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‎2019届一轮复习译林版必修五Unit 3Science and nature单元学案设计 一、单词表词汇全查验——运用多媒体,提问默写词汇 Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.clone vt.          克隆 n. 克隆出来的动物或植物 ‎2.nutrition n. 营养 ‎3.follow n. 男子,家伙;同事,同类 ‎4.channel n. 水道;航道;隧道 ‎5.catastrophe n. 灾难,灾祸 ‎6.insert vt. 插入,嵌入 ‎7.tissue n. (生物的)组织;纸巾     ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎8.saleswoman n.       女售货员,女推销员 ‎9.physician n. 医师;内科医生 ‎10.tasty adj. 美味的,可口的 ‎11.agriculture n. 农业 ‎12.rainforest n. 雨林 ‎13.*embryo n. 胚胎 ‎14.*monster n. 怪物 ‎15.*mammal n. 哺乳动物 ‎16.*Scottish adj. 苏格兰的 ‎ ‎[第三屏听写]‎ ‎17.*Italian adj.       意大利的 n. 意大利人;意大利语 ‎18.goat n. 山羊 ‎19.radiation n. 辐射,放射线 ‎20.acre n. 英亩 ‎21.*genetics n. 遗传学 ‎22.*genetically adv. 从基因上,与基因相关 ‎23.*modify vt. 调整,修改;修饰 ‎24.pest n. 害虫 ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎1.chain n.          一系列;一连串(人或事)‎ ‎2.summary n. 总结;概况,概要 ‎3.cell n. 细胞;小间隔;电池 ‎4.accurate adj. 准确的,精确的 ‎5.actual adj. 真实的,实际的 ‎6.income n. 收入,收益 ‎7.exact adj. 精确的,准确的 ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎8.harvest vt. & vi.   收割(庄稼)‎ n. 收获;收成 ‎9.crime n. 罪,罪行 ‎10.hunger n. 饥饿;饥荒 ‎11.ordinary adj. 普通的,一般的 ‎12.breakthrough n. 突破 ‎13.relation n. 关系;亲戚 ‎14.concept n. 概念;观念 ‎ ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎15.reallife adj.     真实的,现实生活的 ‎16.brief adj. 短时间的,短暂的;简洁的,简单的 ‎17.conduct vt. 实施;指挥乐队 ‎18.profit n. 利润,收益 vi. & vt. 获益;对……有用 ‎ ‎19.favour n. 赞同,支持;恩惠,帮助;偏爱,偏袒 ‎20.confirm vt. & vi. 证实,证明;确认;使确信 ‎21.transform vt. 使改变外观或性质(尤指好的方向);使改变形 态 ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎22.intention n.     意图,目的;企图 ‎23.anxiety n. 忧虑,焦虑,不安 ‎24.adopt vt. 收养,领养;采用,采纳 ‎25.legal adj. 法律许可的,合法的 ‎26.consequence n. 结果,后果 ‎27.profession n. 职业,行业 ‎28.original adj. 原来的,起初的;首创的;非复制的 ‎29.judgement n. 判断力;看法,评价;(法律)判决                         ‎ ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎30.majority n.      多数,大多数 ‎31.consideration n. 仔细考虑;必须考虑的因素;体谅,顾及 ‎32.reliable adj. 可信赖的,可依靠的 ‎33.frighten vt. 使惊吓,使惊恐 ‎34.permission n. 准许,许可,批准 ‎35.be/get_burnt_out 耗尽体力,累垮 ‎36.public_relations 公共关系学 ‎[第九屏听写]‎ ‎37.follow_in_one's_footsteps  效仿某人 ‎38.take_..._into_consideration 认真考虑 ‎39.in_favour_of 赞同,支持 ‎40.for_sale 供出售 ‎41.push_ahead_with 义无反顾地进行,努力推进 ‎42.on_the_one_hand_..._on_the_other_hand_...‎ ‎ 一方面……另一方面……‎ ‎43.toy_with 戏弄,摆弄;把……当作儿戏 ‎ 二、单元核心考点初热身——提供语境,单元考点自测回顾 ‎ (一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高 识记单词写对 Ⅰ.知其意(英译汉)‎ ‎1.clone vt.   克隆 n. 克隆出来的动物或植物 ‎2.nutrition n. 营养 ‎3.fellow n. 男子,家伙;同事,同类 ‎4.channel n. 水道;航道;隧道 Ⅱ.写其形(汉译英)‎ ‎1.chain n.  一系列;一连串(人或事)‎ ‎2.summary n. 总结;概况,概要 ‎3.cell n. 细胞;小间隔;电池 ‎4.actual adj. 真实的,实际的 ‎5.income n. 收入,收益 ‎ ‎6.exact adj. 精确的,准确的 ‎7.harvest vt. & vi. 收割(庄稼)‎ ‎5.catastrophe n. 灾难,灾祸 ‎6.insert vt. 插入,嵌入 n. 收获;收成 ‎8.crime n. 罪,罪行 ‎9.ordinary adj. 普通的,一般的 ‎10.breakthrough n. 突破 ‎11.relation n. 关系;亲戚 ‎12.reallife adj. 真实的,现实生活中的 核心单词练通 ‎1.The company has been transformed (改变) from a family business to a multimillionpound operation. ‎ ‎2.Some industries, such as ship building, clearly profit (获利) from the war. ‎ ‎3.We are studying to prove this point, and it has initially been confirmed (进一步证实).‎ ‎4.Do me a favour (帮忙) and turn the radio down while I'm on the phone, will you?‎ ‎5.Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting (指挥) opera.‎ ‎6.When experiments are to be made, one can't rely too much on the human senses to make accurate (精确的) observation.‎ ‎7.We can't trust him because he has no concept (概念) of right and wrong.‎ ‎8.Now please be brief (简洁的) — my time is valuable.‎ ‎9.Only those who have a residency permit (许可证) in the the city can take the exam.‎ ‎10.He apologized for his comments and said he had no intention (意图) of offending the community.‎ 拓展单词用活 ‎[记全记牢]‎ ‎1.anxiety n.忧虑,焦虑,不安→anxious adj.担忧的,焦急的 ‎2.adopt vt.收养,领养;采用,采纳→adopted adj.收养的→adoption n.采用;收养 ‎3.consequence n.结果,后果→consequent adj.随之发生的→consequently adv.因此,所以 ‎4.profession n.职业,行业→professional adj.专业的,职业的 ‎5.original adj.原来的,起初的;首创的;非复制的→origin n.起源;出身,来历 ‎6.judgement n.判断力;看法,评价;(法律)判决→judge v.判断 ‎7.majority n.多数,大多数→minority n.‎ ‎[用准用活]‎ ‎1.Support for intercountry adoption is particularly strong in America, where parents adopt more foreign children than all the rest of the world.(adopt)‎ ‎2.An anxious man may not know that anxiety comes from not being able to adapt himself in his own existence.(anxious)‎ ‎3.No one knows for certain the origin of the custom. We only know the custom is still in its original condition.(origin)‎ ‎4.Your judgement is right. Judging from his look, he must be angry with us. But we can't judge a person only 少数民族;少数 ‎8.consideration n.仔细考虑;必须考虑的因素;体谅,顾及→consider v.考虑,认为→considering prep.鉴于,考虑到→considerate adj.体贴的→considerable adj.大量的 ‎9.reliable adj.可信赖的,可依靠的→rely vi.依靠,依赖 ‎10.frighten vt.使惊吓,使惊恐→frightening adj.(事物)令人害怕的→frightened adj.(人)感到害怕的 ‎ by his/her appearance.(judge)‎ ‎5.The old man considers his daughterinlaw considerate because she always takes everything into consideration when she deals with family affairs.(consider)‎ ‎6.My cousin is a reliable person and you can rely on it that he can help you.(rely)‎ ‎7.Mary was too frightened to tell her family the frightening scene because it frightened her to death.(frighten)‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.走进“有缘词”‎ ‎①tissue组织→issue问题 ‎②dessert 甜点→desert舍弃 ‎③affect vt.影响→effect n.影响 ‎④principle信条→principal校长 ‎⑤adapt适应→adopt 收养 ‎⑥expand扩张→expend花费 ‎2.“犯罪”相关常见词 ‎①crime n. 罪,罪行 ‎②accuse vt. 控告;指控 ‎③charge vt. 控告 ‎④commit vt. 犯(罪)‎ ‎⑤punish vt. 惩罚;处罚 ‎⑥sentence vt. 判决;宣判 ‎3.“情绪”名词集合 ‎①anxiety  焦虑,忧虑 ‎②depression 沮丧;抑郁症 ‎③sorrow 悲伤;悲痛 ‎④sadness 悲伤,难过 ‎⑤grief 悲伤;伤心事 ‎4.有病不可乱投“医”‎ ‎①physician 内科医生 ‎②surgeon 外科医生 ‎③dentist 牙医 ‎④eye doctor 眼科医生 ‎⑤plastic surgeon 整形外科医生 ‎(二)语段串记短语——不枯燥·兴趣高 先 写 对 再 用 准 第一组 ‎1.toy_with  戏弄,摆弄;把……当作儿戏 ‎2.push_ahead_with ‎ ‎  Nowadays more and more scientists have the intention of cloning cows, goats and other animals. A physician even ①follow_in Ian Wilmut's footsteps to ②push_ahead_with 义无反顾地进行,努力推进 ‎3.follow_in_one's_footsteps 效仿某人 ‎4.in_favour_of 赞同,支持 ‎5.point_out 指出 ‎6.in_summary 概括地说 ‎ research in order to produce human body. Some people are ③in_favour_of it while others are against it. Those who oppose it hold the belief that this action is ④toying_with nature, and it is illegal.‎ 第二组 ‎     1.on_the_one_hand_..._on_the_other_hand_...      一方面……另一方面……‎ ‎2.take_..._into_consideration 认真考虑 ‎3.put_...in_place 准备就绪,布置妥当 ‎4.deal_with 处理,对付 ‎5.be/get_burnt_out 耗尽体力,累垮 ‎6.turn_out 结果是,证明是;生产 ‎  As is known to us all, more and more technologies are being adopted nowadays, which greatly promotes the local economy. ①On_the_one_hand,_rapid development of the economy improves the living conditions of people; on_the_other_hand,_it speeds up environmental destruction. ②Taking everything into_consideration,_the government realizes what is most important is to ③deal_with pollution, so they ④put everything in_place to prevent environment from being polluted. ‎ 第三组 ‎1.for_sale    供出售,待销售 ‎2.in_agreement_with 同意;与……一致 ‎3.point_of_view 观点 ‎4.make_sense 有意义,有道理,讲得通 ‎5.rather_than 而不是 ‎6.compared_with 与……相比较 ‎  Independence is the ability to make decisions and choices and to act ①in_agreement_with them. ②Compared_with other boys, Tony learned to rely on himself from an early age. He would send milk and sell newspapers for his pocket money ③rather_than turn to his parents for help. His mother thought it ④made_sense to develop the sense of being independent when children were young.‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.“累垮”表达种种 ‎①be/get burnt out ‎②be/get worn out ‎③be/get tired out ‎④be/get exhausted ‎2.学会“总结”好处多 ‎①in summary ‎②in short ‎③in brief ‎ ‎④in conclusion ‎⑤in a/one word ‎⑥to sum up ‎3.“考虑”短语知多少 ‎①take ... into consideration           认真考虑 ‎②take ... into account ‎ 考虑 ‎③take account of 考虑 ‎④think over 仔细考虑 ‎4.“in+n.+of”短语荟萃 ‎①in favour of 支持,赞同 ‎②in memory of 为了纪念 ‎③in honour of   为了纪念 ‎④in view of 鉴于;由于 ‎⑤in terms of 就……而言 ‎⑥in case of 以防;万一 ‎⑦in need of 需要 ‎⑧in place of 代替;取代 ‎⑨in search of 寻找,寻求 ‎(三)仿写用活句式——造佳句·表达高 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. ‎ 第一只成功地用成年动物细胞克隆出的哺乳动物是多利羊。‎ the first/second/... (+n./pron.)后常接不定式(to do)作定语。‎ 我想在夏天做的第一件事就是躺在树下吃冰淇淋。(2016·四川高考写作佳句) ‎ I think the_first_thing_to_do_in_summer is to lie under a tree and eat ice cream.‎ ‎2.The boy was more frightened than hurt.‎ 这个男孩与其说受伤不如说是害怕。‎ more ... than ...意为“与其说……倒不如说……”。‎ 对于我们学生而言,环保与其说是兴趣,倒不如说是一种责任。(2016·全国卷Ⅱ写作佳句) ‎ Environmental protection is more a responsibility for our students than interest.‎ ‎3.Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified (GM) food. ‎ 转基因食品就是最好的例子。‎ 否定词(nowhere)与形容词比较级(truer)连用表示最高级含义。‎ 再没有什么比未能获得成功更令人疲倦的了。(2016·天津高考阅读) ‎ There is nothing_more_tiring_than not succeeding.‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  The cell phones are being widely adopted,❶________ (无论是年轻人还是老年人). The first thing to carry with us is a phone when we go out. On the one hand they make it easier for us to get in touch with each other, ❷profiting us a lot; on the other hand, some people are addicted to the cell phones ❸while_walking. As a consequence, they are called phubber (低头族).‎ ‎1.完成①处句子whether_the_young_or_the_old。‎ ‎2.用近义词替换②处单词_benefiting。‎ ‎3.③处为时间状语从句的省略,其完整表达为while_they_are_walking。‎ ‎1.adopt vt.收养,领养;采用,采纳 ‎(1)adopt one's advice (suggestion)/plan/idea ‎          采纳某人的建议/计划/想法 adopt a positive attitude 采取积极的态度 adopt an orphan 领养孤儿 ‎(2)adopted adj. 领养的 adoption n. 收养;采纳 ‎[多角练透]‎ 用adopt的适当形式填空 ‎①She treated her adopted son as if he were her own child.‎ ‎②If you can't have children of your own, why not consider adoption?‎ 完成句子 ‎③After much consideration, the president decided to adopt_her_suggestion (采纳她的建议).‎ ‎④Pupils should be helped to adopt_a_positive_attitude_to (对……采取积极的态度) their life.‎ ‎[名师指津] adopt与adapt 是容易混淆的形似词,adapt意为“适应”。‎ ‎⑤The young couple had no children of their own and adopted an orphan. After a few months, the orphan came to adapt to his new life.‎ 这对年轻夫妇没有自己的孩子,领养了一个孤儿。几个月后这个孤儿渐渐适应了他的新生活。‎ ‎2.profit n.利润,收益;好处,益处 vi.获益 vt.对……有用/好处 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中profit的含义 ‎①I think it will profit you nothing to follow his example.对……有用/好处 ‎②On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year.利润,收益 ‎③I like reading each day for profit and pleasure. 好处,益处 ‎④I'm sure that all of you will profit from this special experience.获益 ‎3.consequence n.结果;后果 ‎(1)as a consequence/result =in consequence ‎           因此,结果 ‎ as a consequence/result of =in consequence of ‎ 因为……的缘故 ‎(2)take/accept/face the consequences of ‎ 承担……的后果 ‎(3)consequent adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的 ‎ consequently adv. 因此,结果;所以 ‎[多角练透]‎ 用consequence的适当形式填空 ‎①His financial embarrassment is consequent upon his careless spending.‎ ‎②Consequently,_I threw myself heartily into my work for the rest of the school year.‎ 完成句子 ‎③It is raining now and as_a_consequence/in_consequence/consequently (因此), the match will have to be delayed.‎ ‎④Today, as_a_consequence_of/in_consequence_of (由于) the rapid development of digital technology, the appearance of people and their way of life have been revolutionary changes.‎ ‎⑤The young should learn to take/accept/face_the_consequences_of (承担……的后果) their actions.‎ ‎4.on the one hand ... on the other hand ... 一方面……另一方面……‎ ‎[辨析比较]‎ ‎ on (the) one hand ... on the other (hand) ...  ‎ 意为“一方面……另一方面……”,常用来表述一个事物的两个方面,通常用于引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等 for one thing ... for another (thing)...‎ 意为“首先……,再者……”,陈述的两个方面的情况常常一致 ‎ ‎①On_the_one_hand,_we should develop our economy; on_the_other_hand,_we should protect the environment.‎ 一方面我们应该发展经济;另一方面我们应该保护环境。‎ ‎②I'm not going to buy it; for_one_thing I don't like the color, and for_another it's far too expensive.‎ 我不会买它,首先我不喜欢这颜色,再者也太贵了。‎ ‎5.动词不定式短语作后置定语 ‎[教材原句] The_first_mammal_to_be_cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep.‎ 第一只成功地用成年动物细胞克隆出的哺乳动物是多利羊。 ‎ 动词不定式作后置定语的几种情况:‎ ‎(1)当中心词是序数词或被序数词、形容词最高级等修饰时或前有the only, the last, the right时,常用动词不定式作后置定语。‎ ‎(2)动词不定式作后置定语用来修饰的词是抽象名词,常见的有:ability, chance, opportunity, ambition, attempt, offer, way以及time, place等。‎ ‎(3)动词不定式作后置定语表示将要发生的动作。‎ ‎①He is always the first to_bear hardships and the last to_enjoy comforts.‎ 他是一个总是吃苦在前、享乐在后的人。‎ ‎②It's said that she has the ability to_do the challenging work well.‎ 据说她有能力做好这一项具有挑战性的工作。‎ ‎③He said he had an important meeting to_attend.‎ 他说他有一个重要的会议要参加。‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  Recently we conducted a survey over 2,000 students about their reading habits. The majority of them read more than 3 books per year but some said “no”. However, I think we should take longterm interests ❶________ consideration rather than the current interest. ❷If we transform the reading ideas and develop a habit of reading, we can benefit a lot.‎ ‎1.补全①处的介词_into。‎ ‎2.句式升级:把句②改为“only+状语”引导的倒装句Only_by_transforming_the_reading_ideas_and_developing_a_habit_of_reading_can_we_benefit_a_lot.。‎ ‎6.conduct vt.指挥;导电;实施,进行;引导n.行为,举止 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中conduct的含义 ‎①From childhood, she tried to live by the teachings of her parents and gradually accumulated a set of standards of conduct. 行为,举止 ‎②Knowledge is the candle to conduct you to the bright and true life. 引导 ‎③In the new century we need to conduct new foreign trade policies to realize highspeed development of our economy. 实施,进行 ‎④Most metals can conduct electricity. 导电 ‎⑤Who will conduct the orchestra tonight?指挥 ‎7.majority n.多数,大多数 ‎(1)a/the majority of ...   大多数……‎ be in the/a majority 占大部分/大多数 ‎(2)minority n. 少数 in the/a minority 占少数 ‎(3)major n.& v. 主修;专业 adj. 主要的 major in 主修……;以……为专业 ‎[多角练透]‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎①The majority (major) of them take an online language test before starting their programme.‎ ‎②But even though some British people are quite strange, the majority of them are (be) really friendly and I've made some good friends.‎ ‎③For example, if you look at the audience at a classical concert, the majority are/is (be) over the age of fifty.‎ 完成句子 ‎④The white are in_the/a_majority (占多数) in Australia while the native people in_the/a_minority (占少数).‎ ‎⑤I graduated from Chongqing Normal University and majored_in (主修) information management.‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词用单复数形式均可。‎ ‎(2)the majority of + ‎8.transform vt.& vi.使改变外观或性质(尤指向好的方向);使改变形态;转化;转换;改造 ‎(1)transform (...) into ...‎ ‎       (把……)变成……/转化成……‎ be transformed from ... into ...‎ ‎ 由……变成……;由……迁到……‎ ‎(2)transformation n. (外观或性质的)改变,变革 ‎[题点全练] 介词填空/用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎①She helps transform literature into braille (盲文) to bring the power of story and knowledge to the hearts and minds of blind readers.‎ ‎②Every moment of every day, energy is being transformed (transform) from one form into another.‎ ‎③He has made a complete transformation (transform) from a comedian into a dramatic actor.‎ ‎[联想发散] “把……变成……”的其他表达:turn ... into ...; change ... into ...等。‎ ‎9.take ... into consideration认真考虑 ‎(1)show consideration for   对……表示关心 under consideration 在讨论/考虑中 out of consideration for 出于对……的考虑/体谅 ‎(2)consider vt. 考虑;认为 considerate adj. 考虑周到的,体贴的 considerable adj. 大量的 considering prep. 考虑到;就……而言;鉴于 ‎[多角练透]‎ 写出下列句中加黑单词的含义 ‎①It won't be difficult to be considerate of others, if you are willing to feel on the stand and viewpoint of others.体贴的,考虑周到的 ‎②In America, the development of social skills is considered as important as the development of intellectual skills.认为 ‎③I thought we paid too much for the house, considering that we needed to get the roof repaired.考虑到,鉴于 ‎④Not until he retired from teaching three years ago did he consider having a holiday abroad. 考虑 ‎⑤A considerable number of people object to the government's attitude to immigration.相当多的 介词填空 ‎⑥Everything taken into consideration, his work is well done.‎ ‎⑦It's said that the plan is under_consideration by the Ministry of Education.‎ ‎⑧If you can help other people with pleasure and show your consideration for them, everybody will like to be with you. ‎ 完成句子 ‎⑨Your teacher will take_your_recent_illness_into_consideration (考虑你最近生病的情况) when judging your examination results.‎ ‎⑩You should turn your music down out_of_consideration_for_your_neighbours (出于对你的邻居们的体谅). ‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 ‎  ❶My English teacher is more concerned for us than strict with us. Once I was frightened of examinations. Knowing about it, she did her best to do me a favour to get rid of the anxiety. It was she ❷________ made me confirm my belief of studying. I will follow in her footsteps and be a good teacher after graduation.‎ ‎1.把句①译成汉语与其说我们英语老师对我们很严格,不如说她对我们很关心。‎ ‎2.②处应填that/who,构成强调句型。‎ ‎10.frighten vt.使惊吓,使惊恐 ‎(1)frighten sb. into/out of doing sth.‎ ‎          吓得某人做/不敢做某事 frighten ... away/off 吓走/跑 frighten sb. to death 把某人吓得要死 ‎(2)frightening adj. (事物)令人恐惧的,可怕的 frightened adj. (人)害怕的,受到惊吓的 be frightened at/by 因……害怕,被……吓坏了 be frightened of/that 担心……,对……害怕 be frightened to do 害怕做……‎ ‎(3)fright n. 恐惧,害怕 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单项填空 ‎①Mary felt rather ________ that her husband should drive the car at such a ________ speed on the countryside road.‎ A.frightening; frightening    B.frightened; frightening C.frightened; frightened D.frightening; frightened 解析:选B 句意:玛丽感到相当害怕,她的丈夫居然在农村道路上以如此令人恐惧的速度驾驶。frightened“受惊吓的,害怕的”,指人的感受;frightening“令人害怕的”,修饰物。‎ 介、副词填空 ‎②The mothers are frightened of the children going camping, for they may get lost in the mountain.‎ ‎③He was frightened at/by the scene that so many people were killed during the conflict.‎ ‎④The bird came to the window, but I moved suddenly and frightened it away/off.‎ ‎⑤News of the robberies frightened many people into fitting new locks to their doors.‎ ‎11.favour n.赞同,支持;恩惠,帮助;喜爱;偏爱,偏袒vt.支持,偏袒 ‎[练牢基点] 写出下列句中favour的含义 ‎①We have to apply the same rules to everyone, showing no favour.偏爱,偏袒 ‎②Chinese export commodities have enjoyed growing favour among buyers abroad.喜爱 ‎③I want to ask a favour of you; will you lend me your car?帮助 ‎④I talked to Susie about travelling abroad, and she was all in favour of going abroad.赞同 ‎ ‎[系统考点]‎ ‎(1)in favour of        支持,赞同;有利于 in sb.'s favour 有利于某人 ‎(2)do sb. a favour/do a favour for sb.‎ ‎ 给某人以恩惠;帮助某人 ask sb. a favour=ask a favour of sb.‎ ‎ 请某人帮忙 ‎(3)favourable adj. 赞同的;有利的;良好的 favourite adj. & n. 特别喜爱(欢)的(东西)‎ ‎[练通重点]‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎⑤It used to be my favourite (favour) restaurant but the standard of cooking has fallen off recently.‎ ‎⑥He made a favourable (favour) impression on his future colleagues.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑦Everyone present at the meeting was in_favour_of_what_he_put_forward (支持他提出的事).‎ ‎⑧The situation both at home and abroad is in_our_favour (对我们有利).‎ ‎⑨Since you are in need of help, why don't ask_a_favour_of_your_friends (请你的朋友们帮忙).‎ ‎12.confirm vt.& vi.证实,证明;确认;使确信 ‎ confirm one's belief       坚定某人的信念 be confirmed by sb. 被某人认可 It has been confirmed that ... 已确定/证实……‎ ‎[题点全练] 完成句子 ‎①They worked out an effective method, which was_confirmed_by_the_leadership (被领导认可了).‎ ‎②It_has_not_been_confirmed (尚未得到证实) that the agreement is to be signed.‎ ‎③The recent airplane crash confirms_my_belief (坚定了我的信念) that stronger safety regulations are needed. ‎ ‎13.follow in one's footsteps 效仿某人 ‎(1)follow in the footsteps of ... 效仿……‎ follow one's example 以某人为榜样 follow one's advice/directions ‎       听从/遵循某人的建议/指示 ‎(2)as follows 如下,如下所述 ‎[题点全练] 完成句子 ‎①We mustn't blindly follow_in_the_footsteps_of foreign practice.‎ 我们不能亦步亦趋盲目地照外国办法行事。‎ ‎②We must all follow_his_example and serve the people with all our hearts.‎ 我们都应以他为榜样,全心全意为人民服务。‎ ‎③The good points of the novel may be summarized as_follows.‎ 这部小说的优点概括起来有以下几个方面。‎ ‎④Follow_my_advice and you'll succeed in time.‎ 听从我的建议,你终究会成功的。‎ ‎14.more ... than ...‎ ‎[教材原句] The boy was more frightened than hurt.‎ 这个男孩与其说受伤不如说是害怕。‎ ‎(1)more ... than ...“与其说……倒不如说……”,该结构强调more后面的内容,表示同一个人或事物的两种特征对比,more和than后接形容词(副词)的原级、名词、介词短语或动词不定式等两个并列成分。‎ ‎(2)与more than有关的其他用法 more than+数词     超过,多于(相当于over)‎ more than+形容词 很;非常 more than+名词  不只是;不仅是 more than+can/could 超过了……所能 no more than(=only) 只不过;仅仅 not more than 不 超过;至多 ‎①He was more_disappointed_than_angry when his son lied again.‎ 当他的儿子再次说谎时,与其说他生气倒不如说他失望。‎ ‎②Learning that you are organizing this activity to share books worldwide, I am more_than_happy to apply for it.‎ 得知你们在组织全球共享书籍活动,我非常乐意申请参加。‎ ‎③For many wealthy folks, housepurchase is no_more_than an investment, I'm afraid.‎ 对于许多富人来说,恐怕买房不过是一种投资而已。‎ ‎④In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more_things_than_the_students_can_understand.‎ 在演讲的时候,Jason确保不在他的演讲中包含超过了学生所能够理解的东西。‎ ‎ [单元语基落实]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Some industries, such as ship building, clearly profited (获利) from the war.‎ ‎2.We are studying to prove this point, and it has initially been confirmed (进一步证实).‎ ‎3.Will you do me a favour (帮忙) and tell me how the Internet works?‎ ‎4.Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting (指挥) an opera.‎ ‎5.John was adopted (收养) as a baby; he never knew his natural parents.‎ ‎6.Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences (结果) so do be careful.‎ ‎7.We are looking for someone who is reliable (可靠的) and hardworking.‎ ‎8.In no case should we sacrifice principles for economic profits (利润).‎ Ⅱ.单项填空 ‎1.His poor health ________, he performed very well in the competition.‎ A.taking into consideration  B.being accounted C.taking into account D.taken into consideration 解析:选D 句意:考虑他的身体不适,他在竞赛中表现得非常好。当主语不一致,又缺少关联词时,常用独立主格结构。故选D项。‎ ‎2.Digital teaching, as you know, since introduced, has ________ our way of learning, enabling us to focus more in class.‎ A.trade B.transformed C.translated D.transported 解析:选B 句意:正如你所知道的,数字化教学自从引入以来就改变了我们的学习方式,使得我们在课堂上更聚精会神。trade“交易”;transform“改变”;translate“翻译”;transport“运输”。‎ ‎3.As is often the case, some mothers are timid in their everyday life, but will fight like a tiger ________ their children.‎ A.in favour of B.in defence of C.in charge of D.in support of 解析:选B 句意:一些母亲在她们的日常生活中很胆小,但在保护她们的孩子时她们会像老虎一样搏斗,这是常有的事。in favour of“赞同,喜欢”;in defence of“保护”;in charge of“负责”;in support of“支持,赞同”。‎ ‎4.All schools in our province ________ new English textbooks to improve students' listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities four years ago.‎ A.adopted B.admired C.admitted D.afforded 解析:选A 句意:四年前,我省所有学校都采用新英语教材来提高学生的听说读写能力。adopt“采用,采取”;admire“钦佩,称赞”;admit“承认”;afford“提供,买得起”。由句意可知选A项。‎ ‎5.(2018·无锡调研)To lower the housing price, several measures ________ in the last two years.‎ A.have adopted       B.were adopted C.have been adopted D.had been adopted 解析:选C 句意:为了降低房价,在过去的两年中已经采取了好几项举措。in the last two years常与现在完成时连用,measures与adopt之间为被动关系,故答案选C。‎ ‎6.________ passengers survived in the traffic accident except a woman and two children.‎ A.The most B.A majority of the C.Most of D.The majority of the 解析:选D 要表示“……的大多数”,经常用the majority of the ...或the majority of ...。most表示“大部分”时要用most of the ...形式。‎ ‎7.—Was the suspect pronounced guilty?‎ ‎—Yes, the new evidence ________ the first witness' story.‎ A.confirmed B.claimed C.declared D.observed 解析:选A 句意:“那个犯罪嫌疑人被定罪了吗?”“是的,新的证据证明了第一个目击证人的话。”confirm“证明,证实”;claim“声称,认领”;declare“宣布,声称”;observe“观察,注意到”。故选A。‎ ‎8.Over years, scientists have made a great ________ in the treatment of cancer.‎ A.profit B.breakthrough C.fortune D.progress 解析:选B 句意:在过去的几年里,科学家在癌症的治疗上已经取得了重大突破。profit“利润,利益”;breakthrough“突破”;fortune“财富”;progress“进步,进展”,是不可数名词。‎ ‎9.When we watch a magic show, we often stare at the magic man ________, as though he were a vision.‎ A.in conclusion B.in vain C.in consequence D.in wonder 解析:选D ‎ 句意:我们在看魔术表演的时候,常常惊讶地盯着魔术师看,宛如欣赏一道美景。in conclusion“总之”;in vain“徒劳地”;in consequence“结果”;in wonder“惊讶地”。根据句意可知选D。‎ ‎10.—He looks so ________ and the kids are really scared.‎ ‎—He often uses that ________ look to frighten them.‎ A.frightened; frightened B.frightened; frightening C.frightening; frightened D.frightening; frightening 解析:选D 句意:“他看上去真令人恐惧,孩子们真的害怕。”“他经常用那吓人的表情吓唬他们。”frightening“令人恐惧的”;frightened“感到害怕的”。‎ Ⅲ.翻译句子 ‎1.所有出席会议的人都赞成该计划。(in favour of)‎ All_the_people_present_at_the_meeting_are_in_favour_of_the_plan.‎ ‎2.他们恐吓那个小男孩以使他说出秘密。(frighten sb. into)‎ They_frightened_the_little_boy_into_telling_them_the_secret.‎ ‎3.我遗憾地告诉你,由于你的工作很糟,我不得不把你解雇。‎ ‎(in consequence of, dismiss)‎ I_regret_to_tell_you_in_consequence_of_your_bad_work,_I_am_forced_to_dismiss_you.‎ ‎4.她决定当老师,跟她妈妈一样。‎ ‎(work as; follow in one's footsteps)‎ She_decides_to_work_as_a_teacher,_following_in_her_mother's_footsteps.‎ ‎5.在我遇到麻烦的时候,他过去常常是第一个来帮助我的人。(序数词+to do, offer sb. sth., meet with)‎ He_used_to_be_the_first_to_offer_me_help_when_I_met_with_problems.‎ Ⅳ.课文段落大意概括 阅读本单元Task部分,试着以约30个词概括第一篇文章“The taste of things to come”(P57)的文章大意。‎ Cloning technology can help raise the quality and quantity of food supply and give us more and better meat. Compared to ordinary animals, the meat from cloned animals is tastier and offers better nutrition.‎ ‎[高考提能训练] ‎ 检测评价A卷 Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎1.—I remember you said that you like China because it has cheap beers.‎ ‎—Yes, ________ cheap. Chrisberg is less than $1.‎ A.unbelievably B.probably C.relevantly D.properly 解析:选A unbelievably“难以置信地”;probably“大概,或许”;relevantly“贴切地”;properly“恰当地”。根据该句后一句“Chrisberg还不到1美元”可知,回答者认为这儿的啤酒“让人难以置信地”便宜,故选A。‎ ‎2.“Made in China ‎2025”‎ aims to ________ China from a productmaking factory into a productmaking power, one driven by innovation, and emphasizes quality over quantity.‎ A.substitute B.translate C.transport D.transform 解析:选D 句意:“中国制造2025”力争把中国由一个产品制造工厂变成一个由创新驱动的产品制造强国,而且它强调质量而不是数量。transform“转换;改变”,符合句意。‎ ‎3.________ made many contestants angry is ________ was called the fair play turned out to be unfair at all.‎ A.What; that what B.What; what C.It; that D.It; what that 解析:选A 根据句子结构可知is前面是主句,主句中缺少主语,所以第一空填what。第二空谓语动词is后,是表语从句,通常由that引导,一般不省略;而且表语从句中的主句是________ was called the fair play,又缺少主语,因此was called的主语是what。故选A项。‎ ‎4.(2018·江苏五市联考)Even if she is ________ the proposal now, we can't rely on her support; she is the kind of person who blows hot and cold.‎ A.in honour of B.in face of C.in need of D.in favour of 解析:选D 句意:即使她现在赞成这个建议,我们也不能依靠她的支持,她是个反复无常的人。in favour of“赞成”,符合句意。in honour of“向……表示敬意”;in face of“面对”;in need of“需要”。‎ ‎5.Confidence is more than just an attitude; it comes from a strong commitment to take ________, rather than just let life happen.‎ A.consideration B.effect C.responsibility D.account 解析:选C 句意:自信并不仅仅是态度问题。它来源于负责任的有力承诺,而不是随波逐流。consideration“考虑”;effect“影响”;responsibility“责任”;account“解释,账户”。根据句意可知选C。‎ ‎6.Don't look down upon the ugly little worm.In a few weeks, it ________ into a beautiful big butterfly.‎ A.transforms B.would transform C.has transformed D.will transform 解析:选D 句意:不要小看这个丑陋的小虫子。几个星期以后,它就会变成美丽的大蝴蝶。本题的关键在于时间状语In a few weeks,该时间状语和将来时连用,表示“一段时间以后”,使用一般将来时。故D项正确。‎ ‎7.(2018·淮安高三检测)I have been convinced that the print media are usually more ________ and more reliable than television.‎ A.accurate B.ridiculous C.urgent D.shallow 解析:选A 句意:我相信平面媒体要比电视有更高的准确度和可信赖度。此处用accurate“精确的,准确的”与后面的reliable“可信赖的,可依靠的”保持一致,故选A项。ridiculous“可笑的,荒谬的”;urgent“紧急的,迫切的”;shallow“浅的;肤浅的”。‎ ‎8.(2018·常州模拟)The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when ________ by the police determine the punishment, ________ from a small fine to life imprisonment.‎ A.caught; ranging B.caught; ranged C.catching; ranging D.catching; ranged 解析:选A 句意:一个人被警察抓获时携带的非法毒品的种类和数量决定处罚的轻重,从小额罚款到终身监禁。第一个空格为状语从句的省略,补全为“when a person is caught by the police”;第二个空格考查非谓语动词作状语,range from ...to ...意为“范围从……到……”,不及物动词短语,故用现在分词作状语。‎ ‎9.(2018·江苏高考考前冲刺)—________, I can attach no definite meaning to this rather grand sentence.‎ ‎—Why not turn to your teacher for help?‎ A.As hard I might try B.Try hard as I might C.As hard as I might try D.Try as hard as I might 解析:选B 句意:“尽管我很努力地尝试,我还是不能弄清这一长句的意思。”“为什么不问问你的老师?”连词as引导让步状语从句,从句需倒装。当副词修饰动词原形时,副词要一并提前。‎ ‎10.(2018·南通、泰州模拟)________ you think that your parents are meanspirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and satisfying part of life.‎ A.Even if B.Now that C.As though D.In case 解析:选A 句意:即便你认为你的父母有时候气量小,爱他们仍然是生活中正常的并且令人满足的一部分。even if“即使,虽然”;now that“既然,由于”;as though“好像,似乎”;in case“万一,假使”。根据句意可知选A。‎ ‎11.It's not what you have in your life but ________ you have in your life that matters.‎ A.who B.that C.which D.what 解析:选A 句意:重要的不是你生活中拥有什么,而是你拥有谁。由于第二个从句have后面缺少宾语,排除that,根据句意应该是who。故选A。‎ ‎12.—Your room looks a real mess today, Tracey!‎ ‎—________ No visitors today anyway!‎ A.Why not? B.Guess what!‎ C.What for? D.So what?‎ 解析:选D 句意:“Tracey,你的房间今天看起来真乱!”“那又怎么样?今天又没有人来。”So what“那又怎么样”,符合句意。What for“为什么”;Guess what“你猜怎么着”;Why not“为什么不呢”。‎ ‎13.With the help of the Internet, different countries have come together to form a community ________ people can share thoughts and global issues.‎ A.whose B.which C.where D.when 解析:选C 句意:在因特网的帮助下,不同国家的人可以聚集在一起形成一个可以分享想法和全球问题的社区。先行词是community,在定语从句中作地点状语,故选where。‎ ‎14.(2018·江苏泰州高三质检)—The authority concerned must have taken stricter measures to ensure traffic safety next year, ________ it?‎ ‎—Yes, definitely.‎ A.didn't B.mustn't C.hasn't D.won't 解析:选C 句意:“有关权威一定会在明年实施更严格的交管措施确保交通安全,是吧?”“是的,的确。”当must have done强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语),反意疑问句要用“haven't/hasn't+主语”。故选C。‎ ‎15.(2018·江苏苏州高三质检)OK, wake up! Only when you stop seeking shortcuts to success ________ being successful means hard work.‎ A.you have realized B.have you realized C.can you realize D.you can realize 解析:选C 句意:好了,醒醒!只有当你停止寻找通往成功的捷径时,你才能认识到成功意味着努力工作。“only+状语从句”置于句首时,后面句子使用部分倒装。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2018·徐州质检)It is important to build confidence in whatever we try to do. Let's just say that cooking has not __1__ been my thing. Many of my friends know that I __2__ a lot of meals. When we invited people over they wanted to know if I would be near the kitchen before they would ‎ __3__.‎ After one brutal batch of chili, I decided to put some __4__ into learning how to cook. I began visiting cooking websites but was discouraged by their lack of pictures and felt __5__. I borrowed a cook book from the library but didn't have any of the food __6__ to make what they were suggesting.‎ ‎__7__, I did something that most would think is common sense. I started to read and follow the __8__ that most foods provide on the package. Who knew that they would be so __9__? I never would have improved my cooking skills without trying to get better. Now as much as I would like to say from that point on everything went __10__. Just like learning anything it took a lot of __11__.‎ At first I undercooked the baked chicken. Then I __12__ the chicken. Finally, after three attempts, it was edible (可吃的) but I forgot to season (调味) it __13__. Once I made it through those cooking __14__, I can now bake chicken with the best of them.‎ After I __15__ chicken I was on to my next dish, spaghetti. I followed the ways to cook the noodles and got them just right. I added the meat and sauce blend to the noodles and was __16__ by how watery everything came out. Oops, I forgot to __17__ the noodles. Spaghetti only took __18__ tries to get it right. My trial and error helped me start building confidence.‎ When it comes to building confidence there is a(n) __19__ that one should follow. Building confidence in life is just like cooking. You have to take the time to learn the __20__ before you become successful at it.‎ 语篇解读:文章通过作者在学习做饭过程中不断尝试的经历告诉我们只要我们肯努力,最终一定能够建立自信。‎ ‎1.A.merely          B.really C.yet D.always 解析:选D 结合主题及第四段第一句中的“At first I undercooked the baked chicken.”可知我通常都不喜欢做饭。merely意为“仅仅,只是”;really意为“实际上”;yet意为“但是”;always意为“通常”。‎ ‎2.A.bought B.cooked C.ruined D.wasted 解析:选C 句意:我很多朋友都知道我糟蹋过很多饭菜。buy意为“购买”; cook意为“做菜,烹饪”;ruin意为“破坏”;waste意为“浪费”。‎ ‎3.A.comment B.complain C.try D.accept 解析:选D 句意:当我们要邀请一些人来的时候,他们想知道这次做饭我是否会进厨房,然后再决定是否接受邀请。comment意为“评论”;complain意为“抱怨”;try意为“尝试”;accept意为“接受”。‎ ‎4.A.time B.money C.attraction D.joy 解析:选A 由后文的“learning how to cook”及“visiting cooking websites”可知,我决定花些时间学做饭。time意为“时间”;money意为“金钱”;attraction意为“吸引力”;joy意为“喜悦,快乐”。‎ ‎5.A.aimless B.hopeless C.bored D.worried 解析:选C 由前文“was discouraged by their lack of pictures”可知,我感到很无趣。aimless意为“无目的的”;hopeless意为“绝望的”;bored意为“无趣的,烦人的”;worried意为“担心的”。‎ ‎6.A.crops B.materials C.writers D.suppliers 解析:选B 由后文“to make what they were suggesting”可知,没有他们建议做的食物的食材。crop意为“农作物”;material意为“材料;原料”;writer意为“作者”;supplier意为“供应商”。‎ ‎7.A.Confused B.Disappointed C.Relaxed D.Delighted 解析:选B 通过前文“was discouraged”、“felt bored”及“didn't have any of the food materials”可知,作者非常失望。confused意为“困惑的,糊涂的”;disappointed意为“失望的”;relaxed意为“轻松的”;delighted意为“高兴的,欣喜的”。‎ ‎8.A.directions B.examples C.schedules D.descriptions 解析:选A 由后文“most foods provide on the package”可知,很多食物包装袋给的说明书。directions意为“说明书”;example意为“范例,举例”;schedule意为“进度表”;description意为“描述”。‎ ‎9.A.ambiguous B.accurate C.attractive D.useful 解析:选D 句意:谁知道它们会这么有用呢?ambiguous意为“含糊的”;accurate意为“正确的”;attractive意为“吸引人的”;useful意为“有用的”。‎ ‎10.A.smoothly B.quickly C.wrong D.unexpected 解析:选A 由前文“I never would have improved my cooking skills without trying to get better ”可知,一切都进展顺利。smoothly意为“顺利地;平稳地”;quickly意为“快速地”;wrong意为“错误的”;unexpected意为“意外的;想不到的”。‎ ‎11.A.courage B.practice C.energy D.effort 解析:选B 句意:就像学任何东西一样,学做饭也是需要练习的。courage意为“勇气,胆量”;practice意为“练习;实践”;energy意为“能量;精神”;effort意为“努力”。‎ ‎12.A.boiled B.tasted C.abandoned D.burned 解析:选D 由前文“At first I undercooked the baked chicken ”及“after three attempts”可知,第二次我把鸡肉烤焦了。boil意为“煮沸”;taste意为“品尝;体验”;abandon意为“放弃”;burn意为“燃烧”。‎ ‎13.A.gradually B.eventually C.appropriately D.particularly 解析:选B 句意:最后,经过三次尝试鸡是能吃了,但是我最终还是忘记加调味了。根据语境可知这里表达煮菜的最后一个步骤。gradually意为“逐渐地”;eventually意为“最终”;appropriately意为“适当地”;particularly意为“特别地”。‎ ‎14.A.delights B.experiences C.dreams D.classes 解析:选B 句意:曾经那些煮菜的经历让自己把菜成功烧出来了,现在我能够做出最好吃的烤鸡。delight意为“高兴,快乐”;experience意为“经历”; dream意为“梦想”;class意为“班级,等级”。‎ ‎15.A.enjoyed B.barbecued C.mastered D.rejected 解析:选C 根据前文的“made it”可知,我掌握烤鸡的烹饪技能后。enjoy意为“享受”;barbecue意为“烧烤”;master意为“掌握;精通”;reject意为“拒绝”。‎ ‎16.A.upset B.calmed C.shocked D.bothered 解析:选C 由后文“how watery everything came out”可知,东西湿湿地出来让自己很吃惊。upset意为“弄翻;使……烦恼”;calm意为“使冷静”;shock意为“使震惊”;bother意为“打扰”。‎ ‎17.A.dry B.fry C.cool D.mix 解析:选A 前文的“watery”可知,我忘记把面条弄干了。dry意为“弄干”;fry意为“油炸,油煎”;cool意为“冷却;平息”;mix意为“混合,相容”。‎ ‎18.A.two B.several C.casual D.simple 解析:选A 前文烤鸡“after three attempts”,这里用了only意味着比three要少。several意为“几个”;casual意为“随意的”;simple意为“简单的”。‎ ‎19.A.tendency B.arrangement C.agenda D.recipe 解析:选D 句意:当涉及建立自信的时候,要遵照下面的方法。tendency意为“趋势”;arrangement意为“安排”;agenda意为“议事日程”;recipe意为“食谱,处方”。‎ ‎20.A.aims B.procedures C.skills D.rules 解析:选C 句意:生活中建立自信就像烹饪一样,在你成功之前你必须花时间去学习技能。aim意为“目标”;procedure意为“程序”;skill意为“技能,技巧”;rule意为“规则”。‎ Ⅲ.任务型阅读 The fundamental things we aren't teaching our kids These days basic good behavior and politeness are endangered (濒临灭绝的) in American life. Whether it's the daily shows or everyday socialmedia hate, our public and community life is embarrassingly, indeed dangerously lowered.‎ We shouldn't be surprised. For decades, we have neglected to do something fundamental for any healthy society —raise children who put leading an ethical (合乎道德的) life in the first place, including caring for others and for the common good. In fact, the degree to which we have lifted personal success in childraising over caring for others may be at an alltime high. Much has changed in recent decades. Participation in religious institutions has steadily reduced. Most parents appear to be more focused on their children getting ahead than on their concern for others.‎ A project has surveyed over 40,000 diverse middle and high school students across the country. These young people have been far more likely to first consider aspects of personal success — happiness and achievement — than caring for others, and they've been far more likely to view their parents as first considering happiness and achievement over caring for others. Youth were three times more likely to agree than disagree, for example, with this statement: “My parents are prouder if I get good grades in my classes than if I'm a caring community member in class and school.”‎ Under intense pressure to improve academic performance, most schools these days typically lower the teaching of ethical values such as honesty, a sense of fairness, and concern for the public good. Most universities have stopped to stand for or teach these values. Nowadays, when educators talk about character, they emphasize those qualities that allow individuals to achieve at higher levels — qualities like courage, planning, determination, self control, and adaptability — what's called “performance character”. While important, this focus neglects entirely those qualities which push us to care for those who are weaker, to be honest and fair, and to sacrifice for families, communities, workplaces, and societies - what's known as “ethical character”. We now quite ‎ clearly put “I” over “we”.‎ What to do? Without question, young people are most likely to develop ethical capacities like respect and fairness if these qualities live and breathe in their key relationships day to day. Schools, sports programs, and other community programs should develop ethical norms (规范) based on respect and fairness for all persons while expecting youth to invest in others and giving them regular chances to practice caring for others and their communities.‎ Powerful learning can occur when young people are also asked to reflect on the nature of fairness, understand the reasons for service, and witness and experience appropriate consequences when norms are broken. Needless to say, the behavior of nearby peers and adults is important: young people notice who does, and who does not,“walk the talk”— be it a peer, a principal, or a president.‎ The fundamental things we aren't teaching our kids The present situation ‎◆Basic good behavior and politeness tend to gradually disappear in America recently. ‎ ‎◆It comes as no (1) ________ to learn that the quality of American public and community life lowers. ‎ ‎◆Fewer people will (2) ________ themselves in religious institutions. ‎ ‎◆Young people attach more value to their own happiness than to caring for others.‎ The possible (3)________‎ ‎◆Americans (4) ________to put ethical values in the first place when raising children. ‎ ‎◆Some parents' overvaluing personal success (5) ________ influences their children. ‎ ‎◆Most schools feel (6) ________ to improve academic performance so they teach less about the ethical values. ‎ ‎◆Most universities can't fully play their role in teaching ethical values. ‎ ‎◆Educators pay more attention to “ performance character” when it comes to character, (7) ________ the importance of “ethical character”.‎ The possible solutions ‎◆Make ethical qualities a necessary part of the young people's life.‎ ‎◆Start community programs to train the young to develop ethical qualities and (8)________ them with chances to practice caring for others and communities.‎ ‎◆Ask young people to thoroughly (9) ________ethical qualities and experience the possible consequences resulting from broken norms.‎ ‎◆Surround the young with people having good behavior so that they can (10) ________ in their footsteps.‎ 答案:1.surprise 2.involve 3.reasons/causes 4.fail ‎5.negatively 6.stressed 7.neglecting 8.provide ‎9.understand 10.follow 检测评价B卷 阅读理解 A We offer several distinct options for you to choose the ticket that suits you best.‎ TICKET TYPE DISCOUNT NOTES standard returns ‎20%‎ return within 60 days of outward trip same day returns ‎25%‎ ticket cannot be altered or refunded children ‎40%‎ children between 4 and 11‎ students ‎25%‎ student card must be shown senior citizens ‎25%‎ seniors card must be shown groups (10—25 people)‎ ‎15%‎ discount on each section of the trip globetrotter tickets according to ticket Railpass, Tourist Card,Econopass ‎•Only one discount may apply to each fare.‎ CHANGES AND REFUNDS Tickets may be refunded not later than 5 minutes before the departure of the train for a charge of 15% of the ticket price, or the journey may be changed to another day for a charge of 10% of the ticket price. (Not applicable to same day returns.)‎ CHANGES FOR SAME DAY TRAVEL You may change your ticket once without charge for a journey on the same day as the original ticket.‎ INFORMATION OF INTEREST TO TRAVELLERS ‎•When you buy your ticket it is up to you to check that the dates and times of the journey on it are exactly as you requested.‎ ‎•Ticket control and access to each train platform will be open until 2 minutes before departure of the train.‎ ‎•Each traveller may take one suitcase and one item of hand luggage. You may also check in 15 kgs of luggage not later than 30 minutes before departure, at no extra charge.‎ ‎•If you would like to charter a train, or make reservations for over 25 passengers travelling together, call the Sales Department.‎ OUR TIMETABLE IS GUARANTEED If the arrival of your train at your destination is delayed by more than 5 minutes according to the timetable, we will refund the full price of your ticket if the delay is caused by our company.‎ 语篇解读:本文通过介绍火车票的种类来向旅客提供一些乘坐火车出行的信息。‎ ‎1.If an elderly person with a valid card buys a standardreturn ticket, he/she will receive at most a ‎ discount of ________.‎ A.20%        B.25%‎ C.45% D.50%‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据表格中的“senior citizens,25%,seniors card must be shown”可知,一位携带有效证件的老年人购买一张标准的双程票可以得到最多25%的优惠。故选项B符合题意。‎ ‎2.Which of the following statement is TRUE ?‎ A.Same day returns can be changed to another day for a charge of 10% of the ticket price.‎ B.You can get your ticket price refunded if you are 2 minutes late for the train.‎ C.Travelers should ensure they are ready to board the train with at least 2 minutes to spare.‎ D.Extra money will be paid on checked luggage of 15 kgs an hour before departure.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据INFORMATION OF INTEREST TO TRAVELLERS中的第二句可知,每一个站台的检票口开放至火车出发前两分钟,显然旅客需要确保他们准备上火车时至少要空出两分钟。故选项C正确。‎ B It seems hard to watch someone yawn (打哈欠) and not to yawn ourselves. Even reading about yawning can make you do it. Now, a new study has found why yawning has such a powerful force.‎ Yawning when others yawn, the study suggests, is a sign of pity and a form of social connection. Kids don't develop this deeply rooted behavior until around age four, the study found. Kids with autism (自闭症) are less likely to catch yawns. In the most serious cases, they never do. Yawning might help doctors to see whether the children are developing rightly. The work could also lead to a better understanding of the ways that people communicate and connect.‎ ‎“Emotional infection (传染) seems to be a born thing that connects us together,” said Molly Helt, a graduate student in psychology at the University of Connecticut. “ Yawning may be part of that.” Inspiration for her study came when she tried to get her own autistic son to clear his ears on an airplane. She repeatedly yawned at him, hoping he would yawn back. He never did.‎ ‎“The fact that autistic kids don't do it might mean they're really missing out on that emotional connection with people around them,” she said. “The biggest thing people try to figure out after birth is how we become humans and understanding that humans have minds that are different from others',” she added. “Autistic people never seem to understand that.”‎ Like infectious laughter and crying, scientists have found that yawning is a shared experience that promotes social connection. Helt said it could fight stress after a period of being nervous and spread a feeling of calm through a group.‎ 语篇解读:大家都知道打哈欠会在人与人之间传染。研究发现,打哈欠是人们之间一种情感交流的方式。‎ ‎3.What does the new study suggest according to the first two paragraphs?‎ A.It is easy to stop yawning when you see others yawn.‎ B.Yawning has some mysterious force which is related to God.‎ C.Children follow others into yawning just after they are born.‎ D.Yawning is a form of communication.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一、二段的描述可知,打哈欠会传染,这是人们有怜悯心的表现,也是社会联系的一种表现形式,是人们交流的一种方式,故D项正确。‎ ‎4.According to Molly Helt, ________.‎ A.emotions are infectious, but yawning is not B.yawning helps clear ears on planes C.humans differ from animals because they communicate with others D.yawning is a kind of emotional connection among humans 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三、四段可知,Molly Helt从患有自闭症的儿子不会受到传染而打哈欠这件事中得到灵感,意识到打哈欠是人们之间的一种情感交流的方式,故选D项。‎ ‎5.The author implies in the last paragraph that ________.‎ A.it is bad manners to yawn on some social occasions B.yawning can make people feel relaxed C.yawning is different from infectious laughter and crying in theory D.the more you yawn, the happier you will be 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,打哈欠有抗压的功效,还可以在团队中传递一种安宁的感觉。由此可推知,它能让人感觉放松。‎ C ‎(2018·苏北四市联考)I'd like to share a little story with you about something that happened when I was four. I remember it clearly. Our loving family dog was nearing the end of his life. My father picked him up and put him in a little bed we had made for him. Our dog, my companion, whom we had cared for, bit my father when he attempted to help him. How could he? Why? I couldn't understand it. I didn't like him anymore.‎ I hadn't thought about that story for a long time but something that happened last week brought it back to me. I went to speak with a friend. When I knocked on the door, I met in an instant an angry look and a few harsh (尖刻的) words. When the door was slammed (砰地关上) in my face, I stood there shocked, and in a rush, I was reminded of my dog bit my father 20 years ago or so. What brought that story back was that same feeling of betrayal.‎ Both stories taught me something the next day. You see, when I got up in the morning and was told my dog had died, it became clear to me that he must have been in great pain. For him to have bitten ‎ a family member, he could not have been himself. Much the same for the other story when I learned that my friend's wife had just left him.‎ We are all beings of our environments, our opinions and feelings. And all of those things can cause you to say and do things that can't be understood by those who are not in the same situation with you.‎ If you meet someone either behaving out of character or acting in a way that doesn't seem to fit the situation, put out your hand and be patient when you think it is least possible for him to do so. You may turn around a story that has a sad ending simply by your actions. ‎ 语篇解读:我们的情绪会受到环境和心境的影响。处在不同情境中的人,有时候互相之间很难理解。作者通过自己经历的两个事例,感悟到当你的家人或挚友突然对你的态度表现异常时,要对他/她伸出援手,耐心些。‎ ‎6.The incident that happened when the author was four ________.‎ A.hurt the author's feeling deeply B.has puzzled the author ever since C.left a deep impression on the author D.made the author dislike dogs 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,作者对所发生的事情清楚记得,尽管那个时候他才四岁,说明此事给他留下了深刻的印象,因此选C项。‎ ‎7.What made the author think about the story of about 20 years ago?‎ A.His friend's attitude.‎ B.The photo of the dog.‎ C.His father's wound.‎ D.His friend's suffering.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句可知,当作者去找朋友聊天时,朋友却恶语相向,当着面砰的一声把门关上,作者没想到朋友对他的态度竟是如此,从而想起了二十年前父亲被狗咬的事情,所以选A项。‎ ‎8.The author's friend said harsh words to the author because ________.‎ A.he was badtempered B.he was suffering the pain of losing his wife C.he was bothered by an unexpected visit D.they once quarreled and he couldn't forgive the author 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,朋友正在经受失去妻子的痛苦,所以选B项。‎ ‎9.What conclusion did the author get from the two stories?‎ A.Misunderstanding should be removed in time.‎ B.Sometimes one will be hurt without any reason.‎ C.Many people think more of themselves and less of others.‎ D.Many factors will affect one's behavior.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,人们说话做事是受着环境、舆论、情感等诸多因素的影响,只是处境不同的人互相不一定能理解,所以选D项。‎ D Mark Twain has been called the inventor of the American novel. And he surely deserves additional praise: the man who popularized the clever literary attack on racism.‎ I say clever because antislavery fiction had been the important part of the literature in the years before the Civil War. H. B. Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin is only the most famous example. These early stories dealt directly with slavery. With minor exceptions, Twain planted his attacks on slavery and prejudice into tales that were on the surface about something else entirely. He drew his readers into the argument by drawing them into the story.‎ Again and again, in the postwar years, Twain seemed forced to deal with the challenge of race. Consider the most controversial, at least today, of Twain's novels, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Only a few books have been kicked off the shelves as often as Huckleberry Finn, Twain's most widely read tale. Once upon a time, people hated the book because it struck them as rude. Twain himself wrote that those who banned the book considered the novel “trash and suitable only for the slums (贫民窟). ” More recently the book has been attacked because of the character Jim, the escaped slave, and many occurences of the word nigger. (The term Nigger Jim, for which the novel is often severely criticized, never appears in it.)‎ But the attacks were and are silly — and miss the point. The novel is strongly antislavery. Jim's search through the slave states for the family from whom he has been forcibly parted is heroic. As J. Chadwick has pointed out, the character of Jim was a first in American fiction — a recognition that the slave had two personalities, “the voice of survival within a white slave culture and the voice of the individual: Jim, the father and the man. ”‎ There is much more. Twain's mystery novel Pudd'nhead Wilson stood as a challenge to the racial beliefs of even many of the liberals of his day. Written at a time when the accepted wisdom held Negroes to be inferior (低等的) to whites, especially in intelligence, Twain's tale centered in part around two babies switched at birth. A slave gave birth to her master's baby and, for fear that the child should be sold South, switched him for the master's baby by his wife. The slave's light skinned child was taken to be white and grew up with both the attitudes and the education of the slaveholding class. The master's wife's baby was taken for black and grew up with the attitudes and intonations of the slave.‎ The point was difficult to miss: nurture (养育), not nature, was the key to social status. The features ‎ of the black man that provided the stuff of prejudice — manner of speech, for example — were, to Twain, indicative of nothing other than the conditioning that slavery forced on its victims.‎ Twain's racial tone was not perfect. One is left uneasy, for example, by the lengthy passage in his autobiography (自传) about how much he loved what were called “nigger shows” in his youth — mostly with white men performing in blackface — and his delight in getting his mother to laugh at them. Yet there is no reason to think Twain saw the shows as representing reality. His frequent attacks on slavery and prejudice suggest his keen awareness that they did not.‎ Was Twain a racist? Asking the question in the 21st century is as wise as asking the same of Lincoln. If we read the words and attitudes of the past through the “wisdom” of the considered moral judgments of the present, we will find nothing but error. Lincoln, who believed the black man the inferior of the white, fought and won a war to free him. And Twain, raised in a slave state, briefly a soldier, and inventor of Jim, may have done more to anger the nation over racial injustice and awaken its collective conscience than any other novelist in the past century.‎ 语篇解读:马克·吐温作为一名竭尽全力地抨击奴隶制度和种族主义的作家,因其创作所处的环境和时代背景,一些作品常常饱受争议。‎ ‎10.How do Twain's novels on slavery differ from Stowe's?‎ A.Twain was more willing to deal with racism.‎ B.Twain's attack on racism was much less open.‎ C.Twain's themes seemed to agree with plots.‎ D.Twain was openly concerned with racism.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二、三句可知,马克·吐温和斯托夫关于奴隶制的小说的差异在于,马克·吐温对于奴隶制度的抨击没有斯托夫等作家那么直截了当,故选B。‎ ‎11.Recent criticism of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn arose partly from its________.‎ A.target readers at the bottom B.antislavery attitude C.rather impolite language D.frequent use of “nigger”‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,最近小说《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》遭到批评的部分原因是其中轻蔑黑人的俚语“nigger(意为黑鬼,下层人)”在文中反复出现,故选项D正确。‎ ‎12.What best proves Twain's antislavery stand according to the author?‎ A.Jim's search for his family was described in detail.‎ B.The slave's voice was first heard in American novels.‎ C.Jim grew up into a man and a father in the white culture.‎ D.Twain suspected that the slaves were less intelligent.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,作为一个奴隶,吉姆在白人的奴隶文化中长大成人最能体现马克·吐温反对奴隶制的立场,故选项C符合题意。‎ ‎13.The story of two babies switched mainly indicates that __________.‎ A.slaves were forced to give up their babies to their masters B.slaves' babies could pick up slaveholders' way of speaking C.blacks' social position was shaped by how they were brought up D.blacks were born with certain features of prejudice 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第五段最后两句以及第六段内容可知,两个婴儿调换的故事表明,黑人的社会地位是由他们的成长环境所决定的,故选项C正确。‎ ‎14.What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 7 refer to?‎ A.The attacks. B.Slavery and prejudice.‎ C.White men. D.The shows.‎ 解析:选D 代词指代题。综合第七段的内容以及画线单词前的“Yet there is no reason to think Twain saw the shows as representing reality.”可知,马克·吐温对奴隶制度的不断抨击表明,他强烈地意识到所谓的“黑鬼表演”只是为了博母亲一乐,并不是现实生活的写照。显然they指代的是上文的the shows,故选项D正确。‎ ‎15.What does the author mainly argue for?‎ A.Twain had done more than his contemporary writers to attack racism.‎ B.Twain was an admirable figure comparable to Abraham Lincoln.‎ C.Twain's works had been banned on unreasonable grounds.‎ D.Twain's works should be read from a historical point of view.‎ 解析:选A 主旨大意题。综合第一段和最后一段的内容可知,与其他同时代的作家相比,马克·吐温更竭尽全力地去抨击奴隶制度和种族主义,故选项A符合题意。‎

