牛津译林苏教版小学英语二下《Unit 3 What can you see》PPT课件 (1)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语二下《Unit 3 What can you see》PPT课件 (1)

牛津小学英语 2B Unit 3 What can you see? a plane a train a jeep a boat W h a t ’s m is s i n g ? Sing the song. Letter Family MAGIC EYES: G g bag H h hand Try to find out letter‘ G g ’ in these words. a dog a mango a bag Try to find out letter ‘ G g ’ in these words. a do g a man g o a ba g Try to find out letter ‘ H h ’ in these words. a hand a peach Helen Try to find out letter ‘ H h ’ in these words. a h and a peac h H elen Do the exercise. Check the answer. Homework 1. Listen to the tape , read follow the tape. 2. 根据今天学的 B 部分 , 与 自己的好朋友编一段小对 话。 Thank you

