安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit4Wheresmyschoolbag第四课时课件 人教新目标版

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安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit4Wheresmyschoolbag第四课时课件 人教新目标版

第四课时 Section B (2a~3b) Unit4 Where's my schoolbag? Ⅰ. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出正确的单词。 1. —Are these (收音机) yours?  —No,they're my sister's. 2. My brother and I are in this photo. (我 们的) dog is in this photo, too. r O adios ur 3. The girl is in your class. You must (知 道) her. 4. —Who lost a yellow key? —Sally. I think the key is (她的). 5. Jane is a kind girl and she (总是) helps her classmates. k h a now ers lways Ⅱ.单项填空。 ( )1. —Is Tom's room ______? —No, some books, pens and tapes are everywhere. A. welcome B. tidy C. middle D. well B 根据答语可知问句是问汤姆的房间是否 整洁,故选B。 ( )2. My ______ always wakes me up(叫醒我) in the morning. A. tape B. table C. clock D. box C ( )3. The teacher always ______ in English, “Is everyone here?” A. ask B. asks C. help D. helps B ( )4.(阜阳市临泉县期末)I have a nice room,______ my sister's room isn't tidy. A. and B. of C. but D. for C 前后两个分句之间是转折关系, 故用but。 ( )5. —Pass(传递) a notebook to me, Mom.   —______. A. Come on B. Here you are C. Thanks D. You're welcome B Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 汤姆和吉姆的房间很整洁。 Tom and Jim's room . 2. 我有一个磁带播放机。 I have a . is tidy tape player 3. 这些白色的飞机模型在椅子下。 These white model planes . . . 4. 我认为她是莉莉的姐姐。 she's Lily's sister. 5. 他的玩具总是到处都是。 His toys are . are under the chair I think always everywhere Ⅳ.阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小 题后面的词数要求)。   Hello,I'm Peter.I'm a rabbit(兔子).Look! This is my room.A bed,a desk,a chair and a bookcase are in it.My room is tidy.My pencil box is on the desk.The clock and radio are on the desk,too.I have a model plane. It's red.It's on the floor.My schoolbag is blue.It's on the chair.Where are my books? They are in the bookcase.Oh,where are my carrots(胡萝卜)?They are not in my room.They are in the kitchen(厨房). 1.Where is Peter's pencil box?(不超过5个词) . 2.What color is Peter's model plane?(不超过 5个词) . 3.Where are Peter's carrots?(不超过5个词) . It's on the desk. It's red. They're in the kitchen.

