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‎ 茶陵县第三中学高一年级2019年下期第3次月考试卷 英语 ‎ ‎ 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)‎ 请听下面5段对话, 选出最佳选项。‎ 1. How does the man go to school every day?‎ A. By bus B. By bike. C. By car.‎ 2. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. A picture B. A job. C. A park.‎ 3. What will the man do tomorrow?‎ A. Take an exam. B. Fly a kite. C. Help Mike study.‎ 4. What does the woman plan to sell?‎ A. The shoes. B. The computer. C. The lamps.‎ 5. What does the man want the woman to do for him?‎ A. Email a report. B. Print a report. C. Write a report.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。‎ 请听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。‎ 6. What kind of paper did the man order?‎ A. Plain paper. B. Headed paper. C. Lined paper.‎ 7. What is Sarah doing?‎ A. Having a training course. B. Meeting a supplier. C. Having lunch.‎ 请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ 8. What did the woman forget to take last year?‎ A. Her passport. B. Her swimsuit. C. Her sunglasses.‎ 9. What does the man mean at last?‎ A. They should take some books. B. They have taken some things. ‎ C. They need prepare more suitcases.‎ 请听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。‎ 1. What is the woman’s plan for Monday morning?‎ A. To visit an office. B. To attend a fair. C. To meet some customers. ‎ 2. When do the speakers decide to meet?‎ A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.‎ 3. What is the man going to do next?‎ A. Meet the Finance Director. B. Meet the sales team. C. Fly to Prague.‎ 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ 4. How does the man feel about his past life?‎ A. It’s usual B. It’s interesting. C. It’s impressive.‎ 5. What will the man study?‎ A. Architecture. B. Business. C. Liberal arts.‎ 6. What about students’ life may affect the man least?‎ A. Classroom technology. B. Student housing. C. Dining facilities.‎ 7. What does the man like to do?‎ A. Read books. B. Do sports. C. Play games.‎ 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ 8. In which city is the snow expected to fall today?‎ A. Chicago. B. Las Vegas. C. New York.‎ 9. What will the highest temperature be in Atlanta today?‎ A. ‎52 degrees B. 65 degrees. C. 73 degrees.‎ 10. What will the weather be like in Seattle today?‎ A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.‎ 11. What grogram will be on right after the weather report?‎ A. A cartoon. B. A traffic report. C. A football match.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A Welcome to the Friendship Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities (设施) to the full.‎ ‎ Room Service ‎ This operates 24 hours a day. Phone the Reception Desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.‎ Telephone: 48759‎ Dining Room ‎ Breakfast is served in the dining room from 8:00 am to 9:30 am. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7:00 am, if you place an order for it by telephone. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed. ‎ Lunch: 12:00 am to 2:30 pm ‎ Dinner: 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Telephone: 48752‎ ‎ To make a telephone call, dial 0 for Reception and Laundry (洗衣店), and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting call through when the staff are very busy. There are also public telephone booths (电话亭) near the Reception Desk. Early calls should be booked with Reception.‎ ‎ Shop ‎ The hotel shop is open for souvenirs (纪念品), gifts and toiletries (洗漱品) from 9.000 am to 5:0 pm.‎ Telephone : 48687‎ Laundry We have a laundry on the premises(经营场所) and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to phone the laundrymen to collect them.‎ Telephone: 48867‎ ‎ Bar ‎ The hotel bar is open from 12:00 am to 2:00 pm, and 7:00 pm to 2:00 am. The Reception staff will cash cheques and exchange money in many foreign currencies(货币).‎ ‎21. What should you do if you want to have your breakfast in your room at 9:00 am?‎ A. Go to the hotel shop. B. Go to the hotel bar. ‎ C. Tell the waiter. D. Phone the Reception Desk.‎ ‎22. Which number should you dial if you want to have your clothes washed?‎ A. 48752. B. 48867. C. 48687. D. 48759.‎ ‎23. The writer of the passage mainly wants to _________.‎ A. give us information about the services of the hotel B. persuade us to stay in the hotel C. tell us the ways of serving D. promise us good service B When I was in my fourth year of teaching, I was also (and am still) a high school track and field(田径) coach. One year, I had a student, John, who entered my class when he was a junior. John changed to our school from Greece, and seemed to be interested in sports, so I encouraged him to join our track team. I explained to him that even though he had never taken part in it before, I did believe that he could do well in any event and I would be willing to coach him for whatever interested him. He accepted the offer, and began to work hard at every practice.‎ About a month later, I found out from other sources that John was a first-class tennis player, winning various junior awards in his home country. I went to him asking, “John, I really appreciate that you came out for the track team, but why didn’t you play tennis instead? It seems that would interest you a lot more, since you’re so good at it.” John answered, “Well, I like tennis, but you told me that you believed in me, and that you thought I could do well in track, so I wanted to try it for that reason.”‎ From then on, I often remember my student’s replay. I told it to a friend and she suggested I write it down to share somewhere with more teachers. No matter how critical students can be of themselves, I’ve found that a simple “I trust that your can do ‎ it!” can go a long way.‎ ‎24. According to Paragraph 1, what does the author seem to think more about?‎ A. John’s PE marks.    B. John’s self-confidence. ‎ C. John’s interest in sports.   D. John’s state of health.‎ ‎25. Why did John take part in the track team?  A. He had been an excellent runner.   B. He was encouraged by his teacher.‎ C. He liked running more than tennis.   D. He had no tennis coach to train him.‎ ‎26. What’s the purpose of this passage?  A. To build a close teacher-student relationship.   B. To introduce a new way of sports training.‎ C. To explain the value of sports and games.  D. To show the importance of encouragement C Three people were sitting around a table in a restaurant in Brazil. How much do you think each of them tipped(给小费)? The Briton asked: “It’s common to tip 10 percent, right?" The American woman cried: “Oh, I was planning to leave 20 percent!” And the Chinese asked: “What’s a tip?”‎ Although it is not a custom to tip in China, tipping is a big deal in Western countries. When travelling to countries like the US and Canada, it is common to tip about 10 to 15 percent of the bill. Usually, people give tips to a waiter or waitress when they eat in a restaurant. The US tops the list of the biggest restaurant tips, with waiters and waitress expecting to get10 to 25 percent of the bill.‎ ‎ So if you order $100 worth of food, you are expected to pay your waiter at least $l5, making your total payment $115.‎ ‎ But why is this? Many waiters and waitresses get paid below the US minimum wage(最低工资) and work for tips to make up for that. Some states pay their servers(服务员) only $2.13 per hour. It‘s not just for waiters. Hotel maids(女佣), hairdressers and ‎ taxi drivers also usually work for tips.‎ ‎ Besides the US, tipping is also popular in some Southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia and Thailand. However, in Japan there is a no-tipping culture and you may actually offend(冒犯) the waiter if you try to give him money.‎ ‎27. The example in the restaurant in Brazil shows that __________.‎ A. British people know how much to tip B. Americans are the richest C. it is a custom to tip in China D. tipping amounts differ from country to country ‎28. If you order $280 worth of food in the US, then it's common to tip _________.‎ A. $14 B. $‎42 ‎ C. $50 D. $80‎ ‎29. Why is tipping so important in the US?‎ A. Because there is a law about it. ‎ B. Because food in its restaurants is too cheap.‎ C. Because servers there are paid below minimum wage. ‎ D. Because waiters will offer better service.‎ ‎30. What can we learn from the story?‎ A. Tipping is popular around the world. ‎ B. It is OK to tip a waitress in Japan.‎ C. Asian people never have to tip waiters in a restaurant. ‎ D. You should also tip the taxi driver in the US.‎ 第一节 ‎(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ Cycling is a good form of sports. Here are some tips on how to do it safely and comfortably.‎ ‎31. ______. Pushing with the wrong part of the foot can raise your risk of developing a painful injury of the heel, says Rob Werstine, a sports physiotherapist(理疗师) and board member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. You should push with the ball of your foot, he says.‎ Put on clothes. While it’s warm, wear layers of clothing, with clothing close to the body that breathes and outer layers that do not absorb water. 32. _______.‎ Be reasonable. 33. _______, don’t sign up for a 50-kilometre ride. And while ‎ cycling is great for people who want to get into shape, if your doctor advises you not to do tiring exercise, cycling shouldn’t be your starting position. Walk to begin getting into shape and then graduate to cycling.‎ Fix the fit. If you develop lower back pain or numbness in your hands and fingers from cycling, it could because your bike isn’t adjusted properly for your height. 34. _______, but if you have continuing problems, consider consulting a bike fit physiotherapist.‎ Be mindful. You have to pay attention to vehicles, other cyclists and pedestrians on the roads. 35. _______. Or do some reading about how to avoid dangerous cycling situations.‎ A. Watch your feet.‎ B. Ask experts for help.‎ C. Stop there and let others pass by first.‎ D. Go for bright colours that help you be seen.‎ E. If you are just starting out and aren’t in good shape.‎ F. Consider taking a cycling safety course to practice your skills.‎ G. A good cycle shop can help you find the right height for the seat.‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。‎ One day, one of my children told me, “I hate you.” I have to admit that I often say things that are 36._____. They may hate me, but as a responsible father, I’m certain I’m doing a 37._____ job.‎ There are three other words that won’t 38._____ in my house, however. Last week, I was watching my older son play with a paper plane. After he 39._____ threw it into a wall and it was broken, his eyes were 40._____ with tears of pain. “I hate myself,” he said. I was 41._____ that he’d started to really believe it.‎ I knelt down(跪下) next to him and made him look 42._____ my eyes. I told him that I need wanted to hear those words again, and that he needed to 43._____ himself.‎ The 44._____ between your kids telling you they hate you and they hate 45._____ is, five minutes later, they’ve already forgotten they “hate you”. Self-hate is much more 46._____, and for young people, it can affect the rest of their lives.‎ Kids who start to believe they hate themselves 47._____ the chance to make a possible friend, because they think they’ll be 48._____. And as adults, they might 49._____ not to apply for(申请) their dream job because they think it won’t 50._____.‎ I know this 51._____ I didn’t have a high opinion of myself as a child, I found myself 52._____ in many aspects, and I’d hate to see my children 53._____ the same. Sometimes, words are just words but some words can have the kind of 54._____ I’d very much like to avoid on my children. I don’t fear strong language but I fear language that makes us 55._____.‎ Great importance should be attached to speaking inspiring(鼓励的) words.‎ 36. A. sweet B. simple C. strange D. unpopular 37. A. bad B. good C. special D. foolish 38. A. require B. doubt C. allow D. believe 39. A. happily B. surprisingly C. easily D. accidently 40. A. full B. fell C. filled D. rolled 41. A. glad B. calm C. excited D. worried 42. A. into B. after C. for D. up 43. A. ignore B. charge C. respect D. move ‎ 44. A. similarity B. result C. harm D. difference 45. A. themselves B. myself C. ourselves D.‎ ‎ yourself 36. A. useful B. harmful C. meaningless D. hopeful 37. A. welcome B. create C. expect D. avoid 38. A. liked B forgotten C. refused D. accepted 39. A. choose B. select C. hope D. wish 40. A. keep up B. give out C. move on D. work out 41. A. though B. because C. and D. so 42. A. struggling B. succeeding C. trying D. wandering 43. A. explore B. enjoy C. suffer D. share 44. A. mercy B. relief C. difficulty D. effect 45. A. strong B. relaxed C. weak D. proud 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ The Laba Festival which is celebrated on the eighth day of the 56.___________ (twelve) month of the Chinese lunar calendar is a traditional Chinese holiday. “La” is the name of the month and “ba” has the same 57._________ (pronounce) as that of ‎8 in Chinese.‎ There are several 58._________ (story) about the origin of this festival and it’s difficult for us to tell which one is true. But today what we do know 59.________ (be) that this festival began as a way to honour ancestors it was also 60._______ time for the ancient Chinese to pray for a good harvest.‎ The majority of Chinese have long followed the tradition of 61._________ (eat) ‎ Laba porridge during the Laba Festival. 62._______ general, the porridge contains eight ingredients, including some beans and rice. 63.______________ (traditional), Laba porridge is the most important part of the festival. Also, it is important that family members eat the porridge together.‎ ‎64.________ custom(习俗) is soaking Laba garlic(蒜),65.______ is the best seasoning(调味品) for the dumpling feast at the Spring Festival.‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)‎ ‎ 假如你是李华,收到你的好友李明的邮件。他告诉你,他英语考试总不及格,对英语学习失去信心。请你给李明用英语回一封邮件,给他以鼓励。内容要点如下:‎ ‎ 1.他的语文很好,说明他能够学好语言;‎ ‎ 2.给他的英语学习提出一些建议。‎ 注意:‎ ‎ 1.词数80左右;‎ ‎ 2.增加适当的细节使文章连贯;‎ ‎3.参考词汇:memorize vt.记忆 expression n.习语 Dear Li Ming, ‎ I am sorry to know that________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 第二节 读后续写(满分25分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 ‎ 注意: ‎ ‎1. 所续写短文的词数应为100左右; ‎ ‎2. 应使用以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; ‎ ‎3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; ‎ 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 ‎ Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money(筹钱) for a charity and we made about $500. But to our surprise, the next morning, we were told that the money had been stolen(偷). This morning I decided to ask Roy about the theft so I went to see him. Roy was out. I put his jacket on and put my hands in the pockets. I could feel a lot of paper notes(纸币) and I pulled them out. It looked as if there was about $500 there. I was so surprised that I just stood there, holding the notes in my hand. At that moment, Roy walked in.‎ Seeing me stand there with the money in my hand, Roy felt panicked(惊慌). ______________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ When we got to our head teacher’s office, ___________________________________________‎ ‎2019高一第三次月考英语答案 听力 1-5 BACBA 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 BAACB 16-20 AABCB 阅读 21-23 DBA 24-26 CBD 27-30 DBCD 31-35 ADEGF 完型 36-40 DBCDC 41-45 DACDA ‎ ‎ 46-50 BDCAD 51-55 BACDC 语填 56. twelfth 57. pronunciation 58. stories 59. is 60. a ‎ 61. eating 62. In 63. Traditionally 64. Another 65. which 作文 Dear Li Ming,‎ ‎ I am sorry to know that you’ve lost heart in English, because you always failed in your English test. Don’t worry too much. I know your Chinese is very good, which shows you have the ability to learn English well. You should be confident.‎ ‎ Now I’ll give you some suggestions. First, you should spend more time memorizing words and some useful expressions. Second, it is a good way to read more books in English, watch English movies and sing English songs. Last, why not talk with you classmates in English in your daily life. ‎ ‎ I hope my advice can help you a lot.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ Seeing me stand there with the money in my hand, Roy felt panicked(惊慌). I became very angry, and asked him about the money. He told me that he had stolen it because his mother was badly ill. I slowly calmed down and told him that I would help him overcome his difficulty. He agreed and we decided to return the money to our head teacher, Mr. Wang.‎ When we got to our head teacher’s office, Roy returned all the paper notes to Mr. Wang, and said sorry to him. Besides, he promised never to do it again. Though Mr. Wang was so surprised, he praised him for his courage and would like to raise money to help him. ‎

