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高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 参考答案: 听力 CABCA CBBCC ABBAB 单选 DAADD ADBAB DBCAD 完型 CACBA BDCBA BDBDC BDABC 阅读 AB AAA BACB DCBABC 词汇 random equality thorough honesty occasion(s) salute short caution autonomous extensions 任务型阅读 1. Burial/burying 2. Nationality 3. experiences/stories 4.attempts 5. purchasing/buying 6. indirectly 7. Political 8. served/worked 9. create/ establish/ found/form 10. Honor 书面表达 As is vividly portrayed in the picture, some volunteers are bending down and picking up rubbish, with plastic bags in their hands and swear on their foreheads. Nearby are some boys playing football, totally ignoring what other students are doing. While focusing on their studies, some students do not pay enough attention to their conduct at school, and littering is most common. That ’s not appropriate behavior for us high school students, and it not only dirties the environment but also does great harm to the image of the school. As a matter of fact, a clean environment can never be emphasized too much. It beautifies our school, making it a good place to study in. We should develop good habit of protecting environment. Whenever we see litter o the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into dustbins. Let ’s keep in mind that better environment means better life.

