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Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 1 ‎ Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a and 2. 本课重点活动是‎1a和2。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn some new words and phrase: ‎ try one’s best, successful, imagine, soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie ‎2. Learn some phrases about preparing for the food festival. ‎ make biscuits, learn to cook food, cook soup, set the table, write a song ‎3. Learn object clauses. ‎ I imagine(that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.‎ Do you think (that) the children need to make green tea?‎ I think they need to cook soup.‎ ‎4. Talk about the ways and process to make money.‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/幻灯片 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 复习并导入‎1a。‎ ‎1. (师生问答,讨论如何帮助别人)‎ ‎ T: If someone is in trouble, what will you do?‎ ‎ If someone needs money, what will you do?‎ ‎ (教师引导学生用下面的句式回答这些问题。)‎ ‎ Ss: I think I will ...‎ ‎2. (在黑板上呈现丹尼尔的图片,向学生介绍他的基本情况。)‎ T: Look at the picture on the blackboard. Can you tell me something about him?‎ ‎(学生说出一些他们知道的情况。)‎ T: Is he from China?‎ Ss: No, he isn’t. He is from …‎ ‎3. (教师将Nigeria写到黑板上,然后帮助学生完成这个句子,并说出它的大概位置。)‎ T: He took part in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He won the gold medal. He is an Olympic wrestling champion.‎ ‎(将画线部分写在黑板上,并用肢体语言向学生解释。)‎ Nigeria an Olympic wrestling champion T: Does he have much money?‎ Ss: No, he doesn’t.‎ T: He is a very kind man. He wants to help his poor village in Nigeria. He wants to build a school for the children. What should he do? Can you help him?‎ ‎(让学生说出自己的观点,如果有预习的同学,可能会说出举办一次美食节。如果有,将 have a food festival写在黑板上。)‎ T: Shall we organize a food festival for him?‎ ‎(板书organize。)‎ Ss: Good idea.‎ T: Let’s try our best to make it successful.‎ ‎(板书并解释successful,由success转变而来,并在黑板上列出use→useful, care→careful。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ have a food festival 举办一次美食节 organize v. 组织 successful adj. 成功的,有成就的 success→successful, use→useful, care→careful ‎(过渡到下一步。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 8分钟)‎ 呈现‎1a。‎ ‎1. (将课文中的插图呈现出来,然后放‎1a录音,并回答问题。)‎ T: There are some students in the picture. They also want to help him. What will they do?‎ Please listen to the tape.‎ ‎(放‎1a录音。)‎ T: What will Jane do? ‎ S1: Organize a food festival.‎ T: What will Maria do?‎ S2: Turn to her teachers.‎ T: What will Kangkang do?‎ S3: Try to get more information about Daniel.‎ T: What will Michael do?‎ S4: Make a poster.‎ ‎(板书关键词句。)‎ turn to…‎ get more information about make a poster ‎2. (让学生读对话提出疑难问题,教师在学生讨论时给予帮助。)‎ T: Read the conversation by yourselves and find out something difficult for you and then discuss in pairs.‎ ‎(教师板书几个‎1a的重点句子,分析句中的宾语从句结构。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ I know that he is a Canadian athlete.‎ I think money must be a problem for him.‎ I think we can have it on our school playground on Sunday.‎ I will think about how to organize the food festival.‎ ‎3. (根据‎1a内容,师生问答,进一步巩固强化‎1a。)‎ T: Please tell me something about Daniel.‎ S5: He is a Canadian athlete. But he was born in Nigeria.‎ S6: He is an Olympic wrestling champion. He is still a university student. He is so kind.‎ S7: He wants to build a school for his poor village in Nigeria.‎ T: Good. How do the students want to help him?‎ Ss: They want to have a food festival.‎ S8: Kangkang will …‎ S9: Maria will …‎ S10:Michael will …‎ S11: Jane will …‎ T: I think they will make the food festival successful.‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)‎ 巩固‎1a并完成1b。‎ ‎1. (教师放‎1a录音,学生跟读,用铅笔标出重读和语调。)‎ T: Follow ‎1a and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.‎ ‎2. (将学生分成四组分角色朗读对话。完成1b。)‎ T: Read the conversation in roles and then finish 1b.‎ ‎3. (分组练习对话,并表演对话。)‎ T: Practice the conversation in groups and act it out without books.‎ ‎(学生可用黑板上提供的关键词。) ‎ a Canadian athlete turn to …‎ build a school for make a poster a problem for him get more information have a food festival organize the food festival Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 13分钟)‎ 练习本课‎1c和2。‎ ‎1. T: Suppose we wanted to have a food festival, can you imagine what the food festival will be like?‎ ‎(板书imagine并解释意思,帮助学生回答: I imagine…)‎ imagine v. 想象 I imagine …‎ T: Can you imagine what the food festival will be like?‎ S1: I imagine(that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.‎ ‎(板书)‎ Can you imagine what the food festival will be like?‎ I imagine(that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.‎ ‎(教师带学生朗读黑板上的重点句,解释宾语从句的用法。完成‎1c。)‎ ‎(给学生们一些提示,比如: What about the food? 等。)‎ S2: I imagine that the food festival will be interesting.‎ S3: I imagine …‎ T: Well done! / You did a good job!‎ ‎(学生两两对话,教师鼓励发言好的学生做示范。)‎ T: Now please use the expressions to ask and answer in pairs.‎ S4: Can you imagine what the food festival will be like?‎ S5: I imagine that it will …‎ ‎2. (让学生讨论问题,然后小组进行A问B,B问C的链式问答活动,练习宾语从句,完成2。)‎ T: First discuss the question: What do you think the children should prepare for the food ‎ ‎ festival?‎ ‎ (板书)‎ What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival?‎ T: Just now we discussed what the children should prepare for the food festival. Now please ask and answer the questions in 2 one by one.‎ S6: Do you think(that) the children need to write a song?‎ S7: Yes, I think so./No, I don’t think so. Do you think(that) the children need to ...?‎ S8: …‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 7分钟)‎ 处理本课活动3。‎ ‎1. (教师出示图片,让学生分组讨论,完成3。)‎ T: We know that Daniel is a kind man. And there are also many people like Daniel around us. Now more and more people around us love to help others. Do you love to help others?‎ ‎ Ss: Yes.‎ ‎ T: You are so kind. (出示一张洪战辉的图片) Look at this picture. Do you know him?‎ ‎ Ss: No. / Yes. He is Hong Zhanhui.‎ ‎ T: You’re right. He is Hong Zhanhui. He is also a kind man. He is a university student. He supports all his family by himself. He is great! Can you tell me other good people and their good deeds around us? Please discuss in groups. Then report it to the class.‎ ‎ (板书)‎ Example: ‎ Hong Zhanhui is from China. He is a university student now. He supports all his family by himself.‎ Ren Changxia is …‎ G1: My mother is …‎ G2: Our teacher …‎ G3: …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(教师给予积极汇报的学生鼓励。)‎ ‎ T: Good! There are so many kind people around us. Do you want to be a kind person, too? ‎ ‎ Ss: Yes.‎ ‎2. (小组讨论,记录并汇报。)‎ T: What will we do to help other people? First discuss in groups. Then fill out the form.‎ S1: What will you do to help others?‎ S2: I think I will raise money to help those in trouble.‎ S3: I think I will make money to help the poor.‎ S4: I think …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(每组选一代表汇报本组讨论情况。) ‎ G1:××thinks he will help …‎ G2: …‎ Name Activity raise money to help those in trouble T: Pretty good! / Well done! There are so many kind people around us. I think our world will be full of kindness.‎ ‎3. Homework: ‎ ‎(1)(写一篇关于筹办美食节的短文。)‎ ‎(2)(造五个含有宾语从句的句子。)‎ Section B Section B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a and 2. 本课重点活动是‎1a和2。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands目标要求 ‎1. (1)Learn about the food in different countries: ‎ American chocolate cookies, Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza, South African beef curry, Russian black bread ‎(2)Learn other new words:‎ western, pity ‎2. Go on learning object clauses. ‎ I think beef curry is OK.‎ I believe we’ll raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali.‎ ‎3. Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely.‎ ‎—May I invite you to our food festival?‎ ‎—I’d love to, but I’m sorry I can’t.‎ ‎4. Emotions ‎(1) Reassurance That’s good enough.‎ ‎(2) Regret ‎ It’s a great pity!‎ ‎5. Social Communications Invitation May I invite you to our food festival?‎ ‎6. Attitudes ‎ Praise and encouragement Wonderful!‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机 / 图片(食物) / 国旗图片(本课中出现的国家: 美国、印度、中国、意大利、俄罗斯、日本、南非、希腊)‎ Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 13分钟)‎ 通过复习食品名称导入‎1a。‎ ‎1. (复习一些中国食品的名称,师生用以下形式回答。)‎ T: What’s your favorite food?‎ S1: My favorite food is dumplings.‎ S2: My favorite food is ...‎ S3: ...‎ ‎(让学生一个接一个回答问题,然后老师问下面的问题。)‎ T: Do you know any foreign food?‎ S4: Yes, hamburgers.‎ S5: ...‎ ‎2. (用图片来呈现本课要学的食物名称。)‎ T: Kangkang, Maria, Jane and Michael will cook some food for the food festival. Can you cook something nice for it?‎ ‎(教师任选一名学生问,学生可能不会说外国的食物,引导他说出中国的食物,如rice, noodle或dumpling。)‎ T: Can you cook dumplings?‎ S6: Yes.‎ T: I have a sweet tooth. I think I will cook something sweet.‎ ‎(呈现American chocolate cookies并教学生读音。)‎ T: I have more pictures about food of different countries. Do you want to see them?‎ ‎(呈现Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Japanese sushi, South African beef curry and Russian black bread的图片, 并将食物名写在黑板上,操练几次读音。)‎ Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza, South African beef curry, Russian black bread ‎(教师举着食物的图片,让学生看黑板上的名称并带领学生朗读。)‎ T: Read after me.‎ ‎ (教师用图片快速复习所学食物名称。提示并引出I think beef curry is OK.)‎ T: Now let’s review the names of food learned today as quickly as possible.‎ Example: ‎ T: What do you prefer, beef curry or dumplings?‎ S7: I prefer beef curry. I think beef curry is OK.‎ S8: …‎ T: Pretty well! / Well done!(鼓励发言好的学生。)‎ T: We have prepared so many kinds of food for the food festival. That’s good enough. I believe we’ll make a lot of money for Daniel Igali.‎ ‎(将‎1a重点句子呈现在黑板上,并讲解句子。)‎ I have a sweet tooth.‎ I think beef curry is OK.‎ That’s good enough.‎ I believe we’ll raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali.‎ T: Read the sentences together.‎ T: There are two sentences using object clauses. Can you find them?‎ ‎(简单复习一遍宾语从句结构,鼓励回答正确的学生。)‎ Ss: Yes, I can. They are the second one and the fourth one.‎ T: Good! Can you make a sentence like them?‎ S9: Yes. I think that …‎ S10: Yes. I believe that …‎ T: Well done.‎ ‎(导入下一步。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)‎ 呈现本课‎1a。‎ ‎1. (听‎1a录音,回答问题。)‎ T: Kangkang and his friends are preparing for the food festival. What would they cook for it? Let’s listen to ‎1a, and find out the answers.‎ ‎(教师指向黑板上写的食物的名称。)‎ T: Please match Kangkang, Maria, Jane and Michael with the food they would cook. Now, let’s begin.‎ Kangkang A. chocolate cookies B. cheese pies Maria C. curries D. beef curry E. black bread Jane F. sushi G. fried rice Michael H. pizza I. dumplings ‎ (听完录音后,选一名学生连线,然后核对答案。)‎ ‎ T: Who will come to match?‎ ‎2. (再听‎1a录音,找出关键句并回答下列问题。)‎ T: Listen to ‎1a again, find out the key sentences and answer the following questions: ‎ ‎ (板书)‎ Does Michael have a sweet tooth?‎ What does Jane plan to cook?‎ Does Kangkang think Chinese fried rice and Japanese sushi are easy to cook?‎ What does Maria want to serve?‎ ‎(任选几名学生来回答问题,检查学生对课文的理解情况。)‎ ‎(核对答案。鼓励发言好的学生。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ plan to do sth.‎ be sure that …‎ ‎(教师解释‎1a中的语言点。)‎ ‎3. (让学生根据黑板上食物的名称复述课文。)‎ T: Look at the names of the food on the blackboard, and try to tell us what they will cook for the food festival. You can begin like this:‎ In the food festival, Kangkang will cook …, Maria will cook …, Michael will cook …, Jane will cook …‎ ‎(学生讲述时,给予适当帮助。鼓励大胆讲述的学生。)‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)‎ 巩固‎1a并完成1b。‎ ‎1. (教师放‎1a录音,学生跟读并用铅笔标出重读和语调。)‎ T: Listen to ‎1a and follow it. Please mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.‎ ‎2. (小组活动。将不同的图片分发到学生的手里,图片里的食物就是要准备的食物并与文中的食物做替换练习。)‎ T: Now I’ll give you the pictures of different foods and then use them to practice ‎1a.‎ ‎3. (利用带有各国国旗的图片,练习1b中国家的名称。)‎ T: We have learnt many kinds of foods. Different countries have different foods. Let’s look at the flags of the countries and please speak out the names of the countries. If you can, please say as quickly as possible. If you can’t, you can look at the flags in 1b.‎ ‎(做好预习的学生会很快地说出国名。)‎ ‎(让学生用国旗与对话中出现的食物配对。完成1b。)‎ T: Match the foods mentioned in the conversation with the flags of the countries. Finish 1b.‎ ‎(教师在学生中走动,可以适当地提供帮助。)‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)‎ 练习2和3。‎ ‎ 1. (先提出问题,再听录音回答问题。完成2。)‎ T: All the foods are delicious. We are sure the food festival will be wonderful. We know ‎ ‎ Kangkang will invite Daniel to the food festival. If you are Kangkang, what will you talk ‎ ‎ to Daniel? If you are Daniel, what will you talk to Kangkang? Please listen to the tape ‎ ‎ and answer the questions on the blackboard.‎ ‎(板书)‎ ‎(1) How many people are there in 2? Who are they?‎ ‎(2) What are Kangkang’s classmates going to do for Daniel Igali?‎ ‎(3) Is Daniel coming to their food festival?‎ ‎(同时引导学生复习邀请句式: Would you like to …? May I …? I’d love to, but …)‎ ‎(教师板书目标语言。)‎ May I invite you to our food festival?‎ I’d love to, but I’m sorry I can’t, because I have no time these days.‎ ‎(阅读2,让学生找出他们不理解的内容,教师板书并讲解。)‎ T: Read 2, and find out the sentences you don’t understand.‎ I know you want to build a new school for your village.‎ So my friends and I decided to help you raise some money.‎ We decided to make a poster about you.‎ ‎(听2录音,并跟读。)‎ T: Listen to 2 and read after it.‎ ‎2. (听3录音,并填空。)‎ T: Kangkang and Daniel talked a lot on QQ. It’s a pity that Daniel can’t come to the food ‎ festival. But he will send an e-mail later. Now let’s review something about Daniel and what Michael planned to do. Please listen to 3 and finish it. Two minutes later, I’ll ask some students to read the passage and check the answers.‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 7分钟)‎ 进一步掌握食品名称。‎ ‎1. (让学生模拟在QQ里聊天,给几分钟准备后,让几对学生上台表演,尽量用上所学食物名称和句型。)‎ T: Have you ever chatted on QQ?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Suppose you and your friends were on QQ. You are chatting about preparing for the food festival. Try to chat the food learned today. Please work in pairs, and then I’ll ask some pairs to act them out.‎ S1: Will you come to the food festival?‎ S2: Yes. ‎ S1: What will you cook?‎ S2: I plan / decide / want to cook … What about you?‎ S1: I plan to cook …‎ ‎(教师给予学生们鼓励,指出不妥之处。)‎ ‎2. T: How many flags do you know? Draw the flags, write out the English names and the food eaten in that country. Then fill the form out.‎ Flag ‎ Country Food ‎(填完后,选出一些做得好的学生给予鼓励,表格张贴。)‎ ‎3. Homework: ‎ ‎(1)(让学生就食物与自己的同伴编一段对话。)‎ ‎(2)(记住国旗和国家的名称。)‎ Ⅳ. 疑点探究 ‎ I’m sure that selling fried rice and dumplings will make a lot of money.‎ ‎ I believe we’ll raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali.‎ ‎ 与money搭配时make和raise的不同:‎ ‎ make: to earn or gain money(挣钱;赚钱)‎ ‎ raise: to bring or collect money or people together(筹募;征集)‎ Section C Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a and ‎2a. 本课重点活动是‎1a和‎2a。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn new word and phrases: ‎ hold on, in order to, supply ‎2. Review the expressions of making a phone call. ‎ Extension six zero zero six, please.‎ Hold on, please.‎ ‎3. Hope and wish ‎ Hope to see you then!‎ Please give my best wishes to your friends.‎ ‎4. Social Communications ‎(1)Making telephone calls Hold on, please.‎ ‎(2)Invitation You must come to our food festival.‎ ‎5. Emotions Surprise How surprising!‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/食物图片/国旗图片/自制邀请函/小黑板/幻灯片 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 13分钟)‎ 复习食物和各个国家的名称并呈现邀请对话,导入新课。‎ ‎1. (复习Section B的食物名和各国家的国旗。)‎ T: I’ll show some pictures about foods and flags. Please stand up and speak out the names as quickly as possible without books. If you can’t , you can look at the books.‎ ‎(分层次由易到难要求学生快速说出单词,来个热身。)‎ ‎2. (复习Section B, ‎1a的对话。)‎ T: Now, let’s act out the dialog we learned last class. Let me choose four students from each group to act out the dialog. Let’s see which group will do best.‎ ‎(分组表演对话,引入竞争机制。)‎ G1: …‎ G2: …‎ ‎(在每组表演完之后,给予评价。)‎ T: Well done! / Pretty good! / Wonderful! Which group did best?‎ ‎(让学生自评。)‎ Ss: Group ××.‎ T: Congratulations, Group …‎ ‎3. (呈现邀请对话,导入新课。)‎ ‎ T: Kangkang has invited Daniel to the food festival. If you are Kangkang, would you like to invite me? Who will try?‎ ‎ (让学生来表演对话。)‎ ‎ S1: Would you like to come to the food festival?‎ ‎ T: Yes. I’d like to. When will you have it?‎ ‎ S1: We’ll have it on May 18th. It’s Sunday.‎ ‎ T: Where will you have it?‎ ‎ S1: On our school playground.‎ ‎ T: I’m pleased to hear that. Keep trying! ‎ ‎ (板书画线部分。)‎ on May 18th. It’s Sunday.‎ on our school playground I’m pleased to hear that. Keep trying!‎ ‎ (过渡到下一步。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)‎ 呈现本课活动‎1a。‎ ‎1. (设置问题,让学生带问题听‎1a录音,并回答问题。)‎ T: The international food festival is coming. Kangkang will invite many friends and relatives. ‎ He’ll call Uncle Yang. Will he come with his family? Please listen to the tape carefully, and find the answer.‎ ‎ (学生听的过程中,教师将对话中关键的句子写在黑板上。)‎ Extension six zero zero six, please.‎ Hold on, please.‎ ‎2. (学生听完录音后核对答案,然后再设置几个对话,帮助理解对话中的重点句子。)‎ ‎ T: Do you know Uncle Yang’s telephone number?‎ ‎ Ss: Extension six zero zero six.‎ ‎ T: Good. Can you guess the meaning of “extension”?‎ ‎ (通过上下文猜词意,训练学生猜词能力,写出汉语“分机”。解释分机,总机及接线员要转分机时应说的话。)‎ ‎ (让学生根据教师的解释与语境猜句意。)‎ ‎ T: What’s the meaning of“Hold on, please.”?‎ ‎ Ss: Wait a moment.‎ ‎ (根据语境与学生一起理解板书中的两个句子,学生如果猜不出,教师给予适当的汉语解释。)‎ ‎ (通过板书中的句子,让学生对‎1a内容有了整体的印象,使思路连贯。)‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)‎ 巩固‎1a并完成1b。‎ ‎1. (让学生听‎1a录音并模仿,注意对话中的语音语调。)‎ T: Listen to ‎1a and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.‎ ‎2. (分角色表演对话。)‎ T: Work in groups. Boys act as Kangkang. Girls act as Uncle Yang. I’ll be the operator.‎ ‎3. (人机对话,提示可用黑板上的句子。)‎ ‎ T: Suppose you were Kangkang. Listen to Uncle Yang and make a dialog with him. You can use the sentences on the blackboard.‎ ‎4. (读‎1a,用适当的词填空。)‎ ‎ (用小黑板呈现。)‎ Kangkang is ____ Uncle Yang to their ____ festival on phone. The food festival will be held on the ____ of their school on ____. They will cook and ____ delicious ____ foods in order to ____ money for a ____ school in Nigeria. Uncle Yang promises to come that day.‎ Answers: inviting; food; playground; May 18th; sell; international; raise; village ‎5. T: If you want to invite your friends to the food festival, you should tell them the time and the place.‎ ‎ (师生对话引入请柬内容。)‎ ‎ T: We can say I would like to invite you to the food festival in our school on Sunday, May 20th.‎ ‎ (将画线部分呈现在黑板上。)‎ I would like to invite you to the food festival in our school on Sunday, May 20th.‎ ‎ (教师任意选一名学生对话。)‎ ‎ T: Would you like to come to the food festival?‎ ‎ S1: Yes, I’d like to.‎ ‎ T: Would you like to come with your friend?‎ ‎ S1: Of course.‎ T: Can you write an invitation to your friend?‎ ‎ S1: Sorry, I can’t.‎ ‎ (学生对于写请柬存在困难。教师出示已经写好的简单请柬,并在黑板上呈现格式。)‎ ‎ T: You can write it like this. Look at the blackboard, and listen carefully. ‎ Dear friend,‎ ‎ I’d like to invite you …‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ Hope to see you then!‎ ‎ Sincerely,‎ ‎ ×××(name)‎ ‎(教师将请柬上的内容口述两遍,让学生对内容有个完整的印象。)‎ Example:‎ Dear Xiao Ming,‎ I’d like to invite you to the food festival in our school on Sunday, May 20th. We cook the food by ourselves.‎ Hope to see you then!‎ Best wishes.‎ Sincerely Xiao Li ‎6. (教师和学生一起阅读1b,并解决疑难问题。)‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 练习本课‎2a,完成2b。‎ ‎1. (设置问题,让学生带着问题阅读‎2a。阅读后,回答黑板上的问题。)‎ T: Daniel received Kangkang’s invitation to the food festival. But he had no time. So he sent an e-mail to Kangkang. You can find some information about Daniel in ‎2a. Now read the passage and answer the questions on the blackboard.‎ ‎(板书)‎ ‎(1) Where was he born?‎ ‎(2) When did he come to Canada?‎ ‎(3) When did he win a gold medal?‎ ‎(4) How is the school in his village?‎ ‎(5) What does he want to do?‎ ‎2. (小组活动。将全班分为几组,每组派一名学生向全班学生汇报有关丹尼尔的情况,如果不完整,同组其他学生加以补充,看哪一组汇报最完整,并完成2b。)‎ T: Please work in groups to report the information about Daniel to the whole class. Fill out the form in 2b.‎ G1: …‎ G2: …‎ ‎(让学生提出疑问,这时学生可能会问到一些新的语言点。)‎ T: Do you have any questions about the e-mail?‎ S1: I can’t understand “Please give my best wishes to your friends.”‎ ‎…‎ ‎(将这些语言点呈现在黑板上,英汉对照讲解。)‎ Please give my best wishes to your friends. 向你的朋友致以我最美好的祝愿。‎ ‎…‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)‎ 训练学生如何发请柬或打电话邀请。‎ ‎1. (活动设计。周末班级举行英语晚会,各组可以邀请1~2位教师、家长、朋友或社会名人来参加。给被邀请的人发请柬或打电话邀请。)‎ ‎ 具体活动细则如下:‎ ‎(1)(决定邀请的对象,发请柬或打电话邀请。让学生自制并填写请柬或自己编电话表演。)‎ Dear Mr./Mrs. __________,‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Sincerely,‎ ‎ ________‎ ‎(2)(设计一封请柬,请柬封面可以加上装饰,或打电话邀请,并将对话表演出来。)‎ ‎(3)(准备好以后,组织学习成果展示: 首先用受邀者个人信息表介绍本组被邀请者,然后朗读邀请函或表演电话邀请,以便学生们判断表演是否符合身份,语言是否得体。)‎ ‎(4)(让学生评出最佳请柬及最佳电话表演,教师逐一对各组表现进行评价,给予鼓励。并要求学生制作自己所邀请人的个人信息卡。)‎ T: We are going to have an English party in our class this weekend. Now, each group may invite 1~2 people, such as your teachers, your parents, your friends or VIP in your community. Now make an information card of the person you will invite. Then I will ask each group to read it or act it out.‎ 照片 Chinese name: __________‎ English name: __________‎ Birthday: __________‎ Height: __________‎ Favorite color: __________‎ Favorite food: __________‎ ‎2. Homework: ‎ ‎ (让学生给自己的老师写一封请柬,邀请他/她参加国际美食节。)‎ ‎ Write an invitation to your teacher to invite him/ her to the international food festival.‎ Section D Section D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。‎ The main activities are 1, 4 and 5. 本课重点活动是1, 4和5。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn new phrase:‎ come true ‎2. Review the sentence patterns about invitation in this topic.‎ May I invite you to organize the food festival with me?‎ What about buying a sandwich for him?‎ Would you like to drink green tea with me this Sunday afternoon?‎ How about eating cheese pies?‎ ‎3. Review object clauses.‎ I know (that) he is a Canadian athlete.‎ I think (that) money must be a problem for him.‎ I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.‎ I believe (that) we’ll raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali.‎ ‎4. Review useful expressions.‎ May I invite you to our food festival?‎ It’s a great pity!‎ Hold on, please.‎ How surprising!‎ ‎5. Learn to make a poster.‎ ‎6. Receiving help That would be very nice.]‎ ‎7. Social Communications Invitation May I invite you to our food festival?‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/自制海报 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 复习Section C,呈现自制海报。‎ ‎1. (检查作业,复习Section C中的邀请对话和邀请函。)‎ T: Now I’ll ask some students to act out the dialog in Section C, three students in a group. Who will try?‎ ‎(三个人分别扮演康康, 杨叔叔和接线员,选两组学生表演。)‎ G1: …‎ G2: …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(教师给予鼓励,评价。)‎ T: Pretty good. Thank you.‎ ‎(任意挑选两名学生口述邀请函。)‎ T: How did Kangkang write the invitation to Uncle Yang? Can you tell me?‎ S1: …‎ S2: …‎ T: Good! Thank you! / Well done!‎ ‎(检查自制的邀请函。)‎ T: Take out your own invitation. Can you show the invitation out?‎ ‎(请学生将自制的邀请函放在桌上,教师任选学生来读。)‎ T: Who can read out your invitation in our class?‎ ‎(教师挑选几张比较好的可以给予表扬。)‎ T: Good job! Thank you!‎ ‎(让学生说出他们所知道的有关邀请的句型和答语。教师板书。)‎ T: Please tell me the phrases and sentence patterns used in an invitation as quickly as possible. Then I’ll write them on the blackboard.‎ A:①Would you like ...?‎ ‎②Let’s ...?=Shall we ...?‎ ‎③Why not ...?=Why don’t you ...?‎ ‎④What about …?=How about ...?‎ B:Thank you./I’d like to, thanks./I’d love to, but I’m afraid…‎ That would be nice./Good idea./It’s very nice of you.‎ ‎2. (呈现自制海报,导入新课。)‎ T: I made a simple poster for our weekend party. Is it beautiful?‎ ‎(将自制海报贴在黑板上。)‎ Welcome to Weekend Party!‎ Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.‎ ‎ Saturday, May 20th Place: In the school hall Enjoy yourselves!‎ ‎(根据海报内容提出问题。)‎ T: Let’s ask and answer according to the poster.‎ Example: ‎ When shall we have the party?‎ Where shall we have the party?‎ ‎(导入下一步。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)‎ 呈现本课1。‎ ‎(方案一) (呈现美食节的海报。)‎ ‎ T: Let’s look at Michael’s poster for the food festival. Can you tell me the names of the food?‎ ‎ (指出海报上的食物。)‎ ‎ Ss: Yes …‎ T: They are very delicious. Would you like to take part in it? Would you like to help Daniel raise money to build a village school in Nigeria?‎ ‎ Ss: Yes, I’d like to.‎ ‎ T: Let’s make his dream come true!‎ ‎ (教师板书并解释画线句子。)‎ Let’s make his dream come true.‎ ‎ T: Daniel is an Olympic wrestling champion. What’s his favorite food?‎ ‎ (学生给出回答。)‎ ‎(方案二)‎ ‎1. (教师展示美食节海报,学生讨论。)‎ T: Look at Michael’s poster for the food festival. What can you see in it? Let’s make a discussion.‎ ‎2. (教师手指Daniel画像,让学生对Daniel做简介。)‎ ‎ S1: He was born in Nigeria.‎ ‎ S2: He is an Olympic wrestling champion.‎ ‎ S3: He wants to build a village school in Nigeria.‎ ‎ T: Let’s make his dream come true.‎ ‎ (教师板书并解释画线句子。)‎ Let’s make his dream come true.‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)‎ 巩固1并且完成2。‎ ‎1. (小组活动,完成1。)‎ T: Read Michael’s poster for the food festival. Talk about the food festival in groups, and then make a dialog about inviting somebody to the food festival.‎ ‎(鼓励学生用所学过的表示邀请的句子。部分句子应写在黑板上供其参考。) ‎ ‎(选几对学生来表演。)‎ T: Who will try to act out your dialog?‎ S1: Do you know the food festival? Would you like to take part in it?‎ S2: …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(表演完给予评价。)‎ T: Good. Thank you!‎ ‎2. (学生完成活动1后,开始为学校的篮球比赛制作一张海报,学生可参考1的海报或老师自制的海报。然后评出做得好的海报,贴在公告栏上。)‎ T: Now, let’s make a poster for our school basketball match. We will choose the best one and put it up on the board.‎ ‎3. (听录音,完成2。)‎ ‎ T: Listen to the tape and finish 2.‎ ‎4. (两人一组活动,表演2。)‎ ‎ T: Practice in pairs and I’ll ask some students to act 2 out.‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)‎ 练习‎3a和3b并完成4。‎ ‎1. (小组竞赛。让学生归纳Topic 1的宾语从句和有用的习惯表达,并与‎3a和3b对照。)‎ ‎ T: Let’s have a group contest. What you should do is to sum up object clauses and useful expressions in Topic 1, and then compare them with ‎3a and 3b.‎ ‎2. (组织学生完成4。)‎ ‎ T: Suppose your school would hold a parents’ meeting. Please help your teacher write an invitation to the students’ parents. The information in 4 can help you.‎ ‎ (让学生准备2~3 分钟。)‎ ‎ (学生写好后让学生将邀请函放在桌上,教师任选几个学生来读他们的邀请函。)‎ ‎ T: Now, please show your invitations out.‎ ‎ (教师对写得好的学生给予鼓励评价。)‎ ‎ T: Good job!/ Excellent!/ Well done! ‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 13分钟)‎ 进一步练习表示邀请的句式完成5。‎ ‎1. (组织学生完成5。)‎ T: Suppose you would have a class party next weekend, on May 25th. Now, you have two things to do. First, make phone calls to invite your good friends to take part in your class party, at the same time, try to get to know their favorite food and drink. Work in pairs.‎ ‎ (让学生准备3分钟,鼓励他们用不同的表达方式,可参照黑板上的提示句型。)‎ ‎ (板书)‎ May I invite you to…? Could you tell me…?‎ What/ How about…? What’s your favorite…?‎ Would you like…?‎ ‎ (让2~3对学生表演。)‎ ‎ T: Who will try in the front?‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ T: Well done! / Good job!‎ ‎ (给老师写一个邀请函,邀请他/她参加你的餐会。选出最好的一个。)‎ ‎ T: Second, make a beautiful invitation to your teacher. Invite him / her to take part in your dinner party. Then we’ll choose the best one.‎ ‎ (让学生准备3分钟。)‎ ‎ T: OK, please show out your beautiful invitations. ‎ ‎(让学生推选几位评委,并由他们选出最佳的。)‎ ‎(教师给予鼓励、评价。)‎ T: Congratulations! ××.‎ ‎2. Homework: ‎ ‎(1)(让学生根据自己的朋友最喜欢的食物和饮料列一个购物单。)‎ ‎(2)(给自己学校的篮球赛制作一张海报。)‎ Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 2 [‎ Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a and ‎2a. 本课重点活动是‎1a和‎2a。 ‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. (1)Learn adverbs of manner: ‎ finely, lightly, immediately ‎(2)Learn other new words and phrase: ‎ cut, oil, add, deep, cooker, pork, cut up, ham, advantage, cheap ‎2. Know how to cook several kinds of Chinese food.‎ First, cut some cooked meat very finely.‎ Next, you need to put some oil in the pan.‎ Then fry the meat lightly.‎ You need to add the rice slowly.‎ Finally, add some salt.‎ ‎3. Social Communications ‎(1) Offering help Would you like me to help you?‎ ‎(2) Praise and encouragement Well done!‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids教具 录音机/图片/厨具/彩笔 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)‎ 复习食品名称,呈现‎1a中的生词。‎ ‎(复习食物名称,呈现目标语言。)‎ ‎(让学生说出要准备的各种食物名称。)‎ T: We’ll prepare many kinds of foods for the food festival. What shall we prepare?‎ ‎(让学生用汉语讨论如何炒肉片,将步骤记录下来,准备1~2分钟。)‎ T: Do you know how to fry meat? Please discuss for 1~2 minutes, and then write down the ways in Chinese.‎ ‎(教师给一些提示词让学生更好地组织语言。)‎ T: You can use“First, Next, Then, After that, Finally”.‎ ‎(选几名学生汇报讨论结果,教师用英语在黑板上板书步骤。) ‎ First: Cut the meat.‎ Next: Put the oil in the pan.‎ Then: Put the meat in the pan and fry it.‎ Finally: Add salt, and fry it for a few minutes.‎ ‎(鼓励发言好的学生。)‎ T: Well done! When we cook food, we must cook very carefully. We must add salt slowly.‎ ‎(板书)‎ We must cook very carefully.‎ We must add salt slowly.‎ ‎(用彩笔画出carefully, slowly, 并解释其用法。)‎ ‎(请一位学生到前面,老师口述步骤,学生表演。)‎ T: I want a student to act it out as I am saying the cooking steps. Any volunteers?‎ S1: Let me try.‎ T: OK. First, cut the meat finely.‎ Next, put the oil lightly.‎ Then fry the meat lightly.‎ Finally, add the salt slowly.‎ ‎(学生随着教师所描述的做动作)‎ T: Good! When we cook food, we must be careful.‎ ‎(板书)‎ finely lightly slowly ‎(教师用肢体语言解释画线副词的用法。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 7分钟)‎ 呈现本课‎1a,完成1b。‎ ‎1. (给学生3分钟,根据1b图片分组讨论“如何做炒饭”,学生们各抒己见。)‎ T: Now look at the pictures in 1b, and talk about how to cook fried rice.‎ S1: ...‎ S2: ...‎ ‎...‎ ‎2. (设置听力任务,让学生带着任务听‎1a录音。)‎ T: Now please listen to ‎1a and find out what Kangkang will cook.‎ ‎(听录音,并让学生回答问题。)‎ T: Who can give me the answer?‎ S3: He will cook fried rice.‎ T: Good. Can you tell me how to cook fried rice? Please read ‎1a, and then tell me the answer.‎ ‎(让学生读‎1a,学生总结答案,教师板书。)‎ First, cut some cooked meat very finely.‎ Next, you need to put some oil in the pan. Then fry the meat lightly.‎ After that, you need to add the rice slowly.‎ Finally, add some salt.‎ T: Read the sentences together.‎ ‎(师生共同操练做菜的步骤。确信学生能熟练说出做炒米饭的各个步骤。完成1b。)‎ T: Who can cook fried rice now? Come and try it. Finish 1b.‎ ‎3. (再读‎1a,找出方式副词,注意其构成和用法并板书。)‎ ‎ T: Let’s read ‎1a again, then underline adverbs of manners.‎ careful + ly carefully cook… carefully light + ly lightly fry… lightly fine + ly finely cut… finely slow + ly slowly add… slowly Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)‎ 巩固‎1a和1b。‎ ‎(听‎1a录音巩固做炒饭的方法。并注意语音和语调。)‎ T: Listen to ‎1a and review the methods of cooking fried rice. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.‎ ‎(分角色表演对话。)‎ T: Boys act as Kangkang, and girls act as mother. Please act out the dialog.‎ ‎(让两位同学上讲台前表演,一个表演炒饭的动作,另一个用英语表达。)‎ ‎(注意表演的动作要到位,如finely , lightly, slowly。从而培养学生的表演能力和合作精神。解释finely和lightly。)‎ T:“Finely”tells us how to slice cooked meat.‎ ‎ “Lightly”tells us how to fry the meat.‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)‎ 完成‎2a,2b和3。‎ ‎(方案一)‎ ‎1. (组织学生完成‎2a。)‎ ‎ T: We’ve learned how to cook fried rice. Would you like to learn how to cook a bowl of noodles?‎ ‎ SS: Yes. ‎ ‎ (引导学生列出所需材料,并用图片教这些生词。)‎ ‎ T: OK! What do we need to cook a bowl of noodles?‎ ‎ S1: We need some water, some noodles …‎ ‎ (板书)‎ materials: water, noodles, pork bones, ham, cabbage, green onions ‎ (组织学生小组讨论,然后汇报讨论结果。)‎ T: We have got the materials. Who can tell me how to cook it? Please make a discussion and tell me how to cook it.‎ ‎ (纠正一些顺序的错误,表扬表现好的学生。)‎ ‎ T: Pretty well. Now please turn to page 62, read ‎2a and finish 2b.‎ ‎ (教师板书并解释生词,领读几遍。核对2b答案。)‎ ‎ (板书)‎ deep, pot, cooker, cut up, onion, immediately ‎ ‎ (让学生每人说一个步骤,不会说的学生请全班学生帮忙。)‎ T: Can you tell me how to cook noodles one by one?‎ ‎ S2: …‎ ‎ S3: …‎ T: Good. Now, I’ll ask some students to tell me how to cook noodles without looking at your ‎ books. Who will try?‎ S4: …‎ ‎ T: Well done!‎ ‎2. T: We have learned how to cook fried rice and noodles. Now let’s talk about western fast food. When we talk about western fast food, we mean …‎ ‎ SS: Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips …‎ ‎ (引导学生做好听力的准备。播放3录音。)‎ ‎ T: Good! Please go through the questions in 3. Listen to 3 and give me the right answers.‎ ‎ (板书生词,并领读。)‎ advantage ‎ (核对答案。)‎ ‎ T: Who can give me the answers?‎ ‎ S5: …‎ ‎ S6: …‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ (表扬发言的学生。)‎ ‎ T: Well done!‎ ‎ T: Do you often go to the fast food restaurant?‎ ‎ S7: Yes.‎ ‎ T: What do you think of the food there?‎ ‎ S8: They serve fast.‎ ‎ T: Is it delicious?‎ ‎ S9: Yes. / No.‎ T: Is it good for our health?‎ S10:Yes. / No.‎ T: As for me, I prefer home cooking. So what about cooking a kind of your favorite food after class?‎ ‎(方案二)‎ ‎1. (让学生读‎2a,然后用方式副词的正确形式填空。)‎ T: Please read ‎2a carefully, and then fill in the blanks with the right adverbs of manner.‎ ‎2. (教师板书关键词,让学生复述‎2a。)‎ T: I’ll write the key words on the blackboard, and then ask some students to retell ‎2a.‎ First — put — boil — add Second — cut up Next — cook Then — put — immediately After that — fill — slowly Finally — add — lightly ‎3. (小组活动。让学生恰当地运用表示顺序的副词进行描述。教师先做示范。如:‎ ‎ 教师让一名学生站起来,走到黑板前,写一个字,然后再回到座位上。)‎ ‎ T: First, ... stands up. Next, ... comes to the front of the blackboard. Then write a word.‎ ‎ After that, ... returns to his / her seat. Finally, ... sits down.‎ ‎ (让学生两人一组表演和描述。)‎ ‎4. (完成2b。)‎ ‎ T: Read ‎2a again, and then give the right order according to ‎2a.‎ ‎5. (听录音,完成3。)‎ ‎ T: Listen to the tape carefully and choose the best answers.‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 8分钟)‎ 进一步探究怎样用英语谈论“如何做饭菜”。‎ ‎1. (要求学生分组讨论自己最喜欢的菜以及操作步骤,然后记录下来,接着向全班学生汇报,由其他同学评价做菜的方案是否可行。)‎ T: Please discuss and try to write down how to cook your favorite food, and then report it to us. You can do it like this.‎ ‎ (板书)‎ Materials: …‎ How to cook: First, …‎ Next, …‎ Then, …‎ After that, ...‎ Finally, …‎ ‎ …‎ T: Excellent! / Great! I’ll try it, too.‎ ‎2. (让学生做一份关于快餐和家庭餐的调查报告。)‎ T: Let’s make a survey about the fast food and home cooking.‎ ‎ ‎ Advantages Disadvantages Fast food ‎ Home cooking ‎ (学生分组调查后汇报。)‎ Example: ‎ ‎ S1: What’s the advantage of fast food?‎ ‎ S2: It’s fast.‎ ‎ S3: It’s delicious.‎ ‎ S1: What’s the disadvantage of fast food?‎ ‎ S2: It’s unhealthy.‎ ‎ S3: It’s …‎ ‎ G1: We think fast food is fast, delicious and … But it’s … ‎ We think home cooking is delicious … But it’s …‎ ‎3. Homework: ‎ ‎(1)(让学生讨论做菜的方法。)‎ ‎(2)(让学生尽量和自己的妈妈一起做面条。)‎ ‎(3)(准备一些下节课需要的图片。包括:面包、梨、黄油、苹果……)‎ Section B Section B needs 1~2 periods. Section B需用1~2课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a and ‎3a. 本课重点活动是‎1a和‎3a。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn some new words: ‎ ‎ butter, pear, piece, heat, polite, spoon, fork, chopstick ‎2. Go on learning object clauses with if / whether.‎ Can you tell me if it’s polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America?‎ Do you know whether they use knives?‎ I don’t know if there’s no need for knives, forks or chopsticks.‎ ‎3. Review infinitives used as logical subjects.‎ In Cuba, it’s impolite to eat so noisily.‎ In Japan, it’s polite to eat soup noisily and finish all the rice.‎ ‎4. Talk about table manners in different countries.‎ In Cuba, it’s impolite to eat so noisily.‎ In Japan, it’s polite to eat soup noisily and finish all the rice.‎ It’s impolite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America.‎ It’s not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.‎ They don’t use knives at all in Thailand.‎ There is no need for knives, forks or chopsticks in India.‎ ‎5. Social Communications ‎(1) Asking for permission Would you mind if I learn to make it from you?‎ ‎(2) Having meals Help yourself to some soup.‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)‎ 复习Section A中的‎1a和‎2a。‎ ‎1. (检查作业,检查学生对知识的掌握情况。)‎ T: Let’s check your homework. Who can tell me how to make fried rice?‎ ‎(板书)‎ First, … Next, … Then, … After that, ... Finally, … ‎ T: Can you tell me how to make noodles?‎ ‎(选一名学生陈述步骤并表演动作,提醒他/她动作表演要到位,体现carefully, finely, slowly, lightly, 复习副词的用法。)‎ T: Well done! Yesterday I told you to cook a bowl of noodles with your mother. Did you enjoy it?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Today we will learn how to make a snack.‎ ‎2.(出示面包、黄油、梨等的图片,引出本课的目标语言。)‎ T: Let’s learn how to make a snack with some bread and a pear.‎ ‎(引起学生注意的同时,教师边用图片演示边讲解。)‎ ‎(出示写有目标语言的小黑板。)‎ First, you take two pieces of bread and spread butter on them.‎ Next, cut a pear into small pieces. Then put them on the bread.‎ After that, pour some honey over the pear.‎ Finally, put them together.‎ ‎(再演示讲解一遍,然后让学生试着讲述。)‎ ‎(教师板书新词。)‎ snack, piece, butter, pear, pour T: Look, it’s easy. Once again, look carefully and then I’ll ask some students to retell it.‎ ‎(教师出示图片演示,学生一个接一个地按步骤讲述。)‎ S1: …‎ S2: …‎ ‎…‎ T: Well done!‎ ‎(引出下一步。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 7分钟)‎ 呈现本课活动‎1a和2。‎ ‎1. (用顺序副词呈现食物的制作过程。)‎ T: S1, could you tell me whether you can make a snack or not?‎ S1: Yes, of course. First, … Next, … Then, … After that, … Finally, …‎ ‎(板书)‎ Could you tell me whether you can make a snack or not?‎ ‎(教师解释句子意思,用彩笔画出whether,提示宾语从句。)‎ T: Good. Thank you! Now listen to ‎1a and find out: What’s Michael’s favorite snack?‎ ‎(放‎1a录音后,学生回答问题。)‎ Ss: His favorite snack is a sandwich with butter, honey and a pear.‎ T: Good. Listen again and find out how to make it.‎ ‎(学生说出制作步骤。教师板书关键词。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ First, take … spread …‎ Next, cut … into …‎ Then, put … on …‎ After that, pour …‎ Finally, …‎ ‎(参照关键词让一名学生演示,另一名学生讲述。)‎ ‎…‎ T: Great! Now, please listen to the tape and follow it.‎ ‎2. (出示汉堡包图片。完成2。)‎ T: We’ve learned how to make a snack. Now, let’s see how to make a hamburger. ‎ ‎(板书)‎ ‎ Add, Put, Cut, Heat(加热) ‎ T: S2, could you tell me how to make a hamburger?‎ S2: Sure! First, … Next, … Then, … Finally, …‎ T: Thanks. It must be delicious, I think.‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)‎ 巩固本课‎1a和2,完成1b。‎ ‎1. (让学生巩固‎1a和2。)‎ T: Please practice ‎1a and ‎2 in pairs. I will ask some students to act them out.‎ ‎(操练两分钟后,让学生到前面表演。)‎ ‎2. (分组活动。)‎ ‎(把学生分为四组,每个小组描述出最喜欢的食物的制作过程,然后每组轮流到前面演示。可以演示已学过的内容,必要时可以加上动作表演。)‎ T: Group work. I’ll choose some students to act it out in front of the class.‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 18分钟)‎ 练习‎3a和3b,进一步巩固不定式作主语。‎ ‎1. (教师出示小黑板呈现“It’s polite / impolite to …”,为学习‎3a做准备。)‎ T: Look at the small blackboard, and then discuss whether it’s polite or impolite to eat in the following manners.‎ ‎(出示小黑板。)‎ ‎□ eat noisily.‎ ‎□ speak loudly during a meal.‎ It’s polite/impolite+to □ smoke during a meal.‎ ‎□ eat with your arms or elbows on the table.‎ ‎…‎ T: Is it polite to eat noisily in China?‎ S1: Yes. It’s polite. / No. It is impolite.‎ ‎(学生讨论完后,教师放‎3a录音。让学生听录音,回答问题。完成‎3a。)‎ T: Suppose we were traveling in Cuba, do you know what is impolite when we eat? Listen to ‎3a and tell me the answer.‎ ‎(学生听‎3a录音。)‎ T: Now, who can tell me?‎ Ss: It’s impolite to eat noisily in Cuba.‎ T: Good, what about in Japan?‎ Ss: It’s polite to eat noisily in Japan.‎ ‎(板书)‎ It’s impolite to eat noisily in Cuba.‎ It’s polite to eat noisily in Japan.‎ T: Great! Please listen to ‎3a again and follow it. Then practice the dialog in pairs.‎ ‎(学生分角色表演‎3a。)‎ ‎2. (不同的国家有不同的饮食习惯,听3b录音,完成3b。)‎ T: We know that when we eat something, there are different table manners in Cuba and in Japan. What will it be like in America, France, Thailand and India? OK, let’s listen to 3b and find out the answers.‎ ‎(放3b录音。)‎ T: Can you tell me if it’s polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America?‎ S2: Yes, I can. It’s not polite.‎ T: And do you know whether or not it’s impolite to smoke during a meal in France?‎ S3: Yes, I do. It’s not impolite.‎ T: Well. Do you know whether they use knives in Thailand?‎ S4: Yes, I do. They don’t use knives at all.‎ T: I don’t know if there is no need for knives, forks or chopsticks in India.‎ S5: No. There’s no need.‎ ‎(板书重点语法。)‎ Can you tell me if it’s polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America?‎ Do you know whether or not it’s impolite to smoke during a meal in France?‎ Do you know whether they use knives in Thailand?‎ I don’t know if there is no need for knives, forks or chopsticks in India.‎ ‎(教师提醒学生注意4个句子的结构,用彩笔画出whether/if并解释宾语从句的用法,然后学生齐读句子。完成3b。)‎ T: Please read after the tape and match the pictures.‎ ‎(核对答案。)‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5分钟)‎ 分组讨论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。‎ ‎1. T: We have learned some useful table manners of different countries today. Do you know any table manners in our country? Please discuss the question in groups, and then report it to us.‎ In ‎China Polite Impolite ‎(小组讨论后,由一名学生在班上汇报讨论结果。)‎ Example:‎ In China, it’s polite to … It’s impolite to… There is no need for… We use…‎ ‎2. Homework: ‎ ‎(1)(谈论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。)‎ ‎(2)(根据所学方法制作一个三明治或汉堡。)‎ Section C Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a and 3. 本课重点活动是‎1a和3。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn new word and phrases: ‎ eat up, somebody, drink to sb./sth.‎ ‎2. Go on learning object clauses. ‎ I want to know whether/if it is impolite to smoke during a meal in France. ‎ ‎3. Talk about table manners for a formal western dinner. ‎ Take your napkin and put it on your lap.‎ When you start eating, you should keep the fork in your right hand. If you use your knife, then put the fork in your left hand.‎ It’s polite to eat up the food on your plate, so don’t take more food than you need.‎ You should speak quietly and smile a lot.‎ When you drink to somebody, you’d better raise your glass and take only a sip.‎ Remember not to drink too much.‎ ‎4. Social Communications Reminding and warning Remember not to drink too much.‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/图片/录音机 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)‎ 通过对Section B的复习,导入本课目标语言。‎ ‎1. (结合whether和if引导的宾语从句,复习Section B所学的eating customs in different ‎ countries, 从而导入本课目标语言table manners。)‎ T: We have learnt the eating customs in different countries last time. I don’t know if it is polite to eat soup noisily and finish all the rice in Japan. I want to know whether it is polite to smoke during a meal in France. I wonder if it is polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America.‎ ‎(让学生回答或讨论。)‎ S1: I think it’s polite to …‎ S2: I think it’s impolite to …‎ S3: I don’t think it’s polite to …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(让学生畅谈学习过的就餐习俗以及他们知道的就餐习俗知识,互帮互学,开阔视野,既检查学生学习情况,又激发学生探究学习、自主学习的热情。)‎ T: What else do you know about how to eat politely in different countries?‎ S4: I think it is polite to …‎ S5: I think it’s impolite to …‎ ‎(教师继续引导学生,并适当举些例子。)‎ Example:‎ It is polite to eat as quietly as possible in England.‎ It is impolite to eat noisily in Cuba.‎ It is not necessary to use knives, forks or chopsticks in India.‎ ‎…‎ ‎2. (导入本课目标语言。)‎ ‎(通过以上语言点的复习,教师及时给学生指出在以上练习的宾语从句中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。)‎ T: Just now we reviewed something about table manners. Do you want to know what is polite for a formal western dinner? Let’s come to Section C.‎ ‎(导入下一步。)‎ ‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)‎ 呈现本课‎1a。了解西餐礼仪。‎ ‎1. T: Suppose you would go to a formal western dinner for the first time, but you don’t know what is polite during the dinner. Do you want to get some advice?‎ Ss: Of course!‎ ‎2. (教师展示有关吃西餐的录像/幻灯片/图片等。)‎ T: I’ll show you some pictures about eating in western countries.‎ ‎3. (教师用手势、动作(肢体语言)来演示西餐礼仪习俗,必要时出示1b中的图片。)‎ T: Please look at me carefully. I’ll show you some table manners.‎ ‎4. (学生阅读‎1a短文,讨论下列问题,并得出正确答案。)‎ T: Please read ‎1a carefully, and it can tell you what is polite and what is impolite in a formal western dinner. Then discuss the following questions and find out the answers.‎ ‎(用小黑板出示问题。)‎ Is it polite to finish eating everything on your plate?‎ Is it polite to take more food than you need?‎ Is it polite to speak loudly at the table?‎ Is it polite to drink too much during the dinner?‎ ‎(让学生再读一遍课文,找出生词,回答问题。)‎ T: Read ‎1a again. And find out the new words and answer the questions. ‎ ‎(板书并学习生词。)‎ manner, table manners, lap, somebody Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 12分钟)‎ 巩固‎1a,并完成1b和2。‎ ‎(方案一)‎ ‎1. (让学生听‎1a短文,注意其中的餐桌礼仪,并复述课文。)‎ T: Listen to ‎1a, and pay attention to the table manners. Later on I’ll ask some of you to retell the passage.‎ ‎(学生在听的时候,出示小黑板上的问题。)‎ What should you do when you sit down at the table?‎ What does the dinner start with?‎ How should you keep the fork and the knife when you start eating?‎ Why can’t you take more food than you need?‎ Can you speak loudly at the table?‎ What should you do when you drink to somebody?‎ Can you drink too much during the dinner?‎ ‎(让学生准备2分钟,以黑板上的问题为线索理清思路。复述‎1a。)‎ T: Now, who can try? The questions on the small blackboard may help you.‎ S1: …‎ S2: …‎ ‎…‎ T: Well done! / Good job!‎ ‎2. (完成1b。)‎ T: Now, choose the names in the box to label the things in the picture in 1b.‎ ‎(让学生准备1分钟,然后核对答案。)‎ T: Well, talk to your partner about how to start a formal western dinner with the things in the picture in 1b. You may begin like this: ‎ When you sit down at the table …‎ ‎(让学生准备2分钟。)‎ T: Well, who can try? Be brave! Come to the front, please!‎ ‎ S3: …‎ ‎ S4: …‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ T: Excellent! / Well done!‎ ‎3. (完成2。)‎ ‎ T: Now, read the sentences in 2 carefully, and try to get the main idea.‎ ‎(在听录音之前,让学生熟悉一下题目,以降低难度。)‎ ‎ T: Listen to the passage in 2 and mark True (T) or False (F).‎ ‎(根据需要,可以播放录音1~2遍。)‎ ‎ T: OK. Let’s check the answers.‎ ‎(方案二)‎ ‎1. T: My friend Miss Wang is going to a formal western dinner for the first time. I’d like you to ‎ give her some advice. ‎ ‎(学生会根据自己所了解的餐桌礼仪给出建议,但会很零碎,故此时教师应引导学生按就餐顺序来讨论,以便梳理知识,防止遗漏。)‎ T: When you sit down at the table, pick up your napkin as soon as the hostess picks up hers, and put it on your lap.‎ ‎(此处做动作让学生了解新词napkin, lap。)‎ T: Boys and girls, do you know how to use these tools correctly during the dinner?‎ ‎(出示课前准备好的图片,激起学生的兴趣,供学生小组讨论或带上实物道具刀、叉、勺、餐巾纸等。)‎ T: I think there are many differences of table manners between China and western countries. We can say that the differences are cultural differences.‎ ‎(教师提供一些例子供参考。)‎ Example:‎ Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.‎ Put your knife, spoon and fork together to show that you have finished that course.‎ Don’t put much food in your mouth at a time.‎ Two glasses for drink, one glass for either alcoholic or non-alcoholic, one glass for water.‎ ‎…‎ ‎2. (让学生分组表演,可采用双簧形式,展开竞赛,进一步巩固强化‎1a。)‎ ‎ T: Now let’s work in pairs and double act. Practice ‎1a.‎ ‎3. (让学生利用2~3分钟处理1b。)‎ ‎ T: Give you 2 or 3 minutes to do 1b.‎ ‎4. (播放录音1~2遍,完成2。)‎ ‎ T: Look at page 65. First, go through the sentences in 2. And then listen to the tape about the ‎ table manners, and mark True(T) or False (F).‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 8分钟)‎ 练习3,完成4。‎ ‎1. (用宾语从句讨论饮食习惯,练习3。)‎ ‎ T: Discuss table manners, using object clauses.‎ ‎ (选一组学生上来配合,给全班学生做个示范。)‎ Example: ‎ ‎ S1: I want to know whether/if it is impolite to smoke during a meal in France.‎ ‎ S2: I think that it is not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.‎ ‎ (让学生两人一组练习3,理解whether和if引导的宾语从句。)‎ ‎ S3: …‎ ‎ S4: …‎ ‎ …‎ ‎2. (用小黑板出示问题。)‎ T: Now, please read the questions on the small blackboard. Write down the sentences according to the example above, using “whether” or “if ”.‎ Is it right to use the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left?‎ Is it right to keep your knife and fork in hand until you finish eating?‎ Is it right to drink from your soup bowl?‎ Is it polite to leave the table during a meal?‎ Is it polite to take everything that is passed to you?‎ ‎(让学生准备3分钟。)‎ ‎(让两名学生在黑板上写句子,并对错误的句子给予更正。)‎ ‎ T: Well, who would like to come to the front to write down the sentences?‎ ‎ S5: …‎ ‎ S6: …‎ ‎ T: OK, read the sentences together, please!‎ ‎3. 全班学唱:‎ ‎ Pat a Cake.完成4。‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)‎ 进一步掌握西餐礼仪。‎ ‎1. (找两名学生到前面来,一人表演餐桌礼仪的动作,另一名学生用英语讲解。)‎ T: I’d like two of you to come to the front. One student tells us the table manners while the other acts them out.‎ ‎(小黑板出示参考内容。)‎ Tools: knife, fork, spoon, glass, plate, bowl, napkin How to start a formal western dinner:‎ First, when you sit down at the table, take your napkin and put it on your lap.‎ You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.‎ It’s polite to finish eating everything on your plate.‎ Don’t take more food than you need.‎ Try to speak quietly and smile a lot.‎ Never drink too much during a dinner.‎ When you drink to someone, you’d better raise your glass and take only a sip.‎ ‎…‎ ‎(请2~3对学生表演活动。)‎ ‎…‎ T: Good job! / Well done!‎ ‎2. (‎ 竞赛活动。教师先从班上挑出八名学生,然后将剩余的学生分成六组,要求这八名学生设计一个就餐哑剧,并在哑剧中有意制造一些西餐礼仪的错误,看一看哪一组挑出的错误最多,教师当裁判,分别给各组记分。)‎ ‎ T: Now, Let’s have a competition.‎ First, I’ll ask eight students to prepare a short dumb play on a formal western dinner. The eight students will make some mistakes on purpose.‎ Second, I’ll divide the rest into six groups. Each group should try your best to find out the mistakes they make during their performances.‎ Third, the group which finds out the most mistakes will be the winner.‎ ‎(让这八名学生准备2分钟后,进行竞赛活动。)‎ ‎…‎ ‎ T: OK, stop! Please report your results group by group.‎ ‎(教师给各组记分。呈现以下表格。) ‎ Groups ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3[‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ Scores ‎(最佳的组,给予表扬。)‎ ‎ T: Congratulations! Group ××.‎ ‎3. Homework: ‎ ‎(1)(搜录更多的世界上不同国家的有关餐桌礼仪的资料。)‎ ‎(2)(邀请同学或朋友一起享用一次正式的西餐。)‎ Section D Section D needs 1 period. Section D需要用1课时。‎ The main activities are ‎1a, 4 and 5. 本课重点活动是‎1a, 4和5。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn some new words and phrase: ‎ course, southern, hot dog ‎2. Review object clauses.‎ Can you tell me if there are two or more courses for every meal in North America, Australia and Europe?‎ I ask Tom if/whether the most popular food in his restaurant is hot dogs.‎ ‎3. Learn different eating habits around the world.‎ In North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.‎ In Korea, people use spoons or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.‎ ‎4. Review how to cook a kind of food.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/录音机/教师制作的纸条 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 13分钟)‎ 复习与食物有关的内容,导入新课。‎ ‎(方案一)‎ ‎1. (复习本话题所学内容,为本课的学习打好基础,并引出本课目标语言—eating habits。)‎ ‎(让学生小组讨论自己最喜爱的食物及做法,并向全班描述。)‎ T: We have learned how to cook noodles, fried rice, and we have also learned how to make butter sandwiches and hamburgers. I wonder what’s your favorite food, and could you tell us how to cook it? Discuss in groups and I’d like some of you to describe it in the class, OK?‎ ‎(引导学生在描述制作食物时,尽量用上First, … Next, … Then, … After that, … Finally, …并告诉学生在家里要多做一些力所能及的事。)‎ T: I’m very glad that you can cook food. I think most of you often help your parents with housework. It’s very nice of you/ It’s quite good (right) to help your parents with housework at home. You should try your best to do your things by yourselves at home. Do you agree with me?‎ Ss: …‎ ‎2. (复习餐桌礼仪。)‎ T: There are many tools used by people for eating, aren’t there? Can you tell me the names of ‎ the tools?‎ Ss: They are knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, …‎ T: I wonder if you still remember how to start a formal western dinner. Would you please tell me something about it?‎ Ss: When you sit down at the table …‎ ‎3. (呈现目标语言,导入本课阅读内容,激发阅读兴趣。)‎ T: What else do you know about the table manners? Please discuss in groups and make a short report. ‎ ‎(要求各组推荐一位代表汇报,形成较系统的对就餐礼仪的认识。)‎ S1: …‎ S2: …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(教师总结学生汇报的结果。)‎ T: I think people around the world have different eating habits.‎ ‎(继续引导学生讨论亚洲国家的就餐习惯。)‎ T: Do you know something about eating habits in Asian countries? Go on discussing in groups, and then each group makes a short report.‎ ‎(学生讨论的过程,教师给学生一些例子,拓宽学生视野。导入‎1a in Section D。)‎ Example:‎ In China: ‎ ‎ In the south of China, people eat rice, and in the north they often eat noodles. In the central and western parts, people are far away from the sea, so they don’t eat much fish. Chinese people use chopsticks to eat. The most popular Chinese food in western countries may be noodles served with fried bean sauce and Beijing Roast Duck.‎ In Korea: ‎ ‎ People use a spoon or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time. The most popular food in Korea is Kim chi (pickled vegetables). (Kim chi韩国泡菜)‎ In Japan: ‎ ‎ People use chopsticks to eat, but they often use their fingers, especially when they eat seafood and sushi. Sashimi and sushi may be the most popular food. (sashimi生鱼片)‎ In India:‎ ‎ People use fingers and bread to pick up the food. Hot food is popular with Indians and Mexicans.‎ ‎…‎ ‎(方案二)‎ ‎1. (以小组形式出现,让学生说出本话题出现的炒饭/面条/大骨面/snack/hamburger, etc.的做法,通过上述复习从而导入新课,指导学生完成4。提醒学生注意用下列各词。)‎ First, Next, Then, After that, Finally ‎ T: Work in pairs. Please use adverbs of sequence to retell how to cook fried rice/ noodles/snack/hamburger.‎ ‎ S1: …‎ ‎ S2: …‎ ‎ T: Well done! Please turn to page 68. Let’s discuss how to cook chicken soup, and ‎ write a passage. Finish 4.‎ ‎2. (教师先示范,用手势动作加实物复习西餐礼仪。必要时请学生到教室前面表演西餐礼 仪。准备实物刀、叉、勺、餐巾纸等。)‎ ‎ T: I have prepared these things (forks, spoon and so on) for you. First, look at me and see ‎ what I do. Then I’ll ask some of you to come to the front and act it out.‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)‎ 呈现有关饮食习惯的内容,完成‎1a。‎ ‎1. (呈现‎1a。)‎ T: We reviewed the eating habits during a formal dinner. Do you want to know more about eating habits in different parts of the world? Now, please listen to ‎1a carefully and find out the answers to these questions.‎ ‎(出示小黑板上的这些问题,让学生带着任务听。这些问题还将用于1b和‎2a活动以巩固所学的关于饮食习惯的宾语从句的用法。)‎ What do people use to eat in North America?‎ What do people eat in the south of China?‎ What do people eat in the north of China?‎ What do people use to eat in the central and western parts of China?‎ In which country do people use fingers and bread to pick up the food?‎ What do Korean use to eat? Is it polite to use both of them at the same time?‎ ‎2. (听‎1a录音,完成下面的表格。)‎ ‎ T: Listen to the tape, then fill in the form.‎ Area Eating habits North America/Australia/Europe China Parts of ‎India Korea Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 6分钟)‎ 巩固‎1a,完成1b。‎ ‎1. (朗读‎1a。从每组中找一两个学生根据小黑板上的问题,复述‎1a,给予评价鼓励。)‎ ‎ T: Read ‎1a out loud, please. Then I’ll ask one or two students from each group to retell ‎1a ‎ according to the questions on the small blackboard.‎ ‎2. (同伴互相讨论世界上不同地方的就餐习惯,完成1b。)‎ ‎ T: Talk about eating habits in different parts of the world according to ‎1a. Work in pairs after the example.‎ ‎ (让一名学生配合教师给大家做个示范,以便他们明确活动的要求。)‎ ‎ T: Can you tell me if people in the southern part of China eat rice?‎ ‎ S1: Yes, I think so.‎ ‎ T: Do you know if it is polite for people to use a spoon or chopsticks at the same time in Korea?‎ ‎ S1: No, I don’t think so.‎ ‎ …‎ ‎3. (选几对学生到前面展示。)‎ ‎ T: Please come to the front and give us a“talk show”. Would you mind having a try? Who can try?‎ ‎ (示意学生回答时要加上动作。)‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ T: Good job!‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)‎ 练习本课‎2a,2b和3。‎ ‎1. (复习‎2a宾语从句。)‎ ‎ (再次出示小黑板上第二步呈现的问题,使用问题来操练带whether/if的宾语从句。)‎ ‎ T: Read“Grammar focus”and make similar sentences, using these questions on the small blackboard. Work in pairs, please.‎ ‎ Example:‎ ‎ I ask him/her whether people eat noodles in the north of China.‎ ‎ Do you know whether people use knives and forks to eat in North America?‎ ‎ I don’t know if it is polite to use both of them at the same time.‎ ‎ (让学生分组练习。可以从每组学生中找几名同学到前面展示,以检查掌握情况。)‎ ‎2. (复习2b。)‎ ‎ T: Read “Useful expressions” and make a conversation using these expressions. Work in groups.‎ ‎(这样的练习是对学生的一个小挑战,要引导学生用最小的篇幅来使用这些表达法。这就需要学生发挥他们的聪明才智——没有创新思想可能就不易做到。可以分小组活动,合作学习,另外在学生表演时,如遇问题,可鼓励其他组给予帮助,完善对话表演,尽量将全部表达都用上。如果有困难,允许学生用到若干个独立的小对话中。)‎ ‎(选几组上来展示。)‎ T: Would you please come here and have a try? / Group 1, can you try?‎ ‎3. (两人一组表演3的采访活动。)‎ Example:‎ Beth: What’s the most popular food in your restaurant?‎ Tom: Hot dogs.‎ ‎(然后再运用宾语从句表演3。)‎ Example:‎ S1: What did you ask Tom?‎ S2: I asked him if/whether the most popular food in his restaurant was hot dogs.‎ ‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 11分钟)‎ 进一步学习巩固各国的食品和餐桌礼仪,完成5。‎ ‎1. (小组竞赛。组织学生用纸做一些帽子,并在每顶帽子上用英语注上一个学过的国家名称,如: Japan, China, Cuba…等。然后将帽子上写有相同国家的学生分为一组,每组写出各国的特色食品,展示结果,进行比赛,教师参与评比。)‎ ‎ T: First, please prepare some paper hats with country’s names on them, such as“Japan, China, Cuba…”.‎ ‎ (让学生准备2分钟。)‎ ‎ T: Now, those students who write the same country on your hats work in a group. Write down the special foods in your countries, and then show us the results. ‎ ‎ (让各组选代表汇报。)‎ ‎ S1: …‎ ‎ S2: …‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ (对于表现好的小组,给予表扬。)‎ ‎ T: Well done! / Good job!‎ ‎2. (让一些学生表演吃的动作,其他学生猜这些行为是否文明礼貌。)‎ ‎ T: Now, I’ll ask a few students to act out some eating habits and the other students guess whether or not they are polite.‎ ‎ (让2~3名学生表演动作,教师提问。)‎ ‎ T: What’s he/she doing?‎ ‎ S3: He/ She is using a spoon and chopsticks to eat.‎ ‎ T: Is it polite to do this during the dinner in Korea?‎ ‎ S4: It is not polite that he/she uses both of them at the same time in Korea.‎ ‎…‎ ‎3. (让学生写一篇关于不同国家不同餐桌礼仪的小短文。)‎ ‎ T: Write a passage about table manners in different countries.‎ ‎(让学生准备2分钟,然后请2~3名学生来读。)‎ S5: …‎ S6: …‎ T: Well done! Thanks!‎ ‎4. Homework: ‎ ‎ (让学生在家帮父母做菜,然后将做菜的方法记下,并在下次课上与大家分享。)‎ Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 3‎ Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。‎ ‎ The main activities are 1 and ‎2a. 本课重点活动是1和‎2a。‎ Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn some new words and phrases: ‎ lady, gentleman, on sale, satisfy, guest, menu, wine, soft drink, bill ‎2. Learn how to order and offer food and drinks. ‎ Here’s the menu.‎ May I take your order?‎ I’d like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.‎ Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?‎ Anything else?‎ May I have the bill?‎ Here’s your change.‎ Thanks for coming.‎ ‎3. Learn some expressions about the food festival. ‎ Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ren’ai International School!‎ The first Ren’ai International Food Festival is now open!‎ Thanks for coming.‎ We’ll try to satisfy all the guests.‎ Let’s wish them success!‎ Enjoy yourselves!‎ ‎4. Social Communications Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?‎ Here’s your change.‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/图片(食物类) /录音机/挂图 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 复习学过的食物及饮料名称。‎ ‎1. (师生互动复习学过的食物、饮料及就餐表达法。)‎ ‎(1) T: What did you have/eat this morning?‎ ‎(随机问几名学生。)‎ S1: I had bread.‎ S2: I ate noodles.‎ S3: I had an egg and a glass of milk.‎ ‎…‎ ‎(2) T: Let’s make a small menu, OK? Work in groups.‎ ‎(解释画线单词。让学生们分组讨论学过的有关食物和饮料的单词,引导归纳。)‎ Example:‎ Menu ‎ egg, rice, noodles, hamburger, dumpling, beef, pizza, porridge, cake, chicken, fish, pie, cookie, drink, coffee, water, apple juice, milk, tea ‎(教师检查各组菜单作品,及时给予肯定和鼓励,调动学生的积极性。)‎ ‎2. (教师引导学生学习有关美食节的词句。)‎ ‎ T: There are so many kinds of foods. What is your favorite?‎ ‎(链式操练,教师出示学过的食物名称的图片。)‎ S4: My favorite food is fried rice. What about you?‎ S5: My favorite food is …‎ S6: My favorite food is …‎ S7: My favorite food is …‎ T: Thank you. Now let’s imagine what they will serve in the food festival.‎ S8: I think that they will serve fried rice, …‎ S9: I think they will serve Indian curries.‎ S10: …‎ T: Well, I can’t wait to see the opening ceremony of the food festival. Let’s go!‎ ‎(过渡到下一步。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)‎ 呈现本课1。‎ ‎(展示1挂图。放1录音,抓住中心意思。)‎ T: Boys and girls! Look at the picture, it’s about the opening ceremony of the food festival. Welcome to the food festival! Listen carefully and tell me what food you heard.‎ ‎(学生听1录音后回答问题。)‎ S1: I heard many different delicious food are on sale.‎ S2: Such as fried rice, meat pie, Indian curries and so on.‎ T: Look at the picture again. What can you see? What do they feel?‎ S3: I can see many people.‎ S4: I think they are excited.‎ T: Good! Now, look at the picture, there is a boy and a girl in the center. Do you know what they say? Please listen again and try to follow it.‎ ‎(出示小黑板,要求学生用主持人的语气齐读这些句子。)‎ Ladies and gentlemen.‎ The first Ren’ai International Food Festival is now open!‎ Thanks for coming.‎ We’ll try to satisfy all the guests.‎ Let’s wish them success!‎ Enjoy yourselves! ‎ ‎(教师讲解学生不理解的句型。)‎ T: These are the sentences for the opening ceremony of the food festival. Do you have any difficulties?‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 6分钟)‎ 巩固练习1。‎ ‎1. (再听1录音,并跟读。)‎ T: Listen to 1 again and follow it.‎ ‎2. (给两分钟时间准备,选几组学生上台表演。)‎ T: Practice in pairs. And try to act it out.‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 练习‎2a并完成2b。‎ ‎(美食节上来了许多客人。假如你是服务员,你会怎样给客人服务呢?)‎ T: There are many guests coming to the food festival. Suppose you were one of the waiters or waitresses. How will you serve the guests?‎ ‎(鼓励学生积极思考,教师搜集服务用语。)‎ S1: Welcome to the food festival! May I take your order?‎ S2: Let me see. I’d like some dumplings.‎ T: I’d like Beijing Roast Duck, vegetable soup. Also I’d like a bottle of Tsingtao beer.‎ S1: OK.‎ ‎(待学生完成后,教师总结并呈现新句型。)‎ T: May I have the bill? (做掏钱动作。)‎ S1: …(提醒学生回答: It’s¥45. Thank you for coming!)‎ ‎(表演结束,教师将菜单及新词句巩固一遍。)‎ ‎(板书服务用语,解释句意。可留操练时用。)‎ Here is the menu.‎ May I take your order?‎ What would you like to eat/drink?‎ Anything else?‎ May I have the bill?‎ Thanks for coming.‎ T: Now, Mr. and Mrs. Yang come to the food festival. Do you know what they will have? Listen to ‎2a and tell us.‎ ‎(播放‎2a录音。)‎ S3: They want to have Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.‎ S4: Mr. Yang would like a bottle of Tsingtao beer, and Mrs. Yang would like a cup of Chinese tea.‎ T: Great! Now let’s read the dialog and practice it.‎ ‎(学生三人一组表演‎2a对话,并完成2b。)‎ T: Good! Let’s learn more about Mr. and Mrs. Yang. Read ‎2a, and fill in the blanks in 2b.‎ ‎(学生独立完成2b,注意一般过去时的用法。核对答案。)‎ T: S5, would you please read the passage of 2b for us?‎ S5: Sure!‎ ‎(教师核对答案后,学生圈出一般过去式的动词。)‎ T: Thanks! Now please circle the verbs with the past form. ‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)‎ 组织学生操练如何点菜。‎ ‎1. (小组活动。)‎ ‎(方案一)‎ ‎(将全班分成几组,每组抽一名学生扮侍者,带上菜单到其他组服务,将点菜结果记录下来。)‎ S1: May I take your order? / What would you like to have?‎ S2: Let me see. I’d like …‎ S3: I’d like …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(表格采用表1或表2,基础较差写不了菜名的可采用表2,打钩即可。)‎ ‎(表1)‎ Name Food Drink ‎(表2)‎ Name Rice Chicken Pizza Tea Coffee Juice Beef Roast duck Vegetable soup Beer Wine Water ‎(最后随机抽几名扮侍者的学生向大家汇报结果。 )‎ S4: A would like …‎ ‎ B would like …‎ S5: …‎ ‎…‎ ‎(如果时间允许,可以请几组完成较好的,到前面表演整个就餐过程。)‎ ‎(方案二)‎ T: Now please act out the dialog about food festival in groups.‎ ‎(分5~6人一组,用自己的话表演小型美食节,串演全部对话。)‎ ‎2. Homework: ‎ ‎(1)(进一步完善菜单——将所有学过的表示食物和饮料的单词全部收集齐,并稍加分类做 一个食物分类表。)‎ ‎(2)(写一段就餐的对话,要求至少10个句子。)‎ Section B Section B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。‎ The main activity is ‎1a. 本课重点活动是‎1a。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn some new words and phrase: ‎ main course, salad, Coke, lemonade ‎2. Go on learning to order and offer food and drinks. ‎ Could I order a meal by phone?‎ We’ll send the food to you in twenty minutes.‎ Can I have the menu, please?‎ What would you like for the main course/ dessert?‎ ‎3. Learn how to make a menu.‎ ‎4. Social Communications ‎(1)Farewells See you./See you soon.‎ ‎(2)Shopping How much would you like?‎ ‎(3)Having meals Just a little, please.‎ Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/多媒体课件/菜单/食物图片 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 复习已学过的食品名称。‎ ‎1. (检查上节课作业,组织学生互评,教师选若干份给予点评。)‎ T: Look! This one is very beautiful! /Good job! /Well done! /Excellent! /I like it very much! /That’s interesting! …‎ ‎2. (由作业中的“食物分类”导入新单词。)‎ ‎ (方案一)‎ ‎ (选1~2份分类比较到位、制作较精美的食物分类表展示给全班同学看,或自己准备一份用多媒体课件呈现。)‎ T: I’ll show you some charts about the foods./Look at the screen.‎ ‎(方案二)‎ ‎(竞赛: 分组到黑板上写出食物分类表,组员可以补充,看看哪个组先写得最多、最完整。)‎ T: Please read the words.‎ ‎(评价作品。学生朗读后,导入新知识。)‎ T: We’ve learned many kinds of foods.‎ ‎(展示食物名称的幻灯片。)‎ ‎(在复习2中用方案二的,可采用以下游戏。)‎ T: Now let’s play a game: I“build”many“houses”. Can you take the“babies”home?‎ ‎(学生将食品名称的词归类。)‎ ‎(遇到生词,板书并让学生试着说出意思,然后边呈现边让学生归类,评出优胜小组。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ tofu, main course, staple, salad, Coke, lemonade ‎ T: Good, all the“babies”are at home now. Do you remember their “houses”? Let’s read them together.‎ Ss: Yes.‎ ‎(导入下一步。)‎ ‎(方案三)‎ ‎(分组归纳食品及饮料名称,填写下列表格,教师帮助学生找出本课生词并在其下画线。)‎ T: Let’s classify the vocabulary about foods and drinks, and then fill in the form below.‎ Soup 汤 tofu Staples 主食 Main courses 主菜 Desserts 甜点 Salad Drinks 饮料 Coke, lemonade Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 8分钟)‎ 呈现本课‎1a。‎ ‎(听‎1a录音,找出赵先生用电话订了什么?)‎ T: Let’s talk about the food festival. Mr. and Mrs. Yang came to the food festival. They enjoyed themselves. However, Mr. Zhao is busy. He can’t come to the food festival. But he wants to order some food in the food festival. What should he do?‎ Ss: By phone.‎ T: Right. Please listen to ‎1a, and find out what he wants to order by phone.‎ ‎(播放‎1a录音后,学生回答问题。)‎ Ss: He’d like fried rice, roast chicken and beef curry.‎ T: Good! Read ‎1a and tell me how to order and offer food by phone. Then find out the key ‎ sentences.‎ ‎(教师板书重点句型,解释句意后学生齐读。)‎ Could I order a meal by phone?‎ What would you like?‎ I can e-mail you one.‎ We’ll send the food to you in twenty minutes.‎ ‎(学生利用菜单编新对话操练。)‎ T: Now please practice in pairs. Make a new dialog with your partner, and the menu below may help you.‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 4分钟)‎ 进一步巩固练习‎1a。‎ ‎1. (通过练听力的形式来复习菜单中的食品名称。)‎ T: Go through the“menu”on the book. Circle the words you hear. Ready? Go!‎ ‎2. (两人一组练习‎1a,然后表演。)‎ T: Practice ‎1a in pairs. Then act it out.‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 14分钟)‎ 练习本课活动1b,‎1c和2。‎ ‎1. (将学生分成4人一组,讨论本节课中食物和饮料的词汇。用自己最喜欢的食物和饮料完 成1b的表格。)‎ T: Let’s divide the class into groups of four, discuss the vocabulary of foods and drinks in this ‎ section, and then complete the form in 1b with your favorite foods and drinks.‎ ‎2. (让学生朗读1b的两个例子,学习用菜单点菜,并让学生组织对话并表演。)‎ T: Please read the two examples in 1b and learn how to order dishes with a menu.‎ T: Quite good! Now let’s learn more about ordering and offering food.‎ ‎(教师板书重点句型。)‎ Can I have the menu, please?‎ What would you like to eat/drink?‎ What would you like for the main course/ dessert?‎ How much would you like?‎ Just a little, please.‎ ‎(教师讲解运用这些句子,让学生仿照例子,完成1b。组织对话。)‎ ‎ T: Please practice in pairs imitating the example in 1b then act it out in the front.‎ ‎(学生表演之后,检查效果,并对学生给以充分的肯定。)‎ ‎3. (让学生模仿‎1a的菜单,自己制作有特色的菜单,完成‎1c。)‎ T: Try to make your own special menu according to the menu in ‎1a, finish ‎1c.‎ ‎4. (采用服务员与顾客对话的形式归纳复习就餐用语。)‎ ‎ T: Well done! Everyone has his favorite food. When you eat out, do you know how to order the food? Let’s ask some students to have a try.‎ ‎ S1: Welcome to our restaurant. This way, please!‎ ‎ S2: Thank you!‎ ‎ S1: May I take your order?‎ ‎ S2: I’d like some fried rice, vegetable soup and fried chicken.‎ ‎ S1: Anything to drink?‎ S2: Some Coke, please.‎ ‎ S1: Help yourself !‎ ‎ S2: Thanks.‎ ‎(a moment later)‎ S2: May I have the bill?‎ ‎ S1: It’s¥40.8.‎ ‎ S2: Here you are.‎ ‎ S1: Here’s your change. Thanks for coming.‎ ‎ (如有时间可多表演两组,教师给予肯定并评价。) ‎ ‎5. (看2图,设置听力任务。)‎ T: Look at the picture of 2. Two girls are talking about what food they will prepare for the party. Can you guess what they want to prepare?‎ ‎ Ss: I think they will prepare noodles, ice cream, …‎ ‎ (让学生猜的同时复习听力中可能会出现的食品名称。)‎ ‎ T: Maybe you are right. Now listen to 2. And check your answers.‎ ‎ (播放2录音,归纳总结,核对答案。完成2。)‎ ‎ T: What will they prepare? Can you tell me?‎ ‎ Ss: Yes. They will prepare fried rice, fish curry, …‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 7分钟)‎ 进一步巩固复习菜单的制作方法。‎ ‎1. (假设学生自己是一家餐馆的老板,要求学生为自己的餐馆设计一份菜单。)‎ T: We’ve learned many kinds of foods. Suppose you were the boss of a restaurant, please make a menu for your restaurant. You can do it with the help of the menu on page 71.‎ ‎ (板书)‎ Restaurant Menu Soups ‎ ‎ Staples ‎ ‎ ‎ …‎ ‎(教师挑选一些好的“菜单”给予点评,鼓励。)‎ ‎2. (让学生复习‎1a电话订餐句型,并表演餐馆点菜的对话。)‎ T: I’ll ask some guests to order their meals in your restaurant by phone. Can you satisfy your guests? OK! Who’ll try?‎ ‎ (如有时间,可多表演几组。)‎ ‎3. Homework: ‎ ‎ (根据Topic 3,Section B所学内容,想象并描述“美食节”发生的过程和结果。为Section C做准备。)‎ Section C Section C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。‎ ‎ The main activities are 1 and ‎3a. 本课重点活动是1和‎3a。‎ Ⅰ.Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn some new words: ‎ worth, effort ‎2. Learn comparative and superlative forms of adverbs. ‎ Maria cooked very carefully.‎ Jane cooked more carefully.‎ I cooked the most carefully.‎ ‎3. Talk about the correct ways to eat different food. ‎ fried noodles —— chopsticks tofu soup —— spoon Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 录音机/小黑板/挂图(Page 69图片)/多媒体课件 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 复习有关美食节的活动。导入1。‎ ‎1. (检查上节课作业,由作业“Tell something about the food festival.”导入1和‎3a内容,呈现副词的比较等级。导入时,先让学生根据自己的想象和作业内容描绘“美食节”,然后用问题形式引导学生完善描述,从而引出本课目标语言。)‎ ‎ T: Boys and girls, check your homework, please.‎ ‎ (检查作业,选1~2个完成较好的到前面发言。)‎ ‎ T: S1, would you like to tell something about the food festival to our class? / would you please…?/ can you try …?‎ S1: …‎ ‎ T: OK, excellent. And who can try? / Anyone else?‎ ‎ (可以请1~2个自愿者上来讲一讲,同时让学生来评价,这样可以避免没有发言的学生开小差。当然也可以就发言学生的描述提出若干问题,以检查学生听的效果。)‎ ‎2. (教师可以利用以下问题来引导学生进一步思考,完善描述,同时便于导入本课目标语 言。)‎ ‎(1)(以下问题使用小黑板/幻灯片展示。)‎ T: Please answer the questions.‎ How did the food festival go?‎ Were the results worth the effort?‎ Who did the students invite?‎ Did the parents and teachers like the food?‎ Who cooked carefully?‎ Who cooked more carefully?‎ Who cooked the most carefully?‎ What food and drink did they sell?‎ Were they happy?‎ How did the students work?‎ How much did they make?‎ ‎(2)(画线部分为目标语言和新词,应详细讲解,便于学生学习、理解。)‎ ‎(3)(因未学习正文,故以上问题无固定答案,重在巩固知识,学习目标语言,提高语言综合应用能力。)‎ ‎(4)(这些问题在学过1和‎3a后还要使用,以检查学生理解课文的程度和学习效果。)‎ T: Please think over these questions above, and discuss in groups. I’ll ask some of you to answer later. You may look at the picture on page 69.‎ ‎(讨论两分钟后,请部分小组派代表来讲一讲。然后给予评价,加以肯定。如果学生对目标语言仍有问题,教师可以稍加讲解并再次练习目标语言,如此重复几次。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 6分钟)‎ 呈现本课1。‎ ‎1. (再次使用第一步复习中小黑板上的问题,引导学生理解课文,获取正确信息,检查学习效果。)‎ T: Just now, we talked about the food festival. Now, read the e-mail which Li Weikang sent to Daniel in 1. In the e-mail, Li Weikang described the scene very carefully. Read it carefully and answer the questions.‎ ‎ T: What’s Daniel’s e-mail address?‎ ‎ Ss: Daniel @ hotmail. com.‎ ‎ (增加类似上面问题,然后与学生共同核对答案。让学生口头回答,或让学生分组竞赛写 答案,看哪组写得又快又好,及时给予评价。)‎ ‎2. (读1,然后完成下面的表格。) ‎ T: Do you know the results of the First Ren’ai International Food Festival? Here is an e-mail from Li Weikang to Daniel. Read it carefully, and you’ll know the results. After reading it, fill out the form.‎ Name Quantity of sold-out food Attitude Maria ‎35 dishes of beef curry Very carefully Jane Beth Li Weikang Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 6分钟)‎ 巩固2,锻炼学生听力。‎ ‎1. (完成2。让学生先看题目,以降低难度。)‎ ‎ T: Now, let’s look at 2. First read the sentences in one minute. Then listen to 2 and fill in the blanks.‎ ‎ (学生听完录音后。)‎ ‎ T: OK, let’s check the answers.‎ ‎ (提供标准答案并板书。)‎ ‎1. four 2. a glass of lemonade 3. a big glass of milk ‎ ‎4. sandwiches, sausages, a bottle of beer ‎2. (让学生再听对话2。)‎ ‎ T: Listen to 2 again. Make up a similar dialog according to the dialog in 2. Work in groups.‎ ‎ (根据学生的特点可以多听几遍。要求学生根据听力对话的形式,参考听力答案,自编对话。)‎ ‎3. (请一组或两组来表演。)‎ T: Who can try? Act out the dialog in the front. ‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)‎ 操练本课‎3a和3b,完成4。‎ ‎1. (学习‎3a。)‎ T: Listen to ‎3a and answer the questions.‎ ‎(板书)‎ What did Mina make for the food festival?‎ How did they have them?‎ ‎(听完录音,核对答案。)‎ T: Let’s check the answers together.‎ ‎(让学生跟读两遍。)‎ T: Please read after the tape twice.‎ ‎(让学生分组练习对话,可以看提示问题。)‎ T: Practice in pairs, please.‎ ‎(选几组到前面示范表演。)‎ T: Let’s welcome Pair A and Pair B!‎ ‎(给予及时评价、鼓励。)‎ ‎2. (学习3b。)‎ T: Now, let’s match the food with the correct way to eat it.‎ ‎(给学生1~2分钟连线,并核对答案,或学生互评。)‎ ‎(分组练习对话,巩固所学的食品名称和餐具名称。)‎ T: Please make a conversation about eating. Practice in pairs like this: ‎ ‎(加入动作来体现对话内容。)‎ S1: How do you eat steak?‎ S2: I use knife and fork.‎ S1: How do you eat fried chicken?‎ S2: I use my hands.‎ ‎(可以请2~3组来表演他们的对话,记得提醒学生加上动作。)‎ ‎3. (学习完成4。)‎ T: Look at 4, and fill in the blanks, please.‎ ‎ (核对答案。)‎ ‎ T: Practice in pairs after the example.‎ ‎ Example: ‎ S3: Maria cuts the meat finely.‎ S4: Michael cuts the meat more finely than she / her.‎ S5: Kangkang cuts (the) most finely.‎ ‎…‎ ‎ (选1~3组学生到前面来表演,然后给予评价。)‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 11分钟)‎ 探究形容词/副词的比较等级用法。‎ ‎1. (讲故事比赛。尽量用上1,3b和4中所学内容,给学生两分钟准备。)‎ ‎ T: Say something about the food festival, especially the scene / the picture on page 69, using the words and expressions in 1, 3b and 4 as many as possible. Practice in groups.‎ ‎(再次提醒学生尽量用上1的内容,3b中有关食物的吃法、用具和4中的副词比较等级内容,用得越多越好。)‎ ‎2. (开展竞赛。每组推荐一名选手讲关于美食节的故事,学生掌声的响亮程度决定名次,将得分记入各小组。)‎ ‎ T: Let’s have a competition about the food festival. Each group can have a chance.‎ Groups ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ ‎7‎ Scores ‎3. Homework: ‎ ‎ (组织你的朋友们举办一次美食节。)‎ ‎ Organize your friends to hold a food festival.‎ Section D Section D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。‎ ‎ The main activities are ‎1a, 3 and 4. 本课重点活动是‎1a, 3和4。‎ Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求 ‎1. Learn new word and phrases: ‎ balaced diet, realize, not only ... but also ‎2. Review comparative and superlative forms of adverbs. ‎ Jane cooked more carefully.‎ Michael cuts more finely than she / her.‎ I cooked the most carefully.‎ ‎3. Learn balanced diet and its importance.‎ We must have enough food and the food must be clean.‎ It’s very important for us to keep a balanced diet.‎ We should eat regularly.‎ We should eat not only our favorite food but also healthy food.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/小黑板或多媒体课件 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 13分钟)‎ 复习本话题呈现的健康饮食习惯。‎ ‎(方案一)‎ ‎1. (复习餐桌礼仪和饮食习惯的表达法,引导学生讨论健康饮食问题,呈现本课目标语言。)‎ T: We all know that people around the world have different eating habits. Would you please tell me something about eating habits in different parts around the world? Who can try?‎ ‎(从第2话题Section D饮食习惯导入自由讨论,既激发兴趣,又复习旧知识。选2名学生发言,也可以分组进行两分钟的讨论。)‎ T: And we should pay attention to the table manners. Would you mind telling me how to eat politely in different countries?‎ ‎(从第2话题餐桌礼仪入手,展开讨论。学生既可以说出所学的饮食文化礼仪,还可以说出他们课余探究学习所了解到的其他内容,互帮互学,开阔视野,复习知识,激发兴趣。)‎ ‎2. (除课本和学生提供的内容,教师还可以进一步提供一些常见的餐桌礼仪。)‎ ‎ T: Do not put much food in your mouth at a time. Drink only when there is no food in your mouth. Do not make any noise when you eat. Do not clean your teeth at table or anywhere in public, not even with your tongue.‎ ‎ (以上为一些常见西餐或中餐礼仪知识。如果学生对西餐中一套刀叉的使用感到迷惑,可以稍加讲解,这是学生非常感兴趣的问题。)‎ ‎ T: Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon is the soup spoon. A fish course probably follows the soup. A fork for the fish is similar to the meat fork and it’s smaller. A salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up. It’s a little smaller than the others. It’s impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal.‎ ‎(方案二)‎ ‎(复习餐饮用语、电话订餐、食物的食用方法。)‎ ‎1. (教师出示Section A,1中的挂图,谈论美食节,让学生总结餐饮用语。)‎ T: Now I’d like to show you the picture in ‎1 in Section A. Please summarize the expressions about dinner.‎ ‎2. (两人一组练习订餐用语。)‎ T: Practice how to order a meal by phone in pairs.‎ ‎3. (以对话的形式练习有关不同食物的食用方法。)‎ T: Make up a conversation about the ways to eat different foods.‎ S1: How do you eat fried noodles?‎ S2: I use chopsticks.‎ ‎4. (复习副词的等级用法,让学生完成句子。)‎ T: Review the usage of comparative forms of adverbs, and complete the following sentences.‎ ‎(板书)‎ Maria adds the rice ____ slowly.‎ Michael adds the rice ____ slowly than she / her.‎ Kangkang adds the rice ____ ____ slowly of the three.‎ Answers: very, more, (the) most Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)‎ 呈现本课活动‎1a。‎ ‎1. (讨论健康饮食问题,呈现目标语言。)‎ ‎ T: Different places have different foods and drinks. Different countries also have different eating customs. However, everyone around the world wants to be healthy. So, I wonder what and how we should eat to keep healthy. Discuss in groups about two minutes and give me some advice, please.‎ ‎ (让学生分组讨论两分钟,然后各组派一个代表汇报讨论结果。通常学生可能会给出以下几个回答。)‎ Example:‎ ‎ G1: We should eat more vegetables and drink more water.‎ ‎ G2: We should eat all kinds of foods, and we shouldn’t just eat our favorite food.‎ ‎ G3: We should have a good breakfast, a good lunch and a smaller supper.‎ ‎ G4: We should eat more fruit and drink more milk.‎ ‎ G5: We should eat more fish and eggs.‎ ‎…‎ ‎ (教师可以引导思考方向,开拓学生思维,同时对学生的发言稍加评论,使他们提高认识,引入‎1a部分的课前阅读问题,了解画线部分的生词。)‎ ‎ T: A good breakfast keeps the body strong. It’s very important to keep a balanced diet. We should eat regularly. Do you agree? / Am I right? I think another best way is to exercise properly.‎ ‎(让全体学生讨论,使他们养成健康饮食习惯。鼓励学生整理发言,便于记忆,教师可以引导归纳。)‎ ‎(出示写有下面内容的小黑板,画线部分是让学生讨论填入的内容。)‎ Health experts said that people should have healthy eating habits.‎ First, we must eat regular meals and begin with a good breakfast.‎ Second, we should have different kinds of foods, such as fruit, vegetables, eggs, milk and so on.‎ Third, we shouldn’t eat so many snacks and fried foods. ‎ Never overeat, never eat too late.‎ Fast food tastes delicious, but eating too much is also unhealthy.‎ I think it’s very important to keep a balanced diet and eat regularly.‎ We shouldn’t just eat our favorite food.‎ ‎(完成上面内容的归纳后,让学生们填写下面的表格。)‎ Foods Healthy Unhealthy ‎2. (出示小黑板上的问题,让学生边读‎1a短文边思考问题,迅速找出答案。)‎ T: Now, please open your books, read the passage in ‎1a carefully, and find out the answers to ‎ these questions.‎ Do we need fruit and vegetables to make us healthy?‎ How to keep a balanced diet?‎ Should we eat regularly?‎ Do you think we may just eat our favorite food?‎ ‎ (让几名学生回答,或分组讨论。)‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 4分钟)‎ 巩固练习1b。‎ ‎(让学生再读一遍文章,完成1b的判断题。)‎ T: Please read ‎1a again, and finish 1b.‎ ‎(核对答案。)‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)‎ 练习本课‎2a,2b和3。‎ ‎1. (复习巩固‎2a重点语法。)‎ ‎ T: Read “Grammer focus” and then make similar sentences using these words and expressions.‎ ‎(出示小黑板上内容。)‎ chop(切剁) pear carefully slice(切片) beef slowly cook meat finely peel curry lightly cut bread neatly spread(涂) onion gently scoop(舀出) mushroom(蘑菇)‎ Example: ‎ Mary chops the meat finely.‎ Alice‎ chops the meat more finely.‎ Tom chops the meat the most finely.‎ ‎2. (复习巩固2b中的重要表达方式。用这些内容编一个对话或故事。选两组学生来展示。)‎ ‎ T: Read the sentences in 2b carefully, and then make a dialog or make up a story. Then ask two groups to act out the dialog.‎ ‎3. (完成3。根据本话题所学的知识,比较中国和西方国家饮食习惯的差异,并写一篇小短文。)‎ ‎ T: Please compare the different eating habits between China and western countries, and write a passage. The information in 3 can help you.‎ ‎ (学生准备两分钟。)‎ ‎ T: Who can try? Please read the passage.‎ ‎ (让1~2名学生来读。)‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 11分钟)‎ 组织学生讨论完成4。‎ ‎1. (完成4。组织学生分组讨论,每组根据本节所学知识填一个星期营养食谱表格,并说明原因。推选几名学生当评委,评选出最合理的食谱。)‎ ‎ T: In order to keep healthy and strong, we should eat different kinds of foods. We shouldn’t just eat our favorite food. Delicious food may be not good for health. Now, work in groups, first fill out the form in 4, and then give reasons for your menu. We’ll decide the best menu of our class.‎ ‎ (给学生三分钟准备。)‎ ‎ T: Have you finished your menu? Let’s see whose menu is the best.‎ ‎ (引导学生给予评价,互相学习。培养学生学以致用的能力,树立健康饮食观念。)‎ ‎2. (小组活动。每小组3~4人讨论健康食品和饮料两分钟,然后各组派一个代表汇报讨论结果。)‎ T: Now, work in groups of three or four. Talk about healthy food and drinks.‎ ‎(给学生两分钟讨论。)‎ T: Now stop. Please report your results group by group.‎ ‎(对学生及时给予表扬。)‎ ‎…‎ T: Well done! / Good job!‎ ‎3. (组织学生分组讨论世界各国不同的饮食习惯,并填写表格,用小黑板出示表格。)‎ ‎ T: Work in groups. Discuss eating habits in different countries around the world, and fill out the form.‎ ‎ (出示小黑板上的表格。)‎ ‎ ‎ England Cuba China ‎…‎ Eating habits ‎4. Homework:‎ ‎ (从因特网、杂志、电视上等搜集更多的世界上不同国家的饮食习惯的资料。)‎ ‎ Search more information about eating habits in different countries around the world from the Internet, magazine, TV… ‎

