高考新课标英语二轮专题复习 专题强化训练 专题五 短文改错 Word含答案

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高考新课标英语二轮专题复习 专题强化训练 专题五 短文改错 Word含答案

专题五 短文改错 训练1‎ A At present,I am extreme happy because I am doing what I like.As a senior three student,I study hard every day and live it at the full.It feels like good to study hard with my determining classmates to fulfill our dreams.When I recalled the happy things happened to me,the experience of my receiving the scholarship in middle school topped it all.It was a time when my family is going through financial difficulties.So I made up my mind to win the scholarship,hoped to lighten my parents' financial burden.After making tons of painstaking effort,I succeeded.At the ceremony,my mum was the most poorly-dressed woman,and with the brightest smile on her face.‎ 答案:‎ At present,I am happy because I am doing what I like.As a senior three student,I study hard every day and live it the full.It feels good to study hard with my classmates to fulfill our dreams.When I recalled the happy things happened to me,the experience of my receiving the scholarship in middle school topped all.It was a time when my family going through financial difficulties.So I made up my mind to win the scholarship, to lighten my parents' financial burden.After making tons of painstaking ,I succeeded.At the ceremony,my mum was ‎ the most poorly-dressed woman, with the brightest smile on her face.‎ B On September 29,the students in our class paid visit to China Science and Technology Museum.At 8:00,we leave for China Science and Technology Museum by school bus.At 8:30,a guide introduced them to us briefly and told us how we should pay attention to during our visit.Ten minutes later,we were divided into five groups but began our separate visit.Some students took notes carefully as if they visited.All the students were amazing at the rapid achievements in science and technology.Three hours had gone by after we knew it.At 11:30,we returned to our school.This visit not only broadened my outlook but also aroused my greatly interest in science and technology.‎ 答案:‎ On September 29,the students in our class paid visit to China Science and Technology Museum.At 8:00,we for China Science and Technology Museum by school bus.At 8:30,a guide introduced to us briefly and told us we should pay attention to during our visit.Ten minutes later,we were divided into five groups began our separate .Some students took notes carefully as they visited.All the students were at the rapid achievements in science and technology.Three hours had gone by we knew it.At 11:30,we returned to our school.This visit not only broadened my ‎ outlook but also aroused my interest in science and technology.‎ C This morning,I was jogging in the park when I caught the sight of a wallet on a bench.I picked up and checked the contents.Inside it,I found some money or a card with a phone number.Believe that the owner would be worried,I immediately tried the number.A man answered it in an amazing voice.Hearing that I had his wallet,he sighs with relief and told me he would return right away.Ten minutes late,the man arrived.After confirming he was an owner,I handed the wallet back to him.With his thumb up,he expressed his gratitude to me repeated.Seeing the smile on her face,I felt happy that I was able to help.‎ 答案:‎ This morning,I was jogging in the park when I caught sight of a wallet on a bench.I picked up and checked the contents.Inside it,I found some money a card with a phone number. that the owner would be worried,I immediately tried the number.A man answered it in an voice.Hearing that I had his wallet,he with relief and told me he would return right away.Ten minutes ,the man arrived.After confirming he was owner,I handed the wallet back to him.With his thumb up,he expressed his gratitude to me .Seeing the smile on face,I felt happy that I was able to help.‎ D When it comes to the TV,there will be different word in different people's minds.Some people think that watch TV is a good way to relax.Firstly,we can broaden our horizons or know more about the world by watching latest news and reports.Secondly,watching TV is a good way to kill our spare time.Finally,we can predict that may happen in the future and be prepared.‎ Therefore,every coin has its two sides.There is also disadvantages of watching TV.Not only do it do harm to our eyesight,but it also has a bad affect on our studies and everyday life.Definitely,TV plays a big role in our life.We should treat to it in a right way.‎ 答案:‎ When it comes to the TV,there will be different in different people's minds.Some people think that TV is a good way to relax.Firstly,we can broaden our horizons know more about the world by watching latest news and reports.Secondly,watching TV is a good way to kill our spare time.Finally,we can predict may happen in the future and be prepared.‎ ,every coin has its two sides.There also disadvantages of watching TV.Not only it do harm to our eyesight,but it also has a bad on our studies and everyday life.Definitely,TV plays a big role in our life.We should treat it in a right way.‎ 训练2‎ A My name is Li Hua.I was born in Qingdao,Shandong Province on February 1995.I started the school in 2001 when I was six.I studied happy in Guangming Primary School from 2001 to 2007.After that I went to No 39 Middle School of Qingdao and graduate last summer.The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry and computer.I like English and computer best but I am very good at it.Last year I winned first prize in the school computer competition.In my spare time I enjoy listening popular music and collecting stamp.My favourite sports is swimming in summer and skating in winter.‎ 答案:‎ My name is Li Hua.I was born in Qingdao,Shandong Province February 1995.I started school in 2001 when I was six.I studied in Guangming Primary School from 2001 to 2007.After that I went to No 39 Middle School of Qingdao and last summer.The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry and computer.I like English and computer best I am very good at .Last year I first prize in the school computer competition.In my spare time I enjoy listening popular music and collecting .My favourite sports swimming in summer and skating in winter.‎ B One day,I was walking home after school when an old man fell heavy onto the snow-covering road.Many people passed by,and no one took action.Some of them said it was none of their business;others worried that if they helped him,they might got into a difficult situation.Seeing what had happened,I called 120 immediately.While waiting the ambulance,I took down my coat to keep the old man warm.In no time did the ambulance came.Having helped the doctors carry him into an ambulance,I felt relieved.In my opinion,this is our duty to help those who are in troubles.‎ 答案:‎ One day,I was walking home after school when an old man fell onto the road.Many people passed by, no one took action.Some of them said it was none of their business;others worried that if they helped him,they might into a difficult situation.Seeing what had happened,I called 120 immediately.While waiting the ambulance,I took my coat to keep the old man warm.In no time the ambulance came.Having helped the doctors carry him into ambulance,I felt relieved.In my opinion, is our duty to help those who are in .‎ C I'm going to study in the senior middle school on September.I can live either at school and at home.But I can't decide because both has advantages and disadvantages.At home,I have my own room,but I can have a good sleep.However,I have to share one room with 5-6 student at school.Maybe I can't sleep good.It's a problem.Although I can have ‎ better food at home,I enjoy eat with my classmates.I think it's a great fun and I can make more friends.If I live at home,I'll have ride to school.It's a waste of time and not safely.It's so hard to make a decision.‎ 答案:‎ I'm going to study in the senior middle school September.I can live either at school at home.But I can't decide because both advantages and disadvantages.At home,I have my own room, I can have a good sleep.However,I have to share one room with 5-6 at school.Maybe I can't sleep .It's a problem.Although I can have better food at home,I enjoy with my classmates.I think it's great fun and I can make more friends.If I live at home,I'll have ride to school.It's a waste of time and not .It's so hard to make a decision.‎ D Beijing has lots of famous tourist attractions.Every year many tourist come here to enjoy its beautiful scenery and rich culture.But several years ago,visitors behave badly.Some talked loudly in public and threw litter everywhere.Some picked flowers,cutting down trees and hurt animals.And even better,some painted on the walls and smoked in the woods.‎ Luckily,things has changed.Rubbish is always put into dustbins.People are friendly at animals.Everybody smokes in the woods.All these changes make us happily.As student,I think we should ‎ know it's our duty to protect the environment.Let's to change our behaviour when we travel.‎ 答案:‎ Beijing has lots of famous tourist attractions.Every year many come here to enjoy its beautiful scenery and rich culture.But several years ago,visitors badly.Some talked loudly in public and threw litter everywhere.Some picked flowers, down trees and hurt animals.And even ,some painted on the walls and smoked in the woods.‎ Luckily,things changed.Rubbish is always put into dustbins.People are friendly animals. smokes in the woods.All these changes make us .As student,I think we should know it's our duty to protect the environment.Let's change our behaviour when we travel.‎ 训练3‎ A(导学号59430108)‎ Dear Friend,‎ As you got up this morning,I watched you and hoped you would talk to me,asked my opinion or thanking me something good that happened in your life yesterday.But I noticed you were too busily.I waited again.When you ran around the house getting ready I knew it would be a few minutes for you to stop and say a hello,but you were too busy.At one point you have to wait fifteen minutes with nothing to do ‎ except sitting in a chair.Then I saw you jump to your foot.I thought you wanted to talk to me and you ran to the phone and calling a friend.‎ Love always.‎ Your Friend,‎ Jesus 答案:‎ Dear Friend,‎ As you got up this morning,I watched you and hoped you would talk to me, my opinion or thanking me something good that happened in your life yesterday.But I noticed you were too .I waited again.When you ran around the house getting ready I knew would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello,but you were too busy.At one point you to wait fifteen minutes with nothing to do except in a chair.Then I saw you jump to your .I thought you wanted to talk to me you ran to the phone and a friend.‎ Love always.‎ Your Friend,‎ Jesus B Recently,I got package notice from the post office.I was not expecting a package.I thought,“Oh no,it's probably a package from some companies that I will not want.But I will have to go to the trouble of send it back.” Late that day a good friend mentioned to me that I ‎ should be getting anything in the mail from him.Well,my attitude on the package waiting for me at the post office change immediately.Because I now knew who had been sent it!I went to the post office as soon as I could.I was delightful to get a set of stainless steel pots from my friend.‎ 答案:‎ Recently,I got package notice from the post office.I was not expecting a package.I thought,“Oh no,it's probably a package from some that I will not want. I will have to go to the trouble of it back.” that day a good friend mentioned to me that I should be getting in the mail from him.Well,my attitude the package waiting for me at the post office immediately.Because I now knew who had sent it!I went to the post office as soon as I could.I was to get a set of stainless steel pots from my friend.‎ C It was an unusual cold day.Spring had arrived and everything was alive with colour.So a cold front had brought winter's cold back.I sit with two friends by the window of restaurant just off the corner of the town square.The food were especially good that day.As we talked,my attention was drawn outside,across the street.There,walking into town,was a man which appeared to be carrying all his goods on his back.She was carrying a well-worn sign,reads “I will work for food.” My ‎ heart was sank.We continued with our meals,but his image lasted in my mind.‎ 答案:‎ It was an cold day.Spring had arrived and everything was alive with colour. a cold front had brought winter's cold back.I with two friends by the window of restaurant just off the corner of the town square.The food especially good that day.As we talked,my attention was drawn outside,across the street.There,walking into town,was a man appeared to be carrying all his goods on his back. was carrying a well-worn sign, “I will work for food.” My heart sank.We continued with our ,but his image lasted in my mind.‎ D When I was seven years old and my sister were only four,our father was killed in an automobile accident just two week after his twenty-seventh birthday.Mum was disappointing.Although we were really so young to understand what was going on,but I knew life would never be quite the same.We had a nice home,plenty of that we needed,but we miss our father.About every evening we would go to our grandparent's house for visit.My grandmother had begun working part time at Kentucky Fried Chicken.His boss was a nice young man named Charles which got to know my mother and fell in love with her later.‎ 答案:‎ When I was seven years old and my sister only four,our father was killed in an automobile accident just two after his twenty-seventh birthday.Mum was .Although we were really young to understand what was going on, I knew life would never be quite the same.We had a nice home,plenty of we needed,but we our father.About every evening we would go to our grandparent's house for visit.My grandmother had begun working part time at Kentucky Fried Chicken. boss was a nice young man named Charles got to know my mother and fell in love with her later.‎ 训练4‎ A(导学号59430109)‎ Dear John,‎ I heard you were injured in a accident and stay in hospital now.I feel so sorry for you.The classmates and me plan to see you next week.Don't hesitate to turning to us if there is everything we can do for you.In addition,don't worry at your school work.We will help you make it up when you return back to school.During recovery in hospital,try to keep a good mood,which help improve your health.What's more,eat more fruits or drink more water than usually.Always follow the doctors' advices.It's very important. Looking forward to your coming back.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 答案:‎ Dear John,‎ I heard you were injured in accident and stay in hospital now.I feel so sorry for you.The classmates and plan to see you next week.Don't hesitate to to us if there is we can do for you.In addition,don't worry your school work.We will help you make it up when you return to school.During recovery in hospital,try to keep a good mood,which improve your health.What's more,eat more fruits drink more water than .Always follow the doctors' .It's very important. Looking forward to your coming back.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua B(导学号59430110)‎ In our life,everyone is surely to have difficulties.It is the same with me.I still remember how worried I am about my English learning three years ago.I found it difficult to following my teacher in the English class.Beside,my classmates often laughed at me because my poor English.So I was determined to do something about it.Firstly,I took a part in the English Corner that I met many friends.They willing shared their methods of learning English with me.I also found it useful to keep English diaries.What's more,you talked with friends on the Internet ‎ and exchanged emails in English.As a result,I made great progresses in learning English.‎ 答案:‎ In our life,everyone is to have difficulties.It is the same with me.I still remember how worried I about my English learning three years ago.I found it difficult to my teacher in the English class.,my classmates often laughed at me because my poor English.So I was determined to do something about it.Firstly,I took part in the English Corner I met many friends.They shared their methods of learning English with me.I also found it useful to keep English diaries.What's more, talked with friends on the Internet and exchanged emails in English.As a result,I made great in learning English.‎ C The trip of Shanghai with my family left a deep impression on me.I remember I was so excited to fall asleep the day before we set off.Boarding the train,I found it crowded with people but we didn't get a seat.Therefore we keep standing all the way.Eventually we reached Shanghai.The first thing I did was lie in bed to have a rest because we were all tired out.But early the next day,I jumped out of bed excited.My aunt took my family around Shanghai and we visit many places of interests.I deeply attracted by the beauty of the city.I made up ‎ my own mind to study in Shanghai‎ ‎University after graduating from high school.‎ 答案:‎ The trip Shanghai with my family left a deep impression on me.I remember I was excited to fall asleep the day before we set off.Boarding the train,I found it crowded with people we didn't get a seat.Therefore we standing all the way.Eventually we reached Shanghai.The first thing I did was in bed to have a rest because we were all tired out.But early the next day,I jumped out of bed .My aunt took my family around Shanghai and we many places of .I deeply attracted by the beauty of the city.I made up my mind to study in Shanghai‎ ‎University after graduating from high school.‎ D I want to share one of the things that I'm proud here.It dated back to the summer three years ago.I was preparing for the new life in high school.I put that I needed in a big box.The big day had arrived.I said goodbye to my parents and then got on the bus by me.I felt proud and excited.I thought there would be something interested waiting for me.On arrival I found many student accompanied by their parents.I feel sad at first but soon threw this feeling away.I managed to carrying my luggage to my dorm on my own.Though tired,I felt very proud.I became more dependent through it.‎ 答案:‎ I want to share one of the things that I'm proud here.It back to the summer three years ago.I was preparing for the new life in high school.I put I needed in a big box.The big day arrived.I said goodbye to my parents and then got on the bus by .I felt proud and excited.I thought there would be something waiting for me.On arrival I found many accompanied by their parents.I sad at first but soon threw this feeling away.I managed to my luggage to my dorm on my own.Though tired,I felt very proud.I became more through it.‎ 训练5‎ A I still remember the day which I learned the importance of following the traffic rules.It was warm Saturday afternoon.I went shopping with some of my best friends.We bought what we were needed and had a good time.But when we went home,we had a narrowly escape.The street was crowded and the zebra crossing was about 50 metres ahead.So we were too tiring and decided to cross the street directly.Hardly have we reached the middle of the street when we heard a sharp noise.A car stopped just two foot away from me.What dangerous it was! From then on I really got to know the importance of obey the traffic rules.‎ 答案:‎ I still remember the day I learned the importance of following the traffic rules.It was warm Saturday afternoon.I went shopping with some of my best friends.We bought what we needed and had a good time.But when we went home,we had a escape.The street was crowded and the zebra crossing was about 50 metres ahead. we were too and decided to cross the street directly.Hardly we reached the middle of the street when we heard a sharp noise.A car stopped just two away from me. dangerous it was! From then on I really got to know the importance of the traffic rules.‎ B How often should you pay a visit the dentist,then? A medical magazine,that provides guidance,say that the frequency of dental visits all depends on the individual.It recommends that children go at least once a year because their teeth can become bad fast,while adults without problem can wait as long as two years.That they even go longer than two years are OK for people who have been caring for his teeth.Similar advice is giving elsewhere.An expert group review the evidence in Finland back in 2001 had recommended that under-18s who are at low risk visit between every 18 months and two years.‎ 答案:‎ How often should you pay a visit the dentist,then? A medical magazine, provides guidance, that the frequency of dental ‎ visits all depends on the individual.It recommends that children go at least once a year because their teeth can become bad ,while adults without can wait as long as two years.That they even go longer than two years OK for people who have been caring for teeth.Similar advice is elsewhere.An expert group the evidence in Finland back in 2001 recommended that under-18s who are at low risk visit between every 18 months and two years.‎ C Hi Thomas,‎ How is everything with you recently? I'm very exciting because I have applied for a holiday job,taught English conversation in a teacher training college near Shanghai.I'm a bit of worried because I don't know if I should bring some present for the teachers I'll meet.Should I shake hands when I meet people,or just smiling? What topics will my students want to talk then? Might I say or do something that will seem rudely? This may seem unimportant with you,but I want to plan everything in advance,or I'd love to know what you think.You had been to China before.‎ Looking forward to your reply.‎ All the best,‎ Bruno 答案:‎ Hi Thomas,‎ How is everything with you recently? I'm very because I have applied for a holiday job, English conversation in a teacher training college near Shanghai.I'm a bit worried because I don't know if I should bring some for the teachers I'll meet.Should I shake hands when I meet people,or just ? What topics will my students want to talk then? Might I say or do something that will seem ? This may seem unimportant you,but I want to plan everything in advance, I'd love to know what you think.You been to China before.‎ Looking forward to your reply.‎ All the best,‎ Bruno D Dear Mum,‎ This afternoon,our teacher asked us list what our parents had done for us.I write down a lot of good sides.‎ Time passes quickly,isn't it? It is three years when I became a high school student.Looking back on the progresses that I have made so far,I really appreciate for your support.I know that without your properly guidance,I would not have done so well.However,what still makes me puzzling is how to make my dream to go to the top university come true.Please continue to lend I a hand.I really need your help.‎ Kate 答案:‎ Dear Mum,‎ This afternoon,our teacher asked us list what our parents had done for us.I down a lot of good sides.‎ Time passes quickly, it? It is three years I became a high school student.Looking back on the that I have made so far,I really appreciate your support.I know that without your guidance,I would not have done so well.However,what still makes me is how to make my dream to go to top university come true.Please continue to lend a hand.I really need your help.‎ Kate 训练6‎ A Dear manager,‎ I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised positions as a secretary of English.Here I would like to introduce me briefly.‎ I am a 25-year-old young man graduated from the Foreign Languages Department of Jilin University.I have been a English guide for two years after graduation.As a result,my oral English is pretty well.I have great interest the job.I had much confidence in myself.If I am given to the job,I can assure you I will do my best to do it well.I'd like to meet you at your convenient to discuss the possibility of working ‎ in your company.An early reply to my application will be high appreciated.‎ Yours respectfully,‎ Wang Yong 答案:‎ Dear manager,‎ I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised as a secretary of English.Here I would like to introduce briefly.‎ I am a 25-year-old young man / from the Foreign Languages Department of Jilin University.I have been English guide for two years after graduation.As a result,my oral English is pretty .I have great interest the job.I much confidence in myself.If I am given the job,I can assure you I will do my best to do it well.I'd like to meet you at your to discuss the possibility of working in your company.An early reply to my application will be appreciated.‎ Yours respectfully,‎ Wang Yong B Dear Mandy,‎ I'm not doing well in my lessons at school,especial in maths.My dad says I must try hard because he wants me go to university.He thinks I'm lazy,but it's not true.I work really hard,often study late into ‎ the night!I've tried to talk to my mother,but she always said I have to work as hard like my brother does.My brother doesn't study very hard,and he always gets excellent grades.It's not fair!‎ The only thing I like it is art.My teacher says I'm the best student she's had for year.When I told my dad,all he said was,“You mustn't waste your time in art.You must focus your mind on your lessons!”I'm feeling quite puzzling about what to do now.Would you please help me out?‎ Thanks a lot!‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Lisa 答案:‎ Dear Mandy,‎ I'm not doing well in my lessons at school, in maths.My dad says I must try hard because he wants me go to university.He thinks I'm lazy,but it's not true.I work really hard,often late into the night!I've tried to talk to my mother,but she always I have to work as hard my brother does.My brother doesn't study very hard, he always gets excellent grades.It's not fair!‎ The only thing I like is art.My teacher says I'm the best student she's had for .When I told my dad,all he said was,“You mustn't waste your time art.You must focus your mind on your ‎ lessons!”I'm feeling quite about what to do now.Would you please help me out?‎ Thanks a lot!‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Lisa C Dear Tom,‎ How are you? I am just writing to tell you I had wonderful time at your place in New York.‎ I arrived home,safely and sound.I have something to ask for you.I have been looking through my bags for my favourite red shirt,or I can't find it somewhere.I'm sure I might have left it at your place.Could you look around your house for it? By the way,I am planning my parents' wedding anniversary celebration.I had already invited you and your parent.I wonder whether you would like to come to Chicago this time.What do you think of it?Take care of you and write to me soon.Giving my regards to Uncle Bernard and Aunt Norah.‎ Love,‎ Diana 答案:‎ Dear Tom,‎ How are you? I am just writing to tell you I had wonderful time at your place in New York.‎ I arrived home, and sound.I have something to ask you.I have been looking through my bags for my favourite red shirt, I can't find it .I'm sure I have left it at your ‎ place.Could you look around your house for it? By the way,I am planning my parents' wedding anniversary celebration.I already invited you and your .I wonder whether you would like to come to Chicago this time.What do you think of it?Take care of and write to me soon. my regards to Uncle Bernard and Aunt Norah.‎ Love,‎ Diana D One year ago,I had a special English lesson hold at the railway station.It was quite different from the regular English classes we were familiar to,for we had no textbooks,no blackboard or no fixed seats.‎ Gathering at the entrance of the station,we told to collect as many English words and sentences as possible here.Curious and excited,we walked around the station and looked everywhere,search for any information in English.Whenever an English word comes into sight,the class would burst into the cheers as if we had discovered a new world.With the Chinese translation and vividly pictures,we could figure out its meaning with ease.‎ Now,this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner where I go.‎ 答案:‎ One year ago,I had a special English lesson at the railway station.It was quite different from the regular English classes we were ‎ familiar ,for we had no textbooks,no blackboard no fixed seats.‎ Gathering at the entrance of the station,we told to collect as many English words and sentences as possible .Curious and excited,we walked around the station and looked everywhere, for any information in English.Whenever an English word into sight,the class would burst into cheers as if we had discovered a new world.With the Chinese translation and pictures,we could figure out its meaning with ease.‎ Now,this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner I go.‎ 训练7‎ A It was the Christmas.I saw a 7-and 8-year-old boy wearing a man's overcoat it covered him from neck to toe.The sleeve of the coat were cut short casual to match the boy's arm length.I went to the nearby shop.As I had a son with the same age,I knew the size.A few moments later,I buy a nice pair of trousers,with a matching overcoat.Wore Santa's hat,I went away and gave the new clothes to the boy.The unexpected joy on face thrilled me.Unplanned charity brings a strange sense of contentment that money can never buy.‎ 答案:‎ It was the Christmas.I saw a 7- 8-year-old boy wearing a man's overcoat covered him from neck to toe.The of the coat were cut short to match the boy's arm length.I went to the nearby shop.As I had a son the same age,I knew the size.A few moments later,I a nice pair of trousers,with a matching overcoat. Santa's hat,I went and gave the new clothes to the boy.The unexpected joy on face thrilled me.Unplanned charity brings a strange sense of contentment that money can never buy.‎ B We took part in a voluntary activity organized by our school in Sunday.We gathered at the Sunshine Square and gave out leaflets to passers-by,tell them the importance of environmental protection.The leaflets soon draw the attention of the public.Some of us also made a public speech to tell people some knowledges about protecting the environment.They were also told where to take action in a properly and efficient way.The voluntary activity was offered us an opportunity to contribute to our society but I have learned much from it.I think someone should be concerned about our environment and take active part in improving it.‎ 答案:‎ We took part in a voluntary activity organized by our school Sunday.We gathered at the Sunshine Square and gave out leaflets to passers-by, them the importance of environmental ‎ protection.The leaflets soon the attention of the public.Some of us also made a public speech to tell people some about protecting the environment.They were also told to take action in a and efficient way.The voluntary activity offered us an opportunity to contribute to our society I have learned much from it.I think should be concerned about our environment and take active part in improving it.‎ C Recently a survey has been done find out the reading interests of senior middle school students.With this survey,two thousands senior middle school students from ten schools in Lanzhou were interviewed.They were asking which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles:news,stories,popular science articles and articles about learning methods.‎ The survey show that more than a half of the students like to read news most.Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are his favourite.Only seven percent of the students are mostly interested in reading articles about learning methods.However,the number of students who enjoy read popular science articles doubles that of those which prefer reading articles about learning methods.‎ 答案:‎ Recently a survey has been done find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. this survey,two senior ‎ middle school students from ten schools in Lanzhou were interviewed.They were which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles:news,stories,popular science articles and articles about learning methods.‎ The survey that more than ‎ half of the students like to read news most.Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are favourite.Only seven percent of the students are interested in reading articles about learning methods.However,the number of students who enjoy popular science articles doubles that of those prefer reading articles about learning methods.‎ D Ladies and gentlemen,‎ Welcome to our English Corner.This corner was set up three years before.Every Sunday morning,students from different schools and some foreigners often took part in it.Gather around here,we practice spoken English by talking about everything we are interested.We also exchange my experience in English study.We all have a good time here.Thousands of people have been here when it was set up.‎ We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in activity here.It is a really supplement to our English class and it is welcome by students,their parents and teachers.They all think it is of helpful.If you want to know much about the corner,you may talk to the students here.‎ 答案:‎ Ladies and gentlemen,‎ Welcome to our English Corner.This corner was set up three years .Every Sunday morning,students from different schools and some foreigners often part in it. around here,we practice spoken English by talking about everything we are interested .We also exchange experience in English study.We all have a good time here.Thousands of people have been here it was set up.‎ We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in here.It is a supplement to our English class and it is welcome by students,their parents and teachers.They all think it is /.If you want to know about the corner,you may talk to the students here.‎ 训练8‎ A Dear Sir or Madam,‎ I've learned from the newspaper that your company is looking for a receptionist.I'm very interesting in the job and I'd like to apply to the position.‎ First of all,allow me to introduce myself.I have just graduated from senior high school.I want to find out a part-time job in the summer.I'm 18 years old and have good knowledge of English,especial in terms of speaking and listening.In fact,I win first prize in the English speech competition hold in our school last year.Besides,I'm quite easy-going but therefore very popular among my classmate.‎ I sincerely hope you can give us a chance.I'm looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua 答案:‎ ‎ Dear Sir or Madam,‎ I've learned from the newspaper that your company is looking for a receptionist.I'm very in the job and I'd like to apply the position.‎ First of all,allow me to introduce myself.I have just graduated from senior high school.I want to find a part-time job in the summer.I'm 18 years old and have good knowledge of English, in terms of speaking and listening.In fact,I first prize in the English speech competition in our school last year.Besides,I'm quite easy-going therefore very popular among my .‎ I sincerely hope you can give a chance.I'm looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua B During the travel back to my hometown,in the plane,I sat next to an old lady who looked very scary.She closed her eyes tight and grasped her red bag on her lap.I thought I might be nervous,so I planned to ‎ chat with her to make her to feel relaxed.We talk a lot about our families and experiences.When the flight over,I also helped her carry her luggages.She was so grateful about my help that she gave me the big hug when we were going to leave.On our way out,we waved goodbye.She kept on turning back to see me unless we couldn't see each other any long.‎ 答案:‎ During the travel back to my hometown,in the plane,I sat next to an old lady who looked very .She closed her eyes tight and grasped her red bag on her lap.I thought might be nervous,so I planned to chat with her to make her feel relaxed.We a lot about our families and experiences.When the flight over,I also helped her carry her .She was so grateful my help that she gave me big hug when we were going to leave.On our way out,we waved goodbye.She kept on turning back to see me we couldn't see each other any .‎ C One day,I saw a poster which reads that a speech contest with the topic “honesty” would be held at the lecture hall the next Saturday morning.‎ With my parents' encourage,I joined in the contest.At first I felt at loss about my speech draft.After referred to some magazines,I got down to my draft.Having tailored it for several time,I practiced my ‎ speech at home every day.My parents were more than pleased to see us so devoted.‎ Then came the day for my speech.A few bit nervous as I was,I managed to deliver my speech fluently.I've learned a lot of from the contest.Confidence comes hand to hand with adequate preparations.Well prepared,I can do everything successful.‎ 答案:‎ One day,I saw a poster which that a speech contest with the topic “honesty” would be held at the lecture hall the next Saturday morning.‎ With my parents' ,I joined in the contest.At first I felt at loss about my speech draft.After to some magazines,I got down to my draft.Having tailored it for several ,I practiced my speech at home every day.My parents were more than pleased to see so devoted.‎ Then came the day for my speech.A / bit nervous as I was,I managed to deliver my speech fluently.I've learned a lot from the contest.Confidence comes hand hand with adequate preparations.Well prepared,I can do everything .‎ D During the summer holiday,my parents and I paid visit to my grandparents by train.There was a large number of people and the train was crowded,but everyone helped those who had lots of baggages ‎ and behaved politely.Along the way,we enjoyed beautifully views.At first,we saw one hill after another.Then which came into view were fields with green crops.In a six-hour trip,we arrived at my grandparents' house.Exhausted though I felt,but I was happy to see my grandparents,whom I haven't seen for a long time.It's really an excited trip because it was the first time that I had taken so a long-distance train.‎ 答案:‎ During the summer holiday,my parents and I paid visit to my grandparents by train.There a large number of people and the train was crowded,but everyone helped those who had lots of and behaved politely.Along the way,we enjoyed views.At first,we saw one hill after another.Then came into view were fields with green crops. a six-hour trip,we arrived at my grandparents' house.Exhausted though I felt, I was happy to see my grandparents,whom I seen for a long time.It's really an trip because it was the first time that I had taken a long-distance train.‎

