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1.【黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学 2019 届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题】 There are so many expressions concerning beauty in different countries.”Love is putting someone else's needs before yours.The beauty comes from the heart,not from the outside.” My story has a different view. My daughter was reading her English composition aloud. It was titled My Mother. All of a sudden, she ___21___ and walked to the kitchen where I was busy preparing for tea. “Mom, what does ‘beautiful’ ___22___ ?” she asked, “‘Beautiful’ is someone or something that is very ___23___ to look at,” I explained. “You mean like all those actresses you see on TV?” she said. “That’s right ,” I said, hoping to end the ___24___. “Are you, beautiful?”. She asked rather ___25___. What was one to answer? She was ___26___ my looks with those of some film stars and ___27___ it was I who treated beauty as good ___28___. Suddenly I hit upon an idea to solve her ___29___. “Why don’t you ask Dad?” As soon as my ___30___ reached home and had his evening coffee, I saw her ___31___ to her dad, “I have a doubt,” She said, “What is it, my dear?” my husband asked. I couldn’t ___32___ my curiosity and I listened to the father-daughter ___33___. “Dad, is Mom beautiful?” “Of course she is. Don’t you think so?” Well…She began rather doubtfully. “Let me show you our wedding ___34___. See here. Isn’t she the most beautiful person in the world” “See. your mom was ___35___ when she said beautiful is just looking good. When you ___36___ someone, the person becomes beautiful in your eyes.” My daughter was ___37___ for a while. Then a smile ___38___ climbed into her face as she ___39___ “Mom. is beautiful…Dad is beautiful because I love you both…” I was ___40___ to have found someone who loved me enough to think of me as the most beautiful person in the world. 21. A. fell B. bent C. awoke D. stopped 22. A. mean B. reward C. change D. face 23. A. concerned B. attractive C. excited D. particular 24. A. conflict B. model C. argument D. discussion 25. A. doubtfully B. coldly C. carelessly D. impatiently 26. A. mixing B. comparing C. sharing D. charging 27. A. in addition B. above all C. after all D. in turn 28. A. data B. conditions C. majors D. looks 29. A. confusion B. anxiety C. sorrow D. bitterness 30. A. brother B. husband C. cousin D. nephew 31. A. walk B. cycle C. rush D. refer 32. A. accept B. control C. satisfy D. destroy 33. A. conversation B. advice C. laugh D. quarrel 34. A. dinner B. celebration C. album D. church 35. A. right B. wrong C. silly D. pleased 36. A. praise B. love C. hug D. bless 37. A. active B. silent C. satisfied D. grateful 38. A. slowly B. merely C. hardly D. eagerly 39. A. finished B. admitted C. heard D. chanted 40. A. common B. serious C. lucky D. cautious 【文章大意】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议类短文,女儿与我讨论什么是美?我把美丽的外貌和美联系起来, 丈夫告诉女儿爱能产生美,当我们爱某个人的时候,他/她就是最美的。 【答案与解析】 22. A。考查动词辨析。A. mean 意味着;B. reward 奖励;C. change 改变;D. face 面对; 女儿跑进厨房问我美丽意味着什么。故 A 项正确。 23. B。考查形容词辨析。A. concerned 担心,担忧;B. attractive 有吸引力的;C. excited 兴奋的,激动的;D. particular 尤其的,特别的;我向女儿解释,美就是那些看见来很有吸 引力的人或物。作者把美和外貌联系在一起。故 B 项正确。 24. D。考查名词辨析。A. conflict 冲突;B. model 模型;C. argument 争论;D. discussion 讨论;美就是那些看起来很有吸引力的人或物。女儿随着认为美就像是电视里看见的女演员, 我告诉她说的对,我不想在和女儿讨论这个话题。故 D 项正确。 25. A。考查副词辨析及上下文串联。A. doubtfully 怀疑地;B. coldly 冷酷地;C. carelessly 粗心地;D. impatiently 不耐烦地;句意:那你漂亮吗?女儿怀疑地问。女儿对我把美与外貌 向联系有疑问,与 11 空后“I have a doubt,” She said”一致。故 A 项正确。 26. B。考查动词辨析。A. mixing 混合;B. comparing 比较;C. sharing 分享;D. charging 控告,充电;女儿把我的外貌和其他电影明星的外貌进行比较。所以才有所怀疑,毕竟正是 我自己把美丽和外来联系在一起的。故 B 项正确。 30. B。考查上下文串联。A. brother 兄弟;B. husband 丈夫;C. cousin 堂兄弟,表姐妹; D. nephew 侄儿;根据前句可知我让她去问她爸爸,也是就是我的丈夫。所以当我丈夫回来 以后,女儿立刻去问他了。故 B 项正确。 31. C。考查动词辨析。A. walk 步行;B. cycle 转圈;C. rush 冲;D. refer 提到;当丈夫 回来的时候,女儿冲过去询问。动词 rush 说明女儿焦急的心情。故 C 项正确。 32. B。考查动词辨析。A. accept 接受;B. control 控制;C. satisfy 使…满意;D. destroy 破坏,毁坏;当女儿和丈夫讨论的时候,我无法控制好奇心,过去偷听他们的对话。故 B 项正确。 33. A。考查名词辨析。A. conversation 对话;B. advice 建议;C. laugh 笑声;D. quarrel 争吵;当女儿和丈夫讨论的时候,我无法控制好奇心,过去偷听他们的对话。故 A 项正确。 34. C。考查名词辨析。A. dinner 晚餐;B. celebration 庆典;C. album 专辑,影集;D. church 教堂;丈夫把结婚的影集拿出来给女儿看,向女儿展示美的含义。故 C 项正确。 38. A。考查副词辨析。A. slowly 慢慢地;B. merely 仅仅;C. hardly 几乎不;D. eagerly 急切地;听完丈夫的话,女儿沉默了一会,然后微笑慢慢出现在她的脸上。故 A 项正确。 39. D。考查动词辨析。A. finished 完成;B. admitted 承认;C. heard 听见;D. chanted 吟 唱,叫喊;句意:她喊着“因为我爱爸爸妈妈,妈妈很美丽,爸爸也很美。”这是女儿最后的 感悟,故 D 项正确。 40. C。考查形容词辨析。A. common 普通的,常见的;B. serious 严肃的,认真的;C. lucky 幸运的;D. cautious 谨慎的;我很幸运找到了一个足够爱我的人,而且她认为我是世界上最 美的人。故 C 项正确。 2.【河北省武邑中学 2018 届高三下学期第四次模拟考试英语试题】 About 30 years ago, I left Cuba for the United States with my 4-year-old son. After getting ___41___finally in Brunswick, New Jersey, I enrolled(注册)my son in ___42___Several weeks later, my son’s teacher asked me to meet him at his ___43___. In the teacher’s office, an exchange of ___44___was followed by his questions: “Is your son mentally retarded (弱智的), Does he suffer from any kind of ___45___disability?” Was he talking about my wonderful Scola? No, no it can’t be. What a ___46___. lonely moment! I told him that Scola was a quiet, sweet little boy, instead. I asked him why he was asking me all these questions. My son could not ___47___the teacher’s directions, he told me, and ___48___. Scola was disrupting the class. Didn’t he know my son did not speak English yet? He was ___49___; “Why hasn’t your son been taught to speak English? Don’t you speak English at home?” No, I didn’t speak English at home, I ___50___, I was sure my son would learn English in a couple of months, and I didn’t want him to forget his ___51___language. Well, wrong answer! What kind of person would not speak in English to her son at home and at all time? “Are you one of those people who come to this country to save dollars and send them back to their country, ___52___wanting to be a part of this society?” ___53___, I tried to tell him I was not one of “those people”. Then he told me the ___54___was over, and I left. As I had ___55___, my son learned to speak English ___56___before the school year was over. He went on to graduate from college and got a ___57___, earning close to six figures. He travels widely and leads a well-adjusted, contented life. And he has ___58___from being bilingual (双语的). Speaking more than one language allows people to ___59___with others; it teaches people about other ___60___and other places something very basic and obviously lacking in the “educator” I met in New Jersey. 41. A. solved B. settled C. situated D. involved 42. A. school B. company C. community D. kindergarten 43. A. office B. home C. house D. workshop 44. A. questions B. greetings C. information D. requests 45. A. physical B. emotional C. educational D. mental 46. A. careless B. helpless C. useless D. worthless 47. A. hear B. repeat C. follow D. explain 48. A. thus B. however C. otherwise D. though 49. A. angry B. calm C. surprised D. sad 50. A. refused B. replied C. reminded D. rewarded 51. A. spoken B. written C. second D. native 52. A. often B. never C. seldom D. once 53. A. Needless to say B. Beyond words C. For no reason D. To make matters worse 54. A. instruction B. blame C. meeting D. discussion 55. A. planned B. noted C. suggested D. expected 56. A. easily B. fluently C. hardly D. exactly 57. A. job B. degree C. chance D. scholarship 58. A. suffered B. benefited C. learned D. grown 59. A. deal B. stay C. communicate D. match 60. A. languages B. customs C. traditions D. cultures 【文章大意】 本文通过作者儿子学英语的成长经历,告诉人们会说不止一种语言容易和其他人沟通, 并从中获益。 【答案与解析】 41. B。考查动词。A. solved 解决; B. settled 定居; C. situated 使位于; D. involved 牵涉。最后定居在 Brunswick,New Jersey 之后,我在幼儿园给儿子报了名。故选 B。 42. D。考查名词。A. school 学校; B. company 公司; C. community 社区; D. kindergarten 幼儿园。最后定居在 Brunswick,New Jersey 之后,我在幼儿园给儿子报了名。 故选 D。 43. A。考查名词。A. office 办公室; B. home 家; C. house 房子; D. workshop 车间。几周后我儿子的老师让我去他办公室见面。故选 A。 44. B。考查名词。A. questions 问题; B. greetings 问候; C. information 信息; D. requests 请求。见面之后互相问候是人之常情。故选 B。 47. C。考查动词。A. hear 听见; B. repeat 重复; C. follow 跟着; D. explain 解释。老师告诉我,我的儿子在课上不能跟着老师的思路走,因此他在干扰课堂。故选 C。 48. A。考查副词。A. thus 因此; B. however 然而; C. otherwise 要不然的话; D. though 可是。老师告诉我,我的儿子在课上不能跟着老师的思路走,因此他在干扰课堂。 故选 A。 49. A。考查形容词。A. angry 生气的; B. calm 平静的; C. surprised 感到惊讶 的; D. sad 伤心的。根据老师说的话“Why hasn’t your son been taught to speak English? Don’t you speak English at home?”可知,老师生气了。故选 A。 50. B。考查动词。A. refused 拒绝; B. replied 回答; C. reminded 提醒; D. rewarded 回报,奖励。“不,我在家不说英语”,我回答老师的问题。故选 B。 51. D。考查形容词。A. spoken 口语的; B. written 书面语; C. second 第二; D. native 本国的,本土的。我不想让孩子忘记他的母语。故选 D。 52. B。考查副词。A. often 经常; B. never 从来没有; C. seldom 很少,难得; D. once 曾经。你从来不想成为你所在社会的一部分吗?根据句意可知选 B。 56. B。考察骨刺。A. easily 容易地; B. fluently 流利地; C. hardly 几乎不; D. exactly 准确地。正如我所预料到的,在学年结束前我儿子能流利地说英语了。故选 B。 57. A。考查名词。A. job 工作; B. degree 学位; C. chance 机会; D. scholarship 奖学金。我儿子大学毕业,得到一份工作,工资达到六位数。故选 A。 58. B。考查动词。A. suffered 遭受; B. benefited 受益; C. learned 学习,学会; D. grown 生长。我儿子从双语中获益。故选 B。 59. C。考查动词。A. deal 处理; B. stay 暂停; C. communicate 交流; D. match 匹配。会说不止一种语言允许人们和其他人容易沟通。故选 C。 60. D。考查名词。A. languages 语言; B. customs 风俗; C. traditions 传统; D. cultures 文化。会说不止一种语言允许人们和其他人容易沟通,它教人们了解关于其他的 文化和其他的地方。故选 D。 3.【全国名校联盟 2018 年高考《考试大纲》猜题卷(全国卷 II、III)第一套模拟英语试题】 I was driving my car the other day. The radio was playing, and I was ___21___ along. The song was a ___22___ one and even my weak voice sounded good. Then something bad ___23___, however. The sweet sound of the music ended and was ___24___ with the alarming news break. I drove on while the ___25___ said prices were going higher again because of the ___26___ speculation (投机) on Wall Street. The race for the Presidency was getting worse. Violence ___27___ when fans of a sports team went wild,___28___ their favorite team’s championship. Finally, I could ___29___ no more and turned off the radio. Silence seemed ___30___ to listening to anything else about the crazy, competitive society we live in. I slowed down as I entered a local town and ___31___ the people. ___32___ a smiling woman was throwing birdseed into her backyard, a dozen birds flew down to enjoy the ___33___ being laid out before them. A young man was ___34___ his little daughter safely in his arms. He tickled (胳肢)her ___35___ when she pulled the hat off his head and they both laughed. I laughed too as I looked at all of this ___36___. Although in my car the radio was ___37___, in my heart I was still singing. ___38___, this world could use a little more kindness and a lot less competition. Kindness makes us all __39___ in this life. Your only competition is with ___40___: to be the best possible you that you can be. 21. A. singing B. dancing C. listening D. running 22. A. serious B. joyful C. sorrowful D. popular 23. A. disappeared B. struck C. occurred D. continued 24. A. disturbed B. combined C. compared D. replaced 25. A. speaker B. announcer C. singer D. programmer 26. A. creative B. representative C. competitive D. positive 27. A. broke out B. broke down C. broke in D. broke up 28. A. congratulating B. celebrating C. defending D. promoting 29. A. ignore B. escape C. share D. take 30. A. comfortable B. appropriate C. preferable D. pleasant 31. A. sought B. appreciated C. visited D. watched 32. A. While B. Until C. Before D. After 33. A. smile B. service C. feast D. attraction 34. A. carrying B. tying C. placing D. dragging 35. A. angrily B. gently C. terribly D. firmly 36. A. love B. mess C. kindness D. phenomenon 37. A. down B. on C. out D. off 38. A. In truth B. In theory C. In brief D. In turn 39. A. winners B. leaders C. fighters D. learners 40. A. society B. yourself C. oneself D. others 【文章大意】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。几天前,天气不错,作者开车,车上收音机里播放着动听的歌曲, 一切都是如此的美好,然而随后播放的新闻,让作者对于生活在一个疯狂竞争化的社会里而 感到叹息,于是缓慢行驶进入到一个小镇,目睹了小镇上人们的友善的行为之后,作者觉得 这个世界本可以有更多的友善更少的竞争;友善会让我们成为这辈子的赢家;生活应该充满 友善,爱和愉快。 【答案与解析】 23. C。考查动词词义辨析。A. disappeared 消失;B. struck 攻击;C. occurred 发生;D. continued 继续。由关键词“however”以及前文可知作者话锋一转,然而,不好的事情发生了。 故选 C。 24. D。考查动词词义辨析。A. disturbed 打扰;B. combined 使结合;C. compared 比较; D. replaced 代替。由第二段的内容可推断,收音机里美好的音乐已经结束,被令人震惊的新 闻代替。故选 D。 25. B。考查名词词义辨析。A. speaker 演讲者;B. announcer 播音员;C.singer 歌手; D. programmer 程序设计者。由上文提到的“the alarming news break”和空格下文可推断,此 处描述播音员在播放新闻。故选 B。 26. C。考查形容词词义辨析。A. creative 由创造力的;B. representative 典型的;C. competitive 有竞争力的;D. positive 积极的。由上文“prices were going higher again”可推断, 因为华尔街的竞争性投机,价格又上涨了。故选 C。 27. A。考查动词短语辨析。A. broke out 爆发;B. broke down 出故障;C. broke in 闯入; D. broke up 分手。由下文“when fans of a sports team went wild”可推断,因为一只运动队的球 迷疯狂,爆发了暴力事件。故选 A。 28. B。考查动词词义辨析。A. congratulating 祝贺;B. celebrating 庆祝;C. defending 保 卫;维护 D. promoting 提升;促销。由下文“their favorite team’s championship”可推断,球 迷们为了庆祝他们喜欢的球队得了冠军而发生了暴乱。故选 B。 29. D。考查动词词义辨析。A. ignore 忽视;B. escape 逃跑;C. share 共享;D. take 接受。 结合上文可知,收音机里的新闻并不令人愉快的,油价的上涨,总统竞选越来越激烈,两个 球队的粉丝爆发了厮打,因此推断作者不能再接受这些新闻,于是关掉了收音机。故选 D。 30. C。考查形容词词义辨析。A. comfortable 舒适的;B. appropriate 适当的;C. preferable 更可取的;D. pleasant 令人愉快的。由上文“ turned off the radio”可推断,比起听任何别的关 于我们所生活的这个疯狂、竞争化的社会相比,寂静似乎是更可取的,故选 C。 31. D。考查动词词义辨析。A. sought 寻找;B. appreciated 感激;C. visited 参观;D. watched 观看。由下文“ I laughed too as I looked at all of this ___16___.”可推断,我减速进入一个当地 的小镇,看着那里的人们。故选 D。 32. A。考查状语从句。A. While 当……时候;B. Until 直到;C. Before 在……以前;D. After 在……以后。结合前后分句句意可知,当一个笑容满面的女人把鸟食扔进她的后院时, 十几只鸟飞下来享受摆在它们面前的盛宴。while 引导时间状语从句。故选 A。 33. C。考查名词词义辨析。A. smile 微笑;B. service 服务;C. feast 盛宴;D. attraction 吸引。根据语境可知,此处指摆在鸟前面的扔在地上的鸟食,对鸟来说是盛宴。故选 C。 34. A。考查动词词义辨析。A. carrying 携带;B. tying 系;C. placing 放置;D. dragging 拖拽。由下文“ in his arms”可推断,一个年轻人把他的小女儿安全地抱在怀里。carrysb. in one’ arms 表示“抱着”。故选 A。 37. D。考查介词短语辨析。A. down 向下;B. on(机器、电灯等)在工作;C. out 出去; D. off 未连接;不工作。由上文“Finally, I could ___9___ no more and turned off the radio.”可 知,尽管车内的收音机已经关上,但是在我的心里,依然在唱歌。故选 D。 38. A。考查介词短语辨析。A. In truth 事实上;B. In theory 理论上;C. In brief 简而言 之;D. In turn 依次。最后一段对上文的总结。事实上,这个世界可以多一点仁慈,少一点 竞争。故选 A。 39. A。考查名词词义辨析。A. winners 获胜者;B. leaders 领导者;C. fighters 战士;D. learners 学习者。友好让我们都成为获胜者。故选 A。 40. B。考查名词词义辨析。A. society 社会;B. yourself 你自己;C. oneself 自己;D. others 其他人。由下文“ to be the best possible you that you can be”可推断,你唯一的竞争就是和自己, 做你能够成为的最好的自己。故选 B。

