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河南省漯河市高级中学 2017 届高三 5 月月考 英语 第 I 卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shift? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是 C。 1. What did the speakers plan to do at first? A. Go shopping. B. Watch a movie. C. Play a game. 2. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Human health. B. The environment. C. Water. 3. When is Mr. Smith supposed to be back? A. At 4:55. B. At 5:15. C. At 5:35. 4. Where does the woman work now? A. In a hotel. B. In a travel agency. C. In a restaurant. 5. What do the speakers decide to do? A. Go shopping after work. B. Eat out for dinner. C. Co buck home late. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下而 5 段对活或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. Why can’t the woman concentrate on the book? A. She is worried about a test. B. She can’t understand the book. C. She is uninterested in it. 7. Which subject does the woman prefer to study? A. Physics. B. Chemistry. C. English. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. How many rooms does the apartment have? A. 2. B.3. C. 5. 9. What does the man care most about the apartment? A. The rent. B. The floor. C. The environment. 10. What does the woman invite the man to do? A. See the apartment in person. B. Call back tomorrow. C. Come to her home now. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Manager and secretary. C. Brother and sister. 12. How does the woman feel? A. Sorry. B. Angry. C. Regretful. 13. What do we know about the man? A. He has been home all day. B. He ignores what the woman has done. C. He hardly watches a game. 听第 9 段材枓,回答第 14 至 16 题。 14. What did the speakers discuss over the phone? A. Work experience. B. Educational background. C. Special skills. 15. Who did the man work for when he was ill middle school? A. His friends. B. His neighbors. C. His family members. 16. What does the woman say about the personal interests section? A. It should take up at least one page. B. It isn’t important to include. C. It should be a couple of sentences long. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. Where did the traffic accident happen? A. On the NM 451. B. On the 101 South. C. On the 405 North. 18. What do the scientists expect the new planet to do? A. Tell them about life on other planets. B. Teach them more about Earth’s history. C. Suggest solutions to Earth’s climate problems. 19. What did Pancho get as a reward? A. His picture on a website. B. A special meal. C. A story about him in a magazine. 20. Where did the couple find their son? A. In a shop. B. In a hospital. C. Near u small lake. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每題所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Best Travel Guides by Continent We’ve broken down( 分 类 )the best travel guides, by continent, to help you find student discounts and travel like a local on your next adventure. Europe—Let’s Go Europe 2017: The Student Travel Guide Let’s Go was founded about 55 years ago when a Harvard student had an idea to provide accessible, budget travel lips for young people. Students lave its amusing pages. Let’s Go Europe 2017 has everything you need for your trip—from the best beer in Brussels to how to avoid the lines at the Louvre. Africa—The Rough Guide to Cape Toxin, the Winelands, and the Garden Route With its colorful photos and detailed tips on how to make the most of South Africa, The Rough Guide is the book to gel when visiting Africa. You may not have access to Google Maps when you1 re out exploring but that’s OK. The Rough Guide also comes with easy use to maps. It can be purchased as an eBook, or as a paperback(平装本). Asia—Lonely Planet: South-East Asia on a Shoestring This guide is perfect for those backpacking through the hidden treasures of South-Ea.sl Asia. With detailed recommendations from experts in the area, this guide helps first-timers as well as experienced backpackers. This book can lie purchased as a paperback travel guide. A download for an eBook or separate chapters can be purchased to serve as a guide to specific cities. North America—Planet USA Travel Guide With detailed reviews of the best places to eat, sleep, and explore, Lonely Planet is linked with budget-friendly attractions and that’s why it makes our best travel guides list. This travel guide is available in paperback. 21. What is the common character of the four travel guides? A. They are all expensive. B. They are intended for students. C. They all have a very long history. D. They are all available online. 22. Which travel guide can be downloaded partly online? A. Lai s Co Europe 2017: The Student Travel Guide. B. The Rough Guide to Cape Town, the Winelands, and the Carden Route. C. Lanely Planet USA Travel Guide. D. Lonely Planet: South-East Asia on a Shoestring. 23. Why does the author recommend Lonely Planet USA Travel Guide? A. It contains recommendations from experts. B. It introduces the attractions in an amusing style. C. It has colorful photos and vivid travel videos. D. It provides cheap but attractive travel destinations. B I was at a loss for how to handle the fights among my kick- Many activities had been tried, but they didn’t work. After reading What I Know for Sure written by Oprah Winfrey, a thought occurred to me one day. “Starting with Dora, I want everyone to find the chance to say ‘thank you’.” I declared. “What?” Ashley asked. “What’s going on?’’ “Just do it.” Naturally, the kid all thought I had lost my mind. I wasn’t sure if they were wrong, but I pressed on. “Now, we’re going to keep going around and everyone tells what they’re thankful for.” Clearly doubtful and frustrated, the kids launched in, and I kept them going. “I’m thankful for our house.” “I’m thankful for my clothes.” “I’m thankful for my whole life and everyone in the world.” “What? What am I supposed to say?” ‘‘Keep going.” “I’m grateful for my underwear!” Instant laughter erupted, music to my ears! “Great, lei it out!” I encouraged. “What else?” And that was all we needed. The gratitude--great and small, serious and funny---came rolling out. “My backpack.” “My teachers.” On and on it went until every face was lit with a new kind of joy and laughter. I could sense a new feeling of peace and comfort in the air a reminder of not only our blessings, but the love we really did have for each other. “I’m grateful for being grateful!” Dora declared. “Me, too!” was the unanimous response. I don’t remember the activities that took place the rest of the day. But it was a day when our family was transformed by two simple words: thank you. Since then, it’s become a family motto. 24. Why did the author ask her kids to find the chance to say “thank you”? A. To play games among them. B. To kill their free lime. C. To solve their fights. D. To make them be polite. 25. How did Ashley react when hearing his mother’s suggestion at first? A. He was puzzled. B. He felt very glad. C. He supported it. D. He responded actively. 26. What does the underlined word “unanimous” probably mean? A. Funny. B. Unimportant. C. Unexpected. D. Agreed. 27. What may be the best title for the text? A. Mom’s Big Heart B. A Sweet Home C. Magic of a Family Motto D. A Meaningful Family Meeting C Recently actor Adrien Grenier has launched( 发 动 )a campaign to reduce the amount of single-use plastic usage in order to protect and save marine (海洋的)wildlife and the environment. Plastic drinking straws are among many single-use plastic products contributing to the great loss of marine life, but they’re a great place to start because they’re something that are used by millions of Americans who are unaware that they’re so damaging. Americans use more than 500 million straws daily, which is enough to fill 127 school buses each day and they can’t be recycled. That means plastic straws might end up in oceans, where fish and other marine wildlife mistake the small bits for food and swallow them. After seeing a photo of a beached whale with a belly full of plastic, Grenier felt the inspiration to launch the Lonely Whale Foundation, hoping to inspire and educate others on the challenges faced by marine wildlife. Along with stopping the use of straws, Grenier hopes to educate consumer on the dangers of other single-use plastic items such as grocery bags and water bottles. While many Americans use these plastic products in their daily life, there are many alternatives that can help protect the environment such as straws made from stainless steel, glass, and even bamboo instead of plastic. In addition to quitting your straw habit, you can further help the environment by taking the I Choose to Reuse commitment, and stop your use of single-use coffee cups, checkout bags and bottled water. Instead, take advantage of any number of alternative reusable products. Need another reason to stop drinking from straws? Grenier also says using straws can cause wrinkles! 28. Protecting marine wildlife can start with stopping using plastic drinking straws because A. they are marine wildlife’s favorite food B. they are the most harmful plastic products C. they are the plastic products people use most D. they are widely used but their harm isn’t fully realized 29. What made Grenier think of the idea to launch the Lonely Whale Foundation? A. A photo of piles of plastic waste. B. The sight of 127 school buses of straws. C. The fuel that many whales beach on the shore. I). A picture of a beached whale with a belly full of plastic. 30. What will Grenier encourage people to do in their daily life? A. Avoid drinking from bottles. B. Use cloth bags when shopping. C. Purchase single-use coffee cups. D. Use plastic straws to drink repeatedly. 31. Which word can best describe Adrien Grenier? A. Adventurous. B. Humorous. C. Responsible. D. Friendly. D Breathing in polluted air on busy roads is as harmful as passively smoking ten cigarettes a day, new research has found. The drop in pollution had the same effects as avoiding four cigarettes a day. One of the researchers, Saskia van der Zee, explained why they compared the effects of pollution lo passive smoking. “We thought that passive smoking would be easier to understand,” she told The Times. ‘‘You don’t want your neighbors to come into your house and smoke three cigarettes every day.” Earlier this week, doctors warned that Britain is facing a major health emergency unless diesel( 柴 油 )cars are taken off the roads. Emissions ( 排 放 物 ) from diesel cars arc already contributing to smog which has been linked to the deaths of 40,000 people a year. Health charities, medical leaders and environmental groups have called for a modern Clean Air Act lo bring pollution under control. Separately, more than 300 doctors in the Doctors Against Diesel group have written to Theresa May, calling for a diesel reduction. Professor John Middleton, president of the UK Faculty of Public Health, said, “Diesel is the primary source of nitrogen dioxide(二氧化氮)in urban areas and is linked to health effects that begin before birth and extend throughout life, from childhood lung development to increased risk of heart disease, stroke and lung cancer. It is high lime lo handle the problem.” London is already planning to introduce an “emission zone” which diesel drivers would be charged to enter, and other cities are set to follow. But exerts are desperate to find new ways to control the damage done by pollution. Diesel drivers in Westminster have been told they may soon be charged 50 percent extra for on-street parking. And Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London , submitted a £ 3,500 plan to encourage drivers to switch to petrol or electric cars. “Cutting diesel emissions would therefore have an immediate effect on children’s personal exposure, and improve their long-term health.” A government spokesman said. 32. Why did the researchers compare pollution to smoking? A. It’s easier for people to understand. B. It’s hard for people to quit smoking. C. It’s a bad habit to smoke at home. D. It’s harmful to breathe in polluted air. 33. How can the major health emergency be solved according to Britain doctors? A. Give up smoking. B. Abandon diesel cars. C. Make strict laws. D. Schedule yearly exams. 34. What can we infer from what Professor John Middleton said? A. Cutting diesel emissions is urgent. B. Prevention is better than relief. C. Children are the worst victims. D. People ignored the harm of diesel. 35. What is the purpose of the plan put forward by Sadiq Khan? A. To improve air quality with high technology. B. To limit the total number of cars on roads. C. To inspire people to choose greener vehicles. D. To carry out license plate restrictions. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Everybody has dreams, but not all these dreams can come true easily. 36 Read on and you can make your dream come true. Break your dream down into manageable “projects”. Achieving a dream can be complex and you might need to complete a number of different “projects” as you go forward. 37 Remember that you need to have all the parts and tools you need in order to be successful in achieving your dream. Take action on each “project”. Start taking action on each part of your dream. If you can, work on all of your projects at the same time—for example, try to do something for each project each week. 38 And keeping yourself moving forward is one of the best ways to motivated toward achieving your goal. 39 Find out how others have accomplished their goal. Do some research to find out how other people have achieved the same dream. Seek out the people who have achieved their dreams and talk with them or read their stories. Find out what they learned from their journey, and what they like best about achieving their dreams. You can find out about other successful dreamers by reading their biographies, watching documentary films, or reading about people on the Internet. Always know what’s next on your list. As you are taking action on the different projects that lead you to your dream, be sure that you always know what to do next. Being unsure of your next step is one common way that people get stuck in their progress toward a goal. 40 Be sure that you will be ready for each one. A. Be inspired by others. B. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. C. Manage your lime so that there is room for your dream. D. Each week revisit your project lists to see what tasks are coming up. E. Achieving your dream might require you to gain new skills or knowledge. F. Figuring out what the different “projects” arc will move you toward your dream. G. Even if you are moving in small steps toward your goal, you are still heading in the right direction. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节完形填空(共 20 小题;域小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空 白 处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 My 10-year-old son Arthur loves to help others. He never 41 to help people in need. His favorite pastime is to volunteer 42 at various charities in our community. One day, after purchasing the hamburger Arthur liked most, I tried to hurry him along when he 43 next to our cur to look at something. I turned to see what stopped him. Standing about five feet away was an old 44 in rags. Every few seconds he smiled and tried to speak to the people who were walking by. At that moment, he turned around and 45 my son watching him. 46 I could say anything, he smiled broadly and said, “Hey do you happen to have any spare 47?” Arthur 48 his empty pockets and then looked at me briefly. I shook my head---I hardly ever carry cash anymore. Arthur 49 and then he said something that took my breath away. “No, I don’t. But are you 50? Do you like the hamburger?” Knowing the old man was hungry, Arthur’s whole face 51. “Good, here, you can have 52.” I thought about how many people had 53 this man as he walked the streets that day. How many chose to act as if he hadn’t existed? But my son? The one who just moments before had loudly begged me for the hamburger was now 54 giving his favorite away to a strange man because he was hungry. And he didn’t 55 give the food and walk away. He engaged the man in a conversation. The smile on the man’s face told me this was the real 56 for his happiness. ‘‘I’m really proud of you, Arthur. I think you 57 his day.” His 58 was beyond my expectation. “It’s only 59.” It’s true that being kind doesn’t have to be difficult me, or complex. As Arthur often reminds me, 60 is natural. 41. A. tries B. manages C. agrees D. refuses 42. A. actively B. carefully C. seriously D. curiously 43. A. ran B. paused C. parked D. walked 44. A. employee B. customer C. beggar D. policeman 45. A. spotted B. recognized C. heard D. understood 46. A. After B. Since C. Until D. Before 47. A. food B. change C. pocket D. lime 48. A. checked B. mended C. returned D. handed 49. A. sighed B. laughed C. cried D. screamed 50. A. angry B. thirsty C. hungry D. worried 51. A. turned red B. lit up C. froze up D. got up 52. A. his B. yours C. mine D. hers 53. A. minded B. welcomed C. ignored D. appreciated 54. A. willingly B. pitifully C. basically D. normally 55. A. even B. just C. yet D. still 56. A. excuse B. reason C. doubt D. fear 57. A. mined B. troubled C. made D. created 58. A. behavior B. response C. dream D. attitude 59. A. natural B. useless C. difficult D. calm 60. A. patience B. effort C. skill D. kindness 第 II 卷 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将 答案填写在答题卡上。 In ancient China the kite was known as “Zhiyuan“. 61 (original) regarded as a technology, it also featured in many art collections, and was considered to have unique artistic value. It first 62 (appear) in the ware of the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC—476BC). According to historical records. Mo Zi spent three years 63 (construct) a wooden kite which failed after one day’s flight. One book noted that the master carpenter Lu Ban also made some which 64 (use) to spy on the situation of the enemy. Now the basic procedure of making kites remains the same, but 65 (style) of kite-making vary in different regions. These in the “World Kite Capital” of Weifang in Shandong Province are well known for 66 (they) craftsmanship, materials, painting, sculpture and flexible flying movement. One of these kites, 67 was over 300 meters long, won first place in the International Kite Festival 68 (hold) in Italy. It is now housed in the Weifang Kite Museum. Even year, the festival is held there and is expected to draw many fans with a passion for flying kites. 69 you are interested in flying a kite, you should choose a sunny and windy day so you can enjoy the open air, and take care to avoid electric wires and cars. You could lake more than one with you and fly them according to the change of wind. And of course, a pair of sunglasses may prove useful in protecting your eyes 70 bright sunshine. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的间用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多若(从第 11 处起)不计分。 In order to save the planet or raise public awareness of environmental issues, a ‘‘Used Book Donation Campaign” will earned out in our school next month. Any used book we no longer need it can be donated. All the collected book will be donated to some children who lived in poor mountainous areas of Wes, China. I’m sure this campaign will have a great effect on everyone involving. On one hand, we can play a important part in recycling resources for the protection of the environment. On the other hand, some children will benefit from those used books great. That’s why it’s difficult for them to have access from books. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Tom 想报名参加 21st Century 举办的学生摄影展。他写信 询问有关参展事宜,访给他回一封电子邮件。要点如下: 1. 主题:你眼中的世界; 2. 要求:附上摄影图片及 100 词左右的英文说明; 3. 截稿时间:2017 年 6 月 1 日; 4. 投稿邮箱:sunyue@i21st.cn。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Tom, Yours sincerely, Li Hua 河南省漯河市高级中学 2017 届高三 5 月月考 英语试题答案 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 1--5ABCAB 6--10 CBCCA 11--15 ABBAB 16--20 CBABC (共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 21. B 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. C 36--40 BFGAD (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 41. D 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. A 46 .D 47. B 48. A 49. A 50. C 51. B 52. C 53. C 54. A 55. B 56.B 57. C 58. B 59. A 60. D (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 61. Originally 62. appeared 63. constructing 64. were used 65. styles 66. their 67. which 68. held 69. if 70. from/against 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) In order to save the planet or raise public awareness of environmental issues, a "Used Book and Donation Campaign" will ∧ earned out in our school next month. Any used book we no longer be need it can be donated. All the collected book will be donated to some children who lived in 去掉 it books live poor mountainous areas of Wes, China. I’m sure this campaign will have a great effect on everyone involving. On one hand, we can play a important part in recycling resources for the involved an protection of the environment. On the other hand, some children will benefit from those used books great. That’s why it’s difficult for them to have access from books. greatly because to 书面表达(满分 25 分) One possible version! Dear Tom, I’m very happy to know that you want to join the Student Photography Show held by 21st Century.Here is something that you need to know. First, the theme of the show is “The World in Your Eyes”.It’s flexible. You can take pictures whenever you see a beautiful scene. But the pictures should be related to your study or life. Besides, about 100 words, which are used to describe these pictures, are required. This is a good chance for you to show your skills of taking photos.After finishing your works, you can send them to sunyue@i21st.cn before June 1,2017. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 听力原文 Text 1 W: So, what do we do now? M: Look, it is raining outside so we can’t go to the supermarket. Why don’t we watch a movie? Text 2 W: I wonder if future people will still be able to breathe fresh air, drink clean water and see the blue sky. M: I think that’s really a problem and it is time man learned to live in harmony with nature. Text 3 W: When do you think Mr. Smith will be back? M: When he left at 5:15, he promised to be back in 20 minutes. Text 4 M: How did you get this job? W: Last year I took a visit to London. I went to lunch at the Palace Hotel and thought, “I’d really like to work here.” So I wrote to see if they had any positions, and I was lucky they did. Text 5 W: Mike, there’s not much left in the fridge.Well,I might be able to pick up a few things after work,but I have to be back rather late today. M: In that case, we’ll have to have a meal out at McDonald’s. W: Well, I’m afraid so. Text 6 M: Hey, Karen, what are you reading? Physics? W: Oh, no. M: You haven’t turned the page in the last ten minutes. It doesn’t really hold your interest? W: No, not really. But I have to read it for a test. I should say, I don’t like Dickens at all and I’m starting to like the whole course less and less,although the course itself isn’t really that bad.It’s me,I suppose.I wanted to do chemistry rather than English, but my parents took me out of it. M: So you $ d better choose a different one. W: But my parents don’t think so. They only care if I can find a good job in the future. Text 7 M: Hi. I’m calling about the apartment. Is that still available? W: Yes, it is. M: Now, that’s a two-bedroom apartment? W: That’s right. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and the living room can also be used as a dining room. M: Uh-huh. How much is that? W: It’s 425 dollars a month. M: Mm-hmm. Where I live now is...it’s really noisy.Is this like a fairly quiet building? W: Oh, yes! Well, the neighbors are really considerate, and no pets are allowed. M: Oh, that’s good. What floor is the apartment on? W: Well,it’s on the second floor,butthereis no lift. M: It’s all right. I don’t mind the stairs. W: Look, why don’t you just come down and see for yourself? Text 8 W: I have just had enough! Can’t you see I am busy? Every night is the same. M: Now, listen...I have had a long day at the office and I really want to see the match. Is that such a terrible thing? I want to watch the football match now and again. W: Oh, that’s right. You hardly ever watch a match, do you? No, every night it is football with you ...Wenever talk anymore, do we? M: So what? I am tired. This is just myway of relaxing. I mean, tell me...what on earth have you done all day? W: Well, listen…you don’t like really to know…I have done the washing, the cooking, the ironing and I have just come back from the shops...you know that kind of thing...and right now I am making your dinner—in case you had not noticed...I know you always think it appears by magic! M: Big deal! I don’t call that real work. I am just fed up with this. God, you never have anything nice to say, do you? Text 9 W: Come on in, Freddy. Have a seat. M: Thank you for seeing me today, Ms. Watson. I guess a lot of other students need help with their resumes! W: That’s what I’mhere for. So, what do you have so far? M: Well, I’ve listed all the jobs I’ve had, just like you told me to do over the phone. W: Let’s take a look...Wow, it looks like you’ve had quite alot of part-time jobs. Buta lot of these were from when you were in middle school. M: Yeah, I helped out my neighbors a lot. You know, gardening, painting, walking their dogs ...things like that. W: Well, maybe you could just have one entry for all of them. Companies hiring college graduates care more about jobs from within the past five years. M: OK. And I think I’ve included everything about my education. W: Well, have you received any awards or scholarships? M: Um...I did get an award for a project I did during my first year. Should I mention that? W: Absolutely. Now, what about your interests and hobbies? M: Oh, I didn’t know I should put those down. W: You definitely want to write a couple of sentences about who you are outside of school and work. Remember, you’re not some robot who is going to perform tasks over and over at work. You’re a human being whose personality will be part of the company. M: All right. Anything else? W: In the personal interests section, you can also list any special skills youhave. But try to keepthe whole resume to one page. Tex t 10 And now, the evening news. A traffic accident on the 101 South in Los Angeles has caused a major traffic jam. No deaths have been reported, but four people have been taken to the hospital. In the meantime, we advise drivers to take the 405 North instead. But prepare to be at least one hour behind schedule this afternoon if you’re in the area. Better yet, just stay indoors and don’t drive at all! A new planet was discovered early this morning by scientists at the New Mexico Observation Tower. The planet,named NM 451 for now,is about 1,200 light years away from Earth. Still,the scientists hope that this planet might tell them something about whether life might exist somewhere else in outer space. A picture of the new planet can be seen on our website. A dog is being called a hero after saving a three-year-old child yesterday in a park in Glasgow, Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Darvish, the owners of the dog, were relaxing in Macintosh Park when they noticed that their son Joseph was missing. Their dog Pancho started barking and making a lot of noise. The dog ran away and kept looking back at his owners. When the couple finally followed Pancho, he led them straight to a small lake,where their son was about to go in the water.The couple was able to get to their son in time, and Pancho got his picture in the paper...plus a nice steak from the meat shop!

