外研版三年级下册英语Module 2 Unit 1教学课件

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外研版三年级下册英语Module 2 Unit 1教学课件

Module 2 Unit 1 They're monkeys. 外研版 三年级下册 Sing a song Lead in Guess who I am? I have a long nose. I have two big ears and a short tail. Who am I? 大象 Guess who I am? I’m white and black. I like eating bamboos! Who am I? 胖的 Guess who I am My ass(屁股)is red. I like eating bananas! I can run, jump and climb. Who am I? 猴子 Here is a baby monkey. 幼兽,幼畜 A cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? 老虎 狮子 头发乱蓬蓬,样子很威风,开口吼 一声,百兽躲进洞。 动物园 They are all in the zoo. 他(她/它)们 他(她/它)们是 每个;全体 Words game 点击每个礼物,读出相应单词,这些礼物就属于你啦! fat elephant lion tiger they monkey baby all they’re fat they are zoo Let’s watch 1 Listen and chant. Here is a monkey, a father monkey. Here is a monkey, a mother monkey. Here is a monkey, a baby monkey. They are all in the zoo. 2 Listen and chant. Hello, boys and girls.① Hello, Mr Li. What’s this? It’s a tiger.② What are they? They’re lions.③ What’s this? It’s an elephant. What are they? They’re monkeys. Look! It’s a panda. It’s fat! 3 Listen and say. What’s this? It’s a lion. What are they? They’re tigers. Can you guess? What’s this? It’s a monkey. What’s this? It’s a lion. What’s this? It’s an elephant. What are they? They’re pandas. What are they? They’re tigers. 4 Practice. Mime, ask and answer. What are they? They’re monkeys. 1. 将全班学生分成几个小组。 2. 在小组中选几名演技强的学生扮演某种 动物并做动作。 3. 一名学生根据实际情景用“What are they?” 提问,其他学生用“They’re…”来猜测。 Play the game. Exercise 1. — Look at the boy! — Oh, ______ fat. A. she’s B. he’s C. they’re 一、选择题。 2. Here ______ a panda. A. are B. is C. am 3. They are ______ the zoo. A. to B. in C. on 二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。 1. A. tiger B. love C. elephant 2. A. big B. they C. it 3. A. bird B. lion C. green 4. A. father B. zoo C. baby 5. A. all B. is C. are 三、选择正确的答语。 A. Hello! B. It is a tiger. C. They are lions. D. It's fat! E. My favourite animal is pandas. ( ) 1. What's this? ( ) 2. Hi! ( ) 3. What's your favourite animal? ( ) 4. What are they? ( ) 5. Look! It's a panda. Homework Ø 完成“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》 Module 2 Unit 1的练习题。 Ø Act out the dialogues with your partner. Ø Go to zoo and practice these words and dialogues with your parents.

