【英语】2018届人教版选修6一轮复习:Unit4 Globalwarming单元教案设计(38页)

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【英语】2018届人教版选修6一轮复习:Unit4 Globalwarming单元教案设计(38页)

Unit 4 Global warming单元教案设计 本单元的中心话题是人类当今面临的环境问题,主要探讨了“全球变暖”和“节约能源”等方面的问题。由于人类过多使用不可再生能源,大气中二氧化碳的含量逐年增加,导致全球气温上升。通过学习本单元,让学生了解能源分为“不可再生能源”和“可再生能源”,帮助学生树立“节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识。‎ 本单元的主要教学内容如下表所示:‎ 类别 课程标准要求掌握的内容 话题 Global warming,pollution and the importance of protecting the earth ‎[来源:学科网]‎ ‎[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]‎ ‎[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ tend[来源:学|科|网]‎ v.趋向;易于;照顾 catastrophe n.大灾难;浩劫 词 汇 oppose v.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 flood n.洪水;水灾 state v.陈述;说明 consequence n.结果;后果;影响 glance v.看一下;扫视 n.一瞥 existence n.生存;存在 quantity n.量;数量 commitment n.承诺;交托;信奉 range n.种类;范围 pollution n.污染;弄脏 tendency n. 趋向;趋势 growth n.增长;生长 circumstance n.环境;情况 motor n.发动机 opposed adj.反对的,对立的 can n.容器;罐头 steady adj. 平稳的;持续的 microwave n.微波炉;微波 widespread adj.分布广的;普遍的 educator n.教育工作者;教育家 average adj.平均的 contribution n.贡献 consume v.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 presentation n.显示;演出 subscribe v.同意;捐赠;订阅 disagreement n.分歧;不一致 advocate v.拥护;提倡;主张 random adj.胡乱的;任意的 refresh v. 使恢复;使振作 mild adj.温和的;温柔的;淡的 graph n.图表;坐标图;曲线图 outer adj.外部的 phenomenon n.现象 electrical adj.电的;与电有关的 fuel n.燃料 casual adj.随便的;偶然的 data n.资料;数据 nuclear adj.核的;核能的 trend n.趋势;倾向 per prep.每;每一 come about 发生;造成 keep on 继续 subscribe to 同意;赞成;订购 on the whole 大体上;基本上 quantities of 大量的 on behalf of 代表……一方;作为……的代言人 go up 上升;增长;升起 put up with 忍受;容忍 result in 导致 so long as 只要 be opposed to 反对 and so on 等等 even if 即使 greenhouse effect 温室效应 句 型 ‎1....it_is human activity that has caused this global warming... (emphatic “it”)‎ ‎2....it is a rapid increase when_compared_to other natural changes.(ellipsis)‎ ‎3.There is no doubt that_the_earth_is_becoming_warmer...(the appositive clause)‎ ‎4.Without the “greenhouse effect”,the earth would_be about thirty-three degrees ‎ Celsius cooler than it is.(the subjunctive mood)‎ 功 能 ‎1.同意与不同意(Agreement and disagreement)‎ Exactly.You're right.    I agree.    That's correct/true/right.‎ I'm afraid I disagree with you. I'm afraid not. I don't think so.‎ No way. I don't agree. I doubt...‎ ‎2.责备与抱怨(Blame and complaint)‎ I'm sorry to bring this up,but...   I'm sorry to have to say this,but...‎ They shouldn't have done it. They are to blame.‎ Perhaps/Maybe they should/ought to... Why don't you do something about it?‎ 语法 ‎“it”的用法(the use of “it”)(2)‎ ‎...it_is human activity that has caused this global warming...‎ 教 学 重 点 ‎1.Get students to know about global warming and its effect;to realize what we can do about global warming.‎ ‎2.Have students learn some useful new words and expressions about global warming and let them learn effective ways to master them.‎ ‎3.Enable students to grasp and use the expressions of agreement and disagreement,blame and complaint.‎ ‎4.Let students learn the new grammar item:the use of “it”(2).‎ ‎5.Develop students' listening,speaking,reading and writing ability.‎ 教学难点 ‎1.Enable students to master the use of “it”(2).‎ ‎2.Let students learn to write a short passage to tell others how to solve the problem of global warming.‎ ‎3.Develop students' integrative skills.‎ 课时安排 Periods needed:6‎ Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending Period 2 Language Study Period 3 Grammar—the Use of “It”(2)‎ Period 4 Listening and Speaking ‎ Period 5 Reading and Writing Period 6 Summing Up,Learning Tip and Assessment Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,‎ Reading and Comprehending 教学内容分析   ‎ This is the first teaching period of this unit.The central part of this period is the reading passage with the title of “The Earth Is Becoming Warmer—But Does It Matter?” talking about the global issue which has a great effect on human beings' life.‎ Warming Up gives six pictures to help students list the sources of energy they can think of in our daily life.Then they will be led to discuss which energy source is “renewable” and which is “non-renewable”.This part is designed to help the students to recall their background knowledge about energy and prepares students for the whole unit.‎ Pre-reading provides a picture of a greenhouse and then tells us what a greenhouse is and what “greenhouse gases” are.The students will be led to discuss what they think greenhouse gases do,leading to the topic of the reading passage.‎ Reading is a passage from an environmental magazine for young people.It puts forward the possible effect of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and different points of view about it.It also analyzes the causes of the earth's increased temperature.It poses questions and encourages students to think about the issues.There are two graphs in it that tell us the “temperature difference from long-term average,1860-2000” and “carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere,1957-1997”.Characters in the passage—Dr Janice Foster,George Hambley and Charles Keeling are all real persons and their views reflect the views of some scientists today.‎ Comprehending consists of three written or oral exercises for the students to do so as to help the students to get a better understanding of the text,that is to say,to help the teacher to check how much the students have understood the text.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To know the meanings of the following new words and phrases:‎ consume(消费;消耗;耗尽),come about(发生;造成),random(胡乱的;任意的),phenomenon(现象),subscribe(同意;捐赠;订阅;签署文件),subscribe to(同意;赞成;订购),fuel(燃料),quantity(量;数量),quantities of (大量的),tend(趋向;易于;照顾),go ‎ up(上升;增长;升起),per(每;每一),data(资料;数据),result in(导致),trend(趋势;倾向),catastrophe(大灾难;浩劫),flood(洪水;洪灾),oppose(反对;反抗),opposed(反对的;对立的),be opposed to(反对),consequence(结果;后果),state(陈述;说明),range(种类;范围),even if(即使),keep on(继续),glance(看一下;扫视),steady(平稳的;持续的),steadily(平稳地,持续地)‎ ‎2.To learn about some facts and views about global warming.‎ ‎3.To learn how the information is organized.‎ ‎4.To develop the students' reading ability by skimming and scanning the passage.‎ ‎5.To develop the students' speaking ability by talking about global warming.‎ Process and methods ‎1.While doing Warming Up the teacher can lead in the topic of this unit by showing students some pictures or videos about sources of energy,making the students recall their own knowledge about energy.‎ ‎2.During Pre-reading the teacher can go around the classroom and discuss the questions with several students.This discussion should be student-centered and lead them to the topic of global warming.The teacher should also ask the students to look at the graphs in the reading passage and try to find out the general idea of the text.‎ ‎3.While doing Reading and Comprehending,the teacher may first ask the students to read the text quickly to get the general idea of each paragraph.After reading the passage,students are encouraged to answer some questions and discuss the text structure.‎ ‎4.To consolidate the contents of the reading passage,the students should be required to retell the text in their own words at the end of the class.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To make students realize the harm of global warming and the importance of environmental protection.‎ ‎2.To develop students' sense of cooperative learning.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.To enable the students to learn about global warming and to develop their reading ability.‎ ‎2.To enable the students to talk about what we should do to prevent global warming.‎ Step 1 Warming up ‎1.Warming up by reading and talking:‎ Read through the exercise with the class.Put students in groups of four to talk about what we use energy for,what are the sources of these energy and whether the sources are renewable or non-renewable.‎ Suggested answer:The six photos are:windmills;a coal power station;an oil refinery;a nuclear power plant;solar panels;a hydro-electric dam.‎ ‎2.Warming up by discussion:‎ Draw a form on the blackboard as follows:‎ Things that use energy Sources of energy Renewable/non-renewable ‎ ‎ Let the students have a discussion and collect suggestions from students and write them under the appropriate heading.‎ Suggested answer:‎ Things that use energy Sources of energy Renewable/non-renewable ‎ lights heating ‎ television ‎ cassette player ‎ video recorder ‎ computer ‎ coal non-renewable fridge ‎ stove ‎ hairdryer ‎ ‎...‎ oil ‎ non-renewable natural gas non-renewable wind power ‎ renewable solar energy ‎ renewable nuclear energy ‎ non-renewable hydro-electric power ‎ renewable biomass energy ‎ renewable geothermal energy ‎ renewable tidal energy renewable Step 2 Pre-reading ‎1.Show a picture of a greenhouse to students and ask them what a greenhouse is made of and what its purpose is.‎ Suggested answer:It's made of glass and plants can grow in it when it's cold outside.‎ Ask the students how it works.‎ Suggested answer:The glass traps the heat from the sun,making the air warm so that plants grow better.‎ ‎2.Ask students what they think “greenhouse gases” are and what they think greenhouse gases do.Look at the picture above and explain it to their partners.‎ Suggested answer:Greenhouse gases perform the same function as the glass in a glasshouse:they trap the heat of the sun and keep the air surrounding the earth warm.This is called the greenhouse effect.)‎ Step 3 Reading and comprehending ‎1.Fast reading Ask students to read the passage quickly so as to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph and answer the following questions:‎ ‎(1)What is the main topic of the article?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎(2)Who wrote the magazine article?What is the name of the magazine?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎(3)What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?Do they agree with one another?‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Suggested answers:(1)Global warming/the warming of the earth.(2)Sophie Armstrong,Earth Care.‎ ‎(3)Dr Janice Foster,Charles Keeling,George Hambley.They don't agree with each other.‎ ‎2.Detailed reading ‎(1)Read the passage carefully and judge whether the statements are true(T) or false(F).‎ ‎①Janice Foster believes that global warming is caused by the burning fossil fuels.( )‎ ‎②Natural gas is a greenhouse gas.( )‎ ‎③Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels.( )‎ ‎④People accept Charles Keeling's data because he took accurate measurements.( )‎ ‎⑤Flooding could be one of the effects of future global warming.( )‎ ‎⑥George Hambley believes scientists are just guessing about the effects of global warming.( )‎ ‎⑦George Hambley is worried about the effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth.( )‎ ‎⑧It is clear what the effects of global warming will be.( )‎ ‎(Suggested answers:TFTTTTFF)‎ ‎3.Structure analyzing ‎ Ask students to read the text carefully and try to find out how many parts they can divide the text into and find out the main idea of each part.‎ Part Main idea Part 1(Paragraph ______)‎ Part 2(Paragraphs ______ to ______)‎ Part 3(Paragraphs ______ to ______)‎ Part 4(Paragraph ______)‎ ‎  Suggested answer:‎ Part Main idea Part 1(Paragraph 1)‎ To introduce a debate over the issue of global warming.‎ Part 2(Paragraphs 2 to 5)‎ To illustrate how global warming comes about.‎ Part 3(Paragraph 6)‎ To list two different attitudes among scientists towards global warming.‎ Part 4(Paragraph 7)‎ It's up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or not.‎ Step 4 Language study Dealing with any language problem if any(words or sentences students might not understand)to help the students to have a better understanding of the text.‎ Step 5 Listening,reading aloud and underlining ‎ Ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence.Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebook after class as homework.‎ Collocations:come about,There is no doubt that...,subscribe to,due to,greenhouse effect,quantities of,tend to,be trapped in,go up,result in,on the one hand...on the other hand,be opposed to,build up,keep on.‎ Step 6 Retelling Ask students to talk about global warming in their own words.Give them some key words and expressions on the blackboard.Then let them try to retell the passage.‎ Step 7 Homework ‎1.Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.‎ ‎2.Try to find some data about global warming on the Internet,and show your class in the next period and talk about them.‎ Step 8 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ About Global Warming(关于全球变暖)‎ Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation.Global surface temperature increased 0.74±0.18℃(1.33±0.32)between the start and the end of the 20th century.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)concludes that most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was very likely caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.The IPCC also concludes that variations in natural phenomena such as solar radiation and volcanic eruptions had a small cooling effect after 1950.These basic conclusions have been endorsed by more than 40 scientific societies and academies of science,including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.‎ Climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that the global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4℃(2.0 to 11.5)during the 21st century.The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future greenhouse gas emissions.Most studies focus on the period up to the year 2100.However,warming is expected to continue beyond 2100 even if emissions stop,because of the large heat capacity of the oceans and the long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.‎ An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount ‎ and pattern of precipitation,probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.Warming is expected to be strongest in the Arctic and would be associated with continuing retreat of glaciers,permafrost and sea ice.Other likely effects include changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events,species extinctions,and changes in agricultural yields.Warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe,though the nature of these regional variations is uncertain.‎ Political and public debate continues regarding global warming,and what actions(if any)to take in response.The available options are mitigation to reduce further emissions;adaptation to reduce the damage caused by warming;and,more speculatively,geoengineering(地球工程)to reverse global warming.Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.‎ Period 2 Language Study 教学内容分析   ‎ The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words,phrases and sentence patterns in Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language.There are altogether 53 new words and phrases in these five parts.20 of them are marked with triangles,which shows that the students needn't learn them by heart.It is enough to recognize them when meeting them while reading the passage.The other 33 should all be remembered,among which the following words and expressions are even more important:tend,range,subscribe to,go up,widespread,state,glance,steady,tendency,keep on,on the whole,quantity of,be opposed to,come about,result in,even if.They are all very useful and important.So are the sentence patterns “...it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes.” and “There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer...” We ought to pay more attention to them.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To get the students to learn to use the following important new words and phrases freely:tend,range,subscribe to,go up,widespread,state,glance,steady,tendency,keep on,on ‎ the whole,quantity of,oppose,come about,result in,even if.‎ ‎2.To get the students to understand and use the following important and useful sentence patterns:‎ ‎(1)...it is a rapid increase when compared to other natural changes.‎ ‎(2)There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer...‎ Process and methods ‎1.To help the students to understand the meanings of the above useful new words and expressions in the context,and then give some explanations about them,and at last offer some exercises to make students master their usages.‎ ‎2.To ask the students to make up their own sentences by imitating the above sentence patterns.‎ ‎3.At the end of the class,make students do more exercises for consolidation.In doing so,they can learn,grasp and use these important language points well.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To stimulate students' interest in learning English.‎ ‎2.To develop students' sense of cooperation and teamwork.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.Important new words and expressions:quantity of,oppose,come about,result in,even if.‎ ‎2.Important and useful sentence patterns:‎ ‎(1)...it is a rapid increase when_compared_to other natural changes.‎ ‎(2)There_is_no_doubt_that the earth is becoming warmer...‎ ‎3.Some difficult and long sentences in the text.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Check the homework exercises.‎ ‎2.Ask some students to talk about global warming.‎ Step 2 Reading and finding Get students to read through Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading,Comprehending and Discovering useful words and expressions in Learning about Language to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book.‎ Step 3 Practice for useful words and expressions ‎1.Turn to Page 28.Go through the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.‎ ‎2.Give them several minutes to finish the exercises.They first do them individually,and then discuss and check them with their partners.‎ ‎3.Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.‎ Step 4 Vocabulary study Ⅰ.简单知识扫描 ‎ ‎1.tend(P26)‎ ‎ 【原句再现】‎ It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.‎ 这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)We sometimes tend to think that the ocean bottom is made up of smooth plains.‎ 我们往往误以为海底由平坦的平原构成。‎ ‎(2)People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.‎ 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。‎ ‎(3)Doctors and nurses tended(to)the injured.医生和护士护理受伤的人。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ tend vi.& vt.意思是“往往会,趋于,倾向;照料,护理”。作“照料,护理”讲时,常与介词to搭配。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)救护车上的救护人员在照料受伤的工人。‎ Ambulance crews ______ the injured workers.‎ ‎(2)男孩往往比女孩个子高。‎ Boys ______ taller than girls.‎ Suggested answers:(1)were tending(to) (2)tend to be ‎ ‎2.range(P27)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ ‎...it will encourage a greater range of animals—all of which will make life for human beings better.‎ 这将促进动物的生长——所有这一切都会使人类的生活变得更好。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)Maybe the question is beyond the range of human understanding.‎ 或许这个问题超越了人类理解的范围。‎ ‎(2)You can see a range of mountains standing on the top of the tower.‎ 站在塔顶你可以看到一系列山脉。 ‎ ‎(3)The temperature ranges between ten and thirty degrees.‎ 气温在十至三十度之间。‎ ‎(4)I ranged the books on the shelf by/according to size.‎ 我把书依大小顺序排在书架上。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ range n. 意思是“范围;射程;山脉;行列”; v. 意思是“变化;排列;归类于”,常用于range from...to...结构,意为“从……到……范围内变化”。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩。‎ There are two hundred boys ______________.‎ Suggested answer:ranging from seven to fourteen in age ‎ ‎3.subscribe to(P26)‎ ‎【原句再现】 ‎ All scientists subscribe_to the view that the increase in the earth's temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy.‎ 所有科学家都赞同这样的观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天然气、石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The children each subscribed 5 pence to buy a present for Nick in hospital.‎ 孩子们每人出五便士为住院的尼克买礼品。‎ ‎(2)All the people present subscribe to the opinion put forward by the chairman.‎ 参加会议的人全部同意主席提出的意见。‎ ‎(3)I have subscribed to that magazine for years.‎ 我订阅那本杂志已好几年了。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ subscribe to的意思有“捐款;捐助;同意,赞同;订购(报纸、杂志等)”等。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ The government called on all the citizens to ______ a relief fund.‎ ‎ A.subscribe to    B.agree to    C.amount to    D.shift to ‎ Suggested answers:A ‎4.go up(P26)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global ‎ temperature to go_up.‎ 这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The elevator went up to the fourth floor.电梯升到了四楼。‎ ‎(2)As you go up a mountain,you have to overcome the earth's gravity which pulls you down.‎ 上山时你必须克服把你往下拉的地球引力。‎ ‎(3)Prices of fruit and vegetables have gone up.‎ 水果和蔬菜的价格上涨了。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ 动词短语go up的意思有“升;攀登;向上去,沿(街)而去;涨价”等。类似意义的词还有rise,increase等。其反义词是:go down,fall down,decrease。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)物价又上涨了。Prices ______ again.‎ ‎(2)到处都盖起新的大楼。New buildings ______ everywhere.[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ Suggested answers:(1)have gone up (2)are going up ‎ ‎5.keep on(P27)‎ ‎【原句再现】 ‎ Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep_on warming for decades or centuries.‎ 尽管我们已经开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放量,但是在未来的几十年或几个世纪里气候将会持续变暖。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The airplane kept on flying at a high altitude.这架飞机持续在高空飞行。‎ ‎(2)He kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop.‎ 医生劝告他戒烟,可他仍继续抽。‎ ‎(3)He is keeping on the house in his hometown.他把家乡的那所房屋保留着。‎ ‎(4)Keep straight on and you'll come to the market.一直往前走就到市场。‎ ‎(5)I have failed several times,but I still keep on.‎ 我已经失败了好几次,但我仍然坚持下去。‎ ‎ 【归纳总结】‎ keep on意为“继续(做某事);不顾困难、反对或警告而坚持(做某事);继续前进,继续工作”等。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ Even if I fail again,I will ______ working hard until I succeed.‎ A.give up B.turn to ‎ C.keep on D.think of ‎ Suggested answer:C ‎6.on the whole(P28)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ On_the_whole the warming of the earth is a phenomenon that causes great concern.‎ 大体上,地球变暖是一种引起巨大关注的现象。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ The weather this month has been good on the whole.‎ 这个月的天气基本上是好的。‎ Living in town is pleasant but,on the whole,I like the country better.‎ 住在城里是愉快的,但是,总的来看,我更喜欢农村。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ on the whole意为“总的看来;大体上;基本上”,相当于in general,mostly,可位于句首、句中或句尾。 ‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 翻译句子 总的看来,我认为他那样做是对的。‎ Suggested answer:On the whole,I think he was quite right to act as he did.‎ Ⅱ.重点知识探究 ‎ ‎1.oppose(P27)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ On the other hand,there are those,like George Hambley,who are opposed to this view,believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air.‎ 另一方面,像乔治·汉布利那些人,他们反对这种观点,认为我们不应该为空气中二氧化碳含量高担心。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ Many members of the council opposed the building of the luxury houses in the centre of the city.‎ 许多市议会议员反对在市中心建造豪华型住宅。[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.‎ 许多居民反对修建那条高速公路的计划。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ oppose vt.& vi.意为“反对;使对立;使对抗; 抗争”,后面可直接跟名词作宾语,也可用于be opposed to(doing)sth.结构。‎ ‎【词汇辨析】 ‎ oppose,object和resist 三者都含有“反对”的意思,但是用法有区别。‎ oppose为常用词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对”,着重动作,尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。如:‎ The father opposed to his son's marriage.父亲反对儿子的婚事。‎ object 常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”,着重“个人嫌厌”和“(由于与个人有关因此)提出反对意见”。如:[来源:学.科.网]‎ I objected to his plan.我反对他的计划。‎ resist 指“积极地反抗、对抗;用武力阻止……的前进”,如:‎ The villagers were united to resist the enemy.‎ 村民们团结起来抵抗敌人。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 我们坚决反对在国与国之间实行强权政治。‎ We ______ firmly ______ the practice of power politics between nations.‎ Suggested answers:are;opposed to ‎ ‎2.come about(P26)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ So how has this come_about and does it matter?这种情况是怎么发生的,有什么影响?‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ With the use of electricity,great changes have come about.‎ 随着电的使用,种种大变化发生了。‎ The accident comes about in this way.这事故就是这样发生的。‎ Many a quarrel has come about through a misunderstanding.‎ 许多争执都是由于误会产生的。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ come about意为“发生,造成”,有时用it作主语,后面跟that引导的从句。‎ ‎【词汇辨析】 ‎ come about与happen,occur,take place的异同。‎ come about与happen,occur,take place同义。take place常指经过安排的。happen指“偶然发生”,等于occur。happen to+v.意为“偶然/碰巧做出”。‎ It happens/happened that-clause...碰巧……‎ occur/happen+to(prep.)...发生在…… ‎ occur+to(prep.)...想起……‎ It occur(-s/-ed)(to sb.)+to do sth./that-clause想起,想到 ‎【即景活用】‎ 同义句转换 She happened to be out when he called.‎ A:It ______ that she ______ ______ ______ ______when he called.‎ B:She ______not to be ______ when he called.‎ C:It ______ ______ she was not at home when he called.[来源:学科网]‎ Suggested answers:A:happened;was not at home B:happened;home C:came about ‎3.result in(P26)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted_in this increase in carbon dioxide.‎ 他们还一致认为,正是因为越来越多的化石燃料的燃烧才导致了二氧化碳的增长。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ These measures resulted in a great victory.‎ 由于采取了这些措施,打了一个大胜仗。‎ The plot resulted in failure.阴谋以失败告终。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ result in的意思是“产生,导致”,与 cause或lead to同义,其主语是起因;in的宾语是结果。result from的意思是“由……引起,产生”,与lie in,as a result of和because of同义,其主语是结果,from的宾语是起因。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 同义句转换 ‎(1)His failure resulted from not working hard enough.‎ Not working hard enough______ ______his failure.‎ ‎(2)His sickness was caused by eating too much.‎ A.His sickness ______ ______eating too much.‎ B.He was ill ______he ate too much.‎ C.______ ______ ______ ______ eating too much,he was ill.‎ Suggested answers:(1)resulted in (2)resulted from;because;As a result of ‎4.quantities of(P26)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ The problem begins when we add huge quantities_of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.‎ 当我们把大量额外的二氧化碳排入大气层的时候,问题就出现了。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)Quantities of food(nuts)were on the table.桌子上有许多食品(坚果)。 ‎ ‎(2)Great quantities of sand were washed down the hillside by the rain.‎ 雨水把大量的泥沙冲下山坡。‎ ‎(3)He collected quantities(a quantity)of old pictures.‎ 他收集了大量的旧画。‎ ‎(4)There is only a small quantity of wine left.只剩下很少一点酒了。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ quantities of=a quantity of,意为“大量的”,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。quantities of无论修饰可数还是不可数名词,后面的谓语动词都用复数。‎ 另外,quantity前面还可以加修饰成分,构成的短语有a certain quantity of (一定数量的),a large(great,good)quantity of(大量的),a small quantity of(少量的……),large(great,good)quantities of (大量的),small quantities of(少量的……)。 ‎ ‎【知识拓展】‎ ‎(1)quantity 量,数量。如:‎ Without quantity there can be no quality.没有数量就没有质量。‎ The government has been buying silver in great quantities.‎ 政府一直在大量购进白银。‎ ‎(in great/small quantities意为“大/少量”,用作状语。)‎ ‎(2)表示“大量的”时,可用以下形式:‎ ‎①修饰可数名词 many,a great/large number of,great/large numbers of,a good/great many (后面没有of),many a(后接单数名词,其谓语动词也用单数形式)‎ ‎②修饰不可数名词 much,a great/large amount of,great/large amounts of,a great/good deal of ‎ ‎③既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词 a lot of=lots of,a quantity of=quantities of,a mass of=masses of,plenty of (前面没有a)‎ ‎▲这些短语均常被形容词修饰,如:a large number of,a small amount of,a great quantity of。‎ ‎▲quantities of/amounts of+不可数名词+复数动词;a lot of/lots of/plenty of+不可数名词+单数动词。‎ ‎▲in amount/amounts/quantity/quantities/number意为“在数量上,大量地”。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)We aim at quality rather than ______.‎ A.number B.amount ‎ C.figure D.quantity ‎(2)With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth ______ each year.‎ A.is washing away B.is being washed away C.are washing away D.are being washed away Suggested answers:(1)D (2)D ‎ ‎5.even if(P27)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Even_if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the ‎ climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.‎ 尽管我们已经开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放量,但是在未来的几十年或几个世纪里气候将会持续变暖。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ Even if it rained heavily,we still marched on.即使大雨倾盆,我们还是继续前进。‎ Even if you are a good high-jumper,you jump no more than three meters.‎ 即使是个优秀的跳高运动员,你也跳不过三米。‎ We shall go,even if it rains.就是下雨,我们也要去。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ even if有“虽然、即使、尽管”的意思,引导让步状语从句,可以与even though互换,语气比although和though强,可以放在主句前面也可以放在主句后面。‎ ‎【知识拓展】‎ though,although引导让步从句的用法:‎ though,although引导让步从句时,后面的从句不能有but,但是可以用 yet。如:‎ Although it's raining,they are still working in the field.‎ 虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。‎ He is very old,but he still works very hard.‎ 虽然很老了,但他仍然努力地工作。‎ Though the sore be healed,yet a scar may remain.‎ 伤口虽愈合,但伤疤留下了。(谚语)‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)We'll make a trip ______ the weather is bad.‎ A.as for B.even if ‎ C.because of D.as long as ‎ ‎(2)______she is young,she knows quite a lot.‎ A.When B.However ‎ C.Although D.Unless ‎ Suggested answers:(1)B (2)C Ⅲ.词汇综合运用 ‎1.用括号中所给的单词或短语翻译下列句子。‎ ‎(1)即使一个工人持续工作三十余年,他依然买不起房。(even if)‎ ‎(2)总起来说,中国的房价太高。而且房价还在持续增长。(on the whole;tend;keep on)‎ ‎(3)他们坚决要求把房价控制在一定的范围内。(range)‎ ‎(4)尽管政府已经采取了一些措施,但是房价依然在上涨,这导致了许多问题。(although;go up;result in)‎ ‎(5)许多人想知道这是如何造成的。(come about)‎ ‎(6)他们反对政府采取的一些措施。(oppose)‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)Even if a worker works continually for more than thirty years,he still can't afford a house.‎ ‎(2)On the whole,the price of houses in China is too high.And it tends to keep on rising.‎ ‎(3)They insist that the price of houses should be controlled within a range.‎ ‎(4)Although the government has taken some measures,the price of houses is still going up,which has resulted in many problems.‎ ‎(5)Many people want to know how it comes about.‎ ‎(6)They oppose some measurements taken by the government.‎ ‎2.连句成篇(按照一定的逻辑顺序适当调整句子的顺序,把上面的句子连成一篇小短文,必要时增加适当的连词。)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Suggested answers:‎ On the whole,the price of houses in China is too high.And it tends to keep on rising.Although the government has taken some measures,the price of houses is still going up,which has resulted in many problems.Even if a worker works continually for more than thirty ‎ years,he still can't afford a house.Many people want to know how it comes about.They oppose some measurements taken by the government and insist that the price of houses should be controlled within a range.‎ Step 5 Sentence focus ‎1....but it is a rapid increase when_compared_to other natural changes.(P26)‎ ‎……但是,同自然界的其他变化相比,这种升高是迅速的。‎ 这是一个省略句,补全之后是...but it is a rapid increase when it is compared to other natural changes。‎ 一般说来,省略现象多出现在下列五种状语从句中:‎ ‎(1)由 when,while,as,before,after,till,until,once等引导的时间状语从句;‎ ‎(2)由whether,if,unless 等引导的条件状语从句;‎ ‎(3)由 though,although,even if,whatever等引导的让步状语从句;‎ ‎(4)由 as,than 等引导的比较状语从句;‎ ‎(5)由as,as if,as though 等引导的方式状语从句。‎ 上述状语从句在省略时,并非任何成分都可以省略,而是遵循以下原则:[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K]‎ ‎(1)当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以省略状语从句的主语和系动词be,这时从句中可出现如下结构:‎ ‎①连词(as,as if,once)+名词。如:‎ Once(he was)a worker,Pang Long now becomes a famous singer.‎ 庞龙曾经是个工人,现在成了一位著名的歌手。 ‎ ‎②连词(though,whether,when)+形容词。如:‎ Work hard when(you are)young,or you'll regret.‎ 趁年轻要努力学习,要不然你会后悔的。‎ ‎③连词(whether,as if,while)+介词短语。如:‎ He looked everywhere as if(he was)in search of something.‎ 他到处看似乎在找什么东西。‎ ‎④连词(when,while,though)+现在分词。如:‎ While(he was)holding talks with President Hu Jintao,US President George W.Bush thanked China for its important role in the Six-Party Talks.‎ 在与胡锦涛主席会谈时,美国总统布什感谢中国在六方会谈中起的重要作用。 ‎ ‎⑤连词(when,if,even if,unless,once,until,than,as)+过去分词。如:‎ The exhibition is more interesting than(it was)expected.‎ 这次展览比被预料的有趣得多。‎ ‎⑥连词(as if,as though)+不定式。如:‎ Olympic gold medalist hurdler Liu Xiang opened his lips as if(he were)to speak.‎ 奥林匹克金牌获得者跨栏运动员刘翔张开嘴,好像要说什么。‎ ‎(2)当从句的主语是it,谓语动词中又含有系动词be 时,可以把it和系动词be一起省略。此时构成连词(if,unless,when,whenever)+形容词的结构。如:‎ Unless(it is)necessary,you'd better not refer to the dictionary.‎ 如果没有必要,你最好不要查字典。‎ ‎2.There_is_no_doubt_that the earth is becoming warmer...(P26)‎ 毫无疑问地球正在变暖……‎ 在There is no doubt后常可跟that引导的同位语从句(在肯定句中,doubt后面有时可跟whether引导的从句)。‎ There is no doubt that you will succeed if you try your best.‎ 毫无疑问如果你尽最大努力你一定会成功。‎ There is no doubt that he will come on time.他一定会准时来。‎ 类似常用结构:‎ There is no knowing/telling...没法知道/说……‎ There is no need...没有必要……‎ There is no question...……是没有问题的。‎ There is no reason...没有理由……‎ There is no possibility that...……是没有可能的。‎ It is no/small wonder that...(No wonder that)...难怪……‎ It is a wonder that...……真奇怪/真是令人惊奇。‎ Step 6 Homework ‎1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.Do Exercise 1 in Using Words and Expressions in your exercise book.‎ ‎2.Learn the useful new words and expressions by heart.‎ Step 7 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Period 3 Grammar—the Use of “It”(2)‎ 教学内容分析   ‎ This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar:the use of “it”.“It” has many usages in the English language.“It” can be used as a pronoun and the form of subject and object,and be used to express emphasis.From Unit 3 we know that “it” can be used as a pronoun and the form of subject and object.In this unit we will learn that “it” can be used to express emphasis.This kind of sentence is called emphasized sentences.Its main form is “It is/was...that/who...”,which is a very useful sentence pattern.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To get the students to know the structure of the emphasized sentences.‎ ‎2.To let the students learn the usages of the emphasized sentences.‎ ‎3.To enable the students to use the emphasized sentences correctly and properly.‎ Process and methods ‎1.To ask the students to read the reading passage again,pick out the emphasized sentences from the reading passage and translate them into Chinese.‎ ‎2.To ask the students to discover the structure and usages of the emphasized sentences by comparing a lot of example sentences.‎ ‎3.To ask the students to do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 29 to master the emphasized sentences.‎ ‎4.To ask the students to summarize the usages of the emphasized sentences.‎ ‎5.To ask the students to do the exercises in Using Structures on Page 64 and some other additional exercises for consolidation.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To get the students to become interested in grammar learning.‎ ‎2.To develop the students' ability of comparing and summarizing.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.To get the students to master the structure and usages of the emphasized sentences.‎ ‎2.To enable the students to learn how to use the emphasized sentences.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Check the homework exercises.‎ ‎2.Dictate some new words and expressions.‎ Step 2 Warming up Ask the students to compare the two sentences below.The second sentence is from the reading passage.Translate them into Chinese and then discuss any difference in meaning and form.Ask the students to explain why “it” is used in the second sentence.‎ Human activity has caused this global warming.‎ It_is human activity_that has caused this global warming.‎ Tell the students there are two more sentences in the text in which “it” is used for emphasis.Find them and then write them down.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.It_was a scientist called Charles Keeling,who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.‎ ‎2....it_is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.‎ Step 3 Grammar learning ‎ Ask the students to study the following sentences and try to summarize the structure of the emphasized sentences.‎ Step 4 Summing up Try to help the students draw the following conclusions.‎ ‎1.The main structure of the emphasized sentences is “It is/was...that/who...”.‎ ‎2.The emphasized sentences can be used to emphasize the subject,object and adverbial(including adverbial of time and adverbial of place).‎ ‎3.When we want to emphasize the subject,object and adverbial,we only need to put these parts between “it is/was” and “that/who”,the rest part shouldn't be changed.‎ ‎4.When the emphasized part is a person we can use both the structure “It is/was...that...” and the structure “It is/was...who...”.When the emphasized part is not a person we can only use the structure “It is/was...that...”.‎ Step 5 Grammar practice Ask students to do the following exercises:‎ ‎1.Change the following sentences into emphasized sentences.(To emphasize the underlined parts.)[来源:学科网]‎ ‎(1)Peter lent us the money.‎ ‎(2)They want money.[来源:学科网][来源:学+科+网]‎ ‎(3)All this happened on_Monday.[来源:学.科.网]‎ ‎(4)I didn't hear from her until_last_summer.‎ ‎(5)Why does everyone think I am narrow-minded?‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)It was Peter who lent us the money.‎ ‎(2)It is money that they want.‎ ‎(3)It was on Monday that all this happened.‎ ‎(4)It was not until last summer that I heard from her.‎ ‎(5)Why is it that everyone thinks I am narrow-minded?‎ The last two may be a little difficult for the students.Help them to get the correct answer.‎ ‎2.Do Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures on Page 29.‎ ‎3.Do the exercises in Using Structures on Page 64.‎ First ask students to do the exercises individually,and then let them discuss and check their answers with their partners,and finally give them correct answers and deal with any problems they might meet.‎ Step 6 Getting more about the grammar Show the following sentences to the students and ask them to find what the similarity of these sentences is.‎ Suggested answers:‎ In these three sentences,the underlined parts are all clauses—a subject clause and two adverbial clauses.That is to say,the emphasized sentence can not only be used to emphasize subject,object and adverbial,but also be used to emphasize subject clauses and adverbial clauses.Pay special attention to the third sentence,in which “not” and “until” must be put together.‎ Then show the following two sentences to students and ask them to translate them into Chinese.Pay attention to the sentence pattern.‎ Suggested answers:(1)美国宇航员是于1969年成功登陆月球的吗?‎ ‎(2)究竟是谁在路上放了这么多大石头?‎ The general question sentences and the wh-question sentences of the emphasized sentences should follow the following formulas:‎ Is/Was it+被强调部分+that+其他部分 Wh-疑问词+is/was it that+其他部分 Step 7 Task-based learning ‎ Ask students to choose a topic they like(eg.global warming,wildlife,protection,music,film,etc).Work in groups and try to tell the information they know about the topic using emphatic “it”.‎ EXAMPLES:‎ It was during the 20th century that the temperature of the earth went up about one degree Fahrenheit.‎ It was Charles Keeling who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.‎ Step 8 Closing down by a quiz Show students the following on the screen or give out test papers to them and then ask them to finish these exercises in 10 minutes.‎ ‎1.Was it in this place ______ they once built a tall building?‎ A.that B.in which ‎ C.before D.which ‎ ‎2.It is ______ he often breaks the school rules ______ makes his head teacher unsatisfied with him.‎ A.what;that B.that;what C.that;that D.because;that ‎ ‎3.It is because English is being widely used at present ______.‎ A.why we learn it hard B.that we learn it hard ‎ C.which we must learn D.when we should learn ‎ ‎4.—Was it what he said or something that he did ______ made you cry so sadly,Sarah?‎ ‎—No,not really.‎ A.which B.that ‎ C.when D.what ‎ ‎5.______ the people have become masters of their country ______ science can really serve the people.‎ A.It is only then;that B.It was that;when ‎ C.It is only when;that D.It was when;then ‎ ‎6.—I think we have met the word before.‎ ‎—Yes.It is in the reading material ______ we ______ reading yesterday.‎ A.that;did B.that;were C.when;were D.when;did ‎ ‎7.It was there,the police believe,______ she was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag.‎ A.until B.which ‎ C.that D.when ‎ ‎8.It was this sense of failure ______ made him determined to succeed in his new life.‎ A.who B.which ‎ C.that D.why ‎ ‎9.______ that so many people think that being perfect is the way to go?‎ A.It is why B.Why is it C.Why it is D.Is why it ‎ ‎10.When asked to explain ______ he does to make his students so enthusiastic about school,he pauses and thinks deeply.‎ A.what it is that B.that what it is C.what is it that D.that what is it ‎ ‎11.—Wasn't it Dr Wang who spoke to you just now?‎ ‎—______.‎ A.I didn't know who was B.Yes,it was C.No,he wasn't D.Yes,he did ‎ ‎12.It was ______ he said at the meeting last night ______ made me angry.‎ A.what;that B.that;that [来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ C.what;what D.that;what ‎ ‎13.Was ______ that I saw last night at the concert?‎ A.it you B.not you C.you D.that yourself ‎ ‎14.It was the nervousness in the interview ______ probably lost him the job.‎ A.which B.since C.that D.what ‎ ‎15.It was ______I reached there ______ I began to know something about the matter.‎ A.until;when B.until;that C.not until;that D.not when;that ‎16.It was ______ my father worked ______ I worked now.‎ A.where;that B.where;when C.that;where D.that;that ‎ ‎17.What a silly mistake it is ______ you've make!‎ A.it  B.that ‎ C.this D.which ‎ Suggested answers:1~5 ACBBC 6~10 BCCBA 11~15 BAACC 16~17 AB Step 9 Homework ‎1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.‎ ‎2.Preview the new words and expressions left in Unit 5 and the passage on Page 30.Mark any part they can't understand well.‎ Step 10 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Period 4 Listening and Speaking 教学内容分析   ‎ The emphasis of this period will be placed on listening and speaking.There are altogether two texts for the students to listen to in this period:one is in the Student's Book and the other is in the Workbook.The first one(on Page 31,Listening and speaking)is a conversation between two people,Li Bin and Professor Keeling,who is a scientist studying global warming.Professor Keeling has been mentioned in the reading passage on Page 26.The listening text is a radio interview about the use of fossil fuels and other sources of energy.It contains examples of the focus function for this unit:agreement and disagreement.While listening to Part 1 for the first time the students are asked to decide which statement in Exercise 1 Professor Keeling does NOT agree with.Then students are ‎ required to listen to Part 1 again and tick the energy sources that are mentioned in the text.After listening to Part 2 students are asked to list three things they can do to save energy.At last they should also listen to Part 2 again and fill in the blanks in Exercise 4.‎ The second one(on Page 65,Listening Task)involves an environmental organization.A student,Tom,is giving an oral presentation.As with most oral presentations that students give,Tom has some visual aids to go with his talk.Students will first be required to listen to the whole speech to get the general idea,and then listen again and take some notes about some facts mentioned in the speech.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To understand the meanings of the following key words and expressions while hearing them in the tape:fossil fuels(化石燃料),industrial societies(工业化社会),concentrated(浓缩的),radiation(辐射),economical(经济的),global community(地球村),cigarette butts(烟蒂),commitment(承诺),inspiration(启发).‎ ‎2.To enable the students to understand the listening texts.‎ ‎3.To help the students learn how to express agreement and disagreement.‎ Process and methods ‎1.Smoothing away language problems if any before listening.‎ Before asking the students to listen to the tape,help them to smooth away any language problems such as new words and expressions that they may not understand while listening.‎ ‎2.Listening for needed information.‎ Before asking the students to listen to the tape for the first time,give them one or two questions about the general idea of the text so as to lead the students to concentrate only on the needed information.Then ask them to listen to the tape for a second or even a third time for some specific information by giving them some detailed questions to answer.‎ ‎3.Speaking freely and making conversations.‎ At last the students may be asked to give their own points of view and attitudes towards the subject mentioned in the text.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To stimulate students' spirit of communication and cooperation.‎ ‎2.To develop students' ability of enjoying language beauty.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.The understanding of the listening text.‎ ‎2.The expressing of agreement and disagreement.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Retell the text on P26-P27.‎ ‎2.Check the last period's homework and explain the difficulties.‎ Step 2 Pre-listening ‎1.Show the following pictures to the students and ask them to tell which kind of energy each picture shows.‎ Picture 1 ____________       Picture 2 ____________‎ Picture 3 ____________ Picture 4 ____________‎ Suggested answers:‎ Picture 1:tide;Picture 2:wind power;Picture 3:solar energy;Picture 4:nuclear energy ‎2.Tell the students to think over and tell which energy is the most widely used now and what are its advantages and disadvantages.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Suggested answers:‎ Solar energy is the most widely used now.Its advantages are environmentally friendly and renewable.Its disadvantage is that the equipment is too expensive.‎ Step 3 Listening ‎ ‎1.Listen to Part 1 of Text 1(Page 31)and finish the following exercises.‎ ‎(1)How long does Professor Keeling think fossil fuels will last?‎ A.Several years.     B.Only a few years.     C.Centuries.‎ ‎(2)What is the disadvantage of nuclear energy?‎ A.It is dangerous. ‎ B.It produces carbon dioxide. ‎ C.There isn't enough for it.‎ ‎(3)What makes it impossible for us to use sun power at present?‎ A.The danger. B.The technology.  C.Being clean.‎ Suggested answers:(1)C (2)A (3)B ‎2.Listen to Part 1 of Text 1 again(Page 31)and tick the energy sources that are mentioned.Complete the notes on them.‎ Sources of energy Notes Fossil fuels Wind power[来源:学科网]‎ Energy from the sun ‎[来源:学。科。网]‎ Nuclear power ‎ Suggested answers:‎ Sources of energy Notes ‎ Fossil fuels ‎●produce carbon dioxide ‎ ‎●cheap and concentrated form of energy Wind power ‎●clean ‎ ‎●not practical:need huge areas of land to provide enough energy Energy from the sun ‎●clean ‎ ‎●not very practical with present technology Nuclear power ‎●doesn't produce carbon dioxide ‎ ‎●dangerous ‎3.Listen to Part 2 of Text 1(Page 31)and choose the best answers to the following questions.‎ ‎(1)How many suggestions does Professor Keeling offer?‎ A.2 B.3 C.4 ‎ ‎(2)Which of the following is to blame for global warming?‎ A.Developing countries. B.Developed countries. C.Poor countries.‎ Suggested answers:(1)B (2)B ‎4.Listen to Text 2(Page 65)for the first time and catch its main idea and then summarize each part.‎ Main idea:_________________________________________________‎ Part 1:______________________________________________________‎ Part 2:_____________________________________________________‎ Suggested answers:‎ Main idea:The talk is mainly about Clean Up Australia Day and its organizer Ian Kierman.‎ Part 1:How Ian Kierman began Clean Up Australia Day.‎ Part 2:Clean Up the World Day and Ian Kierman's contribution to improving the environment.‎ ‎5.Listen to the whole talk again.Ask students to notice the years that Tom mentions,what happened in these years and many other facts.Make notes in the following table.‎ Year Event Facts about the event ‎[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎ Suggested answers:‎ Year Event Facts about the event ‎1987‎ Ian Kierman competed in a round-the-world yacht race He was shocked at the pollution in the ocean.‎ ‎1989‎ Clean-up Day for Sydney Harbour ‎40 000 volunteers;collected old car bodies,plastics,glass bottles,cigarette butts ‎1990‎ The first Clean Up Australia Day ‎300 000 volunteers ‎ ‎2001‎ Clean Up Australia Day Most common kinds of rubbish:cigarette butts,glass bottles and plastic bags ‎1993‎ The first Clean Up the World Day ‎30 million volunteers in 80 countries ‎2001‎ Clean Up the World Day[来源:学科网]‎ ‎40 million volunteers in 128 countries;cleaned streets,beaches,river banks and parks Step 3 Speaking Since the students have learned much knowledge about global warming by both reading and listening.It's necessary for them to talk about it now.Teach them how to express agreements and disagreements,blame and complaint by showing them the following patterns on the screen.‎ ‎(Slide show)‎ Agreement:‎ Exactly.‎ You're right.‎ I agree.‎ Blame and complaint:‎ I'm sorry to bring this up,but...?‎ I'm sorry to have to say this,but...‎ They shouldn't have done it.‎ They are to blame.‎ That's correct/true/right.‎ Disagreement:‎ I'm afraid I disagree with you.‎ I'm afraid not.‎ I don't think so.‎ No way.‎ I don't agree.‎ I doubt...‎ Perhaps/Maybe they should/ought to...‎ Why don't you do something about it?[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]‎ Ask students to read again what Professor Keeling and Li Bin say.Then in groups discuss who you agree with and give reasons.Use some of the expressions listed above or any others they know.‎ Give the students three minutes to prepare and practice,and then ask two groups to demonstrate their dialogues in front of the whole class.‎ Step 4 Homework Write a passage to talk about global warming and people's different views on it.‎ Step 5 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Ⅰ.国际知名环保组织介绍 这些国际性的环保组织克服了重重困难,获得了世界范围内的响应和支持,依靠组织手段,将提倡的环保概念普及,并通过各种环保项目的实施,切实推动世界各地的环保进程。‎ ‎(1)世界环保组织(IUCN)‎ 全名为International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ‎ Resources,缩写为IUCN,该组织历史悠久,1948年即在瑞士格兰德成立,是政府及非政府机构都能参与合作的少数几个国际组织之一。由全球81个国家、120个政府组织、超过800个非政府组织、10 000个专家及科学家组成,该组织共有181个成员国,实际工作人员已超过8500名。组织每3年召开一次世界自然保护大会(World Conservation Congress)。IUCN旨在影响、鼓励及协助全球各地的协会,保护自然的完整性与多样性,并确保在使用自然资源上的公平性,及生态上的可持续发展。‎ ‎(2)世界自然基金会(WWF)‎ WWF是在全球享有盛誉的、最大的独立性非政府环境保护机构之一,在全世界拥有将近500万支持者和一个在90多个国家活跃着的网络。WWF的使命是遏止地球自然环境的恶化,创造人类与自然和谐相处的美好未来,保护世界生物多样性;确保可再生自然资源的可持续利用;推动降低污染和减少浪费性消费的行动。该组织的标志为大熊猫。‎ ‎(3)全球环境基金(GEF)‎ GEF是关于生物多样性、气候变化、持久性有机污染物和土地荒漠化的国际公约的资金机制。GEF通过其业务规划,支持发展中国家和经济转型国家在生物多样性、气候变化、国家水域、臭氧层损耗、土地退化和持久性有机污染物的重点领域上开展活动,取得全球效益。自1991年启动以来,GEF已通过1000多个项目,向140多个发展中国家和经济转型国家提供了大约40亿美元赠款,并从各种渠道吸引了120亿美元的项目融资。2002年8月,32个捐资国保证,在随后4年内,向GEF提供近30亿美元,用于GEF活动。‎ ‎(4)国际绿色和平组织 ‎1971年,12名怀有共同梦想的人从加拿大温哥华起航,驶往安奇卡岛(Amchitka),去阻止美国在那里进行的核试验。他们在渔船上挂了一条横幅,上面写着“绿色和平”。尽管在中途遭到美国军方阻拦,他们的行动却触发了舆论和公众的声援。次年,美国放弃在安奇卡岛进行核试验。在此后的30多年里,绿色和平组织逐渐发展成为全球最有影响力的环保组织之一。该组织继承了创始人勇敢独立的精神,坚信以行动促成改变。同时,通过研究、教育和游说工作,推动政府、企业和公众共同寻求环境问题的解决方案。绿色和平组织在中国的环保项目包括气候与能源项目——致力于减缓由燃烧煤、石油和天然气等化石燃料造成的气候变化,还有致力于消除有毒污染物的污染防治项目,森林保护项目品等。‎ ‎(5)地球之友(Friends of Earth)‎ 在香港地区创立的“地球之友”(Friends of the Earth International)是著名的环境非政府组织之一,还是反全球化运动的一支重要力量。与其他环境组织一样,“地球之友”近年来也改变了就环境问题谈环境的做法,转而将环境问题与社会问题及发展问题联系起来,既扩大了活动领域,也扩大了影响。自1983年成立以来,“地球之友”曾经走过一段艰辛的路。在香港的超级物质主义的大潮流下,“地球之友”‎ 仍然坚守使命,捍卫公众利益,维护环境公义,不屈不挠地推动环保,反对扩充发电厂、滥用杀虫剂、侵占郊野土地、关注过度消费、城市空气污染、水质污染、填海和环境管理失误等问题。 ‎ Ⅱ.Kids F.A.C.E.(儿童环保组织“为了世界更清洁”)‎ Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to the then President Bush.Through her own efforts,her letter was reproduced on over 250 donated billboards across the country.‎ The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids for A Cleaner Environment(Kids F.A.C.E.)in 1989.There are now 300 000 members of Kids F.A.C.E.worldwide and is the world's largest youth environmental organization.‎ Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a “Children's Forest” project in every national park.In 1992,she was invited as one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil as part of the Voices of the Future Program.In 1993,she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the Caring Institute.‎ Since the organization started,Kids F.A.C.E.members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees! Ongoing tree-planting projects include Kid's Yards—the creation of backyard wildlife habitats(栖息地)and now Kids F.A.C.E.is involved in the exciting Earth Odyssey,which is a great way to start helping.‎ ‎“Starting the club turned out to be a way to help people get involved with the environment.Club members started doing things like recycling,picking up litter and planting trees as well as inviting other kids to join their club.”‎ ‎“We try to tell kids that it's not OK to be lazy,” she explains.“You need to start being a responsible,environmentally friendly person now,right away,before you become a resource-sucking adult.” ‎ Period 5 Reading and Writing 教学内容分析   ‎ The teaching materials of this period contain three parts.The first part is the reading passage on Page 30 with the title of “What Can We Do About Global Warming?”.It consists of two letters:a request from a student for help on a school project and the reply.The letters bring students' attention to a commonly held belief that individuals are powerless to do anything about ‎ environmental problems and that it is governments that are in a position to act and have the responsibility to act.Earth Care's letter suggests ways to save energy and therefore decrease the amount of carbon dioxide that is poured into the atmosphere.‎ The second part is Exercise 2 on Page 31,which asks the students to make a poster for their school that tells students various ways they can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.‎ The third part is a writing task designed by the teacher,which asks students to write a short passage about global warming.By practicing writing the passage,students can strengthen their knowledge about global warming and develop their sense of environmental protection.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To enable the students to know how to prevent global warming.‎ ‎2.To get the students to learn the following useful new words and expressions:on behalf of,advocate,commitment,put up with,pollution,electrical,so long as,casual,and so on,motor,cans,circumstances,microwave,refresh,educator,contribution...‎ ‎3.To help the students learn how to write a poster.‎ ‎4.To foster the students' ability in skimming and looking up information in reference books and improve the students' reading ability.‎ Process and methods Reading for specific information,summarizing,discussing and practicing.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To develop students' sense of environmental protection.‎ ‎2.To develop the students' sense of cooperation with others to solve problems.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.The understanding of the reading passage.‎ ‎2.The following key phrases:make a difference,put up with,so long as ‎ ‎3.The following key sentences:‎ ‎(1)Together,individuals can make a difference.‎ ‎(2)It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it...‎ ‎(3)Get your parents to buy things that are economical with energy...‎ ‎(4)Remember—your contribution counts!‎ ‎4.Teaching the students how to write a poster.‎ Step 1 Revision Check the homework of the last period.‎ Step 2 Lead-in Show the students the following pictures on the slide and ask students the following questions:‎ ‎1.Have you ever seen the film 2012?‎ ‎2.What kind of disasters have you seen in the film?‎ ‎3.What have you learnt from the film?‎ And then ask them:What causes the global warming?Lead them to tell the cause:gas emission.At the same time show the following pictures:‎ After talking about the causes of gas emission,ask students the question “What is the effect of global warming?”.Help them answer:natural disasters(flood,drought,hurricane,tsunami and tornado),spread of diseases,sea level rising,decrease of species and so on.‎ At last,ask the question:“What can we do about global warming?” And then lead in the reading text.‎ Step 3 Skimming ‎1.Skim the first letter,and answer the questions below:‎ ‎(1)Who is the writer?‎ ‎(2)What are the two concerns of the letter?‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)A student named Ouyang Guang.‎ ‎(2)①His opinion that,as an individual,he can have no effect on environmental problems.‎ ‎②Getting some suggestions for what he can do about global warming.‎ ‎2.Read the second email,and answer the following question:‎ Does Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guang's opinion that individuals can have no effect?‎ Suggested answer:No,Earth Care does not agree.‎ Step 4 Scanning and discussion ‎ Ask students to scan the letters and list Earth Care's suggestions in the chart on P30,and discuss whether they can carry out each suggestion.Give reasons for their answers.And then ask one or two groups to make an oral report.‎ Earth Care's suggestion Can you carry it out?‎ Reasons If you are not using electrical appliances,turn them off.‎ Yes.‎ Save energy.‎ If you're cold,put on more clothes instead of turning up Yes.‎ Save energy.‎ ‎ the heat.‎ Motor vehicles use a lot of energy,so walk or ride a bike if you can.‎ Yes.‎ Save energy.‎ Recycle cans,bottles,plastics and newspapers and buy things made from recycled materials.‎ Yes.‎ Save energy.[来源:学科网]‎ Get your parents or friends to buy products that are made to save energy.‎ Yes.‎ Save energy.‎ Plant more trees.‎ Yes.‎ Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.‎ Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what you've learned.‎ Yes.‎ Together,individuals can make a difference.‎ Step 5 Language study Show the students the following language points in the passage in a slide show.‎ ‎1.make a difference(P30)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ Together,individuals can make a difference.‎ 众人拾柴火焰高。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)The fact that I can now organize my own time makes a big difference.‎ 现在我能自己安排时间了,这对我有很大的作用。‎ ‎(2)It makes no difference to me what you say.I'm not going.‎ 无论你怎么说对我都没有影响,反正我不去。‎ ‎(3)It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.‎ 你今天去也好,明天去也好,关系不大。‎ ‎(4)She makes no difference between her two sons.‎ 她对两个儿子一视同仁。 ‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ make a difference(to sb./sth.)意为“对某人/某物起作用、有影响”,difference前面可以加不同的修饰词,如no/some/little/much等。make a difference between...表示“区别对待……”。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎—When shall I go there?‎ ‎—It ______ whether you go today or tomorrow.‎ A.made no difference         B.made no sense C.makes no difference D.makes no sense ‎ Suggested answers:C ‎2.put up with(P30)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ We do not have to put up with pollution.‎ 我们不必忍受污染。‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)I put up with her so long as I could.‎ 我尽可能地容忍她。‎ ‎(2)That lady,as a housewife,has a lot to put up with.‎ 作为一名家庭主妇,那位妇女必须要忍受许多事情。[来源:学#科#网]‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ put up with...“容忍,忍受”, 宾语可以是人或者事物。‎ ‎【知识拓展】‎ ‎(1)bear 和stand在疑问句和否定句中和can,be able to连用,也表示“忍受”,其宾语多为事物。‎ ‎(2)live with sth.忍受某事;live with sb.和某人一起生活。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ He behaved badly towards his wife.As a result she couldn't ______ him and left him.‎ A.come up with B.catch up with ‎ C.put up with D.live up ‎ Suggested answer:C ‎ ‎3.so long as(P30)‎ ‎【原句再现】‎ It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it—if not,turn it off!‎ 只要你在使用,让家用电器开着无所谓——如果不用,就请关闭!‎ ‎【观察探究】‎ ‎(1)You can borrow my bike so long as you remember to return it as soon as possible.‎ 只要你记着尽早归还就可以借用我的自行车。‎ ‎(2)We can surely overcome the difficulties so long as we are closely united.‎ 只要我们紧密地团结在一起,我们就一定能够克服这些困难。‎ ‎【归纳总结】‎ so long as 起连词作用,引导条件状语从句,可以与as long as 互换,意思是“只要……”,前者语气较强,后者主要用于口语中。[来源:学科网]‎ ‎【知识拓展】‎ 条件状语从句的引导词还可以是if,unless,on condition that,suppose,supposing,provided(that)等。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎______ I am concerned,we should be brave and we will reach the top of the hill at last ______ we try our best to climb the hill.‎ A.So long as;as long as ‎ B.As far as;as far as C.As far as;so long as ‎ D.On condition that;as soon as ‎ Suggested answer:C Step 6 Writing ‎ ‎1.Ask the students to make a poster for their school that tells students various ways they can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.Tell students to illustrate their poster and give it a heading that will be eye-catching and will make others want to read it.‎ Suggested answer:‎ ‎2.Ask students to choose a topic from the list that they feel strongly about.Make notes on the topic using headings similar to the table in the reading task.Use the passage as a model.‎ Writing tips:[来源:学.科.网]‎ Step 1:Write out the thesis statement(point of view).‎ Step 2:Write out the topic sentence of the first body paragraph.‎ Step 3:Give the supporting points and details about the first subtopic.‎ Step 4:Write out the topic sentence of the second body paragraph.‎ Step 5:Give the supporting points and details about the second subtopic(more body paragraphs).‎ A sample version:‎ The Environmental Effects of Fossil Fuels There is no doubt that fossil fuels bring a lot of good to us.But do you know that many of the environmental problems our country faces today result from our fossil fuel dependence?‎ The environment faces air pollution,global warming,acid rain,and several other very serious problems because of our use of fossil fuels.Over the last 150 years,burning of fossil fuels has resulted in more than 25 percent increase in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.‎ Carbon dioxide is one of the main factors in global warming which is negatively affecting everyone.Fossil fuels also affect water pollution,land pollution,and thermal pollution(heat pollution).Coal mining is one of the causes of pollution in the environment.After the mining is completed,the land will remain barren.Materials other than coal are also brought to the surface in the coal mining process and these are left as solid wastes.The production,transportation,and use of fossil fuels are to blame for the effects of pollution on the environment.Then what should we do?We should spare no effort to improve our environment.Please save energy and use fewer fossil fuels in our daily lives.‎ Step 7 Homework ‎ ‎1.Master the language points in the text.‎ ‎2.Finish the writing task.‎ Step 8 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Global Warming Solutions—What Can We Do?‎ The evidence that humans are causing global warming is strong,but the question of what to do about it remains controversial.Economics,sociology,and politics are all important factors in planning for the future.‎ Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases(GHGs)today,the Earth would still warm by another degree Fahrenheit or so.But what we do from today forward makes a big difference.Depending on our choices,scientists predict that the Earth could eventually warm by as little as 2.5 degrees or as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit.‎ A commonly cited goal is to stabilize GHG concentrations around 450-550 parts per million(ppm),or about twice pre-industrial levels.This is the point at which many believe the most damaging impacts of climate change can be avoided.Current concentrations are about 380 ppm,which means there isn't much time to lose.According to the IPCC,we'd have to reduce GHG ‎ emissions by 50% to 80% of what they're on track to be in the next century to reach this level.‎ Is this possible?‎ Many people and governments are already working hard to cut greenhouse gases,and everyone can help.‎ Researchers Stephen Pacala and Robert Socolow at Princeton University have suggested one approach that they call “stabilization wedges”.This means reducing GHG emissions from a variety of sources with technologies available in the next few decades,rather than relying on an enormous change in a single area.They suggest 7 wedges that could each reduce emissions,and all of them together could hold emissions at approximately current levels for the next 50 years,putting us on a potential path to stabilize around 500 ppm.‎ There are many possible wedges,including improvements to energy efficiency and vehicle fuel economy(so less energy has to be produced),and increases in wind and solar power,hydrogen produced from renewable sources,biofuels(fuels produced from crops),natural gas,and nuclear power.There is also the potential to capture the carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels and store it underground—a process called “carbon sequestration”.‎ In addition to reducing the gases we emit to the atmosphere,we can also increase the amount of gases we take out of the atmosphere.Plants and trees absorb CO2 as they grow,“sequestering” carbon naturally.Increasing forestlands and making changes to the way we farm could increase the amount of carbon we're storing.‎ Some of these technologies have drawbacks,and different communities will make different decisions about how to power their lives,but the good news is that there are a variety of options to put us on a path toward a stable climate.‎ Period 6 Summing Up,Learning Tip and Assessment 教学内容分析   ‎ This is the last teaching period of this unit,so the emphasis should be placed on going over and summarizing what has been learned in this unit.It includes the following parts:Summing Up,Learning Tip,Checking Yourself and some other consolidation exercises.‎ Summing Up summarizes the whole unit from the aspects of topics and vocabulary and grammar.The teacher can first use this part to let students sum up what they have learned in this unit and then let them find out what they can't understand very well.‎ Learning Tip gives students instructions on which kind of nouns begin with a capital letter.Let the students think about what they already know about the rules and what new information they will find.‎ Checking Yourself on Page 68 in the Workbook aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning this unit.It is very important to improve their learning.Of course,a testing assessment is also needed.‎ In this period,the teacher can also provide more practice to consolidate what students have learned in this unit.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To get students to master all the useful new words and expressions in this unit.‎ ‎2.To have students understand the new grammar item “the use of ‘it’(2)” better,and enable them to use the sentence patterns correctly.‎ ‎3.To develop the students' ability to use the important language points in this unit.‎ Process and methods Design some additional exercises for students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To encourage students to learn more about global warming and environmental protection.‎ ‎2.To inspire the students to think up more effective measures to prevent global warming.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ Using what they have learned in this unit to solve real problems.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Check the homework exercises.‎ ‎2.Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.‎ Step 2 Lead-in Ask the students to turn to Page 32.Think about what they have learned in this unit and tick the boxes to see how well they have learned them.‎ Step 3 Summing up Five minutes for the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit by themselves.Then check and explain something where necessary.‎ Suggested answers:‎ Write down what you have learned about global warming:‎ ‎(Students' answers may vary.)The temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century.It is human activity that has caused this global warming.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth's temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels.Some byproducts of this process are called greenhouse gases,which trap heat and warm the earth.Without the greenhouse effect,the earth would be cooler than it is.But scientists don't agree with each other on the effects of global warming.Some think it will be a disaster,but some others think it's a good thing and we can do nothing to prevent the trend.By reading the second passage,we also know some easy and effective measures we can take to deal with global warming.‎ From this unit you have also learned:‎ Some useful words:tend,oppose,state,glance,quantity,range,tendency,circumstance,opposed,steady,widespread,average,consume,subscribe,advocate,refresh,graph,phenomenon,fuel,data,trend,catastrophe,flood,consequence,existence,commitment,pollution,growth,motor,can,microwave,educator,contribution,presentation,disagreement,random,mild,outer,electrical,casual,nuclear,per Some useful expressions:come about,subscribe to,quantities of,go up,result in,be opposed to,even if,keep on,on the whole,on behalf of,put up with,so long as,and so on,greenhouse effect New grammar item:the use of “it”—how to use “it” for emphasis in a sentence.‎ Functional items:how to express agreement and disagreement,blame and complaint.‎ Step 4 Practice Show the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.‎ Part 1 Vocabulary ‎1.Researchers c______ living conditions in London with those in other places.‎ ‎2.Their prices are low c______ to those in other shops.‎ ‎3.I don't think anybody m______ to her apart from herself.‎ ‎4.He prefers q______ to quality when food is concerned.‎ ‎5.The d______ we have collected are not enough to be convincing.‎ ‎6.Everything was in a s______ of disorder.‎ ‎7.What is the a______ rainfall for August in your country?‎ ‎8.Each i______ boy in the class has his own personalities.‎ ‎9.We have been having a few a______ in the committee lately.‎ ‎10.They were p______ in the history of music.‎ ‎11.As a c______ of being in hospital,Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse.‎ ‎12.A doctor has the t______ “Dr” in front of his name.‎ ‎13.The number of the children in the school has d______ by 500 this year.‎ ‎14.The cooker isn't working because of an e______ fault.‎ ‎15.The food was cold and the guests quarreled—the whole dinner was a c______.‎ Part 2 Useful phrases ‎1.在20 世纪期间____________‎ ‎2.导致____________‎ ‎3.另一方面____________‎ ‎4.通过燃烧化石燃料____________[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎5.大量的____________‎ ‎6.忍受污染____________‎ ‎7.有关系,有影响____________‎ ‎8.大体上,基本上____________‎ ‎9.高达5摄氏度____________‎ ‎10.发生____________‎ Part 3 Complete the following sentences according to the texts.‎ ‎1.An energy source is renewable when supplies of it never ______ ______.‎ ‎2.It is a rapid increase ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.‎ ‎3.There is ______ ______ that the earth is becoming warming but there is ______ ______ ______ whether it is ______ ______ ______has caused this global warming or whether it is ______ ______ ______ ______.‎ ‎4.______ the greenhouse effect,the earth ______ ______ about thirty-three degrees Celsius ______ ______ ______ ______.‎ ‎5.The ______ ______ of carbon dioxide ______ that more heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere ______ the ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.‎ ‎6.It was ______ ______ ______ Charles Keeling ______ made ______ ______ ______ the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.‎ ‎7.They also believe ______ ______ the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is ______ ______ this increase in carbon dioxide.‎ ‎8.There are some very different ______ among scientists ______ ______ ______.‎ ‎9.Sometimes I feel that ______ can't have any ______ ______ ______ huge ______ problems.‎ ‎10.Finally and most ______,talk ______ your family and friends ______ global warming and tell them what you have learned.‎ ‎11.Remember—your ______ ______.‎ Part 4 Multiple choice[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎1.Is it ______ to you that the government is having a hard time now?‎ A.of much important         B.of much consequence C.of very importance D.of much consequent ‎2.Something must be done to ______ the river from ______.‎ A.stop;being polluted B.stop;polluting C.prevent;pollution D.keep;polluted ‎3.There ______ quantities of apples in the basket and there was ______ milk in the bucket.‎ A.were;a number of B.was;quantities of ‎ C.was;a good many D.were;a quantity of ‎4.______ we get good weather it will be a successful holiday.Which is wrong?‎ A.So long as B.Provided that C.So long D.On condition that ‎5.—Go for a picnic this weekend,OK?‎ ‎—______.I love getting close to nature.‎ A.I don't think so B.I believe not C.I couldn't agree more D.I am afraid not ‎6.—Now,where is my purse?‎ ‎—______! We will be late for the picnic.‎ A.Come on B.Don't worry C.Take your time D.Take it easy ‎7.It was not until 1999 ______ regular radio broadcast began.‎ A.while B.which C.that D.since ‎8.Can it be in the restaurant ______ we had dinner last Sunday ______ you left your wallet?‎ A.where;where B.where;that C.that;where D.that;that ‎9.—What's the matter with you?‎ ‎—______ the window,my finger was cut unexpectedly.‎ A.Cleaning B.To clean C.While cleaning D.While I was cleaning ‎10.The other day,my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed.‎ A.as B.which C.there D.what Suggested answers:‎ Part 1 Vocabulary ‎1.compared 2.compared 3.matters 4.quantity 5.data 6.state 7.average 8.individual 9.agreements 10.phenomena 11.consequence 12.title 13.decreased 14.electrical 15.catastrophe Part 2 Useful phrases ‎1.during the 19th century 2.lead to 3.on the other hand 4.through the burning of fossil fuels/by burning fossil fuels 5.a great deal of/scores of 6.put up with the pollution ‎7.make a difference 8.on the whole 9.as much as five degrees Celsius(5 ℃) 10.come about Part 3 Complete the following sentences according to the texts.[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]‎ ‎1.run out 2.compared to most natural changes 3.no doubt;fierce debate over;human activity that;just a natural phenomenon 4.Without;would be;cooler than it is 5.increased amount;means;causing;global temperature to go up 6.a scientist called;who;accurate measurements of 7.it is;resulting in 8.attitudes;towards this issue 9.individuals;effect on such;environmental 10.importantly;with;about 11.contribution counts Part 4 Multiple choice ‎1~5 BADCC 6~10 ACBDD Step 5 Learning tip Ask the students to turn to Page 32.Read through the passage and make sure they understand it.Encourage them to do as the passage tells because if they are doing so they will be teaching ‎ themselves a useful way of using English words.‎ Step 6 Assessment ‎1.Checking yourself(on Page 68 in the Workbook)‎ First get the students to think about these questions individually.Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience.The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.‎ ‎2.Testing assessment Multiple choice[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎1.______ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.‎ ‎ A.Compare B.When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared ‎ ‎2.Please tell me how the accident______.I am still in the dark.‎ A.came by B.came out C.came to D.came about[来源:学+科+网]‎ ‎3.The accident ______ the death of two passengers.‎ A.resulted from B.resulted in C.resulted of D.resulted with ‎4.It is in the west of China ______ there is no doubt ______it is going to rain tomorrow.‎ A.where;whether B.that;that C.that;whether D.where;that ‎ ‎5.It was 1969______ the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.‎ A.that B.when ‎ C.on which D.which ‎6.It was ______ back home after the experiment.‎ A.not until midnight did he go ‎ B.until midnight that he didn't go C.not until midnight that he went ‎ D.until midnight when he didn't go ‎7.There's some doubt ______he'll keep his promise.‎ A.whether B.if ‎ C.that D.which ‎8.The ______ parents were all ______for the children's safety.‎ A.concerned;concerned ‎ B.concerned;concerning ‎ C.concerning;concerning ‎ D.concerning;concerned ‎9.The students ages ______ 15 to 18.‎ A.range B.ranged C.range from D.ranges from ‎10.______,we'll go camping.‎ A.Weather permits B.If weather will permit C.Weather permitting  D.Weather permitted ‎11.______,we would have not finished the work on time.‎ A.If you didn't help us B.Without your help C.Without you D.With your help ‎12.—I will not come here tomorrow.‎ ‎—______to me,because I don't care.‎ A.It doesn't make any difference ‎ B.It makes much difference C.It doesn't make no difference ‎ D.It makes a difference ‎13.You can go out,______you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.‎ A.as far as B.so far as C.when D.as/so long as ‎14.—I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.‎ ‎—______.We'll get together later.‎ A.Go ahead B.Not to worry C.That's right D.Don't mention it ‎15.Christmas is ______ special holiday when ______ whole family are supposed to get together.‎ A.the;the B.a;a ‎ C.the;a D.a;the Suggested answers:1~5 DDBBB 6~10 CAACC 11~15 BADBD Step 7 Homework ‎1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.‎ ‎2.Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 4.‎ Step 8 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎

