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2020 年天津市中考英语真题试卷(含答案) 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷为第 1 页至第 8 页,第Ⅱ 卷为第 9 页至第 12 页。试卷满分 120 分。考试时间 100 分钟。 答卷前,请你务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考点校、考场号、座位号填写在“答题卡”上, 并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答题时,务必将答案涂写在“答题卡”上,答案答在试卷 上无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和“答题卡”一并交回。 祝你考试顺利! 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项: 1.每题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号的信息点涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号的信息点。 2.本卷共五大题。 一、听力理解 A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的 A、B、C 三幅图画。找出与 你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 1.A. B. C. 2.A. B. C. 3.A. B. C. 4.A. B. C. B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的 A、B、 C 三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. What is Betty’s mother doing? A. Cleaning the house. B. Reading a newspaper. C. Watching TV. 6. How long has the man lived here? A. 5 years. B. 10 years. C.15 years. 7. Where is the school playground? A. On the left of the library. B. On the right of the library. C. Behind the library. 8. What is Li Lei's first lesson on Wednesday? A. Chinese. B. English. C. PE. 9. How many sisters does the boy have? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 10. Why does Bruce like swimming? A. It’s safe. B. It’s relaxing. C. It’s interesting. 11. Whose dictionary is it? A. It’s Daming’s. B. It’s Lily’s. C. It’s Bob’s. 12. What is Helen going to do this weekend? A. Draw pictures. B. Take photos. C. Have a rest. 13. How will the woman get to the airport? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By underground. 14. How much will the woman pay for the apples? A.20 yuan. B.30 yuan. C. 40 yuan. C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答下列各个小题。 15. What is the film about? A. Life in the future. B. Animals in danger. C. Great inventions. 16. When will the film start? A. At 6:00. B. At 7:00. C. At 8:00. 17. Where are they going to meet? A. In front of the cinema. B. Outside the park gate. C. At the bus stop. 听下面一段材料,回答下列各个小题。 18. When did Li Hua climb the mountain? A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday evening. 19. What did Li Hua think of the food? A. Expensive. B. Terrible. C. Delicious. 20. What is Li Hua going to learn during the holiday? A. To play basketball. B. To skate. C. To ride a horse. 二、单项填空 从下列每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Lao She is ________ great writer. He’s especially famous for ________ play Teahouse. A. an; the B. a; the C. an; a D. a; an 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:老舍是一位伟大的作家。他尤其因为话剧《茶馆》而出名。 考查冠词。a 不定冠词,放在辅音音素开头的单词前;an 不定冠词,放在元音音素开头的单词前; the 定冠 词,表特指。第一空表示泛指“一位”,great 是辅音音素开头的单词,用不定冠词 a。第二空表示特指“话剧 《茶馆》”用定冠词 the。故选 B。 2.I bought a present for ________. I hope you like ________. A. your; this B. yours; that C. you; it D. you; one 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:我给你买了一件礼物。希望你喜欢它。 考查代词辨析。your 你(们)的,形容词性物主代词;yours 你(们)的,名词性物主代词;you 你(们) 人称代词主格或宾格;this 这,指较近的人或事物;that 那,指较远的人或事物;it 特指上文中提到过的同 一事物;one 泛指同类人或事物中不确定的一个,相当于“a/an +可数名词单数”。根据题干中“I bought a present for ____.”可知此处是说为某人买了个礼物,用人称代词 you;再由“I hope you like ____.”可知此处是指上文 中提到过的一个礼物,用 it 符合题意。故选 C。 3.This street is much ________ than that one. A. wide B. wider C. widest D. the widest 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:这条街比那条街宽得多。 考查比较级。wide 宽的,形容词原型;wider 更宽的,形容词比较级;widest 最宽的,形容词最高级;the widest 最宽的,形容词最高级。根据句意理解及句中的 than 可知,这里应该用比较级的形式,表示两者之间的比 较,故选 B。 4.It is going to rain. Take an umbrella ________ you. A. with B. at C. in D. from 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:要下雨了,你带把伞。 考查介词。with 和;at 指具体的点;in 在……里面;from 从。根据“Take an umbrella”可知此处表示伴随,用 介词 with。故选 A。 5.Lang Ping is a symbol of courage and success, and we ________ her. A. come from B. stand for C. take pride in D. get ready for 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:郎平是勇气和成功的象征,我们因她而自豪。 考查动词短语。come from 来自;stand for代表;take pride in因……而自豪;get ready for 准备好。根据“a symbol of courage and success”可知此处表示“因她而自豪”用 take pride in her。故选 C。 6.—In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck. —That’s interesting! I want to know all the Chinese ________. A. traditions B. sentences C. notices D. problems 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:——在中国,我们用红纸做红包,因为红色意味着好运。——很有趣!我想知道所有的中国 传统。 考查名词辨析。traditions 传统;sentences 句子;notices 通知;problems 问题。根据前句句意“在中国,我 们用红纸做红包,因为红色意味着好运。”可知在中国用红纸做红包是一种传统习俗,所以此处应填“传 统”,其它选项语意不通,故答案选 A。 7.Because people can find information on the Internet, knowledge spreads ________. A. quickly B. loudly C. hardly D. nearly 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】句意:因为人们能在网上找到信息,所以知识传播很迅速。 考查副词。quickly 快地;loudly 大声地;hardly 几乎不;nearly 几乎,差不多。根据“people can find information on the Internet”可知此处表示“知识传播得很快”用副词 quickly 来修饰动词 spread。故选 A。 8.I ________ be late, so don’t wait for me to start the meeting. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. need D. may 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:我可能要迟到了,因此开始开会吧,不要等我。 考查情态动词。mustn’t 禁止;needn’t 没必要;need 需要;may 可能。根据“so don’t wait for me to start the meeting”可知此处表示不确定推测,用 may 表示“可能”。故选 D。 9.I was busy this morning and didn’t have time to ________ my email. A. waste B. punish C. believe D. check 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:今天早上我很忙,没有时间检查我的邮件。 考查动词。waste 浪费;punish 惩罚;believe 相信;check 检查。根据“my email”可知此处用动词 check 表 示“检查邮件”。故选 D。 10.You’d better tidy up your room ________ your father comes back. A. so B. or C. before D. but 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:你最好在你父亲回来之前清理你房间。 考查连词。so 因此;or 否则;before 在……之前;but 但是。“your father comes back”是时间状语,此处用 before 引导时间状语从句表示“在你父亲回来之前”。故选 C。 11.—The book is popular. ________ you ________ it yet? —Yes, I have. A. Are; reading B. Were; reading C. Have; read D. Will; read 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:——这本书很受欢迎。你读过了吗?——是 的 ,我读过了。 考查现在完成时。Are; reading 构成现在进行时;Were; reading 构成过去进行时;Have; read 构成现在完成时; Will; read 构成一般将来时。根据问句句尾的 yet 及答句“Yes, I have.”可知问句要用现在完成时。故选 C。 12.That machine is broken. It ________ tomorrow. A. repaired B. was repaired C. will repair D. will be repaired 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:那台机器坏了。明天将修理它。 考查一般将来时的被动语态。repaired 过去式/过去分词;was repaired 一般过去时的被动语态;will repair 一 般将来时主动语态;will be repaired 一般将来时的被动语态。根据题干可知,主语 it 和动词 repair 之间构成 逻辑上的动宾关系,应该使用被动语态;再由 tomorrow 可知句子时态应用一般将来时;一般将来时的被动 语态结构为:will be+动词的过去分词;故答案选 D。 13.I’ve just watched a TV programme about space. I hope ________on the moon one day. A. walk B. walked C. walking D. to walk 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:我刚看了一个关于太空的电视节目,我希望有一天我们可以在月球上行走。 考查动词不定式。walk 动词原形;walked 动词的过去式/过去分词;walking 动名词/现在分词;to walk 动词 不定式。表示“希望做某事”用 hope to do;此处用 to walk 作宾语。故选 D。 14.—Do you know ________ to see the Beijing Opera? —Yes, you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre. A. where can we go B. where we can go C. when shall we go D. when we shall go 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:——你知道我们可以在哪里看京剧吗?——是的,你可以去梅兰芳剧院。 考查宾语从句。根据 Do you know _____,可知本题考查宾语从句,由答语 you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre. 你可以去梅兰芳剧院,可知此处是问地点的,排除 C、D 选项;而且宾语从句应用陈述语序,A 选项是疑问 语序,所以排除;故答案选 B。 15.—Let’s go shopping for some orange juice. —________ And we can also buy some coffee for Mum. A. Excuse me! B. Good idea! C. Never mind. D. I’m sorry. 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:——我们去买些橙汁吧。——好主意!我们也可以给妈妈买些咖啡。 考查情景交际。Excuse me!打扰一下;Good idea!好主意;Never mind 没关系;I’m sorry.抱歉;根据句意理 解及前句的建议 Let’s go shopping for some orange juice.和后面的回答 we can also buy some coffee for Mum.可 知,这里是同意上面的提议,所以这里应该表示“好主意”,故选 B。 三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A.、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I have two older brothers, Matt and Martin. They love me very much. Perhaps it is because I am the ___16___ child and the only sister they have. Both Matt and Martin have thick and dark hair. They look alike (相像) with ___17___ short hairdos (发型) and big eyes. They are also very tan (晒黑的) because they enjoy outdoor ___18___. For example, Matt likes football and Martin is a tennis player. They are much taller than me and I always have to look up when I ___19___ to them. They both love to ___20___, so Mum often says that they could eat a horse. Their personalities (性格) are very ___21___. Matt is very active and lively. He often takes part in club activities and gets along ___22___ with people. He also likes to play jokes on others, especially Martin! Sometimes Mum is not very ___23___ with Matt because he plays so much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class. Martin, on the other hand (另一方面), is the quiet one. He is less active than Matt, ___24___ he has a really close group of friends. He also does well in his ____25____ because he works very hard on his studies. Mum never has to worry about Martin. 16. A. fattest B. youngest C. rudest D. strongest 17. A. their B. our C. your D. her 18. A. trips B. picnics C. sports D. risks 19. A. talk B. write C. bow D. fly 20. A. sing B. eat C. laugh D. drive 21. A. important B. difficult C. dangerous D. different 22. A. loudly B. easily C. suddenly D. recently 23. A. nervous B. honest C. happy D. angry 24. A. whether B. if C. or D. but 25. A. exams B. hobbies C. interviews D. adventures 【答案】16. B 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. A 【解析】 本文介绍了作者的两位哥哥——马丁和马特长得很像,但是性格却不同,马特很活跃并且爱玩,上课不仔 细听老师讲课,而马丁比较安静,学习很努力。 【16 题详解】 句意:或许因为我是最小的孩子,并且是他们唯一的妹妹。 fattest 最胖的;youngest 最幼小的;rudest 最粗鲁的;strongest 最强壮的。根据 I have two older brothers,可 知,作者在家里是最小的孩子,所以空格处填 youngest。故选 B。 【17 题详解】 句意:他们的短发和大眼睛让他们看起来很像。 their 他们的;our 我们的;your 你的;her 她的。根据 They look alike,可知,马特和马丁都有短发和大眼睛, 所以看起来很像,故空格处填 their。故选 A。 【18 题详解】 句意:因为他们都喜欢户外运动,所以他们也晒得很黑。 trips 旅行;picnics 野餐;sports 运动;risks 风险。根据 For example, Matt likes football and Martin is a tennis player, 由足球和网球可知,他们都喜欢户外运动,因此晒得很黑,所以空格处填 sports。故选 C。 【 19 题详解】 句意:他们比我高,当我跟他们说话时,我总是要仰望。 talk 说话;write 写;bow 鞠躬;fly 飞。根据 They are much taller than me and I always have to look up,可知, 哥哥们比作者高,作者在跟他们“说话”时需要仰望着他们,其他动作不需要看着对方,fly 飞不符合逻辑, 所以空格处填 talk。故选 A。 【20 题详解】 句意:他们都喜欢吃,所以妈妈经常说他们总是非常饿。 sing 唱歌;eat 吃;laugh 笑;drive 开车。根据 so Mum often says that they could eat a horse,由妈妈说他们总 是非常饿可知,他们都喜欢吃,故空格处填 eat。故选 B。 【21 题详解】 句意:他们的性格非常不同。 important 重要的;difficult 困难的;dangerous 危险的;different 不同的。根据 Matt is very active and lively 及 Martin, on the other hand, is the quiet one,可知,马特非常活泼,而马丁比较安静,由此可见,他俩的性格是 不同的,所以空格处填 different。故选 D。 【22 题详解】 句意:他经常参加俱乐部活动,很容易与人相处。 loudly 大声地;easily 容易地;suddenly 突然;recently 最近。根据 Matt is very active and lively. He often takes part in club activities,可知,他非常活泼,又经常参加俱乐部活动,所以很容易跟人相处,故空格处填 easily。 故选 B。 【23 题详解】 句意:有时妈妈对马特不满意,因为他玩得太多,上课时不仔细听老师讲课。 nervous 紧张的;honest 诚实的;happy 高兴的;angry 生气的。根据 because he plays so much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class,可知,马特上课不仔细听老师讲课,所以妈妈对他不满意,固定 搭配:be happy with“对……感到满意”,故空格处填 happy。故选 C。 【24 题详解】 句意:他没有马特活跃,但是他有一群非常亲密 的 朋友。 whether 是否;if 如果;or 或者;but 但是。根据 He is less active than Matt 及 he has a really close group of friends, 可知,虽然马丁没有马特那么活跃,但是他有一群非常亲密的朋友,后文表转折,所以空格处填 but。故选 D。 【25 题详解】 句意:他考试考得很好,因为在学习上他很努力。 exams 考试;hobbies 爱好;interviews 面试;adventures 冒险。根据 because he works very hard on his studies, 可知,他学习很努力,所以考试考得很好,故空格处填 exams。故选 A。 四、阅读理解 阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Dear Nicole, How are you? Do you enjoy your summer holiday? I’m sure you do. It’s been two weeks since I returned to New Zealand, but I’m still thinking of the exciting city life in Hong Kong. In New Zealand, life is totally different. I miss the delicious sweet soup so much. The weather has been bad these days. Yesterday I got a cold and didn’t go to school today. I hate taking medicine but I have to take it. I must get well soon because I will have tests on science and geography next week. I must prepare for the tests this time so that I won’t fail again. I remember that you like our local hand cream (护手霜), but it is quite expensive in Hong Kong. I bought you some last weekend and I am sending it to you. It’s much cheaper here than in Hong Kong. It’s almost the end of August. It’s time to pack (收拾) your school bag and get ready for the new school term. Take good care. With love, Judy 26. Judy thinks that life in Hong Kong is ________. A. boring B. exciting C. useful D. powerful 27. What does Judy miss about Hong Kong? A. The stadium. B. The zoo. C. The sweet soup. D. The school. 28. What will Judy do next week? A. She will go to hospital. B. She will go shopping. C. She will have a picnic. D. She will have tests on science and geography. 29. If the hand cream costs $45 in New Zealand, it might cost ________ in Hong Kong. A. $70 B. $45 C. $40 D. $30 30. When does Judy write the letter? A. In May. B. In June. C. In July. D. In August. 【答案】26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. D 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要是 Judy 写给 Nicole 的一封信,信中 Judy 向 Nicole 回顾了自己在香港的生活,也说了 一些目前的情况。 【26 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 but I’m still thinking of the exciting city life in Hong Kong. 但我仍然在想念香港令人兴奋的 城市生活。可知 Judy 认为香港的生活是令人兴奋的,故答案选 B。 【27 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 I miss the delicious sweet soup so much.我很想念那美味的甜汤。可知 Judy 想念香港的甜汤, 故答案选 C。 【28 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 I will have tests on science and geography next week. 我下周将有科学和地理考试。可知, Judy 下周将有科学和地理考试,故答案选 D。 【29 题详解】 推理判断题。根据 I remember that you like our local hand cream (护手霜), but it is quite expensive in Hong Kong. 我记得你喜欢我们当地的护手霜,但是在香港这个护手霜太贵了。以及 It’s much cheaper here than in Hong Kong. 这里比香港便宜多了。因此如果这种护手霜在新西兰售价$45,那么在香港可能要高出$45 很多,就 需要$70,故答案选 A。 【30 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句 It’s almost the end of August. 快到八月底了。可知 Judy 是在八月份写的这 封信,故答案选 D。 B Summer Fun at Happy Kids’ Learning Centre Are you looking for something that can add colour to your summer holiday? If yes, here are the summer courses that you cannot miss! Children Can Cook The course is to improve children’s knowledge in the kitchen. They will learn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety, and how to buy proper ingredients (原料) and follow steps in recipes (食谱). Children can sit comfortably and eat what they have cooked at the end of each lesson. Little Writers The course is divided into two parts. In the first part, children are introduced to famous stories and their writers. In the second part, they are taught to write their own stories. Children also get the chance to write other text types, such as poems and plays. Acting for Fun This is a course that lets children enjoy the fun of acting. Through acting and speaking in front of people, children will be more confident. Parents are welcome to watch the performance (演出) given by the children at the end of the course. Watercolour Painting This course teaches children the basic skills of painting people and animals. We encourage children to watch, imagine and create their own works. 31. What can children do in the cooking course? A. Sell the food. B. Buy the bowls. C. Learn how to cook. D. Eat what teachers have cooked. 32. How many parts are there in the writing course? A. One part. B. Two parts. C. Three parts. D. Four parts. 33. Which course should children join if they want to be more confident? A. Acting for Fun. B. Watercolour Painting. C. Little Writers. D. Children Can Cook. 34. What does the painting course teach? A. The importance of acting. B. How to buy proper ingredients. C. Famous stories and their writers. D. The basic skills of painting people and animals. 35. The purpose of this passage is to encourage children to ________. A. cook a meal for their parents B. act with their parents in public C. join the summer courses at the learning centre D. read more books during the holiday 【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文,文章主要是鼓励孩子参加学习中心的暑期课程,并介绍了课程的具体内容。 【31 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段“They will learn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety, and how to buy proper ingredients (原料) and follow steps in recipes (食谱). Children can sit comfortably and eat what they have cooked at the end of each lesson.”可知孩子们可以学习基本的烹饪技巧、厨房安全知识、怎样购买正确的原料以及怎样按照食谱 来做。还可以坐下来吃他们在课上烹饪的食物。故选 C。 【32 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段“The course is divided into two parts”可知分为两个部分。故选 B。 【33 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段“Through acting and speaking in front of people, children will be more confident.”如果 孩子想变得更自信,孩子应参加 Acting for Fun。故选 A。 【34 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第五段“This course teaches children the basic skills of painting people and animals”绘画课程 教授孩子们基本的画人和动物的技巧。故选 D。 【35 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第一段“Are you looking for something that can add colour to your summer holiday? If yes, here are the summer courses that you cannot miss!”可知这篇文章主要是鼓励孩子参加学习中心的暑期课程。故选 C。 C People depend on plants. We use plants for food, cloth, shelter (住处), and even the air we breathe (呼吸). Plants keep our air and water clean. Green plants give us oxygen (氧气). Oxygen is part of the air we breathe. Plants are also part of the water cycle (水循环). Most of the water that a plant takes in goes back into the air. Plants give us a lot of the food on the earth. Fruits, vegetables, and grains (谷物) come from plants. Without plants, we would not have bread, rice, carrots, apples, oranges, or bananas! Many people are growing plants to eat in their own gardens at home. Having your own garden helps the earth as well. When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you help cut down on pollution because big trucks don’t need to take your food to shops. You also help reduce the amount of rubbish because you don’t need to use bags for packing your food. You can just pick it out of the ground or off a plant and put it into a basket! Trees are an important plant resource (资源). Trees provide wood to build homes and furniture. Trees are used to make lots of things around your home and at your school. And trees provide fruits that are good for you. Without trees, the earth would be a very different place. 36. ________ is part of the air we breathe. A. Sunlight B. Water C. Food D. Oxygen 37. What happens to most of the water that a plant takes in? A. It goes back into the air. B. It stays in the plant. C. It goes into the ground. D. It stays in the river. 38. What does the phrase “cut down on” mean in Paragraph 5? A. Cause. B. Accept. C. Reduce. D. Expect. 39. What is the best title of the passage? A. A Different Place B. The Uses of Plants C. Food on the Earth D. Gardens at Home 40. You would find the passage in ________. A. an interesting novel B. a book about animals C. a popular play D. a book about nature 【答案】36. D 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述植物的用处。人们离不开植物,植物提供食物、布料、住处甚至是呼吸的 空气。 【36 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段“Oxygen is part of the air we breathe”氧气是我们呼吸的空气的一部分。故选 D。 【37 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段“Most of the water that a plant takes in goes back into the air”植物吸收的大部分水又回 到空气中。故选 A。 【38 题详解】 词义猜测题。根据“because big trucks don’t need to take your food to shops. You also help reduce the amount of rubbish because you don’t need to use bags for packing your food”卡车不需要把你的食物带去商店,因为你不需 要用包装袋来放你的食物,你也帮助减少了垃圾的数量。可知此处表示“减少”, cut down on 相当于 reduce。 故选 C。 【39 题详解】 标题概括题。根据第一段“People depend on plants. We use plants for food, cloth, shelter (住处), and even the air we breathe”可知文章主要讲述的是植物的用处,可概括为 The Uses of Plants。故选 B。 【40 题详解】 推理判断题。an interesting novel 有趣的小说;a book about animals 关于动物的书;a popular play 一个受欢迎 的戏剧;a book about nature 一本关于自然的书。这篇文章主要讲述的是植物的用处,可以在关于自然的书 里找到。故选 D。 五、补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)。 A: Are there any activities to do after class in our school, Liu Yan? B: Yes, we can join many clubs. A: Which club do you join? B: The English Club. A: ___41___ B: We do many things, such as watching English films, listening to English songs and reading English stories. A: ___42___ B: That’s right. I have improved my listening and speaking. I have got to know a lot about the world through reading as well. A: Excellent! ___43___ B: There are twenty students. A: ___44___ B: We go there once a week. A: ___45___ B: Of course. Welcome! A. Can I join you? B. What do you do in it? C. Who else is going to be there? D. How often do you go to the club? E. We usually talk about the environment. F. How many students are there in the club? G. These are good ways to learn English. 【答案】41. B 42. G 43. F 44. D 45. A 【解析】 这则对话 A 询问 B 学校有什么课外活动,B 介绍了英语俱乐部,A 询问在俱乐部做的事情、参加的人数以 及去俱乐部的频率,并表示也想加入。 【41 题详解】 句意:你们在里面做什么? 根据“We do many things, such as watching English films, listening to English songs and reading English stories”, B 讲述在英语俱乐部里做的事情,可知此处 A 在询问在俱乐部做什么,用疑问词 what。故选 B。 【42 题详解】 句意:这些是学英语的好方法。 根据“watching English films, listening to English songs and reading English stories”以及“That’s right. I have improved my listening and speaking. I have got to know a lot about the world through reading as well”可知此处在 评价看英语电影、听英语歌曲和读英语故事是学英语的好方法。G 选项“good ways to learn English”符合。故 选 G。 【43 题详解】 句意:俱乐部有多少人? 根据“There are twenty students”,B 介绍俱乐部的人数,此处 A 在询问人数,用 how many 提问。故选 F。 【44 题详解】 句意:你多长时间去一次俱乐部? 根据“once a week”,B 讲述一周去一次,可知 A 在询问去俱乐部的频率,用 how often 提问。故选 D。 【45 题详解】 句意:我可以加入吗? 根据“Of course. Welcome”,B 觉得当然可以,欢迎加入;可知 A 在询问是否能加入英语俱乐部。用一般疑 问句,A 选项“Can I join you”符合。故选 A。 第Ⅱ卷 注意事项: 1.用黑色字迹的签字笔将答案写在“答题卡”上。 2.本卷共四大题。 六、完成句子 根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 46.你如果喜欢这件外套,为什么不试穿一下呢? If you like the coat, why don’t you ________ it ________? 【答案】 (1). try (2). on 【解析】 【详解】根据中英文对照可知,这里缺少的是“试穿”,英语是 try on,而宾语是代词 it,所以把代词放在 中间,why don’t you 后接动词原形,所以这里直接用动词原形即可,故答案为 try,on。 47.老师看着我微笑,没有说话。 The teacher ________ ________ me and smiled without a word. 【答案】 (1). looked (2). at 【解析】 【详解】根据“smiled”可知句子讲述的是过去发生的动作,用一般过去时态,此处的谓语动词用 looked at 表达“看着”。故答案为 looked at。 48.金凤花姑娘独自一人在森林里摘了一些花。 ________ ________ in the forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers. 【答案】 (1). All (2). alone 【解析】 【详解】用形容词 alone 表示“一个人”,用副词 all 修饰形容词表示“完全”,此处用副词短语 all alone 做状语, 句首首字母 a 大写。故答案为 All alone。 49.晚饭后我经常复习功课。 I often ________ ________ lessons after supper. 【答案】 (1). go (2). over 【解析】 【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空格缺的是“复习”,英语是 go over,而句中有 often,是一般现在时的标 志词,且这里主语是第一人称,所以动词应该用原形,故答案为 go over。 50.我爸爸此刻还在工作。 My father is still ________ ________ at the moment. 【答案】 (1). at (2). work 【解析】 【详解】表示“在工作”用短语 be at work,相当于 be working;此处用 at work 作表语。故答案为 at work。 七、任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。 Have you ever thought about how many different things you like? You may like pets, parties, presents, foods, and even superheroes! Our world is full of so many things to like! Do you ever wonder (琢磨) why you like certain animals or why you like to do certain things? You may not think about it often, but you may learn something about yourself if you think twice. For example, why do you like to play with cats more than dogs? Why do you like going to parties and playing games? Why do you like some sweets but not others? Our personality helps form what we like and dislike. Sometimes the things we like just come naturally to us. For example, who’s your favourite superhero? You probably like that character (人物) for reasons that are all your own. You may not have even thought about why you like that superhero... you just do. As you learn more and do more, you may find out that there are more and more things you like. That’s a good thing! Do your friends like the same things that you do? Maybe you and your friends like different things . But it’s OK. What you like is part of what makes you you! 51. Our world is full of ________ to like. 52. You may ________ if you think twice. 53. Our personality helps form ________. 54. As you ________, you may find out that there are more and more things you like. 55. It’s OK if you and your friends ________. 【答案】51. so many things 52. learn something about yourself 53. what we like and dislike 54. learn more and do more 55. like different things 【解析】 文章介绍了我们的世界充满了太多让人喜欢的东西!人们为什么会有自己喜欢的东西,为什么不同的人喜 欢不同的东西,这里是由我们自身的个性决定的。 【51 题详解】 根据文中 Our world is full of so many things to like!可知,我们的世界充满了太多让人喜欢的东西!故答案为 so many things。 【52 题详解】 根据文中 but you may learn something about yourself if you think twice.可知,如果你三思而后行 的 话,你可能 会学到一些关于你自己的东西。故答案为 learn something about yourself。 【53 题详解】 根据文中 Our personality helps form what we like and dislike.可知,我们的个性有助于形成我们喜欢和不喜欢 的东西。故答案为 what we like and dislike. 【54 题详解】 根据文中 As you learn more and do more, you may find out that there are more and more things you like.可知,当 你学得越多,做得越多,你就会发现你喜欢的东西越来越多。故答案为 learn more and do more。 【55 题详解】 根据文中 Maybe you and your friends like different things. But it’s OK.可知,也许你和你的朋友喜欢不同的东 西。但没关系。故答案为 like different things。 八、综合填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 Have you ever heard the saying, “Home, sweet home’? This is just another way of saying that it’s n___56___ to be home! A lot of the people and things we love are at home. What do you like about being at home? What do you like best about being at home? Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters. Maybe you e___57___ staying with your mum and dad. Maybe you have a pet you like to play with. Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special. Your bedroom is a___58___ thing that makes home special. Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom. Consider what you like best about your room. Is it how it looks? Is it your comfortable b___59___ that you sleep on? Maybe you like to have a q___60___ place to read a book or to think about your day. Mealtime can be a special time at home. Families sit around the table to eat the food Mum or Dad has prepared. It’s a time to share interesting s___61___ about your day. How do you help at home? There are a lot of things to do to make home a special place. Who does the chores (家庭杂务) l___62___ cleaning, cooking, and yardwork (庭院劳动) at your house? When families work t___63___ to do the chores, it makes them easier and more fun for everyone. Maybe you can h___64___ lay the dinner table or clear the places. Maybe you can pull weeds (草) out of the flower garden. Maybe you can water the vegetable garden or the houseplants. Think about what you can do, so that w____65____ you come home every day, you can say, “Home, sweet home!” 【答案】56. nice 57. enjoy 58. another 59. bed 60. quiet 61. stories 62. like 63. together 64. help 65. when 【解析】 文章介绍了谚语“回家真好”,人们喜欢家里的什么,以及在家能帮忙做什么家务事等等。 【56 题详解】 句意:这只是另一种方式说回家很好! 根据句意理解及前句 Have you ever heard the saying, “Home, sweet home”?可知,这里表达的是“回家真好”, 空格表示的是“好的”,在句中作表语,所以用形容词 nice,故答案为 nice。 【57 题详解】 句意:也许你喜欢和爸爸妈妈呆在一起。 根据句意理解及前句 Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters.可知,这里表达的是“喜欢”,英语 是 enjoy,前句用的是一般现在时,所以这里也用一般现在时,主语是第二人称,所以动词用原形,故答案 为 enjoy。 【58 题详解】 句意:你的卧室是另一个让家变得特别的东西。 根据句意理解及前句 Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special.可知,这里表 达的是“另一个”,英语是 another,表示不确定数目的另一个,故答案为 another。 【59 题详解】 句意:这是你在上面睡的舒适的床吗? 根据句意理解及空格后 that you sleep on 可知,这里说的是“床”,英语是 bed,而这里指的是“你睡觉的 床”,所以应该用单数形式,故答案为 bed。 【60 题详解】 句意:也许你喜欢有一个安静的地方看书或思考你的一天。 根据句意理解及后句 to read a book or to think about your day 可知,这里表达的是“安静的”,英语是 quiet, 在句中修饰的是空格后面的名词 place,故答案为 quiet。 【61 题详解】 句意:现在是分享你一天中有趣故事的时候了。 根据句意理解及空格前的 share interesting 以及空格后的 about your day 可知,这里指的是“故事”,英语是 story,是一个可数名词,所以这里应该用复数形式,表示很多有趣的故事,故答案为 stories。 【62 题详解】 句意:你家里的家务活是谁干的,比如打扫卫生、做饭和庭院劳动? 根据句意理解及空格后面的 cleaning, cooking, and yardwork 可知,空格后面是举例家务,所以这里表达的是 “像,比如”,英语是介词 like,故答案为 like。 【63 题详解】 句意:当一家人一起做家务时…… 根据句意理解及后句 it makes them easier and more fun for everyone.可知,这里表达的是“一起工作”,英语 是 work together,所以空格缺的是“一起”,故答案为 together。 【64 题详解】 句意:也许你可以帮忙摆好餐桌或者清洁一下。 根据句意理解及后句 lay the dinner table or clear the places 可知,这里表达的是“帮助”,英语是 help,而空 格前有情态动词 can,所以这里应该用动词原形,故答案为 help。 【65 题详解】 句意:想想你能做些什么,这样当你每天回家时,你可以说,“家,温馨的家!” 根据句意理解可知,这里是一个含有时间状语从句的复合句,所以空格缺的是时间状语从句的连词,表示 的是“当……时”,所以空格应该用 when 来引导,故答案为 when。 九、书面表达 66.假如你是学校校报英语专栏的小记者,请根据以下要点写一篇短文,描述你校学生李华的一次难忘经历, 并表达你的想法。 (1)李华在假期中去甘肃参加了文化交流活动。 (2)他向当地学生介绍天津的历史和名胜古迹。 (3)他介绍自己的学习方法,还为他们演奏钢琴。 (4)他与很多学生成为朋友并保持联系。 (5)你认为…… 参考词汇:文化交流活动 cultural exchange activities 名胜古迹 places of interest 要求: (1)词数:80~100 个。 (2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。 Li Hua, a student of our school, went to Gansu to ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 【答案】例文: Li Hua, a student of our school, went to Gansu to take part in the cultural exchange activities. He introduced the history and places of interest of Tianjin to the local students. He showed his ways of learning and played piano. He made friends with some students there and kept in touch with them. I think it is an unusual experience. It is necessary for the students to take part in cultural exchange activities. They can not only learn some useful cultural knowledge but also making friends with other people. It’s a good way to communicate with other students. 【解析】 【详解】1.题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作。在写作时应紧接文章开头继续写作,根据内容提示讲述李华 假期的经历并发表自己的看法。 2.例文点评:例文主要用第三人称进行写作,主要采用一般过去时态来写作。讲述李华假期的经历叙述完整 且条理清晰。 3.高分亮点: 短语:take part in;kept working;places of interest;played the piano;made friends with;kept in touch with; communicate with。 句型:it 做形式主语的句子;not only…but also…的句型;and 表示并列的句子。

