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Module 12 Help 模块同步语法精讲精练 ③Let 型祈使句: Let + sb. +动词原形+其他. eg : Let's play football. 让我们踢足球吧。 ④ No 型祈使句: No + v.ing 形式 / 名词 ( 表示禁止 )! eg : No smoking !禁止吸烟! No photos !禁止拍照! ► 祈使句的否定形式 ① Do 型和 Be 型的否定句式都在句首加 don't 。 eg : Don't forget me !不要忘记我! Don't be late for school !上学不要迟到! ② Let 型的否定句有两种: Don't + let +宾语+动词原形+其他 /Let +宾语+ not +动词原形+其他。 eg : Don't let him go swimming. = Let him not go swimming. 不要让他去游泳。 ②may , could , might 表示可能性较小的肯定推测,意为 “ 可能,也许 ” 。 eg : You may be right. 你可能是对的。 He could/might be running for exercise. 他可能正在跑步锻炼。 ► 否定推测 ① can't 表示有把握的否定推测,意为 “ 不可能 ” 。 eg : That can't be Mary.She's ill in hospital. 那不可能是玛丽,她生病住院了。 ② may not/might not/could not 表示不太有把握的否定推测,意为 “ 可能不 ( 会 ) 是 ” 。 eg : He could not/might not be at home.I'm not sure. 他可能不在家,我不确定。 ► 疑问句中的推测 疑问句中的推测,常用 can 或 could ,意为 “ 可能 ” 。 eg : There is someone outside.Who can it be ?外面有人,会是谁呢? 一、根据句意,选择方框中的单词填空。 1 . —Isn't that Ann's mother over there? —No , it ________be her.I'm sure she doesn't wear glasses. 2 . —Where's David? —He________ be on the playground because he is fond of playing basketball. 3 . —What will the weather be like tomorrow? —It _____________be rainy , cloudy or sunny.Who knows? can't must could/may 4 . —Where is Daning? —He ___________be in the classroom , but I'm not sure. 5 . This problem __________be very hard.Few students can work it out. may/could must 二、单项选择。 6 . ________ get off the bus before it stops. A . Don't    B . Doesn't    C . Didn't    7 . —Someone is knocking at the door.________ it be Betty? —No , it ________ be her.She left for England this morning. A . Must ; can't B . Can ; can't C . Could ; mustn't D . May ; mustn't A B 8 . _________ harder and you'll succeed sooner or later ( 迟早 ) . A . Study B . To study C . Studying D . To studying 9 . Let's __________on time for classes. A . be B . be not C . are D . not are 10 . __________ wake up your sister , Tony.She needs a good sleep. A . Don't B . Doesn't C . Not D . No A A A 11 . —Excuse me , whose Japanese book is this? —It _________be Tom's.In our class , only he is studying Japanese. A . must B . can't C . would D . could 12 . —You _______be happy with the strong public support you've received. —Yes , you're right.I'm really excited. A . may B . can C . must D . need 13 . —Jim , ________ read books while you are walking in the street.It's very dangerous. —OK , thank you. A . don't B . doesn't C . won't D . can't A C A 14 . —Where are you going this month? —We _______go to Xiamen , but we're not sure. A . needn't B . must C . might D . mustn't 15 . —I'm sorry to tell you that Mr Li was badly hurt in a traffic accident yesterday. —Oh , it ______be true.I saw him in the office just now. A . can't B . mustn't C . needn't D . don't C A ( )16.Which of the following signs means “ No photos ” ? D 三、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 17 . It's an important meeting.___________ (not be) late. 18 . ________ (look) out ! A car is coming. 19 . ____________ (not talk) and _________(read) aloud. 20 . ____________ (not leave) your homework for tomorrow , Larry. 21 . Lingling , ________ (give) us ten years and just see what our country will be like. Don't_be Look Don't_talk read Don't_leave give 四、按要求完成下列句子。 22 . Be quick.( 改为否定句 ) Don't_be_quick . 23 . You can't eat food in class.( 改为祈使句 ) Don't_eat_food_in_class . 24 . You must walk to school today.( 改为祈使句 ) Please_walk_to_school_today . 25 . You can't be late for class next time.( 改为祈使句 ) Don't_be_late_for_class_next_time . 26 .她不可能在等你。 She _________________for you. 27 .他喜欢读书,现在他一定正在图书馆读书呢。 He likes reading.Now he _______________in the library. 28 .你走了那么长的路,一定累了吧。 You _________________after your long walk. can't be waiting must be reading must be tired 五、情景交际:选择方框中的选项补全对话。 A : My boy , what did you learn from the last module? B : 29._____ A : OK.Let me ask you some questions about them. B : Please! A : If you're in a high building , what should you do when the earthquake happens? B : 30._____ A : When is the best time to leave? B : 31.______ B C E A : Can you use the lift? B : No. 32.______ A : Do you know anything about first aid? B : Yes. 33.______ A : Great! A . It's too dangerous. B . Safety and first aid. C . Find a chance to leave the building quickly. D . I also learned how to get help , such as shouting for help and calling 120. E . When the ground stops shaking. A D

