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必修二 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits (主题语境:人与自我——健康的生活方式) 1.fit adj.健康的;强健的;适合的;能胜任的 v.适合;使(衣服)合身;使适应;使胜 任 n.适合;合身 ◆选词填空(match,fit,suit) I want to take this jacket because it ①  fits me well and ②  matches my trousers,though the style doesn't ③  suit me. ◆单句填空 ④As far as I'm concerned, wherever you choose to live, you should try to fit in  with the local people. 重点单词 ⑤The water in this river isn't fit  to drink (drink), which makes the villagers worried. ◆完成句子 ⑥她和家人都骑自行车上班,这有益于他们保持健康。 She and her family bicycle to work,which  helps them keep fit . ⑦今天,围绕着灰狼在黄石国家公园里的适应情况如何的辩论还在继续。 Today, the debate continues over how well the gray wolf is  fitting in at Yel- lowstone. ⑧对人们来说保持健康最好的方法之一就是养成健康的饮食习惯。 One of the best ways for people  to keep fit is to develop healthy eating habits. ⑨他爸爸在一家银行给他找了一份工作,可是很快他就明显不适合那种工作 了。 His father got him a job in a bank but soon it became clear that he was not fit for that kind of work. 点拨 (1)keep/stay fit 保持健康 be fit for the job/position 适合/胜任这项工作/这个职位 be fit to do 适合做…… (2)fit v.适合;使适应;合身 fit in 适合;相处融洽 fit in with 适应;与……合得来 fit 指大小、尺寸、形状合适,引申为“吻合,协调” suit 指颜色、样式、需要、品味、条件、地位等合适。另外,用于比喻意 义时多用suit match 多指颜色、样式、性质等一致,相匹配 辨析 fit/suit/match 易错 fit的过去式和过去分词有两种:fitted/fit,在美语中常用fit。 2.anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 ◆单句填空 ①Why is Zhou Kai's mother  anxious (anxiety)?(教材原句) ②  Anxiously (anxious)I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical mountain. ③According to Life in Likes, as children grew, they became more anxious to get (get) more public approval. ④I was really anxious  about/for you. You shouldn't have left home without a word. ⑤While the peace of the countryside attracts many people, most farmers are eager   to leave (leave) home. ⑥He had longed  to buy (buy) that beautiful watch but didn't have enough money until last week. ◆句型升级 ⑦All the people present at the meeting were waiting for the decision anxiously. (用介词短语替代加黑单词) →All the people present at the meeting were waiting for the decision with anxiey . ⑧The mother said nothing and she was anxious for her son. →The mother said nothing,  anxious for/about son .(用形容词短语作状语) 点拨 (1)be anxious for/about担心 be anxious to do...渴望做…… be anxious +从句(从句中常用虚拟语气)盼望/渴望…… (2)anxiety n.担心;焦虑;渴望 with anxiety焦急地 (3)anxiously adv.焦虑地;急切地     be eager/dying/thirsty for sth. be eager/dying/thirsty to do sth.    desire for sth. desire to do sth.    long for sth. long to do sth.    联想 表示“渴望做某事”的其他表达: 3.injure vt.伤害;损害 ◆选词填空(injure,harm,hurt,wound) ①Two men were severely injured when trying to save a 5-year-old girl from the burning house. ②Don't  harm  your eyes by reading in bed. ③What really  hurt  me was that he ignored me on purpose. ④About 50 people were seriously  wounded  in the attack. ◆单句填空 ⑤A week ago,Zhou Kai  injured (injury) his arm.(教材原句) ⑥We would have put John's name on the race list yesterday but for his recent  injury (injure). ⑦He's had one of his legs  injured (injure) trying to save a boy from the fire. 点拨 (1)injure sb./oneself (尤指在事故中)伤害;使受伤 (2)injured adj.受伤的;有伤的 the injured 伤者 (3)injury n.受伤;伤害 辨析 injure/wound/harm/hurt injure 主要指在事故、比赛中受伤。其名词形式injury可指平时的大小创伤 或伤害 wound 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,特指战场上或打斗中受的伤 harm 作及物动词时,表示“对……有害”,特指伤及一个人的心情、健康、 权利、事业等。另外它也是不可数名词,意为“损害、伤害”,构成固 定短语 “do/cause harm to” hurt 为一般用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害 辨析 injure/wound/harm/hurt 4.normal adj.正常的;一般的 n.通常标准;一般水平 ◆单句填空 ①Due to global warming, by the end of this century the average global temperature will be 3.5℃  above normal. ②My parents thought it was  normally (normal)for a boy to be interested in ballet. ③When we are happy, our body works  normally (normal) and we feel relaxed and positive. ◆完成句子 ④所以你可以从我所说的看出,我是一个正常的人。(教材原句) So as you can see from what I've said, I'm  a normal kind of person. ⑤这样的长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。  It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip. ⑥台风“天鹅”过后,一切恢复了正常。 After the Typhoon Swan, everything  returned to normal . ⑦他的英语水平远低于正常标准,这使得他父母很着急。 His English level is far  below normal , which makes his parents very wor- ried. 点拨 (1)It's normal to do...做……是正常的 return/come back to normal恢复正常 above/below normal标准以上/下 in the normal way按通常情况 (2)abnormal adj.反常的 normally adv.正常地 1.be connected with 与……有联系 ◆单句填空 ①Which word is connected  with food?(教材原句) ②Most animals have little  connection (connect) with animals of a different kind unless they kill them for food. ③There was nothing  to connect (connect) him  with the crime. ④The police are searching for the man in  connection (connect) with the killing of a customer outside a bank. 重点短语 ◆完成句子 ⑤For those with family members far away, personal computers and phones are important in  staying connected (保持联系). 点拨 (1)connect A with/to B 把A和B连接起来 connect A with B 把A和B联系起来   与……有联系 (2)connection n.联系;关系 have a (no) connection with与……有(无)关系   与……有关 be connected with... be related to...    in connection with... have sth. to do with...    易错 表示两者有形的连接时,to和with都可以与connect连用;指“与……有联系,与 ……有关”时,后接with而不接to。 2.be crazy about 迷恋;热衷于 ◆单句填空 ①But there's one thing I really love—I'm crazy  about football.(教材原句) ②You must be crazy  to drive home (drive) home in such terrible weather. ◆完成句子 ③If I had devoted more energy to my study instead of  being crazy about (迷恋于)Internet games, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now. ④Constant quarrels between my parents  are driving me crazy (正在让我抓 狂). If only I had a warm and harmonious family. ⑤All of a sudden some passengers on board let out screams,running upstairs like crazy (拼命地). 点拨 be crazy to do sth.做某事真是疯狂 go crazy发疯 drive sb. crazy逼得某人发疯 like crazy 拼命地;极快地 crazy fans疯狂的粉丝 a crazy idea 一个荒唐的主意 1. That's because... 教材原句 But that's because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.但那是因为 我太愚蠢了竟然在雨中踢足球。 ◆选词填空(because/why) ①This is  why there is a saying that if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. ②Tom overslept this morning.That is  why he was late for work. 重点句型 ③Not once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and that's  because she is a strong-willed woman. ◆句型转换 I didn't go to the cinema that day because there was a lot of work to do. ④There was a lot of work to do.  That is why I didn't go to the cinema that day. ⑤I didn't go to the cinema that day. That is because there was a lot of work to do. ⑥ The reason why I didn't go to the cinema that day is that there was a lot of wor k to do. 点拨 (1)because在此处引导表语从句,说明原因。because引导表语从句时,主语一 般是it、this、that等。 (2)why引导表语从句时,说明结果。 (3)The reason why...is that...(该句型中that不可换成because)……的原因是…… 2.祈使句+and/or+陈述句 教材原句 Go to bed now or you'll be really tired tomorrow. 现在就去睡觉,否则明天你会很累的。 ◆单句填空 ①Read this story,  and you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. ②Follow your teacher's advice,  or you will fail the exam. ③Before you quit your job,  consider (consider) how your family would feel about your decision. ④  Search (search) the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. ◆单句改错 ⑤Give me a chance, and I give you a wonderful surprise.  I 后加will ⑥Seizing the chance, or you won't have one any more.  Seizing→Seize 点拨 (1)祈使句+or+陈述句,相当于“if+否定条件状语从句+主句”。or可用or else 或otherwise替换。 (2)祈使句+and+陈述句,相当于“if+条件状语从句+主句”。 (3)祈使句可由一个名词短语来代替,而在名词短语中,通常含有more、another、 further、earlier等词。

