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Unit 4 Wildlife protection Warming up Let’s enjoy a movie! Living things that exist in natural habitats . Wildlife Can you give the names of some wildlife? panda 熊猫 Elephant E l e p h a n t antelope Polar bear milu deer 麋鹿 South China Tiger 华南虎 butterfly leopard 豹 rhino 犀牛 golden monkey 金丝猴 Crocodile Tropic fish giraffe 长颈鹿 lion K o a l a Koala slow loris( 懒猴 ) sika deer What problem are they commonly facing? They are in danger of disappearing / dying out. The bird is dead, killed by a hunter. The birds live peacefully. The poor bear is caught in a steel cage by people. Two black bears live in the woods happily. This is a green thick forest, a good home for animals. The forest has been destroyed. Animals lost their home and good environment. WHY are they dying out? Discussion lack of food bad environment too much hunting and killing Food Shortage ! “Mum, I am hungry. Where’s my next meal?” water pollution air pollution destruction of habitat over-hunting People killed the endangered animals simply to satisfy their desire to eat. People kill animals for their fur, which can be made into beautiful and expensive fur coat. ivory rhino horn Animals are endangered ! Forests are endangered ! Are we human beings endangered ? plants animals humans Harmonious Panda Problem not enough food: loss of bamboo growing areas One habitat in China Wolong Nature Reserve , Sichuan Province Number before concern Nearly all disappeared Number after concern about 1,600 after more than 50 reserves set up to protect bamboo areas A Report Wolong Nature Reserve reserve ( 保护区 ) protection zone Milu Deer Problem Disappeared from China One habitat in China Nanhaizi Milu Park, Beijing Number before concern None Number after concern more than 2, 500 after brought back from UK South China tiger Problem Too much hunting in the 1950s One habitat in China Baishanzu Nationsl Natural Protection Zone , Zhejiang Province Number before concern Very few Number after concern a bout 30- 4 0 remain after being left in peace with no hunting Group work: Describe the chart What problems are some wild animals in China facing? 2. What has China done to solve the problem? 3. How have things changed since China took action to protect wild animals? Example: The problem the pandas face in China is that they do not have enough food because of the loss of bamboo growing areas. To solve this problem , China has set up a protection zone in Sichuan Province for the pandas. It is called Wolong Nature Reserve. Thanks to the effort , things have changed for the better. The number of pandas has risen from very few to around 70 after the growth of bamboo areas for the pandas. What can we do to help endangered animals? protect their habitat s and create new ones set up nature reserves or natural protection area( 自然保护区 ) protect the environment limit hunting stop buying clothes made of their furs ask people to protect wildlife 1. threaten vt. 1) 恐吓 ; 威胁 threaten +n.+with+n. 以 ... 恐吓 ... The robber threatened me with a gun. threaten to do 恐吓说要 ... He threatened to make the photo public. 2) 迫近 A typhoon was threatening. threat n. threatening adj. 恐吓的 , 威胁的 Language Points 2. decrease vt./vi./n. 减少 , 使变小或变少 The membership decreased to 150. He decreased the speed of his car. on the decrease 在减少中 decrease to 减少到 decrease by 减少了 decreasing adj. 减少中的 , 在递减的 3. as a result (of sth): 作为 … 的结果 ; 因此 ; 由于 e.g. I was very busy. As a result, I couldn’t take care of her. About twenty people were killed as a result of the big fire. As a result of what he said, mother got very angry. As a result of the earthquake, a lot of people lost their homes. They didn’t have enough evidence. As a result, they gave up the charge. 由于地震 , 许多人失去了家园。 他们没有足够证据 , 因此他们放弃了控告。 as a result of + 名词性的东西 “由于 …” 拓展 : result from… 起因于 … result in … 结果为 …, 导致 … The terrible accident _____________ his careless. 2) His careless __________ the terrible accident. resulted from resulted in 3) His carelessness ____ the terrible accident. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. as a result of D. as a result 4) Tom was very sick, ____ he could not eat or sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. however 5) The car accident _____ the driver’s carelessness. A. resulted in B. resulted of C. resulted from D. result for A C B 4. die out: 1) Elephants would die out soon if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wish. Many old customs are dying out . 3 ) The fire died out in the end. 灭绝 , 绝种 逐渐消失 熄灭 die away: ( 光、声音 ) 慢慢消失 ; ( 风 ) 停下来 He hid behind the door until the footsteps had died away . The wind died away , and the leaves became silent. die off: 一一死去 ; 先后死去 The members of the family had all died off for no reason. die from die of 一般指除了疾病、情感、饥寒以外的原因 而造成的死亡 , 指死于 外因 。 常指由于疾病、情感、饥寒等原因而造成的 死亡 , 指死于 内因 。 He died from drinking/smoking/overwork. His father died of cold and hunger before liberation. be dying for 很想要 , 渴望 be dying to do 很想做某事 The old man _________ drinking dirty water. The old man _______ cancer. died from died of 请用适当的介词填空 1) Whales will die ____, if we don’t protect them. 2) Nowadays every woman is dying ___ fair skin. 3) The trees are dying ___ because of the drought. out for off 4) The weak light is dying _____. 5) His anger died _____ after being given some money. 6) About 10 million people die ___ cancer every year. 7) Some people die _____ the lack of water in the dry areas. away down of from 5. endanger 使 … 遭受危害 Smoking endangers health. in danger 处于危险之中 The patient is in danger. be in danger of 有 … 危险 ( 外来的危险 ) out of danger 脱离危险 endangered adj. 濒危的 dangerous 危险的 in+ n. in turn in return in trouble in vain( 徒然的 ) in time in need I hear Tim once was ___ of losing his life, but now he is ___. A. in danger, out of danger B. in the danger, out of danger C. in danger , out of dangerous D. in danger, out of the danger A 6. loss n. Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police? 2) His unfortunate death was a great loss to the company. 3) That company suffered heavy loss in business last year. 丢失 , 遗失 损失 亏损 损失 , 遗失 , 丧失 be at a loss adj. 困惑 , 不知所措 I was at a complete loss as to find the money in time. She was at a loss for an answer. that’s your/their loss ( 口语 ) 那是你们的 / 他们的损失 Well, if he doesn’t want to come it’s his loss. 好吧 , 如果他不愿意来 , 那是他的损失。 7. reserve 1) n: nature reserve We have large reserve of oil. 2) vt: You’d better reserve some money for future need. I’d like to reserve a table for two. 自然保护区 储备 保留 预定 8. hunt He likes hunting very much. We’ve been hunting for the lost boy all over. 3) It was an exciting hunt , but the fox escaped. 4) He is on the hunt for a better job. v. 打猎 v. 搜索 n. 打猎 n. 搜寻 hunter 猎人 huntress 女猎人 a hunting dog 猎狗 a hunting ground 狩猎场 hunt for/after 追逐 , 寻找 go hunting 去打猎 hunt for: search for 寻找 ; 寻求 hunt for a lost book house-hunting job-hunting 9. zone: 指具有某些特殊性而被称为“地带 , 特区”等。 the Special Economic Zone of Shenzhen a war/danger zone a residential zone This is a no-smoking zone. a nuclear-free zone 无核区 district: 一个国家或城市的行政管理区 the Hongkou District of Shanghai a postal district region: 指较大的行政区域或地理上有 某种特色的自然地域单位 the Hongkong Special Administrative Region the Arctic region belt: 指具有某一特色的地带 a green belt a snow belt a country’s cotton /industrial belt area: 应用范围最广 Do you like the area where you are living? 10. in peace 平静的 ; 安静的 at peace 休战 , 和睦相处 I live in peace in the country. The two nations are now at peace . All Iraq people look forward to living in peace. make peace (with) 讲和 ; 重新和好 The two countries are ____ now, but they used to be at war. A. in peace B. at peace B 1) He is hunting ____ his lost watch here and there. A. to B. at C. for D. out 2) It will be ___ wonderful world if all nations live in ____ peace with each other. A. a a B. the the C. a the D. a / C D 练一练 Complete the following sentences: 他有生命危险。 He is ____ _______ ___ of _______ _____ ______. 2. 这种动物几个世纪之前就灭绝了。 This kind of animal _______ _______ several centuries ago. 3. 因为下雨 , 他迟到了。 He was late ____ ____ ______ ____ the rain. die out as a result of his life losing in danger of attention, help, endanger, concern, rise, wildlife, affect, rain forest, protect, suggest effect, contain Completing the following sentences by using the words in the box below: 1. _____ is being given to the pandas in China from all over the world. 2. So we hope that the number of pandas will soon______. 3. However, something is being done to help _______ other endangered animals. 4. All these will certainly ______ them in one way or another. 5. Some people even ________ that we should do more. Help rise protect affect suggest 6. Clearly they are greatly __________ about the future of these animals. 7. The good news is that greater _________ is being paid to wildlife protection. 8. The situation of the _______ is being improved. 9. This is especially so in the ___________ . 10. From now on, we must care not to _________ rare wild animals any more. concerned attention wildlife rain forest endanger As long as everyone devoted their bit of love, the world will become a better one. 只要人人都献出一点爱 , 世界将变成美好的人间。 Live in peace with the wildlife! Enjoy Our Life ! Homework Collect as much information about endangered wildlife as possible. http://www.cnwildlife.com/ 2. Preview the next part---Reading. thank you

