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初三英语专项复习 形容词和副词 知识要点 (一) 用法 例 句 补充说明 作定 语 This is an interesting book I have nothing important to tell you 形容词作定语时放在被修饰词之前,修饰不定代词放在后面 作表 语 The work is difficult She looks happy today 作表语与系动词连用 作宾 补 Please keep the room clean I find it very beautiful 1 、形容词的用法 Sun Rain Wind Cloud Friend Care Interest Use 2. 掌握下列名词和形容词的转化 sunny rainy windy cloudy careful interesting friendly useful 1. 副词的作用 : 用来修饰动词 . 形容词 . 其它副词 . 全句或 名词词组及句子 用 法 例 句 作表语 My mother is out 作定语 The girl there is my friend 作状语 He runs fast 作宾补 I found him outside 二 、副词 2. 有许多副词是对应的形容词加 ly 构成 , real really 如 : Strong strongly 词尾是 y 的要把 y 变为 i 再加 ly, 如 :busy busily happy happily 有几个特殊的要去 e 后再加 -ly 或 y , 如 :true –tru ly terrible --terrib ly 以 e 结尾的 , 大部分直接加 -ly , 如 :wide widely brave bravely good 的副词是 well.hard 既是形容词也是副词 , 作形容词是“困难的”,作副词是“努力地”。 hardly 的意思是“几乎不”它和 hard 没关系 注意 : 三 . 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成是基本相同的 , 请同学按列项填充表格 走喽 ! 填表去喽 . 词 尾 变 化 原级 比较级 最高级 单音节词在词尾加 -er( 比较级 ) 或 -est( 最高级 ) 以字母 e 接尾的词加 r 或 st Tall hard large wide 以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再加 er 或 est Big hot thin fat wet 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的词变为 i 再加 er, 或 est Happy dry early 少数以 er,ow 结尾的双音节词可加 er 或 est Narrow clever 多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面加 more 和 most Difficult popular slowly 1. 规则变化 Taller harder larger wider Tallest hardest largest widest Bigger hotter fatter wetter Biggest hottest fattest Wettest Happier drier earlier Happiest driest earliest Narrower cleverer Narrowest cleverest More difficult more popular More slowly Most difficult most popular Most slowly 2 、不规则变化 原级 Good Well Bad ill Many Much Little Far old 比较级 最高级 说明 巧记: 特殊形式比较级 共有三对二合一 坏病两多并两好 little 意思不是小 一分为二有两个 一是老来二是远 Better best worse worst Less More most Farther/further older Least Farthest/furthest oldest 3 、形容词,副词比较等级的用法 等级 原级 句 型 1 、 as+ 原级 +as 2 、 not + so/as + 原级 + as 例 句 She is as kind as her mother Lucy didn’t do it so/as well as you 比较级 比较级 + than He is taller than lilei The weather is getting hotter and hotter 最高级 the+ 最高级 +of /in She is the tallest one in her class 4. 使用形容词比较级时 (1) 在形容词比较级前可用 much, even ,still ,a little Far, a lot 来修饰,表示程度。 (2) 可用“比较级形式 +than any other + 单数名词来表达最高级的意思 He is taller than any other student in the school 。 注意 : (3) 可用 the + 比较级形式 +of the two… 来表达两者之间的比较。 如 He is the better of the two 他是两人中较好的 . (4) 可用“比较级形式 +and+ 比较级形式”来表达“越来越的意思, 表示本身程度的改变,其动词经常使用 grow ,get , Become , 如 It’s spring now . It gets warmer and warmer (5) 可用“ the + 比较级形式, the + 比较级形式来表达越 … 就越 … 的意思。 如 the more, the better 。 5. 使用形容词最高级时 (1) 可用“ one of +the 最高级形式 + 名词复数表示“是最 …… 之一者。 如: one of the most beautiful cities is shanghai 上海是最美的城市之一。 (2) 用 the + 形容词最高级形式 +in 接 单数名词 用 the + 形容词最高级形式 +of 接 复数名词或表示复数的代词 。 如 who is the tallest in the class ? Who is the tallest of the students 。 注意 : 典型例题分析 (二) 1 、 The bread is ____ than these cakes A 、 Very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious 2. Lin Tao jumped ____ in the long jump in the school sports meeting A. Far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far 3. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed ______ A.Happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest 4.which is _____ season in Beijing ? A.Good B. better C. best D. the best C C A D 双基训练 (三) 1. I think Yao ming the famous basketball player , will be ____ new Star in NBA Hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest 2. In our city it’s ____ in July ,but it is even ____ in August Hotter hottest B. hot hot C. hotter hot D. hot hotter 3. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second ______ island in china Large B. larger C. largest D. most largest 4. An elephant is ____ than a tiger Heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier D D C D 5. A horse is ______ than a dog Much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier 6. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _____ Care B. careful C. carefully D. careless 7. Which subject is _____ , physics or chemistry ? Interesting B. most interesting C. More interesting D. the most interesting C D C 8. He is ___ enough to carry the heavy box Strong B. stronger C. much stronger . D. the strongest 9. Li lei often talks ___ but does _____ so everyone says he is a good boy A.less more B. few much C. more little D. little many 10. When the famous singer started to sing , everyone began to shout very ____ Loudly B. loud C.heavily D. high A A A 知识小结 (四) 1. 系动词 + 形容词 2. 名词转化为形容词 , 形容词转化为副词的方法 3 、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法。 Adj. adv. Adj. and Adv. Look at the points. 中考对形容词及副词词义辨析的考查越来越注重具体语言环境下的意义区别,且偏向同类词 词义辨析 。 形容词转换为副词 直接 + ly 以 le 结尾 去 e + y The house is ________made of wood.(main) In spring, the wind blows ________. (gentle) Work _______, or you won’t pass the exam. (hard) 3.________, I found my bike yesterday. (lucky) How ______ he draws! (good) mainly gently hard Luckily well 不变 以辅音字母+ y 结尾,去 y + ily 不规则变化 Choose the right answer. 1 Be _______. (careful, carefully) when you cross the street . 2. There was a ________ rain last night. It rained _______ last night. (heavy, heavily) 3. He is a ________ student. He studies ________. (hard, hardly) 4. ________, she still got the first prize. How _______ she was! (lucky, luckily) 5. Tom looked _______ at his test paper. Tom looked ________ because he failed again. (sad, sadly) careful heavy heavily hard hard Luckily l ucky sadly sad 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成 规则变化 不规则变化 说出下列形容词 副词的比较级、最高级 tall hard nice large big, easy early popular tall er hard er tall est hard est nice r large r nice st large st big ger big gest eas ier earl ier eas iest earl iest more popular most popular 直接加 er, est 加 r, st 双写,加 er,est 变 y 为 i 加 er, est 前面加 more, most fat thin fatter fat test slowly more slowly most slowly 原级 good well bad badly ill many much little far old 比较级 最高级 better best worse worst less more most farther/further older/elder least farthest/furthest oldest/eldest 不规则变化 形容词、副词原级的常用句型 1 as+ 原级 +as 和 ... 一样 Tom speaks English as ______as Mike.(good) Tom’s weight is as _______as Mike’s.(heavy) well heavy not as + 原级 + as Tom doesn’t write as _________ Mike.(careful) carefully 倍数 + as + 原级 + as This room is _____________________ that one .( 十倍大 ) 形容词、副词原级的常用句型 ten times as big as once( 一次 ) , twice , three times... 1 Of the two …… 两者中的 ….. 1 ) Of the two girls, Lily is __________one. ( tall ) 2 ) Which one is _____________ of the two boys ? (strong ) 比较级的常用句型 the taller the stronger 2 less/more + 原级 + than 不如 …../...... 的多 1) The story book is _____________ than the picture book . (不如 … 贵) 2) Chinese is ___________than English . ( 有趣得多 ) 比较级的常用句型 less expensive more interesting 3 比较级 + and + 比较级 , (表示 越来越 ……) The weather gets ________________ in spring. They walk________________________ now. (越来越慢) 4 the + 比较级 , the + 比较级 ( 表示 越 … 越 …… ) _____________he is, ____________ he feels .  他越忙,他越感到快乐 比较级的句型 more and more slowly warmer and warmer The busier the happier He feels much _______today. A good B better C best D the worse 修饰比较级的词或短语 much,a lot, a little, a bit, even,still,far B Feng Fucheng is a lot _______ than any other boy in our class.(tall) taller Feng Fucheng is __________ boy in our class.(tall) the tallest 同义句 最高级的常用句型 1 表示三者或三者以上之间的比较 “ + of the three/all... 或 in + 集体( class, school, group …)” 2 One of + 最高级 … 3 than any other + n. than the other +n. (s) ____ 1)China is larger than _____________country in Asia. (任何其他的一个) = China is larger than____________ countries in Asia . 2)China is larger than _______country in Africa. (任何一个) any other the other any 1. The bread is ____ than these cakes A. deliciouser B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious 2. Lin Tao jumped ____in the school sports meeting . A. far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far 3. When they met in the hotel , they talked and laughed ______ A. happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest C C Practice A 4 He is ___ enough to carry the heavy box . A. strong B. stronger C. much stronger D. the strongest 5. David often talks ___ but does ___ so everyone says he is a good boy . A. less, more B. few, much C. more, little D. little, many 6. When the famous singer started to sing , everyone began to shout very ___ . A. loudly B. loud C. heavily D. high A A A 7.The man looked at me with a ___smile. A .friend B .friends C .friendly D .friendlily 8.How do you spend your ___holiday? A .four days B .four day C four-days D .four-day 9.-___do you take exercise? -Every day. A .How long B .How often C .How many times D How soon C D B 改错 1The one in black is stronger of the two man . 2His weight is ten times as heavier as the white one . 3Lin Qingxia is a bit of older than before . 4Who is the first the most beautiful among them ? 5Mrs. Ling is the my best friend . the heavy a bit × × 难忘的初中生活即将结束,请以 A person I will never forget 为题,写一篇英语作文。 要求如下: 1. 短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之处等; 2. 短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名; 3. 词数 80 左右。 HOMEWORK WRITING 1 My ____teacher friend is a________ mangirl boy_____________ . 2 He likes _______________. 3 He is_____________, because he often _________________________. 4 He never ________________________ . WRITING A person I will never forget My favourite teacher is a tall, fat and strong man with thick glasses. He likes sports and often plays football and basketball with us. He’s humorous and always makes his classes lively and interesting .He’s kind but strict with us. He never allows us to pretend that we know what we don’t know .My English has greatly improved with his help. 汉译英 1 Lily works_______________________________ ( 我们同学当中最用功的 ) 2   Which is ________________invention of all ?  (第一个最有用途的发明?) 3 Yao Ming is ________________________________ in China.  姚明是中国最受欢迎的球星之一。 4Yesterday was______________. (我最忙碌的一天) 中考英语专项复习  形容词和副词 hardest among our classmates. the first most useful one of the most popular basketball stars my busiest day 连词成句 1 were what doing the classroom you in 2 hard is too for to it me problem the solve 3 likes very Tom much cookies 4 not ask help why lily for What were you doing in the classroom ? Tom likes cookies very much . It’s too hard for me to solve the problem . Why not ask lily for help ? when why rather how easily 1) He can finish the work________. 2) He did it _________well. 3) I wonder _________they will come back to our motherland. 4) That was the reason _____the football team lost the game . 5)____ can you get to the train station ? easily rather when why How 1 He is taller than he ____3 years ago .( is was ) 2 The weather in Beijing is colder than _____in Nanjin .( those that ) 3 The people here are better than ______ in my town . 4 He will make more money than he ____ now . ( do does) 中英文差异 was that those does 根据句意用以下副词填空 always when why rather how easily 1). I_________ remember the day when I came to this school. I _____________ remember the day when I came to this school. always, usually, often, never, ever, sometimes 等,放在行为动词之前,情态动词、助动词之后。 don’t always always (否定句) 修饰形容词或副词的常用副词 very , so, too, enough ,quite The boy is too young. The weather here is quite warm. 1 Of the two …… 两者中的较 ….. 2 more/less + 原级 + than ...... 的多,不如 ….. 3 比较级 + and + 比较级 , (表示 越来越 ……) 4 the + 比较级 , the + 比较级 ( 表示 越 … 越 …… ) 比较级的常用句型 初 中英语时态 语法 专项复习 一般现在时 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 一般现在时 一、一般现在时: 概念 :经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays, etc. 基本结构 :① be 动词;②行为动词 否定形式 :① am/is/ are+not ; ②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加 don't, 如主语为第三人称单数,则用 doesn't ,同时还原行为动词。 一般疑问句 :①把 be 动词放于句首;②用助动词 do 提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用 does ,同时,还原行为动词。 什么情况下用? ①表示经常或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。②表示主语通常的能力、兴趣爱好、和性格特征。③表示客观的事实或真理。④表示按照时刻表或已经计划安排好的将来行为。 (只限于是 go, come, leave, arrive, begin, start, take off, stop, be 等表示开始或移动意义的词。) ⑤在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时 (will+ 动词原形 ) ,从句中用一般现在时表将来。 (主将从现) 当主语是第三人称时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,加 -s/ es 。除此之外都用动词原形。 动词第三人称单数形式变化规则 规则 例子 一般在词尾加 -s , ( 清辅音后读 /s/ ,在浊辅音后读 /z/ ;在 t 后读 /ts/, 在 d 后读 /dz/ 。 ) Play → plays leave → leaves swim → swims 以字母 s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾的词加 -es ,读 /iz/, 如果动词原形词尾已有 e, 则只加 -s 。 pass → passes fix → fixes teach → teaches wish → wishes do → does 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词 ,先变 y 为 i, 再加 -es, 读 /z/ study → studies carry → carries fly → flies 1. He______(be, am, is, are) a teacher at No. 2 Middle School. 2. He______(have, has) classes in the afternoon. 3. He______(get, gets) up at half past six every morning. 4. He always _____(come, comes ) to school on time. 5. He ______(study, studies) very hard at his lesson. 6. One and two _____(be, is, are) three. 7. Blue and yellow _____(make, makes) green. 8. The earth _____(move, moves) round the sun. 9. I will go there if I ____( be, will be, am, is, are) free tomorrow. 10. I will go there when I _____(have, will have, has) time tomorrow. 11. He won’t come to the party unless he _____(be, will be, am, is, are) invited. 12. I’ll wait here until my mother ____(come, comes, will come) back. 13. Please return the book to the library as soon as you ______(finish, finishes, will finish) reading it. 14. Once you _____(see, sees, will see) him, you will never forget him. 一般过去时 概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。 时间状语: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month…), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc. 基本结构:① be 动词;②行为动词 否定形式:① was/were + not; ②在行为动词前加 didn't ,同时还原行为动词。 一般疑问句:① was 或 were 放于句首;②用助动词 do 的过去式 did 提问,同时还原行为动词。 谓语动词使用过去式形式,加 ed ,分为规则和不规则变化。表示过去经常发生的动作,也可用 “ used to do ” 和 “would + 动词原形 ” 。 构成规则 例子 一般在动词原形末尾加 -ed , ( 在清辅音后读 /t/ ;在浊辅音和元音后读 /d/ ;在 /t/,/d/ 后读 /id/ 。 look → looked play → played work → worked 结尾是 e 的动词在末尾加 -d like → liked live → lived hope → hoped 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加 -ed plan → planned stop → stopped drop → dropped 结尾是“辅音字母+ y” 的动词,先变“ y” 为“ i” 再加 -ed study → studied worry → worried cry → cried 1. He____(be, was, were, been) here a moment ago. 2. They ____(be, was, were, been) here just now. 3. The scientists _____(leave, leaves, leaved, left) for America yesterday. 4. Last week we ______(visit, visited ) the Science Museum. 5. When I was a child, I often ____(play, played) football. 6. The students ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell ____(ring, rang, rung). 现在进行时 作谓语的动词用来表示动作(情况)发生时间的各种形式称为时态。 1. 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。 2. 时间状语: Now, at this time, days, look. listen 等时间状语做标志。 3. 基本结构:主语 +be +doing + 其他 4. 否定形式:主语 +be +not +doing+ 其他 5. 一般疑问句:把 be 动词放于句首。 6. 用法:现在进行时表示 1) 、现在(说话的瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,强调 “ 此时此刻 ” 。 E.g. He is reading . They are talking now. 2) 、当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 E.g. They are working these days. 3) 、 某些动词的现在进行时,表预定的计划或即将发生的动作。 E.g I am coming. 现在分词的变法有 1) 、一般在动词词尾加上 - ing ,E.g. jump 2) 、以不发音字母 e 结尾的动词,先去 e ,再加 - ing . E.g have write 3) 、 . 以重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母结尾的词,它前面是单个元音字母时要先将词尾的辅音字母双写,再加上 - ing . E.g. sit put 其句式变换都在 be 上做文章。 1 .I ____(write, am writing, is writing, are writing) a letter now. 2. Look, it _____(begin, is beginning, am beginning, are beginning) to rain. 3. They ____(study, is studying, am studying, are studying) medicine at the Medical Institute of Chengde these days. 4. He _____(teach, am teaching, is teaching, are teaching) an English lesson at this time. 过去进行时 1. 概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。 2. 时间状语: at this time yesterday, at that time 或以 when 引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。 3. 基本结构 主语 +was/were +doing + 其他 4. 否定形式:主语 +was/were + not +doing+ 其他 5. 一般疑问句:把 was 或 were 放于句首。 ( 第一个字母大写) 其句式变化仍然要在 be 上做文章。 过去进行时常与过去某一特定时间的状语连用,如 last night, at that time, at noon yesterday, last Sunday 等。 也有时没有时间状语,要通过上下文的暗示来确定用过去进行时。 1. I _____(cook, cooked, was cooking, were cooking) breakfast when you arrived. 2. What ____you_____( do, did, was...doing, were…doing) at this time yesterday evening? 3. We_____(have, are having, had, were having) dinner when the doorbell rang. 4. While/ When/ As we____( have, had, are having, were having) dinner, the doorbell rang. 一般将来时 构成 : ① will,shall + 动词原形,其中 shall 只用于第一人称。② be going to + 动词原形,表示主观打算,按计划,安排要发生的事情。 ③ be to + 动词原形,表示客观安排 ④ be about to + 不定式,意为马上要做某事,正要做某事。⑤某些动词,可用进行时态表将来,如 come, go, arrive, leave 。⑥在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时 (will+ 动词原形 ) ,从句中用一般现在时表将来。⑦ 一般现在时可表示按时间表发生的将来的动作 ( 限 start, begin, arrive, end, close, leave--- 等表示开始或移动意义的词 ) 时间状语: Tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, in a few minutes, by…,the day after tomorrow, etc. 否定形式 :主语 +am/is/are not going to do ;主语 +will/shall not do+ 其他 一般疑问句 : be 放于句首; will/shall 提到句首。 e.g. She will be back in three days. She will not be back in three days. Will She be back in three days? They are going to clean their classroom. They are not going to clean their classroom. Are they going to clean their classroom? 1 _____you ____a doctor when you grow up? A Will; going to be B Are; going to be C Are; / D Will; be 2 I don’t know if his uncle _____. I think he _____ if it doesn’t rain. A will come; comes B will come; will come C comes; comes D comes; will come 3 He will be back _____a few minutes. A with B for C on D in 4 What time _____we meet at the gate tomorrow? A will B shall C do D are 5 He will have a holiday as soon as he _____the work next week. A finishes B doesn’t finish C will finish D won’t finish 6 There _____some showers this afternoon. A will be B will have C is going to be D are going to have 7 It ____my brother’s birthday tomorrow. She _____a party. A is going to be; will have B will be; is having C will be; is going to have D will have; is going to be 8 Li Ming is 10 years old now, next year he _____11. A is B is going to be C will be D will to be 过去将来时 构成: ( would + 动词原形,或将来时的其它过去构成形式 was going to do…… ) 表示以过去某一时间为参照,在过去看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。在宾语从句及间接引语中,时态呼应,经常会用到过去将来时。如 I thought it was going to be fun. 时间状语 : ---soon/the next day---that-clause( 名词性从句或上下文中 ---) 1. I told my friend that I ____ (should/ would arrive, shall/ will arrive) soon. 2. They looked at those clouds over the sky. It____(is going to rain, was going to rain). 3. They said that they ____(are to meet, were to meet) at the gate the next day. 4 .We _____(are about to go, were about to go) out when it started to rain. 现在完成时 1. 概念: 表示发生在过去,持续到现在,可能刚刚结束也有可能继续进行下去的动作或状态,甚至延续到将来,并对现在造成一定的影响或结果。常与 since+ 过去时(间) , for+ 一段时间连用。表示与现在有联系的过去的动作。 2. 时间状语: yet, already, just, never, ever, so far, by now, since+ 时间点, for+ 时间段, recently, lately, in the past few years, etc. 3. 基本结构: 主语 +have/has + p.p (过去分词) + 其他 4. 否定形式: 主语 +have/has + not + p.p (过去分词) + 其他 5. 一般疑问句: have/has+ 主语 + p.p (过去分词) + 其他 ? 非延续性动词和延续性动词     非延续性动词在时间上没有延续性,常见的有 come, go, arrive, leave, begin, start,  buy, join, die, buy, find, stop, become, open, borrow, lend, appear, close, fall, finish, sell, lose, kill 等,这些动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。 但是,非延续性动词的否定形式可以表示状态的延续,可与 for/since 等时间状语连用。 有些同学错误地认为这类非延续性动词不能用于完成时态中。其实,错误的本质在于非延续性动词与时间段的错误搭配,与现在完成时态无关。 延续性语境中的非延续性动词的使用     在具体的语言环境中,往往会出现非延续性动词与时间段相连用的情况。由于受汉语影响,往往错误地直译为:  He has fallen asleep for an hour. 他睡了一小时了。( × )  His father has died for three years. 他父亲去世三年了。( × ) 当出现这种情况时,我们往往采取以下解决方法: ( 1 )将非延续性动词转化为相应的状态动词。所谓状态动词就是指这一动作发生后接下来所呈现的状态。如:     He has been asleep for an hour. ( fall asleep,“ 入睡 ” 为短暂动作,但 be asleep“ 睡着 ” 则为状态动词,可延续。)     His father has been dead for three years. ( die 为短暂动词, “ 死 ” 后的状态可用 “be dead” 这种系表结构来描述,可延续。) 瞬间动词和延续性动词的转换 若句中出现 时间段 ,则必须使用 延续性动词 。瞬间动词和延续性动词转换关系如下: begin/start be on go there be there leave be away get home be home die be dead open be open join be in / be a member of close be closed get to know know get married be married borrow keep come here be here buy have 常见的这种动词的转化有以下几类:     go there—be there, come back—be back, borrow—keep, buy/catch—have, arrive—be in, begin—be on, open—be open, close—be closed, die—be dead, leave—be away from, get up—be up, fall asleep—be asleep, become—be, join—be in/a member of, receive—have, catch/get a cold—have a cold, get married—be married , come → be in , finish → be over , leaver → be away 现在完成时和一般过去时的异同点: 共同点: 动作都在 过去 。 不同点: 和 现在 有无关系。 ( 与现在有关的过去动作用现在完成,与现在无关的过去动作用一般过去。 ) 易错点: 1 2 1 have gone to+ 地点 , 表示“ 去了 某地”。 ( 人已走 ,尚未回。只用于 第三人称 。) They have gone to Europe. (They are not here.) have been to+ 地点 , 表示“ 去过 某地”。 ( 人已回 ) I have been to Europe. (I am not in Europe now.) 3 have been in+ 地点 + 时间段 , 表示“ 在 / 来 某地多久”。 I have been in Europe for three weeks. (I am now still in Europe .) 2 You have _____ a tall young man. A grown B grown into C grown us D grown up 2. He has ____ the watch for a year. A buy B bought C have D had 3. Has your brother _____ the dog? A kept in B fed C fed on D kept on 4. I _____this book for two weeks, I have to return it now. A borrowed B have borrowed C kept D have kept 5. Have you ever _____to the Great Wall? It's very beautiful. A gone B been C went D go 6. Her brother _____the Party since 1978. A joined B has joined C has been in D was in 7. The Greens _____many places of interest since they came to China. A will visit B visited C have visited D visit 8 I'm sorry, I ____ your name. A had forgotten B forgot C have forgotten D forgotten 9 The bookshop _____ for eight years. A has been open B has been opened C has opened D has open 10 We have _____ all the paper so we need to buy some. A used up B made of C filled with D hunted for 11 The flower I ____grown up. A planted has B planted have C has planted D have planted 巧解现在完成时态题 技巧 1: 寻找现在完成时中的 “ 段时间 ” 。 (1) 现在完成时表示过去已经开始并持续到现在的动作或状态 , 多和表示一段时间的状语连用 :for+ 一段时间 ;since+ 点时间 (since 作连词后接从句时 , 该从句要用一般过去时 ) 。 (2) 现在完成时态也用在含有 during / in/ over the last years 或 in recent years 等的句子中。 趁热打铁 1. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower _______ tens of thousands of visitors since 1995. attracted    B. attracts  C. has attracted   D. will attract  2. —How long _______ you _____ here?     —For about two years so far.  have, studied   B. did, live  C. do, stay         D. were, swimming 3. —How is your father? I __him for a long time.    —He is fine, but busy. don’t see    B. hadn’t seen C. didn’t see    D. haven’t seen 4. Meimei has received several letters from her hometown since she _______ to the city.  A. came   B. comes  C. has come  D. will come    技巧 2: 寻找现在完成时的副词标志或句型。 (1) 在做时态题时 , 注意观察句中是否有常用于现在完成时的副词 :yet, already, never, lately, recently, ever, just, before, (ever) since 等。 (2) 句型 :It has been + 段时间 +since + 过去时 . 也可以表示为 : It is + 段时间 +since + 过去时 .  趁热打铁 —What are you going to do this weekend?     —I _______ yet.  haven’t decided   B. won’t decide C. have decided    D. didn’t decide 2. My mother _______ the windows already, so the room looks much brighter. has cleaned   B. had cleaned C. is cleaning      D. will clean 3. It ____ ten years since we last _____ in Beijing. was, met       B. has been, met  C. was, meet        D. is, meet 4. —How long has the weather been like this?     —_______.  Until last night   B. Ever since last night C. Two days ago   D. Two days later 技巧 3: 把握 have been to 与 have gone to 的区别。        have been to 曾经去过某处 ( 现在已经不在那个地方 , 强调以前的经历 ) have gone to 去了某处 ( 强调主语已经离开说话者所在的地方 , 现在还没有回来 )   趁热打铁 1. —Is that Jack speaking?     —Sorry, he isn’t in right now. He _______ the cinema with his aunt. has been to       B. has gone to C. have been to      D. have gone to 2. —Hello, may I speak to your father, please?     —Sorry, my father _______ to Shanghai. He went there this morning. A. goes     B. has gone   C. has been D. go 3. —How many times _______ you _______ to Beijing this year?     —Three times. have, been       B. had, been C. have, gone        D. had gone 技巧 4: 分清延续性动词和非延续性动词。 延续性动词是指那些动作可以持续的动词。如 :have, keep, study, live, teach 等。 非延续性动词是指那些动作瞬间完成的动词。如 :begin, buy, borrow, lend 等。 做题时 , 要注意句中是否有段时间 , 如果有则用延续性动词。 趁热打铁 1. —Oh, Mrs. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new?     —No, I _______ it since two years ago.  had     B. bought    C. have had   D. have bought 2. Tom _______ the CD player for two weeks. has lent     B. has borrowed C. has bought   D. has had 3. —How long has the foreigner _______ here?     —He has _______ here for several hours.  arrived; come   B. come; got C. stayed; been    D. left; been away 4. The film _______ for half an hour. has begun     B. has been begun C. has been on   D. began  过去完成时 过去完成时 1 、概念: 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,即 “ 过去的过去( past-in-the-past ) ” 。 ------|----------- |----------|--------> 那时以前  那时  现在           2 、构成:过去完成时由 “ 助动词 had + 过去分词 ” 构成,其中 had 通用于各种人称。    They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel.    She had finished writing the composition by 10 : 00 this morning. 3. 标志词: by the end of…,by the time…,when+ 一般过去时 1.We____learning 1000 words by the end of last term. A.finished B.have finished C.had finished D.finish 2.The train____when we got to the station. A.leaves B.have left C.were leaving D.had left 3.By the time he returned,his son____supper. A.cooks B .had cooked C.has cooked D.was cooking 例题 过去完成时是一种相对存在的时态,判定时必须根据上下文找到一个可以作为参照点的过去时间, 在此参照点前发生的动作 都可以用过去完成时。 注意: 趁热打铁 1. We ____(have read, had read) 500 stories by the end of last term. 2. He said that they _____(have arrived, had arrived) an hour before. 3. After /When he ____(has done, had done) his job, he went to bed. 4. I waited till he ____(has finished, had finished) his work. 5. When I got there, he ___(has been, had been) away for half an hour. 6. I went back to the classroom because I ____(have left, had left) my dictionary there. 2011 黄 石中 考 34.The head teacher with his students ____ Teanchengshan Park if it ____ tomorrow. A. is going to; isn’t rainy B. are going to; isn’t rainy C. is going to; won’t rain D. are going to ; doesn’t rain 77. Have you ever c_________ buying a new MP4 player? It is good for you to listen to English as well as music. 2012 黄 石中 考 27. The 3D Titanic is a moving film. My parents have seen it twice ____. A. yet B. already C. never D. almost Tomorrow is Dragon Boat Day. My mother and my grandma____ a big meal for our family now. A. are preparing B. be preparing C. prepare D. prepared 44. The friend who _____ and saved his best friend asked him, “After hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone.Why ?” A. was hit B. had hit C. hit D. has hit 黄石中考链接 A onsidered B A B 2013 黄石中考 82. 随着时间的流逝, 他忘记了那些不愉快的事情。 As time ____ ____ , he forgot those unpleasant things. 83. 你曾考虑过出国深造吗? Have you ever ____ ____ abroad for further study? 2014 黄石中考 28. Everything ____ in our school since 2009. Now, it ____ very modern. A. is changed; is looked B. is changed; looks C. has changed; is looked D. has changed; looks Tom was late for class yesterday. When he came into the class, all of us were d_______ the question. 在过去,这个男孩宁愿玩电脑游戏也不愿做家庭作业。 The boy ____ ____ computer games to doing homework in the past. 上个月,她花费了所有的收入买了衣服。 She ____ all her income ____ clothes last month. 杰克过去很忙以至于没有关心他儿子的学习。 Jack ____ ____ be too busy to care about how his son studied. 2015 黄石中考 30. --- Have you watered those flowers, Tim? --- No. But they ____ by my grandpa yesterday morning. A. had been watered B. had been watered C. were watered D. were watering went by considered going on /buying playing A iscussing preferred spent used to C 31. The writer and speaker ____ a speech on Chinese culture in the hall now. A. are giving B. is giving C. will give D. has given I fell in love with Shanghai on my first trip, so I decide I ____ in it in 10 years. A. will live B. lives C. lived D. has lived 72. Today he didn’t come to school again. He has been a____ from classes for a week. 2016 黄石中考 33. Many scientists believe that robots ____ able to talk like human in 50 years. A. were B. are C. will be D. have been This museum ____ here for over 80 years. It ____ one of the oldest buildings in the city. A. is; was B. had been; is C. was; has been D. has been; is 75. In the boy’s relay race, Michael r____ very fast and our class won the firs place. 2017 黄石中考 32. ---Where is your uncle, Jane? --- He is in Guangzhou. He ____ for a month. A. has left B. has gone C. left D. has been away 34. The old building ____ down to make room for the city library a year ago. A. was taking B. is taken C. was taken D. would take B A way C D an D C 一般现在时 (1)always, usually, often, sometimes (2)every day, every morning, every Saturday, every time (3)in the morning, on Saturdays 一般过去时 1)yesterday, the day before yesterday, yesterday morning (evening, afternoon) 2)last time, last Friday, last term, last month (3)2 hours ago, a week ago, 3 years ago ( 4 )just now = a moment ago 一般将来时 (1)tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning (evening, afternoon) (2)next time, next Friday, next term, next month (3)in 2 hours, in a week, in 3 years' time, in a minute / monent 现在进行时 1.now.Look.Listen. 过去进行时 at that time. at that moment. this time yesterday evening 现在完成时 1)already, yet, ever, never, just, before 2)for + 一段时间 , since + 过去某一点时间 过去完成时 1.by,by the time (of),by the end of,+ 过去时间 2.when.before.after…….+ 过去时间

