主语,是复数意义,时态为一般现在时,所以答案为are.‎ ‎7.it考査代词。设空处在主句中充当形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式 to forget that...。‎ ‎8. actually考査副词。副词actually修饰谓语动词are。‎ ‎9. choice考查词性转换:在生活中选择是你自己的事,设空处是主语,结合设空处前的定冠词the可知,此处要用名词choice。‎ ‎10.or考査连词。此处意为“安于现状,或者去面对未知的世界,继续探索成长"此处表达在两种生活方式中做出自己的选择,表选择用or。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2、答案及解析:‎ 答案:will reach; that/which; were reported; including; measures; to; youth; To respond; strengthen; balanced 解析:‎ 中国儿童和青少年肥胖问题越来越严重,造成这种问题的原因有哪些呢?我们该如何应对这一问题呢?‎ ‎1. will reach考查动词时态。设空处作谓语动词,根据时间状语in 2025可知,此处要用一般将来时,所以答案为will reach。‎ ‎2. that/which 考査定语从句。设空处引导定语从句,先行词是a number,该从句中缺少主语,所以要用关系代词that或which引导.‎ ‎3. were reported考查动词的时态和语态及主谓一致。根据第一段中的a study said可知要用一般过去时,且主语是复数形式,同时主语和 report之间是被动关系.所以答案为were reported.‎ ‎4.including 考查介词。including prep.包括.‎ ‎5.measures考查名词单复数:take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事。根据后边的were也可判断出用复数形式.‎ ‎6. to考査固定搭配:contribute to促成,造成。‎ ‎7. youth考查词性转换.设空处要用名词形式,表示“青年”,所以答案为 youth。‎ ‎8. To respond考查不定式用法。不定式短语作状语,表示目的。‎ ‎9. strengthen考查虚拟语气。在urge后面的that引导的宾语从句中, 谓语动词应该用“(should+)动词原形”。所以答案为strengthen。‎ ‎10. balanced考查词性转换:此处应用形容词修饰后面的名词。balanced adj.均衡的。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3、答案及解析:‎ 答案:what; feels; but; amazing; were moving; best; where; for; To support; thousands 解析:‎ ‎1. what所填词引导表语从句,并在从句中作宾语,故填 what。‎ ‎2. feels时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,故用 feels。‎ ‎3. but根据语意可知,上下文是转折关系,故填but。‎ ‎4. amazing根据前面的it is可知,所填词作表语,故用 amazing。‎ ‎5. were moving as if引导的表语从句中,如表示非真实的情况,要用虚拟语气。‎ ‎6. best根据前面的the可知,此处要用最高级。‎ ‎7. where所填词引导定语从句并在从句中作地点状语, 故填where。‎ ‎8. for stand for“代表”,为固定短语。‎ ‎9. To support分析句子成分可知,所填词作目的状语,故用动词不定式。‎ ‎10. thousands thousands of“数千;几千”,是固定搭配。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4、答案及解析:‎ 答案:fell; when; were; drunk; the; To; probably; tiredness; a; myself 解析:略 ‎ ‎ ‎5、答案及解析:‎ 答案:(Having been)exposed; on; what; are; to blame; disappearance; mentally; be needed; strengthen; it 解析:略 ‎ ‎ ‎6、答案及解析:‎ 答案:(should)be founded; a; donation(s); with; Unfortunately; which; standing; known; acknowledged; what 解析:略 ‎ ‎

