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选修六·Module 1 单元话题·语篇训练 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Moonshaker G.V. Chillingsworth ISBN: 978 - 1466906358‎ Price: $14.50 Pages: 186‎ www. trafford. com When space plans secretly to harm the world, scientists develop a satellite to save it. However, not everyone wishes for change, and destruction leads to a new fight, a long way from home. The crew must now work together in order to get back.‎ The War Around Us Wolfgang Peter May ISBN: 978 - 1426921452‎ Price: $22.34 Pages: 460‎ www. trafford. com As a young child, Wolfgang Peter May fled from his home in Breslau, Germany during World War Ⅱ and witnessed the destruction of Dresden. He eventually joined the US Army. In The War Around Us, May explores and debates many faces of war and delivers thoughtprovoking (引人深思的) comments about warfare using his personal experiences and real world events.‎ The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway ISBN: 978 - 0684830490‎ Price: $14.99 Pages: 132‎ www. goodreads. com The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel written by the American author Ernest Hemingway in 1951 in Cuba, and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction by Hemingway that was published during his lifetime. It tells the story of Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin (枪鱼) far out in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Cuba.‎ Little Women Louisa May Alcott ISBN: 978 -0553212754‎ Price: $4.99 Pages: 560‎ www. goodreads. com Little Women is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888), which was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Alcott wrote the books over several months at the request of her publisher. Following the lives of the four March sisters — Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy — the novel details their passage from childhood to womanhood and is loosely based on the author and her three sisters.‎ Order online and you can save 20% off your total purchase on orders over $15.‎ ‎1.If we are interested in science fiction, which book will we choose to read?‎ A.Moonshaker.      B.The War Around Us.‎ C.The Old Man and the Sea. D.Little Women.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据对第一本书的介绍中的“When space plans secretly to harm the world, scientists develop a satellite to save it.”可知,第一本书是与科幻有关的。故选A项。‎ ‎2.How much does it cost to order The War Around Us online?‎ A.$14.99. B.$17.872.‎ C.$20.79. D.$23.75.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据对第二本书的介绍中的“Price:$22.34”和文章最后一句“Order online and you can save 20% off your total purchase on orders over $15.”可知,从网上订购此书需花费:22.34×(1-20%)=17.872(美元),故选B项。‎ ‎3.Whose book tells a story set in Cuba?‎ A.Ernest Hemingway's. B.Wolfgang Peter May's.‎ C.G.V. Chillingsworth's. D.Louisa May Alcott's.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据对第三本书的介绍中的“It tells the story of Santiago, an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin (枪鱼) far out in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Cuba.”可知,选A项。‎ B ‎(2019·洛阳市第一次统一考试) It is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon rain forest. Without it we would not have grown into primates (灵长目动物). Or we would probably still be struggling to sharpen a bronze tool while crawling around on four legs in search of meat. Without competition, Columbus wouldn't have discovered America and Edison would never have invented the light bulb.‎ The friendship, like all relationships between two people, involves competition. It isn't competition in a traditional sense because there are no goals to be scored and no prizes. Perhaps the ecological definition — the simultaneous (同时的) demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light — better explains it.‎ As in nature, high school life is governed by a set of laws, similar to a shortened version of Darwin's theory of evolution, overpopulation,and competition. There is an abundance of high school students and to distinguish them, ranking and categorizing (分类) take place. In high school, friendship coexists with competition even though at times the relationship is rough. In fact, in some circumstances, competition is too much of a burden for friendship to bear, causing it to fall apart. College admission is the final high school objective. Four years of hard work is to achieve good grades, and a student's fate is determined not only by these achievements, but by the records of thousands of other seniors trying to achieve similar recognition.‎ Nevertheless, by necessity, competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life. It sets and improves the standards in everything from sports to schoolwork. Healthy, friendly competition can have only benefits, but when it becomes too fierce, jealousy (妒忌) can tear friendship apart. Yet, despite all this, without competition, we would be lost.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。文章主要论述了友谊和竞争之间的关系,健康的竞争促进友谊,而恶性的竞争则破坏友谊。‎ ‎4.What does the ecological definition mainly explain?‎ A.How friends compete with each other.‎ B.How to win the competition.‎ C.What the result of competition is.‎ D.What competition exactly is.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。分析第二段最后一句可知,该句的主干是Perhaps the ecological definition better explains it,其中“it”指代的是前一句中的“competition”。两个破折号之间的内容解释“the ecological definition”。句意:两个或者更多的生物体同时对有限的生态环境资源有需求,如营养物质、生存空间、光——这一生态学定义更好地解释了竞争(的含义)。故选D项。‎ ‎5.According to the author, what causes the high school students to compete?‎ A.The number of them is too large.‎ B.Friendship is a burden for them.‎ C.They know the laws of nature well.‎ D.They are divided into different groups.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,高中生活与自然界一样有一系列的规则,这与达尔文关于进化、人口过多和竞争的理论相似。也正是因为学生人数众多,为了区分,所以对学生进行了排名、分类。再加上考大学这一高中生活的最终目标的压力,高中生之间的竞争就不可避免地产生了。故选A项。‎ ‎6.Which best describes the relationship of friendship and competition?‎ A.Friendship is always based on competition.‎ B.The degree of competition is vital to friendship.‎ C.Competition is terribly harmful to friendship.‎ D.Competition is a result of lost friendship.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Healthy, friendly competition can have only benefits, but when it becomes too fierce, jealousy (妒忌) can tear friendship apart.”可知,健康的、友好的竞争对友谊有好处,而过于激烈的、存在妒忌的竞争会使友谊破裂。因此竞争的度对友谊是至关重要的。故选B项。‎ ‎7.What does the author think of “competition”?‎ A.The results of competition are out of control.‎ B.Competition becomes fiercer in high school.‎ C.Competition is certain to happen in high school.‎ D.Friendship is not as important as competition in high schools.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Nevertheless, by necessity, competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life.”可知,作者认为高中生活的各个方面存在竞争是必然的。故选C项。‎ C ‎(2019·郑州市第一次质量预测) The hit movie Notting Hill (《诺丁山》) begins with a famous scene. Hugh Grant bumps into Julia Roberts and spills orange juice all over her. After the collision, Grant repeatedly says, “I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.”‎ His actions in this scene are very British. If Roberts were from Britain, then she would probably apologize repeatedly as well — even if the crash were not her fault. But this doesn't happen in the movie, as Roberts is from the US.‎ A report in The Telegraph once said that three quarters of British people apologize when they bump into someone in the street — regardless of whether they are responsible or not. In fact, Britons use “sorry” in many situations. For example, if they mishear someone, they say “Sorry?” The person they are talking to will also apologize by replying, “No, I am sorry!” This can go on for up to five minutes as they compete for who is the most sorry.‎ Why are Britons so sorry? Mark Tyrrell, a psychology writer in the UK, thinks that ‎ their apologetic tendencies are rooted in the British class system. “We say sorry because historically the new middle class in Britain had to apologize for not being the working class, but also for not really being the upper class.” Another theory is that they apologize to avoid conflicts. For example, if they bump into someone, he might get angry. To avoid this, they instantly say “Sorry!”‎ True manners are about being considerate, and today's constant use of apologizing shows that we are perhaps not as thoughtful as we once were. The word “sorry” has lost some of its meaning. Do you see my point? Sorry, it might just be a British thing.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了英国人的道歉文化及其原因:一是因为历史上英国的新中产阶级;二是为了避免冲突。‎ ‎8.Why does the author mention a scene in the movie Notting Hill at the beginning?‎ A.To give an example of British modesty.‎ B.To introduce different ways of saying sorry.‎ C.To show what kind of men are considered gentlemen in the UK.‎ D.To draw our attention to when and how British people say sorry.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第一段的描述可知,文章开头用电影作例,描述了英国人道歉的场景,目的是引出文章的主题——英国的道歉文化。‎ ‎9.Which of the following statements might Mark Tyrrell agree with?‎ A.People should not apologize if they are not responsible.‎ B.Americans care less about manners than British people do.‎ C.That British people apologize so much is linked to the class system.‎ D.British people care too much about which social class they are from.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Mark Tyrrell ...thinks that their apologetic tendencies are rooted in the British class system.”可知,Mark Tyrrell认为英国人的道歉根源于其阶级制度。由此可推断,C项正确。‎ ‎10.What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A.It's unnecessary for British people to be so polite.‎ B.The overuse of apologizing shows Britons are truly sincere.‎ C.People should not stick to the traditional use of the word “sorry”.‎ D.Using “sorry” more doesn't necessarily mean people are more polite.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段的内容以及最后一段中的“today's constant use of apologizing shows that we are perhaps not as thoughtful as we once were”可知,英国人道歉或是与他们的阶级制度有关,或是为了避免冲突,今天的多次道歉也并不意味着人们更有礼貌。‎ ‎11.What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?‎ A.To explore the best way of saying sorry.‎ B.To explain why Britons overuse the word “sorry”.‎ C.To show how saying sorry has changed over time.‎ D.To suggest many British people lack traditional manners.‎ 解析:选B 写作意图题。根据全文内容可知,本文由电影场景引入主题,介绍了英国的道歉文化,并介绍了英国人道歉的原因及今天道歉的意义,主要目的是介绍英国人过量使用道歉的原因。‎ D Some people are so rude!‎ Who sends an email or a text message that just says “Thank you”? Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you? Who asks for a fact easily found on Google? Don't these people realize that they're wasting your time?‎ Maybe I'm the rude one for not appreciating life's little politeness. But many social agreed standards just don't make sense to people drowning in digital communication.‎ In texts, you don't have to declare who you are or even say hello. Email, too, is slower than a text. Voice mail is a now impolite way of trying to connect.‎ My father learned this lesson after leaving me a dozen voice mail messages, none of which I listened to. Exasperated,_he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls. “Why are you leaving him voice mail?” my sister asked. “Just text him.”‎ In the age of the smartphone, there is no reason to ask onceacceptable questions about: the weather forecast, a business's phone number, or directions to a house, a restaurant, which can be easily found on Google Maps. But people still ask these things. And when you answer, they respond with a thankyou email.‎ How to handle these differing standards? Easy. Consider your audience. Some people, especially older ones, appreciate a thankyou message. Others, like me, want no reply.‎ The anthropologist (人类学家) Margaret Mead once said that in traditional societies, the young learn from the old. But in modern societies, the old can also learn from the young. Here's hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that timewasting forms of communication do.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。文章主要讨论了如今在智能手机时代,人们应该选择何种方式进行沟通。‎ ‎12.What does the underlined word “Exasperated” mean in the fifth paragraph?‎ A.Worried.       B.Surprised.‎ C.Annoyed. D.Tired.‎ 解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls”可知,作者的父亲对作者不给自己回电话很不满,由此可推知exasperated意思是“恼怒的,生气的”,故选C。‎ ‎13.Why didn't the writer reply to his father?‎ A.He liked text messages better.‎ B.He enjoyed checking his voice mail.‎ C.He didn't receive any voice mail messages.‎ D.He didn't want to talk with his father.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句“‘Why are you leaving him voice mail?’ my sister asked. ‘Just text him.’”可推知,作者不喜欢用语音信箱,更偏爱发短信,故选A。‎ ‎14.Which of the following does the writer agree to?‎ A.People needn't learn from one another in traditional societies.‎ B.Dealing with voice mail should vary with each individual.‎ C.People needn't turn to Google for help when in trouble.‎ D.Declaring who you are or saying hello in texts is necessary.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的内容可推知,标准是变化的,处理方式应该因人而异,而不是一刀切,语音信箱的使用亦是如此,故选B。‎ ‎15.What's the best title for this passage?‎ A.Nowadays: what should we do with text messages?‎ B.Nowadays: do you like leaving others a voice message?‎ C.Nowadays: what means should we use in communication?‎ D.Nowadays: do you need a thankyou message?‎ 解析:选C 标题归纳题。根据对文章内容的整体理解可知,第三段引入本文话题,最后两段点题总结,本文主要讨论的是如今(在智能手机时代)我们应该用何种方式进行沟通,故选C项。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 How to make good conversation ‎“Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.” I totally agree with this point. Conversation is the main part of everyone's daily life. __1__ What's more, good conversation is the most interesting part for us. In my view, you should pay attention to the following three issues to make good conversation.‎ To start good conversation we'd better prepare some questions. __2__ We can ask some questions to show our politeness and care for others. Like, do you have a good sleep last night? Or what do you do in your spare time? Think twice before you throw a question ‎ to others.‎ ‎__3__ We should pay attention to what others said and think in their shoes. Allow the others to do most of the talking. Be patient and hold interest for their comments and make some noise to show you are listening carefully. __4__ In this way you will get the credit for being a good conversationalist as well as a good listener and it will help you to make friends with others.‎ We always said eyes are the windows to the soul. Appropriate eye contact is like a great element of the main dish which makes it more delicious. __5__ It will help us to improve mutual (相互的) understanding. Do not hesitate to look into them. But don't stare at them and don't look at them for too long a time. It would make others feel uneasy and unwilling to go on talking.‎ A.Good questions make people feel comfortable.‎ B.Without conversation, life would be as cold as a rock.‎ C.The most important part of conversation is to listen.‎ D.Enjoy good conversation and be friends with them.‎ E.Do not interrupt others when they share their views excitedly.‎ F.They have some ideas that they want us to know and even convince us.‎ G.During conversation, we should look the speakers in the eye friendly.‎ ‎1.选B 根据空前的“Conversation is the main part of everyone's daily life.”可知,交谈是每个人日常生活中的重要部分,空处承接上文,进一步说明交谈在日常生活中的重要性,故B项“没有交谈,生活会冷若磐石”符合语境。‎ ‎2.选A 根据本段的主题句“To start good conversation we'd better prepare some questions.”可知,我们在开始交谈前最好准备一些问题,再结合空后的“We can ask some questions to show our politeness and care for others.”可知,空处应是在说明问问题的益处,故A项“好的问题会让人感到舒服”符合语境。‎ ‎3.选C 根据下文中的“pay attention to what others said and think in their shoes”“Allow the others to do most of the talking.”“show you are listening carefully”和“a good listener”可知,本段主要讲的是倾听方面的内容,故C项“交谈中最重要的部分是倾听”符合语境。‎ ‎4.选E 根据上文中的“Be patient and hold interest for their comments and make some noise to show you are listening carefully.”可知,空处应是对上文中的“listening carefully”的进一步说明,故E项“当他们兴奋地分享观点时不要打断他们”符合语境。‎ ‎5.选G 根据本段的内容可知,本段主要说明的是交谈中眼神交流的重要性,G项中的“look the speakers in the eye”与上文中的“eye contact”及下文中的“look into them”‎ 相呼应,故G项符合语境。‎

