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‎2017 学年第二学期温州十五校联合体期末联考 高二年级英语学科 试题 考生须知:‎ ‎1.本卷共 8 页,满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟;‎ ‎2.答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字;‎ ‎3.所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效;‎ ‎4.考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。‎ 本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)。‎ 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) ‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答 题纸上。‎ 第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)‎ 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 1. What would the woman like to have?‎ A. Orange juice. B. Chocolate cake. C. Apple pie.‎ 2. What are the two speakers talking about?‎ A. A fine boat. B. Their friend Tom. C. The weather.‎ 3. How long has the woman had the toothache?‎ A. Since last year. B. For several weeks. C. For a few days.‎ 4. What does the man mean?‎ A. He doesn’t want to leave early. B. He will turn off the electricity. C. He will wait for the woman.‎ 5. What does the man want to book?‎ A. Two rooms with breakfast. B. A double room with breakfast. C. A single room with breakfast.‎ 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满 22.5 分)‎ 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将 给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第六段材料,回答第 6、7 题。‎ 6. Why is the man so annoyed?‎ A. Because he didn’t like listening to the radio.‎ B. Because his sister made him study very hard.‎ C. Because the noise disturbed him so much.‎ 7. What is the probable result of the conversation?‎ A. The man went downstairs to talk to the neighbor.‎ B. The woman turned off the radio.‎ C. The man failed in his English exam.‎ 听第七段材料,回答第 8、9 题。‎ 1. Did the man have a bad headache?‎ A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. We are not sure.‎ 2. According to the doctor, why was the man not feeling well?‎ A. He caught a very bad cold.‎ B. He had eaten some unripe bananas.‎ C. He had worked too hard.‎ 听第八段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。‎ 3. Where did Sue spend the nights in the country?‎ A. In a farm house. B. In the open. C. At a hotel.‎ 4. What was the weather like in the country?‎ A. It snowed a lot. B. It rained nearly every day. C. There was a lot of sunshine.‎ 5. What did Sue think of the people in the country?‎ A. They were tall. B. They were strange. C. They were friendly.‎ 听第九段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。‎ 6. What does the man worry about?‎ A. World temperature. B. Various diseases. C. Environmental issues.‎ 7. What impact is not mentioned in the conversation?‎ A. The lack of food. B. The imbalance of ecology. C. The global warming.‎ 8. What is the woman’s attitude to the man’s remarks?‎ A. Critical. B. Approval. C. Indifferent.‎ 9. What should people do according to the man?‎ A. Don’t pollute the environment.‎ B. Be aware of the benefits of environmental protection.‎ C. Do a survey on environmental pollution.‎ 听第十段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。‎ 10. Where do people probably speak different languages?‎ A. In Liverpool. B. In London. C. In Birmingham.‎ 11. What is the best way to travel in Britain?‎ A. By train. B. By coach. C. By taxi.‎ 12. What had you better not do in a pub?‎ A. Be ready to give tips.‎ B. Ask waiters to come to your table.‎ C. Order your favorite drinks.‎ 13. What is not allowed in Britain according to the passage?‎ A. Underage drinking. B. Excessive drinking. C. Drunk driving.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分) ‎ 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。‎ A A high school senior from Houston, Texas, was accepted by each of the 20 top-ranked universities to which he applied — and was offered a full scholarship to every single one of them.‎ Michael Brown, a 17-year-old student at Lamar High School, went viral(迅速成名) after he was caught on camera screaming in glee upon learning he was accepted into Stanford University in December.‎ Little did the teen know at the time, but his excitement would increase by a factor of 20 in March when he was also accepted into Harvard, Princeton, Yale, the University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown, Northwestern, Vanderbilt and the University of Michigan, among other prestigious(著名的) colleges.‎ But what did it take for Brown to pull off his flawless(完美无瑕的) clean sweep?‎ To start, the high schooler has an impressive 4.68 grade point average and an SAT score of 1540 out of 1600. His ACT score, a 34 out of a possible 36, proved to be just as excellent. Brown's extracurriculars also include various internships as well as participation on his high school's debate team.‎ His mother, Berthinia Rutledge-Brown, told The New York Times that she was simply blown away by her son's perfect performance. "He actually earned it," she told the Times. “I always knew Mike would get into a good school. I always knew he’d get good scholarship support. But I never imagined this."‎ So, which school will he be attending this fall? Although Brown remains undecided at the moment, he reportedly plans to major in political science and hopes to one day become a lawyer.‎ He will make the big decision by May 1.‎ 1. What does the underlined word mean?‎ A. Delight. B. Fear. C. Envy. D. Embarrassment.‎ 2. What mainly contributed to Mike’s being admitted to several top universities? A.His high GPA and SAT score. B. His academic achievement.‎ C.His high GPA and ACT score. D. His debating skills.‎ 3. Which school is Mike probably going to this September?‎ A. Music School in Stanford. B. Business School in Princeton.‎ C. Law School in Yale. D. Medicine School in Northwestern.‎ B A Canadian man is asking forgiveness for a birdbrained thing he did 17 years ago: inadvertently(无心 地) encouraging seagulls to trash his hotel room.‎ Back in 2001, Burchill checked into the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, B.C, for a business meeting. He brought a small suitcase full of Brothers Pepperoni from his hometown to share with former Navy buddies in the area. But his room had no fridge so he opened a window to keep it cool. And then he went for a long walk. That was when things got messy. Really messy. The result was such a housekeeping nightmare that the hotel permanently banned him.‎ ‎“I remember walking down the long hall and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls in my room. There must have been 40 of them and they had been eating pepperoni for a long time.” Burchill said.‎ When he walked into the room, Burchill recalled he frightened the birds. They “immediately started flying around and crashing into things as they desperately tried to leave the room.” The result was a tornado of seagull feathers, pepperoni chunks and fairly large birds whipping around the room. The lamps were falling. The curtains were trashed. The coffee tray was just disgusting.‎ Eventually, Burchill called the front desk and requested help cleaning up the room. “I can still remember the look on the lady’s face when she opened the door. ” said Burchill. A short time later, he received a note from the hotel saying he’d been banned for life.‎ Recently, Burchill visited the hotel to apologize in person, in hope of making amends with the woman who had to clean the seagull-and-pepperoni-trashed room, but was told she was no longer there.‎ ‎“When I was talking to the people at the desk and the manager, they did say that they had heard this story from a long-term employee that works there,” said Burchill, “I was just kind of in and out. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome.” So he apologized and was forgiven. Burchill left them a present of about a pound of Brothers Pepperoni as a peace offering. It seemed to have worked.‎ 1. Why did Burchill take so much pepperoni to the hotel?‎ A. He wanted to share with the guests in the hotel.‎ B. He wanted to attract the seagulls to trash his room.‎ C. He intended to give it to his friends as a gift.‎ D. He intended to feed the seagulls with it.‎ 2. What punishment did Fairmont Empress give Burchill?‎ A. He had been forbidden to stay in the hotel permanently.‎ B. He had to help the woman to clean up the room.‎ C. He needed to bring a pound of pepperoni to the hotel.‎ D. He was sent to a very small room instead.‎ 3. Which of the following statements is true?‎ A. Burchill wrote a letter to the hotel manager to make an apology.‎ B. Hungry seagulls flew to eat the pepperoni when Burchill was sleeping.‎ C. Burchill’s coming back worsened the mess in his room.‎ D. The woman who had cleaned up the room didn’t accept Burchill’s apology.‎ 4. What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A. Burchill will probably book a room in Fairmont Empress the next time he is in Victoria.‎ B. After Burchill’s apology the woman who cleaned up the room will come back to work.‎ C. The manager hadn’t heard of the story until Burchill visited the hotel to apologize.‎ D. People in the hotel became disappointed because Burchill didn’t stay in the hotel that day.‎ C Researchers say getting a good night's sleep is probably the best tool for memory and learning. But short periods of sleep may help our brains work better, says a recent study on napping. And taking a nap may also help old adults fight off age-related memory loss.‎ CDC, an American scientific organization, found that 50 to 70 million Americans have chronic(长期 的)sleep disorders. So, someone who naps as a way of paying off a sleep debt may not experience the same improvements from napping as a well-rested person would. Also, that only children, the very old, sick or lazy people nap is not an uncommon opinion.‎ Researchers recently looked at information provided by nearly 3,000 Chinese adults, aged 65 years or older, to learn if napping after a mid-day meal had any effect on the mental performance of the subjects.‎ First, they asked the people if they napped and for how long. Then, based on their answers, researchers put them into four groups: non-nappers (0 min), short nappers (≦30 min), moderate nappers (30-90 min),‎ and extended nappers (≧90 min). Nearly 60% of the people said they did take a nap after lunch and that their naps lasted anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. Most of the subjects said they napped for about an hour.‎ The study found that people who took an hour-long nap did much better on mental tests than those who did not nap. The hour-long nappers also did better on the tests than those who napped for shorter and longer periods. In this study, it seemed that the most effective nap lasted for about an hour, but not much longer.‎ Yet Doctor Michael Twery notes that an hour long nap may be too long for young, healthy adults. 30 minutes is enough to remove the pressure to sleep and will help us feel more awake.‎ 1. What’s the main idea of this passage?‎ A. Getting a good night’s sleep is probably the best tool for memory and learning.‎ B. Getting rest during the middle of the day helps older adults’ brains work better.‎ C. Taking a nap helps babies and young children learn better.‎ D. Napping helps adults fight off age-related health problems.‎ 2. Among the following people who naps after lunch, who experiences the best improvement?‎ A. A new mother with her baby crying for most of the night.‎ B. A university student staying up late for the coming exams.‎ C. A school guard working on the night shift.‎ D. A retired teacher going to bed at 10 p.m. and rising at 6 a.m.‎ 3. A nap does better for healthy and young adult.‎ A. ‎30-minute B. 60-minute C. 70-minute D. 90-minute 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ If you'd love to be more eco-friendly but don't know where to begin, start with a few small changes. 31‎ ‎◆Adjust your thermostat(恒温器)to save on heating and cooling costs. 32 In summer, set your thermostat to 78 °F when you're at home and raise the temperature when you're away. In winter, turn your thermostat to 68 °F and lower it by 5°--10°when you're sleeping or out of your house. To stay warm in winter, put on a sweater or another layer instead of turning up the thermostat.‎ ‎◆Turn off lights and unplug power strips that you're not using. 33 Some devices can still use energy even when they're turned off. So, turn off the power strips at night to completely cut off energy use. If you need to leave your computer or TV on, try setting it to sleep mode.‎ ‎◆Make your taps and toilets low-flow. Cut back on water waste by installing flow restrictor(节流 装置) inside your taps and installing a low-flow shower head in your bathroom. This can save 3 to 4 gallons of water for every minute. If you're replacing a toilet, look for a low-flow one to save thousands of gallons of water a year. 34‎ ◆ ‎ 35 Adjust your washing machine to use cold water instead of warm. Since more energy is spent drying the clothes, skip the machine and hang your washed clothes on a clothesline. If you don't have space for a clothesline or can't hang clothes outside, set up a clothes drying rack that you can use inside. Try running your clothes through an extra spin cycle to remove even more water from the clothes. This will make them dry quicker.‎ A. Replace burned out light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.‎ A. By doing some small things at home, you can easily reduce your carbon footprint.‎ B. Remember to fix leaky taps or toilets as soon as you notice water dripping.‎ C. Choose sustainable options when you purchase things that are normally packaged in plastic.‎ D. This is an easy way to reduce energy use.‎ E. Use less energy during summer months and winter by controlling your heating and cooling bills.‎ F. Wash your clothes with cold water and line dry them. ‎ 第三部分: 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分) ‎ 第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A boy from a farmer’s family stopped from school due to poverty, and went back farming to 36 the family. When he grew up to 19 years old, his father died. After that, all the family 37 him including his mother and grandma in sickness.‎ At first, he 38 a pool and wanted to feed fish. But others told him it couldn’t be used to feed fish, but only to grow crops. What he could do was to cover the pool and thereafter he became a 39 .‎ Then he heard raising chickens was a way of making money. He borrowed some money from relatives and 40 chickens. 41 a flood attacked the town, and after that all the chickens got sick and almost 42 . His mother could hardly 43 it and died in the gloom.‎ He 44 the businesses of making wine, fishing or even digging embrasures(炮眼) on the cliff for others.‎ When he was 35, he had no wife, no money, but only lived in a house made from earth which would 45 in any storm. But he still wanted to 46 . He borrowed some money to buy a truck. But when he drove it on the road after a short while, he had an 47 and broke his leg. He became crippled. Everyone said he was 48 .‎ But later he became a boss, who owned a capital of 200 million. Now lots of people know his past and his business experiences. A journalist made a(n) 49 with him.‎ ‎“Why do you 50 after so many failures?”‎ He was sitting in front of a broad table and just had finished a cup of water. Then he held the 51 cup in hand and asked, “If I loose my hand, what will happen to this cup?”‎ ‎“Broken!” answered the journalist.‎ He 52 his hand and the cup fell to the floor, with a bang sound, but not 53 .‎ ‎“Even if ten people were there they would believe it was broken. But, it isn’t a(n) 54 cup. It is made of 55 .”‎ 36. A. support B. operate C. meet D. arrange 37. A. lived on B. accounted for C. lived with D. depended on 38. A. filled B. dug C. covered D. circled 39. A. deal B. trick C. joke D. humor 40. A. collected B. raised C. brought D. fostered 41. A. Luckily B. Unfortunately C. Suddenly D. Specially 42. A. died out B. put out C. break away D. take off 43. A. decide B. realize C. understand D. bear 36. A. succeeded B. fell C. lost D. failed 37. A. get through B. go out C. fall down D. turn over 38. A. fight B. achieve C. work D. win 39. A. accident B. incident C. event D. affair 40. A. disabled B. dealt C. finished D. completed 41. A. conversation B. debate C. interview D. contract 42. A. keep off B. keep up C. insist on D. insist in 43. A. empty B. full C. heavy D. light 44. A. held B. dropped C. caught D. loosed 45. A. hurt B. damaged C. destroyed D. ruined 46. A. special B. normal C. ordinary D. fancy 47. A. steel B. glass C. china D. plastic 第 II 卷 ‎ 第二节:(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) ‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Which would you rather be, a mathematician or 56 author? Perhaps you will never be 57 (face) with this kind of choice. Lewis Carroll was a mathematician and author. He was a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford University. But he is 58 (good) known as the writer of two of the most famous children’s books 59 have ever been written (Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass). The author’s real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, but he 60 (prefer) to use the penname “Lewis Carroll” when he wrote, and this is the name we remember him by. Alice in Wonderland, 61 (publish) in 1865 when the author was 33 years old, was followed by Through the Looking Glass in 1871. 62 books were written for a real girl called Alice and they 63 (read) by millions of children since they were first published. These stories are about a dream world in which Alice meets strange creatures and has interesting 64 (adventure). I’m sure you know this already, 65 if you don’t you’d better read the stories yourselves.‎ 第四部分: 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)‎ 第一节: 应用文写作(满分 15 分)‎ 假如你是李华,昨天晚饭时你的同学 Mary 告诉你她打算报考历史专业,但是你说了打击她的话, 令她很失望。请用英语给她写一封道歉信,要点如下:‎ ‎1. 向她表示道歉; 2. 表达你现在的认识; 3. 请求她的原谅。‎ 注意:1.词数 80 左右; ‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Mary,‎ Yours, Li Hua 第二节: 读后续写(共 1 题,满分 25 分) ‎ 阅读下列短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。‎ Ten-year-old Sami loved to visit his grandfather's house. The house was near the beautiful blue sea. At the seaside stood thick and tall palm trees with green coconuts hanging from them. When the coconuts fell down, Sami would break them open and drink the coconut water. Sami liked to play under the trees. It was always great fun to spend the holidays at Grandpa's place.‎ This winter vacation, Sami was surprised when he came to his grandfather's village. There were hardly any trees left. He saw houses built near the sea. People had cut down many palm trees and there was hardly any greenery left.‎ Grandpa's house was different. He never allowed his trees to be cut. He hugged each palm tree in his courtyard. He also named the two big trees near the front door--one was Petu, and the other Betu. He had planted them with his own hands and today they had become large, massive trees with thick trunks. They were tall and green and gave the sweetest, juiciest coconuts.‎ One night, Sami was awakened by a strange sound. He could not sleep. He tossed(辗转)and turned in bed. Suddenly, the ground shook as if the earth was splitting. He sat up straight and then ran to Grandpa. He clung(附着)to his grandpa tightly. Grandpa cried out, “It's an earthquake! It's an earthquake!" They ran outside the house. They thought that would be safe.‎ Suddenly, there was a loud sound; the earth was not splitting but the sea was roaring. People were shouting, screaming and crying, “The sea is rising! The sea is rising." The villagers started running away from the beach. Sami watched dumbstruck(呆若木鸡).‎ The waves were rising higher and higher. Sami thought, “How big the waves are!" He went into the house again and saw water coming in from all sides. He was scared.‎ Sami remembered his mother telling him long ago, “You must always get out of the house if the floods come too near." He ran outside the house with Grandpa. But the water came surging(汹涌) in.‎ Waves about twelve meters high came rushing in, drowning everything. Water was all around and everywhere.‎ 注意:‎ ‎1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;‎ ‎2. 应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph 1‎ Grandpa held Sami’s hand tightly but a huge wave separated them. ‎ Paragraph 2‎ ‎“Sami, Sami!” Grandpa cried. “Don't be scared, little one, come to me, quickly.” ‎ ‎2017学年第二学期温州十五校联合体期末联考 高二年级英语学科参考答案 第一部分:听力(每小题1分,共20分)‎ ‎1-5 ACCBB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 CCCAB 16-20 ABABA ‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,35分)‎ 第一节(每小题2.5分,共25分)‎ A篇 ABC B篇 CACA ‎ C篇 BDA ‎ 第二节(每小题2分,共10分)‎ 七选五 31-35 BFECG 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,45分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)‎ ‎36-40 ADBCB 41-45 BADDC 46-50 AACCB 51-55 ADBCA ‎ 第二节:短文填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)§科§网]‎ ‎56. an 57. faced 58. better 59. that 60. preferred ‎61. published 62. both 63. have been read 64. adventures 65. but ‎ 第四部分:写作 (40分)‎ 应用文 (15分)‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Mary,‎ ‎ I’m writing to apologize for what I said to you at dinner yesterday. I shouldn’t have told you that history was a useless major. Even worse, I spoke without thinking and didn’t take your feelings into consideration. ‎ There’s no arguing that what I said was improper, and I should have known how let down you would be to get such a discouraging response from a friend. I’m so sorry for my stupid words and hope that you can generously forgive me.‎ Wish our friendship can be continued. (87 words)‎ ‎  Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 读后续写 (25分)‎ One possible version:‎ Grandpa held Sami’s hand tightly but a huge wave separated them. Grandpa fought the waves and strived to catch Sami, but failed. Sami was drifted away! He struggled to keep his head above the water. The water pushed him ahead. Fortunately, he caught a palm tree in his courtyard. He panicked and screamed out to Sami but could not see him. He clung to tree tightly while the sea was all around. In hope of seeing Sami, Grandpa climbed higher up the tree. The water carried Sami round and round. (79 words)‎ ‎“Sami, Sami!” Grandpa cried. “Don’t be scared, little one, come to me, quickly.” “But Grandpa, I can’t swim!” Another wave came with terrifying speed and force. Sami cried in despair. Suddenly, Sami felt himself thrown onto the top of a tree. He immediately held it! Looking around, he saw everything was terribly destroyed; but in the near distance, his Grandpa was on another tree! Soon it was calm; both Grandpa and Sami came down the trees and rushed to hug each other, then they hugged the trees with tears of gratitude. (78 words)‎ 听力原文 Text 1‎ M: What would you like for dessert? I think I’ll have apple pie and ice cream.‎ W: The chocolate cake looks great, but I have to watch my weight. I’ll just have some orange juice.‎ Text 2 ‎ M: I hope it will be fine tomorrow. I’m going boating with Tom.‎ W: Oh, I think it will be fine.‎ M: Are you sure?‎ W: Yes, I heard it on the radio.‎ Text 3‎ M: How long has this tooth been giving you trouble?‎ W: Well, I had it filled last year, and it was all right until last Sunday. Then it started hurting again.‎ Text 4‎ W: I’ve to leave a bit early this afternoon. Please don’t forget to turn off the lights before you leave.‎ M: No, I won’t. ‎ Text 5‎ M: Good afternoon, Sir. Can I help you?‎ W: Thank you. I want a double room with breakfast. ‎ Text 6 ‎ M: Betty! Betty! Could you please turn off the radio. I hate to have to say this, but it’s too noisy here. I’m reading my books and I’m preparing for my English exam tomorrow.‎ W: I’m not listening to the radio. The noise comes from our neighbor downstairs. ‎ M: Oh! How terrible! I’ll talk to them and let them be quiet.‎ Text 7‎ M: Doctor! Help me, please! ‎ W:Don’t worry, please. Sit here. Now, what’s wrong with you? And what can I do for you?‎ M: I feel terrible. I have a bad stomachache, and my head troubles a lot.‎ W: Well, let me give you a check. Open your mouth please. And say “Ah”.‎ M: Ah! Is that serious, doctor?[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ W: Not really. Did you have your supper this evening?‎ M: No, I only had some bananas.[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ W: And the bananas were not quite ripe, right?‎ M: Well, yes, they were a bit green.‎ W: That explains it.‎ M: I wish I had not eaten them.‎ W: Take this medicine twice a day and I’m sure you’ll be all right.‎ M: Thanks, doctor. I’ll do as you told me. Good-bye, doctor.‎ W: Bye! And take cares.‎ Text 8‎ M: Morning Sue. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country?‎ W: Yes, thanks. We had a great time. And some friends went with us.‎ M: Where did you stay? In a hotel?‎ W: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon. We cooked all our meals over an open fire. ‎ M: Sounds wonderful. Was the weather good?‎ W: The sun shone nearly every day and it didn’t rain at all.‎ M: Do you like the people there? ‎ W: Yes, they were great. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.‎ M: When did you get back? Last night?‎ W: No. This morning. You’ll think we were mad. We got up at 4:30, left at 5:00 and arrived here at 9:00. I’m so tired. What about you? Did you have a good weekend?‎ M: Yes, but I didn’t do much. I just stayed at home. The weather was terrible. ‎ Text 9‎ W: Hello, Dreck. Why do you look so worried? ‎ M: You are right. I am somewhat worried about the environmental pollution.‎ W: Oh, yes! Our environment is in great danger. It is being polluted severely.‎ M: The problem of environmental pollution has become a major threat for the human beings as well as the animals. ‎ W: Exactly! But what are you thinking about its impact?‎ M: The impact of environmental pollution is serious. It gives rise to ecological imbalance and brings about natural disasters.‎ W: Absolutely! In addition, the increase of world temperatures is the result of environmental pollution. What is your idea about it? ‎ W: I agree with you. Besides, I think the plants and animals are likely to be distinct on account of increasing temperatures.‎ M: Moreover, the ice is melting and the sea level is rising because of environmental pollution.‎ W: Yes, of course. Besides, due to environmental pollution we are suffering various kinds of diseases.‎ M: What a terrible situation!‎ W: The people from all walks of life should come forward to stop polluting the environment. They should be aware of its harmful effects.‎ Text 10 ‎ ‎ Hello, everyone. The yearly high season is coming. Have you prepared for your trip? As a Britisher, today I will give you some tips during your visit in Britain.‎ ‎ First, you will need a reasonable level of English to be able to communicate and you should not count on British people to be able to speak your language. This goes for pretty all of the U.K. including Liverpool and Birmingham with the possible exception of London. Besides London----our capital city, I would recommend going across the country which is best achieved by train although it’s expensive. A cheaper alternative is to use coaches. These services go to large towns and cities in the U.K. and it gives you a chance to look at the countryside. If you visit a pub, you need to go to the bar to order drinks and do not assume that a waiter will come to your table. Tips are usually reserved to table staff in ‎ restaurants and taxis. While the British people love having a drink, we are not a fan of excessive drinking. Underage drinking is also banned here.‎ That’s all for today. See you tomorrow. ‎ ‎【答案解析】‎ 第二部分 阅读理解[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K]‎ 第一节 A ‎【主旨大意】本文讲述了一个17岁的美国高中毕业生同时被多所排名前20的名校录取并获得全额奖学金。‎ ‎21. 【解析】A 根据第二段screaming in glee upon learning he was accepted into Stanford University in December.可知当他听说被斯坦福大学录取的时候应该是高兴得叫了起来。‎ ‎22. 【解析】B 根据第五段的描述,Michael的GPA, SAT, ACT成绩都非常好,所以选C。‎ ‎23. 【解析】C 根据倒数第二段Although Brown remains undecided at the moment, he reportedly plans to major in political science and hopes to one day become a lawyer.可知,他还没有决定去哪所大学就读。‎ B ‎【主旨大意】本文讲述一位加拿大男子在17年前在一家酒店无心地犯了一个大错:他放在房间里的意大利香肠引来了很多海鸥,海鸥把酒店房间弄成一团糟。17年后去酒店当面道歉并获得原谅的故事。‎ ‎24. 【解析】C 根据第二段He brought a small suitcase full of Brothers Pepperoni from his hometown to share with former Navy buddies in the area.可知,他要把香肠当礼物送给朋友。‎ ‎25. 【解析】A 根据第五段A short time later, he received a note from the hotel saying he’d been banned for life.可知,酒店禁止他终身不得到该酒店入住。‎ ‎26. 【解析】C 根据第四段When he walked into the room, Burchill recalled he frightened the birds. They “immediately started flying around and crashing into things as they desperately tried to leave the room.” 可知,他的回来使得情况变得更加糟糕。‎ ‎27. 【解析】A 根据最后一段So he apologized and was forgiven. Burchill left them a present of about a pound of Brothers Pepperoni as a peace offering. It seemed to have worked.可知,他跟酒店道歉后酒店原谅了他,所以可以推断出下次再来该地的时候可以住在这个酒店。‎ C ‎【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要说明研究结果显示午饭后睡个一个小时的午觉对老年人的记忆力有好处。‎ ‎28. 【解析】B 根据第一段可以得知,午睡对记忆力和学习力都有好处,特别是老人。后文主要写了午睡对老人的好处,故选B。‎ ‎29. 【解析】D 根据第二段So, someone who naps as a way of paying off a sleep debt may not experience the same improvements from napping as a well-rested person would.可知,想要靠午睡补觉的人比晚上休息好的人午睡效果要差,故选D。‎ ‎30. 【解析】A 根据最后一段可知,年轻的健康成年人午睡30分钟休息效果最好。‎ 第二节 ‎【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了几种家庭节能小方法。‎ ‎31. 【解析】B 根据空前内容可知,如果想要家庭更环保的话,可以从一些小事做起。下文都是具体的节能小方法,故选B。‎ ‎32. 【解析】F 本段主题句是要调节恒温器来节能。空格后面提到了夏天室温定在78°F,冬天定在68°F,可以推断出前一句应该综述这两个季节。‎ ‎33. 【解析】E 本题E选项中的this指的就是空格前的Turn off lights and unplug power strips that you're not using.‎ ‎34. 【解析】C 本段都是在说节约用水,C选项说如果家里有水龙头漏水要及时修理,符合本段主旨。‎ ‎35. 【解析】G 空格后的内容是说洗了衣服最好晾干,而不是用烘干机。G选项可以作为本段的主题句。‎ 第三部分 语言运用 第一节 完形填空 ‎【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一个寒门弟子在遭遇贫穷退学,父母双亡,创业失败等多重挫折,最后成功的故事。通过主人公之口传递出不怕失败,坚持不懈的精神之宝贵。‎ ‎36. 【解析】A 根据语境,因贫辍学回家是为了养家,所以选support。‎ ‎37. 【解析】D 根据空格前的内容可知,父亲去世后,所有的家人都要靠他生活,所以选depend on,意为依靠。live on 以……为生,account for因为,由于,live with与某人一起生活。‎ ‎38. 【解析】B 根据后文What he could do was to cover the pool可知,填池塘前要先挖池塘,所以选dug。‎ ‎39. 【解析】C 根据前文意思,他挖了一个池塘想养鱼,但别人跟他说这个池塘没法养鱼,只能种庄稼之后,他又把池塘填了。所以这件事情成了一个笑柄,joke。‎ ‎40. 【解析】B 本段第一句有提示Then he heard raising chickens was a way of making money.‎ ‎41. 【解析】B 从后文知道洪水来袭是不幸的事情,所以选unfortunately。‎ ‎42. 【解析】A 洪水过后,鸡生病,几乎全病死了。die out死绝,put out 灭火,break away 脱离,take off 脱掉衣服等。‎ ‎43. 【解析】D 根据上下文,妈妈无法忍受接连打击,忧郁而死,故选bear。‎ ‎44. 【解析】D 这里是说他尝试了其他很多生意,但都失败了,fail。‎ ‎45. 【解析】C 他住在一间泥房子里,这样的房子在任何一场暴风雨中都有可能会倒塌,fall down。get through 穿过,go out 出去,turn over 翻转。‎ ‎46. 【解析】A 虽然接连受打击,但他还是想再奋斗,fight。‎ ‎47. 【解析】A 空格前说买了卡车,开车,空格后说摔断了腿,根据上下文意思,此处应该是出了车祸。accident 车祸,incident 小事件,event 大事件,事情,affair,事物。‎ ‎48. 【解析】C 从生意接连失败,到人出车祸变残疾,外人看来他完了, finished。‎ ‎49. 【解析】C 他成功后,记者来采访他,interview。conversation 谈话,debate 辩论,contract 合同。‎ ‎50. 【解析】B 记者问接连失败后你为什么继续坚持不放弃。Keep off 不接近,keep up 坚持不放弃,insist on 坚持认为,坚持说。‎ ‎51. 【解析】A 喝完水后水杯是空的,empty。‎ ‎52. 【解析】D 前面的问题中有提示:“If I loose my hand, what will happen to this cup?”‎ ‎53. 【解析】B 他松开手,杯子掉到了地上,发出很大的响声,但是没有破,damaged。‎ ‎54. 【解析】C 55.A 他解释杯子不破的原因,因为这不是一个普通的杯子,而是不锈钢杯子。[来源:学§科§网]‎ 暗示不怕失败,坚持不懈的精神。Steel 钢,glass 玻璃,china 陶瓷,plastic 塑料。‎

