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‎ Unit 3 A taste of English humour教案设计 I. 单元教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals Talk about different types of humour; a taste of English humour Learn how to express one’s emotions Learn the -ing form as the Predicative, Attribute & Object Complement Learn to write humorous stories II. 目标语言 功 能 句 式 情感(Emotions)‎ I enjoy this very much because ...‎ I laugh at that kind of thing because ...‎ This is fun because ...‎ How wonderful/ surprising!‎ It surprises me that ...‎ I’m pleased we were both amused at ...‎ I felt happy because ...‎ It’s amusing that ...‎ 词 汇 ‎1. 四会词汇 Astonishing, performer, throughout, overcome, homeless, ordinary, entertain, leather, chew, direct, outstanding, ‎ ‎2. 认知词汇 ‎ verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, Charlie Chaplin, Edward Lear, bump, poverty, charming, tramp, lace, enjoyment, Oscar, costume, Sherlock Holmes ‎3. 词组 be content with, badly off, pick out, star in, pick out, cut off 语 法 构词法:名词与形容词之间的转化 动词的-ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语的用法(The -ing form as predicative, attribute and object complement)‎ Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组 ‎1.教材分析 ‎ 本单元的中心话题是“感受英语幽默”,其中涉及到了幽默的种类及其代表人物,并就中外幽默进行了粗略的比较,以此让学生感受英语幽默的内涵。‎ ‎ 1.1 WARMING UP中提出了三个问题:How many kinds of humour do you know?Do you know these kinds of humour?Do you have other kinds of humour in China?这三个问题直指本单元中心话题,为下一步的阅读理解作了准备。‎ ‎ 1.2 PRE-READING在WARMING UP 的基础上提出了另外三个问题:What do you like to laugh at? What does humour mean? Is humour always kind?这三个问题进一步让学生了解幽默的含义,即把缺陷与完美、荒唐与合理、愚笨与机敏等两极对立的属性不动声色地结合起来,在对立统一中见其深刻的意义。‎ ‎ 1.3 READING以美国著名喜剧大师Charlie Chaplin的表演为例,为学生展示了幽默的内涵。第一段以常见的踩香蕉皮滑倒为例,指出了幽默的内涵之一:“Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves”.从第二段开始介绍卓别林以其独特的表现方式成为著名的幽默大师,文中列举了两部他的喜剧片,一部是The Little Trump,另一部是The Gold Rush。前者以其穿着及行为而受到了人们的喜爱;后者通过吃皮鞋这一片段,让人领略了他的无与伦比的想象力与幽默感。卓别林将滑稽的相貌、夸张的穿戴和离奇的想象完美地结合起来,出于现实而又超脱现实。令人在捧腹大笑的同时,感到了他对待苦难的积极态度,和对下层小人物的同情。这篇文章揭示了幽默的内涵,给学生留下了思考的余地:Is humour always kind?‎ ‎ 1.4 COMPREHENDING分为两部分。第一部分以填写表格的形式让学生练习写阅读笔记,同时提示他们人物传记的写法,让学生了解文章结构。第二部分练习课文中出现的生词。‎ ‎ 1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE包括词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分强调用英语来解释词汇,并在实际情景中使用所学词汇。 语法部分主要通过大量的例句和习题来实现让学生自主学习的目的,总结-ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。‎ ‎ 1.6 USING LANGUAGE部分, 从听、说、读、写四个方面来学习和巩固所学语言知识,全面体现语言运用能力。‎ ‎ 2. 教材重组 ‎ 2.1 将WARMING UP(P17), READING(P22)与SPEAKING(P23)整合在一起上一堂口语课。‎ ‎ 2.2 将PRE-READING,READING (P17), COMPREHENDING (P18)及LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE中的练习一和练习二整合在一起上一堂阅读课。从字、词、句、和篇章几个方面掌握目标语言。‎ ‎ 2.3 将LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE (P20)中的剩余练习及USING LANGUAGE (P56)中的所有练习整合成语法课来练习-ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。‎ ‎ 2.4 将LISTENING(P23), LISTENING(P55) 和LISTENING TASK(P58)整合在一起上一堂听力课。‎ ‎ 2.5 将WRITING(P23),TALKING(P55)和SPEAKING AND WRITING(P60)整合成一堂写作课。‎ ‎ 2.6 将USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS(P56),READING TASK(P59),PROJECT(P61)和 SUMMING UP(P24)整合在一起上一堂复习课,总结这个单元所学全部内容。‎ ‎ 3. 课时分配 ‎1st period Speaking ‎2nd period Reading ‎3rd period Grammar ‎4th period Listening ‎5th period Writing ‎6th period Summary Ⅳ. 分课时教案 The First Period Speaking Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇 verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, pancakes, mountainous, whisper b. 重点句型 I think how short life is and how long the universe has lasted. P22‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about some types of English humour and Chinese humour.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 a. Help the students learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humour, and then find their differences.‎ b. Let the students listen, read, and then imitate the jokes, so that they can realize that humour is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Help the students know the differences between English and Chinese in humours.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Using pictures, discussion, reading and imitation.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备 A recorder and a projector.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step ⅠRevision Have a dictation about the words and expressions that appeared in Unit 2. ‎ Step Ⅱ Warming up Start the new unit by showing the students a picture:‎ T: Look! What do you think of the picture?‎ Ss: It’s very funny! A wolf or a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep!‎ T: Yeah! It’s so funny that we cannot help laughing about their acting. It makes us feel nice. Today, we are going to learn something about humour. The title is A taste of English humour. Do you know something about English humour?‎ S1: I’m sorry.‎ S2: I know an English humour.‎ T: Really? Please read it to us.‎ S2: I’ll try. One day a patient went to see his doctor. He said to the doctor: “Doctor, I see double.” The doctor said: “Sit on the chair please.” And then the patient asked the doctor: “Which one?”‎ T: That’s really interesting! Thank you! In fact this is a kind of English humour, which we call verbal joke. Ok, here are some pictures. Look, who are they?‎ ‎ (1) (2) (3) (4)‎ S3: It’s Charlie Chaplin. And I know picture one is from a film called The Gold Rush.‎ T: Right. Who know the man in picture 3?‎ S4: I dare say that everyone know him. He’s Mr. Bean, one of the most famous and successful British actor.‎ T: You are right. He’s now recognized as the most popular British comedy expert. And how about the last one?‎ S5: It’s difficult to say. I guess he’s an American because the picture behind him looks like an American flag.‎ T: Right. He is Mark Twain, the famous American writer. Do you know something about him?‎ S6: He liked to make jokes with other people.‎ T: Have you once read some?‎ S6: Only a few.‎ T: Can you bring us some next time?‎ S6: Let me try.‎ T: OK, now, let’s look at the chart on Page 17. What does it tell us?‎ S7: From the table we can see that Charlie Chaplin is good at nonverbal humour; Mr. Bean is famous for his mime and farce; while Mark Twain was good at tell some funny stories. But I don’t know Edward Lear.‎ T: Right. Edward Lear is a famous British poet. His poems are funny. But they were all from daily life. Until now people also read them and enjoy them. Here is one of his short poems. Please look at the screen:‎ There was an old Man with a bread There was an old man with a bread,‎ Who said, “It’s just as I feared!‎ Two owls and a hen,‎ Four larks and a wren,‎ Have all built their nests in my bread!”‎ T: In these two poems we can see that Edward Lear used a kind of magnification to make his poem funny. But because the sense of humour of English and Chinese is different, sometimes what they feel funny would not sound funny to us. But if you want to make fun of one of your friends, you can send them to him/her. They will be surprise to see these. Well, do you know these persons in the pictures? What are they good at? Nonverbal, mime and farce, funny stories or funny poems?‎ ‎(1) (2) (3) (4)‎ S8: Picture 1 is Chen Peisi. I think he is famous for his mime and farce.‎ S9: Picture 2 is Zhao Benshan. He is famous for his Xiao pin. And he is also for his mime, I think.‎ S10: The two persons in picture 4 are Liu Quanhe and Liu Quanlin. They are good at ‎ Ya ju (哑剧).‎ T: Do you know the third person? No? He is the famous cross talk actor—Hou Baolin. When he was living, he was the most popular actor. Many of his works are the classic. OK, now can you finish the last column of the chart? ‎ The Suggested answers:‎ English humour Nonverbal Mime and farce Verbal jokes Funny stories Funny poems Chinese humour Pantomime (哑剧) 刘全和、刘全林 Funny plays 陈佩斯、赵本山 Cross talk 侯宝林、马季 Jokes Doggerel (打油诗)‎ Step Ⅲ Reading on P22‎ The purpose of this reading is to introduce the kind of humour we can laugh at -verbal jokes. They use a “play on words” to be funny. Let the students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation.‎ T: Well, boys and girls, just now we learned something about English and Chinese jokes. Now let’s read some English jokes on Page 22. I’ll give three minutes for you to read them and then match the joke with the explanation. If you like, you may have a discussion. And then we’ll check the answer. OK, read them.‎ The students read and finish their task, and the teacher can show some other jokes on the screen. After they have finished the task, check the answer and ask them to enjoy the jokes on the screen.‎ T: Have you finished the reading? Are the jokes funny?‎ Ss: Yes, they are very funny. We’ve never found that English jokes so funny.‎ T: What’s the answer?‎ S11: The answer is 1 to B, 2 to C and 3 to A.‎ T: Good. Now, please look at the screen. Here are more jokes on it. Read them and enjoy them. If you have some troubles in understanding, discuss, or ask me.‎ Give the students some time to read the jokes.‎ Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory.‎ Doctor: When did this happen?‎ Patient: When did what happen?‎ Anisha: Thank you doctor. My fever is gone.‎ Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank god.‎ Anisha: Then I’ll pay the fees to god. ‎ A man with two red ears went to see his doctor.‎ Doctor: What happened to your ears?‎ Man: I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.‎ Doctor: Oh Dear! But ... what happened to your other ear?‎ Man: The scoundrel (恶棍) called back!‎ T: Funny?‎ Ss: We’re laughing to death!‎ T: Don’t do that, another joke is waiting for you. Please read the neat joke on Page 22. And then finish the question followed.‎ Give the students three minutes to do it. ‎ T: Now decide which of these two kinds of jokes you like better. Give your reason.‎ S12: I find the first kind jokes are easier to understand.‎ S13: Those jokes on the screen are the funnies ones, I think.‎ S14: We must understand the background of the funny story at first, and then we can know what a humor Sherlock Holmes was. I think to understand this kind of jokes needs wisdom to understand. We must know that he was a detective, so he was always thinking of the things such as stealing. ‎ T: What you said is reasonable. Now let’s listen to the tape, pay attention to the intonation, and try to bring out the humorous meaning.‎ If time permits, the teacher can ask some students to act out the jokes.‎ Step IV Speaking T: Now, we’ve learned some jokes and listened to some too. How about speaking out what you feel funny in class? I’ll give you five minutes to prepare this task, and then ask some of you to tell us your story. There are some steps for you to finish the task. If you think they are useful, follow them.‎ Five minutes later.‎ S15: My story is one day Lian Hong was standing by the window, talking with other students. Ren Xinglian came up. She wanted to make a joke with Lian and gave her a surprise. So she rushed towards Lian and kicked her at the same. But to all of us surprise, Ren slipped on the floor! Everybody laughed to bend their backs, me too.‎ T: Me too! OK, this class is full of joy. We know that in our life, there are full of happiness, sorrows, boredoms, and joys. When we meet with sorrows or boredoms, don’t forget to read these jokes. Maybe they can bring you sunshine. Am I right?‎ Ss: Yes. Thank you.‎ Step V Homework T: Today’s homework is to preview the Reading material and finish the Comprehending ahead. And I have a wish that at the beginning of each class, one of ‎ our classmates can give us a joke, to bring smile into the classroom. Do you agree?‎ Ss: That’s a good idea.‎ T: Let’s begin from Group one. One of you will tell a joke to us at the beginning of next class. Don’t forget it. Ok, class is over. See you next time.‎ Ss: See you.‎ The Second Period Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇 slide, skin, cruel, content with, badly off, particular, entertaining, throughout,‎ ‎ homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, fortunate, snowstorm, pick out, cut off, chew, star in, outstanding, Switzerland b. 重点句子 Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? P17‎ Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life ... P17‎ He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. P17‎ But he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him. P18‎ Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. P18‎ That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. P18‎ He solved it by using nonverbal humour. P18‎ Their job is “panning for gold”. P18‎ Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. P18‎ First he picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti. P18‎ Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, treating if as if it were the finest meat. P18‎ He makes it seems as if it were one of the best meals he has ever had! P18‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to learn what humour means and what is nonverbal humour.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to describe what nonverbal humour is by Chailie Chaplin’s career. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Help the students to divide the text into several parts according to the meaning of the passage.‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 a. Decide the divide of the paragraphs of the text.‎ b. Help students to learn the Subjunctive Mood.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Scanning, careful reading, and discussion.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备 A recorder and a projector.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 StepⅠRevision T: Glad to see you, everyone! Classmates in Group one, have you prepared a joke for us?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Who would like to tell us?‎ S: I’d like to. My joke is very short. In order to let all of us understand the joke, I’d like to act it out. But there is a new word in the story. It is “leash”. It means a rope used to tie a dog. The title of the joke is A blind man in a store. Look, this is my dog. Ok, now I’ll act out the joke.‎ A blind man in a store A blind man walks into a store with his Seeing Eye dog. All of a sudden, he picks up the leash and begins swinging the dog over his head. The manager runs up to the man and asks, “What are you doing?!!” The blind man replies, “Just looking around.”‎ S: That’s all for the joke. Thank you.‎ T: Woo! It’s so wonderful. Thank you for bringing us so wonderful joke and your performance. Let’s clap our hands for him. Ok, let’s continue to check your home- work. Last time we learned something about humour. Some jokes made us laugh. Well, what is humour?‎ S1: Humour, like jokes, can make people laugh.‎ S2: I think, humour includes nonverbal, mime and farce, verbal jokes, funny stories and funny poems. ‎ S3: Humour is a sense. Some people have it. It’s natural.‎ S4: Humour is quality of being amusing; it’s an ability to appreciate the comic or amusing. I think my answer is the most correct answer, because I looked up the dictionary.‎ T: All right, I think these explanations give us a full understanding about humour. I think, humour can also reflect a person’s wit or intelligence. For example, what do you think of a banker?‎ S1: A banker is a millionaire.‎ S2: A banker is a big potato. He owns large houses, cars, and he can enjoy plenty of good things in the world.‎ T: Yes. All of you are right. But Mark Twain once said: “A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining; but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.” That is why Mark Twain is Mark Twain. OK, now let’s look at the two questions in Pre-reading.‎ StepⅡ Pre-reading T: What do you like to laugh at?‎ S1: Some funny things, such as funny looks, funny acts, funny words and so on.‎ T: Good. Is humour always kind?‎ S2: I guess mostly humour is kind. But it depends on who is joking and who is listening.‎ T: Right. Different people have different understanding about the same jokes. One day, if one of your friends says to you: “Dog, I’ll pick your head and beat it like a basketball.” You are shouting at him/her “Stop! You pig.” What an interesting thing it is! Do you like this?‎ S3: I don’t think this is funny. It’s crazy! If he really says this to me, he will lose me.‎ T: But some people like this. It is difficult to see who is right and who is wrong. Some people think it is funny; while other people will think it will make them throw up. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” This sentence means what one person considers beautiful may not be beautiful to another. So we can see that humour is not always kind.‎ Step Ⅲ Reading The purpose of this reading is to introduce nonverbal humour. This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example. It tells us what nonverbal humour means; what’s Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so ‎ on. What do you know about Charlie Chaplin?‎ This step can have three tasks. Task 1, find the main idea of each paragraph. Work in groups to decide how many passages the material can be divided. Task 2, discuss the following questions:‎ ‎1. Do you think his poor childhood helped him in his work? Why? ‎ ‎2. Why did people like The Little Tramp?‎ ‎3. Do you think Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? Why?‎ Step IV Summary of the passage:‎ In Britain and America people were feeling miserable because of the bad economic situation. Charlie understood their problems. His character “the little tramp” was poor and homeless, but everybody loved him for his kind heart and the way he dealt with his difficult situation. Charlie Chaplin made people laugh at some of these terrible situations like being without food or money. He wrote and directed his own films and received an Oscar for his outstanding work.‎ Step V Homework Preview grammar by finishing Exercises on Page 21. ‎ The Third Period Grammar Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to learn to use the -ing form as the attribute, the object complement and the predicative.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to use the -ing form as the attribute, the object complement and the predicative. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Let the students know the members of the sentence and the structures of the sentences with the -ing form.‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Help the students to tell the -ing form as the predicative and the usage of the present ‎ continuous tense. ‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Practice and conclude.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A computer and a projector.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 StepⅠDiscovering useful structures There are two steps in this step. One is to revise the usage of the -ing form which the students have learned in Unit 2. The other one is to learn the new usage of the -ing form.‎ Task 1 Revision T: Now let’s have a revision about the -ing form used as the subject and the object. Here are some sentences for you to translate.‎ ‎1. Talking to him is talking to a wall.‎ ‎2. Smoking may cause cancer.‎ ‎3. Walking is my sole exercise.‎ ‎4. Talking mends no holes.‎ ‎5. I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.‎ ‎6. He admitted taking the money.‎ ‎7. I couldn’t help laughing.‎ ‎8. Your coat needs brushing.‎ Suggested translation:‎ ‎1. 和他说话等于对牛弹琴。‎ ‎2. 吸烟会致癌。‎ ‎3. 散步是我唯一的运动。‎ ‎4.(谚)空谈无济于事。‎ ‎5. 我建议结束会议。‎ ‎6. 他承认钱是他拿的。‎ ‎7. 我禁不住笑了起来。‎ ‎8. 你的大衣需要刷一下了。‎ Task 2 New usage of the -ing form Ask the students to look at Exercise 4 on Page 20. And then work in pairs to finish the Exercise. In order to make sure the quality, the teacher can ask some of the students to explain some of the phrases in the Exercise.‎ T: Now let’s finish the Exercise 4 on Page 20. I’ll give one minute for you to check your answers. Because you have done this in the homework, I think one minute is enough. And then I’ll choose some of them to let you explain. But before doing this you’d better pay attention to the example. In the example, we can use for ... phrase or an attributive to explain the -ing phrases. Are you clear?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: OK, do the Exercise now.‎ One minute later.‎ T: Well, what does cooking pot mean?‎ S1: A pot that is used for cooking.‎ T: What does operating table mean?‎ S2: A table for operating.‎ T: What does drinking horse mean?‎ S3: It means a horse that is drinking water.‎ T: It seems that you have master the usage of the -ing form as attribute. Now, let’s look at the Exercise1 on Page 21. What does it tell us to do?‎ S4: It tells us to find the sentences in the reading passage where the -ing form is used as the object complement.‎ T: Can you find some?‎ S4: Yes. In fact we have done this work in the last period. But I don’t understand what object complement means.‎ T: This is a good question. The object complement is used to explain what object has done, or doing, or to do. Or we can think that the speaker wants to express his/her meaning more completely. Of course, in this unit we only study the -ing form as the object complement. The structure of the sentence with an object complement is:‎ ‎ (Show the following on the screen.)‎ Subject + Predicate + Object + Object complement ‎ Are you clear now?‎ S4: Yes.‎ T: Now, let’s look at Exercise 2. Have you done this?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Ok, now let’s check the answers for this Exercise. Who would like to say your answers out?‎ Teacher can ask 9 students to read the 9 complete sentences to check the answers. If there are some questions, teacher should give students some explanations, and make some changes if there are some incorrect answers.‎ T: Well, can you analyze the part of speech of the -ing form in the 9 sentences?‎ S5: In the first three sentences the -ing form is used as object complement.‎ T: Right. Have you found the same structure in other sentences?‎ S5: Yes. In the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth and the ninth sentence, the -ing form is also used as the object complement.‎ T: How about the rest?‎ S5: In the fourth sentence, the -ing form is used as the attribute.‎ T: Quite right. Now I think we can go on to do Exercise 3. Let me see if you have finished this Exercise.‎ Teacher walks around, the students are asked to check their answers.‎ T: I’m very glad that most of you have finished the exercise. But some of you need to be more diligent. Next time I’ll specially check your answers. Well, the structure of the sentences has been given. Can you tell me the structure?‎ S6: Yes, I can. The words in the left column are the subject. The -ing forms in the middle column are the attribute. And the words in the right column the words are used as the predicate, and so on.‎ T: Right. Now I’d like you to read out one of your sentences and then translate it. Who can?‎ S7: The boy climbing the mountain is a friend of my brother. 爬山的那个男孩儿是我哥的一个朋友。‎ T: Your translation is wrong. Try it again.‎ S7: 爬山的那个男孩儿是我哥的一个朋友。‎ T: Wrong again. Try again.‎ S7: But I think I’m right. If you don’t think so, ask the other students.‎ T: Good idea. But wait a moment. Who would like to make a sentence and translate it again?‎ S8: Let me try. The girl eating her dinner is very tired and needs rest.‎ 那个吃饭的女孩子很累,而且需要休息一下。‎ T: The sentence is right, but the translation is not right. Try again.‎ S8: Miss Wu, I think I’d better not try. I’m afraid my translation is the same. Please tell us why?‎ T: Do you really want to know?‎ Ss: Of course.‎ T: It’s very easy, you need add 正在before the girl and the boy. That’s Ok.‎ Ss: But it’s the same meaning!‎ T: Yes, it has the same meaning. I’m not a fool. You are not fools. But when you go out of this classroom, you will be fools. Can you think 做事的男孩 and 正在做事的男孩 has the same meaning? The first one doesn’t give us a clear meaning whether he has done, or is doing, or will to do the thing. While the second one tells us the exact meaning of the -ing form. That is the boy doing the thing. The picture appearing before our eyes is that the boy is doing his things. Later we will study the Past Participle and the Infinitive. In order to get clear meaning of the phrases, we’d better have such exercises. Do you understand?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Now let’s try again to see whose translation has such mistakes.‎ The purpose of doing this is to train the students to have exact understanding about the -ing form, because when they study the -ed form, they will be confused about the difference between the -ing form and the -ed form. So at first, teacher should help ‎ them to have a correct understanding at the meaning. ‎ T: OK, it seems that all of you have learned the way to translate the sentences correctly. Well, now let’s look at Ex 4. Who would like to do this exercise? You five please.‎ S1: Seeing is believing.‎ S2: His job is cleaning the yard. ‎ S3: What he likes is playing basketball.‎ S4: The news is exciting.‎ S5: The film is more interesting than any that I’ve ever seen.‎ T: Very good. All of them are right. In order to make sure that you master the usage of the structure, I’ll give you some more sentences. Now please look at the screen.‎ ‎1. Her hobby is painting. 她的爱好是绘画。‎ ‎2. Her favorite sport is skiing. 她最喜爱的运动是滑冰。‎ ‎3. This was very disappointing. 这很令人失望。‎ ‎4. The test results have been very discouraging. ‎ 测试的结果很让人沮丧。‎ ‎5. She was very pleasing in her appearance. ‎ 她的外貌很招人喜欢。‎ ‎6. His concern for his mother is most touching. ‎ 他对母亲的关爱很感人。‎ ‎7. The photograph is missing. 那张照片不见了。‎ ‎8. The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized. 这篇文章有误导性,报纸已经道歉了。‎ T: In the first two sentences, the -ing form is used to show the character of the subject. In the next four sentences the words of the -ing form are all about the feelings. In the last two sentences, the words of the -ing form show some states and qualities. Now please look at these sentences on the screen.‎ How are things going? 现在情况怎么样?‎ It’s snowing hard. 天正下着大雪。‎ What are they quarrelling about? 他们在为什么事争吵?‎ Why aren’t you wearing a coat? It’s so cold. 天这么冷,你怎么没穿大衣?‎ I’m waiting to have a word with you. 我在等着和你说话。‎ She’s teaching in a night school. 她在夜校教书。‎ Sorry, you can’t take the typewriter away, I’m using it. 对不起,你不能把打字机拿走,我在用。‎ T: Do you think these -ing forms are also used as the predicative?‎ S6: No, these -ing forms are used as the predicate in the present continuous tense.‎ T: That’s quite right. Now do you know how to tell the -ing form as the predicative from what used as predicate in the present continuous tense?‎ S7: Yes. The -ing form as the predicative shows the quality, or the state of the subject; while the -ing form in the present continuous tense show an act is going.‎ T: This is a good conclusion. Now let’s turn to the next step.‎ Step II Homework T: Today, we learned some useful structures. What are they?‎ Ss: The -ing form as the attribute, the object complement, and predicative.‎ T: Good. What should we pay attention in understanding these -ing forms?‎ Ss: The meanings, the translations, the sentence structures and also the difference between the -ing form as the predicative and those used in the present continuous tense.‎ T: Right. Now, your homework: finish all Exercises on Page 56. Exercise 1&2 in USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS give us a good chance to review what we have learned in this unit.‎ The Fourth Period Listening Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 重点词汇 mess, react, porridge, drunk ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about some types of English humour and Chinese humour.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 ‎ Let the students listen, read, and then imitate the jokes, so that they can realize that humour is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Help the students know the differences between English and Chinese in humours.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Using pictures, discussion, and imitation.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备 A recorder and a projector.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-in Enjoy some verbal jokes Policeman: You can’t park here.‎ Driver: Why can’t I?‎ Policeman: Read the sigh there.‎ Driver: It says, “Fine for Parking,” so I parked.‎ ‎…‎ Step II Listening You are going to listen to a funny story about jam. Before you listen, look at the exercises below. Try and predict the story. Tell your partner what you think will happen.‎ ‎1. Listen to Part 1 and write down the main idea.‎ ‎2. Listen to Part 1 again and answer these questions.‎ ‎1. What was Mary going to do with the cooked plums in the pan? ‎ ‎2. What did John think Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?‎ ‎3. Try to guess Mary and John’s reaction.‎ ‎3. Listen to Part 2 and put these sentences in order.‎ Mary got angry with John.‎ Mary saw the chickens behaving strangely.‎ John was sorry.‎ The chickens enjoyed the jam.‎ John said he thought the jam was porridge.‎ Mary looked at the red mess on the ground.‎ John said the chicken were drunk.‎ Mary came home. ‎ Step III Homework Finish the exercises on workbook.‎ The Fifth Period Writing Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language 目标语言 ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to write some types of English humour and Chinese humour.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 ‎ Let the students read, and imitate the jokes, so that they can realize that humour is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 Help the students learn how to understand and write English humors.‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Help the students know the differences between English and Chinese in humours.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Using pictures, discussion, and imitation.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备 A recorder and a projector.‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-in 如何写幽默故事 Think of a funny English or Chinese story and tell it to your partner. ‎ 写作时应注意以下几点:‎ ‎1. 确定文体:幽默故事大多属于记叙文。‎ ‎2. 主体时态:文章以一般过去时或一般现在时为主。‎ ‎3. 主体人称:第一人称或第三人称。‎ ‎4. 内容要点:①故事场景;②展开情节;③意外结尾。‎ Step II 思路引导 写幽默故事首先要设计好故事发生的场景,即时间、地点、主要人物和发生的事。做好前文的铺垫之后,故事最后的点睛之笔(punchline)才显得既在情理之中又出乎意料之外。相声中称之为“抖包袱”,即把之前设置的悬念揭开,或者把前文铺垫酝酿好的笑料关键部分说出来。‎ 写幽默故事时要注意前文的逻辑顺序,结尾处要与人们的生活常识或经历相矛盾,这样才能使人联系上下文体会到幽默所在。写英文幽默故事,还应注意东西方人思维方式的差异以及汉英语言文化背景的差异。‎ Step III 实战演练 根据所给的提示,续写故事,要有出人意料的结局。‎ A year ago, my grandmother was walking down the street, stopping from time to time to look in the shop windows. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【范文欣赏】‎ A year ago, my grandmother was walking down the street, stopping from time to time to look in the shop windows. At one store, she stopped to admire a dress in the window. Just as she turned to enter the store, a businessman, walking very fast and not looking where he was going, ran into her, knocking her down. ‎ ‎“Oh, I’m so sorry!” said the man. “Are you OK?”‎ My grandmother was too frightened to reply. But after a while she said she was fine.‎ ‎“Look!” she heard someone say from across the street. “An old woman just fell down!”‎ She quickly sat up and looked around with great concern and said, “Where?”‎ 附 件 Fun stories A Letter to Girlfriend ‎ One day a young man was writing a letter to his girl friend that lived just a few miles away in a nearby town. Among other things, he was telling her how much he loved her and how wonderful he thought she was. The more he wrote the more poetic he became. Finally, he said that in order to be with her he would suffer the greatest difficulties, he would face the greatest dangers that anyone could imagine. In fact, to spend only one minute with her, he would climb the highest mountain in the world, he would swim across the widest river, he would enter the deepest forest and with his bare hands fight against the fiercest animals. ‎ ‎  He finished the letter, signed his name, and then suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to mention something quite important. So, in a postscript below his name, he added: “By the way I’ll be over to see you on Wednesday night—if it doesn’t rain.” ‎ 致女朋友的一封信 ‎ ‎  一天,一个青年男子给住在离他几英里远的镇上的女朋友写信。除写了其他的事情外,他告诉她他爱她有多深,他认为她有多好,他越写越富有诗意。最后,他写道,为了能和她呆在一起,他将克服最大的困难,他将面对任何人能够想象的最大的危险。实际上,为了能和她呆上一分钟,他将爬越世界上最高的山,他将游过最宽的河,他将赤手空拳进入最深的森林同最凶恶的野兽搏斗。 ‎ ‎  他写完了信,签上了名,突然,他想起忘了写一件挺重要的事。因此,他在信末签名后又补充道:“顺便说一下,我将在星期三晚上去看你——如果不下雨的话。”‎ l with his bare hands: 赤手空拳 The New Baby ‎ Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had a seven-year-old boy named Pat. Now Mrs. Taylor was expecting another child. Pat had seen babies in other people’s houses and had not liked them very much, so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon ‎ going to be one in his house too.‎ ‎ One evening Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were making plans for the baby’s arrival. “This house won’t be big enough for use all when the baby comes,” said Mr. Taylor.‎ ‎ Pat came into the room just then and said, “What are you talking about?”“We were saying that we’ll have to move to another house now, because the new baby’s coming,” his mother answered.‎ ‎ “It’s no use,” said Pat hopelessly, “He’ll follow us there.”‎ What is intelligence?‎ ‎ Two men were digging a ditch on a very hot day. One said to the other, “Why are we down in this hole digging a ditch when our boss is standing up there in the shade of a tree?” “I don’t know,” responded the other. “I’ll ask him.”‎ ‎ So he climbed out of the hole and went to his boss. “Why are we digging in the hot sun and you’re standing in the shade?” “Intelligence.” the boss said. “What do you mean, ‘intelligence’?”‎ ‎ The boss said, “Well, I’ll show you. I’ll put my hand on this tree and I want you to hit it with your fist as hard as you can.” The ditch digger took a mighty swing and tried to hit the boss’ hand. The boss removed his hand and the ditch digger hit the tree. The boss said, “That’s intelligence!”‎ ‎ The ditch digger went back to his hole. His friend asked, “What did he say?” “He said we are down here because of intelligence.” “What’s intelligence?” said the friend. The ditch digger put his hand on his face and said, “Take your shovel and hit my hand.”‎ True Fear By Kelley E. Rachels Crying of fear In the dark Hurry and run Says my heart.‎ But I lie there Too scared to scream Praying so hard That it’s just a dream.‎ Then I see the shadow Slowly moving outside I want to get up And find a place to hide.‎ I gather up the courage And yell, Please help me!‎ They quickly run away As I can plainly see.‎ A bunch of questions Everyone did ask I don’t know the answers It happened so fast.‎ Feeling a little more brave Not wanting to show fear I act big and bad Saying, They better not come back here!‎ The next night at supper After I took my last bite I got up from the table and said,‎ Who’s sleeping with me tonight.‎ English jokes Sam: Would you punish me for some thing I didn’t do? ‎ Teacher: No, of course not. ‎ Sam: Good, because I didn’t do my homework.‎ A:How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?‎ B:His lips are moving.‎ C:If your dog was barking at the back door and your wife was knocking on the front door, who would you let in first? ‎ D:The dog, because at least he would shut up once he was in.‎ E:How many social scientists does it take to screw in a light bulb?‎ F:They do not change light bulbs; they search for the root cause as to why the last one went out.‎ Funny Poems Mary Had a Little Lamb Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was worth some money.‎ Now Mary’s filthy rich but her bald lamb looks kind of funny.‎ ‎——K

