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‎2017年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试卷 一、听力理解(分5小节,共25小题:每小题1分,满分 25 分)‎ 第一节: 听句子,选择与所听内容或语境相关的图片代码。每个句子读两遍。‎ 第二节:听句子,选择恰当的情景应答语。每十句子读两遍。‎ ‎6. A. Don't mention it. B. Just so-so. C. Thank you.‎ ‎7. A. Good idea. B. Don't we? C. Will you? ‎ ‎8. A. My pleasure B. With pleasure. C. It doesn’t matter. ‎ ‎9. A. Congratulations. B.I’m sorry to hear that. C. Never mind. ‎ ‎10. A. He is a police artist. B. He likes sports very much. C. He is very strong. ‎ 第三节:听小对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。‎ ‎11. A. Yes,she does. B.Yes, She is. C. No.she isn't.‎ ‎12. A. At a post office. B. In a shop. C. At a hotel.‎ ‎13. A. 4. B. 6. C. 2.‎ ‎14. A. Football. B. Basketball. C.Volleyball.‎ ‎15. A. Doctor and patient. B. Boy friend and girl friend. C. Husband and wife. ‎ 第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选择能回答下列问题的最佳答案。每段对话读三遍。‎ ‎16. What’s the boy going to do this summer? ‎ ‎ A. To go camping. B. To go travelling. C. To work for the old people.‎ ‎17. Did the girl help any old people last summer? ‎ ‎ A.Yes, she did it with one of her best friends. B. Yes,she did it by herself. ‎ ‎ C. No. she is going to do it with the boy this summer.‎ ‎18. What did the girl do to old people?‎ ‎ A.She talked with them. B. She did some cleaning. C. Both A and B.‎ ‎19. Why are old people lonely?‎ ‎ A. Because they don’t any friends.‎ ‎ B. Because they don’t like to talk with others.‎ ‎ C. Because they are left home alone most of the time. ‎ ‎20. Will the girl join the boy this summer? ‎ A. Yes, she will. B. No.she won't. C. It depends. ‎ 第五节: 听短文,根据你所听到的内容填写出下面短文中所缺的信息。短文读两遍。(每空 限填一词) 请将此节的答案填写在答题卡非选择题部分的相应位置上。‎ ‎ With more and more women driving 21 , parking is a big problem for most of them. Some shopping malls offer women only parking lots which are 22 than the ones of man. Some people think it 23 because women really have trouble in parking. They need wider space to park safely and easily, which is good for her car and the cars next to it. But some others say no to this offer because they think that women have 24 the same driving test as men and therefore they should be able to park just as 25 . What's your idea about it? ‎ 二、单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列各题,从题后选项中选择一个最佳答案.‎ ‎26.(1分)Which of the following is the correct pronunciation for the word"interesting"?(  )‎ A./in'tristiŋ/ B./in'tristin/ C./'intrəstin/ D./'intrəstiŋ/‎ ‎27.(1分)I asked ____to do_____schoolwork by _____.(  )‎ A.him; his; himself B.her; her; itself C.her; his; myself D.him; her; herself ‎28.(1分)There are a lot of ____on the grass land.______sheep﹣dog is sitting next to them.(  )‎ A.sheep; The B.sheep; A C.sheeps; The D.sheeps; A ‎29.(1分)﹣How often do you have a meeting one month?‎ ‎﹣_______.(  )‎ A.For one week B.One week ago C.In one week D.Once a week ‎30.(1分)﹣Will Jim fly to Taiwan for a holiday?‎ ‎﹣He _____try.In fact,it depends on how much the journey costs.(  )‎ A.may B.has to C.need D.must ‎31.(1分)How noisy it is!Could you please ____the CD player a little?(  )‎ A.turn off B.turn down C.turn on D.turn up ‎32.(1分)She often parks her car near the house _____she can easily get to.(  )‎ A.where B.who C.which D.what ‎33.(1分)Which of the following is"dominoes"?(  )‎ A. B. C. D.‎ ‎34.(1分)Could you please tell ______?(  )‎ A.how can I make the machine work B.how I can make the machine work C.how I can make the machine to work D.how can I make the machine to work ‎35.(1分)Do you think _____acceptable for a group of women to dance to loud music on the ‎ square near your house?(  )‎ A.it B.that C.this D.its ‎36.(1分)When you _____me last night,I _____the piano.(  )‎ A.were calling; was playing B.were calling; played C.called; played D.called; was playing ‎37.(1分)A nurse_____Carolyn will look after the baby when his mother _____away.(  )‎ A.naming; is B.naming; will be C.named; is D.named; will be ‎38.(1分)Which of the following is the one that has 2 sides equal length and 2 angles of the same measure?(  )‎ A. B. C. D.‎ ‎39.(1分)_______is the best way to keep a good relationship with your parents,teachers and other people around you.(  )‎ A.Active communicating B.Actively communicating C.Active communication D.Actively communication ‎40.(1分)Which of the following is the same as"I saw him reading a book"in pattern(结构)?(  )‎ A.You have a very nice sister. B.He likes playing the piano.‎ C.They are good at math. D.We call her Ms Liu.‎ 三、完形填空(共2小题;每小题8分,满分15分)阅读下面两篇短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案.‎ ‎41.(8分) A Some people still live in their hometown.(41)   ,others may only see it once or twice a year.Nowadays,millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the(42)   .Among these is Zhou Wei,a(43)   husband and father.He has lived in Wenzhou for the last l3 years.‎ He used to return home(44)   once a year,but hasn't been back for almost three years now because of the hard job in a crayon factory."It's a shame,but I don't have the ‎ time."he says.‎ Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest(45)   their hometowns have charged.Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have(46)   .In my places the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help.But some things will never(47)   .In my hometown,there was a big old tree opposite the school,It is still there and has become quite a(48)   of the place.‎ ‎41.A.But B.So C.Therefore D.However ‎42.A.countries B.hometowns C.cities D.farms ‎43.A.46﹣year old B.46﹣years﹣old C.46 years old D.46﹣year﹣old ‎44.A.at least B.at last C.at the most D.at first ‎45.A.because B.since C.how D.while ‎46.A.appeared B.built C.found D.lost ‎47.A.begin B.change C.stay the same D.happen ‎48.A.school B.symbol C.hospital D.road.‎ 49. ‎(7分) B Mothers should be respected.My mother is a kind and gentle woman.She is very busy from morning till night.As a(49)   ,she works hard.As a mother,she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.‎ She teaches math at a middle school.She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home(50)   late in the afternoon.She loves her students and cares for them.She is respected by(51)   her students and colleagues.She has been chosen or elected (选举) as a model teacher several times.As soon as she comes back from school,she sets about(52)   housework and preparing nice dishes for us.Although she is busy and older for her age.she looks as cheerful and happy as ever.‎ Often she(53)   to us,"Work while you work.and play while you play.That is the way to happiness.If you do not work,you(54)   lazy and are of no use to society."What a good piece of advice it is!My mother is great indeed,and I always feel(55)   of her.‎ ‎49.A.teacher B.worker C.doctor D.driver ‎50.A,on B.at C.for D.until ‎51.A.either B.neither C.both D.none ‎52.A.to do B.doing C.do D.does ‎53.A.tells B.speaks C.says D.talks ‎54.A.become B.will become C.became D.becoming ‎55.A.proud B.bored C.satisfied D.tired.‎ ‎ ‎ 四、阅读理解 (共3小题;每小题10分,满分30分)阅读下面三段材料,根据材料内容和要求,从题后所给的四个选项中选择一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案.‎ ‎56.(10分) A There was once a guy who suffered from cancer, He was 18 years old and could die anytime.‎ He stayed in his house and never went outside. He was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once. So he asked for his mother’s permission, who was his only lifelong friend.‎ He walked down his block and saw a CD store. He stopped and looked through the front door.‎ He saw a beautiful girl about his age and knew it was love at first sight (看见). He opened the door and walked closer and closer to the desk where she sat. ‎ She looked up and asked, “Can I help you?” She smiled.‎ He thought it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen before, He answered, “Uh...Yeah...Umm...I would tike to buy a CD.”‎ He picked one out and gave her money for it. She wrapped(包裹) it carefully and gave it to him. He took it home and put it in his closet. From then on,the same thing happened every day until one evening the phone rang. The mother picked it up and answered, “Hello?” It was the girl! ‎ The mother started to cry and said, “You don’t know? He passed away yesterday…” The line was quiet except for the cries of the mother.‎ ‎ Late that night, the mother went into the boy’s room and opened the CDs. She found pieces of paper with words: “Hi…I think U R really cute, Do u wanna go out with me? Love. Jocelyn.”‎ ‎56.Who took care of the guy all his life?   ‎ A.His father. B.The girl. C.His mother. D.A doctor.‎ ‎57.The guy fell in love with the girl   .‎ A.after he talked with her B.after she wrapped the CD for him C.The moment he saw her D.when he gave her money for the CD ‎58.What can we know about the girl from the passage?   ‎ A.She was beautiful. B.She loved the guy.‎ C.Her name was Jocelyn. D.Both A,B and C.‎ ‎59.How did the mother feel when she saw the words on piece of paper on the CDs?   ‎ A.Excited and surprised. B.Disappointed but excited.‎ C.Moved and excited. D.Moved but deeply sad.‎ ‎60.The best title(题目) for the passage can be   .‎ A.Say"I love you" B.Love From a Mother C.A Beautiful Girl Selling CDs D.A CD Store.‎ 61. ‎(10分) B Little Women is a novel by an American writer,which was published in 1868 and 1869.The novels follows the lives of four sisters﹣Meg,Jo,Beth,and Amy March from childhood to womanhood.‎ These four sisters live with their mother.Meg and Jo March,the elder sister,both work outside the home for money to support the family.Meg teaches four children in a nearby family,while Jo helps her grand﹣aunt March,who is very rich.Beth helps with the housework,and Amy attends school.Their nearest neighbor is a rich man whose orphaned grandson lives with him.The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy,Laurie,who is the age of Jo.‎ ‎…‎ Meg is the beautiful sister; Jo is the tomboy(爱打闹的女孩); Beth is the musician; and Amy is the charming artist with the blond curls.Jo is easy to get angry.One of her challenges(挑战) in the growing up is to control her anger.Laurie enjoys his neighbors,joining the family often in play.His grandfather,Mr.Laurence,is charmed (吸引) by Beth,and gives her the piano sued by Laurie's late sister.‎ ‎61.Who wrote the novel Little Women?   ‎ A.Louisa May Alcott. B.Jo March. C.Laurence. D.Laurie.‎ ‎62.What does Little Women tell about?   ‎ A.About the lives of four sisters when they are young.‎ B.About the lives of four sisters when they are old.‎ C.About the lives of four sisters after they get married.‎ D.About the lives of four sisters when they grow up.‎ ‎63.What is Amy and how does the look like?   ‎ A.She is an artist and has golden curly hair. B.She is a musician and charming.‎ C.She is a teacher and has blond curls. D.She is an artist and easy to get angry.‎ ‎64.Who is Laurence?   ‎ A.He is very rich. B.He is an orphan. ‎ C.He is Laurie's grandfather. D.He is Jo's grandfather.‎ ‎65.What do we know about Laurie from the passage?   ‎ A.He lives with the four sisters. B.He is an orphan.‎ C.He is easy to get angry. D.He doesn't like his late sister.‎ 66. ‎(10分) C It is no longer as easy as it once was to choose what to eat.Our eating habits have changed,so has our way of life,and what we need for our bodies is also different.Traditional diets often have too much fat.So we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.‎ When we choose what to buy and eat,we had better think whether the food will give us the nutrients we need.Some nutrients help build our bodies and make them stronger.We eat fish,meat and beans because the nutrient in them is good for our muscles.We choose eggs,milk and other dairy products(奶制品),which are good for our bones and teeth.We eat bread,rice and noodles to get carbohydrates (糖类) from them.We choose vegetables and fruits get Vitamins,fiber and minerals.‎ But the choice we make are not just about nutrition(营养).Many today choose what to eat according to their beliefs.Some people become vegetarians(素食者) because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or they think we should not kill animals for food.‎ ‎66.It is not easy to choose what to eat nowadays because   .‎ A.our eating habits have changed B.our bodies are different C.our way of life has changed D.Both A and C ‎67.If you want to keep your bones strong and healthy,you had better choose   to eat.‎ A.fish and meat B.meat and beans C.eggs and milk D.vegetables and fruits ‎68.What does nutrients mean?   ‎ A.蛋白质 B.营养物质 C.脂肪 D.钙 ‎69.Some people don't eat meat because   .‎ A.they don't like animals B.they believe animals should be protected C.they don't meat D.they think meat is not safe ‎70.We can probably get this information from a guidebook(指南)   .‎ A.for diets B.for medicines C.for travelling D.for cooking.‎ 五、任务型完形填空(共1小题:每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,结构正确.(每个单词限用一次)‎ ‎71.(10分)‎ closer.who without happen farmer greatly comfort as make our The development of technologies has(71)   changed the life styles of the people all over the world.Radio,TV,computer,fax and satellites bring different countries and people(72)   to each other.We can see nearly everything(73)   thousands o miles away and communicate with people in different lands (74)   leaving home.We don't have to shopping every day.Once a week we buy(75)   household materials including meat,vegetables,etc,and store them in refrigerators.With the help of tiny scissors doctors can examine the child(76)   is still in the womb(子宫) of his mother.(77)   use newer technology both for agricultural activities as well as for their(78)   .The need of oil technology,such(79)   long pipelines (管线),electric power,good roads,airports,bring people from different lands to the Gulf(海湾) countries to(80)   a living.‎ 六、任务型阅读理解(共1小题:每小题10分.满分10分)阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面的小题.‎ ‎81.(10分)‎ Bullying(欺凌) has become a big problem in schools,which has caused serious attention of the society.To know what drives bullying will help to stop it.①There are many factors that make a child involve in bullying:②Parents are busy with their work,leaving their children alone with the grandparents. They don't get love or warmth from their ‎ parents.Children who are bullied are easier to bully others.Some children bully others to get respect from other kids.Teenage girls bully to win attention or love from someone.Movies,video games also play a role in a child's bullying action.‎ Parents,teachers,schools and society should ③work jointly to stop bullying.As students,you should respect others and not make fun of their weaknesses.If you are bullied,you have the right to tell your parents or teachers about it first and ask them for help.‎ ‎81.文中①处画线句子中有一个单纯的意思是"因素",这个词是   ‎ ‎82.将文中②处画线句子翻译成汉语.‎ ‎   ‎ ‎83.文中③处"work jointly"means"work together".Do you think so?‎ ‎   ‎ ‎84.Why do teenage girls bully others?‎ ‎   ‎ ‎85.What should students do to stoop bullying?‎ ‎   .‎ ‎ ‎ 七、口语交际(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使对话完整、符合逻辑.(其中有两项为多余选项)‎ ‎86.(10分)A:Welcome to the English Club.My name is Jack.Today we are going to talk about the best ways to learn English.(86)   B:No,it's too hard to understand spoken English in them.‎ A:(87)   Do you learn English that way?‎ B:Yes,I do.It helps to write English very day.‎ A:Have you ever studied with a group?‎ B:Yes.I have learned a lot that way.‎ A:(88)   B:Yes,it is.It really improves my listening and speaking skills.‎ A:What about reading aloud to practice pronunciations?‎ B:I do that sometimes because I often need to look up new words in a dictionary.‎ A:What else do you do to improve your English?‎ B:(89)   A:(90)   .I will be very glad to help you.‎ B:I will.Thanks a lot.It's very kind of you.‎ A.What's your idea about learning English?‎ B.I often watch English cartoon films.‎ C.Do you learn English by watching videos?‎ D.What about keeping a diary in English?‎ E.I like English very much.‎ F.Call me if you have any difficulties.‎ G.Having conversations with friends is also a good way try,isn't it?‎ 八、词汇考查(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎91.(1分)Don't   (worry).Time is enough for you to finish the examination paper.‎ ‎92.(1分)I'd like to   (share) your idea about pollution.‎ ‎93.(1分)Many   (hero) have set good examples for us to follow.‎ ‎94.(1分)He is always   (care) about his schoolwork,so he keeps making the same mistakes.‎ ‎95.(1分)My mother with her friends often   (go) shopping on weekends.‎ ‎96.(1分)Two   (three) of the students in our class have been to Disneyland somewhere.‎ ‎97.(1分)It   (believe) that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.‎ ‎98.(1分)The road to   (succeed) is to work honestly.‎ ‎99.(1分)She   (study) English in the school since she left her hometown.‎ ‎100.(1分)It is   (good) to listen than to speak.‎ ‎ ‎ 九、按要求完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给汉语提示完成句子.(每空限填一词)‎ ‎101.(2分)我们绝不要放弃实现自己梦想的努力.‎ We will never give up   to make our dreams    true.‎ ‎102.(2分)永远不要为了结交朋友或保持友谊而做一件错事.‎ Never do a wrong thing to    a    or keep one.‎ ‎103.(2分)无论学生在学校里发生什么事,老师总会在他们身边帮助他们.‎ ‎       what happened to the students in the school,their teachers will always be there for them.‎ ‎104.(2分)她参军已经快十年了.‎ She       in the army for almost 10years.‎ ‎105.(2分)我认为她不会拒绝我们的求助.‎ I don't think he will       to our asking him for help.‎ ‎ ‎ 十、书面表达(满分15分)‎ ‎106.(15分)同学们好!会工作、会学习、会运动、会娱乐就是会生活.良好的运动习惯是生活的重要组成部分.请你根据以下内容要点提示,以"Sports Make Me Strong and Confident"为题,写一篇短文,可以适当发挥.‎ ‎1、每天早晨6:30按时起床,做半个小时运动,晚饭后散步1个小时左右.‎ ‎2、骑车或步行上学.‎ ‎3、主动上体育课,积极参加课外活动,从不旷课.‎ ‎4、身体健康,精力充沛,运动会常得第一,永远保持运动习惯.‎ 写作要求:‎ ‎1、80~100词,开头部分已给出(需抄到答题卡上),但不计入规定词数.‎ ‎2、内容合理;要点齐全;句子及篇章结构正确;连贯;书写规范.‎ ‎3、不得出现校名和自己的姓名等个人信息.‎ Everybody,men or woman,young or old,should have a good habit of doing sports.So should I,and so I do. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2017年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试卷 参考答案与试题解析 一、听力理解(分5小节,共1小题:每小题5分,满分 25 分)‎ ‎1~5 DEBAC 6~10 CABAC 11~15 BCBAC 16~20 CACCA ‎21. cars 22. larger 23.necessary 24.passed 25. well ‎ 二、单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列各题,从题后选项中选择一个最佳答案.‎ ‎26.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】22:语音.‎ ‎【分析】下面哪一个是"interesting"这个单词的正确发音?‎ ‎【解答】答案:D.‎ interesting,形容词,有趣的,它的音标是/'intrəstiŋ/与D项的音标一致,故选D.‎ ‎【点评】平时需注意发音训练,能正确识别语音,持之以恒地进行个别音素发音训练,以及语篇朗读的训练.要多读,多记,做到举一反三,记住规律.‎ ‎27.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】63:反身代词.‎ ‎【分析】我要求他独立完成他的作业.‎ ‎【解答】答案:A.‎ 根据语境推测句意是"我要求他独立完成他的作业.",由句意判断第一个设空处的代词在句中放在动词ask 后面作宾语,所以应该使用宾格代词,第二个设空处修饰名词schoolwork用形容词性物主代词,第三个设空处考查短语by oneself"独自"故选A.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查人称代词和物主代词,要求必须看清句子结构,找出句子缺失的成分,再根据代词的分类和用法来确定正确选项.‎ ‎28.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】44:可数名词及其单复数.‎ ‎【分析】草地有许多只羊.一只牧羊犬正坐在它们旁边.‎ ‎【解答】正确答案:B.根据题干可知草地上有许多只羊,sheep是单复数同形,则第一空填写sheep.第二空泛指一只牧羊犬,则填写不定冠词a,故选择B.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查名词单复数及冠词,认真审题即可作出选择,难度一般.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎29.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】LO:常用日常交际用语.‎ ‎【分析】﹣﹣一个月中你多久会有一次会议?﹣﹣一周一次.‎ ‎【解答】答案:D.考查日常交际用语.句意:﹣﹣一个月中你多久会有一次会议?﹣﹣一周一次.For one week一周.One week ago一周前.In one week在一周内.Once a week一周一次.根据问句How often do you have a meeting one month?﹣﹣一个月中你多久会有一次会议?可知是对频度的提问,结合选项回答中只有D符合题意.一周一次.故选D.‎ ‎【点评】理解各个选项的含义,及其用法的区别,根据具体内容作答.‎ ‎30.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】DB:情态动词.‎ ‎【分析】﹣﹣Jim要飞往台湾度假吗?‎ ‎﹣﹣他也许会尝试,事实上,这取决于旅程花费多少钱.‎ ‎【解答】答案:A.‎ 结合选项可知本题考查情态动词,首先明确选项中每个单词的意思:A:可能/可以;B:必须;C:需要;D:必须; 结合题干推测句意是"﹣﹣Jim要飞往台湾度假吗?﹣﹣他也许会尝试,事实上,这取决于旅程花费多少钱.",所以may 符合句意,表可能.故选A.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查了情态动词的用法.解答时首先根据题干明确句意,理解所给选项中每个情态动词的意思并熟练掌握它们的用法,便可作出正确选择.‎ ‎31.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】E1:动词短语.‎ ‎【分析】太吵了!你能把CD播放机声音关小点吗?‎ ‎【解答】答案:B.turn off关掉,turn on打开,turn up 声音调高,turn down调小,结合How noisy it is!和 a little可知是要调小声音,故选B.‎ ‎【点评】turn on 有启动的意思,turn on the TV turn off是turn off的反义词,关闭的意思,turn off the TV turn down﹣﹣关小,turn down the volume关小音量 turn up﹣﹣开大,turn up the volume ‎32.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】67:关系代词.‎ ‎【分析】她总是把车停在她很容易到达的房子旁边.‎ ‎【解答】答案:C;‎ 首先根据语境推测句意是"她总是把车停在她很容易到达的房子旁边.",分析句子结构,本句中的"_____she can easily get to"在复合句中作定语从句,由于先行词house 为下文定语从句的逻辑宾语,且指物,所以引导定语从句的关系代词用that或者which,故选C.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查定语从句的关系代词.做此题的关键是找准先行词,是人还是物,在从句中做什么句子成分,然后根据语法选择正确的引导词.‎ ‎33.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】38:英文常识.‎ ‎【分析】下面哪个选项是"多米诺骨牌"?‎ ‎【解答】答案:C.考查英文常识.句意:下面哪个选项是"多米诺骨牌"?根据选项中图片显示,A是围棋,B是国际象棋,C是多米诺骨牌,D是扑克.以及问题下面哪个选项是"多米诺骨牌"?可知C选项图片是多米诺骨牌.故选C.‎ ‎【点评】了解各个选项图片的含义,再结合具体语境进行选择.‎ ‎34.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】K5:宾语从句.‎ ‎【分析】你能告诉我怎样使机器工作吗?‎ ‎【解答】答案:B.‎ 根据Could you please tell,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项AD是疑问句语序,排除掉.make sb do sth表示让某人做某事,后面跟的是动词原形.故选B.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查宾语从句,做题时注意三要素时态、语序和引导词.本题先考虑语序问题,再根据句子的上下文的意思,做出选择.‎ ‎35.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】6E:形式宾语.‎ ‎【分析】你认为一群女士伴随着大声的音乐在你家附近跳舞是可以接受的吗?‎ ‎【解答】答案:A;‎ 根据语境推断句意是"你认为一群女士伴随着大声的音乐在你家附近跳舞是可以接受的吗?",结合设空处前面的Do you think 判断此处的代词在句子中作形式宾语,常用固定句型:sb think/find/make+it+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.,在句中使用it代替to ‎ do不定式作形式宾语.故选A ‎【点评】本题考查代词it作形式主语或宾语的用法.当it作形式宾语,其句型结构是主语+谓语+it+形容词+动词不定式;当it作形式主语,其句型结构是It is+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.需记住这两个常用的句型结构.‎ ‎36.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】D4:实义动词的过去分词.‎ ‎【分析】当你昨晚给我打电话的时候,我正在弹钢琴.‎ ‎【解答】答案:D.‎ 根据last night,可知意思是昨天晚上,是一个过去的时间,所以句子应该用一般过去时;再根据 when引导的一般过去时的时间状语从句推断主句描述的是过去某个时间正在发生的动作,故用过去进行时态,它的构成为:主语+was/were+V﹣ing形式,主语是I,be动词应该用was.故选D.‎ ‎【点评】本题主要考查动词时态,判断动词的时态,要通过所给的时间状语或上下文等去判断动词的时态.‎ ‎37.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】D4:实义动词的过去分词.‎ ‎【分析】当母亲不在时,一个叫卡洛琳的护士将照看这个婴儿.‎ ‎【解答】答案:C.‎ 考查实义动词的过去分词.根据A nurse_____Carolyn,可推知这里用过去分词短语named Carolyn做后置定语,表示被动,意思是一个叫卡洛琳的护士;再根据A nurse_____Carolyn will look after the baby when his mother _____away,可知句子考查when引导的时间状语从句,在when引导的时间状语从句中,主句一般用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,这里主语是his mother,是单数形式,所以这里用is.故选C.‎ ‎【点评】过去分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个形容词或副词,在句中可以作表语、定语、状语和补足语.要结合语境选择合适用法,注意过去分词变化规律.‎ ‎38.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】38:英文常识.‎ ‎【分析】下面哪幅图两边长度相等和有相同的2个角?‎ ‎【解答】答案:A.考查英文常识.句意:下面哪幅图两边长度相等和有相同的2个角?A等腰三角形;B直角三角形;C钝角三角形;D等边三角形.根据题干Which of the following ‎ is the one that has 2 sides equal length and 2 angles of the same measure?下面哪幅图两边长度相等和相同的2个角?可知等腰三角形是两边相等,两个底角相等.故选A.‎ ‎【点评】仔细观察每一幅图,根据具体内容作答.‎ ‎39.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】E7:动名词短语.‎ ‎【分析】积极地沟通是和父母、老师还有身边其他人保持良好关系的最好方法.‎ ‎【解答】答案:C.考查形容词短语.句意:积极地沟通是和父母、老师还有身边其他人保持良好关系的最好方法.根据is the best way to keep a good relationship with your parents,teachers and other people around you.是和父母、老师还有身边其他人保持良好关系的最好方法.可知应该是积极的沟通.Active communication形容词+名词.表示积极的沟通.故选C.‎ ‎【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,掌握一些固定用法,根据具体内容作答.‎ ‎40.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】38:英文常识.‎ ‎【分析】下面那个选项的内容和"我看到他正在阅读一本书"的结构是一样的?‎ ‎【解答】答案:D.考查英文常识.句意:下面那个选项的内容和"我看到他正在阅读一本书"的结构是一样的?根据题干I saw him reading a book,我看到他正在阅读一本书.可知句子结构为主语+谓语+宾语+宾补.结合选项,We call her Ms Liu的结构为主语+谓语+宾语+宾补.故选D.‎ ‎【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,根据具体内容作答.‎ 三、完形填空(共2小题;每小题8分,满分15分)阅读下面两篇短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案.‎ ‎41.(8分)‎ ‎【考点】N1:记叙文.‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文讲述:很多人仍生活在自己的家乡,然而有许多人每年只能回家乡一、两次.现在有上百万中国人离开家乡去城里寻找工作,钟伟,一位46岁的丈夫和父亲就是其中的一员.过去的13年来他一直都住在温州.他过去一年至少回去1次,但现在由于蜡笔厂里繁重的工作,他3年没回去了."很惭愧,但是我真的没时间."他说.很多像钟伟一样的人以他们的家乡发生了怎样的变化为兴趣.也许大的医院和新的道路已经出现了.在很多地方政府已经建立起新的学校并从城市派出教师下去支教,但是有些东西永远不会改变.在我的家乡,学校对过有一棵古老的树,它仍然矗立在那儿并成为那个地方的一个显著标志.‎ ‎【解答】41.D but,conj 表转折,意为但是,然而. so conj.表结果,因此,所以 therefore adv.conj 所以 however adv.conj,然而,可是,不管怎样,上句是很多人仍然生活在他们的家乡,下句说其他的人每年只能回家一两次,所以本句表转折.but 和 however 都表示转折,but前面有标点,后面不加标点.‎ ‎ however 前后都需要加标点,可单独用.所以这里选D,However 而不选A,But ‎ ‎42.C 本题考查对上下文的理解,属于细节理解题.根据上句,millions of Chinese leave the countryside,可知很多人离开家乡到城里寻找工作.所以选C.‎ ‎43.D 46﹣﹣year﹣﹣old 复合形容词作定语修饰 husband and father,46 years old 用于系动词后作表语,这里说钟伟,一位46岁的丈夫和父亲,作定语.所以选D ‎44.A 词组辨析题 at least 至少,at last 最后,终于 at the most 至多(表超过) at first起初,首先;后句转折说,但是现在他三年没回去了,所以 前句表示他过去至少每年回去一次 ‎ ‎45 C how 怎样,本题考查连词、副词间的意思及用法辨析.本句的意思是很多像钟伟一样的人以他们的家乡发生了怎样的变化为兴趣,because conj.因为since prep.自从 adv.以后,此后 how 疑问副词,如何,怎样 while conj.而,虽然,在…期间 ‎ ‎46.A.动词的用法辨析,appeared v.出现 built v.建造,建立 found v.找到,发现 lost v.丢失,失去本题是说,或许有很多大的医院和新的马路已经出 现了,这里强调变化,如果选择 built,found,应该用被动,lost 不符合句意. ‎ ‎ 47.B 考查动词的辨析应用 begin v.开始 change v.改变 stay the same 保持一致,保持原样 ‎ ‎ happen v.发生 本句前面说家乡的变化,在这里用but 表示转折,但是有些东西永远不会变,所以本题 some things will never _____,填change,.所以选B,change ‎ ‎ 48.B symbol 考查名词的辨析 school 学校 symbol 标志 hospital医院 road 道路、马路. 本句意思:我的家乡学校对面有一棵古老的大树,它现在仍屹立在那里,已经成为那个地方的一个标志了,所以选B.‎ ‎【点评】本题主要要读懂短文大体意思,弄清楚个别词间的区别,其他基本都比较容易做出.‎ 49. ‎(7分)‎ ‎【考点】N1:记叙文.‎ ‎【分析】这是一篇记叙文.主要讲我的妈妈对于孩子来说是一个好妈妈,对于学生来说是一个好老师.她工作努力,得到了学生和同事的尊重,一回到家就着手做家务为我们准备可口的饭菜.我为有一个很棒的妈妈感到自豪.‎ ‎【解答】(49)A.名词辨析."作为一个老师,她工作努力."本题结合第二段"She teaches math at a middle school.她在一所中学教数学."可知,她是一名老师.故选A.‎ ‎(50)D.固定短语."她在早上很早去工作,下午直到很晚才回家."not …until …直到…才….根据第一小题可知,作为一名老师,她工作努力.所以是很早去工作,直到很晚才回家.故选D.‎ ‎(51)C.副词辨析."她被学生和同事尊重."both …and…两者都.either其中一个;neither都不;none没有人.故选C.‎ ‎(52)B.固定用法."她着手做家务为我们准备可口的饭菜."set about doing sth.着手做某事.固定用法.故选B.‎ ‎(53)C.动词辨析."她经常对我们说:工作的时候就工作,玩的时候就玩."tell告诉;speak讲;say说;talk谈论.say to sb.对某人说.本题结合语境来选.故选C.‎ ‎(54)B.考查时态."如果你不工作,你将会变懒."本题考查if引导的条件状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时.所以主句应该是will become.故选B.‎ ‎(55)A.固定短语."我的妈妈很棒,我总是为她感到自豪."be proud of…为…感到自豪.bored无聊的;satisfied满意的;tired劳累的.结合全文内容及语境可知,妈妈很棒,我为她自豪.故选A.‎ ‎【点评】作答完形填空应该联系上下文,结合语境来选择出最合适的选项.同时,在平时的学习中要牢固掌握所学知识点.‎ 四、阅读理解 (共3小题;每小题10分,满分30分)阅读下面三段材料,根据材料内容和要求,从题后所给的四个选项中选择一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案.‎ ‎56.(10分)‎ ‎【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读.‎ ‎【分析】‎ 有一个少年患了癌症,随时都可能死去.他每天都待在家里,由母亲照料着.有一天他去买CD,看到了一个漂亮的女孩,并对她一见钟情,从那以后,这个少年每天都到那家音像店去买一张CD.女孩每次都将CD包好交给他,他也总是把CD带回去,放进自己的衣柜里.女孩打来电话的时候男孩已经去世了,妈妈看到的是衣柜里一大堆包好的CD,打开了一个包装,盒里掉出一张小纸条,上面写道:嗨,你好,我觉得你真的很可爱,愿意和我一起出去吗?乔斯林.‎ ‎【解答】CCDDA ‎56.C细节理解题,根据So he asked for his mother's permission,who was his only lifelong friend.可知他的妈妈一直在照顾他,故答案为:C. ‎ ‎57.C细节理解题,根据He saw a beautiful girl about his age and knew it was love at first sight (看见)可知他和女孩是一见钟情,故答案为:C. ‎ ‎58.D细节理解题,根据He saw a beautiful girl about his age and knew it was love at first sight,可知女孩子很漂亮,根据:"Hi…I think U R really cute,Do u wanna go out with me?Love.Jocelyn."女孩也喜欢他,名字叫做Jocelyn,故答案为:D. ‎ ‎59.D推断理解题,根据She found pieces of paper with words:"Hi…I think U R really cute,Do u wanna go out with me?Love.Jocelyn.""嗨…我觉得你真的很可爱,你想和我出去吗?爱.乔斯林."可知妈妈在儿子死后看到这个纸条应该是感动却深感悲伤,故答案为:D. ‎ ‎60.A标题归纳题,根据文章内容可知本文讲述的是一个羞涩的男孩子不敢说出自己的爱,直到去世后她的妈妈才发现原来女孩子也喜欢他,所以要勇敢的说出自己的爱,故答案为:A.‎ ‎【点评】做题时要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子与选项细细比对,进行选择或推理判断,找出符合文章内容的正确答案.做题注意灵活,有时可采用排除法或直选法确定出最终答案.‎ ‎61.(10分)‎ ‎【考点】OD:文学作品类阅读.‎ ‎【分析】小说《小妇人》,生动地描写了一个美国家庭马奇家四姐妹的成长过程.南北战争时父亲常年随军在外,她们伴着慈爱的母亲生活在小城镇.四姐妹的性格是既有共性又有个性的.共性是她们都生活于一个和谐的家庭,父母慈爱,子女孝顺,伦理观念强,相爱互助,自强自立,个性是大姐梅格是贤妻良母型,结婚后相夫教子,持家有道.二姐乔,也就是本书主角,开朗豁达,独立自尊,为了帮助家庭,成年后热衷于写作,所得稿费贴补家用.本书作者粗放的性格和想当作家的梦想,在乔的身上得到充分的体现.三妹贝思性格内向,善弹琴,音乐上有造诣,由于体弱多病,少年夭折.四妹艾米是淑女型,注重体态举止,喜爱尝试艺术,对绘画雕塑有审美能力,但在年少时也有其虚荣心态.‎ ‎【解答】61.A.推理题.纵观全文,文章提到了Jo ‎ March.Laurence.和Laurie.是小说中的人物,故推知A是作者,故选A.‎ ‎62.D.细节题.结合The novels follows the lives of four sisters﹣Meg,Jo,Beth,and Amy March from childhood to womanhood.可知是描写了四姐妹的成长过程,故选D.‎ ‎63.A.细节题,结合Amy is the charming artist with the blond curls可知Amy是一名画家,金色的卷发,故选A,‎ ‎64.C.细节题,结合Laurie enjoys his neighbors,joining the family often in play.His grandfather,Mr.Laurence,is charmed (吸引) by Beth可知Laurence是Laurie的爷爷,故选C.‎ ‎65.B.细节题,结合Their nearest neighbor is a rich man whose orphaned grandson lives with him.The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy,Laurie,who is the age of Jo可知Laurie是个孤儿,故答案是B.‎ ‎【点评】本题首先要通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意和词的搭配,并注意上下连贯,合乎逻辑,最后通读全文,细心检查.‎ ‎66.(10分)‎ ‎【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读.‎ ‎【分析】文章大意:这是一篇说明文,主要介绍我们的饮食习惯已经改变了,传统的饮食中脂肪太多,所以我们最好学会正确选择吃什么和如何吃.作者列举了一些食物中所含的营养,但很多人选择吃什么还会根据自己的信仰而不太多的考虑营养.‎ ‎【解答】66.答案:D.细节理解题.根据第一行It is no longer as easy as it once was to choose what to eat.Our eating habits have changed,so has our way of life,再也不像以前那样容易选择吃什么了.我们的饮食习惯已经改变了,我们的生活方式也是如此.可知,选D.‎ ‎67.答案:C.细节理解题.根据第二段第二行We choose eggs,milk and other dairy products(奶制品),which are good for our bones and teeth.我们选择鸡蛋、牛奶和其他乳制品,这对我们的骨骼和牙齿都有好处.可知,保持骨骼强壮和健康要吃鸡蛋和喝牛奶.选C.‎ ‎68.答案:B.词义猜测题.根据后面Some nutrients help build our bodies and make them stronger.We eat fish,meat and beans because the nutrient in them is good for our muscles.有些营养有助于我们的身体强壮,我们吃鱼、肉和豆类,因为它们中的营养对我们的肌肉有好处.可知,应该是营养物质,选B.‎ ‎69.答案:B.细节理解题.根据最后一句Some people become vegetarians(素食者) because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or they think we should not kill animals for ‎ food.有些人成为素食者因为他们相信不吃肉更健康,或者他们认为我们不应该杀动物为食.可知,一些人不吃肉是因为他们认为动物应该受到保护.选B.‎ ‎70.答案:A.细节理解题.A日常饮食.B医疗.C旅行.D烹饪.根据第一段最后一句So we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.可知,短文主要介绍学会正确选择吃什么和如何吃.因此应该是从"饮食指南"里得到这样的信息,选A.‎ ‎【点评】阅读题型,要注重句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间逻辑关系以及对篇章的整体理解.根据所给问题选择正确选项完成试题.‎ 五、任务型完形填空(共1小题:每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,结构正确.(每个单词限用一次)‎ ‎71.(10分)‎ ‎【考点】PF:选词填空.‎ ‎【分析】本文主要向我们介绍了随着科学技术的发展,全世界各国人们的生活方式也发生了巨大的改变.收音机,电视,电脑,传真等使世界不同地区的人们距离更近.‎ ‎【解答】71.greatly 考查副词:分析句子The development of technologies has(71)changed the life styles of the people all over the world随着科学技术的发展,全世界各国人们的生活方式发生了改变,可知本题不缺少任何成分,结合所给词,可以用副词greatly来修饰动词changed,表示程度,故用greatly.‎ ‎72.closer 考查形容词:根据后文We can see nearly everything(73)thousands of miles away千里之外的事物几乎能看见,即世界各国的距离更近了,故用比较级closer.‎ ‎73.happening 考查动词:分析句子We can see nearly everything(73)thousands o miles away,主干是We can see nearly everything,后面是一个省略了that is 的定语从句来修饰everything,即正发生的事情,故用现在分词happening.‎ ‎74.without 考查介词:根据前文communicate with people in different lands与不同陆地的人交流,后文leaving home,这是由于收音机,电视,电脑,传真等使世界不同地区的人们距离更近,即不用离开家进行交流,故用介词without,后面可以接动词ing.‎ ‎75.our 考查物主代词:根据后文household materials家用品,这是一个名词短语,又根据前文we buy,主语是我们,故可以用our来修饰名词家用品,故用our.‎ ‎76.who 考查定语从句:分析句子With the help of tiny scissors doctors can examine the child,这是句子的主干,(76)is still in the womb(子宫) of his mother是一个定语从句来修饰先行词the child,主语是人,在定语从句中作主语,结合所给词,故用关系词who.‎ ‎77.Farmers 考查名词:根据后文for agricultural activities ‎ 从事农业生产,且本题缺少一个主语,故想到名词农民farmer,这是一个可数名词,故用复数farmers.‎ ‎78.comfort 考查名词:根据前文(77)Farmers use newer technology both for agricultural activities农业活动使用新科技,解放了农民,从而给农民们带来轻松舒适,即for their comfort.故用名词comfort ‎ ‎79.as 考查介词:根据后文举例long pipelines (管线),electric power,good roads,airports,联想到固定短语such as例如.‎ ‎80.make 考查动词:根据前文bring people from different lands to the Gulf(海湾) countries to把不同陆地的人们带到海湾国家去,又根据后文a living,联想到固定短语make a living生存,为生,动词不定式后加动词原形make.‎ ‎【点评】解答此类试题时,务必要根据语境或上下文的逻辑关系推测所给单词的适当形式.‎ 六、任务型阅读理解(共1小题:每小题10分.满分10分)阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面的小题.‎ ‎81.(10分)‎ ‎【分析】本文分析了校园欺凌事件的本质和原因,呼吁父母、学校和老师应当和校园欺凌事件做斗争,以便于杜绝此类恶劣事件的发生,保护学生的健康成长.‎ ‎【解答】81.factors,考查词汇题,根据题干There are many factors有很多因素,故答案为factors.‎ ‎82.父母们忙于自己的上作,让孩子独处或和祖父母在一起.句子翻译题,be busy with忙于某事,leave sb alone with…让某人和…单独在一起,故答案为父母们忙于自己的上作,让孩子独处或和祖父母在一起.‎ ‎83.Yes,I do.细节理解题,jointly共同的,副词,work jointly一起工作;together一起,work together一起工作,所以这两个短语意义一样,故答案为Yes,I do.‎ ‎84.They bully to gain attention or love from someone.(回答符合此意,均可酌情给分)细节理解题,根据文中句子Teenage girls bully to win attention or love from someone.青少年女生欺凌别人是为了得到关注和爱,故答案为They bully to gain attention or love from someone.‎ ‎85.We should respect others and not make fun of their weaknesses.If we are bullied,we should tell our parents or teachers about it first and ask them for help.细节理解题,根据文中句子As students,you should respect others and not make fun of their weaknesses.If you are bullied,you have the right to tell your parents or teachers about it first and ask them for ‎ help.作为学生,你应该尊重别人,不要开别人弱点的玩笑.如果你被欺凌了,你有权利首先告诉你的父母或老师来寻求帮助.故答案为We should respect others and not make fun of their weaknesses.If we are bullied,we should tell our parents or teachers about it first and ask them for help.‎ ‎【点评】这是一篇任务型阅读,做题的时候要看清要求,要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子从而得出符合文章内容的正确答案.‎ ‎ ‎ 七、口语交际(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使对话完整、符合逻辑.(其中有两项为多余选项)‎ ‎86.(10分)‎ ‎【考点】LQ:补全对话.‎ ‎【分析】A:欢迎来到英语俱乐部.我的名字叫杰克.今天我们要谈谈学习英语的最好方法.你是通过看录像来学英语的吗?‎ B:不,听懂他们的英语口语太难了.‎ A:用英语记日记怎么样?你那样学英语吗?‎ B:是的,我喜欢.这有助于每天写英语.‎ A:你曾经和小组一起学习过吗?‎ B:是的,我经常那样学习.‎ A:与朋友交谈也是一种很好的尝试,不是吗?‎ B:是的,它确实提高了我的听说能力.‎ A:大声朗读练习发音怎么样?‎ B:我有时会这样做,因为我经常需要在字典里查生词.‎ A:你还做些什么来提高你的英语水平?‎ B:我经常看英语卡通片.‎ A:如果你有什么困难请打电话给我,我会很乐意帮助你的.‎ B:我会的.非常感谢.你真是太好了.‎ ‎【解答】86.C 情景问答:根据上文Today we are going to talk about the best ways to learn English,下文No,it's too hard to understand spoken English in them不,听懂他们的英语口语太难了,推测上文可能是一个一般疑问句且是询问怎样来学习英语的,结合选项,故选C,你是通过看录像来学英语的吗?‎ ‎87.D 情景问答:根据后文Do you learn English that way?B:Yes,I do.It helps to write English ‎ very day.你那样学英语吗?B:是的,我喜欢.这有助于每天写英语.推测是一个问句,结合选项,故选D用英语记日记怎么样?‎ ‎88.G 情景问答:根据后文Yes,it is.It really improves my listening and speaking skills是的,它确实提高了我的听说能力.推测既练习了听力,也练习了说的能力,结合选项,故选G与朋友交谈也是一种很好的尝试,不是吗?‎ ‎89.B 情景问答:根据上文What else do you do to improve your English?你还做些什么来提高你的英语水平?故下文回答应该是与之相对应的,结合选项,故选B我经常看英语卡通片 ‎90.F 情景问答:根据后文I will be very glad to help you.B:I will.Thanks a lot.It's very kind of you.我会很乐意帮助你的.B:我会的.非常感谢.你真是太好了.推测别人给予的帮助,结合选项,故选F如果你有什么困难请打电话给我 ‎【点评】解答此类试题时,需要充分利用上下文的语境和逻辑关系解题,找到问题的线索.‎ 八、词汇考查(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎91.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】别担心,对你来说做完这张试卷时间足够了.‎ ‎【解答】答案:worry.‎ 根据Don't﹣﹣(worry).Time is enough for you to finish the examination paper,可知别担心,对你来说做完这张试卷时间足够了.放在don't后面一般跟动词原形.故填worry.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.‎ 92. ‎(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】我想谈谈你对污染的看法.‎ ‎【解答】答案:share.‎ 根据I'd like to﹣﹣(share) your idea about pollution,可知我想谈谈你对污染的看法.句子考查would like to do sth表示想做某事,to后面跟动词原形.故填share.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.‎ ‎93.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】许多英雄为我们树立了榜样.‎ ‎【解答】答案:heroes.‎ 根据Many﹣﹣(hero) have set good examples for us to follow,可知许多英雄为我们树立了榜样.many表示许多,后面通常跟复数形式.故听heroes.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.‎ ‎94.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】他对功课总是很粗心,所以总是犯同样的错误.‎ ‎【解答】答案:careless.‎ 根据He is always﹣﹣(care) about his schoolwork,so he keeps making the same mistakes,可知他对功课总是很粗心,所以总是犯同样的错误.从so he keeps making the same mistakes可以推断出他总是粗心大意,is是个系动词.后面跟形容词形式,所以这里用careless,形容词,粗心的.故填careless.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.‎ ‎95.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】我妈妈和她的朋友们经常在周末去购物.‎ ‎【解答】答案:goes.‎ 根据My mother with her friends often﹣﹣(go) shopping on weekends,可知我妈妈和她的朋友们经常在周末去购物.often表示经常,一般用于一般现在时之中,主语是my mother,后面的with her friends 是伴随主语,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式.故填goes.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.‎ ‎96.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】我们班有三分之二的学生去过迪斯尼乐园.‎ ‎【解答】答案:thirds.‎ 根据Two﹣﹣(three) of the students in our class have been to Disneyland somewhere,可知我们班有三分之二的学生去过迪斯尼乐园.句子考查分数的表达法:分数的表达形式为:基数词(分子)+序数词(分母),分子大于一时分母加s.故填thirds.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.‎ ‎97.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】人们认为茶是在第六和第七世纪期间被带到韩国和日本的.‎ ‎【解答】答案:is believed 分析句子得知,为了避免头重脚轻,it是形式主语,后面that引导的从句是真正的主语,结合所给单词,联想到固定句式it is believed that…人们认为,人们相信…‎ ‎【点评】解答此类试题时,务必仔细分析句子的结构和句子的成分,考虑单词的适当形式.‎ ‎98.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】成功的道路是诚实地工作.‎ ‎【解答】答案:success 分析句子可知,空格前是The road to…,这里的to是介词,后加名词,结合所给单词,故用其名词success成功.‎ ‎【点评】解答此类试题时,务必仔细分析句子的结构和句子的成分,考虑单词的适当形式.‎ 99. ‎(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】自从离开家乡后,她一直在学校学习英语.‎ ‎【解答】答案:has studied.‎ 根据She﹣﹣(study) English in the school since she left her hometown,可知自从离开家乡后,她一直在学校学习英语.since引导的时间状语从句其主句通常用于现在完成时,构成:have/has+动词的过去分词.故填has studied.‎ ‎【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.‎ ‎100.(1分)‎ ‎【考点】3A:单词填空.‎ ‎【分析】听要比说更好一点.‎ ‎【解答】答案:better.‎ 通过分析句子结构可知,在句子中有一个词是than,这是比较级的一个典型标志,所以这个句子要用比较级来填空,这个句子的意思是"听要比说更好一点."结合给出的单词提示good,所以要用其比较级better来填空,故填better.‎ ‎【点评】首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目以及给出的单词提示,就可以确定正确答案.‎ 九、按要求完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给汉语提示完成句子.(每空限填一词)‎ ‎101.(2分)‎ ‎【考点】R3:汉译英.‎ ‎【分析】trying,come.‎ ‎【解答】答案:trying,come.结合give up doing sth放弃做某事,make …do sth,让…做某事,come true实现,故答案是trying,come.‎ ‎【点评】翻译是把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来的一种创造性的语言活动.翻译能力的提高是一个长期实践和不断积累的过程.要做好这类题,就要掌握所学句型及短语,还要灵活运用 ‎102.(2分)‎ ‎【考点】R3:汉译英.‎ ‎【分析】make,friend,‎ ‎【解答】答案:make,friend.‎ 首先通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"结交朋友"的表达.短语"结交朋友"的英文表达是:make a friend,根据设空处前面的to判断填动词原形,故答案为:make friend,‎ ‎【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.‎ ‎103.(2分)‎ ‎【考点】R3:汉译英.菁优网版权所有 ‎【分析】No matter ‎【解答】答案:No matter.‎ 首先通过中英文句子的比对,结合后面的what可知英文句子中缺少"无论"的表达.短语"无论什么"的英文表达是:No matter what,故答案为:No matter ‎【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎104.(2分)‎ ‎【考点】R3:汉译英.‎ ‎【分析】has been ‎【解答】答案:has been.‎ 首先通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"参军"的表达.根据时间状语 for almost 10years判断用现在完成时,现在完成时的构成是:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词;且谓语必须是可延续性动词,所以此处的短语"参军"的英文表达是:be in the army,故答案为:has been ‎【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.‎ ‎105.(2分)‎ ‎【考点】R3:汉译英.‎ ‎【分析】say no.‎ ‎【解答】答案:say no.拒绝也就是说不故用say no,结合will这里是一般将来时will+动词原形,故答案是say no.‎ ‎【点评】翻译是把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来的一种创造性的语言活动.翻译能力的提高是一个长期实践和不断积累的过程.要做好这类题,就要掌握所学句型及短语,还要灵活运用 十、书面表达(满分15分)‎ ‎106.(15分)‎ ‎【考点】S2:提纲作文.‎ ‎【分析】【高分句型一】‎ I ride or walk to school,which is also a kind of exercises我骑车或者走路去上学,那也是一种锻炼.‎ which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的句子.‎ ‎【高分句型二】‎ I often take a walk along the street near my house for an hour either with my parents or my friends我总是要么和我的父母要么和我朋友在家附近沿街散步.‎ either…or…要么…要么…‎ ‎【解答】Everybody,men or woman,young or old,should have a good habit of doing sports.So should I,and so I do.In the morning,I usually get up at 6:30on time,and do morning exercises for half an hour.(每天早晨6:30按时起床,做半个小时运动)After breakfast,I ride or walk to school,which is also a kind of exercises【高分句型一】(骑车或步行上学.).In the school,I take an active part in P.E.Sometimes we play football and volleyball,sometimes we play basketball,table tennis or badminton.Football is my favorite sports.I also join in all the after﹣class activities.I have never been absent from them(主动上体育课,积极参加课外活动,从不旷课.).In the evening after supper,I often take a walk along the street near my house for an hour either with my parents or my friends【高分句型二】.(晚饭后散步1个小时左右.)‎ I like sports,which makes me healthy,strong and energetic.So I often get the first prize in the school sports meeting.I will keep the good habit all my life.(身体健康,精力充沛,运动会常得第一,永远保持运动习惯.)‎ ‎【点评】动笔前应先认真阅读材料,围绕所给材料组织内容,确定主要短语,句式等问题.注意不要遗漏要点,句子要通顺连贯,没有语法错误.‎ ‎ 2017年兰州市中考英语听力材料 第一节: 听句子,选择与所听内容或语境相关的图片代码。每个句子读两遍。‎ ‎1. Be careful! It is poisonous.‎ ‎2. We celebrate Teachers’ Day on September 10th every year. ‎ ‎3. You should stop and wait when the traffic light turns red.‎ ‎4. To be a good listener is important in conversations with others.‎ ‎5. More public bikes should be used for the good of clear sky and easy traffic. ‎ 第二节:听句子,选择恰当的情景应答语。每十句子读两遍。‎ ‎6. How handsome you are in your school uniform.‎ ‎7. Let’s help Mom do some cleaning after dinner.‎ ‎8. Excuse me, could you please help me with the heavy luggage? ‎ ‎9. Our class got the first prize in the sports meeting after we worked hard together.‎ ‎10. What does your English teacher look like? ‎ 第三节:听小对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。‎ W=Woman M=Man Q=Question ‎11. W: Are you going to the party tomorrow night, Tom?‎ ‎ M:Yes, I am. So is Anna.‎ ‎ Q:Is Anna going to the party? ‎ ‎12. M: Excuse me. I’d like to have a room for tonight.‎ ‎ W:With a single bed or double bed?‎ ‎ Q:Where does the conversation happen?‎ ‎13.M: Peter has 4 English lessons every week.‎ ‎ W: But Alice has 2 more English lessons than Peter.‎ ‎ Q:How many English lessos does Alice have every week?‎ ‎14. M: My favorite sports is football.‎ ‎ W:The same with me.Besides,I like playing basketball and volleyball.‎ ‎ Q:What’s the man and the woman’s favorite sport? ‎ ‎15. M: Hello, Jack’s office. Can I help you?‎ ‎ W: Hello, This is Linda, His wife speaking from China, Can I speak to Jack?‎ ‎ Q:What’s the relationship between Jack and Linda? ‎ 第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选择能回答下列问题的最佳答案。每段对话读三遍。‎ ‎ M:Hi, Mary I’m making some plans to work for the old people this summer holidays.‎ ‎ W: Sounds, great. I did that last summer one of my best friends.‎ ‎ M: What did you do to the old? ‎ ‎ W: Mm...things like the newspaper to the old people, doing some cleaning and talking with them.They also told us stories about the past and how things used to be. ‎ ‎ M: That sounds interesting. ‎ ‎ W: Most sons and daughters are very busy with their work outside, leaving the parents at home most of the time. ‎ ‎ M: Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. They need someone to talk with. ‎ ‎ W: You are right. We should listen to them and take good care of them.‎ ‎ M: Will you join and help us this summer holidays?‎ ‎ W: Sure. We're going to be old one day ,too. Helping the old is helping ourselves.‎ ‎ M: Exactly. Thanks a lot.‎ 第五节: 听短文,根据你所听到的内容填写出下面短文中所缺的信息。短文读两遍。(每空 限填一词) 请将此节的答案填写在答题卡非选择题部分的相应位置上。‎ With more and more women driving cars. parking is a big problem for most of them. Some shopping malls offer women-only parking lots which are larger than the ones for men. Some people think it necessary because women really have trouble in parking. They need wider space to park safely and easily, which is good for her car and the cars next to it. But some others say no to this offer because they think women have passed the same driving test as men and therefore they should be able to park just as well. What's your idea about it?‎ ‎ ‎

