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河南省八市联考2017-2018学年高二上学期第二次学业测评 英语试题 第I卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分,略)‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Like any college student, Connor Cox was excited when he received a package from home. He assumed it was filled with food and other goodies. He tore open the box and, indeed, found a surprise inside: garbage. It turned out that he’d left home without taking out the trash as he’d promised his mother, so she mailed it to him. —Source: buzzfeed.com A Florida man drove his 24-year-old daughter to a job interview. When she came back to the car with a large amount of cash, he figured she’d gotten the job and this was her advance (预付钱). Not quite. Unbeknown to the man, he had become his daughter’s getaway driver in her fifth—and final—bank robbery.—Source: Sun Sentinel An American French with his child made a trip to have the car washed. After he got home in Massachusetts, the six-year-old called 911 to report a crime. The perpetrator (犯罪者) was his father. The criminal act? Dad ran a red light. Even though he was brought to light by his own kid, the father talked his way out of a ticket.—Source: CBS Boston A grandfather labeled his three-month-old grandson a terrorist. A question on the visa waiver (放弃) to get into America asks Britons if they’ve ever engaged in “robbery, murder, terrorism.” In filling out the form for his grandson, Paul Kenyon carelessly checked yes. After explaining the mess to the American embassy, some Kenyon family members missed their flight to Orlando because they had to wait for the baby’s visa to arrive in the mail.—Source: Guardian ‎1. What did Connor Cox find when he opened the package?‎ A. Waste things. B. Food and sweets,‎ C. A wooden box. D. Winter clothes.‎ ‎2. What does the underlined part in Paragraph Three probably mean?‎ A. The father got a ticket. B. The father lost his way.‎ C. The father didn’t get fined. D. The father talked a lot with his son.‎ ‎3. Why did Kenyon family members miss their flight?‎ A. Because they had to wait for the baby’s visa.‎ B. Because they failed to take visas with them.‎ C. Because the flight was controlled by terrorists.‎ D. Because they wanted to change other flights.‎ ‎4. What do the four stories have in common?‎ A. They all happened in America.‎ B. They all came from the internet.‎ C. They were all surprising and interesting.‎ D. They all happened between parents and children.‎ ‎【答案】1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C ‎【解析】这篇文章主要包括四则新闻。第一则新闻主要讲了一个大学生收到家里的一个包裹,他还以为是好吃的东西,结果打开是一袋垃圾;第二则新闻主要讲了一位男子开车送她的女儿去参加面试,回来的时候发现车里有许多钱,他还以为是工作单位提前支付给女儿的薪水,原来是女儿抢劫银行的钱;第三则新闻主要讲了一位父亲被他的女儿举报闯红灯,但是这位父亲使用自己的方法,免于受到惩罚;第四则新闻主要讲了一个三个月大的婴儿被认为是恐怖分子。‎ ‎1. 细节理解题。由He tore open the box and, indeed, found a surprise inside: garbage.可知当Connor Cox打开包裹时,发现是一袋垃圾,选A。‎ ‎2. 推理判断题。这则新闻主要报道了一位父亲被他的女儿举报闯红灯,但是这位父亲使用自己的方法,免于受到惩罚,所以选C。‎ ‎3. 细节理解题。由After explaining the mess to the American embassy, some Kenyon family members missed their flight to Orlando because they had to wait for the baby’s visa to arrive in the mail.可知凯尼恩一家错过了飞机是因为他们不得不等婴儿的签证,选A。‎ ‎4. 细节理解题。这篇文章主要包括四则新闻。第一则新闻主要讲了一个大学生收到家里的一个包裹,他还以为是好吃的东西,结果打开是一袋垃圾;‎ 第二则新闻主要讲了一位男子开车送她的女儿去参加面试,回来的时候发现车里有许多钱,他还以为是工作单位提前支付给女儿的薪水,原来是女儿抢劫银行的钱;第三则新闻主要讲了一位父亲被他的女儿举报闯红灯,但是这位父亲使用自己的方法,免于受到惩罚;第四则新闻主要讲了一个三个月大的婴儿被认为是恐怖分子,所以这四个故事的共同之处是令人吃惊,而且有趣,选C。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 文章细节的理解可以细化为:(1)一一对应型。答案与题目在表达形式和意义上直接吻合,一一对应,一目了然。属于浅层次的阅读试题,分数比例较少。(2)语言转述型。这是一类间接事实细节题,答案与题目在意义上从分运用了词义之间的转述关系,即正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另类表达。属于中档难度题,分数比例较大。(3)语意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目之间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基础上通过上、下文来进行判断、分析、归纳和整合,才能得出正确答案。属于较高难度的事实细节题。(4)是非辨别型。这是一类综合事实细节题,出题形式常常是“三正一误”(三项正确,只有一项不符合原文内容)或“三误一正”(三项错误,只有一项符合原文内容)。(5)事实排序型。这是一类运用多项事实进行排序的事实细节题,要求根据动作发生的先后顺序、时间顺序或者句子之间的逻辑关系,找出时间发生,发展的正确顺序。例如本文第4题,属于细节理解题中的第(3)语意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目之间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基础上通过上、下文来进行判断、分析、归纳和整合,才能得出正确答案。属于较高难度的事实细节题。这篇文章主要包括四则新闻。第一则新闻主要讲了一个大学生收到家里的一个包裹,他还以为是好吃的东西,结果打开是一袋垃圾;第二则新闻主要讲了一位男子开车送她的女儿去参加面试,回来的时候发现车里有许多钱,他还以为是工作单位提前支付给女儿的薪水,原来是女儿抢劫银行的钱;第三则新闻主要讲了一位父亲被他的女儿举报闯红灯,但是这位父亲使用自己的方法,免于受到惩罚;第四则新闻主要讲了一个三个月大的婴儿被认为是恐怖分子,所以这四个故事的共同之处是令人吃惊,而且有趣,选C。‎ B Waris Dirie, born in 1965, is a Somali models author, actress and social activist. From 1997 to 2003, she served as a US Special Ambassador.‎ Waris was born into a nomadic (游牧的) family in 1965 in Galkayo, Somalia. At 13, she fled to Mogadishu to escape an arranged marriage to a much older man. Waris along with a few relatives later moved to London, where she worked for an uncle who had been appointed Somali ambassador. When ‎ his term ended, Waris remained in the city and held a job at a local McDonald’s, where she was discovered by photographer Terence Donovan. Since then, her modeling career took off, appearing in advertisements for top brands such as Chanel, Levi’s, and L’Oreal.‎ In 1997, at the height of her modeling career, Waris spoke for the first time with Laura Ziv of the women’s magazine Marie Claire about the female genital mutilation (FGM) (割礼) that she had undergone as a child. From then on, she abandoned her modeling career to focus on her work against FGM. That same year, she was appointed the UN Special Ambassador for the Elimination of FGM.‎ In 1998, Waris authored her first book, Desert Flower, an autobiography that went on to become an international bestseller. In 2009, a feature-length film based on Desert Flower was released, with the Ethiopian supermodel Liya Kebede playing her.‎ In 2002, she founded the Desert Flower Foundation in Vienna, Austria, an organization aimed at raising awareness regarding the dangers surrounding FGM. Waris followed that in January 2009 with the establishment of the PPR Foundation for Women’s Dignity and Rights. Waris has also started the Desert Dawn Foundation, which raises money for schools and clinics in her native Somalia, and supports the Zeitz Foundation, an organization focused on sustainable development and conservation.‎ In 2010, Waris was appointed Peace Ambassador for the Year of Peace and Security by the African Union.‎ ‎5. What is the correct order of the following events that happened to Waris Dirie?‎ a. wrote her first book.‎ b. established the PPR Foundation.‎ c. moved to London with some relatives.‎ d. became a UN ambassador for the abolition, of FGM.‎ A. cdab B. cadb C. abdc D. bacd ‎6. What is the possible meaning of the underlined word “Elimination” in Paragraph Three?‎ A. control B. start C. end D. approval ‎7. Which of the following foundations was not founded by Waris Dirie?‎ A. the PPR Foundation B. the Zeitz Foundation C. the Desert Dawn Foundation D. the Desert Flower Foundation ‎8. What may be the best title of the passage?‎ A. Waris Dirie-a Lucky Woman B. Waris Dirie-a Famous Model C. Waris Dirie- a UN Ambassador D. Waris Dirie-a Desert Flower ‎【答案】5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D ‎【解析】这篇文章主要讲了Waris Dirie的传奇人生,也可以说她是一朵沙漠玫瑰。‎ ‎5. 细节理解题。通过仔细阅读原文,可知事件发生的先后顺序是:首先,Waris Dirie和一些亲戚搬到伦敦;其次,Waris Dirie成为一名联合国的大使;然后,Waris Dirie写了她的第一本书;最后,Waris Dirie建立了PPR基金会,选A。‎ ‎6. 词义猜测题。由From then on, she abandoned her modeling career to focus on her work against FGM.可知That same year, she was appointed the UN Special Ambassador for the Elimination of FGM.这句话的意思是同一年,她被任命为联合国特使,废除女性割礼,所以“Elimination”的意思是结束、废除,选C。‎ ‎7. 细节理解题。由Waris followed that in January 2009 with the establishment of the PPR Foundation for Women’s Dignity and Rights. Waris has also started the Desert Dawn Foundation, which raises money for schools and clinics in her native Somalia, and supports the Zeitz Foundation, an organization focused on sustainable development and conservation.可知Zeitz基金会不是由Waris Dirie建立的,选B。‎ ‎8. 主旨大意题。这篇文章主要讲了Waris Dirie的传奇人生,也可以说她是一朵沙漠玫瑰,选D。‎ C Whore is the best way to sell and popularize a range of toilet paper? A company from Japan has a good idea-they’ve printed a short story on the paper!‎ The story is called Drop, and if s set in a public toilet “The story is on about one meter of toilet paper and can be read in a few minutes.” said company executive Niko Shimatani of Hayashi Paper, a Japanese paper company.‎ The author behind the story is Koji Suzuki. Many people refer to him as the Japanese Stephen King. He has written books about fatherhood and has even translated children’s books. Before Drop, he wrote a novel called Ring in 199 L The novel was made into a feature film of the same name and was very popular in Japan and in Hollywood.‎ So, what’s the short story on the toilet rolls about? It’s a horror story based on a Japanese ‎ superstition. In many old Japanese houses, the toilets were often at the back of the house, m a dark corner. There was a myth that a ghost lived in the toilet bowl. Very often, parents told their children that a big hand would pull them into the dark toilet bowl if they were naughty. As a result, many children grew up frightened of “the ghosts in the toilets”.‎ One day, Drop may be made into a film. But will we have to watch it in the toilet?‎ ‎9. Why did the company print a story on the toilet paper?‎ A. To attract buyers. B. To frighten children.‎ C. To spread superstition. D. To amuse people.‎ ‎10. According to Paragraph Three, what is right about Koji Suzuki?‎ A. He has written many children’s books.‎ B. He is highly thought of in Japan.‎ C. His novel Ring was made into a film in 1991.‎ D. His story Drop was written before Ring.‎ ‎11. The passage is mainly about .‎ A. a well-known Japanese writer.‎ B. excellent works of a Japanese writer.‎ C. a Japanese horror story about toilets.‎ D. a clever way to advertise for toilet paper.‎ ‎【答案】9. A 10. B 11. D ‎【解析】本文主要讲了一家日本的公司把短故事印刷在卫生纸上,这是一种为卫生纸做广告的机智的做法。‎ ‎9. 细节理解题。由What is the best way to sell and popularize a range of toilet paper? A company from Japan has a good idea-they’ve printed a short story on the paper!可知这家公司在卫生纸上打印故事是为了吸引购买者,选A。‎ ‎10. 细节理解题。由Many people refer to him as the Japanese Stephen King.可知Koji Suzuki他在日本受到高度评价,选B。‎ ‎11. 主旨大意题。本文主要讲了一家日本的公司把短故事印刷在卫生纸上,这是一种为卫生纸做广告的机智的做法,选D。‎ D We increasingly rely on social media to talk to friends, GPS to navigate and the web for ‎ information. But is that wise?‎ Google is making you stupid, your iPhone’s making you anxious and your social networks are making you anti-social. Modem technology is driving each of us into a cognitive (认知的) disorder, and if we aren’t careful we’ll be beaten into a stupor (麻木).‎ Of course, the real story isn’t as clear as all that But stories continue because the sense that something is eroding our mental abilities feels right We struggle to remember our own phone number, while only a few years ago we could recall dozens. Online, readers prefer short, simple stories to long, subtle pieces, and we all know someone who breaks out in a sweat when separated from their smartphone.‎ So what’s really happening? The first thing to consider is that this kind of ‘neuro-anxiety’ about the tools we use is nothing new. In 370 BC, Plato warned that the Greeks’ “trust in writing77 would “discourage the use of their own memory”. Sound familiar?‎ The reality is that our brains do change when we use a smartphone or computer — but they also change when we use a pen, a screwdriver, or any other tool for that matter. They change when we mow the lawn, play golf or cook dinner. Our experiences continually shape the way the brain works So the question isn’t really ‘is tech changing our brains?’ but ‘how are our brains adapting to living in today’s screen-first, always-online, networked world?’‎ Scientifically speaking, we’re a long way from definitive answers, but we looked at the latest research and talked to leading experts in their fields to discover how they think our brains are being affected….‎ ‎12. In Paragraph Two, the author tries to tell us of modern technology.‎ A. the bad effects B. the benefits C. the overuse D. the diversity ‎13. The author takes Plato for example in Paragraph Four to .‎ A. warn people not to use writing tools B. present the development of technology C. show people’s anxiety about technology always exists D. explain writing tools have an influence on people’s memory ‎14. From the last two paragraphs, we can infer that .‎ A. modem technology has the greatest effect on our brains B. our brains are always changing no matter what we do C. it’s easy to find out how our brains adapt to the modem world D. the latest research about modem technology is quite helpful ‎15. What’s the author’s attitude toward modem technology?‎ A. indifferent B. opposed C. doubtful D. objective ‎【答案】12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D ‎【解析】作者客观的评述了现代技术给人们的生活带来的利与弊。‎ ‎12. 推理判断题。由Google is making you stupid, your iPhone’s making you anxious and your social networks are making you anti-social. Modem technology is driving each of us into a cognitive (认知的) disorder, and if we aren’t careful we’ll be beaten into a stupor (麻木).可推断出第二自然段主要讲了现代技术给人们的生活带来的消极影响,选A。‎ ‎13. 推理判断题。由The first thing to consider is that this kind of ‘neuro-anxiety’ about the tools we use is nothing new.和Sound familiar可推断出作者拿柏拉图举例是为了说明人们对技术的担忧一直存在,选C。‎ ‎14. 推理判断题。由The reality is that our brains do change when we use a smartphone or computer — but they also change when we use a pen, a screwdriver, or any other tool for that matter. They change when we mow the lawn, play golf or cook dinner. 可推断出最后两个自然段主要表明了不管我们做什么,我们的大脑在一直变化,选B。‎ ‎15. 推理判断题。由Scientifically speaking, we’re a long way from definitive answers, but we looked at the latest research and talked to leading experts in their fields to discover how they think our brains are being affected….可推断出作者对于现代技术的态度很客观,选D。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分))‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Christina Lim sits in a hospital bed. Her face is very swollen (肿). It is two times its normal size. She has blue and green bruises under her eyes. She is in terrible pain. She speaks, but it is difficult to understand her.___16___‎ Lim is experiencing horrible pain.___17___ Lim is one of the millions of people every year worldwide who choose to have cosmetic surgery (整形手术).‎ Like any other surgery, cosmetic surgery involves risks. One of the most common is hematoma. It is blood that collects m the body. This can be very painful ___18___ Fluid (液体) can also collect in the body. This can lead to damage and sickness.‎ Most people who get cosmetic surgery are women.___19___ A little over 12% of all cosmetic surgery operations are for men. And the number of men getting cosmetic surgery grows every year. The number of both men and women getting cosmetic surgery is increasing in many places around the world.‎ In the United States, one in every 20 women has had some kind of cosmetic surgery or procedure. But the country of South Korea has the highest rates of cosmetic surgery in the world.___20___‎ People from other countries also travel to South Korea to get cosmetic surgery. ABC News reports that more than seven million people have travelled to South Korea to get cosmetic surgery. From 2013 to 2014, the number of Chinese people travelling to South Korea for cosmetic surgery increased by 45%. But the number of cosmetic surgeries IN China is also increasing.‎ A. It can lead to more surgery.‎ B. But men get cosmetic surgery too.‎ C. She did not really want to get surgery.‎ D. But Lim did not need to have this suffering.‎ E. Her mouth is too swollen for her to speak clearly.‎ F. In South Korea, one in every five women has had cosmetic surgery.‎ G. A rare, but very dangerous risk of cosmetic surgery is getting a Wood clot.‎ ‎【答案】16. E 17. D ‎ ‎18. A 19. B ‎ ‎20. F ‎【解析】本文主要讲了整容这一社会现象,它在给整容人士带来美的同时,也存在很高的风险。‎ ‎16. 语义理解题。由She speaks, but it is difficult to understand her.可知她的嘴太肿胀,以至于说话说不清楚,选E。‎ ‎17. 语义理解题。由Lim is experiencing horrible pain.和Lim is one of the millions of people every year worldwide who choose to have cosmetic surgery (整形手术).可知Lim本不需要遭受这种痛苦,选D。‎ ‎18. 语义理解题。由Fluid (液体) can also collect in the body. This can lead to damage and sickness.可知它可能会导致更多的外科手术,选A。‎ ‎19. 语义理解题。由Most people who get cosmetic surgery are women.和A little over 12% of all cosmetic surgery operations are for men.可知但是男子也做整容手术,选B。‎ ‎20. 语义理解题。由But the country of South Korea has the highest rates of cosmetic surgery in the world.可知在韩国,每五个女士中就有一个整容,选F。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Nowadays, it’s more and more usual for us to see people walk their dogs leisurely (悠闲地) in the street and some people even hold the dogs like a little baby. Indeed, pets give people fun and ___21___, and bring us pleasure, hope and energy. They have ___22___ emotions, and they never look down upon the poor and never curry favor with the rick In my opinion, it’s ___23___ and helpful for people to keep a pet.‎ People care so much about pets mainly because they ___24___ to find someone to pour out their hearts, their fears and their ___25___ to. Pets make it ___26___. They are the best choice to ___27___ these lonely people, and to make them happy. There are some reports showing that keeping a pet is ___28___ to one’s mental health. Also those ___29___ a pet proved to be less likely to have high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition, a pet, especially a dog, can make a house ___30___, since it can help guard the house.‎ However, some people just don’t ___31___, and they criticize that pets ___32___ the lives and health of other people. For instance, pets might be annoying in public places and they don’t follow rules like people do.___33___, they may bring infectious diseases, which can make us ill or even cause ___34___. Some crazy animals we keep as pets can become dangerous and ___35___ people.‎ Though these are potential ___36___, we can find ways out. Pets’___37___ is dependent on their masters.___38___ properly trained, they will be obedient and polite. They won’t do things people find so ___39___ or hurt people. As for diseases, we can get ___40___ vaccinated (接种), and be careful not to get too close to them.‎ Therefore, raising a pet is not so crazy at all. We can make friends with our pets. Raising pets can ‎ help us have a meaningful life, become more confident, and live a better life.‎ ‎21. A. happiness B. ambition C. progress D. desire ‎22. A. mixed B. complex C. pure D. deep ‎23. A. forgivable B. acceptable C. necessary D. simple ‎24. A. manage B. plan C. fail D. refuse ‎25. A. conclusions B. answers C. decisions D. troubles ‎26. A. available B. important C. possible D. interesting ‎27. A. accompany B. attend C. attract D. hear ‎28. A. harmful B. natural C. helpful D. negative ‎29. A. keeping B. saving C. buying D. disliking ‎30. A. comfortable B. warm C. tidy D. safe ‎31. A. agree B. differ C. object D. reply ‎32. A. build B. affect C. improve D. end ‎33. A. Instead B. Thus C. However D. Moreover ‎34. A. concern B. anger C. death D. failure ‎35. A. change B. hurt C. cheat D. frighten ‎36. A. problems B. solutions C. ways D. benefits ‎37. A. attitude B. result C. purpose D. behavior ‎38. A. Though B. If C. Unless D. Because ‎39. A. intelligent B. strong C. brave D. rude ‎40. A. humans B. pets C. kids D. workers ‎【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. B 39. D 40. B ‎【解析】这篇文章主要讲了养宠物的一些优点,有一些人对宠物潜在的危险提出质疑,但是人们都可以找到解决的办法。‎ ‎21. A 考查名词。由and bring us pleasure, hope and energy.可知宠物给人们带来了乐趣和快乐。happiness 快乐, ambition 雄心, progress 进步, desire渴望。‎ ‎22. C 考查形容词。由and they never look down upon the poor and never curry favor with the rick 可知宠物对人类的感情是非常纯洁的。mixed 混合的, complex 复杂的, pure纯洁的, deep 深的。‎ ‎23. B考查形容词。由helpful for people to keep a pet. 可知作者可以接受养宠物。forgivable 可原谅的, acceptable可接受的, necessary 必要的, simple简单的。‎ ‎24. C 考查动词。由They are the best choice to ___7___ these lonely people, and to make them happy.可知人们对宠物如此关心主要是因为他们不能找到可以倾诉内心、害怕和烦恼的人。manage 设法, plan 计划,fail 失败, refuse拒绝。‎ ‎25. D 考查名词。人们对宠物如此关心主要是因为他们不能找到可以倾诉内心、害怕和烦恼的人。conclusions 结论, answers 答案,decisions决定, troubles烦恼。‎ ‎26. C 考查形容词。宠物使这些成为了可能。available 可获得的, important 重要的, possible 可能的,interesting有趣的。‎ ‎27. A 考查动词。陪伴那些孤独的人,宠物是最好的选择。accompany 陪伴, attend 参加,attract 吸引, hear听到。‎ ‎28. C 考查形容词。养宠物对人的心理健康非常有益。 harmful 有害的,natural 自然的,helpful 有帮助的,negative否定的。‎ ‎29. A 考查动词。由Some crazy animals we keep as pets can become dangerous and ___15___ people.可知养一个宠物被证明可能会减少高血压和心脏病。keeping 饲养, saving 节省, buying 买, disliking不喜欢。‎ ‎30. D 考查形容词。由since it can help guard the house.可知狗可以使房子安全。comfortable 舒适的, warm 温暖的, tidy 整齐的,safe安全的。‎ ‎31. A 考查动词。由and they criticize that pets ___12___ the lives and health of other people.可知然而,有些人不同意。 agree 同意, differ 不同, object 反对, reply回答。‎ ‎32. B 考查动词。由For instance, pets might be annoying in public places and they don’t follow rules like people do. 可知他们批评宠物影响他人的生活和健康。build 建造, affect 影响,improve改善, end结束。‎ ‎33. D 考查副词。此外,它们可能携带一些传染性疾病,使得我们生病,甚至是死亡。Instead 代替,Thus 因此, However 然而, Moreover此外。‎ ‎34. C 考查名词。此外,它们可能携带一些传染性疾病,使得我们生病,甚至是造成死亡。concern 关心, anger 生气, death 死亡, failure失败。‎ ‎35. B 考查动词。有一些我们当作宠物饲养的疯狂的动物,可能会非常危险,并且会伤人。change 改变, hurt 伤害, cheat欺骗, frighten吓唬。‎ ‎36. A 考查名词。尽管这些是潜在的问题,但是我们仍然可以找到解决的方法。problems 问题,solutions 解决方案, ways 方法, benefits利益。‎ ‎37. D 考查语义理解。由___18___ properly trained, they will be obedient and polite.可知宠物的行为取决于它们的主人。attitude 态度, result 结果, purpose 目的,behavior行为。‎ ‎38. B 考查连词。如果合理的训练,它们会顺从和有礼貌。Though 尽管,If 如果, Unless 除非, Because因为。‎ ‎39. D 考查形容词。它们不做人们认为太粗鲁或是伤害人的事情。intelligent 聪明的, strong 强壮的,brave 勇敢的,rude粗鲁的。‎ ‎40. B 考查名词。至于疾病,我们可以给宠物接种疫苗。humans 人类,pets 宠物,kids 小孩,workers工人。‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 完形填空题的命题特点及答题方法:‎ ‎1.侧重基础知识,考查学生语言知识的能力 完形填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,主要是词语搭配、固定句型、近义词辨析、辨析句子结构、掌握语法规则的能力,其中考查实词居多。‎ ‎2.上下文对照,考查学生捕捉关键词的能力 ‎3.设置语境,考查学生的分析推理能力 旨在考查学生在选项都符合语法及句子结构的情况下能否利用前后语境去推断出正确答案。如小题16,考查名词。尽管这些是潜在的问题,但是我们仍然可以找到解决的方法。problems 问题,solutions 解决方案, ways 方法, benefits利益。‎ ‎4.结合生活,考查学生利用常识题的能力 目的考查学生的生活常识,看看学生是否善于观察生活,积累生活常识,能否利用常识去做恰当的选择。‎ ‎5.关注连词,考查学生对行文逻辑、句子关联的理解能力 此项用来考查学生在缺少连词的情况想,通过阅读能否理解句子的与句子的关系,是否了解行文逻辑的要求,能否掌握表示因果、转折、并列、条件、让步等的连词的用法。例如小题18,考查连词。如果合理的训练,它们会顺从和有礼貌。Though 尽管,If 如果, Unless除非, Because因为。‎ 第Ⅱ卷 注意:将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。‎ 第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Hidden camera shows are popular all over the world. But the ___41___ (origin) concept started way back in the 1940s with Candid Camera.‎ Candid Camera ___42___ (create) and produced by Allen Funt. It started out on radio in 1947, but ended up on TV in 1948. The idea for the show was simple. Hidden cameras would film ordinary people in unusual ___43___ (situation). When the joke was revealed, the victims would be told the show’s catch phrase, “Smile! You’re on Candid Camera.”‎ The humour was based on putting real people in fake situations. There ___44___ (be) many versions of the show since then, including Just For Laughs Gags and Trigger Happy TV, but Candid Camera was the ___45___ (begin).‎ There was bad news for the show in 2001. Philip Zelnick, 35,___46___ of the victims of the show, started a lawsuit (诉讼)___47___ Peter Funt (the son of the founder). Zelnick claimed he was injured during one of the show’s tricks. As part of this prank (恶作剧), Funt was posing as a security guard at ___48___ airport. He instructed passengers ___49___ (go) through a fake X-ray machine. When Zelniek was getting off the conveyor belt, he got injured in the leg. The jury (陪审团) awarded Zelnick a total of 5300,000, with Peter Funt and the show ___50___ (order) to pay $ 150,000 each.‎ ‎【答案】41. original ‎ ‎42. was created ‎ ‎43. situations ‎ ‎44. have been ‎ ‎45. beginning ‎ ‎46. one 47. against ‎ ‎48. an 49. to go ‎ ‎50. ordered ‎【解析】本文主要讲了抓拍秀闻名于全世界,但是有时候它也会惹来麻烦。‎ ‎41. 考查形容词。修饰名词concept,用形容词,所以填original。‎ ‎...........................‎ ‎43. 考查名词单复数。隐藏的照相机可以拍摄普通人的不同寻常的情况。“不同寻常的情况”是复数意义,所以填situations。‎ ‎44. 考查时态。表示过去发生的、持续到现在的动作或状态,用现在完成时,所以填have been。‎ ‎45. 考查名词。但是袖珍照相机是起点。这里应该使用名词,所以填beginning。‎ ‎46. 考查固定用法。受害人之一开始提起诉讼反对Peter Funt。表示“……之一”,所以用one of + 可数名词复数,填one。‎ ‎47. 考查介词。受害人之一开始提起诉讼反对Peter Funt。表示反对,所以填against。‎ ‎48. 考查冠词。Funt在一个机场伪装成安保人员的样子。泛指“一个机场”,且airport的首字母发音是元音,所以填an。‎ ‎49. 考查固定用法。instruct sb. to do sth. 命令某人干某事,是固定用法,所以填to go。‎ ‎50. 考查时态。表示发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以填ordered。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ May I have your attention, please?‎ I’m glad to talk with ray plan for the last month before the college entrance examination.‎ First of all, as senior student of high school, studying is our most important task. I will focus on how to improve the efficiency of my study and how to improve my different skill, especially the ability to solving problems. Secondly, I should reasonable arrange my daily life. I’m going to get up at about six in every morning and go to bed at half past ten at night and have a break at noon for an hour so that I had enough energy for my study every day. However, I will have sports for at least an hour to build up my body. Then, I will watch TV or listen to music for a short time, that can relieve my stress from hard work every day.‎ I hope my schedule can help you perform well in the coming college entrance examination.‎ Thank you!‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎【解析】本文主要讲了作者想要在即将到来的高考中取得优异的成绩,所以作者为自己制定了一个计划表。‎ 考查固定短语。这里表示“我很高兴谈论我的计划”,talk about谈论,是固定短语,所以with改成about。‎ 考查冠词。泛指“一个高年级学生”,且senior的首字母发音是辅音,所以senior前加a。‎ 考查名词单复数。被different修饰,所以用名词复数,skill改成 skills。‎ 考查不定式。不定式作定语,修饰ability,所以solving改成solve。‎ 考查副词。修饰动词arrange,用副词,所以reasonable改成 reasonably。‎ 考查固定用法。我将要每天早晨六点钟起床。表示“每天早晨六点”不需要用in,所以去掉in。‎ 考查时态。表示经常或反复发生的动作,用一般现在时,所以had改成have。‎ 考查副词。此外,我将进行每天至少半个小时的运动来强壮身体。表示“此外”,所以However改成Besides。‎ 考查定语从句。which can relieve my stress from hard work every day. 是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,指代整个主句内容,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以that改成which。‎ 考查代词。我希望我的安排表能够帮助我在即将到来的高考中表现得更好。You改成me。‎ 名师点睛:小题9考查了非限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句是高考中的重点和难点,这里就非限制性定语从句的用法进行总结。一、非限制性定语从句的概念 :非限制性定语从句对先行词仅起到附加修饰或说明的作用, 有时对整个主句或主句的部分内容作进一步的说明。若去掉它, 整个主句的意思不受影响。例如: Next winter, which you will spend in Harbin, I’m sure, will be another exciting holiday.可以肯定,你将要去哈尔滨度过的下个冬天, 将会是又一个令人兴奋的假期。 二、非限制性定语从句的形式 :非限制性定语从句与先行词以及主句之间的关系不甚紧密,因而通常要用逗号与主句分隔开。例如: Have you seen the film Titanic, whose leading actor is world famous? 你看过“泰坦尼克号”这部电影吗?它的男主演可是世界闻名的。 三、非限制性定语从句引导词的特殊情况 ‎ ‎1.非限制性定语从句不可用that引导, 在非限制性定语从句中用who(作主语) / whom(作宾语)指人,用which(作主语 / 宾语)指物, 用whose作定语(指人 / 物)。例如: The famous basketball star, who tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.这位试图打反击的著名篮球明星吸引了众人的关注。 2.关系代词在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可省略,若指人时,只用whom,不用 who。例如: York, which I visited last year, is a nice old city.我去年访问过的约克是个古老而美丽的城市。 3.非限制性定语从句不可用why引导, 需用for which 替代why。例如:None of us accepted the reason he explained, for which he was absent.我们没有一个人接受他所解释的缺席的理由。‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎52. 假定你是李华,作为交换生在一所英国学校交流学习。现在你即将回国,要作为学生代表在欢送会上发言,请按下列要点写一篇发言稿:‎ ‎1.表示感谢; 2.学习的收获和感受; 3.表达祝愿。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】Dear teachers and friends,‎ I feel greatly honored to give a speech here on behalf of all the exchange students.‎ Living and studying here makes us very fulfilled. During our stay, we have a better understanding of the British life, culture, society and so on, which have not only enriched our knowledge but also broadened our horizon. Apart from that, our abilities including listening, speaking and writing English have also got greatly improved. And it is all the English teachers and classmates here that we should owe many thanks to. Without their help, we couldn’t have achieved so much.‎ True friendship never ends, so I hope we can keep in touch with each other even after we go back home. And I also sincerely hope that some day you can come to China for a visit.‎ That’s all! Thank you!‎ ‎【解析】首先审题,要求作为学生代表在欢送会上发言,写一篇发言稿。任务中给出的提示信息包含如下内容1.表示感谢; 2.学习的收获和感受; 3.表达祝愿。抓住了这亮点,我们就抓住了文章的核心内容,一定要注意发言稿的用语和格式。其次选用正确的人称和时态,考虑用一般现在时,第一人称来写。然后写出单个句子,使用正确的连词,连句成段。具体来说,写这篇文章时,要注意:  1、提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充;  2、为使文章层次清楚,可分三个自然段写:第一自然段说明自己很荣幸作为学生代表发言;第二自然段对自己的收获和感受进行总结;第三自然段表示友谊并不会随着自己回国而结束。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。‎ ‎【亮点说明】本篇书面表达要点全面,结构紧凑,是一篇较好的范文。这篇短文使用了大量的短语,为文章增色不少,如: on behalf of代表,Apart from除……之外。还使用了定语从句During our stay, we have a better understanding of the British life, culture, society and so on, which have not only enriched our knowledge but also broadened our horizon.和宾语从句And I also sincerely hope that some day you can come to China for a visit.等多种句式结构,增加了文章的可读性。‎

