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‎2018届二轮复习非谓语动词作宾语典题练习 一用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。‎ ‎1. I practice ______(play) the piano twice a week.我每周练习两次弹钢琴。‎ ‎2. I consider _____(wait) a bit longer before I give up.我考虑放弃之前再等待一段时间。‎ ‎3. I have great fun_____(play) basketball.我喜欢打篮球。‎ ‎4. Let's finish_____(do) the work together.让我们一起完成工作吧。‎ ‎5. My father has given up ______(smoke).我爸爸已经戒烟了。‎ ‎6. I can't imagine ______(marry) such a woman.我不能想象娶了这样一个女人。 ‎ ‎7. I kept _____(study) English for 1 hour yesterday evening.昨天晚上,我一直学了1小时英语。‎ ‎8. Sometimes students put off ______(do) their homework until the last minute.有时学生们会拖延到最后一分钟才做作业。‎ ‎9. To win the gamble, he risked_____(lose) 100 dollars.为了赢这场赌局,他冒了失去100美元的风险。10. I suggest ______(travel)abroad next month.  我建议下个月出国旅行。‎ ‎11. He admitted______ (make) the mistake. 他承认犯了错误。‎ ‎12. He advises ______(go)to see a movie.他建议去看电影。‎ ‎13. We don't allow ______(smoke) in the classroom. 我们不允许在班里吸烟。 ‎ ‎14. We shall appreciate______ (hear) from you again.我们恭候佳音。‎ ‎15. Try to avoid______ (drink)and smoking. 尽量避免喝酒和抽烟。‎ ‎16. Why have you delayed______(write) to him?你为什么迟迟不给他写回信?‎ ‎17. John denied______ (sign) the contract.约翰否认签了合同。‎ ‎18. I like to discuss ______(discuss)sports with my friends.我喜欢和我朋友讨论体育运动。‎ ‎19. He dislikes ______(dance) in public.他不喜欢在公众场合跳舞。‎ ‎20. He escaped _____(kill).他没有被杀。‎ ‎21. He can't excuse ______(come)late for work.他不能原谅上班迟到。‎ ‎22. Are you fancy______(buy) some food with me?你愿不愿意和我一起去买点吃的?‎ ‎23. They forbid ______(forbid) here. 他们禁止在这里停车。‎ ‎24. He mentioned______(watch) TV.他提到了看电视。‎ ‎25.Would you mind______ (open)window?你介意开窗户吗?‎ ‎26.The thief missed______(catch) yesterday.那小偷昨天没能被抓住。‎ ‎27. We do not permit______ (smoke) in the office. 在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。‎ ‎28. They prohibit ______(smoke) in public.他们禁止在公共场合吸烟。‎ 答案:‎ 1. playing;2.waiting;3.playing;4.doing;5.smoking;6.marrying ‎7.studying 8. doing;9.losing ;10 traveling ;11.making;12.going;13.smoking;14.hearing;15.drinking ;16.writing;17.signing;18.doing ;19.dancing;20.being killed;21.coming;22.buying ;23.parking;24.watching ;25.opening ;26.being caught;27smoking.;28.smoking ‎【二】 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。‎ ‎1. I want _____(buy)a new computer this afternoon.我想今天下午买台新电脑。‎ ‎2. I would like______ (invite) you to come to my birthday party this Saturday. 我想邀请你这周六来我的聚会。    ‎ ‎3. I wish ______(live) on the moon one day.我希望有一天在月球上生活。‎ ‎4.   I often help______ (do) some chores at home.我在家经常帮着做家务。‎ ‎5. I hope______( have) a good rest this weekend.我希望这周末好好休息一下。‎ ‎6. He finally learned______(play) the piano with the help of the teacher.在老师的帮助下他最终学会了弹钢琴。 ‎ ‎7. They managed ______( escape) the fire yesterday.昨天他们设法逃脱了火灾。‎ ‎8.  Never offer ______(teach) fish to swim. 别在强人面前逞能.‎ ‎9. He plans ______(travel) around the world.他计划要周游世界.‎ ‎10.  We can’t afford ______(go) abroad this summer.今年夏天我们没有足够的钱出国.‎ ‎11. He agreed ______( do) it at once.他同意立刻行动.‎ ‎12. I arrange______ ( wash) clothes tomorrow morning.   我安排好明天上午洗衣服。 ‎ ‎13.  The boy asks ______(go) to school by bike.这个男孩要求骑自行车去上学。‎ ‎14. He begged not ______ (put) into prison.他祈求不要被关进监狱。‎ ‎15. care ____(do) sth. 愿意/喜欢做某事 ‎16. He chose______(believe) what she had said.  他选择相信她说的话。   ‎ ‎17. She has decided______( travel )all over the world.她已经决定周游世界了。‎ ‎18. demand _____(do) sth. 要求做某事  ‎ ‎19. He determined ______( learn) French.他下定决心学习法语。‎ ‎20. I am expecting ______ (hear) from you soon. 我期待着早点收到你的来信。  ‎ ‎21. She fears ______ (live) on the mountain.她害怕住在山上。‎ ‎22. They prepared ______ (go) hiking this Sunday.  他们准备周日去远足。   ‎ ‎23.She pretended not______ (see) me.她假装没有看到我。‎ ‎24. I have promised ______ (give) the children some books. 我已经答应给孩子们一些书了。   ‎ ‎25. She refused______ (buy) a new cellphone for her boy.她拒绝给她儿子买新手机。‎ 答案:‎ ‎1.to buy;2.to invite;3.to live;4.(to)do;5.to have;6.to play;7.to escape;8.to teach;9.to travel;10.to go;11.to do;12.to wash;13.to go;14.to be put;15.to do;16.to believe;17.to travel;18.to do;19.to learn;20.to hear;21to live.;22.to go;23to see.;24.to give;25.to buy

