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五年级下 Unit 4 seeing a docotor 教案
五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (Period 1)教案 一、教学目标 1、知识目标 (1) 听懂、会说单词:headache , fever , should , toothache , have a headache , have a fever , have a cold , have a toothache . (2) 听懂、会说句子:What’s wrong with you ? I have a … … should / shouldn’t … 2、能力目标 (1)能正确地说出表示常见疾病的动词短语。 (2)学会用You should / shouldn’t … 给与别人意见和建议。 (3)能在正确的语境中正确运用What’s wrong with you ?的句型。 3、情感目标 通过本课的学习了解几种常见疾病的动词短语,并了解在生病的时候应该怎么做,不能怎么做。学会关心他人。 二、教学重难点 1、核心词汇的掌握。 2、… should / shouldn’t … 句型的掌握。 3、在正确的语境中使用句型:What’s wrong with you ? I have a … 三、教学过程 Pre-task preparation 1. Warming-up Free talk:How are you today? 通过询问学生 How are you today?引出Mimi is not fine today . 2. Ask and answer T: Where should Mimi go ?What’s wrong with Mimi? 通过观看Mimi生病了的动画,回答问题,引出本课话题:Seeing the doctor While-task procedure 1.Look and learn (1).Show the pictures and learn the new words. 学习有关疾病的单词。(边做动作边学习词汇,调动学生的积极性。) (2). Let’s chant ! Let’s chant ! 巩固操练所学疾病类词组。(创编了一个关于所学疾病类的chant ,让学生在动感的音乐节奏中复习巩固所学词汇) (3).Ask and answer --What’s wrong with you ? --I have a … 通过简单的句型操练,巩固复习核心词汇,为后面的句型学习打好基础。 2. Listen, ask and answer (1)Listen to the dialogue (2)Ask the students some questions about the dialogue 看Listen and say的视频对话,再根据对话回答问题,感知对话内容。这样能使学生形成良好的听音习惯,并注意语音语调的学习和模仿。 3. practise (1)Play a game: ‘Lucky number’! (2)Read and match ! 通过玩“幸运数字”的游戏,让学生在游戏中操练和巩固句型:… should / shouldn’t …再通过 Read and match !的环节,再次巩固重点句型! Pose-task activity See the doctor! Say and act ! 创设情境,让学生自由组合,模拟看医生的情境,表演对话,操练句型,拓展训练。 Blackboard design : Unit 9 Seeing a doctor have a cold have a headache have a fever have a toothache … should … … shouldn’t …Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Story time 一、教学内容: Story time 二、教学目标: 1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。 2.能正确听说读写:feel, should, toothache, anything, 3.能正确听说读:check, dentist, check, bedroom, see the doctor, have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water 4.初步掌握句型 what’s wrong with you ? I have … What should I do? You should… 5.通过情景的创设和对话表演,激发学生在生活中乐于使用英语的兴趣。 三、教学重难点: 1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。 2.掌握词组:see the doctor, have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water和句型What’s wrong with you? I have…What should I do? You should … 3.培养学生听说能力和交际能力。 四、教学准备:课件 五、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Enjoy the song T: They’re health, happy and full of powerful. 1. Free talk: Do you like sweets?(It’s nice ,but eat a little at a time) Do you brush your teeth twice every day? (We should brush our teeth in the morning and before bedroom) Do you like playing computer games/ watching TV? (That’s interesting ,but don’t play for a long time, it’s bad for your eyes.) Do you like drinking water/cola?…… 将相关词组分类板书: Brush your teeth eat a lot of sweets Drink cola Watch TV Play computer games 3.Play a game T: Let’s play a game. If you see the word, you can read it loudly. If you see the gesture, you can say “yeah”. Way:快速闪现单词,学生大声读出 (headache ill tired sad feel ……) 4.揭题:Are you happy ? Yes, we’re happy. But Su Hai and Mike are not happy. They’re ill. They’re seeing the doctor. Step 2 Presentation A.Learn Part 1 1.Watch and answer T: What’s wrong with them? Let’s watch the cartoon. Teach: What’s wrong with…? Way:学生看完动画后回答问题。 Teach: toothache 拓展:earache eyes ache backache stomach ache 2.Read and answer Q: Why does she have a headache? What should she do ?(teach: should 并板书) T: Read freely P36 and find the answer. You can discuss with your partner. Way:学生自由阅读课文第一部分,找出答案。 Teach: have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water板书以上词组: Should Brush your teeth eat a lot of sweets have a rest Drink cola take some medicine Watch TV drink some warm water Play computer games 3.Read after the computer.(P36) B.Learn Part 2 1. Read and circle T: Please turn to P37.Guess two questions. Q: Why does Mike have a toothache? What should he do ? T: Read freely P37 and circle the key words. You can discuss with your partner. Way: 学生自由阅读课文第二部分,圈出答案 Teach: brush his teeth , dentist, bedtime ,shouldn’t 板书: Should Shouldn’t Brush your teeth eat a lot of sweets have a rest Drink cola take some medicine Watch TV drink some warm water Play computer games 2.Complete the massage T:Mike has a toothache. He’s not happy. He wrote a massage on the Wetchat. His dad says: I shouldn’t buy so many sweets for you. His friend Liu Tao says: Take care! Wait you to play football.Let’s help him to complete this massage. You can discuss with your partner. 2.Read after the computer. C. Think and write (P38) Step 3 Reading time T: Choose one way to read the text. Work in fours. 一颗星:Read fluently 两颗星:Make a dialogue without a book 三颗星: Act it out like actors Way:分层出示朗读表演的要求,四人一组,合作完成。 Step 4 Summary 1. 根据板书回顾本节课内容。 2. 分享谚语 Step 5 Homework 1. recite the dialogue 2. tell your parents how to keep ourselves heathly 板书设计: Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Should Shouldn’t Brush your teeth eat a lot of sweets have a rest Drink cola take some medicine Watch TV drink some warm water Play computer games 教学反思: 1、本课主题为“seeing the doctor”。课始,师生由Free talk 了解平时的生活、饮食习惯,自然快捷地进入本课主题。利用“快速闪现”游戏复现了与本课相关单词。 2.文本的学习采用了扶放结合的方式,从老师的指导到学生的自主阅读,通过不同形式的任务驱动,引导学生逐层深入地理解文本,培养了学生自主、合作、探究的意识。根据文本特点,将文本的学习分为两个部分:第一部分,通过问题引领,帮助学生掌握文本细节,并让学生在生动的朗读表演中感悟语言。第二部分由学生自主学习Mike 的看病过程。展示学习效果时,如果教师能帮助学生拓展更多的医生看病常用语,如:Open your mouth and say“ah”等,学生的表演将会更生动、更贴近生活实际。 3.板书清晰合理,将平时的生活习惯分成两部分,有利于学生理清了文本脉络,理解should和shouldn’t,,增强了学生对语篇认识的整体感,便于学生学习和复述。 Unit4See the doctor 一、单元分析: 本单元话题是看病,教学重点是表示建议的情态动词should和否定式shouldn’t的用法。有关询问和描述病情的句型What’s wrong with you?和I have a headache/…也是本单元的另一个重点教学内容。 二、单元目标: 1.会听说读写词组:brush one’s teeth, drink water, eat sweets,have a rest ,take medicine 2.学会疑问句型“What’s the matter with you?”和“What should I do”,以及对它们的答语。 3.了解并掌握情态动词的用法。 4.读准字母组合ch的发音。 三、教学重点: 1. 能理解Story time的内容,并会复述。 2.会使用如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用: What’s wrong with you? I have… What should I do? You should. 3. 掌握情态动词的用法。 3. 掌握字母ch组合的发音。 四、教学难点: 1.会复述Story time的内容。 2.会自如shiy9ong如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用。 What’s wrong with you? I have… What should I do? You should. 3. 了解并掌握情态动词的用法。 4. 单词medicine temperature的发音。 五、课时划分: 课时安排:共六课时 第一课时:Story time 第二课时:Grammar time & Fun time 第三课时:Cartoon time & Culture time 第四课时:Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time 第五、六课时:单元复习和课时练及默写 六、教学准备: 课件、磁带、录音机等。 第1课时 一、 教学目标: 基础知识 1. 能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。 2. 能正确听说读写词组:see the doctor, have a rest,take some medicine,drink some warm water 3. 初步掌握句型 what’s wrong with you ? I have. 基本技能 1. 在生活中能正确运用本课的重点句型 2. 培养学生听说读写能力和交际能力。 综合素质 通过情景的设置和对话表演,激发学生在生活中乐于使用英语的兴趣。 二、教学重难点: 1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。 2.掌握词组:see the doctor,have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water和句型What’s wrong with you? I have…What should I do? You should. 3.培养学生听说能力和交际能力。 三、教学准备: 课件、磁带、录音机。 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step1 Warming up T:1.Where do you live? 2. How do you come to school? 3. How do you get to school? Step2 Presentation 1. T:YL wants to visit SH’s home.But SH is ill. She wants to see the doctor.教师板书课题。 2. 教师出示挂图,让学生用中文描述一下图片信息。 3. 学生自由度课文,并找出新单词,试着根据音标拼读。 4. 教师领读,学生跟读,注意语音语调的模仿。 5. 学生分角色朗读课文。 6. 教师出示表格,学生观看课文动画。 Name What’s wrong with her? should 7. 四人一小组讨论并完成表格,教师检查并完成板书。 Name What’s wrong with her? should have a rest at home take some medicine drink some warm water 8. 教师根据表格情况,模仿复述课文。 9. 学生根据表格情况,复述课文,教师给予评价。 10. 教师讲表格中的内容擦去,男女生根据表格上的部分信息进行角色扮演复述课文。 Step 3 Consolidate the knowledge 随堂小练习 1. 汉译英 就医 休息一会 二 根据中文提示完成句子 1. You should (服药) 2. You should (喝一些水) Step 4 Summary 本节课我们学习了就医用语:What’s wrong with you ?以及答语;我们还学习了以should引导的建议用语,希望学生课后能够用合适的句型互相操练巩固新句型。 Step5 Homework 1. 词组抄写三遍,默写一遍 2. 复述课文 板书设计 Unit 4 Seeing the doctor a headache a fever have… take… drink… 教后记: 第2课时 一、教学目标: 基础知识 1. 会听说读写新单词:medicine, sweet, anything,新词组brush one’s teeth,eat sweets. 2. 学会由should引导的否定句:Sb. Shouldn’t do sth. 3. 继续复习巩固询问病情句型和建议句型:What’s wrong with you? I have got… What should I do? You should… 基本技能 1. 能够自由的运用本单元的重点句型交流。 2. 学会用句型给别人建议。 综合素质 训练学生的语言技能,培养学生的阅读理解能力。 二、教学重难点: 1.两个重点句型的熟练运用。 2.掌握medicine的发音。 3.掌握并运用should引导的否定句的构成。 三、教学准备: 课件、磁带、录音机等。 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warming-up T:1.What’s wrong with SH? 2. What should she do? Step2 Presentation 1. T:What’s wrong with Mike?What should he do? 2. 教师出示挂图,让学生用中文描述一下图片信息。 3. 学生自由读课文,并找出新单词,试着根据音标拼读。 4. 教师领读,学生跟读,注意语音语调的模仿。 5. 学生分角色朗读课文。 6. 教师出示表格,学生观看课文动画。 Name What’s wrong with her? should 7.四人一小组讨论并完成表格,教师检查并完成板书。 Name What’s wrong with her? should have a rest at home take some medicine drink some warm water 8. 教师根据表格情况,模仿复述课文。 9. 学生根据表格情况,复述课文,教师给予评价。 10. 教师讲表格中的内容擦去,男女生根据表格上的部分信息进行角色扮演复述课文。 11. 教师出示Fun time的内容,同桌两人利用教材提供的句型互相问答。 例如图片一:What’s wrong with you? I have a cough. What should I do,doctor? You should take some medicine and drink some water.You shouldn’t eat ice creams 12. 学生交流答案,教师评价 Step3 Consolidate the new knowledge 教材练习 1. P38 Ask and answer What’s wrong with Su Hai?… What should she do?… What’s wrong with Mike?… Why does he have a toothache?… What should he do?… 2. P38 Think and answer 1. I have a and a . I should at home. I should and too. 2. I have a I cannot I should not I should in the morning and before bedtime. 随堂小练习 一. 汉译英 1去看牙医 2吃太多的糖果 二. 根据中文提示完成句子。 1. You should not (吃太多的糖果) 2. You should (刷牙) Step 4Summary 本节课我们学习了就医用语:What’s wrong with… ?及其答语,我们还学了以should not 引导的否定句,希望学生课后用合适的句型互相操练巩固新句型。 Step5 Homework 1. 词组抄写三遍,默写一遍 2. 复述课文 板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor Shouldn’t eat too many sweets A toothache doctor: brush your teeth in the morning Should and before bedtime 第3课时 一、教学目标: 基础知识 1. 能正确理解本单元的语法点。 2. 能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能在各题型中灵活运用。 3. 让学生掌握华氏温度和摄氏温度的知识。 基本技能 1. 能够正确灵活使用本单元的语法点。 2. 培养学生听、说能力和交际能力。 综合素质 1. 让学生体验学习,参与课堂,合作交流的乐趣。 2. 通过情景的设置,激发学生在生活中使用英语的乐趣。 二、 教学重难点: 1. 掌握并能运用本单元的语法知识。 2. 能够掌握字母组合 “ch”的发音,并能在各题型中灵活运用。 3.学生熟练掌握本单元的语法知识并能在实际生活中灵活运用。 三、教学准备: 课件、磁带、录音机等。 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warming-up T:1.Where do you live? 2. How are you? Step2 Presentation 1. Grammar time的教学 (1) 教师让学生根据事先准备的表格将相应人称代词的主格宾格补充完整,并校对答案。 (2) 教师板书句型:What’s wrong with…?并在空白地方贴上相应的人物图片。让学生根据图片相应说出句型,在此过程中教师要提醒学生注意人称代词的宾格形式。 (1) 教师利用大量的图片来创设情境,让学生在情境中本单元的重点句型熟练运用。 (2) 学生总结句式结构,教师板书。 (3) 由brush teeth引出名词复数不规则变化的单词 (4) 教师复习名词复数的规则变化并举例说明。 (5) 教师出示复数构成不规律的名词,让学生试着写出它们的复数形式,写的对给予表扬,写错的用不同的彩笔标注,并教授学生这些复数的发音。 (6) 教师准备实例让学生在实际操作中熟练运用这些单词的复数。 例如:用所给词的适当形式填空:The (child) like playing on the field. 2. Sound time的教学 (1) 教师出示挂图并出示以下四个问题,让学生带着问题去研读教材。 Who’s he ? Where’s he? What does he like? Where is he going? (2) 学生根据老师出示的问题,自读课文,四人一小组讨论交流。 (3) 学生回答问题,教师纠正学生的发音。 (4) 教师让学生总结字母组合ch的发音,并让学生再找出ch组合且发音相同的单词,例如:China Chinese children watch catch which… (5) 教师播放录音,学生跟读单词和课文并感受字母组合ch的发音。 3. Culture time 的教学 (1) 教师让学生观察图片,并了解图片大意,学生提出疑问。 (2) 教师解释,并板书华氏温度与摄氏温度的英文表示法:华氏温度degree Fahrenheit,摄氏温度degree Celsius。教师教授新单词,并板书转化公式:摄氏温度℃=华氏温度-32)/1.8,华氏温度=1.8℃+32℃。 (3) 先听录音跟读课文而后男女生分角色朗读课文。 Step3 Consolidate the new knowledge 随堂小练习 一. 句型转换 1. She has a stomachache. (对划线部分提问) 2. He should put the book on the desk.(改为否定句) 二. 划线部分字母发音是否相同 ( )1.chair chocolate ( ) 2. book cool Step 4 Summary Step5 Homework 1. 预习Cartoon time 标注新单词的音标并读熟悉课文 2. 在日常生活中灵活使用这些句型 板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor 1. What’s wrong with you ? I/We have… What’s wrong with them? They have… What's wrong with him/her/it? He/She/It has… 2.You should /should not… 第4课时 一、教学目标: 基础知识 1. 复习句型What's wrong with…?He has a…/Sb. shouldn't do sth. 2. 能用正确的语音,语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。 3. 熟练运用口头英语Can you help me ?/Oh,no!/How do you feel now? 基本技能 1. 能用正确的语音,语调朗读本课内容。 2.能熟练运用句型What's wrong with…?He has a…/Sb. shouldn't do sth.进行日常交流。 综合素质 1. 通过交际的过程,培养学生自主学习能力和合作能力。 2. 通过本课知识点学习,培养学生乐于助人的品质。 二、教学重难点: 1.能正确听说读写一下单词和新短语 giraffe neck hurt be happy to can you help me hear well sure 2.能正确听说读写句型:What’s wrong with you ? I have… 三、教学准备: 课件、磁带等。 教学设计(主备) 复备 Step 1 Warming-up T:1. What’s wrong with Su Hai? What should she do? 2. What’s wrong with Mike? What should he do? What should not he do? Step 2Presentation (1) 教师出示图片 T:There are five pictures here. Please guess What’s wrong with them? (2) 学生猜测,并用英语说出答案 例如:Picture 1:He is very hot.教师引导:What should he do?学生说出答案。 (3) 教师让学生观察其余的四幅图,并完成相应的练习。 (4) 教师检测答案,并作出评价 (5) 教师让学生预习Listen and choose板块的三个问题,带着问题来听录音。 (6) 教师播放录音,学生根据复述录音内容并校对答案。 2. Cartoon time的教学 (1) 教师出示图片并提出问题,引导学生讨论who where what,然后聚焦在Bobby在四幅图里的活动,要求学生用What’s wrong with the rabbit/elephant/monkey/giraffe描述。 The rabbit’s ear hurts. The elephant’s nose hurts. The monkey’s arm hurts. The giraffe’s neck hurts. (2) 教师播放录音,要求学生跟读模仿,并要求学生注意兔子,猴子,长颈鹿和大象的语气。教师可以设计如下的阅读任务,以检查学生的理解情况。 例如: How does the rabbit feel now? How does the rabbit feel now? How does the rabbit feel now? Can Bobby help the giraffe at last? Why? (3) 复述故事 教师要求学生阅读故事,然后邀请学生以Bobby或者第三人称为视角。叙述动物们就医的经过。然后教师可以找出关键词并板书在黑板上,帮助学生进行复述,在学生复述熟练的基础上,可以安排四人一小组用头饰进行角色表演,注意语气语调和任务表情。 3. Ticking time的教学 Step3 Consolidate the new knowledge P44 完成练习 随堂小练习 一 英译汉 1. hear well 2.have a rest 二 辨音 ( )1.hear near ( )2.today no Step 4 Summary 本节课我们通过练习复习巩固了本单元的重点句型:What's wrong with you? I have…句型,通过Cartoon time的学习,不仅复习巩固了本单元的重点句型而且还学会了请求用语:Can you help me?懂得给予别人力所能及的帮助是一件很快乐的事,希望同学们利用课后时间巩固操练。 Step5Homework 1. 复述story time 2. 抄写本版块的词组三遍,默写一遍。 板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor Phrase Rabbit ear hear What’s wrong with you? Elephant nose eat or drink What’s wrong with you? Monkey arm can’t write I can’t … Giraffe neck Can you help me? 第5课时 教学目标: Unit4的课堂练习及知识点归纳 教学重难点: 帮助学生归纳总结本单元的重点知识点,带领学生学会归纳总结并学会运用。 教学设计(主备) 复备 一. 单词 1. 感觉 feel 2.检查 check 3.应该 should 4.牙医 dentist 5. 任何东西 anything 6.就寝时间 bedtime 7.长颈鹿 giraffe 8. 脖子 neck 9.发烧 fever 10.头疼 headache 11.感冒 cold 12. 牙疼 toothache 13.药 medicine 14.牙齿 tooth (teeth) 15. 鸡 chicken 16.三月 March 20.长椅 bench 21.温度 temperature 二. 词组 1. 看医生 seeing the doctor 2.头疼 have a headache 3. 发烧 have a fever 4.休息一下 have a rest 5. 在家 at home 6.吃一些药 take some medicine 7. 一些温水 some warm water 8.刷牙 brush one’s teeth 9. 喝水 drink water 10.吃糖 eat sweets 11. 太多糖 too many sweets 12.睡觉前 before bedtime 13. 在三月 in March 14.去中国 go to China 15. 在医院 in the hospital 16.去看他 come to see him 17. 耳朵疼 ear hurts 18.不能写 can't write 19. 指向 point at 20.长脖子 long neck 三. 句型 1. 你怎么了? What's wrong with you? 2. 我得了头疼。I have a headache. 3. 医生我该怎么办?What should I do,Doctor? 4. 你应该在家里休息。You should have a rest at home. 5. 你应该吃些药喝些温水。 You should take some medicine and drink some warm water. 6. 你不应该吃太多的糖。You shouldn’t eat too many sweets. 7. 你应该早上和睡觉前刷牙。 You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime. 8. 苏海怎么了?What's wrong with Su Hai? 9. 她应该怎么办? What should she do? 10. 他为什么牙疼? Why does he have a toothache? 11. 鲍比非常乐意帮助他们。 Bobby is very happy to help them. 12. 你现在感觉怎么样? How do you feel now? 13. 我现在听不清楚。 I can’t hear well now! 四. 语法总结 1. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了? 用法:一般用于医生询问病情,同义句为What’s the matter? 其答句为:I have/have got… 当主语为第三人称单数时,其答句为:主语+has got… What’s wrong with her? She has got a high fever. 2. What should I do? 我应该怎么做呢? 用法:由What 引导的建议用语,意为“我应该怎么做?”should为情态动词,此句没有单复数和时态的变化。 此问句的结构为:What+should+动词原形? 答句的结构为:主语+should+动词原形 3. I can’t eat anything. 我不能吃任何东西。 用法:由can 引导的否定句,直接在情态动词can 后加否定词not 含有情态动词can 的句型改为一般疑问句,句式结构为: Can +主语+动词原形+其他成分? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+can. 否定回答:No,主语+can’t. 1. You shouldn’t eat too many sweets.你不应该吃太多的糖果。 用法:由should引导的否定句,直接在情态动词should后加否定词not.句式结构为:主语+should not+动词原形+其他成分。 含有情态动词should的句型改为一般疑问句,句式结构为: Should +主语+动词原形+其他成分? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+should. 否定回答:No,主语+needn’t 第6课时 教学目标: 通过练习,熟练掌握第四单元的内容。 教学重难点: 指导每种题型该怎么做,帮助学生看懂题目。 教学设计(主备) 复备 听力部分 D. toothache D. milk D. apple D. look D.duck C. cough C. juice C. panda C. Helpful C. orange 一.选出四个单词中与其他单词不同类的选项 ( )1.A.fever B. fly ( )2. A. sweets B. water ( )3. A. giraffe B. bear ( )4. A. help B. see ( )5. A. chicken B. fish 二.听录音音,根据问句选择合适的答句 - ( )l.A.I have a headache· B.He has a fever. C.she has a bad cold ( )2.A.You should have a rest. B.He should take some medicine C.Yes, I do. ( )3.A. He can go there by bus. B.We can go there by bike. C.She can sing here. ( )4.A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I don't· C·No, you can't. ( )5.Yes,he is. B.No, he isn’t C·yes, she is. 笔试部分 一.英汉互译(每题l分,共l0分) l. let me check 2.休息一会儿 3. brush one's teeth 4.喝一些热水 5. eat sweet 6.服药 7.in March 8.指向 9.come home 10.他的长脖子 二. 单项选择 ( )1.The boy points the sign the wall. A.at, in B.at, on C.on, on ( )2.You must come home early, it’s dark outside. A.to B./ C.in ( )3.What’s wrong with ? He has a bad cold. A.her B.him C.his ( )4.What’s wrong with ? My arm . A.hurt B.hurts C.hurting ( )5.It’s cold outside, you should your coat. A.take on B.take off C.put on 三.给下面句子排成通顺的对话 ( )What’s wrong with you? ( ) You should have a rest. ( ) I played football,but I hurt my leg. ( ) I’m sorry to hear that. ( )What should I do? ( )Thank you, doctor. 四. 书面表达 以三幅图为例,以“What’s wrong with him”为题,写一篇小作文。 要求:语句通顺,书写认真,不少于四句话。 Unit 4 Seeing the doctor(Period 3) 教学内容: Culture time Cartoon time 教学目标: 1.Ss know the difference between centigrade and Fahrenheit. 2.Ss can understand and read the words and phrases in cartoon time:hurt, should, have a rest, point at。 3.Ss can understand cartoon time well and act it out. 教学重难点: 1.Ss can understand and read the words and phrases in cartoon time:hurt, should, have a rest, point at。 2.Ss can understand cartoon time well and act it out. 3.Ss know the difference between centigrade and Fahrenheit. 教学准备: 请学生在课前上网搜索资料,解决两个问题 1. 摄氏温度和华氏温度是什么意思,怎么换算。 2. 哪些国家用摄氏温度,哪些国家喜欢用华氏温度。 教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1 Free talk: daily questions some questions about Unit 4 Step2 Presentation 1. Do you remember our old friends? Can you describe their situation? S: Su Hai has ______,she should ________,she shouldn’t______. T:What other suggestions can you give? (use the same way to describe Mike) 2. Show the picture of Liu Tao ,have a guess “What’s wrong with Liu Tao?”,“What’s his temperature?” 3. Teach :℃=degree centigrade,39℃=39 degrees centigrade 4. Listen to the tape,find “℉”, teach:102℉=degrees fahrenheit 5. Read after the tape. 6. Discuss: What should Liu Tao do ? He should go to the hospital and see the doctor. 7. He sees some old friends in the hospital. 8. Guess ,who’re the old friends?, teach :giraffe 9. Read and answer “What’s wrong with them ?”,let the kids answer the question with a complete sentence. 10. Ask some questions; Can Bobby help them ? What do you think of Bobby? Bobby is ... How do they feel now? Why? 1. Read the whole story,teach “point his long neck ”, 2. Can Bobby help Giraffe? Can’t---Why? Can---How? 3. Read and act in groups, choose one way. Step 3 A new story 1. It’s Liu Tao’s turn now, he comes to the hospital and sees Bobby.Let’s listen and judge. 2. Listen and judge,then discuss:what other advice can you give ? 3. Write down your advice . Step 4 Homework 1.Make a plan for a healthy life 板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor What’s wrong with _______ ? He/ She has a _______. What should he/she do ? He/She should ___________. temperature 温度 ℃= degree centigrade ℉= degree fahrenheit 教学反思: 本节课是culture与cartoon部分,我设计的是以LiuTao看病来串联整个课堂进行教学,先由复习story中的两个人物的病情入手,到What’s wrong with Liu Tao?引出文化部分关于温度的两种表达法,摄氏度与华氏度的学习,这两个单词读音非常难,我采用了平时一贯使用的分音节读法,让学生课后也能够根据所学的方法读出单词,板书预留位置稍微小了一点,本来打算让学生把单词摘抄下来的,但是又觉得这一步可能会打破下面故事的发展,对时间也会有影响,所以这一部分可能还需要再思考,如何更完美的解决这个问题。在教学℃与℉时,如果先听了102℉再引出39℃,可能悬念与对比就更明显一点。上课前一天布置过让学生查一查两种温度表达法的区别,课堂上向同学们提问时,发现他们也都做了相关的笔记,还有些同学能用英语和中午穿插着说一说,也让我没想到,看来他们也确实花了一点功夫和心思。最后还是根据Liu Tao的病情,建议他去医院,引出cartoon的学习,同学们很早就知道要学习这个故事,我也布置过要找与自己节奏相当的同学一组或读或表演,同学们的表现也很给力,表演组的准备充分,表演也很到位。最后以听力训练的方式回到Liu Tao看病,并以对他的建议作为写话练习。我对今天同学们的表现也是很满意的,在课堂上发现单词的展现方式不太理想,以后教学时会多研究教学内容的背景,以更巧妙的方式来充分激发学生的学习热情。 小学《英语》(五年级下册) Unit 4 Seeing the doctor (Period 1) Teaching contents教学内容: Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 知识目标: 1 To make the students understand the whole story. 2 To make the students listen say read and write the following words: check,dentist,anything,bedtime,brush one’s teeth, have a rest, take medicine, toothache. 能力目标: 1 To make the students have the ability to read the whole story. 2 To make the students have the ability to act the dialogue. 3 To make the students use some sentences in real situation: What’s wrong with...? ... Have/has a .... What should ...do? 情感目标: To make students know what they should do to keep themselves health. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 To make the students listen say read and write the following words: check,dentist,anything,bedtime,brush one’s teeth, have a rest, take some medicine, toothache. . 2 To make the students use some sentences in real situation: What’s wrong with...? ... Have/has a .... What should ...do? …should… Preparation教学准备:PPT Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Pre-Reading 1.Enjoy some songs before class< An apple a day>< Body song> 2.Greetings: Class begins! Good afternoon, class! How are you? T: Not so good. S1: What’s wrong with you, Miss Di?(出示简单学习句子) T: I have a bad cold. S1: I’m sorry to hear that! 3.T:Can you give me some suggestions? What should I do? Learn: should, What should I do? You should… S: You should… Learn: have a rest, take some medicine T: Thank you for your suggestions, he will get better soon, I think! Step 2 Presentation of the left part of the story. 1.Show the picture of a hospital: Our two old friends are in the hospital. They’re seeing the doctor.Who are they? (贴头像) 2 T: What’s wrong with them? Let’s watch and find! Pay attention to the key information ! Watch the whole story. T: What’s wrong with Su Hai? What’s wrong with Mike? Please ask and answer with the sentences: What’s wrong with..? He/ She has a… T: Please complete their medical certificates. What’s wrong with them? T:Can he eat anything? Learn: can’t eat anything(贴病情条) T: It’s a compound word. It is maked with “any” and “thing”. Right? In fact, we have learned a lot of compound words, such as: bookshop, classroom What else do you know? 3.T: We all hope they can get better.Then,What should Su Hai do?? Let’s listen, find and choose .Listen to Part 1 twice. check(贴建议条) 4. T: now, let’s read and imitate. Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation. Read and imitate: Learn: feel check, 学习feel时指导朗读:How does Su Hai feel? 5. Read in roles or Act out: T: The story about Su Hai, please choose one to do. Read ----one sticker, act---two stickers, you should add some movements and expressions. 6. T: Can you finish this passage?Encourage students to fill the blanks about ‘ think and write’ .Check.And read the passage. 7.T:After seeing the doctor, I think Su Hai will get better soon! Step 3 Presentation of the right part of the story. 1. T:And What about Mike? Try to learn with your deskmate, it’s easy! 2. You should only accomplish three tasks(出示三项任务) Task1: Read the story about Mike on Page 37, find and circle the new words. Task 2:Answer two questions,you can find and underline the sentences. Task3: Finish “Think and write” on Page 38 3. Learn in pairs according to the three tasks. 4. First,task1,what new words do you circle? Learn: dentist, 出示音标及分段How to read?Can you try?出示中文:A dentist is a doctor who helps people check their teeth brush your teeth,出示音标,can you try? Teeth is the plural form of tooth. bedtime: the time for bed, lunchtime: Can you explain for us? 5. Next,Task2: find these two questions’ answers Why does he have a toothache? Because he eats a lot of sweets. What should he do? He should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.(贴建议条,写时间) T: Can he still eat many many sweets now? He shouldn’t eat too many sweets.(写建议:shouldn’t eat too many sweets) 6. Finally,Task3:Let’s check and read. 7. T:You all did a good job! Well done! It’s time for reading now.Read and imitate. 8. Read in roles or Act out Step 4 Consolidation 1. T: OK. Look at the blackboard.What’s wrong with them? And what should they do? Can you give us a report?Let’s try together first.Give the drills: XX has a….He/ She should/ shouldn’t…先齐说,在练习,最后个别说 2. Let’s say more. There are a lot of sick people in the hospital every day. Let’s go and see. The doctor is coming. Let’s make a new dialogue. 3. Share some adages:T: Boys and girls, from this story time. We know if one part of our body hurts, we must feel sad, feel un comfortable. So health is the most important.健康是最重要的。Right?Here are some tips for you. Health is happiness. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Bed is a medicine. 1. Homework:The homework for today! Copy the new words 3 times, and recite the storytime. Retell the story. Preview Fun time and Cartoon time. 板书设计: Unit4 Seeing the doctor Medical Certificate(诊断书) What’s wrong with you? a headache a fever What should I do? Should: 1. have a rest 2. take some medicine 3. drink some warm water 头像 Medical Certificate(诊断书) I have … a toothache can’t eat anything You should… 1. Shouldn’t eat too many sweets 2. Should brush your teeth (in the morning) (before bedtime) 头像 教后反思: 本单元话题是看病,教学重点是表示建议的情态动词should和其否定式shouldn’t的用法及有关询问和描述病情的句型:What’s wrong with you?及其答语,包括人称变化后的句型变式:What’s wrong with them? What’s wrong with him? What’s wrong with her?而 What’s wrong with …?句型,在五上At Christmas 卡通时间中已经出现过,初步学习过,现在是递进为四会掌握,疾病类词汇也在四下学到过,cold, cough, fever, headache,并且学生会提出一些简单的建议。有了这样的学习基础,学生对本课的学习比较轻松。 上课伊始,在互致问候时,直接创设老师自己身体不舒服,得了感冒的情景,简单呈现学习:What’s wrong with you ? I have a cold.然后,让学生为老师提出一些好的建议,在这里复习drink some warm water, see the doctor,分散学习新词:take some medicine, have a rest. 接着进入故事时间的学习,本部分有两个场景构成,第一个有关苏海的场景,完全以一贯常用的故事时间教学模式展开,而第二个有关麦克的场景,则是以半扶半放的方式,让学生同桌自学,带着三个小任务完成对右半部分课文的理解与学习,包括新单词的学习也是,提供关键的音标及分段,让学生自己尝试拼读,自学配以相应的激励措施也很重要,为了得到更多的贴花,学生合作默契,非常努力,学习效果应该是比较好的。这个部分,强调的是自我学习能力的培养和合作精神。我想,英语的教与学进行到五年级,要这样慢慢放手,别不放心,学生的学习能力往往是在我们意料之外的,我们要学会相信学生,先放一点,再多放一点,直到完全放开,可以通篇由学生自己学习,教师以合适的方式检测他们的学习成果就好了,当然还是要考虑内容是否合适的。有些卡通时间,我常这样让学生自学。 教学最后以三则谚语结束,提醒学生好好照顾自己,保重自己! 有时候设想是很美好的,实践却会是比较残酷的,这节课的教学中也有不尽人意的地方: 1. 时间安排上,因为课的容量大,到最后的表演学生没有更多的展示机会,学生意犹未尽,为了不打消孩子的积极性,只能下节课继续表演了 2. 对于新词的学习,应该再放开一些,对于某个新词,多了解孩子自己对这个词的理解,引导孩子自己去释义,而不是一味地由老师展示给学生。 语言学习,不能忘记训练语言,学习有关Mike片段时,可以借用书上38页的Ask and answer进行,通过问答,既可以很好地理解课文,又可以训Unit 4 Seeing a doctor (Period 4) 教学内容: Checkout time, Ticking time 教学目标: 1. 复习本单元所学知识。 2. 能描述并写出他人的病情,提出合适的建议。 3. 能根据病人的不同病症,表演并简单写出医生和病人之间的对话。 教学重难点: 1. 能描述并写出他人的病情,提出合适的建议。 2. 能根据病人的不同病症,完整写出医生和病人之间的对话。 课前准备:学生学案;PPT 教学过程: Step1. Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Watch a cartoon. 《Big Hero 6》中Baymax自我介绍的片段。 T: Do you like watching this film? Do you like Baymax? What does he do? What can he do? 1. Play games. T: Baymax has some pictures here. Let’s look and say. 1) 查看更多