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2018 届二轮复习 形容词和副词 熟读深思 1. 朗读下列句子,看看形容词可作哪些成分。 ⑴ Abraham Lincoln was a self-made man. 林肯是一个自学成才的人。 ⑵ He was so tired that he fell asleep sitting in his chair. 他太累了,坐在椅子上睡着了。 ⑶ Martin found the work slightly dull . 马丁发现这工作稍稍有点枯燥。 ⑷ I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事情要告诉你。 2. 看看副词在句中作状语,可修饰哪些词。 ⑴ He said quite positively that he would come. 他很肯定地说他会来。 ⑵ It’s simply wonderful to see you !看到你太好了! ⑶ I heard pretty clearly then. 我当时听得相当清楚。 ⑷ Your coat is just behind the door. 你的上衣正好在门后面。 ⑸ Frankly , I am not satisfied with your work. 坦白说,我对你的工作不满意。 自我核对: 1.⑴ 定语 ⑵ 表语 ⑶ 宾补 ⑷ 后置定语 2.⑴ 修饰动词 ⑵ 修饰形容词 ⑶ 修饰另一副词 ⑷ 修饰介词短语 ⑸ 修饰句子 形容词、副词与高考 1. 形容词和副词是语法填空的必考点。主要以“用括号中所给词的正确形式填空”的形式考查考生。 ⑴ 形容词是作定语、表语、补语的典型词类。因此,在做语法填空时,若句子缺定语、表语或补语,要首先想到用形容词。 ⑵ 副词在句中作状语,修饰动词、形容词、另一副词、介词短语或整个句子。 ⑶ 形容词和副词的比较等级的常用句型。 2. 短文改错中,本该用形容词时却用了副词或本该用副词却用了形容词。 不论语法填空还是短文改错,都要根据形容词和副词的基本用法判断。 灵活运用 一、单句填空 1. You are driving too fast. Can you drive a bit ____________ (slowly)? 现在太快,问对方能否比现在更慢一点,用比较级;由形容词加 -ly 变成的副词的比较级,要在前面加 more 构成比较级。常修饰比较级的 a bit 也提醒我们用比较级。 more slowly 2. Those who have _____ (much) money than sense may sometimes act foolishly. 由关键词 than 可知用比较级。 3. Ten years ago the population of our village was twice as _____ (large) as that of theirs. 在 as…as 结构之间,用原级。 more large 4. The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here ________ (early). 与现在这组学生相比“更早的”。 5. The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted _____ (good) if it had been put in the fridge for a little while. 将“放入冰箱中冷冻”与“不放入冰箱中冷冻”作比较,故用比较级。 earlier better 6. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his ___________ (well-know) one. 因为是从他写的所有歌中选出一首来比较,故用最高级。 7. Of the two coats, I’d choose the ______ (cheap) one to spare some money for a book. 因是两者比较,故用比较级。 best-known cheaper 8. Work gets done ____________ (easily) when people do it together, and the rewards are higher too. 从 and the rewards are higher too( 得到的回报也更高 ) 得到启示,要用比较级,省略了 than when people don’t do it together 。 more easily 9. This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _____(little) water and electricity than _____ (old) models. 由“ environmentally friendly( 有利于保护环境的 )” 可知,这种洗衣机比“旧式的”洗衣机用“更少的”水和电。 10. I don’t think this film is by far the most boring. I have seen ______(bad). 意思是“我看过 ( 比这部 ) 更差的电影”。 worse less older 二、语篇填空 I don’t think it 1 __________(difficulty) to learn English well, because as long as you work hard, you can learn it well. I believe that the 2 _______ (hard) you work at your study, the better you can learn it. For example, Li Ping, a friend of 3 _____ , is the 4 ______hardworking student in our class, and he gets 5 ______ (high) marks than any other student in our class in every English test. difficult harder mine most higher 6 ______(lead) by him, all the students in our class are studying English 7 ______ __________ ( 越来越努力 ). As a result, in the latest English test, our class was the 8 ______ (good) of the two key classes in our school, and the number of students who got excellent marks is 9 __________ _____________________( 两倍大 ) that of the other. Therefore, 10 ___ of us should study hard no matter what we learn. Led harder and harder better twice as large as /twice larger than all 本文论述了只要努力学习就能学好的观点。 1. difficult 作宾补要用形容词。 2. harder 是“ the+ 比较级, the+ 比较级”句型,表示“越 …… 就越 ……” 。 3. mine 指 my friends 。 4. most 因有 in our class 表示范围,要用最高级。 5. higher 由 than 可知要用比较级,本句是用比较级表示最高级的句型。 6. Led “ 在他的带领下”,用 -ed 形式作状语,表示原因。 7. harder and harder 表示“越来越”,用“比较级 + 比较级”。 8. better 表示“两者中较 …… 的那一个”,用 the + 比较级 +of the two 。 9. twice as large as /twice larger than 倍数表达法。 10. all 指“我们所有的人”都应努力学习。 三、单句改错 1. Different people have different attitudes to the value of honesty. According to me, nothing could be important. 在 be 后加 more 比较级表示最高级,句意:没有什么比诚实更重要。 more 2. Although he was seriously injured in the devastating earthquake, he recovered more faster than anyone else in Wenchuan Red Cross Hospital. 去掉 faster 前的 more 因 faster 已经是比较级了。 3. My beloved mother bought some articles of furniture in the second hand market at an extremely low price, but they all look well. well→ good 因 look 系动词后面接形容词, well 作形容词时意思是“身体好的”。 4. Fast & Furious 7 is by far the exciting film that I have ever seen. 在 the 后加 most 由 by far 和 that I have ever seen 可得知要用最高级。 5. In spite of the fact that he got the task in the last minute, he accomplished it as better as others. better→ well 在 as…as 中间用形容词或副词的原形。 most 6. The number of tourists paying a visit to Tai Mountain was small last year, but there seems to be even few tourists around this year. few→ fewer 今年甚至更少,填 fewer 。 7. In the distance appeared a figure who I thought was professor Wang. However, when he came close to me, I found he was professor Li. close→ closer 指走得“更近”。 8.If they had got to the station five minutes early, they would have caught the first train bound for Panyu Square. early→ earlier 如果是早到五分钟,就赶上了。 9. I can’t understand what you said just now. Can you speak a bit slowly? 在 slowly 前加 more 请对方说得比之前说的要“更慢”一点。 10. Of all the participants, Martha Berry works hard. hard→ hardest 由 Of all 可知,后面应用最高级。 11. He is a heavily smoker. heavily→ heavy 在名词 smoker 前作定语,用形容词。 12. She looks happily. happily→ happy 在系动词 looks 后作表语,用形容词。 13. I find it easily to get on with her. easily→ easy 作宾补用形容词。 14. You must work much more careful. careful→ carefully 修饰动词作状语,用副词。 15. Being a student , he was natural interested in museums. natural→ naturally 修饰形容词 interested, 用副词。 16. All of them are working extreme well. extreme→ extremely 修饰副词 well ,用副词。 17. Hopeful, we’ll meet again on Thursday. Hopeful→ Hopefully 修饰全句,用副词。 18. He is bad in need of money. bad→ badly 修饰介词短语 in need of ,用副词。

