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Book 2 Unit 3 Computers 1.anyhow adv .无论如何;即使如此 教材原句 ①  Anyhow     (无论如何), my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. 重点单词 ◆选词填空 (anyhow/somehow/somewhat) ②We will help him break away from the habit of smoking   somehow     . ③When hearing the news, I felt   somewhat     surprised as a matter of fact. ④I am occupied with my work at present, but I will lend a hand to you     anyhow     . 点拨 (1)anyway adv .而且;尽管;至少 (2)somehow adv .用某种方法;不知怎么地 (3)somewhat adv .有点;有几分 2.signal vi .& vt .发信号 n .信号 教材原句 ①For example, I have learned to signal  to     my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.例如,当我前面没有防守,有机会射一个好球的时候,我已经学会了 用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我。 ◆单句填空 ②The police signalled the driver  to stop     (stop) his car by raising his hand. ③A man stood up and crossed his arms over his head,  signalling     (sig- nal) that he was strongly opposed. ④Rani's friendliness—her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I'm here for you’ attitude—were all silent  signals     (signal) that didn't travel through wires. (2016课标全国Ⅱ) ◆完成句子 为了不被别人听到,她手指向上指,示意有人正在楼上走动。 ⑤In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards  to signal that someone was moving     about upstairs. 点拨 (1)signal (to) sb. to do sth.示意某人做某事 signal that...示意 …… signal+wh-从句 示意 …… (2)a danger/warning/distress signal危险/警告/求救信号 detect/pick up signals探测到/收到信号 give out a signal(to sb.)(向某人)发出信号 3.arise vi .出现;发生;产生;起身;起床 教材原句 ①Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation  arises     (arise).然后她把在新情况下能用得上的可靠动作准备好。 ◆写出下列各句中 arise 的含义 ② Seeing his mother return, the boy arose from his chair immediately.  起身     ③ New problems will arise one after another in future.  出现     ④They arose at sunrise to get an early bus.  起床     ⑤Accidents often arise from carelessness.  产生     ◆用 arise,rise,raise,arouse 的适当形式填空    Generally speaking, the problems between parents and children often ⑥   arise     from lack of communication. Although living standards ⑦     have been raised     , many children can't get along well with their parents. In order to support the family, parents have to ⑧   rise/arise     early in the morning to go to work. Maybe children's motivation for studying hard ⑨      will be aroused     when they realize the hardship their parents have suf- fered. 词形词性 词义 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 arise vi . 出现;发生 arose arisen arising arouse vt . 唤醒;激起 aroused aroused arousing rise vi . 升起;上升 rose risen rising raise vt . 提高;饲养 raised raised raising 点拨 (1)arise 意为“呈现 ; 出现 ; 发生”时 , 主语多为抽象名词 argument/problem /quarrel/question/movement 等 , 多指不好的事情发生。 (2)arise from/out of... 由 …… 引起 ; 由 …… 产生 [ 辨析 ] 1.as a result 结果 教材原句 ①As  a     result I totally changed my shape. ◆单句改错 ②Some experts think our memory will become poor as result of the Inter- net.  在result前加a     ③There is no doubt that his laziness resulted from his failure.  from→in     重点短语 ◆同义句转换 His diet is unhealthy. As a result, he is ill. →④He is ill  as a result of/because of/on account of     his unhealthy diet. →⑤His illness  results from     his unhealthy diet. →⑥His unhealthy diet  results in/leads to     his illness. ◆完成句子 结果,人们会吃更多的食物来试图弥补失去的东西。(2017课标全国Ⅰ) ⑦  As a result     , people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. 点拨 (1)as a result/consequence因此,所以,结果 as a result of由于;作为 …… 的结果 without result毫无结果 (2)result from由 …… 引起;result in导致;结果 [助记] [联想] 1.表示“由于”的其他介词短语:because of, thanks to, due to, owing to, on account of。 2.表示“在于”的动词短语:result from,lie in, consist in。 2.in a way 在某种程度上 教材原句 ①In  a     way our programmer is like our coach.某种程度上,我们的程 序员就像我们的教练。 ◆用含 way 的短语填空 ② Mrs. Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess, as her children are always   in the way     whenever she tries. ③   In no way     should you lose heart when you are faced with difficul- ties. ④She didn't speak a word to me  on the way     back home. ⑤  In a way     , it is a good thing that I did not get the post I had applied for, though I must admit that I was disappointed at that time. ◆同义句转换 ⑥ I will never throw rubbish at random. →   In no way will I throw rubbish at random.     ( 用 in no way 放于句首改写 ) 点拨 in the way挡道;碍事 in no way决不(位于句首时,句子应使用部分倒装) all the way一路上;自始至终;完全地 by the way顺便说一下 by way of经由;途经 on the way在途中 on one's way to...在某人去 …… 的途中 give way (to...)(为 …… )让步,屈服(于 …… ) 3.deal with 处理;解决;对付;应付;论及;涉及;与 …… 打交道、做买卖 教材原句 ①This means that it should clean the house, mop the floors, cook the din- ner and deal  with     telephone calls. ◆单句填空 ②Interruptions are one of the worst things  to deal     (deal) with while you're trying to get work done. (2017课标全国Ⅱ) ③  How     should you deal with the problem caused by an offensive email? (2017天津) ◆写作微练 ④我最喜欢的中国历史人物是司马迁,他让我明白了在面对挑战的时候 如何应对。 My favorite figure in Chinese history is Sima Qian,  who makes me un- derstand how to deal with challenges     when I am faced with them. 点拨 (1)deal in经营;买卖 (2)make a deal达成协议;做成一笔交易 It's a deal!就这么办吧! [点津] do with要与what连用,而deal with要与how连用。 1.as引导时间状语从句 教材原句 ①As time  went     (go) by, I was made smaller. ◆单句填空 ②With the country's wealth  increasing     (increase), more waste will be produced. ③As the world's population  continue(s)     (continue) to grow, the supply of food becomes more and more of a concern. 重点句型 ◆完成句子 ④由于老师的表扬,随着时间的推移,我变得越来越自信了。  As time went by     , I became more and more confident as a result of the teachers' praise. ◆同义句转换 ⑤  With time going by, I became more and more confident as a result of the teachers' praise.     (用with的复合结构改写④) 点拨 (1)as表“随着”时为连词,引导时间状语从句。 (2)with表“随着,由于”时是介词,后常接名词(短语)构成with短语或接 复合宾语构成with复合结构。 2.so...that...句型 教材原句 ① And my memory became  so     large that even I couldn't believe it! ◆单句填空 ② There are   so     many spelling mistakes in your composition that I can't understand what you are writing about. ③They are   such     little birds that we can't see them in the sky. ④ These are   such     large shoes that I can't wear them. ⑤It was  such     good weather that we decided to go out for a walk. ⑥He was   so     excited that he could not speak. ◆单句改错 ⑦ He was too weak that he couldn't walk.   too→so     ⑧They made so rapid progress that they did well in the midterm examina- tion.   so→such     ◆ 同义句转换 ⑨ He is such a polite boy that everyone likes him. →  He is so polite a boy that everyone likes him.     (so...that...) ⑩The teacher spoke so fast that I couldn't follow him. →  So fast did the teacher speak that I couldn't follow him.     (使用倒装句) 点拨 so...that...意为“如此 …… 以至于”,that引导结果状语从句。 [点津] so...that...句型的常见形式: ①so+ adj ./ adv .+that... ②so+ adj .+a/an+单数可数名词+that... ③so+many/few/much/little+ n .+that... [联想] such...that...句型的基本结构: ①such+a/an+ adj .+单数可数名词+that... ②such+ adj .+复数名词/不可数名词+that... [温馨提示] 在so/such...that...句型中,当so/such...放在句首时,主句用部分倒装。

